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Delivered at Graduate School of Governance & Leadership (Almond Institute)

Accra Adelaide Cairo Castries Chaguanas Chaguaramas Colombo Ezulwini Georgetown

Ho Chi Minh Mal San Fernando San Juan Tacarigua Windhoek


With learning
that is accelerated,
and accessible,
AIB has changed
the lives of our

I founded AIB more than 30 years ago to help

AIB therefore is dedicated to offering courses

people succeed in business and management.

which focus on a work-applied approach to

business and management learning. AIBs

From my experience, I found that most

learning methods are soundly based on

traditional business programmes were too

reflective practice, action learning and

academic and produced graduates that had

action research and have been shown to

been taught the theory, but could not apply

enhance individual, organisational and

what they had learnt in the business and

business growth.

organisational world.
To produce business and management
graduates who are effective, I believe that
business and management programmes must
blend theory and action.

In addition, AIBs programmes are offered

to complement the lives of working adults
who have both personal and professional
commitments. With learning that is
accelerated, accredited, affordable and
accessible, AIB has changed the lives of
our graduates in many parts of the world.
I welcome you to AIB and wish you
all the best in your business and
professional endeavours.

Prof. Selva Abraham MBA PhD

Founder Chairman


Australian Institute
of Business (AIB) is
a 30-year-old Business
School based in Australia,
offering business degrees,
undertaking research,
and providing consultancy
services globally.

AIB was the first and is still the only private

institution in Australia to be Government
approved to confer the full suite of business
degrees including the prestigious PhD.
AIB qualifications are accredited within the
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
accrediting and registration bodies making

About Graduate School of

Governance and Leadership (GSGL)

the degrees globally transportable.

A graduate division of Almond Institute,

and recognised by a number of international

GSGL was founded in 2009. It is fully

Being a global institution, AIB has alumni

accredited by the National Accreditation

from over 70 countries and teaching centres

Board of Ghana and located in one of

in over 10 countries and 14 locations.

the fastest growing affluent districts in

Accra. GSGL has over 10,000 graduates,

AIB is The Practical Business School,

which include leading political figures such

committed to delivering courses which

as cabinet ministers, former and current

are work-applied, accelerated, accessible,

ministers and parliamentarians, chief

affordable and fully accredited.

executives, CEOs from both public and private

organisations and managers of all levels.

AIB was formerly known as Gibaran Learning

Group, consisting of Gibaran Graduate School

GSGL is an innovative institution of higher

of Business, Australian Institute of Business

education offering academic, professional,

Administration, Entrepreneurship Institute

executive education and career-progression

Australia and Tourism Institute Australia.

courses designed to provide students with a

range of analytical, strategic and leadership
skills to prepare them for increasingly
competitive careers in business management.


1. Will an MBA from an institute,

rather than a University, be
recognised in business and by

4. Who will be teaching the course?

experienced industry leaders and highly

9. My previous study is in an
unrelated area to business. Can I
still apply?

respected academics. More on page 7.

Yes - as long as you fulfil the entry

The course will be delivered by a team of

requirements listed on page 22. Many

It is globally accepted that some of the

best MBA programmes are conducted by
management development institutions such
as IMD from Switzerland, INSEAD near
Paris and Henley in the UK. AIB possesses
some very unique degree conferring powers
guaranteed by the Australian Government.
See page 8 for more information.

5. Is the 12 Month MBA

internationally recognised?
All qualifications awarded by AIB are
accredited within the Australian Qualifications
Framework (AQF) which is an internationally
recognised qualifications framework.

2. How is it possible to complete an

MBA in just 12 months while you work?

6. Is the 12 Month MBA

approved in Ghana?

Please see page 6 for a description of the

The collaboration between AIB and GSGL has

12 Month MBA model, and the elements

been approved by the National Accreditation

that have made it so successful in Australia

Board of Ghana (NAB).

and internationally.

3. How many hours per week will I

need to spend studying?

7. I have not studied in a long time.

How can I be assisted?

individuals of varying professional

backgrounds undertake an MBA, because
the knowledge and skills attained are
valuable across all industries.

10. I have commenced an MBA

elsewhere. Can I transfer into the
AIB 12 Month MBA?
Yes, we may even be able to offer you subject
exemptions and a course fee reduction. Please
see page 20 for more information.

11. Why do students choose our

Affordability - see page 23
Ability to finish in 12 months - see page 6

We support our students in a number of ways.

Specialisations - see page 10

Our Academics recommend between 10-15

To (re)introduce students to academic study

Government accreditation - see page 8

hours per week to achieve a good result but

protocols, we have a study skills seminar.

Unique assessment - see page 21

study time varies from one person to another.

See page 21 for more information.

See page 21 for more information.

8. I dont have a bachelors degree

(first degree) or any qualifications.
Can I still do the course?
Yes - if you fulfil the work experience
requirement of the special entry criteria listed
on page 22.


The MBA (Master

of Business
Administration) degree
is internationally
recognised and is
seen as a passport
to a successful
management career.

Research indicates that individuals with an

In a survey by the Association of MBAs,

MBA tend to move up the promotion ladder

1300 members of the Association were asked

much quicker than those without the degree

why they took an MBA. Most gave several

and MBA graduates are in high demand

reasons. In order of priority these were:

at multimillion dollar companies throughout

the world.
On 24 January 2013, The Economist reported
that the average salary increase among 120
schools offering MBAs in 2012 was 74%. At
some schools in Australia, salaries have been
reported to be even higher.
On 14 February 2013, the Association of
MBAs (AMBA) reported that MBA graduates

It is the worlds most popular postgraduate

continue to achieve high salaries and beat

degree, with around 90,000 MBA graduates

averages from a decade ago (inflation

produced in the USA, and more than 10,000

considered).* The survey also reported that:

Australians studying for an MBA each year.

MBA degrees provide students with
knowledge of how people and processes
operate within organisations and the wider
environment affecting those organisations.

Within ten years of gaining an MBA,

To obtain a business qualification 82%

To improve job opportunities


For intellectual stimulation


To increase salary


To obtain general skills


To change career direction


To increase self confidence


An MBA course will enhance your skills

over half of all graduates surveyed were

by developing your ability to work as an

either in senior management, CEO or

effective team member and to lead others.

directorship positions.
The MBA graduates surveyed were also

An MBA will also develop your

asked about their views on the value of

self-confidence, communication and

MBAs were first developed in the USA in

the MBA. The majority of respondents

negotiation skills.

the early 1900s. They were designed for

said they felt the MBA was a degree for

graduates within technical disciplines who

life, with 85% agreeing that the value of

And as well as education and career

had little or no business education.

their own MBA had improved over time.

enhancement benefits, an MBA offers

*AMBAs Careers Survey collected responses

As the world moves toward a more corporate

from 1,000 MBA graduates from 75 countries

and service-oriented economy, earning an

between September and November 2012.

MBA has become an effective way of not only

All salary figures have been adjusted

ensuring your employment, but also ensuring

for inflation.

your success and marketability in an everevolving job market.

worldwide networking opportunities.


Many of the most

highly ranked
Universities, including
Oxford and Cambridge,
offer a 12 Month
MBA programme.
AIB has been offering 12 Month MBA
programmes locally and internationally for a
number of years with high degrees of success
in terms of enrolments, completion rates and
graduate outcomes.
Same content, shorter duration
The 12 Month MBA contains similar
content to most Australian and international
university courses, confirmed by the fact that

Independent learning material

One subject each month

AIB provides significant amounts of

Traditional MBA models involve several

independent learning material, including

individual subjects being offered generally

reading material and articles, in addition

over a 12 week period. For a busy executive,

to the core text for each subject, which

this makes their learning susceptible to

each student will purchase.

external factors such as unexpected work

and personal issues that could occur during

This empowers students with busy schedules

this time. The 12 Month MBA is offered

to undertake significant learning outside

as one subject per month. This means that

of class contact time, when individual

students need to focus on just one subject

schedules permit.

at a time, in addition to their usual personal

and professional obligations.

Intensive workshops
Rather than delivering each subject over a

The fact that the examination is just a

series of one or two hour classes per term,

month away from the start of each subject

the 12 Month MBA is offered over three

has contributed to high completion rates,

intensive workshop days per month. This

as the students are continuously motivated.

allows students to plan their year in advance

and accelerates the learning process.







structure of the course forgoes term and








semester breaks, which in traditional MBA






















the MBA is fully accredited. The intensive

models constitutes a substantial amount

of time during the course.





Next Subject Interactive



Our faculty are highly

academically qualified,
holding a Masters
or Doctoral Degree
in their area
of specialisation.

AIB also requires teaching staff to have held

a senior position in an organisation for a
number of years in their area of specialisation,
with most currently holding significant fulltime positions.
The benefit for students is that the knowledge
being shared by these faculty members
is highly current, and the most accurate
reflection of industry as it
stands today.


Accreditation is one of the

most important things to
consider when weighing
up your study options.

Here is a snapshot of our range of

accreditations, recognitions, listings
and memberships:
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
Australian Council for Private Education

Rankings are a recognised

and independent
assessment of programme
quality and delivery.

and Training (ACPET)

It is an endorsement provided by a trusted
authority that validates the competence,

CHEA International Quality Group

AIB continues to retain its position as a

Commonwealth Register of Institutions

global leading business school each year.

and Courses for Overseas Students

Our MBA programme is consistently ranked


as one of the top 5 within Australia and top

Our range of accreditations and listings

International Association

15 globally, in the MBA Rankings conducted

ensure that, as a graduate of AIB, your

of Universities (IAU)

by the International Graduate Forum.

globally by both government and industry.

University Grants Commission

- Sri Lanka (UGC)
Accreditation Council of Trinidad
and Tobago (ACTT)

The International Graduate Forum rankings,

released annually, assess several key factors
including international diversity, class
sizes, student work experience, programme

Ministry of Education and Culture

delivery and faculty qualifications. These

of St. Lucia (MoEC)

factors are of the most importance to

National Accreditation Council

AIB because of our practical focus.

of Guyana (NAC)
Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA)

of Ghana (NAB)






#10 MBA


National Accreditation Board


#4 MBA

of Australia (GMAA)


Graduate Management Association



Maldives Qualifications Authority (MQA)



qualification will be respected and recognised


and courses they offer.


credibility, and integrity of the institution




Just 12 subjects delivered over 12 months

being the Graduate Certificate stage,

the Graduate Diploma stage and the
MBA stage.


The course is divided into three equal stages

4 Subjects

4 Months


4 Subjects
4 Months

Each stage consists of four subjects, each

delivered over four months. Depending
on subjects chosen, students are able to
complete all 12 subjects within 12 months
but may take up to an additional three
months to complete the final project.


4 Subjects
4 Months




International Business
Strategic Supply Chain Management
Marketing Communication*
New Product Management

New Venture Creation
International Business


Marketing Management
Corporate Governance
Operations Management
Financial Management
Strategic Human Resource Management
Strategic Management

Project Management
New Product Management
Performance Management


Event Management*
Strategic Hotel Management Issues
Strategic Resort Management Issues

Corporate Finance*
Financial Markets and Institutions
Investment Management*

Project Management
Strategic Human Resource Development*
Performance Management*
Succession Planning

* When scheduling your timetable, please

note that some subjects have prerequisites
that must be successfully completed prior to
commencing the subject.


Project Management
Integrated Logistics Management
Strategic Supply Chain Management
New Product Management
* Highlighted in green are streams
available at GSGL.




The aim of this subject is to provide a
scholarly and in-depth knowledge of the
dynamics of leadership. Topics covered
include: nature and importance of
leadership, leadership traits, behaviours
and attitudes, leadership styles, leadership
culture, ethical issues, leadership when
creating change in organisations.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:
Critically discuss the concept of leadership, including forms of leadership and the
complementary nature of leadership and management
Demonstrate understanding of the role of power and influence in relation to leadership
and the importance of ethical values of a leader
Identify and critically examine various personality traits and forms of intelligence
impacting on leadership
Describe and explain what is involved in various fundamental leadership skills
including setting goals, managing conflict and motivating a team
Critically analyse the role of leadership in relation to organisational culture and
organisational change
Apply leadership concepts and theory to professional practice in the workplace

Strategic Management
This subject provides an in-depth knowledge
of the strategic management process and
gives an exposure to the concepts and
theories of competing in international
markets. Topics covered include: strategy
development; the external environment;
an organisations competitiveness; generic
competitive strategies; competing in
international markets; groups of businesses.

Marketing Management
This subject discusses the importance
and strategic role of marketing in todays
globalised business environment. Students
learn the importance of pursuing objectives,
employing appropriate resources, and
investing in the future of an organisation to
ensure customer satisfaction. Topics covered
include: core marketing concepts; marketing
strategy and planning; buying behaviour;
role of marketing research; positioning;
pricing; product development; placement;
foundations of marketing communication.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of the theoretical concepts and frameworks of
strategic management.
Critically discuss strategy formulation and how to effectively implement strategy.
Critically analyse and evaluate an organisations vision, mission and statement
of values.
Carry out an environment analysis using several strategic management tools.
Evaluate competitive strategies for various organisational settings.
Apply strategic management concepts and frameworks to a specific workplace setting.
Formulate a strategic plan for a business unit or department.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of main marketing concepts and frameworks
and of the role and importance of marketing in organisations.
Describe the steps/stages in various marketing processes including the
buyer decision process, marketing research process, product life cycle,
price setting process and marketing communication process.
Critically discuss how to develop an appropriate marketing
strategy for products and for services.
Explain how to attract and retain customers.
Use appropriate market research techniques to analyse current and future demand.
Compare and contrast marketing strategies of various organisations.
Plan and develop a marketing strategy for an actual organisation, taking
into account consumer behaviour, positioning, brand equity, pricing,
marketing channels, marketing logistics, and marketing communication.


Corporate Governance
This subject examines the development,
concepts, and significance of the concepts
and practice of Corporate Governance, and
organisational governance within the context
of organisational capacity building. Topics
covered include: the governance partnership
(investors, companies and directors);
regulatory frameworks to ensure good
governance; theory and principles of corporate
governance; director capabilities and
responsibilities; corporate social responsibility.

Operations Management
The aim of this subject is to provide an
in-depth knowledge of issues critical for
the efficient and effective operation of
organisations. Topics covered include:
the concept of operations and process
management; network design and capacity
planning; process design; supply chain
management; inventory management;
resource planning; quality management.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:
Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the various concepts, frameworks and
practices of corporate governance.
Explain and critique the policy and regulatory framework of corporations.
Explain the impact of corporate governance and sustainability issues on the roles and
responsibilities of managers, directors, stakeholders and shareholders.
Explain the levels and types of risk that relate to effective corporate governance.
Engage in debate about key corporate governance issues particularly in relation to
improved organisational performance.
Use corporate governance knowledge to enhance ones professional practice as an
effective business practitioner.
Apply corporate governance skills and knowledge to demonstrate autonomy, expert
judgement, adaptability and responsibility as an effective business practitioner.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of operations and process management concepts
and frameworks
Discuss the complexities of and relationships between supply network design,
capacity planning, process design, inventory management, resource management for
the supply network.
Critically discuss the role of operations and process management in developing
efficient and effective organisations.
Analyse the effectiveness of operations and processes within as well as between
organisations and identify improvements
Apply knowledge about operations and process management concepts and recommend
cost-effective improvements in a workplace setting

Strategic Supply Chain Management

This subject provides in-depth knowledge of
the concepts and practice of strategic supply
chain management. Strategic supply chain
management is largely concerned with the
supply infrastructure and the long-term
strategic relationship management needed
to facilitate the critical competitive logistics
flows through the supply system. Topics
include: the design, management and
control of systems and networks of supply
that connect organisations with their
suppliers and customers.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate advanced understanding of supply chain management concepts,
frameworks and systems and their role in modern organisations.
Critically discuss the importance of and various forms of collaboration, strategic
alliances, strategic fit and alignment, supplier integration in supply chains.
Explain how to recognise, evaluate and manage supply chain risk.
Identify the components of successful negotiation and other aspects of productive
relationships with partners in a supply chain.
Contribute to the design of an effective strategic supply chain network.
Apply strategic supply chain management concepts and theories to supply chain
problems in a practical setting.


Strategic Human Resource

This subject is designed to provide an
understanding of the formal relationship
between the employer and the employee
and of the techniques and methods aimed
at making that relationship more effective so
that organisational goals and objectives are
achieved. Topics covered include: definition
of strategic HRM; the legal environment;
workforce planning, recruitment and
selection; training and development;

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:
Discuss the concept of human resource management as a strategic function in the
organisation including its impact on competitive advantage.
Demonstrate understanding of performance management and the role of training,
personal development, compensation and remuneration practices.
Discuss human resource planning including job design, recruitment and selection.
Demonstrate understanding of contemporary government regulations and
HRM frameworks.
Analyse work flows in organisational units and identify relevant tasks, roles and jobs
related to the workflow.
Design a basic human resource plan and develop an appropriate plan for recruitment.
Apply human resource management concepts and theory to an actual workplace.

performance management; compensation.

This subject provides an advanced
understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset. Entrepreneurs are pioneers, innovators,
leaders and inventors. They are catalysts for
change who shape the competitive global
marketplace and have significant impact on
our global economy. Topics covered include:
the practice of entrepreneurship, how to
foster an innovative work environment in
addition to being able to formulate, develop,
grow, manage and commercialise ideas

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of the main concepts and frameworks relevant to
entrepreneurship (including intrapreneurship)
Distinguish between creativity and innovation, and explain how to develop each in an
organisation and in oneself.
Explain the role and importance of strategic planning in entrepreneurial firms.
Describe the appropriate way to acquire and value an existing entrepreneurial business.
Identify and explain the challenges associated with each phase in the life cycle of an
entrepreneurial business.
Appraise how a government can foster entrepreneurship.
Analyse the succession issues relating to a family business.
Apply knowledge and skills to an actual entrepreneurial organisation or organisational unit.

through business creation.

New Venture Creation

This subject will assist students in
understanding how to recognise an
entrepreneurial idea and convert this into a
viable, revenue generating business. Topics
covered include: opportunity identification,
preparation of business plan, financing
an entrepreneurial venture, identifying
problems and risks, and harvesting.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the new venture creation process from
opportunity identification to harvesting.
Critically discuss financial issues pertaining to new ventures including sourcing of
capital and risk minimisation.
Understand the challenges associated with rapid growth and how to manage
a turnaround.
Identify and evaluate business opportunities.
Develop and prepare a business plan.
Develop financial strategies for new ventures.
Diagnose rapid growth problems and identify turnaround strategies
Develop harvest goals and craft harvest strategies.
Apply the new venture creation concepts and techniques to an actual start-up or
entrepreneurial business.


International Business
This subject explores how and why countries
trade with and invest in each other, and the
global monetary system. It examines the
strategies and structures of international
businesses and assesses the special roles of
an international businesss various functions.
It also provides a critical approach that
presents the arguments for and against
economic theories, government policies,

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:
Discuss the impact of culture on international business.
Explain why and how regional economic integration can occur.
Demonstrate understanding of the financial aspects of international business.
Compare various modes for entering international markets.
Describe how the Internet and other technologies affect global supply
chain management.
Identify and evaluate alternative globalisation strategies.
Plan an exporting and/or importing entry strategy.
Apply concepts and theory of globalisation to the international strategy of an actual
organisation or industry.

business strategies, organisational structures,

and their managerial implications.

This subject analyses contemporary
franchising practices at national and
international levels. Topics covered
include: key financial, marketing, legal
and relationship issues at the core of
the interdependent business relationship
between franchisors and their franchisees;
entrepreneurship; new venture creation;

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the concepts and elements of franchising
including franchise relationship.
Explain the development of franchising and its contribution to the world economy.
Critically discuss the main issues relating to management of franchise systems
including franchisee selection, financial and marketing issues, and harvesting
Understand the basic legal framework within which franchising operates.
Evaluate franchises both from the franchisor and franchisee perspective.
Apply franchising concepts and frameworks to assess an actual business operation

relationship dynamics of franchising.

Financial Management
This subject aims to prepare students
for effective and efficient planning and
management of financial resources in
organisations. It introduces the way in which
a manager can utilise accounting and finance
systems in decision making. Topics covered
include: balance sheets; income statements;
cash flow statements; financial statement
analysis; basic cost management concepts;
basics of budgeting; working capital and
current assets management, managing
inventories, time value of money and valuing
bonds and shares, risk and return of financial
assets, basic capital investment issues,
capital structure and financing including the
cost of capital.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of the main accounting and finance concepts
used in financial decision making.
Discuss the relationships between costs, volume and profit in decision making.
Describe the importance, role and main techniques of financial management within

an organisation.
Analyse and interpret financial reports.
Evaluate quantitative and qualitative information to assess risk in business decisions.
Value securities
Apply basic accounting and finance knowledge to decision making in an actual
workplace unit, department or organisation.


Marketing Communication
This subject is designed to provide an
understanding of the integrated marketing
communication/promotion process. Topics
addressed include: the role and development
of advertising in the integrated marketing
communications programme (IMC) of an
organisation; various IMC tools used in
contemporary marketing including advertising,
direct marketing, Internet and interactive
marketing, sales promotion, publicity and
public relations, and personal selling.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of integrated marking communication concepts and their
importance and role in the marketing process.
Critically discuss the process of developing a strategic integrated marketing
communications program and each of its phases.
Compare and contrast the main components of the marketing communication mix
(advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations and direct marketing).
Explain the characteristics and selection of appropriate advertising and promotional
Plan and develop a new or evaluate an existing marketing communications program.
Identify appropriate advertising and promotional media as part of an integrated
marketing communications program.
Apply appropriate concepts and techniques to develop an integrated marketing
communication program for an actual product, service or corporate identity.

Marketing Management

New Product Management

The objective of this subject is to provide
in-depth knowledge of new product
management from conception through
development to the launch of a new product
or service. Topics covered include: the
new products process; planning for new
products; generating product ideas; concept
evaluation; financial analysis for new
products. It complements other subjects in
the MBA program such as Entrepreneurship,
Strategic Marketing, Strategic Management,
and Strategic Operations Issues.

Final Project
This subject focuses directly on designing,
conducting and reporting findings from a
business research project. The objective of this
subject is to undertake a project related to the
chosen specialisation. Students will identify
an appropriate workplace-based research
problem, conduct a small literature review,
engage in data collection in the workplace
setting, analyse the data and present findings
in a formal business research report.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate in-depth understanding of new product development concepts and
frameworks and be able to relate these to both physical products and to services.
Critically discuss the new product development process and the various phases in
the process.
Identify appropriate sales forecasting and financial analysis techniques to be used in
new product development processes.
Identify the public policy issues associated with new product management, including
product recall, product liability and intellectual property protection.
Identify opportunities for new products, generate new product ideas and evaluate
product concepts.
Develop a new product protocol.
Apply new product management concepts to analyse product innovation in an
actual organisation.

A student who successfully completes this subject is able to:

Explain the underpinning concepts associated with the focus of the project;
Discuss the focus of, and justification for, the project, the nature of the research
methodology chosen, the reasons for the choice of research methodology and the
issues involved in using the chosen methodology;
Demonstrate a high order of skill in observation and reflection, data collection,
data analysis and synthesis of results; and
Demonstrate creativity and flexibility in documenting the project and the project
outcomes, the reflections of the researcher and the learning involved for the researcher
and students.


Corporate Finance
The objective of this subject is to provide
an integrated framework and analytical
tools that are used by the firm managers
to make financial decisions that improve
firm value. The topics covered include the
concept of time value of money, simple and
sophisticated capital budgeting techniques,
valuations of bonds and shares, estimation of
cost of capital, optimal capital structure, and
firm payout policy.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of key financial management concepts (including trade-off between
risk and expected return, time value of money, financial goal, financial derivatives).
Identify and differentiate major corporate policies
Explain theories of capital structure.
Explain how firms decide on the payout.
Use a number of different capital budgeting techniques.
Use financial modelling techniques (including valuing shares and bonds, determining
weighted average cost of capital).
Assess and compare the value of projects in order to recommend which
project should be undertaken.
Differentiate between undervalued and overvalued securities.

Financial Management

Financial Markets and Institutions

This subject presents a detailed overview
of the features of the Australian
financial system and enables an in-depth
understanding of complex institutions,
markets, and securities that form the basis
of modern financial and monetary systems.
The subject covers banking, payment
systems, financial regulators and institutions,
fundamentals of fund management as well
as money and capital markets.

Investment Management
The objective of this subject is to provide
comprehensive theoretical and practical
knowledge on investment management.
This subject covers major theoretical
concepts, namely, modern portfolio theory,
diversification, and equilibrium models of
security prices. The subject also includes
macroeconomic and industry analysis,
pricing of main financial derivatives, and
evaluation of portfolio performance.
Financial Management

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate advanced understanding of major concepts relating to financial markets
(including types of capital markets, the financial system and its main players, derivative
markets, investment yield, share value, options, futures, forward contracts).
Identify the risks faced by authorised deposit-taking institutions.
Explain approaches to interest rate determination
Explain the differences between equity and debt financing.
Compute bond investment yield
Assess share value.
Evaluate the effects of the changes in regulation and monetary policy
on financial markets.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate advanced knowledge about investment concepts, issues and theory
(including investment steps, investment strategies, structure of interest rates, bond
Distinguish between active and passive investment strategies.
Price option and futures contracts.
Predict the impact of changes in fiscal and monetary policies on key macroeconomic
variables such as interest rate.
Identify undervalued/overvalued securities.
Construct an efficient portfolio.
Evaluate portfolio performance.


Project Management
This subject provides the skills and
knowledge required to plan, manage and
close projects that achieve the goals and
objectives on time, within cost and to the
quality required, regardless of the line
of business or industry. Topics covered
include: project lifecycle; scope management
and work breakdown structure; project
scheduling using the critical chain
approach; project resourcing; project

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:
Describe the nature and scope of project management.
Demonstrate understanding of the principles of project human resource management,
communication and team management.
Construct project scheduling networks and present these using relevant
project graphics.
Identify a projects risk factors and apply appropriate project risk management
concepts and tools to address risk.
Apply contemporary project management concepts to a wide variety of industry and
organisational projects.
Utilize principles of project cost estimating, cost analysis and control in actual projects.

control: managing project quality; planning

and managing project risks; performance
measurement and managing project teams.

Event Management
This subject aims to provide an overview
of the theory and procedures associated
with festivals and special events. It covers
developments and professional tools, and
considers the globalisation and subsequent
internationalisation of event management.
Other topics include: the role of marketing
and communication, environmental planning,
the increasing role of governments, the

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of the main concepts of and frameworks
used in event management
Explain the purpose of and potential impacts of events
Critically discuss events according to their staging elements and according to
project management phases
Describe how principles of integrated marketing communication apply to the
organisation of festivals and events
Plan the marketing for an event experience
Apply event management concepts and frameworks to an actual event

creation of event strategies, and the different

perspectives of event management.
Marketing Management

Strategic Hotel Management Issues

This subject aims to provide students with
a practical, modern and comprehensive
approach to how professionals across
the hotel industry manage different
departments within their operation.
Topics covered include: front office,
housekeeping, engineering, food and
beverage issues, financial, human resource
and marketing issues.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of the main concepts relating to hotel
and general operations management.
Identify the key competencies required in hospitality leaders.
Critically discuss the marketing, financial and human resource aspects of
hotel operations
Design the organisational structure for a contemporary hotel with the appropriate use
of line and staff functions.
Assess the effectiveness of marketing of hotels.
Apply strategic hotel management concepts and frameworks to actual an
actual hotel or similar setting.


Strategic Resort Management Issues

This subject aims to present a solid
introduction to the management of
resorts. Topics covered include: types
of resorts; management of recreational
amenities and guest activities; specialty
resorts, cruise ships and casinos.

Integrated Logistics Management

This subject provides students with

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:
Distinguish and contrast different resort types.
Explain how an amenity strategy is developed.
Demonstrate understanding of the various aspects of the retail operations of a resort.
Critically discuss the marketing issues of various resort types including casinos.
Develop a model for guest activity programming.
Design a marketing strategy for a resort.
Apply resort management concepts and strategies to an actual resort or similar.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate advanced understanding of logistics management concepts and describe

in-depth knowledge of the concepts

and practise of integrated logistics

management including the contribution

that logistics makes to the effectiveness
of the supply chain. The subject focuses
on the management and control of
the positioning and the flow of goods
and services within the supply chain
infrastructure. Topics include: customer
relationship management, procurement,
integrated logistics operations and supply
chain design.

Succession Planning
This subject provides an overview of
succession planning, management planning
and management programs. Topics covered
include: the meaning of and approach to
succession planning and management;
systematic succession planning and
management programs; competency
identification and values clarification;
assessing individual job performance
and job potential; assessing current and
future work requirements; development
of successors; evaluation of succession
planning and management programs.

the role of logistics operations in modern business systems.

Explain organisational logistics objectives and know how to measure their operational
and financial performance.
Describe the complexities of and understand how to manage integration of logistics
operations in local, global and virtual synchronised supply chains.
Define and explain the role and objective of logistics management in facilitating
customer service in the supply chain.
Analyse and address complex logistics management problems in areas of inventory,
transportation, warehousing and materials handling.
Design and improve logistics operations for cost effectiveness, performance, and
competitive advantage.
Apply logistics management concepts and theories to recommend improvement to a
local companys logistics operation.

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate in-depth understanding of succession planning concepts and issues.
Critically discuss the role of competencies, values and values clarification in succession
planning and management.
Explain the activities required for starting and refining effective succession planning
and management programs.
Analyse current problems and practices in an organisation to determine the
organisational requirements for succession planning and management.
Assess and determine present and future work requirements for key positions
in an organisation.
Prepare individual development plans and identify appropriate coaching requirements.
Develop and communicate an action plan for a Succession Planning and
Management program.



Strategic Human

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Resource Development

Critically discuss the differences between Human Resource Development, Human

This subject addresses the role of human

Resource Management and Organisational Development.

resources to the development and

Justify the development of a strategic approach to Human Resource Development.

implementation of organisational strategy.

Demonstrate understanding of the theoretical foundations of strategic HRD in practice.

The assessment of the effectiveness of

Develop an evaluation strategy and process for assessment of HRD.

Human Resource Development outcomes is

Undertake a needs HRD assessment.

an important strategic focus of the subject.

Apply strategic HRD concepts and principles to an actual workplace.

Topics covered are: the concept and

scope of Human Resource Development
(HRD); strategy making as learning; HRD
leadership in organisations; strategic
positioning of HRD; design of learning
opportunities and assessment of the
effectiveness of HRD interventions.
Strategic Human
Resource Management

Performance Management
This subject covers the performance
management process and its contribution
to individuals and organisations. The link is
made from the performance management
process to strategic planning. Topics covered
include: defining performance; measuring
results and behaviours; implementing a
performance management system; employee
development; coaching and managing of
team performance.
Strategic Human
Resource Management

On completion of this subject participants should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of performance management concepts and frameworks
Explain the performance management process and the link to strategic planning.
Describe and analyse outcomes and behaviours captured in a performance
management system.
Prepare a personal development plan and/or coaching plan to assist
improved performance.
Select and categorise individual/team performance outcomes and behaviours that align
with organisational strategy.
Develop a process for gathering performance appraisal information and determining
overall ratings.
Apply performance management principles to improve performance of a team or unit
of an actual organisation.


Start Dates

and a fully functional library.


As a student of AIB and GSGL you will also


Please contact GSGL regarding course

starting dates.

be able to take advantage of the free access

Switch to our MBA

to an extensive online library (EBSCOhost) as

If you have begun an MBA (or Graduate

well as complimentary course materials for

Certificate or Graduate Diploma) at another

each MBA subject.

institution/university and would like to

transfer to the 12 Month MBA, you may be

Annual graduation

able to get exemptions and a fee reduction on

Towards the end of every calendar year,

a subject-for-subject basis. Simply

AIB holds its graduation in Adelaide.

contact one of GSGLs staff, who

All local, national and international

will take you through the exemption

graduates are invited to attend with guests.

and application process.

The ceremony is also attended by faculty,

academic and advisory board members,

Location, facilities and resources

The GSGL campus is located in one of
the fastest growing affluent districts
in Accra known as the Spintex Road,
situated five minutes away from
Tema, Ghanas main harbor city and a
hub for multinational companies.
The GSGL campus, graded A by the
National Accreditation Board, houses
13 air-conditioned classrooms, two
conference rooms, catering facilities

and high profile guests.

and interaction
of like-minded




Study support

AIBs emphasis on application as well as

For each of the 12 subjects (delivered one

Shortly before the commencement of the

the related theory in each area of business

subject per month), students will be required

course, students will be invited to join a study

is reflected through its unique assessment

to attend just one weekend per month of

skills seminar. The purpose of this seminar is

strategy for the 12 Month MBA:

interactive tutorials. A refresher day will

to (re)introduce students to academic study

be held mid way through each subject to

protocols such as referencing, researching,

help students revise for the assessment and

writing protocols, and examination

generally grasp the more complex concepts.

preparation and general study techniques.

Study load

All students have access to study guides and

Although the study time required to grasp the

support materials upon enrolment.

For each subject

(other than the Final Project)
- One open book examination (75%); and
- One assignment (25%)
For the Final Project, depending on their

core concepts of the course will vary between

specialisation, students will undertake

students, our Academics advise that 10-15

AIBs and GSGLs dedicated staff will be

a project which addresses an issue of

hours per week (excluding class contact)

with you every step of the way while you are

strategic or functional importance to an

should produce a good result.

undertaking your MBA.

organisation of their choice.

Students who fail to achieve a pass mark
of 50% or above in the examination will
be given the chance to re-sit or re-enrol
depending on the circumstances.


Applicants who
wish to undertake
the MBA course
must satisfy the
following minimum
entry criteria for the
first stage of the
course, namely the
Graduate Certificate
in Management

The applicant must have:

English Requirements:

Where the applicants medium of instruction

(i) a qualification deemed equivalent to

an Australian Bachelors degree, preferably (at a tertiary level) was not English, the
with some professional practice; or

applicant must have obtained:

(i) a score of 575 or better on

(ii) a qualification deemed equivalent to

an Australian Advanced Diploma with at

least 3 years relevant work experience; or

(iii) a minimum of 3 years managerial

experience deemed acceptable by AIB.

the TOEFL; or
(ii) a score of 6.5 or better on
the IELTS; or
(iii) a credit or better in English in the GCE
O or A levels or equivalent; or
(iv) any other evidence of English proficiency
acceptable to AIB.


One of the most affordable

Australian MBA programmes



Application Fee


Non-refundable fee payable when the application is submitted.

Tuition Fee

Please contact GSGL

Examination Fee


Per MBA subject

Re-Examination Fee


Per MBA subject

Deferment Fee


Per MBA subject

Subject Exemption Fee


Per each MBA subject exempted. Exemptions can be given for a maximum of 6 subjects.

AIB reserves the right to change the above fees from time to time. Please contact GSGL for payment details.


AIB has developed

links with local
organisations that
support the
12 Month MBA
and are committed
to informing their
members and
stakeholders about
the programme.

These supporters are also involved in


networking opportunities, facilitated by

AIB alumni comprises an extensive global

AIB, that benefit both the supporters and

network which brings together industry

MBA students.

professionals with a wide range of life

experiences and backgrounds. Alumni create

The 12 Month MBA industry network is

a platform from which to connect with fellow

an evolving feature and benefit of the 12

AIB graduates.

Month MBA programme and students are

encouraged to take advantage of access
to this network in order to progress
strategic partnership and business
opportunities as they arise.


What our students say

Jodi Howie
Financial Planner

Im looking forward to being able to broaden my role and

move in new directions. Im excited about applying the skills
and experience Ive gained through the MBA at work.

Mellisa Rosales
HR Professional

This programme has allowed me to look at my organisation

from a different perspective. I am now more educated and
able to improve my overall performance at work. The main
highlights of studying at my teaching centre are small
interactive classes, possibility of one-on-one discussions,
flexible class hours, and great lecturers.

Paola Trevisan
Financial Manager

I gained a lot of confidence and knowledge through doing

the MBA and this has been important for my success.


What our students say

David Rowe
MES Business
Development Manager

The course was definitely manageable. I liked the format and

I always knew what to expect, which made it much easier to
plan and balance study, work and life.

Bernard Smith
Research and
Development Officer

The work-applied structure of the MBA contributed

significantly to enhancing my job performance, while
preparing me to take advantage of promotional
opportunities in my organisation.

Jennifer Hellyar
General Manager

The reward of finishing an MBA and the satisfaction

and empowerment you get from it is definitely worth it.
Irrespective of what you want to do with your own career, it
is a great opportunity to extend yourself and broaden your
knowledge base.


What our students say

Shereena Khan
Senior Operations Manager

The MBA is a great asset to have professionally; it adds

weight to your rsum, makes you more marketable and
changes your approach towards work. It has empowered me
with self confidence and I would highly recommend the AIB
MBA to anyone who is interested.

Laura Doyle

A working professional and mother of three, I was able to

fit the MBA programme into my lifestyle quite easily due
to weekend classes. The MBA lecturers were dynamic and
classes very engaging and interactive.

John Bullen
Bank Manager

Life is always busy. The skills and insights of the

AIB MBA are so invaluable that the earlier you can
have them the better.

find out from a brochure. Please contact

Graduate School of Governance

& Leadership (Almond Institute)

us via phone or email or come visit us to find

Opposite DSTV Office,

out more. Starting dates and course scheduling

Off Community 18 Junction Rd,

information is available through GSGL.

Spintex Road, Accra, Ghana

We look forward to hearing from you.

P.O. Box OS 1303,

We believe theres only so much you can

Osu, Accra, Ghana

Entry criteria, fees, assessment methods
and services are correct at time of printing.

T: +233 264690455 / +233 202426055

Australian Institute of Business reserves


the right to alter the details without


prior notice.
February 2015.

Australian Institute of Business | 27 Currie Street, Adelaide 5000, South Australia

T: +61 8 8212 8111 | E: | W:

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