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The parts of speech: put the correct word in the gap:



Computers keep an
eye on home test takers
1. People often say that its important to sit exams in ______________ in loose-fitting clothes
and with a bottle of water on the desk.
a. comfort
b. comfortable
c. comfortably
d. comforting
2. Now scientists have taken this idea further and ___________ a way for students to take tests
from their bedrooms at any time of day or night.
a. find
b. found
c. finding
3. At least one UK university the University of Wales Institute is experimenting with this
latest exam technology. The new anti-cheating software has been developed by the US firm
Software Secure and it works ___________ a unit that students plug into their
a. thorough
b. through
c. thraught
d. thought
4 Once a student is ready to sit the written exam, the technology takes a fingerprint to check
their identity, and a 360-degree webcam and micro phone ______________. These pick up
whether the student is trying to cheat by receiving help from others. The computer also
locks down so the student cannot search the internet or their files for answers.
a. activate
b. activated
c. is activated
d. are activated
5 University invigilators can then watch footage of the student whenever they _________ to.
a. chose
b. choice
c. choosing
d. choose
6 The _____________ is already used in the US by New York Universitys law department and
the University of West Alabama.
a. technology
b. technological c. technologies d. technologically
7 The University of Wales Institute is interested in ___________ the technology for its overseas
students. Mark Pelling, learning officer at the university, said he was impressed by the
software. This could change the way we do assessment, he said.
a. using
b. usage
c. use
d. uses
8 However, there were still questions over the possibility of _________ and the difficulty of
sending the unit to thousands of students, he said.
a. cheats
b. cheating
c. cheater

d. cheated

9 UK universities have__________ numbers of students and it is often hard to find big enough
exam halls. The technology could solve this problem and also save the cost of hiring
invigilators, Pelling said.
a. record

b. recorded

c. records

d. reccord

10 Douglas Winneg, Software Secures founder, said the technology would help _________
students and those living in remote areas to take exams.
a. disability

b. disabled

c. disable

d. able

Original article by Jessica Shepherd, rewritten

Janet Hardy-Gould

2. People often say that its important to sit exams in ______________ in loose-fitting clothes
and with a bottle of water on the desk.
a. comfort
b. comfortable
c. comfortably
d. comforting
2. Now scientists have taken this idea further and ___________ a way for students to take tests
from their bedrooms at any time of day or night.
a. find
b. found
c. finding
3. At least one UK university the University of Wales Institute is experimenting with this
latest exam technology. The new anti-cheating software has been developed by the US firm
Software Secure and it works ___________ a unit that students plug into their
b. Thorough
b. through
c. thraught
d. thought
4 Once a student is ready to sit the written exam, the technology takes a fingerprint to check
their identity, and a 360-degree webcam and micro phone ______________. These pick up
whether the student is trying to cheat by receiving help from others. The computer also
locks down so the student cannot search the internet or their files for answers.
b. Activate
b. activated
c. is activated
d. are activated
5 University invigilators can then watch footage of the student whenever they _________ to.
b. Chose
b. choice
c. choosing
d. choose
6 The _____________ is already used in the US by New York Universitys law department and
the University of West Alabama.
b. technological
d. technologically
7 The University of Wales Institute is interested in ___________ the technology for its overseas
students. Mark Pelling, learning officer at the university, said he was impressed by the
software. This could change the way we do assessment, he said.
b. Using
b. usage
c. use
d. uses
8 However, there were still questions over the possibility of _________ and the difficulty of
sending the unit to thousands of students, he said.
b. cheats
c. cheater

d. cheated

9 UK universities have record numbers of students and it is often hard to find big enough
exam halls. The technology could solve this problem and also save the cost of hiring
invigilators, Pelling said.
b. Record

b. recorded

c. records

d. reccord

10 Douglas Winneg, Software Secures founder, said the technology would help _________
students and those living in remote areas to take exams.
b. disability

b. disabled

c. disable

d. able

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