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Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement

For the letting of furnished residential accommodation under the Housing Act 1988

Name: Athena Asset 6 S.. R.L.

Address: c/o Corporate Residential Management Limited,
Hanborough House, 5 Wallbrook Court, North Hinksey Lane, Botley,
Oxford OX2 0QS


Name: Loay Dasouqi

Home Address: The Green, deWalden Way
Valor, Flat 3, Room 6
Home Tel No:
Mobile Tel No: 447596990862
Email Address:

University / College
Registered Address
Company Registration
Contact Numbers
Residential Period
1st Payment Date
Total Rent Payable

The University of Bradford

Corporate Residential Management Limited
or such other company notified to the Tenant in writing
Hanborough House, 5 Wallbrook Court, North Hinksey Lane, Botley, Oxford
Tel +44 (0)1865 207200 Fax +44 (0)1865 207 234
Arkwright Hall
Arkwright Hall
Tumbling Street
06/09/2014 to 03/07/2015

Rent Instalments
(if applicable)

1st Payment

3,225.00 due on or before 27/08/2014

2nd Payment
3rd Payment
4th Payment
Room Items

Definition for this entry can be found within section 1.12 of this document


Definition for this entry can be found within section 1.6 of this document

Service Areas

Definition for this entry can be found within section 1.7 of this document

Shared Items

Definition for this entry can be found within section 1.11 of this document


The Landlord owns the Development (as defined above).

The Landlord has agreed to grant and the Tenant has agreed to take a tenancy of the Flat/Room
on the terms and for the consideration as set out in this Agreement.

Definitions and Interpretation of this Agreement


Clause headings do not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.


Agreement When using the term Agreement in this document, it is intended to

specifically make reference to this Agreement.


Landlord The owner/s of the property stated on page 1 of this document but also, any
companies that may legally succeed it.


Tenancy The assured shorthold tenancy under Part I of Chapter II of the Housing Act
1988 (as amended by the Housing Act 1996) created by this Agreement.


Management Company The company named on page 1 of this agreement, authorised

and instructed to act on behalf of the Landlord/s in connection with the operation of the
Development and this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, supplies under this
Agreement are made by the Landlord and not the Management Company.


Communal/Shared Areas Those areas such as Lounge/s, Cinema Room/s, Gym, Game
Room/s, Study Room, Laundry and any other such recreational facilities which are
available to and intended for the use of all tenants.


Service Areas Parts of the Development like staircases, entrance halls, paths,
carparks, storage areas, lifts and any other areas which provide resident tenants with
communal access to the building and/or their accommodation and/or any shared
facilities within the Development to which their accommodation is part of.


Residential Period The full period in which the Tenant will reside in the Flat/Room
(expressed on page 1 of this Agreement) and for which they will be contractually
required to pay the Rent (also expressed on page 1 of this Agreement).


Under the terms of this Agreement, the Rent will be payable either:
(a) in full and in advance for the entire Residential Period; or
(b) where applicable and with the presence of a valid Guarantor, by way of the four (4)
instalments detailed on page 1 and clause 3.2 of this Agreement. The total rent due by
the Tenant for the Residential Period shall be equal to the amount of Total Rent Payable
expressed on page 1 of this Agreement.


Emergency A gas leak, fire, flooding and/or any other such occurrence that, if not
addressed immediately and upon discovery, it is likely to cause harm to individuals
and/or serious damage to the Dwelling let under this Agreement and/or the
Development to which the Dwelling is part of.


Shared Items Any contents within the Communal/Shared Areas which are available
for the use of all residents and are supplied by the Landlord/Management Company. By
way of example Shared Items within common spaces are items like soft seating, tables,
chairs, television sets, gaming consoles, desktop terminals. The list provided in this
section is for illustrative purposes and in no way is meant to be an exhaustive list.

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Room Item/Room Contents Any such item that is supplied by the

Landlord/Management Company, is made available for the exclusive use of the Tenant
and is present within the Dwelling rented under this Agreement at the time the Tenant
moves in.


Deposit A sum of money paid by the Tenant at the beginning of the Tenancy and
detailed on page 2 of this Agreement and held during the entire Residential Period as a
security for and to ensure the Tenants compliance with their obligations under this
Agreement. The Deposit taken will be lodged with the Management Company's chosen
scheme administrator of either a custodial or insurance tenancy deposit scheme (as
defined in section 212(2) of the Housing Act 2004) . Details for the scheme can be found
in section five (5) of this Agreement.


Guarantor An individual or an entity that agrees to be responsible for the Tenant's

compliance with any and all of his/her obligations created under this Agreement and
imposed upon the Tenant, whether pecuniary or otherwise, should the Tenant fail to
meet such obligations.


Inventory A document issued by the Management Company (on behalf of the

Landlord) to the Tenant, with a detailed listing of Room Items/Room Contents which are
supplied for the exclusive use by the Tenant for the duration of the Residential Period.


Dwelling The accommodation set out on page 1 including all parts of such
accommodation including the furnishings, fixtures and fittings and internal doors and
glass but excluding any structural or external parts of such accommodation and any
central heating and hot water systems, electrical services for power and lighting,
drainage and water services and any data or phone services . Please note that
accommodation shown on our website constitutes an invitation to treat and not an offer.
A contract will only be formed once the booking process has been completed to the
satisfaction of the Landlord/Management Company and this agreement has been


Development Meaning a single or a group of buildings as described on page 1 of this

agreement, to include its surrounding grounds (if any), to which the Dwelling is part of.


Show Flat A model accommodation created for marketing purposes to illustrate what
a dwelling could look like and is not intended to be a true representation of what the
Dwelling on offer under this Agreement does and/or will look like.


University/College A higher education institution that the Tenant is attending for the
purpose of completing undergraduate or post-graduate qualification as detailed on page
1 of this Agreement.


Student An individual who is enrolled with a higher education institution, at the

University/College, for a course lasting at least 24 weeks in a year and involves on
average at least 21 hours of study per week.


Any provision of this Agreement which is held by any competent authority to be invalid,
void, voidable, unenforceable or unreasonable (in whole or in part) shall to the extent of
such invalidity, voidness, voidability, unenforceability or unreasonableness be deemed
severable and the other provisions of this Agreement and the remainder of such
provision shall not be affected.


The Tenant is jointly and severally liable with other occupiers of the Development for
damage caused to any Communal/Shared Areas in the Development.

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A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as it is in force for the

time being, taking account of any amendment, extension, or re-enactment and includes
any subordinate legislation for the time being in force made under it.


Where the Tenant comprises more than one person, the obligations and liabilities of that
party under this Agreement shall be joint and several obligations.

Grant of Tenancy & Inventory


The Landlord lets the Dwelling to the Tenant for the agreed Residential Period and
grants the right to use, in common with other tenants authorised by the Landlord, the
Shared Items, Communal/Shared Areas and other communal facilities within the


Upon moving into the Dwelling, the Tenant must check that the supplied Inventory is
accurate and must sign and return it to the Management Company within seven (7) days
of moving in. If the Inventory is not signed and returned within the timescale given, it
will be deemed that the Tenant accepts the Inventory to be correct as supplied.


The Tenant understands that any Show Flats viewed prior to entering into this
Agreement, are an indication of the dwellings provided within the Development and are
not a true representation of all accommodation on offer in size, shape and in some cases,
content. They are to be viewed as a guide only.


Any accessories, equipment or decorations in the Show Flat are provided for display
purposes only and are not included as standard in any Dwelling.


The Landlord reserves the right to the free passage and running of water, soil, gas and
electricity through any pipes, cables, wires, drains or sewers passing in or through the

Rent and Other Charges


Where the Tenant pays the rent in full and in advance for the entire Residential Period, they
will not be required to provide a Guarantor.


Should the Tenant require to pay for the rent by way of instalments, they must provide a
bona fide (United Kingdom based) Guarantor. If a valid Guarantor is in place, the rent will be
payable in four (4) equal instalments, whether demanded or not, as set out on page 1 of this
Agreement and as follows:
(a) The Tenant shall pay the 1st Rent instalment to the Landlord and/or the Management
Company (as directed) on or before the 1st Payment Date and shall also deliver to the
Landlord on or before the 1st Payment Date a duly completed and correct direct debit
mandate or recurring card authority for the payment of the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th Rent
(b) The Tenant shall be liable to pay to the Landlord or the Management Company (as
directed), on demand, 30 (Inclusive of VAT) on each and every occasion when the
instruction for a Rent Instalment is returned by the Landlords/Management
Companys bank unpaid.


If the Tenant pays the rent by way of instalments pursuant to clause 3.2 and the Tenant fails
to pay the instalments on any of the due dates specified in clause 3.2(a) (Relevant
Instalment Date) then the Tenant shall not be permitted to pay the rent by such instalments
and instead the entirety of the rent for the remainder of the Residential Period shall fall due
to be paid on the Relevant Instalment Date.

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If the Rent or any part of it is unpaid for 7 days after becoming payable (whether demanded
or not) the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord interest on the unpaid amount at 3% over the base
rate of Barclays Bank plc from and including the date when payment was due until the date of
payment (both before and after any judgment).


The Tenant shall not reduce any payment of rent by making any deduction from it and/or by
setting any sum off against it for any reason unless expressly authorised to do so by either
the Landlord and/or the Management Company.


If a Tenant falls into an unauthorized arrears position, the Management Company reserves the
right to withdraw any promotional benefits which may have been available at the time of booking
a Dwelling, which could result in the full advertised rent at the start of the Tenancy becoming
payable, as confirmed by the Management Company on behalf of the Landlord.


Unless otherwise agreed and the relevant documentation is included within this Agreement, the
Tenant shall be responsible for obtaining and paying for any television licence required for any
television set installed and used within the Dwelling and they shall be responsible jointly and
severally with other occupiers of the Dwelling (as applicable) for any television set/s present
within the Dwelling, including its maintenance, correct functioning and safety.


Residential use of electricity, water, sewerage and utility services, up to the value of 250, is
included within the Rent payable. The Landlord and the Management Company reserve the right
to recharge the Tenant for usage in excess of this sum.


Where repairs to the Dwelling and/or the Development are necessary following damage caused
by the tenant(s), the Landlord/Management Company reserves to right to levy an administration
charge of 25.00 in addition to the repair charges.


A charge of 75.00 may be made for changes made to this Agreement at the Tenants request once
this Agreement has been fully signed. These charges include, but are not limited to:

Dwelling moves;
Changes to payment options; and
Changes to Guarantor details.

3.11 Within 7 days of demand from the Landlord the Tenant shall provide a fully completed
certificate of exemption in respect of council tax or otherwise reimburse the Landlord for
any council tax demanded by the Council in respect of the Dwelling.

Cancellation Policy
The cancellation of this Agreement is subject to the terms of our Cancellation Policy.
Full details of the Cancellation Policy for this Agreement are available on the Management
Companys website at
Any right that the Tenant may have to cancel this Agreement (including any right which
would apply if this Agreement is a distance contract as defined in the Consumer Protection
(Distance Selling) Regulations 2000) will cease immediately upon the Tenant taking
possession of the Dwelling.
The Deposit and the Tenancy Deposit Scheme


The Deposit shall be payable by the Tenant to the Management Company on the date of
commencement of the Residential Period.


The Tenant agrees that the refundable booking fee paid on or before the date of this
Agreement shall, on the date of commencement of the Residential Period, automatically
constitute the Deposit (but shall not constitute the Deposit before that date)..

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The Deposit is collected by the Management Company, on behalf of the Landlord, and will be
lodged with the chosen approved tenancy deposit scheme within 30 working days of the
date of commencement of the Residential Period.


The Management Company will provide, within 30 days of the Deposit being received, the
information required under section 213(5) of the Housing Act 2004 as set out in the Housing
(Tenancy Deposits) (Prescribed Information) Order 2007.
The Landlord and Management Company agree that the Deposit shall be held in accordance
with the rules of the relevant tenancy deposit scheme.



Details of the chosen Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme are as follows:

The Dispute Service Limited which is a trading name of Tenancy Deposits Limited.
Address: PO Box 541, Amersham, Bucks, HP6 6ZR
Tel: 0845 226 7837
Fax: 01494 431123_.

Purpose of the Deposit


The Deposit has been taken as a security for the following purposes:
make good for any damage, or compensation for damage, to the Dwelling, its fixtures
and fittings and/or for missing Room Items/Contents and/or Shared Items for which
the Tenant may be liable, subject to an apportionment or allowance for fair wear and
tear, the age and the condition of each and any such item at the commencement of the

the reasonable costs incurred in compensating the Landlord or the Management

Company for, or for rectifying or remedying any major breach by the Tenant of the
Tenants obligations under this Agreement, including those relating to the cleaning of
the Dwelling or any damage caused to the Dwellings fixtures and fittings;


any unpaid accounts for the services referred to in clause 3.5 or 3.6;


any rent or other money due or payable by the Tenant under this Agreement which
remains unpaid after the end of the Tenancy; and/or


pay for the Dwelling and/or any Shared Areas to be professionally cleaned if the
Tenant is in breach of its obligations under clauses 10 and 11.

The Guarantor
The Guarantor guarantees to the Landlord that the Tenant shall pay the Rent and observe
and perform the tenant covenants of this Agreement and that if the Tenant fails to pay the
Rent or to observe or perform any of the tenant covenants, the Guarantor shall pay or
observe and perform them..

The Guarantor covenants are a separate and independent primary obligation to indemnify
the Landlord against any failure by the Tenant to pay the Rent and/or to observe or perform
any of the covenants under this Agreement.


The liability of the Guarantor under clause 7.1 and 7.2 shall continue until the Tenancy
comes to an end and the Tenant is released from the tenant covenants of this Agreement.


The liability of the Guarantor shall not be affected by:


any time or indulgence granted by the Landlord or the Management Company to the

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any delay or forbearance by the Landlord of the Management Company in enforcing

the payment of the Rent or the observance or performance of any of the tenant
covenants of this Agreement or in making any demand in respect of them;


the Landlord of the Management Company exercising any right or remedy against the
Tenant for any failure to pay the Rent or to observe or perform the tenant covenants
of this Agreement;


the Landlord of the Management Company taking any action or refraining from taking
any action in connection with the Deposit; or


the Tenant dying or becoming incapable of managing their affairs.

Joint and Several Liability

If two or more people have signed this Agreement, they are joint and severally liable for the
terms and conditions of this Agreement. This means that each individual is fully responsible
for making sure that all the conditions in this Agreement are adhered to, including (but not
limited to) the payment of Rent.

Care of the accommodation


The Tenant will:


not alter or damage the Dwelling or Room Items/Room Contents and will keep them
in a clean and tidy condition;


not damage or mark or change the decorative finish of the Dwelling or

Communal/Shared Areas;


jointly with the other occupiers keep the Communal/Shared Areas in a clean, tidy and
hygienic condition;


not alter, damage, litter or obstruct the use of the Communal/Shared Areas;


not cause or permit any damage to any part of the Development;


not remove any Room Items/Room Contents or Shared Items from the Flat or
Development (as applicable);


notify the Management Company of all repairs and/or maintenance work which the
Tenant considers necessary to the Dwelling or the Development as soon as such
repairs or maintenance work are apparent;


not attempt to carry out any repairs or maintenance works to any part of the
Development, including the Dwelling, any of the Shared Items and the Room
Items/Room Contents;


not tamper or in any way adjust safety controls to any windows such as to override
the safety mechanism which has the effect of enabling the window to open to a
greater extent than the safety designed limits;


not bring any of the following items into the Flat without the written consent of the
Management Company: upholstered furniture (such as sofas and arm chairs), heating
equipment or any electrical equipment which does not comply with all relevant
British Standards;


not to mark or label any keys or make or have made any duplicate keys and to report
the loss of them immediately to the Management Company;


not to replace nor add any new locks to the Dwelling;

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take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Dwelling is kept secure from the intrusion
of unauthorised persons (including shutting and locking windows and doors when the
Tenant leaves);


comply with the published Internet Usage Policy as amended from time to time. The
Landlord and the Management Company reserve the right to terminate such service
without compensation for breach of that policy and/or continued rent arrears or
other payments due or outstanding of over 14 days.

Proper conduct for communal living

The Tenant will:


use the Dwelling and the Communal/Shared Areas for their own private residential
purposes only;


not allow any other person to reside on any part of the Development;


not cause any noise which is audible outside of the room it is made in;


not cause any disturbance distress annoyance or damage to any other occupiers of the
Development or their property;


in co-operation with the other occupiers of the Development, keep clean and tidy and clear
of rubbish the parts of the Development which the Tenant is entitled to use solely or in
common with others and will pay to the Landlord/Management Company on demand any
additional cost for cleaning or clearing of such areas arising from breach of this obligation by
the Tenant or their visitors or will pay a proportionate share as determined by the Landlord
or the Management Company (as directed);


not tamper with misuse or damage any equipment or other things in the Development which
are provided by the Landlord or the Management Company in the interests of health and
safety of persons in the Development (including but not limited to fire fighting equipment
and fire doors);


pay on written demand a reasonable sum as defined in the Management Companys

published schedule of charges or as required by the relevant emergency service to cover any
costs incurred by the Landlord or the Management Company if the Tenant sets off a fire
alarm without due cause (even if accidentally) resulting in the attendance of the emergency
fire services or the evacuation of any buildings;


not prepare or cook food anywhere other than in the kitchen in the Dwelling and not keep or
use deep fat frying equipment anywhere on the Development;


not keep or use candles or any open flame, lighting or heating equipment anywhere in the

10.10 comply with any reasonable written regulations issued from time to time by the
Management Company in connection with the use of the Communal/Shared Areas and/or
Shared Items and conduct in the communal areas of the Development generally;
10.11 not affix any notice poster or similar article anywhere in the Development except on the
notice boards (if any) provided making good any damage caused or paying the Landlords or
the Management Companys reasonable costs for failure to comply;
10.12 comply with all relevant legislation and other legal requirements in connection with the
Tenants use and occupation of the Dwelling and general conduct in the Development;
10.13 not sub-let or assign the whole, or any part, of Dwelling or any of the Tenants rights under
this Agreement nor part with possession or share occupation of the Dwelling;

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10.14 use best endeavours to ensure that the Tenants visitors comply with clauses 9 and 10 of this
Agreement headed care of the accommodation and proper conduct for communal living;
10.15 attend a fire training session arranged by the Management Company;
10.16 not smoke in the Development other than in the outside designated smoking areas;
10.17 not bring onto or allow to be stored or kept or used within the Dwelling and/or the
Development and to report to the Landlord or any of its staff the presence of any:
(a) animals or pets of any description;
(b) liquid or gaseous fuel, noxious or explosive substance or gas, paraffin or gas heater,
cookers, candles or other naked flame devises or consumables;
(c) illegal drugs or substances whether for the Tenants own use or otherwise unless
prescribed by a bona fide medical practitioner; or
(d) weapons or imitation weapons of any form;
10.18 not commit any form of harassment on the grounds of race, religion, sex or disability or any
other act which may become a nuisance or annoyance, or cause offence to any other
occupiers or visitor, or to any owner or occupier of any neighbouring property;
10.19 not to alter or add to the Dwelling and/or the Development nor to re-decorate the whole or
any part of it or the interior, nor to allow anyone else to do so;
10.20 not to use the Dwelling and/or the Development or any part of it, nor allow anyone else to
do so, for any activity which is dangerous, offensive, noisome (including the playing of loud
music at any time) illegal or immoral or which are or may become a nuisance or annoyance
to the Landlord or the occupiers of the Dwelling and/or the Development or any
neighbouring property;
10.21 run a trade or business from the Dwelling and/or the Development;
10.22 not act or fail to act in a way which will or may result in any policy of insurance in respect of
the Development becoming void or voidable or whereby the premium or excess therefore
and therein may be increased;
10.23 not install any wireless or television pole aerial satellite dish or apparatus on the
10.24 not use, threaten, harass or commit any violence against any other occupier, bona fide
visitor, the Management Company or the Landlord or any of their staff or agents;
10.25 not expose or allow to be hung any laundry washing or other items so as to be visible from
outside the Dwelling and/or the Development and not to dry clothes on any storage or
electrical convector or fan heaters;
10.26 not store bicycles in the Dwelling or any access ways or staircases but instead will store any
bicycle in the designated bicycles storage areas and in the event that the Landlord is
required to remove any bicycle stored in breach of this clause the Tenant shall pay to the
Landlord or the Management Company (as directed) on demand 25 (inc. vat) before the
release of the bicycle to the Tenant.

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Access by the Landlord


The Tenant must permit entry into the dwelling by the Landlord, its Management Company
and/or any authorised third party contractors, upon prior written notice of no less than 48
hours in order to carry out the following:
any maintenance as is necessary to preserve the value and the good state of repair of
the Development;
to comply with any repair obligations owed to the Tenant pursuant to the Landlords
and the Management Companys responsibilities under this Agreement and/or by statute
and/or for any other reasonable purpose in connection with the management of the
to carry out regular checks in order to assess whether the Dwelling and its contents,
the Shared Items and/or Room Items/Room Contents, are in a good state of repair and
promptly address any maintenance issues that may arise as a result of the inspection;
to carry out annual safety inspections such as renewal of gas and/or electricity
certifications (as applicable) and/or test any appliances owned by the Landlord and
supplied with the Dwelling;

11.2 In the event of an Emergency the Landlord/Management Company reserves the right to
enter the Dwelling at any time and without serving prior notice, in order to ensure the safety
of the Tenant and any other residents within the Development and its vicinity and for the
safeguard of the Development itself.

At the end of this Agreement

12.1 At the end of this Agreement, the Tenant is required to carry out the following:
(a) attend a check out inspection with the Management Companys site team;
(b) remove any personal belongings and leave the Dwelling in same in the same clean
and tidy condition as it was when handed over at the beginning of the Residential
(c) jointly and severally with the other occupiers ensure that the Shared Areas and
Shared Items are left in the same clean state and condition as they were in at the
beginning of the Residential Period;
(d) ensure that any Room Items/Room Contents and/or Shared Items are left in the
Dwelling when leaving;
(e) surrender all access key(s) and/or fob(s) for the Dwelling and the Development (as
applicable) to the Management Company. Any key(s)/fob(s) not returned at the end
of the Tenancy are subject to an administrative charge for its/their replacement;
(f) confirm to the Management Company the correct address and/or bank details to
which the Deposit (net of any deductions as applicable and made in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement) should be refunded. If the Management Company
is not provided with such confirmation, within five (5) working days from the end
of the Tenancy, the Deposit (in part or in full) will be returned by cheque to the
Tenants home address expressed on page one (1) of this Agreement.
12.2 The Tenant must arrange with the Management Company, a suitable time to complete a
check out inspection where damages or any other charges that may be deductible from the
Deposit, can be assessed, discussed and agreed.
12.3 If any of the Tenants belongings have not been removed from the Dwelling at the expiration
of the Residential Period then:

the Landlord may immediately remove such belongings from the Dwelling; and
if those belongings shall not have been collected or removed by the Tenant within
14 days after the end of the Residential Period the Landlord may dispose of such
belongings on behalf of the Tenant.

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12.4 The statutory rights of the Landlord, the Management Company and the Tenant to take legal
action through the courts remain unaffected by this clause 12).
12.5 If the Tenant breaches this Agreement or fails to fulfil any of its obligations, he or she shall be
liable to pay, within seven (7) days of presenting a written demand, any reasonable costs
incurred by the Landlord or the Management Company in remedying such breaches or in
connection with the enforcement of those obligations.
12.6 The Tenant shall also be liable for any reasonable costs incurred by the Landlord or the
Management Company in connection with:

collecting or attempting to collect any sums that are due and fallen into arrears;


removing the Tenant after expiration of the Agreement if he or she is still occupying the
Dwelling unauthorised; and


any losses/expenses incurred in accordance with the Management Companys published

schedule of charges. Details of such charges are attached to this Agreement as an Appendix.

13 Default by the Tenant

13.1 The Landlord reserves the right to re-enter the Dwelling if:
The Rent is unpaid 14 days after becoming payable whether it has been formally
demanded or not;
The Tenant is declared bankrupt under the Insolvency Act 1986;
The Tenant has breached this Agreement;
The Tenant loses Student status and fails to vacate the Dwelling in accordance with clause
In the Landlords reasonable opinion the health or behaviour of the Tenant constitutes a
serious risk to himself or others as to the Landlords or other peoples property in the
Development; or


Any of the grounds 2, 8, 10 to 15 and 17 set out in Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988

13.2 This clause 13 does not affect the rights of the Tenant under the Protection from Eviction Act
1977. The Landlord cannot evict the Tenant without a court having first made an order for
13.3 If the Landlord re-enters the Dwelling pursuant to this clause, then the Tenancy shall
immediately end. Any right or remedy of the Landlord in respect of any breach of the terms
of this agreement by the Tenant will remain in force.

Ending the tenancy

14.1 The Landlord has the right to recover possession of the Property if:
(a) The Residential Period has expired;
(b) The Landlord or the Management Company (acting on behalf of the Landlord) has given
two months' notice to the Tenant of the Landlord's intention to recover possession of
the Property; and
(c) At least six months has passed since the date of this agreement.
15 Tenant indemnity
15.1 if not included with the Rent, the Tenant must acquire contents insurance to protect any

personal belongings, such as electronic equipment, tv sets, jewellery and any other item that
can be considered valuable, and that are held in the Dwelling;
15.2 The Tenant hereby states that they are, or will be at the commencement of the Residential
Period, a Student registered with the University/College.

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15.3 Should the Tenant, for whatever reason, loose the Student status, he or she shall:

notify the Landlord/Management Company within seven (7) days of such

change of status;


remain liable to indemnify the Landlord and the Management Company for
any Council Tax that is applicable on the Dwelling;


if the Dwelling is part of a shared accommodation such as a flat or a house, the

Tenant shall be liable for the Council Tax applicable on the entire abode; and


vacate the Dwelling within fourteen (14) days immediately following the
change of status;

15.4 The Tenant shall remain, at all times, liable for all of its obligations under this Agreement
which have not been performed, including the payment of Rent.
16 Landlords obligations
16.1 The Landlord agrees to:

allow the Tenant to quietly possess and enjoy the Dwelling without
unnecessary or unwarranted interference;
keep in repair the structure and exterior of the Development;
keep in repair and in proper working order, any installations in the
Development for:
the supply of water, gas and electricity (as applicable) to the
sanitation (for example basins, sinks, baths, showers, toilets) to
the Dwelling;
hot water heating to the Dwelling; and
space heating (for example central heating) including fireplaces,
flues and chimneys (as applicable) to the Dwelling;

16.2 Installations include those which the Landlord owns or leases which directly or indirectly
serve the Dwelling;
16.3 The Landlord shall not be responsible for repair of any fixtures and fittings that belong to the
Tenant, which make use of gas, electricity and/or water.
16.4 The Landlord shall not be responsible for the repair or maintenance of any equipment
belonging to and/or installed by the Tenant and which the latter would be entitled to
remove from the Dwelling at the end of the Tenancy unless a previous written agreement is
in place and attached to this Agreement;
16.5 If the Dwelling is served by a communal television or communications aerial, the Landlord
will take reasonable steps to repair any defect to such aerial within a reasonable period.
16.6 Where repairs or maintenance have to be done, the Landlord will make reasonable efforts to
minimise disruption to the Tenant;
16.7 The Landlord will take all reasonable steps, together with any other joint owners of the
water supply installations, to comply with the Water Bye-Laws in force in respect of the
Development. The Water Bye-Laws, among other things, specify that :
all storage cisterns must be properly installed having regard to the need for
prevention of waste and contamination and insulation against frost;
the stopcocks and servicing valves must be placed so that they can be readily
examined, maintained and operated with reasonable practicability;
the water pipes, both inside and outside the Development, must be effectively
protected against freezing and damage from other causes;

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the Landlord will inspect the installations for the storage and supply of water for
which it is responsible for during the Agreement;

16.8 Ensure that the Dwelling meets the Repairing Standard (as outlined in the ANUK Code of
Standards for larger residential developments) at the start and at all times for the duration
of the Tenancy. This duty is only applicable when the Tenant informs the Landlord of work
required and/or the Landlord becomes aware of any repair needed through other means
such as inspection visits.

the Repairing Standard does not cover work for which the Tenant is
responsible, due to a duty to take reasonable care of the Dwelling; nor does it
cover for the repair and/or maintenance of any items that are the Tenants


if the Landlord fails to ensure that the Dwelling meets the Repairing Standard
during the Tenancy, the Tenant should bring the matter to the attention of the
Landlord and/or the Management Company in the first instance. If a solution
has not being reached to the satisfaction of the Tenant, he or she has the right
to refer the matter to a Private Rented Housing Panel (PRHP) or to a Private
Rented Housing Committee (PRHC) for further consideration. The PRHC in
particular, carries such powers to require a Landlord to carry out work
necessary to meet the Repairing Standard and/or comply with the Furniture
and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988 as and if necessary;

16.9 At the beginning of the Residential Period equip the Room with the Room Items/Room
Contents and the Communal/Shared Areas with the Shared Items.
16.10 If the Dwelling becomes incapable of occupation due to any damage or destruction to the
Development, then either:
the Landlord will carry out necessary repairs to the Development due to fire, flood or
Act of God, within a reasonable time and will provide alternative temporary
accommodation as soon as reasonably possible if the Dwelling becomes uninhabitable;
the Landlord may terminate this Agreement on at least one months notice to the
the Tenant may terminate this Agreement on at least one months notice to the Landlord
if such damage or destruction has not been remedied within a reasonable time after the
date of such damage or destruction and provided that such notice shall cease to have
effect if the Dwelling has been rendered fit for occupation before the expiry of such


Data Protection
The Landlord and the Management Company from time to time shall gather, share and use
information provided by the Tenant or obtained from other sources (e.g. reading meters at
the Development) for the purpose of managing this Agreement. In addition to storing and
using this information for their own purposes, the Landlord or the Management Company
will disclose the Tenants identity, the period of the Tenants occupation of the subjects and
the Tenants forwarding address(es) to relevant utility suppliers and any local authority
upon request. The Tenant/s, by their execution hereof, consent to the Landlord and/or the
Management Company processing their personal data in this manner for the purpose of the
Data Protection Act 1998. The Tenant agrees to provide the Landlord or the Management
Company with his/her/their forwarding address at termination of this Agreement.

18 Notices
18.1 Any notice to the Landlord sent under or in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed
to have been properly served if:

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sent by first class post or left at the Management Companys address given on the
first page of this Agreement; or
sent to the Management Companys fax number or e-mail address stated on the first
page of this Agreement.

18.2 Any notice sent to the Tenant under or in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed to
have been properly served if:

sent by first class post or left at the Tenants address stated on the first page of this
Agreement; or
sent to the Tenants e-mail address stated on the first page of this Agreement.

18.3 Any notice sent by first class post shall be deemed to have been received the day after it was

In signing this Agreement on taking entry the Tenant:(a)

Confirms that he has made full and true disclosure of all information sought by the
Landlord and the Management Company in connection with the granting of this


Confirms that he has not knowingly or carelessly made any false or misleading
statements (whether written or oral) which might affect the Landlords decision to
grant the Tenancy.

20 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

20.1 This agreement is a legally binding document. Signing it means that the Tenant and any
Guarantors (if applicable) have read, understood and agreed to be bound by its terms. The
Tenant and any applicable Guarantor/s should be aware that they will be bound for the
whole of the Residential Period as defined within this document (page 1).
20.2 The Tenant shall be bound for the entire for the entire Residential Period as defined on Page
1 of this Agreement and will not be released from his/her obligations (i.e. the payment of
rent) until the Residential Period ends.
20.3 This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject
matter will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws applicable in England
and Wales.
20.4 This is an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement under the Housing Act 1988. The Tenant
understands that the Landlord will be entitled to recover possession of the Dwelling when
the Residential Period ends.
20.5 This Agreement has been entered into on the date stated under the Landlords signature

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This Agreement is a legally binding document. By signing it, it is

deemed that the Tenant confirms to have read and understood the
terms hereto stated and agrees to be bound by them.
Furthermore the Tenant will be bound by the terms of this Agreement
for the whole of the Residential Period (as defined above) and will
not be released from his/her obligations (for example to pay Rent)
until the such expires.


Loay Dasouqi
Signed by the Tenant
Digitally signed by Loay Dasouqi
DN: cn=Loay Dasouqi, o, ou,, c=GB
Date: 2014.03.12 19:51:29 Z


Dated by the Tenant ..


Name of the Guarantor: Khaldon Dasouqi

Home Address: Green house, floor 5, house 11

Restaurant street
Tel No:


Mobile No:
Email Address:
National Insurance Number: 000000000000

DOB: 01/06/1959

NB When carrying out our searches, should we find that any

information provided is proven to be incorrect or unverifiable, any
payments made to secure the tenancy shall be forfeited by the tenant
and the Management Company shall reserve the right to withdraw the
offer of accommodation.


Signed by the Guarantor

Dated by the Guarantor


Signed for and on behalf of the Landlord

Landlord to date stamp here

It is agreed between the Landlord and the Tenant that the date on which
this Agreement shall come into being is the date specified under the
Landlords signature above and references to the date of this
Agreement in this document shall be construed accordingly

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Full standard charge listing applicable to the tenant for damage/cleaning of items/areas
should need arise. charges shown are inclusive of VAT & labour and costs are approximate
and may vary depending on the requirement identified at any particular time and/or during
the check-out process at the end of the tenancy.

Added notes

Redecorate bedroom

minimum charge


Redecorate kitchen

minimum charge


Redecorate corridor


Replace mattress



Replace/repair bed



Replace/repair wardrobe

max charge


Replace curtains

depending on size max charge


Replace carpet


Replace door lock


Replace bedside cabinet


Replace chest of drawer


Replace corridor carpet


Replace leather sofa or leather tub chair


Replace kitchen vinyl


Replace kitchen blind


Replace microwave


Replace kitchen Bin


Replace vacuum cleaner


Replace cooker


Replace kitchen table


Replace chair


Replace kitchen worktop


Replace fridge freezer


Replace fire blanket


Replace fire extinguisher


Replacement keys


Replacement fob


Replace pin board


Replace book shelves


Replace desk top


Replace cubicle / side panel


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Replace bathroom mirror


Replace toiletry shelf


Replace shower tray


Replace toilet seat


Replace bedroom door


Clean corridor carpet


Clean bedroom carpet

End of tenancy bedroom professional cleaning
End of tenancy en-suite professional cleaning
End of tenancy kitchen cleaning

If required
If required
If required


If required per 50 lt. sac

End of tenancy tenant waste removal (studio)


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