01 DataStage and IBM Information Server

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

Module 1 DataStage and IBM Information Server

DataStage is one of a number of products that execute in the environment
called Information Server. These products share a number of services,
such as login/security, reporting and metadata delivery, supplied via an
application server and accessing a common repository that is at the heart
of Information Server.
This module outlines the architecture of Information Server and shows
how one or more DataStage servers, and other products, are able to share
the services. It helps you to understand the topology and, consequently,
why mechanisms such as the login mechanism for DataStage work as they

Having completed this module you will be able:

to name the three servers that must be available in order for

DataStage to execute jobs and to state the purpose of each

to name the three DataStage client tools used in version 8 and to

state the purpose of each

to state what DataStage does

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

IBM Information Server

Following their acquisition of Ascential Software in late 2005, IBM used
the parallel execution technology that came with that acquisition to build a
software platform on which many related products could operate in a very
collaborative fashion, sharing a number of resources including security,
metadata handling and information delivery. This platform was called
IBM Information Server.
Initially the IBM Information Server and its associated products were
grouped under the WebSphere brand but, in 2008, IBM introduced another
brand, InfoSphere, and incorporated the information integration products
under that brand. Thus, for example, version 8.0 of DataStage was called
IBM WebSphere DataStage but version 8.1 is called IBM InfoSphere
Therefore, technically, the full name is now IBM InfoSphere Information
Server, and of DataStage it is IBM InfoSphere DataStage. These are too
much of a mouthful for regular use, so they tend to be shortened to just
"Information Server" and "DataStage" respectively. The same is true of all
the other products in the InfoSphere brand.
Information Server is a data integration platform consisting of a unified
metadata layer, a number of services and a suite of products that consume
those services and perform various information integration tasks such as
data profiling, cleansing, transformation and delivery, all on a parallel
execution platform that provides for unlimited scalability (provided that
the systems on which it is running can deliver sufficient resources).
The Information Server server itself can be installed on a number of UNIX
operating systems (AIX, Solaris and HP-UX), on selected Linux operating
systems (including zLinux, which is on a zSeries mainframe) and on
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2.1
Information can be sourced from, and written to, a very large range of
heterogeneous sources through various protocols including native APIs,
ODBC, streams I/O (for sequential files), FTP and others. Connectivity is
provided to structured, unstructured, mainframe and application-sourced

This information is correct at time of writing but may change over time. Always consult
the IBM website for up to date information about supported operating systems. There are also
operating system version dependencies; for example Information Server version 8.0 only versions
9 and 10 of the Solaris operating system are supported. At the time of writing the website to
consult is http://www.ibm.com/software/data/infosphere/info-server/overview/requirements2.html

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

Information Server Database

Associated with Information Server is a database that serves as a common
repository for metadata used by any of the products in the suite. Metadata
integration allows the various products in the suite to share the same
metadata, permitting easy collaboration between business analysts, data
architects, DataStage developers, business intelligence report developers
and even end-users of the data.
The database may be (at the time of writing) DB2 version 9, Oracle
version 10g or Microsoft SQL Server 2003 (the last only when installed on
a Windows operating system).
Although with appropriate DBA tools you could investigate the structure
of this database it is quite complex, containing 874 related tables, so it is
recommended to regard it as opaque. By default the schema name for this
database is XMETA.
Products do not access the data directly. Instead they invoke services
(delivered through a WebSphere Application Server) that provide access to
the metadata.

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

Information Server Services

Information Server includes a number of services that perform specific
tasks. Among these are services that manage:

login and security

metadata delivery



The services themselves are invisible to the products that use them. They
are delivered through a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) over what
is called the "Application Server Backbone" (ASB). If the product server
such as a DataStage server is on a different machine than the WAS,
then an ASB agent process must be started to effect delivery of services to
the particular product. This, too, is invisible to the user of the product.
For example to connect a DataStage client to a DataStage server, the user
supplies the name (or IP address) of the machine hosting the Information
Server, plus a user ID and password. This is relayed by the login/security
service to the Information Server which authenticates the user then, if due
authority exists, sends back to the login screen via the login/security
service again a list of available DataStage servers and possibly,
depending on which client is being used, the projects associated with each.
While this may seem quite complex it actually simplifies administration
because, for example, there is a single place where security information
needs to be maintained, that is the Information Server. Figure 1-1 shows
the relationship between Information Server, its services and products.

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

Figure 1-1 Relationship between Information Server and its Product Suite

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

Information Server Products

The range of Information Server products is indicated in Figure 1-1 and
discussed more fully below.
Each of the products is separately licensed (that is, optionally purchased
with Information Server). Table 1-1 is a list of Information Server
products in existence at the time of writing. Roadmaps for future products
and for enhancements to existing products tend to be announced at major
conferences, such as IBM Information on Demand.
Again, be aware that IBM prefixes each of the product names shown in
Table 1-1 with "IBM InfoSphere" this is important when dealing with
IBM and its resellers and support agencies.

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

Table 1-1 Information Server Products



Business Glossary

Creates, manages and searches metadata and

associates technical, process and business

Change Data Capture

Real time change capture (from transaction logs).

At the time of writing available only for DB2
and Oracle.

Connectivity Software

Efficient and cost-effective cross-platform, high

speed, real time, batch and change-only
integration for data sources.


Extracts, transforms and loads data between

multiple sources and targets.


Simplifies and streamlines communication

between business analyst and developer by
capturing business requirements and translating
into DataStage ETL jobs.

Federation Server

Defines integrated views across diverse and

distributed information sources including costbased query optimization and integrated cache.

Information Analyzer

Profiles and establishes an understanding of

source systems and monitors data rules.

Information Services

Allows information integration and access

processes to be publishable as reusable services
in a service-oriented architecture.

Metadata Workbench

Provides end-to-end metadata management,

depicting the relationships between sources and


Standardizes and matches information from

heterogenous sources using probabilistic

What Is DataStage?
We begin with a few words from IBM marketing.

Business Glossary Anywhere was introduced in version 8.1. This allows any term
selected in any Windows application to be looked up in the business glossary.

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

DataStage supports the collection, integration and transformation of large

volumes of data, with data structures ranging from simple to highly
complex. DataStage manages data arriving in real-time as well as data
received on a periodic or scheduled basis.
The scalable platform enables companies to solve large-scale business
problems through high-performance processing of massive data volumes.
By leveraging the parallel processing capabilities of multiprocessor
hardware platforms, DataStage Enterprise Edition can scale to satisfy the
demands of ever-growing data volumes, stringent real-time requirements,
and ever shrinking batch windows.
Comprehensive source and target support for a virtually unlimited number
of heterogeneous data sources and targets in a single job includes text
files; complex data structures in XML; ERP systems such as SAP and
PeopleSoft; almost any database (including partitioned databases); web
services; and business intelligence tools like SAS.
Real-time data integration support operates in real-time. It captures
messages from Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) queues using JMS
or WebSphere MQ adapters to seamlessly combine data into conforming
operational and historical analysis perspectives. Information Services
Director provides a service-oriented architecture (SOA) for publishing
data integration logic as shared services that can be reused across the
enterprise. These services are capable of simultaneously supporting highspeed, high reliability requirements of transactional processing and the
high volume bulk data requirements of batch processing.
Advanced maintenance and development enables developers to maximize
speed, flexibility and effectiveness in building, deploying, updating and
managing their data integration infrastructure. Full data integration
reduces the development and maintenance cycle for data integration
projects by simplifying administration and maximizing development
Complete connectivity between any data source and any application
ensures that the most relevant, complete and accurate data is integrated
and used by the most popular enterprise application software brands,
including SAP, Siebel, Oracle, and PeopleSoft.
Flexibility to perform information integration directly on the mainframe:
DataStage for Linux on System z provides ability to leverage existing
mainframe resources in order to maximize the value of your IT
investments; scalability, security, manageability and reliability of the
mainframe; and the ability to add mainframe information integration
work load without added z/OS operational costs.
So what is DataStage really?

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

DataStage is, first and foremost, an "ETL" tool. In this context the
acronym stands for "extraction, transformation and load".
"Programming", or developing, with DataStage involves drawing a picture
of what you want to happen during the ETL processing, compiling that
into something that can be executed (a "job"), and then requesting its
execution and monitoring the results. Once the job has been properly
tested it can then be put into production.

Figure 1-2 DataStage Designer Design Area (Canvas)

Figure 1-2 shows the design of a simple parallel job. With knowledge of
what the various icons represent you could perform a walkthrough of
this code to explain it to someone else. For example:
Distribution data are received from the mainframe and detail and header
records retrieved separately from that before being joined so that each
detail row includes its header information.
One copy of these data is stored for further processing. The other copy of
these data is summarized and the summary is stored for further

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

DataStage Editions
There are three different editions of DataStage, indicating what job types
are available.

Server edition allows only server jobs (which must be executed in

a single stream on a server) and job sequences. Transformer stages
in server jobs generate code in a language called DataStage
BASIC. Server routines also use this language.

Enterprise edition allows server jobs, parallel jobs and job

sequences. It is with parallel jobs that these training materials are
concerned. Transformer stages in parallel jobs generate code in a
language called C++ (therefore require that a compatible C++
exists on the DataStage server). Parallel routines are also written
in C++.

Enterprise MVS edition allows server jobs, parallel jobs,

mainframe jobs and job sequences. Mainframe jobs are designed
using the Designer client but generate COBOL source code and job
control language (JCL) for compiling and executing that code on a
mainframe machine.

DataStage Clients
There are three DataStage client tools that are installed when DataStage
client software is installed on a Windows PC. These client tools are as
follows (the illustrated shortcut icons may be installed on the desktop
when the DataStage client software is installed).
Administrator client is used
by an administrator to
create, delete and configure
DataStage projects and
may be used by authorized
DataStage developers to edit some of the properties of a
Designer client is used to
draw the pictures of
DataStage job designs (for
example Figure 1-2), to
compile job designs and to manage metadata associated
with those designs.
Director client may be used
to request execution of
compiled DataStage jobs, to

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

review their logs, and to monitor their execution. Director

may also be used by a DataStage administrator to alter
default values of job parameters in a particular project.
We will examine each of these client tools in subsequent modules.

Organization of DataStage Server

On a DataStage server there are two engines and one or more projects.
One engine (the server engine) is responsible for server jobs and job
sequences. This engines location may be determined as the value of the
DSHOME environment variable and/or the pathname stored in the hidden
file .dshome in the root directory. If the DataStage server is installed on a
Windows operating system then the location of the server engine is stored
in the Windows Registry. The name of the directory in which the server
engine is located is Engine (UNIX) or DSEngine (Windows).
The other engine (the parallel engine) is responsible for parallel jobs,
and components of it must be accessible to every node involved in the
execution of a parallel job. This engines location may be determined as
the value of the APT_ORCHHOME environment variable, which may be
repeated as the PXHOME environment variable. The name of the
directory in which the parallel engine is located is PXEngine.
Ordinarily these engines are in sibling directories. That is, the Engine and
PXEngine directories share the same parent directory.
A DataStage project is a directory containing various files related to
storage of metadata. As well, a DataStage project is a schema in a local
database in which other items of metadata are stored. There is a separate
module on metadata and metadata management.
Typically a DataStage server has one project per subject area, and has
separate projects within a subject area for development, testing and
production. These do not have to be on the same server. Additional
projects may be created for training and experimentation.

DataStage Terminology
DataStage is programmed by drawing a picture of the desired ETL
process. This is then compiled into an executable object called a job.
Each job is made up of stages, which perform specific tasks, and links
between then, which represent the flow of data between stages.

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

Stages are represented in the graphic design by rectangular icons, and

links are represented in the graphic design by arrows joining pairs of
In the special case of job sequences, which exert control rather than
processing data, we refer to activities rather than stages, and triggers
rather than links.

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DataStage Fundamentals (version 8 parallel jobs)

Staffordshire, December 2010

There are three servers that must be available in order for DataStage to
execute jobs or job sequences. These servers are:

IBM Information Server, which hosts the common metadata

repository for all Information Server products.

WebSphere Application Server, which exposes services through

which products access metadata in the common repository.

DataStage Server, which hosts DataStage projects and where job

execution is initiated.

The three DataStage clients available in version 8.0 are as follows.

Administrator client creates and deletes projects, manages NLS

settings and sets project-wide properties including environment
variables accessible to the project.

Designer client manages metadata and provides a graphical user

interface for designing and compiling DataStage jobs.

Director client allows jobs status and logs to be inspected, and

jobs to be monitored. There is ability to run jobs immediately or
using the operating system scheduler.

DataStage is an ETL (extraction, transformation, load) tool. It can retrieve

data from many different sources, effect transformations on those data,
and load those data, or prepare those data for loading, into many different

Further Reading
Introduction to IBM Information Server (in documentation set3)
particularly Chapters 2 and 7.
IBM Information Server information center
Parallel Job Developer Guide (in documentation set) Chapter 1

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