23 Aug 04 Spec Min

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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
August 23, 2004

MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Feagle, Doug Everett, Sylvester Harris, Alphonso Dowdell, Emily Weed

STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, Glenn Ratliff, Rodney
Lytle, Danny Lundy, Stephen Hollowell, Chester McAfee, Wayne English, Sarah Drawdy, Bill Blue and
Annette Anderson

Mayor Feagle called the meeting to order at 5:30 p. m. The secretary called the roll.
Councilmember Harris X
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X

Councilmember Harris was not present at roll call but arrived at the meeting at approximately
5:35 p. m. Councilmembers discussed the following budget worksheet provided by the city manager:

Proposed Expenditures exceeding estimated income 645,364

Budget reductions contingency 29,636

Total of proposed expenditures exceeding

estimated income. 675,000

1. Use of Local Option Gas Tax for Operating

Expenses rather than street paving 305,671 305,671

2. Downtown - Cemetery Budget 5,000 5,000

3. Let organizations share in shortfall 131,000 54,580

4. Educational Expense 2,500 2,500

5. Overtime (Amount unknown)

6. Since the County is constructing a sports

complex, the City has no need for the football
or baseball ball fields. Allow the school to take
these over (amount unknown)

7. Street department employee 29,009 29,009

8. Police Officer 45,006 45,006

9. Police Officer 45,006

10. Police Officer 45,006

11. Wastewater Utility Mechanic 29,812 29,812

12. Inmate Crew (plus vehicle) 54,000 54,000

13. Supt of General Services 47,810 47,810

14. Sanitation employee 31,431 31,431

15. Sanitation employee 31,431 31,431 351,921

16. Allow school to pay for school crossing guards 205,637

17. Allow school to pay for 100% of School 117,442

Resource Officer

18. Council Salary Reduction 38,750 38,750

TOTALS 841,432 351,921 205,637 117,442 675,000 675,000

OPTION II: Reducing expenses within the proposed

budget and shifting income.
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Councilmember Ketring began by stating she would like to make a motion to move forward to not fill those
positions that the City Manager had provided as an option to balancing the budget. Councilmember Ketring
said these positions are: (#7) One street department employee, (#8) one police officer position, (#11)
Wastewater Utility Mechanic, (#12) Inmate Crew and (#13) Superintendent of General Services. For
clarification, Councilmember Ketring said her motion includes eliminating these positions so they will not
come up again next year in the budget. Councilmember Dowdell asked the impact of eliminating these
positions. Director of Public Works Barney Johnson said his department is already short staffed and
eliminating these positions would certainly impact his department. Mayor Feagle asked Mr. Brynes what the
inmate crew would be used for. Mr. Brynes explained the proposed funding would have paid for the salary
of an inmate officer and did not include radios and a vehicle. Mr. Brynes said the inmate crew would have
been used to help in areas of the City wherever needed.

Councilmember Ketring said she made the motion based on a $675,000 budget deficit and the only way to
lower the deficit is to move forward. Councilmember Ketring said doing this would not impact anyone who
is already hired nor would it affect anyone’s salary. Councilmember Everett asked if Councilmember
Ketring was proposing this as a first step in reducing the $675,000 deficit. Councilmember Ketring
answered yes and said she is not proposing to move the Gas Tax monies. Councilmember Ketring said these
monies should be used for street paving. Councilmember Ketring reminded the Council her motion was still
on the floor. Councilmember Everett seconded the motion. Councilmember Harris, who had just arrived at
the meeting, asked for an explanation of what had been discussed regarding the motion to eliminate the
above-mentioned positions. An explanation was given with some discussion pertaining to the city’s
recreation department. Director of Recreation Glenn Ratliff said his department is presently short two
employees. Mr. Ratliff said one position would be filled. Mr. Brynes told the Council an inmate work camp
is supposed to be built at Taylor Correctional Institute and this could provide the City with additional inmate

Chief of Police Wayne Putnal discussed the shortage of police officers in his department. Chief Putnal
questioned why the Council provided raises last year to keep officers and now plan to not fill vacant
positions in the police department. Mayor Feagle explained the raise last year to the police officers was
given to help retain officers. Councilmember Everett commented the officers deserved the raise.
Councilmember Everett told Chief Putnal under the Option II proposal he could hire two police officers.

The Council was reminded of the motion by Councilmember Ketring and the second by Councilmember
Everett to move forward to not fill those positions that the City Manager had provided as an option to
balancing the budget as follows: (#7) One street department employee, (#8) one police officer position,
(#11) Wastewater Utility Mechanic, (#12) Inmate Crew and (#13) Superintendent of General Services. After
roll call the vote was as follows:
Councilmember Harris X
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X

At this point in the meeting, Mayor Feagle brought up the city attorney’s presence at the meeting. Mayor
Feagle said it was her recollection that several months ago or the first of the year the previous Council had
Page 3, August 23, 2004, Council Minutes-Special Session
discussed not having legal counsel at every Council meeting. Mayor Feagle asked if any thing had changed
that the attorney would be at this meeting. City Attorney Bill Blue said he had been asked by
Councilmember Ketring to attend. Mayor Feagle said it was her understanding that the attorney would not
be at the meetings unless there was a consensus of the Council that he be asked to attend. Councilmember
Everett said, as he remembered, it was said any Councilmember could request the attorney be present.
Councilmember Everett suggested the minutes reflecting this discussion could be researched.
Councilmember Ketring said the reason she had asked Mr. Blue to attend was she wanted to have legal
representation when Council was discussing legalities and discussion of the City’s cash reserves. Mayor
Feagle said she disagreed that one Councilmember could call and ask the attorney to attend. Mr. Brynes said
the reason the previous Council felt the attorney didn’t need to attend every meeting was to help hold down
the legal expenses in the budget. Mr. Blue said the Council could discuss the matter now. Councilmember
Everett commented a Councilmember should be able to request the attorney’s presence if he feels an issue
might present a legal question. Councilmember Ketring said she felt uncomfortable not having legal counsel
present specifically during the budget process when there is a discrepancy in the interpretation of the charter.
Mayor Feagle commented if there was something regarding the budget that a Councilmember does not
understand, it could be discussed at a meeting and then the city manager could confer with the city attorney
during the week. Mayor Feagle said using the city attorney for only urgent issues might be more
economically feasible. Councilmember Dowdell said he thinks if there is a legal issue the city attorney could
be contacted and requested to be at a meeting. Mr. Blue said it was his understanding that if any
Councilmember should request his attendance at a meeting, they could do this. Mayor Feagle said this could
be an item of discussion to be put on the agenda for further discussion.

Mr. Brynes then continued discussed of the options for balancing the budget. Referring to the above listed
Budget Worksheet Option II, Mr. Brynes explained #2 pertained to funding for downtown and the cemetery;
#4 was for certain educational expenses. Councilmember Dowdell made a motion that $5,000 for (#2)
Downtown and Cemetery Budget and $2,500 for (#4) Educational Expense be eliminated from the proposed
budget. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Everett and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Harris X
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X

Mayor Feagle asked how much would be saved by eliminating #16 “Allow school to pay for school crossing
guards,” and #17 “Allow school to pay for 100% of School Resource Officer.” Mr. Brynes said there could
be a savings of approximately $60,000. Mr. Brynes told the Council the School Board had already prepared
their budget and this option might not be feasible for the upcoming year. Mayor Feagle said she was very
interested in this option, although it might be in the City’s best interest to retain those crossing guards in the
city limits. Councilmember Ketring suggested discussing this item with the School Board first.
Councilmember Everett commented he felt the City could contribute the budgeted amount for crossing
guards toward the safety of the children.

Mayor Feagle asked about (#6) “Allow the School Board to take over the football and baseball fields.”
Councilmember Ketring suggested the City could deed the property to the School Board and put them on
notice for next year that this is the City’s intent. Councilmember Ketring commented she doesn’t see where
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the City should be responsible for Dorsett Stadium and the football and baseball field. Councilmember
Ketring clarified saying this does not include the City’s Little League ball fields. Mayor Feagle said she
thinks this is a good idea and suggested the city manager could approach the School Board about this.
Councilmember Ketring made the motion that the City Manager give notice to the School Board of the
Council’s intent to deed Dorsett Stadium, the football field and the baseball field to the School Board in the
next fiscal year. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Dowdell and upon roll call vote was as
Councilmember Harris X
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X

Mr. Brynes said the City could offer to give the County some of the lights from the ball fields that could be
used at the sports complex. Councilmember Everett said he thinks the County intends that the city ball fields
would be used for practice. Councilmember Everett spoke briefly about consolidation of recreation. Mayor
Feagle said after the Council gets through the budget this issue could be something to agenda for further

Mayor Feagle said she had thought more about overtime costs and recreation employees being paid overtime
to referee/umpire ball games. Mayor Feagle asked the possibility of city firefighters refereeing/umpiring
these ball games, as there is always someone on duty 24 hours. Mayor Feagle said this could be a way to use
employees for now to fill a need. Mayor Feagle suggested if firefighters are used to referee/umpire ball
games they could take the fire trucks to the field in case they had a fire call out. Mr. Blue asked if there
would be any regulation governing firefighters being able to do this. Fire Chief Rodney Lytle said
firefighters are sometimes away from the station and refereeing/umpiring ball games might be possible. Mr.
Brynes asked how this might affect response time. Mr. Lytle said it would depend on the location. Mayor
Feagle said she was just looking at this option as a possibility and a means of saving money to keep from
having to raise rates and taxes. Mayor Feagle said she would like to see the City cross-train employees, as
this always saves money in the long run. Mr. Blue posed the possibility of liability issues and suggested the
City could provide the fields and maintenance and turn the securing of referees and umpires over to the
parents. Councilmember Ketring agreed she would be in favor of turning these recreation items over to the
parents and allow them to form a parents association. Mr. Brynes asked Director of Recreation Glenn Ratliff
if parents have usually done this when there have been problems getting referees or umpires. Mr. Ratliff said
this is usually so, but the Leagues require that a certified umpire be on the field.

Continuing other budget discussion, Councilmember Ketring noted the $5,600 for Training & Per Diem in
the Legislative account. Mr. Brynes explained this had been used primarily for the Florida League of Cities
annual convention and the Southern Women in Public Service convention. Mr. Brynes said this amount
doesn’t cover all the expense for five Councilmembers. Councilmember Ketring said she would be willing
to forfeit her portion and pay her own way if she chose to attend. Councilmember Everett said he had
thought the previous Council had decided that attendance to the Florida League of Cities by Councilmembers
would be staggered every other year. Mayor Feagle said she didn’t think a firm decision had been made on
that issue. Councilmember Everett said he would be agreeable that this money be used to help balance the
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budget and have those Councilmembers who wanted to attend the Florida League of Cities conference and
Women’s conference to pay their own expense. Mayor Feagle commented the conferences are beneficial in
that they provide information to help Councilmembers make better decisions for the community.
Councilmember Ketring also asked about the publication and membership line item. Councilmembers
agreed subscription to the Florida League of Cities could be eliminated. Councilmember Ketring asked the
Council’s decision about the training and per diem line item. Councilmember Everett made a motion that
Councilmembers attend one meeting or training conference every other year with the understanding that if on
their off year a Councilmember wants to attend a meeting or conference they would do so at their own
expense, saving approximately $2,800. Councilmember Ketring seconded the motion and upon roll call vote
was as follows:
Councilmember Harris X
Councilmember Dowdell X
Councilmember Ketring X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Feagle X

Mayor Feagle asked where the city manager would fall in attending these conferences. Councilmember
Everett said he thinks the city manager gets more (learning) benefit from these meetings than the City
Council. Mayor Feagle agreed saying, from her observation, the City Manager participates in a lot of the
conference sessions and expositions. It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Manager
continue to attend these conferences.


There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned at
approximately 7:35 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Pam Feagle, Mayor

Recorded in Official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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