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Thermocouples - An Introduction

What is a thermocouple sensor?

A thermocouple is a sensor for measuring temperature. It consists of two dissimilar
metals, joined together at one end. When the junction of the two metals is heated or
cooled a voltage is produced that can be correlated back to the temperature. The
thermocouple alloys are commonly available as wire.

What are the different thermocouple types?

A thermocouple is available in different combinations of metals or calibrations. The four
most common calibrations are J, K, T and E. There
Thermocouple are highTables
Reference temperature calibrations R,
S, C and GB. Each calibration has a different temperature
Thermocouples range and
produce a voltage environment,
output that can be correlated to the temperature that the thermocouple is
although the maximum temperature varies The
measuring. with documents
the diameter inof the
the wirebelow
table used provide
in the the thermoelectric voltage and corresponding temperature
thermocouple. Although the thermocouple calibration dictates
for a given thermocouple type. the
Mosttemperature range, also
of the documents the provide the thermocouple temperature range, limits of
maximum range is also limited error
by theanddiameter of the thermocouple
environmental considerations.wire. That is, a very
thin thermocouple may not reach the full temperature range.
complete reference table for each thermocouple. The table includes international color
codes for thermocouple alloys, temperature range and limits of error for almost every
kind of thermocouple. click on a link below to see the related document
How do I choose a thermocouple type?
Because a thermocouple measures in wide temperature ranges and can be relatively
rugged, thermocouples are•very
often usedType B(° C)  The following•criteria
in industry. Thermocouple
are used Type
in B(° F)
selecting a thermocouple: • Thermocouple Type C(° C) • Thermocouple Type C(° F)
• Thermocouple Type E(° C) • Thermocouple Type E(° F)
 Temperature range • Thermocouple Type J(° C) • Thermocouple Type J(° F)
 Chemical resistance of the thermocouple or sheath material
• Thermocouple Type K(° C) • Thermocouple Type K(° F)
 Abrasion and vibration resistance
 • Thermocouple
Installation requirements Type
(may need to N(° C)
be compatible • Thermocouple
with existing Type N(° F)
existing holes may• determine probe
Thermocouple diameter)
Type R(° C) • Thermocouple Type R(° F)
• Thermocouple Type S(° C) • Thermocouple Type S(° F)
• Thermocouple Type T(° C) • Thermocouple Type T(° F)
Tungsten and Tungsten/ CHROMEGA® vs. Gold-0.07

How do I know which junction type to choose? •
Rhenium Atomic Percent Iron
Sheathed thermocouple probes are available with one of three junction types: grounded,
ungrounded or exposed (see graphic below:"Thermocouple Tip Styles"). At the tip of a
grounded junction probe, the thermocouple wires are physically attached to the inside of
2. PWHT is the one of Heat treatment done after the welding/ machining to improve the mechanical
the probe wall. This results in good heat transfer from the outside, through the probe wall
to the thermocouple junction. Inproperty and material
an ungrounded structure.
probe, the In steel
thermocouple fabrication
junction is PWHT is commonly known as stress relieving.
detached from the probe wall. Response time is slower than the grounded style, but the
ungrounded offers electrical isolation (see table
4. Referring below).
to the process of reheating a weld below the lower transformation temperature of a steel
at a controlled rate, holding for a specific time and cooling at a controlled rate.

Room-Temperature Insulation
6. Why PWHT Resistance
Ungrounded Thermocouple
Nominal Sheath Diameter

Less than 0.90mm (0.03in.)

0.80-1.5mm (0.030 to
To remove residual stress
To Improve Mechanical property
To Improve the Creep strength
Other benefits

11. When PWHT required?

Equipment process service
Material Grade & Service
When Hardness limits are specified

12. Types of PWHT process

Fixed Furnace – Both Electrical & Fire
Temporary Furnace – Both Electrical & Fire
Local PWHT – Electrical
Internal Firing - Firing

Where PWHT process done?

Whole equipment PWHT
Partial equipment PWHT
Local weld Joint PWHT
14. Temporary Furnace

It can be built anywhere as per the requirement.

Minimizes air space between the vessel and furnace wall.
Hence faster heating rate and controlled cooling rate.

Both electrical and firing methods of heating available.

19. Internal Firing

It can be performed only based on the profile.

There is less heat energy loss, hence this method is more efficient.
Special arrangements required (ex. Impingement plate) to avoid direct flame on the vessel wall.

22. Local Heating

It can be built at any location independent of the weld joint configuration.

This is the most common method used in pipeline welding.
Resistance and induction methods are done.

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