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Prior to Beginning Research

chosen a topic of interest

identified a GOAL that is achievable and challenging

Topic of Interest: Cricket, Teaching Cricket (The Project Name

will change soon)- This Idea revolves around the sport of Cricket,
which is a open-air game played on large grass field between
two teams of eleven players with balls, bats and two wickets on
each opposite side on the cricket pitch, the objective being to
score more runs than then opposition team (in order to win the
game). This will be very helpful among individuals that find the
sport of cricket is long and tedious, because it will unleash new
colors in Cricket and will get them interested. With completing
all my research, I will use this topic of Teaching Cricket, to create
a website that encompasses several different things related to
the basics of cricket, such as an introduction to the sport, videos
(to present basic of cricket such as, batting, bowling, fielding
and running), tutorials, drills and much that will create more
interest. This definitely interest me as my favorite sport since a
young child was cricket and I have always been happy to share
this passion with others. Videos and Websites are something
new, I will be using these forms of presentation because it has
always been I challenge for me, so this is something that I am
going to try new, making my presentation visual yet engaging.

Clear Goal: My main goal is to create a website that

encompasses several different things related to the basics of
cricket, such as an introduction to the sport, videos (to present
basic of cricket such as, batting, bowling, fielding and running),
tutorials and drills. I feel through the guidance I present
throughout the website I will not only be engaging the Target
Market but will also educate them about the small things that
could effect them beneficially in the sport of cricket.

chosen a GLOBAL CONTEXT to help you focus your project

Clear Global Context: At the beginning I thought this project

would be based on the Global Context focus of Personal and
Cultural Expression. Although when looking at it with Mr. Jason

Tiefel we had seen that this project fit more towards the Global
Context of Scientific and Technical Innovation. I had strongly
agreed with him because it had a clear connection with the
strand of the impact of scientific and technological advances on
communities and environments.

decided what the product or outcome of your project will be

Product or Outcome: With completing all my research, I will

use this topic of Teaching Cricket, to create a website that
encompasses several different things related to the basics of
cricket, such as an introduction to the sport, videos (to present
basic of cricket such as, batting, bowling, fielding and running),
tutorials, drills and much that will create more interest. This
definitely interest me as my favorite sport since a young child
was cricket and I have always been happy to share this passion
with others. Videos and Websites are something new, I will be
using these forms of presentation because it has always been I
challenge for me, so this is something that I am going to try
new, making my presentation visual yet engaging.

Student Guide: Personal Project- Investigation Research

1. Identify prior learning and subject specific knowledge. Ask: What
do I already know and understand about this topic?
2. Think about what you need to learn in order to achieve your goal and
to create your product/outcome. Ask: What do I need to know?
3. Identify where you could look for information you need. Remember:
you need variety as well as a range of sources.
o Survey data
o Websites
o Video (eg TED talk, You Tube, documentary)
o Audio recordings (eg interviews, podcasts)
o Books
o Blogs
o Museums and galleries
o Maps
o Newspapers (print and online)
o Images
o Magazines & journals (print and online)
o Significant people
o Encyclopedia (print and online)
4. Start collecting information. Remember: you need to evaluate each
source to show that it is reliable. You need to consider factors such as:
o Credibility of the author
o Currency
o Accuracy
o Relevance
o Intended audience
o Objectivity of the source
5. Once you know the source is reliable, record the relevant information
in your process journal. Make sure you explain how you could use that

You will need to apply information throughout the project as you decide what
actions to take and when, and as you keep records in your process journal.
You must make sure that you record your decision-making that has been
based on information from sources. Be aware of connections you make
between your prior knowledge and new knowledge to help you in unfamiliar
situations and to identify solutions to problems.

Personal Project- Investigation Research

Identify prior learning and subject specific knowledge. Ask: What do I

already know and understand about this topic?
Think about what you need to learn in order to achieve your goal and to
create your product/outcome. Ask: What do I need to know?
List of all research questions:
1. How to teach a sport successfully?
2. How to keep a high level of energy flowing throughout a class?
3. What are the basic batting skills required to be taught to a learner in
4. What are the basic fielding skills required to be taught to a learner in
5. What are the basics of balling required to be taught to a learner in
6. What drills and techniques can be implemented to aid development in
basics of cricket skills?
7. How to make a good and easily accessible website?
8. How to create well edited videos using IMovie?
Identify where you could look for information you need. Remember: you need
variety as well as a range of sources.
o Survey data
o Websites
o Video (eg TED talk, You Tube, documentary)
o Audio recordings (eg interviews, podcasts)
o Books
o Blogs
o Museums and galleries
o Maps
o Newspapers (print and online)
o Images
o Magazines & journals (print and online)


Significant people
Encyclopedia (print and online)

Research Questions
Organized in Order of
1. How to teach a

2. What are the

basic batting skills
required to be
taught to a learner
in cricket?

3. What are the

basic fielding skills
required to be
taught to a learner
in cricket?

4. What are the

basics of balling
required to be
taught to a learner
in cricket?

5. What drills and

techniques can be
implemented to
aid development
in basics of cricket

6. How to keep a
high level of
energy flowing
throughout a

Resources Used
(Remember: you need
variety as well as a
range of sources.)
Websites, Videos,
Significant People,
Magazines and Journals
(print and online) and
Encyclopedia (print and
Audio recordings (eg
interviews, podcasts),
Websites, Videos,
Significant People,
Magazines and Journals
(print and online) and
Encyclopedia (print and
Audio recordings (eg
interviews, podcasts),
Websites, Videos,
Significant People,
Magazines and Journals
(print and online) and
Encyclopedia (print and
Audio recordings (eg
interviews, podcasts),
Websites, Videos,
Significant People,
Magazines and Journals
(print and online) and
Encyclopedia (print and
Images, Blogs, Audio
recordings (eg
interviews, podcasts),
Websites, Videos,
Significant People,
Magazines and Journals
(print and online) and
Encyclopedia (print and
Book, Survey Data,
Website, Video (eg TED
talk, You Tube,
documentary), Expertise


Help (Meeting Teachers

at School for Help),
Blogs and Magazines
(print and online)

7. How to make a
good and easily
8. How to create well
edited videos
using IMovie?

Assistance Program on
Weebly, Websites,
Books, Audio recordings
(eg interviews,
podcasts) and Blogs
Book, Survey Data,
Website, Video (eg TED
talk, You Tube,
documentary), Expertise
Help (Meeting Teachers
at School for Help),
Blogs and Magazines
(print and online)

1. How to teach a sport successfully? Secondary Source

o In sports, coaches usually break down the main skills in the
selective sport to minor drills and skills, these known as
component skills and these are then taught. The way to
technically approach sports was developed after World War,
which was that the individuals taught skills isolated from the
game and then the skills and the game were put together to
allow the students or trainees to have a real-life
application. Although the drills, shared by the coaches in
this case should be somewhat related to game play or the
real-life application to aid the children in responding with
the right attitude to different circumstances experienced
during the period of gameplay.

This traditional approach usually starts with the question,

How is this skill performed? and then coaches focus on
teaching the skills of the fame before putting the skills into
practice. This pressures participants to pay attention to the
technique during the session rather than having joy in being
active. This approach usually emphasizes on the correction in
the movement patterns of certain drills, although the reality
is that there are a majority of children who wish and have
fun. This suggests that the excessive emphasis on the
technicality requirements tend to immensely low the
motivation and enjoyment.

Works Cited
rocesses/teaching_games_for_understanding (Website)
hp (Website)

2. How to keep a high level of energy flowing throughout a class?Secondary Source

o Classroom participation is a feature of many course designs.
It can result in insightful comments and interesting
connections being made by students, and can foster a high
level of energy and enthusiasm in the classroom learning
environment. However, poorly managed participation can
also lead to instructor frustration and student
confusion. Below are strategies to consider using to make
your classroom participation more effective.

Be clear with your definition and intention.

Participation is often equated with discussion, which
typically involves a lengthy conversation with the
whole class. However, participation can also include
short exchanges between instructors and students, or
within small groups of students. If you include
participation in your roster of assessments, you need
to clearly communicate to your students what it will
entail and why you are including a participation
component. Do see participation as the outcome of
student preparation? Are you interested in the quality
of contributions or quantity? Does participation enable
students to take risks and make errors as part of their
learning? Does it increase their exposure to other ways
of thinking? Does it enable them to demonstrate and
develop their communication skills? Is it possible for a
student to participate too much?

Seek consensus. While you can independently

prepare a rubric that explains how you will assess
participation, you may find that students will
participate more enthusiastically if you ask them to
help define what constitutes effective participation and
then ask them to develop a rubric with you. Bean &
Peterson (1998) suggest asking students to identify
features of effective discussions they have
experienced in the past, including the behaviours and
roles of both the students and the instructor.


3. What are the basic batting skills required to be taught to a learner in
cricket?-Secondary and Primary Source
a. Gripping the bat:
i. The grip principles are the same for right and lefthanders. For a right-hander the left hand should be at
the top of the handle - vice versa for a left-hander. Check
both your hands are fairly close together on the bat,
towards the top of the handle. Form a "V" by pointing your
thumb and forefinger down between outside edge and
centre of back of bat. The top hand rests comfortably on
the inside of the front thigh (left thigh for a right hander).
And the back of the top hand should face towards extra
b. Stance:
i. The stance is the "ready" position when the
batsman is about to face a delivery. It is the base to
play all your shots, so remember to be comfortable and
relaxed. Points to remember: The feet should be
approximately a foot length apart either side or on the
popping crease The weight of the batsman should be on
the balls of their feet, with the knees slightly bent. This
means they can transfer quickly to either their front or
back foot depending on the length of the ball The
batsman should be side on when the bowler is about to
deliver Some batsmen prefer to open their stance to help
them see the ball clearer.
c. Here's how to... get the correct backlift and step Backlift:
i. Most batsmen will raise their bat as the bowler
approaches. Taking the bat back and stepping to the ball
sets the batsman up for playing the correct shot properly.
The bat is taken back towards the stumps and at the top
of the backlift the face should open towards second slip.
The front shoulder should roll down as the bat is lifted,
with the head kept as still as possible. Keep the hands
close to the back hip, so that toe of the bat is at around
shoulder height. Ensure any movement forward or back is
completed before the downswing of the bat begins.
Work Cited:

4. What are the basic fielding skills required to be taught to a learner in

Here is your one-stop for cricket fielding drills.
These drills are the fastest way to improve your essential cricket fielding
skills. There is nowhere with a more comprehensive set of free fielding
drills than here on PitchVision Academy.
Below you will find cricket fielding drills for all aspects of the game:
Stopping, throwing and catching, infield and outfield. These drills are
hard tested in the real world with cricketers across a range of skills and
experience. So, whether you are a total beginner, a professional
cricketer, or somewhere in-between you will find something that you can
use right away.
This is a free resource for cricket coaches and players on a mission to
improve their fielding. Here are the fielding drills:
Stopping Drills
These drills improve your ability to stop the ball travelling along the
ground effi ciently.

Keep on Moving (Stop, throw, backup)

Long barrier

Stopper in the middle

In goal diving

Fielding circle

Attackers vs. defenders (pressure game)

Court Ball

Pickup, backup and return

Boundary Stopping

Colin Bland's Game

The pickup shuttle (agility development)

World-Class Nicker
Underarm Throw Drills
When you are looking to quickly hit the stumps from close in, an
underarm throw is the skill to drill. These drills make underarm throwing

Winner takes all

Underarm throw and backup

Two Ball Game

Underarm Relay

Underarm Fitness

Three Ball Relay

Fast Feet

Double Underarm Race

Overarm Throw Drills
Overarm throwing is a marquee skill: Improving power and accuracy is
vital to how a fielder performs, and how a team looks. Theses fielding
drills are all about developing the skill:

Duck Shoot

Bobble Target Game

Run Them Out

Back Them Up

Chase and Return

PitchVision fielding - Hit the stumps

Take on me (with running between the wickets skills)

Hunt in packs

Introduction to 360 Degree Fielding

Advanced 360 Degree Fielding

How to Have a Bullet Throw

Non-Throwing Side
High Catching Drills

High Catch Warm-Up

Decision Maker

High catching fitness

Over the shoulder number

Catcher in the middle

Square Catching

Sprint and Throw

Front and Back

Monster Machine Gun

The Starting Station

Close Catching Drills

Slip catching nicks

Catching competition

Close catching relay game

Double slip cordon

Catching ladder

Funky Catching Area

Fielding Drill Games
This section is less about closed cricket skill drills and more about open
ended games and situations where you can test your abilities under
pressure or for fitness reasons.

Pre-match Skill Warm Up

3 Skill Relay (underarm, overarm, catch)

Run out chance

4 Stump warm up

3 Stump game

Semi-circle cricket (includes running between the wickets)

Ball sprints (acceleration development)

Rob the Nest (speed and agility)

How to use cricket fielding drills
These drills are great, but to get the best from them you need to get
some context too. That means understanding when and how to
incorporate them into practice sessions.
There is no best time to do fielding drills, most coaches will put them in
as part of a warm up or extended warm up into skill work at the sttat of
a session. That's a great idea if you need to work on fielding while fresh
and focused. Plus, it's good for those players who find fielding a chore to
"get it done" before they sneak away after having a net.
However, its also just as valid to use drills later in practice. They can
break up a session, give batters and bowlers something to do during
downtime. Just be sure you know the dangers.

On top of this, it's important to know why you are doing a drill. Is it for
skill development, honing technique, fitness, fielding under pressure or
something else? If the drill doesn't fit your needs, do another.
Finally, try and keep fielding drills short and focused. Drills that go on
for too long end up becoming dull and not developing skills. It's better to
do a fielding drill for five minutes and get a little better than to try and
do it for 20 minutes to get a lot better. It doesn't work like that!
Work Cited:
5. What are the basics of balling required to be taught to a learner in
a. Bowling comes in two categories: either fast or spin (slow)
bowling. The videos and drills below show the technique
required to do both types of bowling. Fast bowlers aim to get the
ball to the batsman as quick as possible and have a longer run
up. Fast bowling aims to either swing the ball toward (inswing) or
away (outswing) from the batsman while it is in the air, bounce
off the ball's seam to make it move when it hits the pitch, land
the ball half way up the wicket (a bouncer) or at the batsman's
feet (a yorker). Slow bowlers look to put as much rotation on the
ball as possible to make it move off the pitch toward the bowler
(off-spin) or away (leg-spin). A spin bowler will try to vary their
speed and how the ball arrives (its flight) to the batsman.
Depending on the amount of spin the ball can move in the air,
known as drift. Click the link below to view several different
Works Cited:
6. What drills and techniques can be implemented to aid development in
basics of cricket skills?
a. Batting is a difficult cricket skill made more difficult by the
pressure of having one chance before your innings is over. It's
important to get it right because your mistakes are so punished.
That's why you need to know how to bat technically, tactically
and mentally if you want to be a good batsman. Batsman come
in all different varieties and develop their own techniques and
methods to compile their own individual textbook based on flair,
technique, tactics and ability under pressure. This complete
guide outlines the skills needed to develop and progress all
aspects of your batting.

Works Cited:

7. How to make a good and easily accessible website?
a. Strong and clear message- Your website is your best chance to
make a lasting impression to your customers. What is the first
thing visitors see when they come to your website? Do they
understand your sites purpose? In order to have a successful
and engaging website, it should have a simple and clear
message that all visitors can understand. The best way to
communicate your websites purpose is through a clear message
on your homepage. This will also help search engines categorize
your website for appropriate keywords and phrases. If you are
building your website with Yola, you may want to review this
article. Think about what your website does or what you want it
to do. What products or services do you offer? Then, on your
homepage clearly display that message in your content. Many
websites online fail to communicate the essence of their website
to customers on their homepage and, thereby, lose valuable
leads and sales. Your website is often a potential customers first
impression of your business. Make it count.
Works Cited:
8. How to create well edited videos using IMovie?
a. iMovie is Apple's entry-level editing program, and works well for
quick, straight-forward editing tasks. The essential process is
importing clips and then arranging them in a sequence. Follow
the tips below to get started with the software available in the
Health Sciences Library's Media Studio. Schedule
a consultation with our Library multimedia experts for
specialized one-on-one help with your video editing project,
or Ask Rover if you have questions while working on your project
in the Library.
Works Cited:
6. Start collecting information. Remember: you need to evaluate each
source to show that it is reliable. You need to consider factors such as:
o Credibility of the author (Origin)
o Currency (Origin)
o Accuracy (Origin)
o Relevance (Value)
o Intended audience (Purpose)
o Objectivity of the source (Limitations)






games for

This sources
comes from
an Australian
The author
for this
information is
Shane Pill,
who had
from Flinders
School of
and is the
President of
Council for

The Purpose of this

source is to
methods and
approaches for
teachers who
would like to excel
in a physical
education and
health course. The
Author is the
president of the
Australian Council
of Health, Shane
Pill. This
information is past
on as an opinion,
although the
opinion is objective
or impartial in
anyway as it
doesnt look at

This Source is useful

as it share methods
and techniques of
how to share teach
skills and drills in
sport. This can be
applied to my project
as in my project, I
would like to
successfully Teach
the sport of Cricket
and this can help me
with it. I have
verified this
information with
another sources and
the information from
both show a clear

This source is considered

to be reliable as it comes
from an Australian
government Website called
Ausport and the author is
Shane Pill, who had
received knowledge from
Flinders University School
of Education and is the
President of the Australian
Council for Health, Physical
Education and Recreation.
There arent much
personal biases in this
sources. Although the
opinion can clearly be seen
to be objective as it looks
at the topic at an overall
stance and isnt heavily
opinion based.


This makes
this source
because of
the authority
behind the
website is
well known in
the field of
and health.

Teach PE,

The Source
comes from
Teach PE
which is a
website that
gives you
on teaching
methods of
This website
looks at
methods and
types of
practices to
work on
This source
published on
2016 and
there arent
any authors
as this had
completed by
the Teach

The purpose of this

website is to break
down information
that is necessary
when learning a
sport, this is
broken- down to
methods required
to follow when
needed to learn a
sport. The point of
view in this is seen
to be objective as
it looks at the
project as a whole.

This source is very

useful as it helps
give me a better
understanding of
how to follow on with
my training and
methodology to
carry on with
teaching a sport.
Although the
information provided
on my webpage is
not referred to any
other sources. The
information on the
site can be verified
as there is another
source which
provides similar

This source is pretty

reliable as it has been
written by a very reputable
company named Teach
PE, who excel in this
information. The opinion is
very objective as it looks at
the topic as a whole rather
than in the companys


This source
comes from
University of
Waterloo and
looks at how
to promote
The date of
when this
data was
publish is
very unclear
seems to be
very reliable.
The Publisher
of this article
is the
University of

The Purpose of this

information is to
help educate
teacher by helping
them at
participation within
situations. The
Perspective the
author is trying to
convey is objective
as it is backed up
with several
sources. The
information is very

This source is useful

because it helps me
learn the skill of
promoting people to
participate on my
website, being
referred and verified
by many website this
makes this site
reliable in providing
this information.

This source is pretty

reliable as it has been
written by the University of
Waterloo, which gives it a
good authority as this
university focuses a lot on
public research. This
information has been
backed up from reliable
sources, hence

This Source
comes from
called Pitch
Vision, a
who served
to educate
about key
concepts in
cricket. The
date for
when this
article was
was in 2014,
making it
reliable and
somewhat up
to date. The
author has
this under
the name of

The Purpose of the

information is to
inform key
concepts in cricket
to people who are
interested into
learning cricket.

This is useful as this

source provides a lot
of knowledge about
cricket drills. This
can be applied to my
project, as I will be
teaching cricket.
While verifying this
with another source,
I had found this
information to be
very reliable

This source is reliable

because when verifying the
information provided with
other sources, I had
received similar

Yola, What
makes a

This source is
provided by
an online
which helps
with making
a useful
website for
This blog
post was
posted in the
year of 2013,
which can be
seen to be
recent, hence
reliable. The
author is

The Purpose of this

source is to
information that is
relevant to making
a website. The
perspective the
author is trying to
convey is an
objective view of
the topic by
providing facts.

This is valuable for

my final product as I
will be making a
website, and it is
very smart to be
aware of this
information in
advance to make
right choices and to
choose a right path.

This source is reliable as it

shows an objective
viewpoint of how to make
websites rather than being
very subjective and
opinionated in a way.

7. Once you know the source is reliable, record the relevant information
in your process journal. Make sure you explain how you could use that
You will need to apply information throughout the project as you decide what
actions to take and when, and as you keep records in your process journal.
You must make sure that you record your decision-making that has been
based on information from sources. Be aware of connections you make
between your prior knowledge and new knowledge to help you in unfamiliar
situations and to identify solutions to problems.

Works Cited
BBC News. BBC, 06 Sept. 2005. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.
"Cricket: Fast and Spin Bowling Drills." N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.
"Cricket Fielding Drills." PitchVision Academy. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.
"Interactive Education." Interactive Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.

"Promoting Effective Classroom Participation." Centre for Teaching Excellence. N.p., 07 Nov.
2012. Web. 30 Aug. 2015. <>.
"Sports Coach :: Teaching Games for Understanding." Sports Coach :: Teaching Games for
Understanding. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.
"Teaching Methods." Teaching Methods. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.
"What Makes a Good Website." Yola. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.

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