Whittlesford New Year 2016

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Supporting the community

After winning funding for Whittlesford Warriors football

equipment from the District Councils Community Chest I
am hoping we can do the same to support the Scouts and
their caving equipment bid. Here they are showing a
section of it to Whittlesford Parish council.

Keeping busy
I serve on the Health Committee for the
County and am vice-chair of the Audit
Committee. I have kept asking questions
about the collapse of the 800m NHS care
contract for the elderly across the county and
what that means for people.

At the District Council I hold the corporate

and customer portfolio. After a meeting with
young people, listening to their concerns, I
was pleased to set tackling mental health,
and better transport, as key challenges for
the District Council.

Many thanks to those who sponsored my

moustache. Growing it raised nearly 400
for mens health but it had to go on
orders from Annie!

Though the County roads budget has been cut, I

work with highways on making improvements. I have had
meetings about the busy A505 and have supported
Whittlesford parish council in meetings with the police
and the county engineers to help local farmers access
fields. I think that we can improve safety along Duxford
Road from the Guildhall using newer technology than
speed bumps.

In the autumn I visited local schools to discuss their

admissions policies and plans for the future. One of those
meetings was at William Westley, with our local MP Heidi
Allen, who wanted to see for herself the excellent school
and after the meeting she handed out lots of prizes in
assembly and announced the results of school elections.

By the way
I have lived in Whittlesford now since 2004. Though we are hoping
to sell our house in West End, our plan is to buy locally so I have
a continued interest in seeing the village grow sustainably.

Getting in touch . . .
I work with Thriplow and Whittlesford Parish Councils and the Heathfield Residents Association to
resolve problems and help improve the quality of life for people living locally.
You can contact me on 07825 876582, or email me at peter.topping@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
You can see what keeps me busy by going to www.petertopping.blogspot.com
or even follow me on twitter @petertopping


New Year 16

The local update newsletter from Peter

Topping, your District & County Councillor

How BIG do we want

Whittlesford to be?

News in brief
I got the county to plough the
edges of land at Pampisford to
travellers from Belgium on the
station car park in December,
but they went in a week. Au

Planning (I) Cemetery

There has been strong demand for the new
affordable housing almost complete along
Newton Road. Now a bid to build along the
A505, behind Royston Road, is being put
forward. The scrapyard on Station Rd may
finally be on the move, leaving a big site for
houses, and the County Council is again
keen to build at the end of Orchard Terrace,
and explore other sites it owns. Although
delayed, there will be 16 houses when the
weigh-bridge goes from Mill Road.
The challenge for Whittlesford over the next
few years is to manage this growth, making
sure we have the infrastructure (roads,
schools, and other things like playgrounds,
buses and cycleways) and to be sure that
some of the houses are affordable. Because
there is no doubt houses will sell here as fast
as they can be built, and developers know
that. I am pleased that the parish council is
working on a Neighbourhood Plan, and I will
make sure the District and County Councils
work with us, to grow the village sustainably,
and not ruin it.

Thanks to all those who sent in

their views to the Planning
Inspector on the burial ground
bid. I spoke at the Planning
A flick of a light switch Committee and it was voted
We have to work with the owner of down 10-1 but has now gone
Welchs lorry depot on the A505 to to the Planning Inspector.
There will be a site visit in
reduce the impact on us.
I have asked if he would turn off the March.
illuminated roundel on the side of Planning (II) Tickell
the building that was facing the The Planning Inspector is due
A505 (and bedrooms in Knights to give his view on the kitchen
Orchard) and he has agreed. It put up at the Tickell. I attended
a January site inspection.
goes off at 7 pm from now on.




After some delays, the County

Council has given me an
undertaking to put a footpath
Middlemoor Road.
This part of the village is
growing, and access from here
to the school, shop, Post Office
and recreation ground is along
roads with sharp corners and
no pavement.

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