KK Warm Greetings To CUBRID Community

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Warm greetings to CUBRID Community!

There is one thing I can't help telling, I really love CUBRID! Let me tell
you why. CUBRID cares about you!Besides being just the most
optimized database for Web applications, CUBRID cares about its
users a lot. They keep receiving tons of comments from users: some
support requests, some feature requests, and some just "thank you"
feedbacks. The Korean community is certainly the most active in this
case. They have even established the CUBRID Education Center to
help Korean users learn CUBRID faster and with a great pleasure. This
is exactly what they say: "Let's Study, Develop, and Enjoy Together!"
User Feedback Project! For the global users they have recently
started the project with a message "Which feature would encourage
you to use CUBRID database for your project?" They do not stop
asking users if there is anything more they want to see in the future
releases. You just tell what you need for your development, and for
the next month or two CUBRID will be committed to having your most
requested features included in next release. You doubt? Just go
to http://cubrid.uservoice.com and try it yourself. Write your response
to "I would use CUBRID if...", join the discussions with other users, and
decide together which feature you want to see in the next version of
Release Frequency! Let's see how other database providers cope
with it. We will count only major (first number changes) and minor
(second number changes) releases and exclude the bug fix releases
(third number changes), since 1st number increment indicates on the
major change, the second number increments anytime new features
are added, or there are some performance enhancements. And this is
what important for us users.

According to End Point's Blog article, the average release period for
PostgreSQL is about 288 days since version 6, which is about 9
months. If you take version 7 and onwards, the release period goes up
to 367 days. If we look at just version 7, the average is 324 days. If
we look at just version 8, the average is 410. Simply put, you have to
wait one year or even more to start using your requested features.

Let's look at the MySQL change history. Version 3.23 was first released
in alpha state on Jul. 05, 1999. 359 days later (eleven months and
twenty three days) on Jun. 28, 2000, we see the improved 3.23 but
still beta. Only on Jan. 17, 2001, 203 days later (six months and 20
days) we see the production release for 3.23. That is, it took one year,
six months, and twelve days (562 days) to have the stable release.

4.0 production version has been released 787 days later on Mar. 15,
2003, which is two years, one month and twenty six days. One year,
seven months, and 8 days later (588 days) on Oct. 23, 2004, version
4.1 is out. The next major version 5.0 was released on Oct. 19, 2005,
11 months and 26 days or 361 days later. Version 5.1 was released
three years and twenty six days later (1122 days) on Nov. 14, 2008.
The latest 5.5 Release Candidate is available since Sep. 13, 2010.
Based on the latest MySQL Release Model and the historical data, the
difference between RC and GA releases for MySQL is about 51 days,
which implies that the stable version for 5.5 should appear some time
during the next week, possible on Monday Nov. 15, 2010, which is
exactly two years or 730 days later since the last release. Thus, in
average you have to wait 692 days or almost two years to start using
your requested feature in MySQL.

Now let's have a look at CUBRID's release history. When the first
CUBRID release 1.0 was announced, it was not publicly available and
the code was still closed, since it was intended for internal use only.
So, we will start the counter from November 22, 2008, the day when
CUBRID 1.1 was publicly released as an open source database
management system. On Jan. 16, 2009, 55 days later (one month and
twenty five days) version 1.2 was released. Then 17 days later on Feb.
02, 2009, 1.3 is out. One month and ten days later (38 days) on Mar.
12, 2009, we have 1.4. On Apr. 16, 2009, one month and four days
later (35 days), 1.5 is available. The next major release 2.0 was
announced on August 14, 2009, 151 days later (four month twenty
nine days). 2.1 comes on Dec. 29, 2009, 106 days later (three months

and fifteen days) right before the New Year, they actually made it!
122 days later (four months and one day) on Apr. 30, 2010, here
comes 2.2. On Jul. 19, 2010, we have 3.0 beta out, but we will not
count it. Five months and four days later (157 days) since the last 2.2
release on Oct. 04, 2010, the major version 3.0 is released. So, last
Friday we have 3.1 beta release. Now let's assume when 3.1
production version will be out. Even though 77 days passed before 3.0
beta was stabilized, the CUBRID core developers say 3.1 stable will
not take such long and will be out before the year turns. So, we
assume Dec. 31, 2010, which is 88 days (two months and twenty
seven days) since 3.0 release. In average CUBRID's release period
rounds to 85 days, which is two months and 25 days.

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