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Good morning everyone. Im Erica Melendrez.

My Scientific Investigatory Project is

entitled Maka-Chil Insecticide from the use of makabuhay stem and chili extract.
The Introduction informs the reader of the problem under study. It shows the nature of
scope and the problem, its historical & theoretical background & a review of literature
relevant to the problem.
Introduction: Some plants produce a distinctive chemical or odor that can drive away
insects. Realizing the good potential of these plants in controlling insects, botanical or
organic materials are used now, being considered instead of wide spread use of
chemical ones. Since some of this plants are commonly growing in our backyards, they
are inexpensive and environment friendly.
Background of the study states the rationale of the study. It explains briefly why the
investigator chose this study to work on.
Background of the study: Siling labuyo are smaller and much hotter at one time even
being listed in the Guiness Book of World Records as the hottest chili although the
habaero and other hotter chili pepper have since been identified. Makabuhay plants
contains many chemicals that are known to have antioxidant activities while a few can
even fight cancer cells in animal studies.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM is the nature & scope of the problem should be
presented with clarity.
How do you say so that it is effective?
What makes it an environmental friendly?
How do you say that it is cheaper than the commercial ones?
What is the significant difference of the Makabuhay and Chili Extract to the
commercial one? If there is, state.
What is the effect of makabuhay and chili extract as an insecticide on certain
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: ( the importance of the study in terms of knowledge
generation, professional applications and positive social change ) In choosing this
project, I wanted to contribute knowledge in maintaining the good health of the people
inside the house by using a insecticide out of makabuhay and chili extract. It maybe
helpful in our daily livelihood. The insects inside our house will be lessen.

SCOPES AND LIMITATION: states the coverage and extent of the study as well the
SCOPES AND LIMITATION This study focused on the utilization of the extract from chili
and makabuhay stem as insecticide against different kind of pests like ants and
Review of Related Literature: Hot chili pepper ( capsicum Annum ) sweet and spicy
( fructeseedsSolanceae ) belongs to the same botanical family as potato, tomato,
eggplant and tobacco. They are thouht to have been used first in mexico around 7000
BC, Columbus brought them to european 15th century. Makabuhay plants
( tinospora Crispamenaspermacea) is a woody climber up to 15m long, older stems with
numerous prominent priotusions, leaves broadly heart shaped, flowers with 3 petals,
fruit an ellipsoidal drupe.
Methodology a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.

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