Ideal President Miriam Santiago

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SS10 / A5

Writing Task 1
Muncada, Ma. Monica M.
My Ideal President: Miriam Defensor Santiago
My ideal president for the Philippines is exactly like Senator Miriam Santiago. Why? Because
I think that she is the truest, bravest, and most intelligent person Ive ever known in the senate. Ive read
her biography and learned that she is a magna cum laude in college and been a nominee in the
international criminal court, which proves that she really had so much knowledge about her field. She is
also frank in stating her opinions which is also a good thing because this only means that she is just
being realistic and honest with the problems that our country has been facing for so many years now.
Her frankness also proves that she really knows everything what shes been talking about and if
someone opposed her, she always have justifiable reasons to defend her part. She also had already
served the three branches of the Philippine government - judicial, executive and legislative. Her
experiences in serving all these three branches is an assurance that she is familiar with the Philippine
government and its real problems. Lastly, Ive never heard that Senator Miriam Santiago corrupted or
did something unlawful in the government. All these information proves her good and honest intention
in running as the next president of the Philippines.
For whoever will be the next president of the Philippines, I think the issues that should be
prioritized are corruption, social inequality, climate change and disasters, peace in Mindanao and
territorial dispute between Philippines and China. Since the day I was born, corruption in the
Philippines was already present and until now it still wasnt solved. All Pilipino know that corruption is
one of the main reason why Philippines dont progress. An example of this is the corruption of the
government officials of the government funds that should be given for the benefit of the Pilipino people.
Second is the social inequality from family planning to protection of the commuters. Family planning
should be given serious attention because of the increasing rates of HIV Aids in the Philippines. Another
is the protection of the commuters especially from the abusive taxi drivers and the inconvenient
transportation because of traffic. Third issue that should be given attention is climate change and
disasters. Philippines is one the countries that is prone to many disasters like typhoon, earthquake and
tsunami. And because of the climate change that is getting worse, typhoons in our country were also
getting stronger. Some of the deadly typhoons that hit Philippines were Yolanda and Ruby which killed
so many Pilipino. Fourth issue that must be given attention is the peace in Mindanao especially the issue
about the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL). Though I dont know so much about the BBL, I am aware of
the disruption its been causing between the MILF and the Philippine military. Disruption between these
two parties if not given solution may lead to war which is so terrifying to imagine. Lastly, the territorial
dispute between Philippines and China of the Spratly Islands. It is terrifying because no one between the
two countries wants to give up the debate and is causing conflict between the Philippine and Chinese
navy in the territorial waters. There is a possibility that this conflict may lead to war.

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