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For Immediate Release

February 8, 2016
Op-Ed: Pennsylvania Needs an Honest, Realistic, Responsible Budget
by Senator Rich Alloway
Governor Wolf will present lawmakers with his 2016-17 state budget plan next week on February 9. After the
governors attempts last year to enact the largest tax increase in state history ended in spectacular failure, I am
hopeful we can move beyond this failed approach and work together toward a more realistic and fiscally
responsible spending plan for this year and next.
As the governor prepares to present his budget to lawmakers, I offer three pieces of advice that would
undoubtedly ensure a more productive and less contentious process in 2016.
Be Realistic
The biggest failure of Governor Wolfs first year in office was the expectation that lawmakers and taxpayers
would begrudgingly agree to the largest tax increase in the states history a total that exceeded the proposed
tax increases of the other 49 states combined. That is something that taxpayers and their elected officials would
simply not tolerate.
Governor Wolf aimed high in his first budget proposal, but he missed badly. He was never going to get
everything he asked for, but he continued to fight for every single one of his misplaced priorities until well into
the fall without giving an inch. Predictably, this strategy led to an impasse that remains to this day. It is critical
for the governor to work with lawmakers and be willing to compromise instead of insisting on getting
everything done his way.
Be Honest About the Challenges We Face
Throughout his first year in office, Governor Wolf and his press team have shown a troubling propensity to play
fast and loose with the facts. His Administration falsely claimed that a pension reform plan advanced by
lawmakers in the spring would line the pockets of elected officials, when in reality, every member of the
General Assembly would be forced to accept a reduced benefit. After lawmakers approved generous increases
for our schools just before Christmas, Governor Wolf tried to argue that the hundreds of millions of new dollars
invested in education somehow amounted to a cut. The governor has also claimed in recent weeks that we have
a budget agreement in place while ignoring the fact that many of the most vital components of that agreement
have been removed from the table.
There has been some suggestion that Governor Wolf could continue down the path of blatant dishonesty in next
weeks budget address by using the threat of deep cuts to schools and social services in an effort to sway public
opinion in favor of his tax-and-spend agenda. This tactic clearly wouldnt reflect the views of responsible
lawmakers who are interested in maintaining these services and ensuring children receive a quality education
without asking for more money from taxpayers. Resorting to these sorts of lies and scare tactics in order to push
for unnecessary tax increases would be a grave disservice to the people of Pennsylvania.
There is a pressing need for lawmakers and the governor to work together to confront the states significant
financial challenges. Willfully choosing a path of lies and deceit will only make it harder to solve the
considerable problems we face.
Budget Like a Small Business Owner, Not a Kardashian

When faced with hard times, a small business owner looks for alternatives to weather the storm and explores
every possible avenue for savings before expecting consumers (or in this case, taxpayers) to make up the
difference. A celebrity might just wait for more money to fall from the sky. Or worse yet, they might expect
someone else to finance their lifestyle.
In a perfect world, the state would bring in ample revenue to fund every lofty priority espoused by the governor.
However, the financial reality facing lawmakers is far from perfect. In the real world, the state has a finite
amount of money that can be allocated to the states growing financial obligations. It is critical for the governor
to embrace that reality and explore solutions that involve cutting the cost of government instead of placing an
even heavier burden on taxpayers.
I am hopeful that Governor Wolf will not repeat the mistakes of his first budget address. If we are presented
with an honest, realistic, responsible spending plan that can be discussed and negotiated in good faith, then I
have no doubt we can work together toward a solution to this years budget impasse and a reasonable
compromise for the 2016-17 budget. However, if the governor proposes another pie-in-the-sky budget that
includes massive tax and spending increases while he continues to obscure or misstate the facts, then there will
be little hope that well have anything more than the prolonged gridlock and political bickering weve seen over
the past 12 months.
CONTACT: Jeremy Shoemaker (717) 787-4651

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