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The Home Solar Panel

Buyers Manual
This book is written for you, the solar panel buyer. The goal is to put
all the starter information on buying solar panels for your home in
one place. Its divided into short sections, so you can nd what youre
after, when you need it. I hope you nd it useful.

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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot

The Home Solar Panel Buyers Manual

Whats In This Manual?
How to choose a good solar energy system
The different types of solar energy systems
The advantages and disadvantages of each type of solar energy system
What to look for when choosing a solar panel system
How to maximize your solar investment

Payback Time

Where to go to nd information on costing and installing solar power

Solar Rebates

Where to go to get solar energy rebates

Maintanence & Before You Buy

Solar Buyers Checklist
page 2

This book is written for you, the solar panel buyer. Its divided into
sections, each covering a part of the process of choosing a solar panel.

How to choose a solar panel installer

How to maintain your solar panel system
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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot

What is Solar Energy?

It is important that you understand exactly what solar energy is. Wikipedia denes solar energy
as: energy from the sun in the form of heat and light.
When you use the term solar energy, you are actually referring to two different types of energy:
heat and light.
Each type of solar panel is designed to work either with the suns heat, or the suns light.
For homeowners today, there are two types of solar panels. These are solar electric (otherwise
known as photovoltaic.) Solar electric panels work with the suns light. Solar electric panels
create electricity from the suns light that can be used to power your appliances lights, fridge,
And there are solar hot water panels. Solar hot water panels use the suns heat to heat the
water for your shower, kitchen, etc.

Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy

Here is a description of the mechanics of how photovoltaics work

And another article on photovoltaics.

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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time

Types of Solar Electric Panels

SOLAR PANELS (AKA PHOTOVOLTAICS) For most home the panels normally used are silicon. This
technology has been around for the last 50 years. And while efciency has certainly improved, the way these
panels work has not really changed.
SOLAR TILES These are simply solar panels, but come in a much more integrated form. Instead of panels that
sit on top of your roof, solar tiles are integrated into the roong as actual tiles.
Tiles are slightly less efcient than panels, so you need more of them to produce power. However, they do the
job of roong as well as energy production. This can make them a very cost effective option, especially if your
house needs re-roong.
Whats in a Solar Electric Panel System?
This depends what type of solar panel system you have. The next section explains each type of solar panel
Its important to note here that the actual solar panels themselves only make up about 50% of the cost of the
whole system. The rest of the cost comes from the other components explained in the section below.

Solar Rebates
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Solar Buyers Checklist
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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 5

Solar Panel System Components

SOLAR PANELS These come in different shapes and sizes (see section types of solar panels) but they all do
the same thing turn sunlight into DC electricity.
INVERTER The inverter turns DC electricity from your solar panels into AC electricity.
DC stands for Direct Current electricity. Grid power and your house appliances run on AC
So once the solar panels have made DC electricity this needs to be turned in AC with an inverter.
There are many types of inverters. However, if you have a grid-tied system, you will need to have a true-sine
wave inverter.
CHARGE CONTROLLER This is only needed if you have batteries. A charge controller regulates the voltage
and current coming from the solar panels going to the battery. They also stop your batteries from getting
overcharged and a reverse ow from your batteries to your solar panels during the night.
NET METERING This is an electric meter that can spin backwards. This allows you to sell power back to
the grid. Sometimes power companies require you to install a separate meter for your solar power system.
This is because some meters are unable to run backwards. This is what your meter will do when you are
producing more solar energy than you are using.
CIRCUIT BREAKER / DISCONNECT This is a safety feature it is used to disconnect your solar panels from
your house electrical system and the power grid. This is necessary for maintenance work both on your home
and on the main power grid. For instance, when there is a power outage, you need to be able stop the solar
power from owing into the main power grid for the safety of the maintenance team.
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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels

NB. Off grid houses can be wired for DC power. This eliminates the need for an inverter (except for some
appliances that arent made to work with DC power. There arent many DC sound systems for example.) The
advantage with keeping your power DC is that you wont lose power through converting it to AC. Typically,
converting DC to AC will mean 6% power loss.

Types of Solar Panel Systems

SYSTEM 1. GRID TIED Components: Solar Panels, Inverter, Net Meter, Circuit Breaker
Grid tied systems work by connecting your solar energy to the electricity grid. You generate solar
power and sell the excess power back to the grid.

Types of Solar Systems

The advantages of this
system is that it is cost
effective and you can
sell your power when
you arent using it. The
disadvantages are that you
cannot store your solar

Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot

Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 6

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So if there is a power cut,

you will only have power if it is sunny outside and

your solar panels are making power.
What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot


Components: Solar Panels, Inverter, Circuit Breaker, Batteries, Charge Controller, Backup Power
Off grid systems mean you are not connected to the grid you live in a remote area. These systems are more
expensive as you will need
storage for your power in
the form of batteries. Off
grid systems also require a
backup power source. You
will need backup power if
you have many rainy days
in a row that use up your
stored battery power.
Backup power can also be
useful for unexpected heavy
power usage for instance
if you have many people to
stay at one time.

Payback Time
Solar Rebates
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Solar Buyers Checklist
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Components: Solar Panels, Inverter, Circuit Breaker, Batteries, Charge Controller, Backup Power, Net Metering

What is Solar Electric Energy

The grid tied with batteries system is when you are connected to the grid and you have batteries to store your
solar energy.
This is a system where you get the
advantage of selling excess power
to the grid. You also have emergency
backup power for when the grid goes

Types of Solar Panels

Types of Solar Systems

If you live off the grid solar panels

are usually a better investment than
power cabling to connect to the grid.
As a rule thumb if you live more than
1 mile away from the grid, the cost of
connection will be about the same as
the cost of a solar system.

Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot

Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 8

Deciding the Best Type of System for

Your Home

A solar system gives you free power, unlike the grid, where you are paying for power by the watt.
If you live on the grid there is one thing to consider do you get frequent power cuts? If you do get frequent
Solar Trading Post LLC 2008

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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy

power cuts, then a grid tied system with batteries will provide emergency backup power for when the grid is
Otherwise, a grid tied system will give you the benets of solar energy and bill savings, without the added
expense of batteries. Batteries add approximately 20-30% onto the cost of a grid tied system.

Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot Water

There are two things to consider when choosing between solar hot water and solar electric panels climate
and payback time.
Solar electric panels tend to have a longer payback time. On the other hand, they last longer than solar hot
water panels. Solar electric panels are often warrantied for 25 years, but they have been known to continue
working for 40 years, with less than a 20% drop in energy production.
If you live in a hot and sunny climate, solar hot water is considered an excellent investment. It can break even
in 3-8 years, and in some climates will supply 70% of your winter hot water needs and 90% of your summer
Solar hot water is less expensive that solar electric, and can work even in states with colder climates. For
example, many solar hot water panels have been successfully installed in New York, New Jersey and Canada,
all places where it snows in winter.
Solar electric panels work slightly better in cold and sunny climates. As they are harvesting sunlight energy
rather than heat, low temperatures are not a problem.
The advantage of solar electric is that it not only supplies you power, you can sell excess power back to the

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grid. The peak production time for solar panels is from 10 3pm. This is when most people are out of the

What is Solar Electric Energy

Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 10

During this time, your solar panels are producing energy that isnt being used if youre out, the lights are off,
appliances arent running. So this excess power can be sold back to the grid. If you have batteries, this power
can then charge your batteries.
You could also invest in solar hot water and solar electric. If you are building a new house, this may prove very
cost effective.

Solar Hot Water vs. Solar Electric Comparison Table

Sell Power back to the Grid
Payback Time
Inexhaustible Power Source
You have Control over Price of
Increases Value of Your Home
Life Length of Solar Panel
Clean Green Energy
Reliable Source of Energy
Upfront Cost
Tax Rebates Available

Solar Electric / Photovoltaic

8-20 Years

Solar Hot Water

3-8 Years
Only for Hot Water Prices

25-40 years
Depends on Sunlight

10-15 Years
Depends on Sunlight

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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 11

Sizing Your Solar Electric System

You can also invest in solar hot water and solar electric. If you are building a new house, this may prove very
cost effective.
Solar Electric Panels are sized in kW. A 1kW system will output approximately 1kW per hour on a sunny day.
Due to small losses in power from the inverter and other inefciencies, a 1kW system will put out about 0.7kW
per hour.
This video shows a simple way to size a solar power system.
There is no exact correlation between the size of the system and the payback time. If you have a larger system
it will be more expensive. However, it will also supply you with more electricity, thus saving you more off your
power bill.
Therefore, a smaller solar system and a larger system will have approximately the same payback time.
However, once it is paid off, your larger solar panel system will save you more money. This means it has a
greater return on investment.
The amount of power you use effects the size and cost of your solar system. For example, if you use 200kW a
month, a 4kW system will take care of most of your needs, depending on where you live.
If you live in California, you have on average 5.5 usable sunshine hours a day.
(Usable sunshine is measured by kW/m2 per day. This is called solar insolation. To nd how much solar
Solar Trading Post LLC 2008

Solar Trading Post

What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy

insolation you have, you can check this solar insolation map.)
So your 4kW system will make more power if you live in California. If you live in New Jersey, you have on
average 4.25 usable sunshine hours per day. So this same 4kW system will make less power.

Costing Your Solar Electric System

There are several factors controlling the cost of your system.The size of your house means
absolutely nothing.
What does matter are the factors listed below.
Cost Factors that you dont control:
What state you are in (for rebates and tax incentives)
How much sun you get per day
Cost Factors that you control:
Size of system - the bigger the size, the more expensive the system
Type of System - Off Grid, Grid Tied, Grid Tied with Batteries
How much power you use

The size of your house means absolutely nothing

An important part of costing is gathering several quotes for a job. This can be as simple as phoning several
installers (most installers will do a free site evaluation and quote.)

Solar Buyers Checklist

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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 13

Choosing a Solar Installer

There are two ways to install a solar system you pay someone to do it, or you install it yourself.
Unless you are a registered electrician and have solar experience, we recommend paying a
qualied installer to install your solar panels.
The reasons for this are threefold:
Most councils require the electrics to be certied this means the work must be done by a certied installer.
Many of the rebates can only be claimed by people who have had their system
installed by a qualied installer.
Solar panel suppliers often require a certied installer as well. Depending on the small print in the guarantee,
doing the installation yourself can sometimes void the guarantee.
For solar panels to work at maximum efciency, there are many factors that need to be taken into account.
Having a competent solar installer for your system means that youre more likely to get your solar panels
working at optimum efciency thus saving you more money.
When selecting an installer there are several things to take into account. Collect several quotes to make sure
you are getting a good deal. Make sure that your installer has had previous experience with solar systems.
There are several organizations that certify solar panel installers.
Heres one place to start looking for a solar installer:
Find Solar - Directory of Pre-Screened Solar Professionals
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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels

Payback of Your Solar Electric System

The payback time is the amount of time it takes after you bought a solar system for it to start making you
money. This is generally thought of as:
Cost of System / Yearly Savings off your bill = Payback Time

Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy

In other words, once your solar panel system has saved you more off your power bills than it cost you to buy
it, its payback time is over. Each time the sun shines, youre literally making money.
These are the factors that affect your solar system payback time:


PRICE OF SYSTEM This is covered in the section above. However, you can certainly look for a
good deal on solar energy systems. The less you pay, the shorter the payback time. Its still important to
make sure that you are buying quality, backed by a guarantee.


YOUR POWER BILL If youre being charged an expensive rate for your power, your payback
time will be shorter. The way to work out your power rate is in $/kW. On each power bill, there is a
monthly amount for kW used.

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Take this amount, and divide it by your power bill minus the xed rates. (Fixed rates are
what you pay the power company anyway, regardless of how much power youre using.)
This will give you your power rate.
The average cost for electricity in America is $0.10 per kW.
What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 15


ENERGY PRICES This you cant control, however, the faster energy prices rise, the quicker
your solar panels will pay themselves off. This is because your solar system will save you more
money off your power bill. Your solar panels make the same amount of energy, but this energy is more
expensive. Therefore, you spend less on expensive power.


YOUR HOUSE VALUE Studies have shown that solar panels add to the value of your
house. This value added is approximately 15 times the yearly power bill savings. Heres one such study
Oregon Realtors - Solar Value Added to House Resale
For example, if your solar system saves you $500 in the rst year, the system has added about $7500 to
the value to your house.
For solar electric panel payback time, go and check this Solar Calculator thatll give you an estimate
of payback time.

Heres another Solar Calculator you

might want to have a look at.
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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 16

NB. its important to realize that values from the Solar Calculator are estimates of payback time, and cost.
When installing solar, its recommended to get a professional costing because there are so many variables that
affect your solar panel performance.


WARRANTY When selecting a solar supplier, make sure that you are getting a suitable
length of warranty for the solar system. Solar electric systems should be warrantied for 20-25 years.
Inverters can also be warrantied for 2-5 years.
The reason why a warranty is so important is that solar panels are a long term investment. By having
a longer warranty, you are guaranteeing that you will get your return on investment.

Rebates Available
Each state provides rebates and cash incentives. Some states provide greater benets than others. Most
rebates can only be applied for after you have installed your solar system. Some rebates allow you to claim tax
rebates from the state for several years after installation of your solar system.
There is also a federal rebate you get 30% off the price of your solar system in tax rebates. The maximum
amount you can get is $2000. And if you install a solar electric system and a solar hot water system, you can
claim for both of these systems separately.
This rebate is available to everyone who installs a solar system. One thing to know though, is that most other
rebates come on a rst come, rst served basis. Each year, a certain amount of money is allocated to give to
people claiming the rebate. Once that amount is reached, either the rebate amount is less, or the rebate is no
longer available.
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What is Solar Electric Energy
Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy

Solar Panel Maintenance

POWER OUTPUT For solar panels, you want to check every few months for drops in productivity. You can do
this simply by keeping track of your power bills.
ROOF PENETRATIONS Check the ashing and sealing around roof penetrations.
DUST AND LEAVES 2-3 times a year, give your solar panels a hose down. If they are dusty or dirty, their
performance will drop.
SHADING If there are trees around your house, check that they arent shading your panels. Shade on your
panels will reduce their performance and power output.

Before You Buy - Optimizing Your House

You can reduce your energy demand by taking a few simple steps.
LIGHTBULBS Replace your regular incandescent light bulbs with a compact uorescent light bulb (CFL.)
Compact Fluorescents use about 60% less energy than a regular bulb.
By simply using this bulb in place of a regular household bulb, you can save up to $60 per bulb in the costs of
energy over the course of the bulbs life.

Solar Buyers Checklist

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Heres a site the calculates your savings per year for doing the switch:
Light Bulbs America

What is Solar Electric Energy

Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot

ENERGY EFFICIENT APPLIANCES One way to check for this is the energy star rating system. Heres a USA
government website where you can nd energy efcient appliances:
You can also look for the energy star logo on appliances in stores.
Appliances with this sticker have met the energy efciency guidelines set by the EPA and US Department of
PASSIVE SOLAR DESIGN If you are building a house, design for passive solar heat gains. Heres an article on
solar house plans describing the principles behind this.
INSULATION This cuts down on heat losses and your heating bill. Many states have grants in place for
improving your houses energy efciency. Some programs will even put extra insulation into your house for
free. Check for details. Look up energy efciency rebates.

Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy
Solar Buyers Checklist
page 18

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Solar Buyers Checklist (USA)

What is Solar Electric Energy

Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates

This is a quick checklist to ll out before contacting with solar power installers and suppliers.
Check that part of your roof that faces south is unshaded from 9am-4pm. (Actually, facing
south is best practice in the Northern Hemisphere. However, you can get away with 90 each
side of South without too much loss in efciency.)
Make sure that if you are connected to the grid and can have net metering. See DSIREusa
Roof area. The rule of thumb is 100ft2 per kW of solar power. So if you want a 1kW system,
you would need at least 100ft2 of unshaded roof.
Check your annual sunlight. Less sunny states like NYC and NJ have many solar installations.
Solar power can work in less sunny areas as well.
An important thing is to own your own house, or be planning to buy one. Solar panels can
be tted onto existing houses. They are easily integrated into new houses. However, they are a
long term investment and cannot be easily transported. If you dont own your own house, and
want to explore solar energy, then you might want to look at portable solar panels

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Solar Buyers Checklist
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Check that your length of warranty will guarantee your solar power investment 20-25 years
for solar electric panels
Look for competent solar installers in an approved directory a good place to start is:
Find Solar - Directory of Pre-Screened Solar Professionals
What is Solar Electric Energy

Check what rebates are available to you and how to claim them

Types of Solar Panels

Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot
Payback Time
Solar Rebates
Maintanence & Before You Buy

Thank you for taking the time to get educated about solar energy. Id like to personally wish you all the very
best for your solar future.

Solar Buyers Checklist

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What is Solar Electric Energy

Types of Solar Panels
Types of Solar Systems
Solar Electric vs. Solar Hot

DISCLAIMER The information contained in this manual is based on sources and information reasonably believed to be accurate
as of the time it was recorded or created. However, this material deals with topics that are constantly changing and are subject
to ongoing changes related to technology and the market place as well as legal and related compliance issues. Therefore, the
completeness and current accuracy of the materials cannot be guaranteed. These materials do not constitute legal, compliance,
nancial, tax, accounting, or related advice.
The end user of this information should therefore use the contents of this manual and the materials as a general guideline and not as
the ultimate source of current information and when appropriate the user should consult their own accounting, construction or other
Any case studies, examples, illustrations cannot guarantee that the user will achieve similar results. In fact, your results may vary
signicantly and factors such as your climate, house site and many other circumstances may and will cause results to vary.
PRIVACY POLICY I never sell, rent, trade or lend any information about my subscribers to anyone, for any reason, whatsoever. I
assure you that your privacy is respected and well protected.

Payback Time
Solar Rebates
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Solar Buyers Checklist
page 21

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