7may02 Spec Min

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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
May 7, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Shirley Scott, Bill Alexander, Pam Feagle, Doug Everett

MEMBER ABSENT: Richard Frith

STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, and Annette Anderson

In the absence of Mayor Frith, senior Councilmember Scott called the meeting to order and led those
attending the meeting in prayer. Mayor Frith led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The secretary then called the roll.
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

Councilmember Alexander was not present at roll call, but arrived at the meeting moments later.

Before beginning discussion of the subject item, Councilmember Everett said some individuals had
approached him about their concerns regarding the City swimming pool and he had invited them to
address the Council at this meeting.

Ms. Emily Ketring, concerned parent, and Ms. Barbara Comstock, swim coach, requested the
Council’s commitment to do whatever it takes to get and keep the city’s pool in operation for the entire
swim season. Ms. Ketring said last year the pool was in such poor condition (water quality) that half
the parents took their children off the team before the season ended and this year only a small number
of children have signed up this year compared to year’s past. Ms. Ketring said last year the swim team
only had about three or four weeks for use of the pool. Ms. Comstock said they would like to start the
season the first week of June. Ms. Comstock said last year another concern was the placement of
starting blocks but she understands some blocks have been moved now.

Councilmember Feagle said she understands there have been problems with the pool and the City is
currently trying to correct these problems. City Manager Bill Brynes said a problem is the pool pump
motors and explained the pool is currently running on one motor and the other is in for repair and
expected to be ready in a day or two. Councilmember Feagle asked if this would fix everything. Mr.
Brynes said, hopefully so, but explained other problems being that the mar site (coating) needs to be
replaced or the pool needs to be fiber glassed. It was noted the cost to do this could be $15,000 to
$18,000. Councilmember Everett said you wouldn’t want to start this process so near the swim season.
Councilmember Everett said his concern is the problem last year with the pool pumps. When asked by
Councilmember Alexander the cost of a spare pump, Mr. Brynes said approximately $2,000 to $3,000.
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Councilmember Everett asked what efforts were made to correct the problem last year. Ms. Ketring
and Ms. Comstock said the pool was just shut down. Mr. Brynes said this is the first he had heard of
this. Mr. Brynes said an individual who specializes in pools is coming from Tallahassee to look at the
city pool. Another parent, Kay Karlschmidt said she is concerned that the city manager was not aware
of the problems at the pool last year and asked who is going to know what happens at the pool in a
week from now. Mr. Brynes explained the filter in the reservoir has been replaced and one motor is
being replaced--unless there is something else no one knows about. Councilmember Everett asked
who at staff level would be accountable and said the parents are asking for a commitment from the
Council. Councilmember Feagle stated that the city manager has said someone is coming from
Tallahassee to look at the look and suggested letting this individual make an evaluation.
Councilmember Feagle said she is hearing that the city manager is trying to get someone here to look
at the pool and trying to get something done. Councilmember Scott agreed telling the individuals to
allow time for this evaluation; and, if at the start of the season the pool is not functioning, they could
come back before the Council. Councilmember Everett said he does not know that this is a solution—
only procrastination. Councilmember Everett said this is not about pumps and filters and commented
that the individuals are requesting a commitment from the Council. Councilmember Scott said if they
are told they can come back before the Council, this is a commitment by the Council. Councilmember
Scott said, as far as she knows, the Council is committing to get the pool up and running and that is all
(we) can say at this point. Councilmember Scott said, whatever it takes, the city manager has
committed to get it done. Councilmember Everett asked who the contact should be for these
individuals. Mr. Brynes said he should be the contact person. The individuals thanked the Council for
their time and left the meeting.

Mr. Brynes discussed another item before hearing from Mr. Murphy. Mr. Brynes referred to a memo
from the City’s building department recommending handicap accessibility at the City Park and Jerkins
Park. Mr. Brynes said, at the City Park, there is handicap parking and access into the park and
restrooms but none to the pavilion. Mr. Brynes suggested constructing a sidewalk to the pavilion area.
Mr. Brynes said, at the Jerkins Park, handicap parking for two vehicles is needed and sidewalks
constructed to the pavilion area. Mr. Brynes said the cost should be about $2,000 for materials.
Councilmember Everett asked if this was an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) issue. Mr. Brynes
said it could be. Councilmember Scott asked if this is something that should have already been done.
Mr. Brynes said, “not really,” but someone had attempted to access the area and could not and
requested something be done.
Page 3, May 7, 2002, Council Minutes – Special Session

Councilmember Feagle made a motion authorizing the spending of approximately $2,000.00 for
materials for the construction of sidewalks at the City Park and the Jerkins Park to provide for
handicap accessibility. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call
vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith ABSENT



Mr. Murphy introduced Mr. Mike Wilson, Ardaman and Associates, Inc. (geo-technical issues).

City Manager Bill Brynes first briefly reviewed information and a timeline to land application sites for
this project. Mr. Brynes said as Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) rules became more
stringent and it became more difficult to pass the tests required, in 1993 the City attempted to begin to
look to the future to try to resolve the problem of wastewater discharge and began to look for different
sites for this discharge. Mr. Brynes said, in 1996, the Council voted to have William M. Bishop
Consulting Engineers, Inc., to begin to evaluate land application systems for the City. Mr. Brynes said
one problem faced was the size of land area needed and that it not be within a flood zone area. Mr.
Brynes said, all along, it was thought percolation ponds could be used. Mr. Brynes said in 1998
another site was tested but found not to be suitable for percolation ponds. Mr. Brynes said Suwannee
River Water Management District (SRWMD) got involved and paid for the majority of testing and paid
for the preliminary engineering report. Mr. Brynes said the report included information (1) to provide
sewer to the rest of the city, (2) about increasing capacity at the wastewater treatment plant and (3)
install a land application system somewhere in Perry. Mr. Brynes said the City applied for a
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and had to prove the statistics to the Department of
Community Affairs (DCA) were correct and at this time SRWMD said they would provide funding for
the land for a spray field. Mr. Brynes said, in November of 1999, SRWMD addressed the Council
stating that, while they would approve percolation ponds, they would prefer a spray field. Mr. Brynes
said, all the while, the City continued to look at different areas. Again, in 2001, SRWMD met with the
Council to discuss a particular site. At that time, the Council voted to enter into an agreement with
SRWMD for the purchase of that property (500 acres). Mr. Brynes said SRWMD paid $400,000 and
the City paid $100,000 for this land purchased from Foley Land and Timber, which dictated to the City
where they would allow a sale of property and which, in SRWMD’s opinion, happens to be the highest
site that would work for a spray field.
Page 4, May 7, 2002, Council Minutes – Special Session

Other timeline events:

March 10, 1994 – Ardaman and Associates, Inc., performs borings on Osteen property in Section 31 on
Highway 98.

April 20, 1998 – Ardaman evaluates a site south of Taylor County Correctional Institute and one in
Hampton Springs.

November 6, 1998 – Ardaman performs borings in Section 25 north of sludge application site.

June 22, 1999 – William M. Bishop Consulting Engineers, Inc., evaluates three sites on Foley property.
One site identified as proposed spray field.

March 8, 2000 – Ardaman performs borings on proposed spray field site.

March 21, 2002 – Ground-penetrating radar performed on proposed spray field site.

Councilmember Everett expressed his concern with spray fields versus percolation ponds as to the
amount of money that could be spent in operation and maintenance (O & M) costs over an indefinite
number of years. Councilmember Everett asked how many acres would be needed to do percolation
ponds. Mr. Murphy said 320 acres would be needed and explained the City would have to buy a site
for percolation ponds, as the 500-acre site already purchased could not be used. Mr. Murphy said
Ardaman and Associates, Inc., had tested the 500-acre site and found it would not work for percolation
ponds. Councilmember Everett asked if all 500 acres had been tested. Mr. Murphy answered no but
what was found there is not enough in this site for percolation ponds. Councilmember Everett asked
what testing had been done. Mr. Murphy said six to seven borings were done across the length and the
breadth of the property, 24 test pits excavated and ground penetrating ratio done.

Councilmember Everett said, personally, he does not care, but his job is to be concerned to look at the
overall cost to the taxpayers and from the taxpayers perspective, he would love to see the use of
percolation ponds. Councilmember Everett commented on the savings for taxpayers if percolation
ponds are used rather than a spray field. Mr. Murphy said there is no disagreement over the savings
between percolation ponds and a spray field. Mr. Murphy said more soil investigation on the site will
be done to get information needed for a permit for the spray field and if, in the process, test results
show percolation ponds would work, they will be the first ones to suggest percolation ponds but based
on current information at the site, the site would be acceptable only for a spray field.

Councilmember Everett asked if sites other than what has already been noted had been tested for use as
percolation ponds and suggested the possibility of going north (near Reddick Drive). Mr. Murphy said
over the years much information (from a geological aspect) had been gathered from various areas in
Taylor County and information is also obtained from a Taylor County Soil Survey report. Mr. Murphy
told the Council he, as engineer, is comfortable with the site already chosen for a spray field, but he
Page 5, May 7, 2002, Council Minutes – Special Session

will do further testing if this is what the Council wants done. Councilmember Feagle asked how long
this additional testing might take and how much the cost would be. Mr. Wilson (Ardaman) said
approximately two months for testing and Mr. Brynes said the cost would be approximately $27,000.
Councilmember Scott asked if it would cost extra if the Council decides this night to use the site as a
spray field (but with further testing) and it is found the site would serve for percolation ponds. Mr.
Murphy said what would cost more money would be going to other sites. Councilmember Feagle
asked Mr. Murphy if they had not already done absolute testing for percolation ponds. Mr. Murphy
said (they) feel they have already done this before SRWMD bought the land. Councilmember Feagle
asked what would be done if Council requested Mr. Brynes to look at other land. Mr. Brynes said he
would go to property owners and pointed out on a land area map locations of some property owned by
individuals and noted these property owners would be reluctant to sell their land. Councilmember
Feagle asked Mr. Brynes if he felt he had exhausted all options (for other sites) at this point. Mr.
Brynes said he thinks so—that he just does not know where else to go. Councilmember Feagle said
she wants to save the taxpayers money also and also pick the best option for the City. Mr. Murphy
suggested the Council could pick alternate number two (spray field) and direct them (engineers) to do
further testing and come back to the Council.

Councilmember Everett commented briefly on the relationship between SRWMD and the City and said
this is something else the Council needs to consider (SRWMD invested $400,000 and the City
$100,000 for the land). Councilmember Everett then commented (Council) needs to pass this decision
on the recommendation of the city manager as he makes the money to make these decisions.
Councilmember Feagle said the Council has Mike Murphy, William M. Bishop Consulting Engineers,
Inc., Bill Brynes, City Manager and Barney Johnson, Director of Public Works, who are
recommending to the Council that this (spray field) is their recommendation. Councilmember Everett
said Bill Brynes’ recommendation is to go with alternative two (spray field) and not even consider
alternative number 3 (percolation ponds). After a brief lull, Councilmember Feagle made a motion to
adopt alternative number two (spray field) with the engineer doing further investigation to see if the
land is suitable for percolation ponds and based on the recommendation that they feel they have done
everything that can be done. Councilmember Alexander seconded the motion and upon roll call vote
was as follows:

Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X ABSENT

Councilmember Feagle commented she is about saving the City money but (you) have to take the
experts word for it (that this is the best recommendation).
Page 6, May 7, 2002, Council Minutes – Special Session


There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 7:25 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard D. Frith, Mayor

Recorded in Official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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