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Fatigue Assessment of Welded Structures Using

Continuum Element Meshes

Vonach W., Friedl N., Lffler P.
Affiliation: CAE Simulation & Solutions GmbH, Vienna
Abstract: Regarding FEM for welded structures, shell elements are mostly used to capture the
structural behavior very efficiently. Depending on the choice of the element order, mesh size, etc.
local nominal or even hot spot stresses can be calculated. These values can be assessed directly
according to typical standards, i.e. Eurocode, DVS, FKM-Guideline etc.
In practical applications there can be strong arguments against the shell element approach. The
effort to generate an appropriate mid surface shell model often is significant. Automated mid
surface generation is common standard, but the correct joining of the parts (ie the welding of the
model) together with the necessity for a good mesh quality and size in these most critical welding
areas still cannot be automated in a satisfactory manner. For complex structures costly manual
work is always necessary.
Thus it is inviting to mesh the CAD volumes directly and work with continuum elements. The
corresponding meshes are available in much shorter time, e.g. using Abaqus/CAE. But when it
comes to the fatigue stress assessment, the gain in efficiency is usually lost. Mostly, one ends up
with stress results that are difficult to categorize regarding fatigue, since they are a mixture of
nominal and partly resolved structural hot spot stresses or even singularities. The permissible
values from fatigue standards are thus not directly applicable to these FEM stress results.
In our contribution we will present a method, which allows an efficient fatigue assessment of
welded structures, based on deriving relevant stress quantities from the results of continuum
models. This method has been implemented in the commercial software LIMIT for typical
Keywords: Fatigue, Postprocessing, Welding, Structural Hot Spot Stress, Nominal Stress

1. Introduction
In numerous fields of mechanical engineering sufficient fatigue strength of structures is an
important issue. Almost every industrial sector has its own specific standards and guidelines in
order to calculate margins of safety against fatigue failure. In particular welded structures are
susceptible to fatigue, since this type of joining technology often goes hand in hand with sharp
notches and low fatigue strength values.

State of the art fatigue analysis of welded structures

Welded structures are usually made of plate material with large dimensions compared to their
thickness. For the Finite Element approach shell elements can be used to capture the structural
behaviour very efficiently. The shell elements are placed at the mid surfaces of the plates.
Depending on the choice of the element order, the number of integration points and the mesh size
2013 SIMULIA Community Conference

the results can be interpreted as local nominal or even hot spot stresses. These values can be
assessed according to typical standards, i.e. Eurocode 3, IIW, DVS1612, FKM-Guideline and
many more. The permissible stress ranges for different weld types can directly be compared with
the calculated FEM stress values leading to margins of safety at each assessment position.

Analyzing the workflow

In practical applications there can be strong arguments against the shell element approach
discussed above. The geometry of the structure is usually defined as a full 3D CAD model. The
effort to generate an appropriate mid surface model is significant and costly. Figure 1, left upper
corner, shows a typical CAD model of a welded structure. Automated mid surface generation is
the common and widespread preprocessing tool used here for the first shell modeling step. But the
joining of the parts (i.e. the welding of the model) together with the necessity for a good mesh
quality and mesh size in these most critical welding areas still cannot be automated in a
satisfactory manner.
For complex structures manual work always is necessary, as well as rather expensive specialized
preprocessors. Therefore the preprocessing often is the most expensive part of the simulation
cycle. Furthermore some regions of the structure can violate the assumptions of shell theory when
their thickness is large as compared to other dimensions. Typical examples are castings at load
introductions or strong geometrical discontinuities. Transforming these structures to shell models
might affect the overall behaviour since the local stiffness and load carrying mechanisms are
For the reasons mentioned above many engineers prefer to work with continuum elements and
mesh volume geometries directly, mostly after removing some local features like holes or fillets.
That way meshes for the Finite Element analysis are available in much shorter time. With
Abaqus/CAE, the volume mesh is produced very fast by using the automatic cleanup tools in
combination with the robust tetrahedral meshing algorithm. The automatic contact detection tool is
most helpful to define the necessary TIE constraints for joining (welding) the parts together with a
few mouse clicks. Figure 1 gives an example for a tetrahedron mesh, generated with global mesh
seed in a very short time.
As compared to shell models, such volume models are of course computationally more expensive.
In our experience this drawback is continually diminishing. Using modern but moderately priced
hardware in combination with the continually improving solvers of Abaqus/Standard, such models
can be handled with acceptable computing time, even if a considerable number of loadcases and
some non-linearities (e.g. contact in bolted flanges,) are present.
But when it comes to the fatigue stress assessment the gain in efficiency is lost. Depending on the
mesh parameters (order of elements, size, resolved geometric features) one ends up with stress
results that are very difficult to categorize and assess. Nominal stresses or hot spot stresses are not
directly available after the Finite Element analysis. The permissible values from fatigue standards
are thus not applicable.

2013 SIMULIA Community Conference

CAD Model 3D

mid surface geometry



tetra mesh, cheap

shell mesh


very expensive
calculation of

direct result, cheap

nominal stresses or structural

hot spot stresses

fatigue assessment

Figure 1. Work flow fatigue assessment via shell or tetra mesh model
In order to perform a fatigue assessment according to a typical standard one has to add another
post processing step in deriving the relevant stress quantities (e.g. nominal stress) from the
simulation results of the solid elements. Today, this step is time expensive semi automated work
(e.g. via path stress evaluation with subsequent linearization or averaging as provided by the
Abaqus/Viewer capabilities). This assessment is therefore usually limited to a small number of
assessment positions which may not capture all fatigue hot spots in the structure correctly.
Results of shell elements, on the other hand, can be used directly for the fatigue assessment, since
their results (appropriate meshing provided) are a good representation of local nominal stresses or
even structural hot spot stresses.
2013 SIMULIA Community Conference


Objective of the project

While delivering fatigue assessment services and tools to our customers, we developed different
strategies to raise our efficiency. In this project we are aiming at the following:
Minimal preprocessing cost using Tet and tie meshes:
o tetrahedron meshes, mesh size above wall thickness
o no special treatment of welds: either merging of CAD bodies or TIE constraints
to connect the welded bodies
Fatigue assessment according to standards at sufficient accuracy

2. Fatigue assessment for welds in solid models


Nominal and structural stresses

For fatigue assessment of welded structures two stress quantities are mainly used in practical

Nominal stresses,


Structural hot spot stresses.

Figure 2 defines the different stresses according to the recommendations of the International
Institute of Welding (IIW) (Hobbacher, 2007).

computed total
stress (peak)

structural stress by
linear extrapolation

reference points
stress on surface

(nominal stress)

Figure 2. Stresses at welded joint (Hobbacher, 2007)

For each stress type, i.e. nominal or structural, FAT classes can be found, defining the fatigue
resistance for a special welding detail. Figure 3 shows permissible nominal stresses for a
reinforcement plate. In this case nominal stresses are calculated only with the cross section of the
hollow section.

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End of reinforcement plate on

rectangular hollow section
wall thickness:


Figure 3. Fatigue resistance of doubling plate, nominal stress, (Hobbacher, 2007)

Usually one would add the reinforcement plate in the Finite Element model of the beam. In this
case the stresses obtained near the reinforcement plate are no longer nominal stresses because they
include the influence of the reinforcement (stress concentration, induced bending, etc). In order
to assess this detail structural hot spot stresses are used. Figure 2 shows the method, details on the
position of the reference points are given in (Hobbacher, 2007). At the two different reference
positions stress values are determined. Via linear extrapolation the structural stress can be found
for the weld toe (hot spot). This value can be compared to the fatigue resistance found for
structural stresses (Figure 4). As can be seen, the permissible structural stress (FAT 100MPa) is
much higher than the nominal one (FAT 50MPa).


Cover plate ends

and similar joints


As welded


Figure 4. Fatigue resistance of doubling plate, structural hot spot stress,

(Hobbacher, 2007)


Structural hot spot stresses from solids

2013 SIMULIA Community Conference




Figure 5. Different approaches for structural hot spot stresses (Fricke, 2005)
In the literature there are different procedures for the computation of structural. Three typical
methods are discussed in (Fricke, 2005) and shown in Figure 5. The method a.) is an example for
the linear extrapolation along the surface according to IIW (Hobbacher, 2007). Method b.) shows
the calculation of structural stresses directly at the weld toe. In both cases the nonlinear stress
distribution through the plate thickness has to be linearised while maintaining the section forces
and moments to gain the appropriate assessment stress value. Method c.) was introduced in (Dong,
2006). In this case the section forces and moments are calculated at a distance from the toe,
away from high local stress peaks. The out of plane section force can be interpreted as first
derivative of the local bending moment. This way the bending moment at the toe can be derived
and the assessment stress value can be obtained. Methods b.) and c.) can also be formulated using
nodal forces instead of element stresses.
All three cases work best with hexahedron element meshes, aligned with the local weld details and
fairly small element size. Unstructured tetrahedron meshes could be used in combination with a.)
but extensive numerical studies at CAE Simulation & Solutions (Lffler, 2012) have shown, that
the extrapolation of stress data gained from tetrahedral meshes is not reliable (see results in Figure
10: i and j).
Figure 6 shows a doubling plate with a coarse mesh of the merged parts. a.) shows non averaged
longitudinal stresses. The results are not continuous over element boundaries. Usually averaged
stresses (b) are used for post processing issues. However, by averaging the peak stresses near the
weld toe are reduced significantly (red arrow, Figure 6).



S11max =
159 MPa

S11max =
186 MPa

Figure 6. a) Averaged and b) non averaged results, doubling plate, coarse mesh

2013 SIMULIA Community Conference

The IIW extrapolation scheme (Figure 5, case a) based on non averaged FEM stress results works
well if the first row of tetrahedron elements lies within 0.3 times the shell thickness (which is a
much finer mesh as depicted in Figure 6). However, this constraint is too limiting for practical use.

3. Embedded Shell Sensor


Sensor element approach

In order to overcome previously mentioned problems, we decided to use a novel approach.

In standard Finite Element procedures such as Abaqus/Standard, the primary variables solved for
in a structural analysis are displacements at the nodes. With the help of interpolation functions the
displacement field within the element is defined. The displacement fields are continuous across
element borders. In our method, we calculate the structural stresses from the displacement fields of
the solid structure. In the post processing phase, we introduce sensor shell elements, embedded
within the solid structure. Two sensors can be seen in Figure 7. The sensors are placed along the
mid surface of the plate. Each assessment point has its own sensor.

Figure 7. Position of the sensor shell element

This method is independent of the underlying solid mesh and the stress extraction points can be
positioned arbitrarily (e.g. according to IIW recommendation). The sensor element is deformed by
the displacement field of the surrounding elements and delivers the structural hot spot stress or the
local shell section force.
Advantages of this procedure:

The only constraint to the method is a sufficiently resolved displacement field,

The sensor is independent of underlying mesh and element type,

The method also works near TIE constraints,

The sensor size can also define the region of averaging stresses. This way even
approximations of nominal stresses or stresses comparable to shell results can be derived

2013 SIMULIA Community Conference


Placing the sensor elements

The real challenge in the procedure is placing the sensor elements in the model. CAE Simulation
& Solutions has developed a Postprocessing tool which supports an automated and quick way to
introduce the sensor elements even in large structures. Figure 8 shows a typical welding situation
namely a T-joint. Red circles mark potential areas of crack initiation. The T-joint can be separated
into three branches, each of them carrying moments and forces to the position of the fillet weld.
Embedding sensors in every branch give the section forces and moments needed to calculate
structural stresses in the possible crack locations or even net stresses in the fillet. This way all
critical positions can be analyzed also considering the weld thickness.

Figure 8. Embedded shell sensor elements, T-joint

Within the Postprocessing tool the following steps are performed:

Reading the ABAQUS input file (Elements, nodes, properties, etc.)

Automatic detection of welds on the basis of different element sets (eg by property) of
adjacent elements; additional definition of welds via GUI by the user.

Automatic detection of local plate thickness of the welded parts and automatic placement
of sensor elements; sensor size and position is usually defined in terms plate thickness
(e.g. sensor size two times plate thickness, sensor distance from weld toe 0.3 times plate
thickness, etc.) Before starting the automated fatigue analysis, the user can check the
sensor elements via the GUI, choose to deactivate sensors, correct sensor positions etc.
2013 SIMULIA Community Conference

Definition of weld dimensions, weld assessment type, allowable stresses (FAT class) etc.
for the welds via GUI

4. Comparison of results

Test case 1: flange with gusset

The flange (thickness 15mm) is loaded by 100 MPa nominal stress, symmetry is used on the right
side. In Figure 9 results for different mesh sizes are shown. In the linear elastic formulation we
face a stress singularity at the corner. The peak stress is strongly mesh dependent, as can be seen
on the max. legend value in Figure 9.

mesh size

mesh size

mesh size

mesh size

Figure 9. Flange with gusset, results for different mesh sizes

Figure 10 shows a comparison of structural hot spot stresses and nominal stresses recovered from
different procedures:
Results a.) through d.) are calculated using displacement fields of the C3D10 elements in Figure 9
and the embedded sensor.
Solutions e.), f.) and g.) were found with the Abaqus shell elements S4R and S8R at different
mesh sizes using the IIW extrapolation scheme on the shell element stress results. The result of the
S4R element is close to the nominal stress.
Case h.) was found using Abaqus and fe-safe in combination with a fine structured hexahedron
mesh, based on the procedure of (Dong, 2006).
The values of cases i.) and j.) were found by linear extrapolation of surface stresses, which were
calculated in the IIW reference points by interpolation within the C3D10 elements.
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The real nominal stress is 100MPa (boundary condition). The correct structural hot spot stress is
taken to be 122 MPa based on case h) with its structured and fine mesh.
Both stress measures are captured quite accurately by the new approach (case a-d) using simple
tetrahedron meshes. This is rather independent of the mesh size up to mesh sizes of about 2.5
times wall thickness!
A simple stress extrapolation based on the same FEM tetrahedron results fails to predict the
correct structural hot spot stress (case i-j).

Figure 10. Comparison of different stress results for a flange with gusset


Test case 2: doubling plate

Figure 11 shows an embedded shell sensor for the extraction of structural stresses for a doubling
plate (base plate thickness 10mm, doubling plate 8mm). The deformed structure and stresses were
shown in Figure 6.


Figure 11. Shell sensor element near toe

2013 SIMULIA Community Conference

Figure 12 shows once more a comparison of structural hot spot stresses and nominal stresses
recovered from different procedures. These procedures are exactly the same as in test case 1 and
described there.
The real nominal stress is 100MPa (boundary condition). The reference value for the structural hot
spot stress is taken to be 170 MPa based on case h).
The new approach (case a-d) underestimates the reference stress slightly by 4% to 10% depending
on the mesh size. Using large elements leads to an increased stiffness, smaller deflections and
strains. This results directly in lower structural hot spot stresses.
Also for this test case the new approach (case a-d) is almost independent of the mesh size up to an
element length of about 2.5 times wall thickness, while being accurate enough for the assessment
of the structure!
A simple stress extrapolation based on the same FEM tetrahedron results in considerably higher
stresses than the reference value (case i-j).

Figure 12. Comparison of different stress results for a doubling plate


Test case 3: welded structure

Figure 13 shows von Mises stresses for a complex welded structure modeled with C3D20 and
C3D10 elements. The assembly has been created very quickly in Abaqus/CAE by meshing the
imported parts individually and using only TIE constraints (generated with the automatic contact
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finder) to weld the parts together. The meshes at the interfaces are therefore non conformal. The
mesh size is around wall thickness (testing of coarser meshes is in progress).

Figure 13. Solid model of welded assembly

Figure 14 shows the assembly in its shell representation. The element type is S4R and the mesh
size is around two times the wall thickness.


Figure 14. Shell model of welded assembly

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Usually a large number of sensor elements are placed along the welds. Figure 15 depicts the
placement of selected most critical sensors used to evaluate the structural hot spot stresses from
the results of the solid mesh. The sensor length is two times the local plate thickness.

Figure 15. Selected sensor elements

Figure 16 lists stress results from both models together with the permissible FAT stress values
taken from the IIW (Hobbacher, 2007). Mean solid stresses are through-thickness linearised
stresses taken from the sensor center without in-plane extrapolation. These stress values show
good agreement with the shell results.

Figure 16. Stresses at different positions of welded assembly

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For some positions (a, d, e) the permissible FAT hot spot stresses are twice as high as for the
nominal stress approach.
Dividing the stresses through the permissible FAT values given in Figure 16 leads to utilization
factors for each position (a-f), assuming no additional safety factors and a simple constant
amplitude loading with two million cycles. The permissible stresses are the same for mean solid
and shell approach because both represent stresses at a distance of approximately the wall
thickness away from the weld toe. Therefore also the utilization factors, red and magenta bars in
Figure 17, show good agreement since already the stresses showed little differences.
The only exception can be seen for position a, which has a stress singularity and shows mesh
dependant results. For this position the structural hot spot approach is more reliable giving lower
utilization ratios than the other methods (see also 4.1).
For the positions b and c the utilization factors for the structural hot spot method are higher than
for the others, since the high local shear stresses acting at the weld toe are taken into account.

Figure 17. Utilization factors at different positions of welded assembly

The results of Figure 17 show significant differences for the structural hot spot approach compared
to the mean solid or the shell center method. The commonly used fatigue assessment approach
based on shell results strongly depends on the selection of the FAT class and mesh size and can be
non conservative depending on the weld details. In one region the shell mesh might be to fine,
partly resolving structural stresses within the nominal stress approach (positions a, d, e). In other
regions the shell mesh is not fine enough to capture the relevant stress level (b, c).
Using structural hot spot stresses simplifies the choice of FAT classes since the structural behavior
is fully resolved by the Finite Element model. Additionally the sensor elements loosen the strong
restrictions on element type and size usually involved with structural stress approaches.

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Overall this new approach has the potential for significant time and cost savings within fatigue
assessment processes, since no mid surface extraction and modeling is needed and the
displacement field of the solid model can be directly used to derive structural hot spot stresses.

5. Conclusion
A novel method for calculating structural hot spot stresses from solid meshes is presented. This
new embedded sensor element method shows significant advantages for the use in complex
welded structures as compared to other solid model fatigue assessment methods, especially the use
of coarser tetrahedron meshes. The only constraint on the solid mesh is a sufficient element size
for the resolution of the displacement field around the welds.
Test cases show a good agreement with results obtained by procedures from literature.
The new method enables significant time and cost saving in the simulation cycle of fatigue
assessment of welded structures by avoiding the common approach of mid-surface shell modeling
of welded structures. Cost savings of up to 50% seem possible, depending on the specific project.
The solid FE model generation is conveniently done by using the well established core capabilities
of Abaqus/CAE.
As an additional benefit, the structural stress approach is used, which avoids the numerous and
often non-unique FAT class definitions generally used in nominal stress approach and shell

6. References
1. Dong, P., A Structural Stress Definition and Numerical Implementation for Fatigue Analysis
of Welded Joints, International Journal of Fatigue, no. 25, page 359369, 2006
2. Fricke,W. and Kahl, A., Comparison of Different Structural Stress Approaches for Fatigue
Assessment of Welded Ship Structures, Marine Structures, no.18, page 473488, 2005
3. Hobbacher, A., Recommendations for Fatigue Design of Welded Joints and
Components.Paris : International Institute of Welding, 2007
4. Lffler, P., Modellstudien fr die Entwicklung eines universellen Strukturspannungskonzeptes (in german), Diploma Thesis, FH Obersterreich, 2012

7. Acknowledgment
The work has been partially funded by ZIT Zentrum fr Innovation und Technologie, Austria.

2013 SIMULIA Community Conference


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