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Writing Certificate of

Completion Program
How Writing Works Today
Salt Lake Community College’s Writing Certificate of Completion
program is designed to give students specialized skills in written and
electronic communication so they are prepared to enter or enhance
professions that require extensive writing skills.

The Writing Certificate of Completion offers more than just class work. Students get valuable
hands-on experience in the writing and publication centers, as well as internship and service-
learning opportunities. The program is interdisciplinary, allowing students to focus the course
of study based on their interests. The required electronic portfolio due prior to completion will
demonstrate to employers and educators your skills.

Certificate of Completion Requirements (33 credits)

General education (10 credits)
ENGL 1010 Intro to Writing (EN)
ENGL 1030 Writing in the Professions (HR)
Math 1010 (or equivalent) Quantitative Studies (QL)

Core requirements (17 credits)

ENGL 2500 Grammar & Stylistics
ENGL 1800 Digital Media Essentials
ENGL 1900 Special Studies (register your first semester in the program)
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Writing
ENGL 2100 Technical Writing

Choice of
ENGL 1810 Writing Center Studies
ENGL 1820 Publication Center Studies

Certificate requires the completion of an electronic portfolio and completion of a service-learning project or internship or equivalency,
which will be the individualized focus of ENGL 1900.

Sample Electives (6 credits—electives may be done across the discipline if they meet the criteria
for a writing-emphasis course)
Course Prerequisite
Any course in the English Department
BUS 2200 Business Communications ENGL 1010
INTL 2060 Intl Lit and Culture None
COMM 1130 Reporting for the Mass Media None
COMM 1610 Reporting/Writing ENGL 1010
COMM 1620 Editing Intro COMM 1610
COMM 1140 Environmental Communication None
MATH 1030 Quantitative Reasoning MATH 1010
POLS 2300 Ideologies None
Writing Certificate of Completion
Student Profile

Applicant Name: Date:

Last First M.I.


Phone: Cell:

SLCC ID Number or Social Security Number: ______________________________ Email: __________________________________________

Education Background
Please check if you have successfully completed the following courses with recommended letter grade or qualifying placement score:

ENGL 1010 MATH 1010 ENGL 1030 ENGL 2010

Completion term ________ Completion term ________ Completion term ________ Completion term ________

College ________________ College __________________ College _______________ College _______________

I agree to submit transcripts of college credit earned at all colleges/universities attended including SLCC. Initials _________________

Work Experience (required if sponsored by employer)

Please list current employer information below:

Name of Employer: ____________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________

Name of Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________

Employer Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________________

Your Current Title/Position: ____________________________________________ Full time Part time

Description of Duties: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Statement of Interest

Write a brief description that addresses the following: 1) What are your personal and professional goals involving writing? 2) How do you feel the
Writing Certificate of Completion program will benefit you ( You may attach a separate document if you choose.)






I agree with the above Statement of Interest and will adhere to its principles to the best of my ability. By signing below, I certify that the
information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have checked the Majors Card with Academic Advising for this

____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________

Signature Print Name Date

Please return this profile to: Salt Lake Community College Attn: Writing Certificate of Completion Program 4600 Redwood Road, AD241 Salt
Lake City, UT 84113 Telephone: (801) 957-4020

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