Marijuana Legalization (With Changes)

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Sirikit Joshi

Assignment 1 UG 107

Marijuana Legalization
On the first week of legalization of marijuana as a recreational drug in
Colorado, sales exceeded five million dollars (Ferner, 2014). The huge
economic potential of cannabis for medicinal as well as recreational
purposes should be enough to amend the federal law that illegalizes its
sale. However, according to Nature Magazine 2014, USAs first step
towards the legalization of marijuana is to leave it at the hands of the
states. It shall not interfere in the states decision to legalize marijuana as
long as the states impose strict laws regarding its sale (Shen, 2012). The
overwhelming amount of evidence proving the benefits of marijuana
should stimulate a change in the federal policies and practices regarding
its legalization.
Legalization of medical marijuana has opened the gates for research into
new strains of marijuana that harness the therapeutic benefits of
cannabinoids while minimizing the harmful side effects such as getting
high. Marijuana contains several chemicals useful in the treatment of
several illnesses and symptoms resulting in its legalization as a medicinal
drug in nineteen states of USA. Scientific study of the active chemicals in
marijuana called cannabinoids has led to the development of two FDAapproved medications (is Marijuana Medicine?, 2014). Cannabidiol found
in marijuana turns off the gene that cancer cells use to spread whereas;
researchers have found it highly effective in stopping seizures among
epileptic patients (Cook, 2014). Many patients are not receiving the full
benefit of medicinal marijuana due to its illegalization in their state or the
strict laws imposed on it. Federal laws are not respecting the basic
human rights of people by denying them their right to their chosen health
The legalization of marijuana would also eradicate any private and social
harm caused by the widespread black marketing of the drug (Wilkins &
Casswell, 2002). Many countries have declared marijuana as illegal
however; people somehow gain access to it. The harmful effects of black
market include the growing involvement of gangs in cultivation and
increased health risk and inflation of prices. The legalization of
recreational marijuana in Colorado and Washington raked in a record
number of sales in the very first week (Saeed, 2014). Sales of marijuana
by the Federal government would make sure that the money goes to the
right hands and not end up in the black market where it will inevitably be
used to fund gang violence. The federal government would be more likely
to approve marijuana sales if it was regulated by the government.

Some people believe that marijuana legalization does not guarantee a

boost in the economy but instead would raise the crime rate. However,
the sale of marijuana shows a different story. If legalized marijuana is
guaranteed to rake in an estimated six billion dollars in annual taxation
(Dighe, 2014). Data shows that since the legalization of marijuana in
Colorado, no significant raise in criminal activity has been seen.
Furthermore, the crime rates in several cities actually went down (Ferner,
2014). Moreover, thirty two million people would be able to live a normal
life without being subjected to strict laws that criminalize marijuana
consumption. Benefits of economizing marijuana should be enough
reason for federal state to change its decision to illegalize marijuana.
Marijuanas benefits far outweigh its damages. The economic potential of
marijuana is unlimited. Moreover, more harmful substances such as
cigarettes and alcohol are freely available for consumption in the market
(McDermott, 2013). Strains of marijuana are making a major
breakthrough in the medical world and their illegalization hampers the
ongoing research that needs to be done to come up with more
treatments. People supporting the legalization of marijuana should
actively speak about it and voice their opinions and spread the
information. More people should know the medical benefits of marijuana
and that illegalizing it is doing more harm than good. Drawing attention
to the scientific benefits of marijuana will hopefully change the decision
of the federal law in the favor of legalizing marijuana.

Marijuana Truce. (2013, September 5). Nature, p. 6, Volume 501.

Ferner, M. (2014, January 8). Colorado Recreational Marijuana Sales

Exceed $5 Million in First Week. Retrieved from

Shen, H. (2012, November 8). Marijuana measures among those voted on

in US election. Retrieved from

Is Marijuana Medicine? (2014). Retrieved from

Cook, M. S. (2014, August 7). 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana. Retrieved


Wilkins, C. & Casswell, S. (2002). The Cannabis Black Market and the
Case for the Legalization of Cannabis in New Zealand. Retrieved

Saeed, A. (2014, July 9). Washingtons First Retail Weed Store Broke
Colorados Marijuana Sales Record. Retrieved from

McDermott, K. (2013). In the War on Drugs, signs of truce with

marijuana. Retrieved from

Dighe, R. (2014, April 1). Legalize It The Economic Argument. Retrieved


Ferner, M. (2014, July 17). If Legalizing Marijuana Was Supposed To Cause

More Crime, Its Not Doing A Very Good Job. Retrieved from

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