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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
August 14, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Shirley Scott, Bill Alexander, Richard Frith, Pam Feagle, Doug Everett

STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, George Stamos, Bill
Blue, Annette Anderson

Mayor Frith called the meeting to order and led those attending the meeting in prayer. Mayor Frith led
the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


County Judge Stephen “Buddy” Murphy performed the swearing-in ceremony and Councilmember
Doug Everett and Councilmember Pam Feagle took the Oath of Office for their seats on the City



Mayor Frith called for a nomination for Mayor. Councilmember Alexander made a motion that
Councilmember Richard D. Frith continues another term as Mayor of the City Council.
Councilmember Everett seconded the motion and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X


Mayor Frith called for a nomination for Vice Mayor. Councilmember Scott made a motion that
Councilmember William Alexander serves as Vice Mayor of the City Council. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Everett and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X


The secretary then called the roll.

Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X
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AGENDA ITEM (5)…APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: July 24, 2001, Regular Session.

After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Scott made a motion to adopt the minutes of
July 24, 2001, Regular Session as written; seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call
vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X


Mayor Frith called for anyone to speak on any matter not on the agenda. There was no one to speak.
Mayor Frith then spoke on behalf of several citizens who had called him regarding the Council’s recent
decision on street name changes. Mayor Frith explained that these citizens are requesting the Council
reconsider changing the name of Magnolia (in Perry Heights) to Gunter Street. It was noted that the
Council, by the “lottery” method had voted to change Magnolia to Bowers Road. Councilmember
Everett said he, too, had received a call regarding street name changes. Councilmember Everett said
an individual had informed him that there is already a Shady Oaks in Leisure Retreat area of the
County. Councilmember Everett noted that the Council had changed Landry Drive to Shady Oaks
Drive and this (name change) may need to be readdressed. Director of Public Works Barney Johnson
told the Council he had received a call from residents that are not happy with the name change of
Austin Street to Happy Street and suggested the street name be changed to Noah Rowell Road instead.
Councilmember Everett asked if the new street signs had been ordered yet. Mr. Johnson said they had
not been ordered. Councilmember Scott said she has had residents on South Street and North Street
request that these street names be changed. Mayor Frith suggested Councilmember Scott get some
suggestions for name changes and all these suggestions be brought back for discussion at the August
28, 2001, Council meeting.

Mayor Frith asked Mr. Johnson if there is a repetition of house numbers on Forest Circle and Forest
Drive. Mr. Johnson said it is possible there may be and he would check on this.

As there was no further discussion on this item, the meeting continued with general business.



Mr. Charles Walker, Perry Shrine Club, addressed the Council to request approval of a solicitation
permit for the Shrine Club. Mr. Walker said funds collected would be used for transportation costs for
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taking crippled children to hospitals. Councilmember Everett made a motion to approve the
solicitation permit for the Perry Shrine Club. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Scott and
upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X



Ms. Jeannette Edwards and Ms. Emily Ketring provided additional information on the new playground
equipment for the parks. Ms. Ketring told the Council she and Ms. Edwards had met with residents in
the Jerkins Park area and they had chosen the colors of green and orange for their park equipment. Ms.
Ketring said they also discussed community fund raising to raise funds for additional equipment for the
parks. Ms. Ketring said they would like to have some freestanding equipment. Ms. Ketring said all
funds collected would be split between both parks. Ms. Ketring said they are working on an August 20
deadline. Ms. Ketring said they would like to put a sign at each park dedicating it to the children of the
community and noting those who had made contributions.

Mayor Frith said it has been brought to his attention that the Council may not have made a formal
motion to spend the funds for the playground equipment. Mayor Frith said he thought there had been a
consensus of the Council to spend approximately $30,000 to $40,000 on each park. Mayor Frith called
for a motion. Councilmember Everett said he would like some discussion on this item.
Councilmember Everett said Council did discuss spending about $33,000 to $35,000 when proposing
one park, but is now talking about equipment and picnic areas for two parks. Councilmember Everett
asked for clarification. City Manager Bill Brynes said the estimate at this time is about $35,000 for
equipment per park. Mr. Brynes said there was discussion that there were certain things that have to be
done at the parks, such as building picnic areas at both parks and fencing the playground area of
Jerkins Park. Mr. Brynes said $40,000 per park is an estimate. Mr. Brynes told the Council there is a
meeting Thursday, August 16, 2001, with a representative from the playground equipment company.
Mr. Brynes said he found out that the equipment would be purchased from one company and installed
by another. Mr. Brynes said this could be a savings to the City, in that the installation company may
need to rent certain equipment and the City could provide this equipment for a discount.

Councilmember Everett told the Council he had pointed out to Ms. Ketring and Ms. Edwards a
possible safety concern regarding a portion of the original equipment Ms. Ketring said she and Ms.
Edwards found a piece of equipment that would replace that without changing the overall structure and
that would not affect the cost. Ms. Edwards spoke about needing at least 12 inches of “fall surface”
material and noted this was not included in the cost, suggesting this material could be purchased
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Referring to the possibility of using city equipment to unload the playground equipment,
Councilmember Feagle had questions concerning the contract with the company and asked if it does
not spell out exactly what the company will or will not do. Mr. Brynes answered yes, but said if the
City’s machine is used for unloading the equipment, the City may be able to get a discount. Mr.
Brynes told the Council the City could also obtain a three percent discount if the equipment is paid for
up front, although he would not suggest doing this. Mr. Brynes said the City would be paying a dealer
who deals with the manufacturer and thinks there could be a risk involved in dealing with someone
(you) do not know about. Councilmember Everett commented if the City has the money and can take
a three percent discount, why not do this. Councilmember Feagle said if the company were to go out
of business, she would have a problem with giving them so much money up front. Councilmember
Feagle commented also “you can not negotiate with someone who is out of business.” Ms. Ketring
commented that Miracle is the oldest manufacturer (of playground equipment) in the country.
Councilmember Everett said given the reputation of the company and the fact that their structures can
be seen locally, he does not want the City to give up the three percent, saying the City always has a
legal recourse.

Mayor Frith called for a motion to proceed with the project. Councilmember Everett made a motion
that the City proceed with the project based on the numbers set forth, but not to exceed that amount.
City Manager Bill Brynes reminded the Council the project would exceed the amount discussed
because of the donations from within the community. Councilmember Everett revised his motion that
the project proceed, setting aside the monies raised by donations and they not be included in the project
budget, and would be solely designated to be split between the City Park and Jerkins Park. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

Mr. Brynes told the Council the plans are to relocate the Jerkins park playground area closer to the
swimming pool area, noting there will be only one playground, which will be fenced and separate from
the basketball court area, which will not be fenced. Councilmember Alexander said the purpose of
separating the areas is to keep the smaller children away from the area of the grownups. A resident in
the audience agreed it was in the best interest of the youth to separate the areas.

Councilmember Everett commented the placement of the playground equipment in the parks would be
the City’s decision and suggested the Council get input from Ms. Edwards and Ms. Ketring on this

Beginning discussion of another matter, Councilmember Scott said Council had talked about the fact
that the City uses in-house labor to complete some city projects and she was curious to know how
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much money the City has saved by using in-house labor as opposed to contracting the work out. Mr.
Brynes said he could not really say an “x” number of dollars, but the City has been using in-house
labor since about 1980. Mr. Brynes gave an example of a Community Development Block Grant
project, saying that rather than hire someone to be an engineer-type person, the City put someone out
on the project. Mr. Brynes said doing this allows the City to spend more money in the project itself.
Councilmember Scott asked about the proposed re-roofing of the city garage in the capital outlay
portion of the budget for fiscal year 2001-02. Mr. Brynes said he could roughly estimate that if the
City spends $25,000 on materials, there is about $25,000 worth of labor.

Mayor Frith gave an example of employee labor for other city projects. Mayor Frith said employees in
the police department worked on building the new police department building on their own time, as did
fire employees in remodeling the fire department building. Mayor Frith commented this did not take
away from employee’s regular duties. Councilmember Scott questioned the issue when it does take
away from regular duties. Director of Public Works Barney Johnson said it is a matter of priority. Mr.
Johnson explained at that moment, it is the most efficient place to be for the employee. Mr. Brynes
gave other examples of saving the City money by using in-house labor. Mr. Brynes said when street
paving is done, the City can send someone to monitor the project and saves money by not having to
hire an engineer. Mr. Brynes said the City saved a considerable amount of money when using in-house
labor to build the Mason Kelley Water Treatment Plant.

Mayor Frith suggested discussing any other matters before beginning discussion of the budget. Mayor
Frith began by telling the Council at Margurite Street and Jefferson Street there is an alley going
through there but, for the past 50 years or so, there has been a house built over this alley. Mayor Frith
said he was contacted by a local attorney preparing a quick claim deed from the city to the purchaser of
this house and contingent upon Director of Public Works Barney Johnson determining that the City has
no utilities in that area, he would like a motion to be made that the City abandon this area of the alley
and allow the house to remain. Councilmember Scott made a motion that the City abandons this area
of the alley contingent upon there being no city utilities and the City not having a need for this area.
Councilmember Alexander seconded the motion and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

On another item, City Manager Bill Brynes reviewed previous discussions about the difficulty the City
has had in obtaining qualified individuals to fill certain city positions. Mr. Brynes said he would like
to propose to the Council a change in certain staff positions. Mr. Brynes said the City has been unable
to fill the building inspector position and he does not see a solution for maybe some years. Mr. Brynes
said he is proposing that Mr. George Stamos, who is in the building department now, be primarily
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responsible for the building functions and move Mr. Billy LaValle from the Finance Director position,
to the building and zoning position. Mr. Brynes said Mr. LaValle had served in that position at one
time. Mr. Brynes said both individuals have certain licenses to do certain inspections and could share
that department’s functions. Mr. Brynes told the Council doing this would leave the Finance Director
position vacant, but that Mr. LaValle would continue to do some part of the finance function as would
the city manager.

Councilmember Alexander asked if there would be a cost savings to the City doing this. Mr. Brynes
said yes. Councilmember Everett asked the (salary basis) savings annually. Mr. Brynes said he did not
know the exact numbers but estimated about $40,000 including insurance benefits, social security,
retirement, etc. Mr. Brynes explained some monies would be shifted to the building inspector position
so that individual would not lose benefits. Councilmember Everett said the cost savings to the budget
needs to be earmarked for a specific use and suggested this money be set aside. Councilmember
Everett said his priority is the police department then the fire department and suggested some portion
of this money be shifted into these departments.

After discussion, Councilmember Everett made a motion to approve the change in staff positions as
proposed by City Manager Bill Brynes. Councilmember Alexander seconded the motion and upon roll
call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

On another issue, Councilmember Scott said she has received complaints about an abandoned house at
216 Susan Street where people are going in and out doing things they should not be doing.
Councilmember Scott said the property is overgrown and needs to be cleaned up and the house needs
to be torn down.

Councilmember Scott informed Mr. Johnson the lights at the north end of Jerkins Park are out.
Councilmember Scott clarified that the lights are burned out and have not been knocked out.

Councilmember Scott said the sidewalks on Martin Luther King between Warner and Swartz Street and
on Swartz Street are overgrown and need to be cleaned up. Mr. Johnson said he would check on this
and also noted the same with the sidewalks on Pate Street.

Councilmember Scott asked about the progress of street striping discussed at a previous Council
meeting. Mr. Johnson said he has tried to contact the contractor without success. Mr. Johnson said the
project has not been completed but the City has not been billed either.
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Councilmember Everett asked for an update on the cost estimate of redoing Osceola and Seminole
Streets and asked if there are dollar figures in the budget for this. Mr. Brynes said there were not, but
if the Council wants to do this, monies could be saved for the project. Mr. Johnson had provided a cost
estimate for the repair of these streets and told the Council it was a good price. Councilmember
Everett agreed and said if it would be appropriate, he would make a motion that the Council approve
the proposed amount of $15,350 to repair Osceola Street and Seminole Street as soon as possible.
Councilmember Scott seconded the motion and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

Councilmember Feagle said concerned individuals have asked her if something could be done for the
safety of children being dropped off in front of the Dance Workshop. Councilmember Feagle said a
pedestrian crosswalk in this area has been suggested. Mr. Johnson said he would contact the owner
and see what could be done.

Mayor Frith asked if there was anyone else to speak. Mrs. Dorothy Hinman, 203 E. Magnolia
addressed the Council to request their reconsideration of renaming Magnolia. Mrs. Hinman asked the
Council to consider renaming the street Frank Robertson Drive. Mayor Frith told Mrs. Hinman the
Council plans to revisit the renaming of some city streets at its next Council meeting. Mayor Frith
asked Mrs. Hinman if she was referring specifically to E. Magnolia. Mrs. Hinman answered yes.

The meeting continued with discussion of the Fiscal Year 2001-02 Budget.


Mayor Frith opened the floor for presentations by several local organizations that had requested
funding from the city. The first to address the Council was Ms. Wynette Huxford, Taylor County
Senior Services. Ms. Huxford began by briefly reviewing the TCSS audit and budget and explained
where TCSS gets some of its funding. Ms. Huxford said TCSS receives $30,000 from the County, had
been receiving $10,000 from the City (but is requesting $15,000 for the next year), approximately
$23,000 from the United Way and smaller donations from private organizations and individuals. Ms.
Huxford said these amounts are used as cash matches for the Old American Act (OAA) and
Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) budgets of TCSS. Ms. Huxford said TCSS also receives some
grant funding from the Department of Elder Affairs. Ms. Huxford said the TCSS budget has a $11,000
deficit, but with that deficit, TCSS is willing to revert back to the previous requested amount of
$10,000 instead of requesting $15,000 from the City. Ms. Huxford said, on behalf of herself and the
TCSS Board, they feel they can be innovative enough to make up the extra $5,000 they had requested.

Mayor Frith said he appreciates TCSS’s willingness to accept a smaller amount than they had asked
for. Councilmember Everett had questions about management salaries and asked if there had been a
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25 percent increase. Ms. Huxford said going through the budget, you can see there is a 14 percent
increase in administration overall, but she does not have across the board specifics. Councilmember
Everett asked if this is based on the number of clients served. Ms. Huxford said no. Ms. Huxford said
she would like to come back before the Council later and give more information.

Councilmember Everett asked if there was a 25 percent increase in management salaries. Ms. Huxford
said no and referred the Council to information concerning total wages and personnel cost worksheets
in the information provided to the Council. Councilmember Everett asked about the director’s salary.
Ms. Huxford said the position required a certain person to do auditing and other duties.
Councilmember Everett asked the percentage of increase. Ms. Huxford said the salary increase was
$10,000 Ms. Diane Ching, who sits on the Board of Directors, spoke about the complexities of the
budget required by the State. Ms. Ching explained that as they increase the services it is providing at
the facility, they are able to generate more revenue and this allows them to allocate money for salaries,
additional mileage costs, etc. Ms. Ching said they were able to justify salaries because of the services
provided at the center.

Councilmember Everett said his concern is how to divvy out the money (City contributions) to the
various organizations. Councilmember Everett commented (this) has to be fair to the people of the
community. Ms. Ching again addressed the Council explaining that the more services they provide,
the more match monies they are required to come up with. Ms. Ching said TCSS is expecting to bring
in $63,000 (if the City contributes the $10,000), but this will be short on the match money they are
required to have. Ms. Ching said the salaries in the previous budgets did not draw away from the
service areas. Ms. Ching then spoke about the benchmark salary survey comparing other similar
organizations and looked at other non-profit groups and found the TCSS director position was well
below other similar type organizations.

Mayor Frith noted that he and Councilmember Scott are on the TCSS Board and he was at the meeting
where the raise and salary were discussed at length. Mayor Frith said he voted for the director to
receive the increase because he was aware the money was not coming from the monies contributed by
the City. Councilmember Scott said she was present at that meeting but did not vote because she did
not fully understand what was going on.

Councilmember Everett asked if Council could make a decision as each organization makes a
presentation. Councilmember Scott said the Council has allotted $136,000 in the budget and the
Council needs to decide whether to increase this amount from $136,000. Councilmember Feagle said
she agrees that the Council should decide how much the City will contribute and then decide who and
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how much to give away. Councilmember Alexander stated this was his feeling also. Councilmember
Feagle said she would like to see the amount stay at $136,000 and made a motion that the City’s total
contribution amount remains at $136,000. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Scott and
upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

Councilmember Alexander suggested hearing the remaining organizations in order.

Taylor County Development Authority – requesting $41,000.

Mr. Jim Bassett, Chairman, and Mr. Don Lincoln, Vice President, addressed the Council. Mr. Bassett
said they are requesting that TCDA’s funding level remain the same as last year, which is $41,000. Mr.
Bassett said he feels the city’s funding should be divided out based on results and he feels TCDA has
gotten results for the community. Mr. Lincoln spoke briefly reviewing some of TCDA’s

Main Street Perry, Inc. – requesting $25,000

Ms. Sharron Dorman, President, noted that Main Street was not funded last year and did not seek
funding last year. Ms. Dorman said Main Street has worked this past year to get reorganized Ms.
Dorman said, in the past, Main Street focused on promotions but future plans are to include a focus on
design and economic development and asks that the Council consider funding Main Street for the
upcoming fiscal year.

Taylor County Historical Society – requesting $500.00

Mayor Frith noted there was no representative for the Historical Society but the Council had received a
letter of request for funding of $500.00, the same amount as last year.

Civil Air Patrol – requesting $2,500.00

There was no representative present. It was noted that the Council had received a letter of request for
$2,500.00, which is the same amount requested last year.

Chamber of Commerce – requesting $15,000

Ms. Dawn Murray-Taylor, President/Executive Director, told the Council the Chamber is not
requesting an increase of the annual allotted amount of $15,000. Ms. Murray-Taylor gave a brief
summary of the services and accomplishments of the Chamber of Commerce. Councilmember Scott
asked how the Chamber could justify the request for $15,000. Ms. Murray-Taylor said she feels the
Chamber is a necessity in the community and is the hub of Taylor County. Ms. Murray-Taylor said the
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Chamber provides information about the community to tourists, business prospects, etc., and provides
small business assistance to anyone in the community and is a valuable source of information for this

Boys and Girls Club – requesting $70,000

It was noted that the Boys and Girls Club (B&G) requested $60,000 last fiscal year. Mr. Kevin Kidd,
Executive Director, addressed the City Council. Mr. Kidd said on behalf of the B&G Board of
Directors he would like to say that the B&G of Perry has had one of the best years ever. Mr. Kidd gave
a background of his education and experience and the recent accomplishments at the Club, including
grants received and scholarships given. Mr. Kidd said the diversity ratio has increased since he has
been at the Club. Mr. Kidd said previously it was 80 (black)/20 (white) and now that ratio is
60(black)/40 (white). Mr. Kidd spoke of the many programs, both educational and technical that are
provided for the kids at the Club. Mr. Kidd said one reason for the request for an increase this year is a
structural inspection of the building was done and it was found that if steps are not taken to improve
the condition of the building it could become a hazard. Mr. Kidd spoke about the staffing budget of the
Club. Mr. Kidd said in previous years the B&G did not do a good job of budgeting staff. Mr. Kidd
said the budget has since been cut 10.96 percent by cutting a lot of positions and combining them into
existing positions.

Refuge House – requesting $10,000

It was noted that Refuge House was not funded last year.

Ms. Debra Bray addressed the Council on behalf of Refuge House saying Refuge House is a much-
needed service for the community and that all Refuge House monies stay in Taylor County.
Councilmember Everett asked if the local Refuge House serves only Taylor County. Ms. Bray said it
also serves Madison County, from which it also receives funding. Councilmember Scott asked if
Refuge House had gone before the Taylor County Board of County Commissioners (TCBCC) to
request funding. Ms. Bray said the TCBCC tentatively approved $15,000 for Refuge House.

Mr. Jack Scott addressed the Council briefly regarding information provided to the Council at the
August 7, 2001, Budget Workshop meeting. Mr. Scott said he addresses the Council in that the
Council intends to address these requests from organizations, and in reference to the information he
provided concerning reducing the City’s contribution in light of the economic condition today and
because of the high-risk employees who are grossly underpaid. Mr. Scott commented these
organizations feel as if they have some right or duty to request public monies to be used for non-profit
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Mr. Scott said it is strictly an economic stand he is taking—that he has nothing against any of the
organizations. Mr. Scott said it is a matter of dollars and cents and he thinks the Council has a
responsibility to the City employees.

Mayor Frith commented that he and the city manager have discussed employee salaries and can show
there are monies to increase the police department, fire department and other employee’s salaries.
Councilmember Everett asked how much. Mayor Frith said the City could possibly provide police
officers and firefighters a $2,500 a year raise, fire captain and police sergeants a $1,500 a year raise,
and all other employees a three percent increase. Mr. Scott said he is not talking about giving a
percentage raise, as he feels this is unfair. Mr. Scott said if Council wants to do the right thing, they
should give a dollar and cent raise. Councilmember Everett commented that something is better than
nothing. Mayor Frith said a percentage increase would be given to the employees. Mayor Frith said
this is just being more generous to those employees who have been with the City the longest, work
hard and who have furthered their education. Mayor Frith said the increase would be a cost of living
increase. Mayor Frith then moved on to discussion of how each Councilmember would like to see the
organizational funding distributed.

Mayor Frith: Taylor County Development Authority - $31,000

Main Street Perry, Inc. - $10,000
Historical Society - $500
Civil Air Patrol - $2,000
Chamber of Commerce - $12,000
Taylor County Senior Services - $10,000
Boys & Girls Club $60,000
Taylor County Leadership Council - $5,000
Refuge House - $5,500

Councilmember Scott said she is in agreement except she would like to see Refuge House get $10,000.
Councilmember Feagle and Councilmember Alexander agreed. Councilmember Everett said he didn’t
have a problem with Refuge House receiving the amount of funding requested ($10,000) given the
nature of the services they provide, however, he feels $5,000 would be a nice percentage increase since
they did not receive anything last year. Councilmember Everett said he concurs with the $5,000 to the
Taylor County Leadership Council and $60,000 to the Boys and Girls Club. Regarding the Taylor
County Senior Services, Councilmember Everett said still does not understand or know enough about
how monies are allocated in this organization to make a good decision. Councilmember Everett said
he has a personal problem with a $10,000 salary increase in management without justification.
Councilmember Everett said they would have to prove to him that services were increased in that
amount to offset the differences. Councilmember Everett said he would not be inclined to give the
$10,000-maybe $5,000. Councilmember Everett said he is not comfortable with funding Main Street
at all because he cannot see any economic increase at this point and does not see this as the best use of
the city’s monies. Councilmember Everett said he feels $41,000 to the Taylor County Development
Authority is under spending, but would be agreeable to stay with $41,000.
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Councilmember Feagle: Refuge House $10,000

Taylor County Leadership Council $5,000
Boys & Girls Club $60,000
Taylor County Senior Services $5,000

Councilmember Feagle said she has mixed feelings about this one. Councilmember Feagle said she
wants to help the senior citizens but has to know the money contributed would be put into the services
and she is not convinced concerning the $10,000 raise for the director.

Chamber of Commerce $12,000

Taylor County Development Authority $41,000
Civil Air Patrol $2,000
Main Street Perry $-0-

There was further discussion about Taylor County Senior Services. Councilmember Everett said the
issue is what is actually happening with the funds in that organization. Ms. Huxford said the monies
are shifted within the organization and no services have been cut. A lady from the audience addressed
the Council said there seems to be a problem with the director’s salary, but she thinks it is a bad thing
if the Council is going to give Main Street money and gives the Taylor County Senior Services (TCSS)
nothing. Mr. Richard Feagle spoke to say that he thinks it is right to give money to the TCSS and
suggested the city officials could work with Senator Mitchell and Representative Kendrix about this
program. Councilmember Everett commented it is his responsibility to be concerned about how every
dollar is spent.

Councilmember Alexander: Taylor County Development Authority $31,000

Main Street $5,000
Historical Society $500
Civil Air Patrol $2,000
Chamber of Commerce $11,000
Taylor County Senior Services $7,000
Boys & Girls Club $60,000
Taylor County Leadership Council $5,000
Refuge House $10,000

The amounts were reviewed as given by each Councilmember. Ms. Dorman spoke again on behalf of
Main Street Perry. Ms. Dorman told the Council there had been no salaries for any of the Main Street
staff or volunteers while working to reorganize, but those individuals are determined to make the
program work and requests the City’s help and support to whatever level it can give. Mayor Frith said
when Main Street got started they got behind the city’s Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) commercial revitalization program for the downtown area, as well as obtaining other grant
monies that could help the downtown area. Mr. Feagle commented that Main Street does tend to instill
pride in the community and as Main Street grows, the City will benefit from that.
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After discussion, Mayor Frith called for a motion to tentatively approve funding amounts to the
organizations as follows:
Boys and Girls Club $60,000
Historical Society $500
Taylor County Leadership Council $5,000
Chamber of Commerce $12,000
Civil Air Patrol $2,000
Refuge House $10,000
Taylor County Development Authority $31,000
Taylor County Senior Services $5,500
Main Street Perry $5,500

Councilmember Scott made a motion to tentatively approve the funding amounts to the organizations
as listed above. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was
as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

Mayor Frith said the Council would discuss employee salaries at this time. Mayor Frith said it is
proposed that the City increase the salaries of police sergeants and fire captain salaries $1,500.00;
increase the salaries of police officers and firefighters $2,500.00; and give all other employees a three
percent increase. Mayor Frith said the total cost would be $146,000 and would come from the City’s
cash reserves.

Councilmember Everett made a motion to approve the salary increases of police sergeants and fire
captain salaries $1,500.00; increase the salaries of police officers and firefighters $2,500.00; and give
all other employees a three percent increase. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Feagle and
upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

Aaron Portwood, Perry Newspapers, Inc. asked if this is a raise for employees. Mayor Frith said this is
a raise so that the City can raise the starting salaries for the firefighters and police officers and perhaps
get these positions filled more easily with more qualified people.
Page 14, August 14, 2001 Regular Session Minutes


There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 9:05 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard D. Frith, Mayor

Recorded in Official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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