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giving us what food cannot give enough!

SPET means Scalar & Photons Electromagnetic Therapy invented by Filipino

inventor engineer Ismael Aviso.
SPET uses light (electromagnetism) to resupply our lost electrons (negative
charge in our body).
Food alone cannot cope up to supply us the needed electrons. For the average
person nowadays, there are just too many electrons lost from our body on a daily
basis because they are being eaten up the by far too many oxidants entering/inside
our body and cells.
Lack or low supply of electrons leads to weak body, leads to any illnesses. The
natural sources of electrons are: plant foods (specifically Vitamins A, C & E and
mother Earth. On the other hand, the source of positive charge is the sunlight.
Now, free electrons (negative charge) is emitted by Mother Earth we can get it
free from the ground. It enters our body through the sole of our feet or through the
lower end of our spinal column. The negative energy goes through the spine and up
to the pineal gland where it meets the positive energy from the sun which enters
through the head crown (Bisaya: hubon). Like male and female, the suns photons
meet the earths electrons at the pineal gland. This meeting results to electricity
the bodys natural electricity.
Our natural body electricity created by the sun and earth does at least two
important functions related to health, to wit:
1) This body electricity burns germs, viruses, bacteria, cancer cells; and
2) Melts solids or plaques that block our blood vessels and cause heart attack
and stroke.
Body electricity is very much decreased by:

the use of rubber slippers and shoes which prevent electrons from entering
our body through the sole of our feet (Bisayan: tikod);
over-hiding from the sun, that is, too much lack of sunlight;
non-consumption of plant-foods, and


the consumption of non-plant foods, irradiated foods and processed foods.

The net result is: lack of photons (positive energy) in some and lack of electrons
(negative energy) in others, or both.
The Aviso SPET formula assists (does not replace) the food we eat in supplying
the much needed electrons to increase the electric charge in our body. Our body is an
electric device. There is a certain amount of electricity required to keep the body
strong, healthy and able to drive off pathogens and carcinogens. If it lowers down,
then, our body will be too cold to burn invading germs, cancer cells, viruses, etc. and
at the same time, cold enough for fats, sugars, et al to form plague that blocks our
blood vessels, resulting to devastating group of diseases called CVDs or cardiovascular diseases, the most deadly of these are the heart attack and stroke, which
holds the No. 1 position as killer in many nations.
The older we grew, the lesser the electron level we have. Younger people do not
easily get sick compared to the elderly because younger people still have more
amount of electrons in their bodies. But this is changing fast: too many oxidants
(electrons eaters) are invading the body.
The SPET (electromagnetism light) therapy is one harmless, safe and very
effective and reliable method to give our body its much needed lost electrons to make
the body "hotter" enough to burn germs, viruses, including cancers, and at the same
time, to melt solids that block our blood vessels.
In short, SPET addresses the two most deadly groups of diseases today: (1)
cancer group and (2) cardio-vascular group. Cancer is a group of over 100 types of
cancer. CVD is a group of diseases affecting our blood vessels resulting to deadly
illnesses such as heart attack and stroke.
With SPET, after spending money to pay for its price, we will find it to be very
cheap but at the same time more effective than chemotherapy and treatments for
heart problems like angioplasty and bypass operations.
But before you buy our SPET equipment, we invite you to visit us to see it and
how it works, and you can also hear actual testimonies of patients going there for
therapy. You will be much welcome.
To contact:

0907 8130 224 (Michael).

The left picture was taken from one of the clients of Aviso
S.P.E.T. machine for their family use. For this family, our very
Giving emphasis to: Prevention Is Better Than Cure.

Water who ordered a

concern is their health!

S.P.E.T. which is based on clean & healing energy can contribute a

well as cure.

lot for prevention as

For request to order, or to see the SPET machine and have free trial,

kindly PM me @

God will bless those who do their part to choose clean energy such
just as he allowed us to reap diseases and environment destruction
dirty energy such as radiation and gasoline.

as solar and S.P.E.T,

when we chose the

P.S. We encourage everyone, especially those in the rural areas where it is still
more possible, to spend time barefoot (Bisaya: magtiniil, either walking or stationary),
to remove all rubber slippers or shoes from their feet and allow the feet to draw
electrons direct from mother Earth (ground) and best of all, also to allow the sun to
touch our head and supply the photons (positive energy). This is the natural way, the
way of the Kingdom of God.
Under abnormal and severe lack of these natural supply of photons and
electrons, we, at AVISO, assist you to obtain the same clean energy through our SPET
technology. This is not artificial because we provide you the same pure, clean energy
which you can no longer obtain through the traditional means because most of the
day, your feet are covered with rubbers and your head is covered and disconnected
from the sun.
We are then glad to serve you your needs.

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