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From: "Americans For Truth" <AmericansForTruth@comcast.

Date: May 15, 2008 3:56:44 PM EDT
To: <aft­>
Subject: We Need a Strong Federal Marriage Amendment

Dear Readers,
California's highest court has just invalidated California's Proposition
22, creating a legal "fundamental" right to homosexual so-called
"marriage" out of thin air, under the guise of equal protection. We're
reading the 172-page decision -- available at -- now,
but as we suspected, the court's majority made use of the fact that in
California, homosexual couples already have been given most of the
rights as normal couples -- including the right to adopt children.
Footnote 72 on page 117 of the decision is key:

"Contrary to the contention of the Proposition 22 Legal

Defense Fund and theCampaign, the distinction in
nomenclature between marriage and domesticpartnership
cannot be defended on the basis of an asserted difference in
the effect on children of being raised by an opposite-sex
couple instead of by a same-sex couple. Because the governing
California statutes permit same-sex couples to adopt and raise
children and additionally draw no distinction between married
couples and domestic partners with regard to the legal rights
and responsibilities relating to children raised within each of
these family relationships, the asserted difference in the effect
on children does not provide a justification for the
differentiation in nomenclature set forth in the challenged

In other words, by creating an expanding array of rights based

on immoral and unnatural behavior, California's politicians
paved the way for this arrogant ruling. We must return to
principled public policy opposing the creation of ALL
newfangled rights based on changeable, immoral and deviant
sexual behavior. To illustrate how far afield our culture has
drifted -- from God, decency and common sense -- consider this

How will homosexual California couples -- say, two men --

consummate their "marriages"?
Here is a previous AFTAH article pointing to the can of worms
this ruling could open up, and why America needs a strong
Federal Marriage Amendment that protects more than just the
word "marriage":

Homosexual Activist Wayne Besen Makes a Strong Case for a

Federal Marriage Amendment

What will happen if California’s highest court imposes “gay


The quotation below was sent to us by Gary Glenn of American Family

Association of Michigan. Homosexual activist Wayne Besen, author of
Anything But Straight, describes the chaos that would result if
California’s highest court were to mandate homosexual “marriages.”
Rather than create public sympathy to rectify alleged anti-homosexual
“discrimination,” as Besen hopes, we think the ensuing confusion
would only heighten citizens’ awareness of the crisis caused by the
homosexual lobby and arrogant, social-engineering courts.

Only a Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) would establish a

national standard preserving the historic institution of marriage as one-
man, one-woman — perhaps in name only if current trends continue.
California becoming a “gay marriage” state would certainly breathe
new life into the FMA. However, another cultural/legal/political battle
would follow over “civil unions,” which — far from being an acceptable
compromise — are merely another tactic advancing the “gay” activists’
goal of putting government power and authority behind homosexual
couples and the creation of unnatural “families.” And as the people of
Massachusetts and Vermont know well, lots of bad things (e.g., more
pro-homosexual indoctrination in schools, curtailment of moral
freedoms) flow from state-sanctioned homosexuality.

The only way to solve the same-sex “marriage” crisis

permanently is to enact a civil-unions-precluding Federal
Marriage Amendment to our Constitution. Assuming that the pro-
family movement lacks the guts, competence and consensus to do that
(or even attempt it), the next (or parallel) battle would be over whether
and how “civil unions” are recognized state-to-state — or mandated
nationally. Because the “civil unions” landscape suggests the same
problem of varying definitions of “unions” and “marriage,” our biggest
fear is that the question will end up in the U.S. Supreme Court, which
— in all its magnificent wisdom — would attempt to create a “one-size-
fits-all” solution to the problem that likely would be about as successful
in ending the cultural debate over homosexuality as Roe v. Wade was
in ending the abortion debate. — Peter LaBarbera

Besen writes:

“(T)he California Supreme Court may…come out in favor of

same-sex marriage as early as May 23. …If same-sex marriage
becomes a reality in America’s largest and most influential
state — and is not overturned by a Constitutional Amendment
— it will be the biggest earthquake to hit in years. The sheer
number of couples who will marry (and divorce, it is California,
after all) will forever change this debate. It will cause a legal
mess, as many of these married couples — often with children
— migrate to states that still discriminate. The consequences
of such relocations will force the entire country to grapple with
this issue. No longer will the debate be theoretical, but will
focus on the discrimination endured by families whose married
status vanishes the moment they cross state lines.”– Wayne
Besen, “Observations,” originally printed April 24, 2008 (Issue 1617) in
“Between The Lines News” [BTL is a homosexual newspaper in


CWA, NOM React to Cal. Marriage Ruling:

NOM: California Supreme Court Overturns Prop 22:
supreme-court-overturns-prop-22.html NEW!

CWA: California Supreme Court Betrays “We the People”

on Marriage:
marriage.html NEW!


 Will You Support Americans For Truth? 

As you can read, the homosexual activist lobby is more arrogant than ever.  
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You can also send your tax­deductible donation via regular mail to:
Americans For Truth, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522  

Current Articles on
(Click on URL link next to the story headline; if that doesn't
work, copy and paste URL on to your web browser)

Heath: Wounds Inflicted by Sexual Revolution Can Be Healed:
sexual-revolution-can-be-healed.html NEW!

Too Many PA Legislators Bow to Pressure from 2.9 Percent of

the Population:

Good News: Maine ‘Queer’ Boys’ Workshop Canceled:
boys-workshop-canceled.html NEW!

Bishop Vicky Gene Robinson Wants to Be a ‘June Bride’:
robinson-wants-to-be-a-june-bride.html NEW!

ABC’s Mother’s Day Gift to Viewers: A Same-Sex ‘Wedding’:
%e2%80%98wedding%e2%80%99.html NEW!

Civil Wrongs in the Name of Civil Rights — the Crystal Dixon

Check Out Maryland Trans Law ‘Breaks
Biological Barriers’:

Boston ‘Gay Youth Pride’ Day Includes Hardcore Anti-Christian


God Drew Janet Boynes OUT — of Lesbianism:­drew­janet­boynes­out­of­lesbianism.html 

LISTEN ONLINE: CWA Interviews Knight, LaBarbera on Dubious

Illinois ‘Hate Crime’:­online­cwa­

Brazilian Christian Magazine Interviews LaBarbera on

Homosexual Agenda:­christian­

Americans For Truth Condemns Soulforce’s Politicized

‘Dialogue’ with Mega-Churches:

Great News: Michigan High Court Rules that Marriage

Amendment Bans Same-sex Partnership Benefits:

Prof. Gagnon’s Open Letter to U. of Toledo re: Suspension of

Crystal Dixon:

Gay Pride: Tactics of Tyranny (by Lee Taylor):

LaBarbera Calls for ‘Breaking the Silence’ on the Health Risks

of Homosexual Behavior:­

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