Microsoft SQL SERVER Microsoft SQL SERVER 2008: Prepared By: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova 1

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Module 3

Microsoft SQL SERVER


Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova

SQL Servers Networked Architecture

SQL Server Client

Windows NT
Windows 9x

Database Engine
And Data Storage

SQL Server
Windows 2000

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


Features and Tools

SQL Server Studios
Help with the development and management
SQL Server Management Studio an integrated
environment for accessing, configuring, managing, and
administering all components of SQL Server.
Business Intelligence Development Studio an
integrated environment for developing business
intelligence applications.

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova

SQL Server Profiler Reference a tool that

captures SQL Server events from a server. The
events are saved in a trace file that can later be
analyzed or used to replay a specific series of
steps when trying to diagnose a problem.
SQL Server Configuration Manager a tool to
manage the services associated with SQL Server,
to configure the network protocols used by SQL
Server, and to manage the network connectivity
configuration from SQL Server client computers.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova

Database Engine Tuning Advisor helps you

select and create an optimal set of indexes,
indexed views, and partitions without
requiring an expert understanding of the
structure of the database or the internals of
SQL Server.
Command Prompt Utilities provides
additional tools that can be run from the
command prompt.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova

SQL Servers Data Access Architecture


Client Computer


SQL Server


Embedded SQL

SQL Server
DB-Library .dll

SQL Server DBLibrary .dll


SQL Server
ODBC Driver

Client Net-libraries
Server Net-libraries

SQL Server

Open Data Services

SQL Server
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova

Extended stored procedures


SQL Server Management Studio

It is the core administration and management
tool that enables you to perform database
management, backup and restore operations,
as well as set up security and database
replication. It enables you to view and work
with all the different SQL Server components
using a hierarchical tree view.

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova

Features in SQL Server Management

Supports most administrative tasks for SQL
A single, integrated environment for SQL Server
Database Engine management and authoring.
New management dialogs for managing objects
in the SQL Server Database Engine, Analysis
Services, Reporting Services, Notification
Services, and SQL Server Compact 3.5, that allows
you to execute your actions immediately, send
them to a Code Editor, or script them for later
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova

Non-modal and resizable dialogs allow access to

multiple tools while a dialog is open.
A common scheduling dialog that allows you to
perform action of the management dialogs at a
later time.
Exporting and importing SQL Server Management
Studio server registration from one Management
Studio environment to another.
Save or print XML Showplan or Deadlock files
generated by SQL Server Profiler, review them
later, or send them to administrators for analysis.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova

A new error and informational message box

that presents much more information
An integrated Web browser for quick browsing
of MSDN or online help.

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


To access SQL Server Management Studio

On the taskbar, click Start, point to All Programs,
point to Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server 2008,
and then click SQL Server Management Studio.
Note: By default, SQL Server Management Studio
is installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


Tool Windows in SQL Server

Management Studio
Object Explorer
browse servers, create and locate objects, manage
data sources, and view logs. This tool is accessed
from the View menu.
a component of SQL Server Management Studio,
connects to Database Engine instances, Analysis
Services, Integration Services, Reporting Services,
and SQL Server Compact 3.5.
provides a view of all the objects in the server and
presents a user interface to manage them.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


SQL Server Database Engine

It is the core service for storing, processing, and
securing data.
It provides controlled access and rapid
transaction processing to meet the requirements
of the most demanding data consuming
applications within your enterprise.
It is used to create relational databases for online
transaction processing or online analytical
processing data.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


Viewing Object Explorer

Object Explorer is visible in the Management
Studio by default. If you cannot see Object
Explorer, on the View menu, click Object Explorer.

Connecting Object Explorer to a Server

Click Connect on the Object Explorer toolbar and
choose the type of server from the drop-down list.
To connect, you must provide at least the name of
the server and the correct authentication

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


Viewing Objects in Object Explorer

Object Explorer uses a tree structure to group
information into folders.
To expand folders, click the plus sign (+) or doubleclick the folder.
Right-click folders or objects to perform common
Double-click objects to perform the most common
To refresh the list of objects within a folder, rightclick the folder, and then click Refresh.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


SQL SERVER Database Architecture

SQL Server
Stored Procedures
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


4 System Databases
keeps track of all data values that affect the operation of SQL
Server. It contains information about the login accounts, the
existence of all the other SQL Server databases, and all the
servers configuration settings.

a template SQL Server uses to create new databases. It
contains the system tables used by each database. The
system tables keep track of the database options, including
default settings, user authorities, and database rules.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


contains information about scheduling jobs and alerts,
as well as tracking the operators that receive alerts.

is used to store temporary tables built by SQL Server. It
is re-created each time SQL server is started. It is a
global resource, and all users must have permission to
use it.

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


Database Objects
Tables An organized set of columns. Each set
of columns is referred to as a row.
Two Types:
System Tables contain information about SQL Server
and its various objects. Named with the prefix sys
User Table contain user data, and represents some
type of entity

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


Columns are the data items that represent a

property of the entity type represented by the table.
It is also called as fields. Each column must have a
given data type.
Indexes are used to optimize SQL Servers data
access speed. An index is created as a separate
database object from the original table.
2 Basic Types of Indexes
Clustered Indexes force the SQL Server to
store the data in the base table using the same
organization as the clustered index.
Nonclustered Indexes dont altered the way
the data is stored in the base table
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


Constraints ensure data integrity for SQL Server tables

and columns. It is generally added when a table is
created, and they can be specified at the table or column
5 Types of Constraints
Primary Key used for entity integrity. It ensures
all rows in a table have a unique key that isnt null.

Foreign Key used for referential integrity. It

associates one or more columns in a table with
a primary key that has been defined in another
table. Ensures a specified relationship exists
between two tables.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


Unique prevents any one column or se t of columns from

having a duplicate value. It cant be defined on a column
thats part of a primary key. It can allow null value.
Check enforces domain integrity by restricting the range
of values that can be entered into a column.
Not Null used to ensure a column wont contain any null

Triggers a stored procedure that is automatically

executed when a SQL Server table is modified using
the Update, Insert, or Delete operations.

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


doesnt actually exist as a separate table,but,
instead, is stored as a Select Statement that
references one or more base tables.
It can be queried just like base tables.
Common uses include selecting a subset of rows
or columns from a table, joining columns from
different tables, and summarizing the data from
one or more columns.

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


similar to check constraints because they restrict
the values that can be entered into a column It
can be queried just like base tables.

specifies the value used automatically for a given
column when no data values are explicitly
assigned to the column and a new row is inserted.

Stored Procedures
are a group of Transact-SQL statement compiled
into a single execution plan at the time the stored
procedure is created.
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


A high-level language originally developed by
IBM to provide access to the data contained in
relational databases.
Standardized by American National Standards
Institute (ANSI)
Commonly used for database management

Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


3 Categories of Transact-SQL
Data Definition Language (DDL)
commands are used for database management
tasks such as creating tables and views.

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

commands are used to query or update the data
contained in the database.

Data Control Language (DCL

commands are used to control the database
Prepared by: Engr. Cherryl D. Cordova


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