July 20, 2009 Town of Hinton News Release

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July 20, 2009
What’s Your Vision for Hinton’s Future?
Hinton, AB.
Hinton Town Council has begun the process of developing a 30 year Community Sustainability Plan for the
Town of Hinton and area that will address the social, economic, cultural and environmental and governance
challenges of today while leaving a positive legacy for future generations. This process will provide an
opportunity for the community to be engaged and be active participants of the plan.

The Community’s Sustainability Plan will be a high level, overarching document that provides an opportunity
for the community to look at long-term future planning. It will be a strategic business plan for the community
that identifies short, medium and long term actions for implementation; tracking and monitoring progress; and
will be reviewed on an annual basis.

The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) encourages communities to consider the following five
pillars including social, cultural, economic, environment, and governance when making decisions that affect the
sustainable development of their communities to ensure long term balance. Council has adopted from the
Brundtland Commission the definition of sustainable development, which reads “sustainable development is
development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs.”

Mayor Glenn Taylor has made it clear that Council supports listening and responding to the needs of the
community as it plans for sustainable development for the Town of Hinton. Mayor Glenn Taylor states that,
“the Community Sustainability Planning process will provide an opportunity for all citizens to engage and define
their vision of Hinton in 30 years in order to collectively advance clear priorities and continue to progressively
move forward.”

The Town of Hinton is currently preparing to engage the citizens by forming a Citizens Advisory Group. A
Citizens Advisory Group is a group of citizens who (collectively) will act as champions to engage the public to
participate throughout the development of the Community Sustainability Plan. The leadership of the committee
will ensure that the process is transparent, collaborative and inclusive so that the plan provides representation
of our community.

Start the vision today, visit wwwhinton.ca and tell us:

What do you value about Hinton and area today?
> What is your vision for Hinton and area in 30 years?

Members of the community interested in being a part of the Citizens Advisory Group can find application forms
online at www.hinton.ca or at the front desk of the Government Centre. Deadline for Applications is August 13,
For more information, contact Wendy Lesser, Municipal Sustainability Coordinator, at 780-865-6077 or
wlesser@hinton ca.

Do you want to participate in developing a 30 year plan for the future of Hinton and area?

Do you want to contribute to an inclusive planning process that represents all citizens?

Do you want to live in a sustainable community where social, economic, cultural, environment and
governance are in balance?

If you said yes, to any of these questions, then consider yourself a candidate to participate in the Citizens
Advisory Group!

Purpose of a Citizens Advisory Group:

A Citizens Advisory Group is a group of citizens who (collectively) will act as champions to engage the public to
participate throughout the development of the Community Sustainability Plan. The leadership of the committee will
ensure that the process is transparent, collaborative and inclusive so that the plan provides representation of Hinton
and area.

Position: Citizens Advisory Group — Committee Member

Role & Responsibilities:

As a committee member you will:
> adopt and champion the MSP process;
> provide leadership and be respectful and inclusive of the community;
> actively participate in gathering community input and soliciting citizen participation;
> be a visionary;
be action/solution orientated and a decision maker;
> use expertise and/or knowledge in one or more of the 5 pillars; and
> commit to working through the entire planning process (12 to 18 months).

Being able to participate in a committee, where you:
> are committed to achieving a sustainable community;
are able to bring people to the process;
> have the desire to see a vision implemented despite any barriers;
> synthesize community input on a vision using the five pillars of sustainability;
> create, define and/or adopt principles of sustainability that are the “right fit” for our community;
> are able to identify areas of concern that need to be addressed in order to achieve the vision; and
perform his or her role with trust, respect and integrity

Your contribution will provide community input to the needs and long-term interests of Hinton and area. The
success of a Community Sustainability Plan is individuals committed to engaging the community in the understanding
of the consequences of our actions today on the future.

This is a volunteer position with group meetings starting in fall and will have a term of 12 to 18 months.
If you interested in joining this committee, application forms are available on the Town of Hinton website or at the
front desk. Any questions can be directed to the Municipal Sustainability Plan Coordinator, Wendy Lesser at 780-
865-6077 or by e-mail at wlesser@hinton.ca.

Draft Terms of Reference are posted on the website: www.hinton.ca

Deadline for Applications is August 13, 2009.

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