04 Montenegro Electonic Signatures

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28th January 2016

Legal background on electronic signatures

Electronic signatures in Montenegro
(certification bodies, renewal, usage etc)
How it all relates to engineers in Montenegro

EU Directive on Electronic signatures - 1999/93/EC.

The Directive Introduces:
- e-ID (no clear obligation to be introduced by member statesyet)
- e-Seals (for legal persons)
- more prescription on mutual recognition of qualified electronic signatures and
cross border usage
- Qualification authority (QA) issuing qualified certificates shall submit a
conformity assessment report to the supervisory body by 1 July 2017 in order
to stay as QA

The EU Directives (old and new) guarantee that:

Advanced electronic signatures which are based on a qualified certificate:
(a) satisfy the legal requirements in the same manner as a handwritten
signature and
(b) are admissible as evidence in legal proceedings

Law on Electronic Signature

(Sl. list RCG 55/03 od 01.10.2003. i 31/05 od 18.05.2005)

regulates the rights, obligations and responsibilities of legal and natural

persons regarding electronic certificates

Regulation on technical rules and conditions of connecting

the electronic signature certification systems
(Sl. list RCG 25/05 od 22.04.2005)

regulates the technical rules and conditions for ensuring the connection
between certification systems of certification service providers

The Law on Public Administration

(Sl. list RCG br.38/03, 22/08)

The Law on Enterprises

The Law on Archives

(Sl. list RCG, br. 49/10 od 13.08.2010)

Law on Spatial Development and Construction od Structures("Off. Gazette

of Montenegro", no. 51/08, 34/11, 35/13, 39/13 and 33/14) provides
that the condition for the issuance of a building permit is technical
documentation prepared in 10 copies, of which 7 are in the protected
digital form.
Ordinance on the Method of Preparation, Scale and the Near Contents of
Technical Documentation ("Off. Gazette of Montenegro", no. 23/14 of 30 May
2014) prescribes manner of design, or its individual parts to be in hard copy
and electronic form as well. The technical documentation produced in
electronic form must be identical to the documents drawn up in paper form
and protected with permanent electronic signature.

Digital signature has been applied in Montenegro since 2015.

Electronic documentaion, signed by digital signature, is necessary
for electronic application for building permits.
At the moment, building permits are not issued electronically. It is
planned in new Law, currently under construction.
ll active engineers in Montenegro need to have qualified
electronic signature (digital signature). It is an imperative for them
to do their daily work.

In Montenegro there is only one Qualification authority (QA)

licensed to issue digital signatures The Post of Montenegro.

The main post office in specific mu nicipality
Required documentation
15 days - maximum period for issuing
personal consignment
easy to use

The price is 110 euro per the

first three year.
The certificate is renewed after
three years.
Price for each subsequent
year is 60 euros.
In case engineer doesnt take the
USB token, instead certificate
takes in the form of a disc,
the price will be 30 euros.

The difference between paper seal and electronic signatures

are reflected in the fact that the electronic signature can be
located in any place (any part of the document) which means
that the entire document was signed.

The electronic document is signed only once and thus keeps

its integrity. The technical documentation before signing
should be exported (converted) in PDF format and as such is
signed with a digital certificate.

The Chamber organised two training workshops for engineers,

in cooperation with the Post of MNE and the Ministry for
Sustainable Development and Tourism.

November 09th 2014th

Presentation about the usage of electronic signatures

May 12th 2015

WORKSHOP: The implementation of the

Development and Construction of Structures




Representatives of the Engineer Chamber of Montenegro

Svetislav Duko Popovi
Secretary General
MSc Anita Stjepevi
Associate Expert for Public Relations
Biserka Vujovi
Business Secretary
Ph: 00382 20 228 295

Representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

Department for support and development of processes
Marina Izgarevic
Tijana Savic
Ivan Nedovic
Tel: +382 (0) 20 446 269

Thank you

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