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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
January 22, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Shirley Scott, Bill Alexander, Pam Feagle, Doug Everett

MEMBER ABSENT: Richard Frith

STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, Bill Blue and
Annette Anderson

Vice Mayor Alexander called the meeting to order and led those attending the meeting in prayer. Vice
Mayor Alexander led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was then called by the
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X



The employee was not present.

AGENDA ITEM (4)…APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: January 8, 2002; Regular Session

After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Everett made a motion to adopt the minutes of
January 8, 2002, Regular Session as written; seconded by Councilmember Feagle and upon roll call
vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith ABSENT


There was no one from the public to address the Council at this time.



Mr. Dunwoody, representing the NAACP, addressed the Council. Mr. Dunwoody said the organization
and citizens are interested in knowing how to get the City of Perry Chief of Police position to be an
elected position rather than an appointed position. Councilmember Feagle asked why. Mr. Dunwoody
said by putting the position on a ballot, it gives the people more power and puts more pressure on the
position for the chief to listen to the people. Mr. Dunwoody then told the Council they are having a
problem with Officer Gorski in particular and people have been complaining about him. Mr.
Dunwoody then related to the Council several instances of occurrences he personally witnessed and
had been told of involving this officer about possible harassment by him. Mr.
Page 2, January 22, 2002, Council Minutes-Regular Session

Dunwoody said (they) are not seeing the results (they) would like to see. Mr. Dunwoody said (they)
think if the position of Chief of Police were placed on a ballot, it would make a great difference in the
community. Councilmember Feagle asked if Mr. Dunwoody feels they would be in a better position
for the community if that were to happen. Mr. Dunwoody said he feels their concerns would be
addressed a little bit more.

Mr. Dunwoody said he talked with the Supervisor of Elections about this and she said it had to do with
the City Charter and he would have to come before the City Council. City Attorney Bill Blue told Mr.
Dunwoody there would have to be a change to the City Charter and that change would have to be
approved by a referendum with a majority vote of the citizens. Mr. Dunwoody said they feel, as a
community, that making that position an elected position will make the police officers work better,
more efficiently and make the Chief more aware of the concerns of the citizens. Mr. Dunwoody said
something needs to be done about the techniques used by Officer Gorski. Mr. Blue said he appreciated
Mr. Dunwoody coming before the Council with these concerns. Mr. Blue said he once shared the same
concerns, but after having reviewed several video tapes (from police vehicle camera) relating to traffic
stops made by this officer he has since changed his opinion. Mr. Blue said in all that he has seen, he
has yet to find that Officer Gorski acted inappropriately or without just cause. Mr. Blue said the
videotapes are available to the public, as long as they are not part of an ongoing investigation. Mr.
Blue said he would urge citizens who have concerns to view police videotapes. Mr. Blue said this
should be done only after the citizen has obtained specific facts, names, dates and events of their

Mr. Blue told Mr. Dunwoody he did not really need the Council’s assistance in that he could obtain a
copy of Section 8 of the city charter and see if he could get something to comply with that section
relating to referendum. Mr. Blue told Mr. Dunwoody he could come by his office and he would
provide him with a copy of that section in the city charter.



Detective Mike Anderson addressed the Council on this item and told the Council he and city manager
Bill Brynes had discussed this issue that morning. Mr. Brynes briefly explained the DROP as it would
relate to police officers who choose to participate. Mr. Brynes said the draft ordinance first came
before the Council in December, but there were some changes to be further discussed. Mr. Brynes said
having the DROP in place could aid in the recruitment and retention of police officers. Mr. Brynes
said there are certain things in the ordinance that are law but there are some decisions the Council
needs to make regarding certain aspects of the ordinance. Mr. Brynes said one issue pertains to when
an officer leaves and then wants to come back into service that he must repay the fund, with interest,
within 90 days. Mr. Brynes said he feels this time period should be at least six months to repay.
Councilmember Everett asked about the amount of interest the officer would pay. Detective Anderson
said the interest would be determined by the board and the officer would know up front what interest
Page 3, January 22, 2002, Council Minutes-Regular Session

rate he would have to pay. Mr. Brynes said another issue deals with the officer changing the desired
beneficiary at anytime. Mr. Brynes said this involves someone’s personal life decision and the officer
should have the right to change his/her beneficiary. Mr. Brynes said another issue, if approved by the
Council, would allow an officer to purchase four years of active military years, at their own expense,
towards their retirement time. Mr. Brynes said he would recommend this be allowed. Mr. Brynes said
this also could be used as a recruitment tool. One other item pertains to allowing officers to purchase
two years of prior police service if they come from some other place of employment. Mr. Brynes said,
personally, he would change this to up to four years. Councilmember Everett said he would like to
consider a cap of six years total (prior military and prior service). There was a brief discussion as to
whether this was allowable. Detective Anderson said he would check on this particular issue and bring
back information at the next Council meeting.



City Manager Bill Brynes explained the Mutual Aid Agreement between the Perry Police Department
and the Taylor County Sheriff’s Department is an annual agreement. Councilmember Everett made a
motion to approve the Agreement; seconded by Councilmember Scott and upon roll call vote was as
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith ABSENT



Mr. Mike Murphy, William M. Bishop Consulting Engineers, Inc., addressed the Council to discuss the
city’s wastewater projects. Mr. Murphy spoke about the Community Development Block Grant and
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) grant applications the City applied for last year. Mr.
Murphy said the City made application under the assumption there may be an opportunity to get a bit
of money. Mr. Brynes said they find out where they were trying to quickly do something, they need to
slow down a bit because this grant was written for the spray field and installation of sewer throughout
the city, with the city putting up a 15 percent match. Mr. Brynes said the City was once way down on
the grant list and is now suddenly within a funding range, with the City to begin getting funds July
2004. Mr. Brynes said the goal is to keep the City’s $3 million and get the state’s $6 or $7 million.
Mr. Murphy said anything done now would not count towards the City’s 15 percent match until the
City has a facility plan written. Mr. Murphy said the facility plan consists of an engineering report,
sewer study, etc. Mr. Murphy said once the facility plan is completed and approved, anything done
would accumulate toward the City’s 15 percent match. Mr. Murphy said the City has to have a
Page 4, January 22, 2002, Council Minutes-Regular Session

facility plan in place within 30 days, received and approved by DEP and then they would allow the
City to spend the monies. Mr. Murphy said the City is allowed to use the CDBG monies, legislative
appropriations and monies the Suwannee River Water Management paid for the land as the City’s
matching funds. Mr. Murphy said this (wastewater project) could be a $8 million project with a 100
percent grant if everything is correct.

Mr. Murphy said he just needs authorization to proceed with the facility plan. Councilmember Everett
asked how long it would take Mr. Murphy to get a proposal for this work to the Council. Mr. Murphy
said it would take a few days. Mr. Brynes told the Council the City already has a contract with
William M. Bishop Consulting Engineers, Inc., to do work on an hourly basis “…not to exceed….”
Mr. Murphy said he could not say this night what the cost on an hourly basis would be but he could get
a proposal in a few days. Councilmember Everett said he would like to know “going in” what kind of
monies the City will be obligated for this work, as this is taxpayer’s monies. It was the consensus of
the Council that Mr. Murphy provide a proposal for the Council’s consideration at the next Council


Councilmembers had questions concerning:

General Fund -

a. Certificate of Competency.

b. Penalty

c. PD reimbursement PD O/T. Reimbursement to the police department/ overtime in police


d. Sale other scrap/surplus.

Administrative –

a. Communications Services

b. Insurance.

c. Promotional Activities

Finance –

a. Capital Outlay Equipment.

Fire Department

a. Miscellaneous

Economic Environment

a. Taylor County Adult Meals.

Page 5, January 22, 2002, Council Minutes-Regular Session

Councilmember Feagle asked why there was a ($10,000) variance. Mr. Brynes explained that the
organization did not request last years’ approved funding until the end of the fiscal year.
Councilmember Feagle said she would like to see a cap on the amount of time organizations have to
request their funding. Councilmember Feagle said organizations should have to use these monies
within the budget year or lose it. Councilmember Everett said he would like to see an ordinance in
place that says any organization receiving any money from the City of Perry would have to bring their
financial books before the Council and show why they need the monies. Councilmember Feagle said
she would also like to see that those organizations use the monies for what they said they needed it for.
Mr. Blue said this could be done by ordinance or by policy. Councilmember Everett said he thinks
doing it by ordinance would be the responsible way to do it. For clarification Mr. Blue asked if it was
the Council’s intent to say that monies not disbursed by the City within 30 days of the budget year will
be forfeited for that year, that monies be used for operational expenses and that the organization’s
financial books be open to the Sunshine Law. It was the consensus of the Council that city attorney
Bill Blue draft the ordinance.


Mr. Brynes told the Council the heater in the City Council Meeting Room does not work and needs
about $1,300 -$1,400 worth of repair parts. Mr. Brynes informed the Council the City would go over
budget with the purchase of these parts. It was the consensus of the Council that the repair parts for
the heater be purchased.

Discussing the storm water work to be done on Main Street and the City having to go under the
railroad, Mr. Brynes said the railroad would require the City pay a fee or a lease payment to do this.
Mr. Brynes said there would also be a $750.00 application fee and a $550 contract (admin fee). Mr.
Brynes said the railroad would also require the City pay a $250.00 fee per year forever or pay a lump
sum of $5,000.

Councilmember Everett asked if these items were negotiable. Mr. Brynes and Director of Public
Works Barney Johnson said they doubt the railroad would negotiate, but it might be worth a try.
Councilmember Feagle and Councilmember Everett both said they would personally contact the
railroad about this matter.

Another item discussed was information about workers’ compensation for installing a fence at the
Jerkins Park and possible liability to the City. Mr. Blue said he thought the City would not have any
liability but this is not the case—the City would have liability.

Councilmember Everett asked if the City could put the fence up even if it is not completely stretched.
Mr. Brynes said this could be done if this is what the Council wishes. It was the consensus of the
Council that the City put the fence up around Jerkins Park.
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Mr. Brynes briefly reviewed a summary of bids received for police cars:

Chevrolet Ford
Thomas Chevrolet State Contract State Contract
$18, 453.00 $16,825.00 $20,285.00
(1) 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0-
$19,453.00 $17,825.00 $20,285.00
$1,628.00 $2,460.00

(1) Necessary conversion of cage, lights, console, computer

(2) Two cars are budgeted this year.

Chief of Police Wayne Putnal explained the size of the truck space in the Chevrolet vehicles is not
sufficient for the equipment needed to be hauled by the officers. Chief Putnal asked the Council to
approve the purchase of the Ford vehicles instead and explained the price of $20,285.00 is below the
actual budgeted amount. Councilmember Everett said his first response would be to buy locally
(Thomas Chevrolet) but because of the need for space, he does not have a problem given that it had
been budgeted for. Councilmember Scott then made the motion that the City purchase two Ford police
vehicles at $20, 285.00 each. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Feagle and upon roll call
vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith ABSENT


Director of Community Development Billy LaValle told the Council the City’s Arbor Day and planting
of several trees near the cemetery would be on Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 10:00 a. m.

Mr. Brynes commented the Council might want to consider adding additional parking spaces at the
City Park to keep parking off of Jefferson Street. Councilmember Everett said he did not think the
City needs to spend that kind of money now.

Mr. Blue commented on previous discussion this meeting regarding complaints against a certain police
officer. Mr. Blue said when Council members get such complaints, he would encourage them to get
the facts relating to complaint and view the videotape. Mr. Blue said he feels a need to protect anyone
associated with the City when facts are alleged against them do not bear out. Councilmember Everett
said he does not feel the Council should react to a person who just represents another individual.
Councilmember Everett said these individuals should go to the Chief of Police or the City Manager.
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Councilmember Feagle asked for an update about the suggestions she made for improvements at
Veterans’ Park. Councilmember Feagle said cleanup around and of the pond looks better.
Councilmember Feagle particularly asked about painting the building that houses the City’s Recreation
department. Mr. Brynes said the Boys and Girls Club leases that building. Councilmember Feagle
asked Mr. Brynes to look over the lease agreement to see who is responsible for the maintenance of
that building.

Councilmember Feagle asked when the prioritizing of the city roads and streets for paving or
resurfacing would be done. Mr. Brynes said the City would have to go out to bid and get a contractor,
but this would be done after the Main Street storm water project is completed.

Councilmember Feagle said after she was elected to the Council she received numerous calls from city
employees and the things they said were varied. Councilmember Feagle said some of these concerns
have also been brought before the Council. Councilmember Feagle said some of things she has heard
as being discussed is micro-management and that this happens every time a new Councilmember is
elected. Councilmember Feagle said this leaves some question in her mind as to why they always call
new Councilmembers. Councilmember Feagle said, at the last Council meeting, some suggestions
from the employee suggestion box were brought to the Council. Councilmember Feagle said there was
no communication as to what was done or what was to be done. Referring to one of the suggestions
that police officers have 12-hour shifts instead of an 8-hour shift, Councilmember Feagle said she
would like to set the record straight that she has no controversy with the Chief of Police and supports
him in the way he schedules the officers for duty. Councilmember Feagle said she would continue to
support the Chief that way. Councilmember Feagle said she thinks it is okay to ask questions and feels
like the suggestion box should be taken seriously. Councilmember Feagle said the city manager and
department heads should review the suggestions and give a fair assessment of them and let the Council
know what is going to be done about them. Mr. Brynes said this would be done, except for those
suggestions that have no business being in the box.

Councilmember Scott commented she is in her third on the Council and that she continues to receive
concerns and complaints from employees and citizens.

Vice Mayor Alexander said he has had a request for a street name change from Walnut to Smith
Belcher Way.

Vice Mayor Alexander asked about the construction of picnic tables at the Jerkins Park. Mr. Brynes
said the number of tables has not yet been determined. Vice Mayor Alexander said he has received a
request for bathrooms at the park.
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Vice Mayor Alexander asked Chief Putnal if school-crossing guards could use hand-held radios. Vice
Mayor Alexander said one crossing guard has expressed the need for the radios for a safety reason.
Chief Putnal said only the police officers are allowed to carry the radios.


There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 9:15 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard D. Frith, Mayor

Recorded in Official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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