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Should same sex couples be allowed to adopt children?

No, because
Children do not grow in an environment not having well-balanced adults. There are
people saying that children should have role models from both sexes. Boys without
fathers under-achieve, especially since there are now fewer male teachers in primary
Biological: the nature, in its evolution, has developed for the most complex species
(mammals, human beings) a successful strategy for its reproduction and
perpetuation in time: sex division. And although social life of humans is a collective
product of consensus and agreements, the social forms must maintain a harmonious
relation with biological principles that are in its origin.
Religion: we are a Christian country even if few go to church, our values remain
based on Christian teaching. Two parents are axiomatic. Invokes the Christian
teaching and the 4th commandment, which is Honor thy father and mother.
It is wrong. Putting that child through all that trouble just because you
want to have a baby with your partner. Its being selfish. There is a
reason why you cannot have a baby with 2 men or 2 women together.
God did not make people that way. The child will be harassed and

scarred all his life.

Tradition: traditional nuclear family is still an ideal that should be clung to. Where its
breakdown is inevitable, a close substitute, with maternal and paternal influences, is
the only alternative. Evolution and nature has shown that the natural development of

the young is aided by both these influences.

Children raised by gay parents are offered only one partnership model and are
therefore more likely to be gay corroborated by the Research in the US (Univ.

od Illinois Law Review, 1997).

While exceptions occur, the norm in nature is that offspring are nurtured by mother
and father. To legally allow adoption by gay couples is to encourage what is an
unnatural upbringing. A childs primary role models are his or her parents. Likewise
bringing a heterosexual child up in a gay household gives them a distorted view of
minority sexuality, just as a girl brought up by two men would fail to benefit from a

feminine influence.
Homophobic language and behavior is still common in society. Placing a child too
young to have an opinion of their own in the care of a gay couple exposes them to
this prejudice and subjects them to ridicule or violence. Whatever ideal we might
have, the psychological and physical welfare of the child must come first. In addition,
the bullying has grown everywhere and when it comes to a child of a gay couple it
even gets worst. If the child parents were bullied in their past, there are possibilities
that the child may also feel bad about their parents this may cause mental issues.
Other issue: sexual orientation is believed to be influenced by both environment and

raise. So, if a child is raised by same sex couples, he/she may not be able to develop
as most of the other kids.

Child raised: single gay father

Father married with mother, but then

become gay

Adopted as child, very much loved. But it

was hard for him to put up with all the
attention from school, teachers and
friends. He always felt insecure and have
low self-esteem. He also suffered with
rumors that his father has been touching
him. His father kept on changing his
boyfriend hard for him because he felt
he was also looked as a sexual object with
these guys his father dated. He got
married very young since he wanted to
run away.

Rose by his father who had a very young

boyfriend. He always competed with his
fathers boyfriend whom, at the same
time, got very jealous of small things.
This child was very angry with the world.
Although he had a girlfriend who really
loved him, he was very depressed and
acted very rudely with her. Even now, his
fathers priority is his love life, not family.

1) IGLESIA: Se invoca el principio moral segn el cual el nio tiene el derecho y la

sociedad tiene la obligacin correlativa de asegurar que sus padres sociales
sern los mismos que sus padres biolgicos y genticos.
2) La base de la familia: unin matrimonial. Fin del matrimonio: procreacin
(rganos sexuales complementarios). Pero el fin del matrimonio igualitario no
es la procreacin.

And that, ignoring the moral principle in which a kid has the right and the society the
correlative obligation of ensuring that his/her social parents will be the same that
his/her biological/gentical parents.

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