22 Jul 03 Min

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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
July 22, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Shirley Scott, Bill Alexander, Richard Frith, Pam Feagle


STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Billy LaValle, Glenn Ratliff, Bill Blue and Annette

Mayor Frith called the meeting to order. Councilmember Alexander led those attending the meeting in
prayer. Mayor Frith led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The secretary then called
the roll.
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X


After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Scott made a motion to adopt the minutes of
July 8, 2003, Regular Session as written; seconded by Councilmember Feagle and upon roll call vote
was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett ABSENT
Mayor Frith X


Ms. Juliette Allen, 1104 Richard Bell, addressed the Council representing the Loughridge Park
neighborhood and The Lady Rattlers Women’s Softball Team. Ms. Allen first expressed concern about
refuse containers that had been placed on the Loughridge Park property and questioned why the
containers had been placed there in the first place. Mayor Frith explained the containers were placed
there temporarily during the process of changing refuse collection contractors, and it was thought the
containers would have been moved more quickly than they were moved. Mayor Frith assured Ms.
Allen there was certainly no disrespect meant to the community or anyone by the containers being
placed there. Ms. Allen said she hoped the City would not plan to use the park as a storage facility in
the future.

Ms. Allen said another concern was about maintenance of the park itself. Ms. Allen spoke of having to
make several calls to the city’s recreation department to mow the grass. Ms. Allen said other concerns
were dirty dugouts, which were old and broken. Ms. Allen said an adequate job of clean up at the park
is not being done. Ms. Allen said bleachers are needed at the park also. Mayor Frith asked Director of
Recreation Glenn Ratliff to address these concerns. Mr. Ratliff said the grass had been mowed and
Page 2, July 22, 2003, Council Minutes-Regular Session

told the Council the roof on the dugout is leaking because of vandalism. Mr. Ratliff said beer and
whiskey bottles are a problem at the park, noting that no alcoholic beverages are allowed on the
property. Ms. Allen said the disrepair of the dugout has nothing to do with vandalism saying it is just
old and the wood needs to be replaced. Referring to the bleachers, Mr. Ratliff said the bleachers that
were at the park were stolen and sold. Mr. Ratliff suggested if bleachers are to be put at the park,
aluminum ones would last longer and commented there is not that much difference in cost between
aluminum and wood bleachers. Mayor Frith requested that Mr. Ratliff get the cost of aluminum
bleachers. Mayor Frith also suggested additional trash receptacles could be placed at the park.

Councilmember Feagle said she is sympathetic to the Loughridge Park community’s concerns
regarding the refuse containers left at the park for so long a period of time and the condition of the park
itself. Councilmember Feagle said she would like to see all the city parks better maintained and said
she is ashamed that citizens have to ask the City (for cleanup) more than once.

City Manager Bill Brynes commented that a lot of those refuse containers were not on city property
but were actually on railroad property. Mr. Brynes suggested the City could buy that particular railroad
property. Mr. Brynes said the City could enlarge the park and commented the City is going to have to
either lease or buy part of that property anyway with regard to the spray field. Mr. Brynes told the
Council the railroad has said they would sell the property for $10,000 to $12,000. Director of Public
Works Barney Johnson said the City could probably purchase the property for as much as the cost for
a permit. Mayor Frith commented he has found the railroad to be reasonable in the past. After
discussion, Councilmember Alexander made a motion that the City proceed to purchase the railroad
property located adjacent to Loughridge Park on Highway 98. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Scott and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett ABSENT
Mayor Frith X

Another individual to address the Council was Connie Conley, site manager for Waste Pro., Inc. Ms.
Conley first apologized for the length of time the refuse containers were left at Loughridge Park during
the process of changing contractors. Ms. Conley said Waste Pro would strive to give quality service to
the City and hopes there would not be any other inconveniences in the future. Discussion continued
with the next business item.


Mr. Neshat, 202 E. Veterans’ Drive, gave a brief summary of owner Dr. Khalil Afsh’s plans for the
Premiere Medical Center at Washington Street and Main Street. Mr. Neshat said they had attended the
City’s Planning and Zoning Board (P&Z) meeting July 7, 2003, and gained approval of the site plan
Page 3, July 22, 2003, Council Minutes-Regular Session

but there are some requests they wanted to address to the City Council. Mr. Neshat explained the new
addition would be two stories and they want to come off the top with a slope roof and attach an
awning. Mr. Neshat explained the (existing) building was built on the property line and the new roof
would project over the property line. Mr. Neshat said they are asking permission to go (project) over
the property line. Mayor Frith commented the City has dealt with such situation before and this could
be done with an easement agreement. When asked by Mr. Brynes, Mr. Neshat said the height at the
lowest point is higher than 10 feet and would not interfere with traffic. Mr. Neshat said other requests
include: a desire to have a covered entrance; handicap accessible sidewalk on the west side;
landscaped area or other improvements such as planting a psalm tree. Mr. Neshat said other decorative
improvements include columns that support the building (with protruding trim). Mr. Neshat explained
the style would of a Mediterranean style. Mayor Frith asked if these requests were presented to the
P&Z Board. Mr. Neshat said this was not presented to the P&Z Board, only the site plan.

Mayor Frith asked city attorney Bill Blue if these requests from Mr. Neshat fall within the realm of the
City Council (authority). Mr. Blue told the Council he wasn’t certain but thinks there would have to be
an advertised meeting in regard to the property issue (encroachment on city property). Mr. Blue said
the Council could give approval contingent upon his research to determine advertising requirements
under Florida Statutes.

Mayor Frith asked Mr. Neshat if he had worked with Main Street Perry, Inc. Mr. Neshat said he had
not. Mayor Frith suggested it might be a good idea to contact Main Street Perry, as the organization
does have some control over décor in the downtown area and it would be a good start to work together
for the betterment of downtown Perry. Mr. Blue noted the request for a psalm tree at the intersection
and questioned possible visibility problems. Mr. Blue said permission from the City’s Tree Board
would be needed to cut down the tree that is already on the property and to plant any additional trees
on the property.

After discussion, Councilmember Feagle made a motion based on wording offered by Mr. Blue.
Councilmember Feagle made a motion that the City Council approve the requests of Shahene Neshat
and Barry Wilson and approve the necessary easements to allow them to extend over city property, as
discussed above, without the necessity of an additional meeting provided Florida Statutes does not
require an additional meeting, and to seek and obtain the necessary approvals from the City’s Tree
Board. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Scott and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
Page 4, July 22, 2003, Council Minutes – Regular Session

Mr. Brynes asked about storm water drainage. Mr. Neshat said the parking lot would have to be
permitted and will include a retention pond. Mr. Brynes said he had talked with Barry Wilson
regarding the possibility of the City working with them on storm water drainage. Mr. Brynes referred
to storm water drainage problems at the intersection of Washington Street and Main Street near the Big
Bend Fitness building.

Before proceeding to the next business item, Mayor Frith recognized Mr. Thomas Demps, former

Mayor/Councilmember who wished to address the City Council. Mr. Demps told the Council the

Demps family would be having a family reunion August 1, 2, and 3rd and he would like to make a

request they be allowed to open the Men’s Club as a gathering place to eat on the 3rd, which is on a

Sunday. Mr. Demps said he is aware that the City has an ordinance that prohibits establishments that

serve alcohol to be open on Sundays, but their intent is to use the club only as a place to eat. Mayor

Frith said the city manager would check on this and let him know if this could be done.



Mr. Knowles and members of the Buckeye Community Federal Credit Union (BCFCC) Board of
Directors were present. Mr. Knowles addressed the Council and thanked Billy LaValle, Director of
Community Development, for his help in putting together information for presentation. Mr. Knowles
said BFCU is requesting the City Council to agree to abandon and close the portion of Madison Street
that divides BFCC’s two properties along Jefferson Street. Mr. Knowles told the Council the Board
was not aware, nor informed, there would be a traffic light installed at Madison and Jefferson Street
that would serve the new Wal*Mart Supercenter. Mr. Knowles said the Board believes there would be
added congestion and safety concerns for their business with the additional traffic flows. Mr. Knowles
said, in further conversation with the Department of Transportation, they agreed there could be some
traffic safety concerns. Mr. Knowles said another benefit of allowing a portion of Madison Street to be
closed is residents of that community served by Madison Street would not have to have the increase of
non-local traffic emptying into their neighborhood as a result of the traffic light.

Councilmember Feagle asked what the cost to the City would be if the street were to be abandoned and
closed as requested. Mayor Frith indicated there would be no monetary cost. Director of Public Works
Barney Johnson told the Council the City has a 6-inch water line and a 2-inch gas line that runs down
Madison Street. Councilmember Feagle asked if this would be an issue. Mr. Johnson said it could be
if the lines were to burst.

Mayor Frith commented Madison Street had been paved under requirements of the Lipman Lawsuit
but the city attorney said this should not be a problem. Councilmember Scott asked what problem
would be posed regarding the city’s utilities under the street. Mayor Frith commented that if the
Page 5, July 22, 2003, Council Minutes- Regular Session

Council should decide to abandon and close a portion of Madison Street ownership of the property
would go to BCFCU. Mr. Johnson said the City would have to retain an easement for the utilities and
he would strongly advise that the City get input from the residents of the Dreamland neighborhood
regarding abandoning and closing a portion of the street. City Manager Bill Brynes suggested this
item could be placed on the August 12, 2003 City Council meeting agenda for a public hearing.
Councilmember Feagle said, personally, she did not have a problem with BCFCC’s request but would
like to have input from the residents.

Mr. Neshat suggested making Madison Street a one-way street going to Jefferson Street. Mr. Blue said
this would not accomplish what BCFCC wants to do with joining their two properties. Mr. Johnson
said one more thing to consider is that closing Madison Street would have a bigger impact on Saxon
Street than there is now. Concluding discussion, the Council requested this item be brought back for
discussion at the next regular session Council meeting. Mr. Brynes said the City would hand deliver
information to those residents in the Dreamland neighborhood

At approximately 7:35 p. m. City Attorney Bill Blue asked the Council’s permission to be excused to
attend a funeral visitation. The Council excused Mr. Blue from the meeting at that time.



Regarding the City Manager’s budget letter to the Council, Councilmember Feagle questioned why
there are no salary adjustments proposed. Mr. Brynes explained there is no way of knowing what the
Council might decide to do in regard to this item. Mr. Brynes then reviewed various budget items
noting that the proposed budget reflects receipts of $7,200,186 and operating expenses of $7,666,428
or expenses exceeding receipts by $466,2442.

Mr. Brynes briefly discussed natural gas costs (what is used and transportation costs). Mayor Frith
asked the last time the City had a utility rate increase. Mr. Brynes said the last rate increase occurred
approximately six years ago. Mayor Frith discussed the possibility of increasing the rate. Mr. Brynes
told the Council customers have said if there is to be a rate increase they would prefer it be raised a
little bit over a period of years rather than all at once. Councilmember Feagle commented she would
prefer not to raise rates until every effort to increase revenue and cut expenses had been exhausted.
Mayor Frith said the City needs a “cost-of-living” in its revenue also and noted the City had not had a
rate increase for a number of years. Mr. Brynes said if the Council were to consider an increase in
rates, the City does not need to have someone do a “rate study,” as this is something that could be done
by the City. Other items discussed were overtime pay in the police and fire departments and revenue
from Doctors’ Memorial Hospital and United Welding Services, Inc.
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Councilmember Scott commented about how employee health insurance costs to the City could affect
the budget and asked the amount the City had paid out in unpaid claims (unpaid by Meridian Benefits,
Inc.). Mr. Brynes noted there would not be any increases in employee health insurance costs until
December (with the new carrier) but the City had paid out approximately $165,000 so far in those
unpaid claims. Mr. Brynes said the City had paid $48,000 per month for premiums with Meridian.

The Council set a special budget meeting for Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 5:00 p. m. to discuss the fiscal
year 2003-04 budget.



Discussing the millage rate, Mayor Frith said, generally, if the rollback rate is used, the City could
generate about the same amount as the prior year, which for fiscal year 2002-03 was $812,000. Mayor
Frith said if the rate is left at the current rate of 4.73 mills, this could generate about $823,000. Mayor
Frith said if the City’s millage rate is left at 4.73 mills, the City will have increased taxes by 1.339
percent and this would be advertised in the local paper as an increase in taxes. Mayor Frith
commented the Council could set the millage rate at five percent and lower this rate after review of the
Budget. Councilmember Feagle questioned the setting of the millage rate when the Council had not
yet (decided) on a budget. Mr. Brynes told the Council the City’s proposed millage rate is due to the
property appraiser by August 4, 2003. It was noted that one (1) mill could generate approximately
$169,000, while three mills could generate approximately $500,000. Councilmember Scott
commented three mills just would cover the budget deficit. Councilmember Scott informed the
Council she would not be at the July 29, 2003 budget meeting as she would be out of town.
Councilmember Scott said she would like the record to show that if the Council increases the millage
rate, she is in favor of doing this.



Two bids were presented for repair and resurfacing of a 140 ft section of Church Street. Local resident
Jack Scott asked if the City would be in a position to do anything about storm water drainage since
maintenance of Church Street is now the responsibility of the City. It was agreed the City could look
at putting in an inlet on the north side of the street. Mr. Brynes said the bids received were:
Blue Rok, Inc. - $6,400 plus $1,800 for reshaping and elevation
C. L. Slaughter Construction, Inc., - $6,600, which includes reshaping and elevation.
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Councilmember Feagle made a motion to accept the low bid of $6,600 from C. L. Slaughter
Construction, Inc., for repair work on Church Street. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Scott and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett ABSENT
Mayor Frith X


Mr. Brynes updated the Council on several items. Mr. Brynes said the City may be as close as number
two on the list to begin receiving a portion of $8 million grant monies, at approximately $750,000 a
year. Mr. Brynes told the Council city work crews are still finding sewer problems along the creek.

Councilmember Feagle asked about a $250,000 (recreational) grant for city parks. Director of
Recreation Glenn Ratliff said most of these grants are matching grants and are for “new construction”


Director of Public Works Barney Johnson provided the Council with a list of streets the Council
requested be resurfaced/paved. Mr. Johnson said he has indicated on the streets listed for “new
paving” those streets that do not have sewer lines. Mr. Brynes said the Council might want to wait to
pave these streets until sewer has been installed.


Councilmember Scott said a new sign and cleanup is needed at Baker Park. (located off Julia Drive).

Councilmember Feagle addressed city park concerns to Director of Recreation Glenn Ratliff.
Councilmember Feagle said she had received a complaint from a citizen about the glider being broken
and calls to the Recreation Department that had not been returned. Councilmember Feagle said this
person called the playground equipment company and was told the equipment was still under warranty.
Mr. Ratliff said his staff had called the company several times with no results. Councilmember Feagle
suggested the City Manager might write a letter to the company and remind them how much money
the City has spent on the equipment. Councilmember Feagle said this individual also said more mulch
is needed in the play area.

Councilmember Feagle asked Director of Public Works Barney Johnson about digging out the
retention pond at Center Street and Orange Street. Mr. Johnson said plans are to make this pond larger
but there has been too much rain to dig it out.
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There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 8:50 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard D. Frith, Mayor

Recorded in Official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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