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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
March 2, 2004

MEMBERS PRESENT: Shirley Scott, Bill Alexander, Richard Frith, Pam Feagle, Doug Everett

STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, Sarah Drawdy and
Annette Anderson

Mayor Frith called the meeting to order at 5:15 p. m. The attendance of Councilmembers was noted as
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X



Mayor Frith began by discussing comments from the city auditor (February 24, 2004 regular session)
regarding the City’s need to increase utility rates. Mayor Frith commented that in considering any
increases in anything, the Council should keep in mind the city election and that there could be three
new Councilmembers who might think differently than the present Council.

Mr. Brynes reviewed the revenue portion of the budget with the Council. Mr. Brynes said $7.3 million
includes all revenues, $4.3 million of which the (City) Council has control over. Mr. Brynes talked
specifically about some items that generate revenue for the City. In discussing the Dorsett Stadium,
Councilmembers posed the possibility of increasing the fees charged for lease of the stadium by the
school district and that portion of ticket sales the City receives each year. Mr. Brynes spoke of other
costs associated with lease of the stadium noting particularly water and electric costs. Mr. Brynes said
there has been a problem with lights being left on at the stadium. Councilmembers discussed some
methods to help alleviate some of these costs. On suggestion was that the City read the meters and
negotiate these costs with the school. Councilmember Scott suggested drawing up a new lease that
could be renewed on a yearly basis.

Another item discussed was the cost associated with the City’s swimming pools. Mr. Brynes said the
pools are staffed to capacity while there has been decreased usage. Another recreational item
discussed was the cost associated with football and baseball and the paying of referees and umpires.
There was some discussion about how the proposed county sports complex might have an impact on
the City’s recreational programs. Councilmember Everett said he thinks there should be consolidation
of recreational services for the community, suggesting the County provide the service. Councilmember
Feagle agreed saying the total cost could be divided between the City and the County. Mayor Frith
told the Council he and Mr. Brynes would be meeting the next day with the county manager and a
member of the Board of County Commissioners to discuss the sports complex.
Page 2, March 2, 2004, Council Minutes – Workshop Session

Councilmember Everett posed another item that could be consolidated, that being the City’s building
department. Councilmember Feagle asked how this would affect City staffing in that department. Mr.
Brynes said no position would be eliminated. Councilmember Feagle questioned how this would be a
financial savings to the City. Mr. Brynes said there probably wouldn’t be a savings but that giving this
service over to the County is a doable thing. Councilmember Everett suggested revisiting this item at a
later time, since there appeared to be no budget cuts related to this item.

Reviewing recreational costs, Councilmember Everett suggested looking at ways to possibly decrease
salary and operating costs. One suggestion made was to consider shutting down the pool
approximately eight months of the year, when the pool is not in use.

Discussing legal expenses, Councilmember Feagle noted the amount budgeted for the current year
compared to expenses thus far this year. Councilmember Feagle questioned whether the city attorney’s
attendance at every Council meeting is necessary. Mayor Frith said he didn’t think so. Councilmember
Scott noted there might be legal issues that come up during a Council meeting. Councilmember Feagle
suggested those issues could be diverted to the next Council meeting with the request that the city
attorney be present. Mr. Brynes commented the city attorney himself had questioned why he was
required to be at every Council meeting. Councilmembers agreed the attorney could be requested to
attend only those meetings the Council deems necessary. Another item Councilmember Feagle
suggested was that the attorney not prepare any documents (ordinances, letters, etc.) unless specifically
instructed to do so by the Council. Mayor Frith asked if it was the attorney’s responsibility to bill
certain people when working with the City to help those people. Mr. Brynes said when the City is
“helping” someone accomplish something to their benefit (contracts, deeds, transfer of property, etc.)
legal costs should be at their expense. Councilmember Feagle said she thinks it should be the
attorney’s responsibility to bill those people in these cases. Councilmember Feagle said she wanted to
say that she thinks the city attorney does a good job for the City but the Council has to cut the budget
for things that are not necessary and needs to do something now to keep within the budget regarding
legal costs.

Councilmember Scott had questions regarding the “Schedule of Fees and Charges” asking how long it
had been since the City increased fees and how the City’s fees compare with other comparable cities.
It was explained some fees have been increased at various times over the years. Director of
Community Development Billy LaValle said he does not know what other cities charge. Mr. Brynes
commented the County recently increased all their fees and noted the best comparison would be with
the County. Councilmember Feagle suggested Mr. Brynes find out how the City compares with the
County regarding its fees and charges. Commenting the City couldn’t compare all the fees with the
County, Councilmember Scott suggested staff could check with other cities also.

There was a brief discussion on the City’s (natural) gas costs. Mr. Brynes said the cost for gas had
been high and the City had recently adopted a new formula to help defray the increased cost for the
Page 3, March 2, 2004, Council Minutes – Workshop Session

Councilmember Alexander asked about utility deposits required by the City. Mr. Brynes suggested the
Council not increase these deposits noting if deposits were too high this could deter new customers.

After discussion, Councilmembers agreed to review findings of topics discussed at another workshop
meeting to be determined in the future.


There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 6:30 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard D. Frith, Mayor

Recorded in Official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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