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Article 1.

The University of San Carlos sees:

a WORLD where the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the
light of the Word and the Spirit of grace

a SOCIETY where citizens are competent, noble in character, and communityoriented


what they know, they apply justly and honestly;

what they do not know, they seek to learn;
what they do not have, they endeavor to acquire;
what they have, they share.

The University of San Carlos is a Catholic institution of learning that embodies the
principles of academic discipline of San Carlos Borromeo and the missionary charism of
the Society of the Divine Word (SVD).
It aims to develop competent and socially responsible professionals and lifelong
learners in an environment that fosters excellence in the academic core processes of
teaching-learning, research, and community extension service.
Its mission is to provide timely, relevant, and transformative academic programs
responsive to the needs of the local, national, and global communities in a rapidly
changing world.
The University Corporate Values are:

social responsibility


The motto of the University of San Carlos is Scientia, Virtus, Devotio.
Scientia means knowledge or learning, both as process and product;
Virtus, virtue or moral character; Devotio, religious devotion flowing
from a vow, or generally, dedication or faithfulness to a person, task, or
The initials of the motto are SVD, the same initials of Societas Verbi Divini (Society of
the Divine Word), the missionary religious congregation which has administered the
University of San Carlos since 1935. There are seven full laurel leaves on each side of
the wreath surrounding the shield. Laurel leaves stand for excellence. The number
seven refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel,
fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
At the upper left part of the shield is the globe surrounded and topped by the cross.
This is the symbol of the SVD in the world. The upper right part of the shield has
Magellans cross, the symbol of Cebu, where USC is located. The three stars above
the open book represent the three main island groupings of the Philippines: Luzon,
Visayas, and Mindanao. The open book symbolizes knowledge and education. Below
the seal is the identity of the Carolinian: Witness to the Word.
Section 3. HISTORY
The University of San Carlos, administered by the Divine Word Missionaries of the
SVD, is a university with a very long history that parallels the growth and development
of Cebu in central Philippines.
The University of San Carlos is historically linked to a small colegio established in
honor of San Ildefonso by the Jesuit priests Antonio Sedeo, Alonso de Humanes,
Mateo Sanchez and a lay brother Gaspar Garay on 21 August 1595. The Colegio de
San Ildefonso was closed in 1769 as a result of the papal expulsion of the Jesuits from
Spain and all Spanish possessions in 1767.
Ten years later in 1779, the ownership of the colegio and its properties was
transferred to the Bishop of Cebu, Msgr. Rubio de Arevalo, who paved the way for its
re-establishment as the Real Seminario de San Carlos, manned by secular priests.
Following the decision of the Bishop of Cebu, Msgr. Romualdo Jimeno, the Dominicans
took over as regents. In 1852, the Dominican priests renamed the school Seminario
Conciliar de San Carlos.
When the Vincentians took over in 1867, the school offered classes to interns
(seminarians) and externs (non-seminarians) to accommodate the local residents
petition. Thus, it became Seminario-Colegio de San Carlos. In 1894 the Seminario-

Colegio de San Carlos conferred the Bachelors degree to its first graduates; among
them was Sergio Osmea, later the fourth president of the Philippines from 1944-1946.
At the outbreak of the Filipino Revolution against Spain in 1898, the school closed
and later re-opened when American rule began. In 1911, the school was incorporated
as Colegio de San Carlos under rector Jacinto Villalain. By 1922, the school was
separated from the seminary although it operated on the same campus along Calle
Martires (now M. J. Cuenco Avenue). In 1930, the Colegio de San Carlos transferred to
its present site along P. del Rosario Street.
In 1935, the Colegio de San Carlos was placed under the German religious order
Societas Verbi Divini (SVD). Between 1935 and 1940, the SVD priests and brothers
changed Colegio de San Carlos into a truly secular college with the addition of two new
colleges aside from the existing College of Liberal Arts: Law and Commerce. The
College of Education followed in 1938 and the College of Engineering in 1939.
The Colegio would have been a university, were it not for World War II. Instead, the
war brought the Colegio to its knees, leaving its building in ruins with many of its priests
and lay killed in the run-up to Liberation. Undaunted, the Colegio was re-opened in June
1945 by Fathers Josef Jaschik and Ernest Hoerdemann. Father Arthur Dingman, the
first SVD rector, returned and appointed Father Hoerdemann to oversee a ten-year
reconstruction plan, 1947-1957. In 1947, the College of Pharmacy was added.
On 1 July 1948, the Colegio was granted university status by the government. The
new University of San Carlos became a university in the real sense of the word with a
steady trickle of priest-scholars who left Fu Jen Catholic University of Beijing, China
due to the communist take-over. Their research activities in the fields of biology,
chemistry, physics, mathematics, anthropology, and archaeology raised the status of
the University to a research institution.
In 1956, a new campus for boys was opened along Gen. Maxilom Avenue
(presently, the North Campus). In 1962, another campus for grade school boys and
girls, for high school girls, and for teachers-to-be was also inaugurated on J. Alcantara
Street (now called South Campus).
In 1957, the University became one of the 11 (eleven) charter members of the
Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU)
after being judged worthy of accreditation by a separate committee formed by the
Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP).
With foresight, the University administrators opened yet another campus in
Talamban in 1963 with the construction of the first and only Coconut Chemical Plant in
the country, a joint project of the German and Philippine governments. The Talamban
campus, home of the College of Engineering and Architecture, became known as the
Technological Center by 1965.

The Talamban venture proved fortuitous as the congestion in downtown Cebu

prodded the University to develop the nearly 100 hectares of open space into a modern
campus. These edifices rose and their curricular programs and service support grew

Arnoldus Science Building and Talamban Campus Dormitories (1981)

Retreat and Seminar House (1982)
Anselmo Bustos Multi-Purpose Hall (1983)
Church of Talamban (1985) later dedicated as the Church of St. Arnold
and St. Joseph
Science and Mathematics Education Building which is an annex edifice to
the Arnoldus Science Building (1997)
Maintenance and Calibration Workshop (1998)
Arts and Sciences Building (1999) later named as Philip van Engelen
Health Sciences Building for the College of Nursing and the College of
Pharmacy (2004)
General Services Building and the College of Architecture and Fine Arts
Building (2005)
Engineering Conference Center later named as the Michael Richartz
Builiding (2008)
Executive House (2008)
covered courts (2012)
new dormitories (2012)
Josef Baumgartner Learning Resource Center (2012)

Currently, the campus is undergoing massive landscaping and face-lifting to

enhance the academic environment.
The Downtown Campus has also been going through massive infrastructure
development. The Arts Division of the College of Arts and Sciences transferred to
Talamban Campus in 2009. Since then, the following structures were constructed: Law
and Graduate Business Building (2009), Wrocklage Yard (2010), Carolinian Inn (2011),
Kolks Corner (2011), and Language Academy (2013).
In more than 75 years of administration by the Societas Verbi Divini (SVD), the
University has become a nationally-recognized institution of higher education. The
Universitys science and technology programs and administrative apparatus were
boosted with the Netherlands royal government award of a nine-year joint co-financing
program under NUFFIC from 1995 to 2004. Since 2001, the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) has awarded full autonomy status to the University in apt recognition
of its more than 100 academic and curricular programs.

Likewise, PAASCU has conferred a Level III accreditation status on USC. In the
national board examinations, the University is proud of its 55 first-place graduates and
441 other topnotch graduates, second to tenth places. The number of topnotchers in
government licensure examinations in Accountancy, Architecture, Chemistry,
Education, Engineering, Interior Design, Law, Library Science, and Pharmacy continues
to grow each year.
In research, aside from its in-house fund, the University is consistently the recipient
of major research grants from local and international external agencies. The
Commission on Higher Education, the Department of Science and Technology, and to a
minor extent, the private industry, have funded some research projects. Two Universitygenerated inventions have patent applications filed in 2011 in the IPOPhl. For research
performance in culture and literature, the Universitys Cebuano Studies Center was
awarded the Region VII Winner for CHED Best Higher Education Research Program in
The University of San Carlos has taken the lead in central Philippines in embracing
the Philippine Educational Reform Agenda: the institution of the K to 12 basic education
system, the possible differentiation of higher educational institutions into five types, and
the divergence of accreditation programs into those that are national
and international.
Although USC is owned and managed by the Society of Divine Word (SVD), its
name is carved after a saint who was not a member of this religious congregation. St.
Charles Borromeo, whose feast falls on November 4, was born to a noble family which
had produced, among others, such persons as Pope Pius IV, during whose leadership
Charles became the first Cardinal of Romagna and then, at twenty-two, the Archbishop
of Milan.
He was an influential churchman in his time, facilitating the final deliberations of the
Council of Trent and taking a large share in the drafting of the Tridentine Catechism. He
bravely attended to the sick and the dead victims of the plague, sparing no expense and
avoiding no danger in an effort to assist the poor. He played a major role in the antiReformation movement. Most relevant for this biographical sketch is his series of
activities toward reform of the collegiate churches, seminaries, colleges, and
communities for the education especially of candidates for holy orders.
At present, many Catholic schools and parishes all over the world are named after
him, including the Seminario Mayor de San Carlos in Cebu, Philippines. This makes him

a Patron of Seminaries, the reason why his name was adopted when the diocese took
over the school for clerical candidates in 1783. The Colegio used to be attached to the
Seminario, but legal considerations necessitated that it became an autonomous entity, a
secular school from which evolved the University of San Carlos. St. Charles Borromeo
is rightly venerated as a saint of learning and the arts, a reformist whose opinion was
sought by both sovereign and pope.
St. Arnold Janssen (1837-1909) is the founder of the Society which now owns and
manages the University of San Carlos, the Society of Divine Word (SVD), a missionary
congregation of more than 6,000 brothers and priests spread all over the world, which is
now the fastest growing religious male congregation in the Catholic Church. Unlike St.
Carlos Borromeo, St. Arnold Janssen came from a simple family of eleven children in
the village of Goch in the Rhineland, Germany, not far from the Dutch border.
Intellectually-endowed and keen on science and theology, he went through the usual
formation of a priest.
As a young priest, he became a school teacher of the natural sciences and
mathematics in Bocholt and, as a devotee to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, he was named
Diocesan Director for the Apostleship of Prayer. This devotion likewise inspired him to
engage in media work as a form of missionary activity especially through the circulation
of a devotional magazine, The Little Messenger of the Sacred Heart. St. Arnold
Janssen is what one might call an accidental religious founder, imbued with a vision and
forced by circumstances to undertake the foundation of a missionary congregation out
of obedience to his Bishop, during the difficult days of the Kulturkampf in 1875. He knew
that the whole project would collapse without Gods blessings. From zero, the
congregation grew to its present size like the proverbial mustard seed.
Today, the SVD missionary world is divided into 4 zones: Asia-Pacific (ASPAC),
Africa-Madagascar (AFRAM), America (PANAM) and Europe (EUROPA). In his lifetime,
too, St. Arnold became providentially the founder of two congregations of missionary
sisters: the Sisters of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), fondly called the Blue Sisters, and the
contemplative Sisters of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration (SSpSA), better known
as the Pink Sisters. The first missionaries were sent by the Founder to China and the
last missionaries, he commissioned to the Philippines, setting foot in Abra in 1909, just
before he breathed his last. St. Arnold Janssen is a model not only of a missionary, but
also of a leader or what is now called a manager or corporate executive officer.
Definitely, he was ahead of his time in his use of communication and media; he was
truly a holy and dialogical founder, leader, and father.


St. Joseph Freinademetz (1852-1908) was one of the first two missionaries sent
outside of Germany. In fact, it was his desire to do mission in China that attracted the
young priest to go to Steyl. Fr. Joseph was born in Oies, a small hamlet in the Dolomite
Alps of northern Italy, in the region known as South Tyrol which was then part of the
Austro-Hungarian empire. While studying theology in the diocesan seminary of Brixen,
he began to think seriously of the foreign missions as a way of life.
As a young priest of only three years, who had already won the hearts of his
parishioners, he asked permission from his Bishop to join the missionary community in
Steyl. After some years of rigorous formation, on 2 March 1879, he received the mission
cross and, together with Fr. Anzer, departed Europe for China. Fr. Joseph
Freinademetz was a missionary par excellence. The years in South Shantung were
hard years, marked by long, arduous journeys, assaults by bandits, and the difficult
work of forming the first Christian communities. He learned the lesson of inculturation
the hard way and became a true model of a Witness to the Word.
A missionary with a traditional outlook when he first set foot on China, thinking of
himself as imbued with a call to convert a people to his own religion, he soon
discovered that mission was actually a humbling experience of self-conversion. His
whole life became an effort to become a Chinese among Chinese, so much so that his
words are still heard today: I love China and the Chinese. I want to die among them
and be laid to rest among them. He is reputed to have expressed the desire to be a
Chinese even in heaven. Together with the Founder, Fr. Arnold Janssen, he was
beatified by Pope Paul VI on 19 October 1975 and canonized by Pope John Paul II on 5
October 2003.
The UNIVERSITY OF SAN CARLOS (USC) is a non-stock, non-profit Catholic
educational institution. It is governed by a ten-member Board of Trustees which is
vested with the corporate powers of the USC Corporation. The Board elects the
President, the chief executive officer of the University, and the latter appoints the Vice
Presidents, Chaplain, Deans, Registrar, Principals, and other officers of the University.
In the exercise of his duties and powers, the President is assisted by three vice
presidents: the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for
Administration, and the Vice President for Finance. Together they constitute the
Presidents Cabinet.
Attached to the Office of the President are the Cabinet, the University Chaplain, the
Legal Counsel, the Presidential Assistants for External Affairs, Institutional

Development, and Special Projects, the Legal Counsel, the Quality Assurance Officer
and Internal Auditor. A Director of Basic Education Department has been designated
under the Office of the President to focus on basic education and the educational reform
The Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) is the chief academic officer of the
University. He exercises jurisdiction over the College Deans, the Directors of the
University Research Office, Community Extension Services, National Service Training
Program, Cebuano Studies, and of the Library System, the University Registrar, the
Curriculum Development Officer, the Manager of the USC Press, the Admission Officer
and the Department Chairs. He closely coordinates with the Human Resources
Management Office for concerns regarding academic ranking, classification, and
promotions, and the Instructional Development Unit for faculty in-service programs.
The Vice President for Administration (VPAd) is the chief administrative officer of the
University. He exercises jurisdiction over the Director of Information Resources
Management, Director of General Services, Curator of the University Museum, and the
Director of Support Services having a direct supervision over the Head of the Office of
Student Affairs, Head of Health Services, Head of Guidance Services, the Coordinator
of Performing Arts, Head of Athletics and Recreation, TC Dormitory Supervisor, and
Head of Security and Safety. Attached to his office are Human Resource Management
Office, In-House Legal Counsel and Consultant for Administrative Affairs, Administrator
of Properties, Infrastructure Development Office and Technical Assistant, and the
Administrative Council.
The Vice President for Finance (VPF) is the chief financial officer of the University.
He exercises jurisdiction over the Comptroller, Treasurer, and Head of the Budget and
Purchasing Department.
Due to special circumstances, certain units may be momentarily displaced from their
designated location in the organizational charts.


Proposed Organizational Chart

(as of March 2014)



University Cabinet

University Chaplain

Presidential Assistant for Institutional

Presidential Assistant for External


for Special Projects &
& Development

Legal Counsel

Director, Basic Education

Quality Assurance Officer


International Student Services

Vice President for

Consultant for Administrative
Affairs & In-House Legal

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Assistant Vice President
for Academic Affairs

Council of Deans
Administrative Council

Director, University Research


Council of Chairs
Administrator of Properties

Director, Office of Scholarship,

Alumni Affairs & Job Placement

Curator, University Museum

Director, Student Services

Director, General Services

Director, Information
Resources Management

Development Officer &
Technical Assistant to VP

Director, Cebuano
Studies Center

Athletics &
Recreation Officer

Head, Guidance Services

Head, Security and Safety

Coordinator, Health Services

Coordinator, Food
Performing Arts

Admission Officer


University Registrar

Manager, USC Press


Head, Office of Student







University Curriculum
Development Officer

Director, Library System

Supervisor, TC Dormitories

Budget &

Director, Community
Extension Services

Director, National Service

Training Program

Director, Human Resource

Management Office

Vice President for Finance





Section 1: ADMISSION
Academic entrance requirements vary with the status of the prospective student, the
program in which he/she desires to enroll, and the requirements of the College/School.
The University reserves the right not to accept any applicant whose qualifications do not
meet the standards and requirements of the program and of the College/School.
Information about the specific provisions for admission to any College/School in the
University may be obtained from the College/School handling the program applied for or
from the University Admissions Office.
Students graduating from high school who want to enroll in the University as well as
college students who want to transfer to the University may take the qualifying
examinations anytime.
1.1 Requirements
1.1.1 To take the qualifying examinations, the following are required:
three (3) copies of 2 x 2 ID pictures (colored with white background)
testing fee (may vary depending on program.)
Note: Transferees must first secure CLEARANCE from the Office of
Student Affairs before they can proceed with the admissions process. They
are required to present a Certificate of Good Moral Character from the school
last attended, during the interview at the Office of Student Affairs.
1.1.2 To qualify for Admission to a particular Curricular Program, the following are
the requirements:
Passing mark in the admissions and program qualifying examinations
Passing FINAL GRADE in all high school subjects (Certain programs require
specific cut-off grades)
Passing mark in the qualifying examinations
o Transferees are undergraduate students who wish to enroll in a
bachelors program at the University after having been enrolled in a
college course from another institution. They must start their enrollment
at the University not later than the third year of a four-year curriculum or
fourth year of a five-year curriculum.
o Graduate students who hold the appropriate Bachelors degree or its
equivalent are eligible for admission to the Masters degree program. The


latter degree or its equivalent is required for admission to a Doctorate

degree. However, the College/School/Department may have its
prescribed admission requirements. Prospective graduate students shall
present their admission requirements for evaluation to the
College/School/Department handling the graduate program.
2.1 Every prospective student must enroll during the prescribed registration period.
Detailed instructions on enrollment procedures are issued during enrollment time.
2.2 When a student registers in USC, it is understood that he/she is enrolling for the
entire term.
2.3 A student is officially enrolled after he/she has submitted the required admission or
transfer credentials, has made an initial payment of school fees, and has been
issued a Validated Admission Slip authorizing him/her to attend classes.
2.4 These admission credentials are required for enrollment:

Original Form 138 (High School Card)

Original Copy of Birth Certificate (NSO copy)
Accomplished Students Personal Data Sheet
Other requirements where applicable

Baccalaureate/Associate Degree Programs
Certificate of Transfer Credentials (CTC)
Informative Copy of Transcript of Records
Certificate of Good Moral Character signed by the Dean or
Head of School last attended
Original Copy of Birth Certificate (NSO copy)
Accomplished Accreditation Form
Clearance from the Office of Student Affairs after interview
Accomplished Students Personal Data Sheet
Other requirements where applicable
Masters/Doctorate Degree Programs
Certificate of Transfer Credentials (CTC)
Informative Copy of Transcript of Records
Application for Admission
Accomplished Students Personal Data Sheet
Other requirements where applicable


2.5 Other Enrollees and Admission Requirements

The University admits other enrollees such as:
They are non-USC students who intend to enroll in the University for a
They should submit a Permit to Study / Cross-enrollment Permit issued by
the Registrar of the home institution during enrollment period.
They are students admitted to the university but are not entitled to receive
official credit for a course because they do not satisfy the requirements for
admission. Furthermore, they are not eligible for any honors or privileges.
During enrollment they should: a.) get a written approval of the College
Dean and/or Department Chair concerned; b.) go to the Registrars office
to execute the contract in which they waive the right to receive and to
demand credit for the work done; c.) pay in full the required fees at the
time of enrollment; and d.) have a special Study Permit (for foreign
Foreign nationals who intend to enroll as Special Students should get
clearance from the universitys Foreign Student Coordinator.
They are those belonging or owing allegiance to a country other than the
Philippines and studying in the University of San Carlos.
Those who intend to enroll should see first the Foreign Students
Coordinator and submit the following documents: a.) Transcript of Records
authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the country of
origin; b.) Police Clearance issued by the government of the foreign
student and authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the
country of origin; and c.) photocopy of valid passport.
Those who are 18 years old and above are required to apply for a Student
Visa at the Bureau of Immigration. Those who are under 18 years old are
required to apply for Special Study Permit (SSP).
Those who are transferees from any college or university in the
Philippines are required to submit the following documents: a.) Certificate
of Transfer Credential; b.) Clearance for transfer from CHED; c.)
photocopy of valid passport; d.) photocopy of valid Student Visa; e.)
informative copy of Transcript of Records; and f.) Certificate of Good
Moral Character. They are required to take the Admissions Test and
submit themselves for interview by the universitys Guidance Counselors
and respective Department Chairs.


Those who graduated from any high school in the Philippines should see
first the Foreign Students Coordinator before taking the Admissions Test
and submit the following documents: a.) Report Card (Form 138);
b.) photocopy of valid passport; and c.) original copy of birth certificate. If
the student is below 18 years old, he/she has to apply for Special Study
Permit (SSP) at the Bureau of Immigration.


According to Republic Act No. 9225, known as Citizenship Retention and
Reacquisition Act of 2003, all Philippine citizens who become citizens of
another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine
citizenship under the conditions of this Act.
Dual citizens who intend to enroll are required to get clearance from the
Foreign Students Coordinator and submit a Certificate of Recognition as
Filipino citizen issued by the Bureau of Immigration in addition to the
admission requirements. Examples are natural-born Filipinos who lost
their Philippine citizenship through naturalization as citizens of a foreign
country and foreign-born whose parents are Filipinos or whose parents
are Filipino and non-Filipino.
Philippine-born alien students (children of foreign nationals in the
Philippines) are required to submit a photocopy of their Alien Certificate of
Registration I-Card (ACR I-Card) and Native Born Certificate of
Registration (NBCR) which are certified by the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED). During the application for graduation, the student
should submit a receipt of payment for the Alien Registration Fee for the
current year.
Foreign-born alien students are required to submit a photocopy of their
Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) which is certified by CHED.
Students whose parents are naturalized Filipinos are required to submit a
photocopy of the Identification Certificate issued by the Commissioner of
Immigration, which is certified against the original copy by CHED.
Filipino citizens whose family names are of foreign origin are required to
submit an original copy of their birth certificates issued by the National
Statistics Office.
2.6 A student who cannot present a Validated Admission Slip to his/her teacher at the
start of the semester is not allowed to attend the class. Moreover, a student who
has made no payment at all for his/her fees for the semester will be automatically
deleted from the official class list two weeks after the official start of classes.


2.7 The name and other personal data and circumstances of each student as indicated
in his/her birth certificate or Alien Certificate of Registration, where applicable, shall
2.8 During enrollment period, a student may change a program upon the approval of
the College/School Dean or Department Chair. Changes are not permitted after the
close of the enrollment period.
2.9 In general, CROSS-ENROLLMENT is discouraged. However, for valid reasons, as
determined by the Department Chair and approved by the College/School Dean,
cross-enrollment to another institution may be permitted to graduating students
(with Deficiency Form) of not more than six (6) units during the semester and three
(3) units during summer term, inclusive of the total units enrolled in that particular
term. Furthermore, cross-enrollment is not allowed if it is the only remaining course,
so as not to prejudice the students residence in the University. The last course
must be taken in the University.
2.10 A PERMIT TO STUDY in another school with accredited programs may be granted
upon the recommendation of the Department Chair and the approval of the
College/School Dean but only for general education courses. Major, professional
or technical courses required for the degree program pursued have to be taken in
the University.
2.11 WITHDRAWAL OF COURSE/S is allowed even after the close of the enrollment
period with the consent of a parent/guardian upon the recommendation of the
Department Chair and the approval of the College/School Dean using the
prescribed form and process. Withdrawal of course/s is not allowed, either after the
mid-term examinations or after the incurrence of unexcused absences (20% of the
total number of required school days).
intends to transfer to another school should apply for a Certificate of Transfer
Credential at the Records Section. Such certificate with the informative copy of the
Transcript of Records and other documents will be issued only after the applicant
has been cleared of all financial and property liabilities and has surrendered his/her
University ID Card.
3.1 Payment for tuition and other school fees may be done in full at the time of
enrollment or by installment (amount set by the Office of Finance). Students are
required to claim their Examination Permit from the Accounting Department of the
Finance Division.


3.2 Full payment of tuition and other school fees during enrollment may be done
without prejudice to any additional assessment that may be applied during the term
due to rate increases in tuition and other school fees the University may implement,
which related information was not yet available/disseminated at the time of
3.3 Discounts are granted on full payment of school fees during enrollment.

Tuition Fees only
Tuition Fees only
Tuition Fees only


Tuition Fees only

Citibank Credit Card
Credit Cards of other
BPI Express Debit Card

The above discounts are applicable to all programs offered by the University from
Basic Education to the Graduate School. Students who wish to avail of the
discount are advised to apply at the Accounting Office within a specified time
during the enrollment period; otherwise, the privilege will be forfeited.
3.4 Students who could not pay their tuition and other fees in full during enrollment
may settle their account on installment basis, provided that:
3.4.1 down payment is made at the time of enrollment according to the amount
fixed by the University. Information relative to this shall be duly posted.
3.4.2 the balance must be paid on a monthly basis or on scheduled examination
3.5 A student who withdraws his/her enrollment shall be charged as follows:
Within the enrollment period
(excluding the adjustment


Within the enrollment period
(excluding the adjustment

P500.00 non-refundable

Within the 1st week of


Within the 1st 3rd day of


Matriculation fee plus 10%

of the remaining total school

Within the 2nd week of


Within the 4th 6th day of


Matriculation fee plus 20%

of the remaining total school

After the 2nd week of classes

7th day onwards

100% of total school fees


A refund of the amount paid (less processing charges and less non-refundable
matriculation fees) shall be made if the student withdraws during the enrollment
period, but prior to the opening of classes.

Children of permanent faculty members and regular administrative employees

enrolled in the University on any level except Nursery, Prep, Montessori
Academy, Law, and Graduate programs enjoy the following tuition fee discounts:
First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child
Children of prospective employees after the devolution of Basic Education from
the Tertiary Education will no longer enjoy the above privilege.


Members of the same family, that is, brothers and sisters, enrolled during the
regular academic year/semester in any of the basic education departments and/or
undergraduate colleges of the University (except Montessori, Law, and Graduate
programs) are granted a five (5%) percent discount each on tuition fees only. This
shall be limited to just four (4) students.


Application forms for fee adjustment for children of University employees and
members of the same family are available at the Office of the Vice President for


4.1.1 A student enrolled in a bachelors or associate program is considered full-time
if he/she carries the regular load prescribed in his/her curriculum for a given
4.1.2 The regular load of a student enrolled in a graduate program is nine (9) units
in a semester/trimester/summer. However, a graduate student can take the
maximum load of 12 units during a regular semester.
4.1.3 The curricular year of a student is determined by the number of units earned
in the curriculum of his/her program.
4.1.4 The course load and sequence of courses shall be in accordance with the
approved curriculum. Reasonable exceptions may be permitted in individual
cases taking into account the best interest of the students and the objectives
of the curriculum as determined by the Dean/Chair.


4.1.5 No course(s) can be taken ahead of its/their pre-requisite(s); otherwise, it/they

shall be nullified and taken again even if the student is graduating.
4.1.6 Laboratory courses should be taken in the same semester with the
corresponding lecture courses even though separate grades are earned.
4.1.7 Transferees must take a minimum of 50% of their curricular program
requirements for graduation at the University. Moreover, professional and
technical courses should be taken and passed in the University.
4.1.8 Foreign students may take nine (9) units of English language courses, over
and above the required courses, in lieu of the nine (9) units in Filipino.
Furthermore, they may also substitute the CHED-mandated courses with
social sciences and humanities courses in consultation with the Department
Chair concerned.
4.2.1 OVERLOAD. A student may have an overload of not more than six (6) units
in excess of the regular load under the following conditions:
he/she is graduating at the end of the term;
he/she has not incurred more than five (5) failures (a grade of 5.0) in
those terms that he/she is enrolled in the University;
his/her grade point average (GPA) is at least 2.8. In computing the
GPA, grades of 5.0 and NC are included but the grades of ReEd and
NSTP (ROTC/CWTS/LTS) are excluded;
the excess course/s is/are not pre-requisite/s. However, repeated
courses due to failures may be taken as overload if recommended by
the Department Chair, the College Dean, and approved by VPAA.
4.2.2 SIMULTANEOUS ENROLLMENT. A student may be allowed to enroll in
the pre-requisite course and the advanced course simultaneously in order
to graduate during his/her final term. This privilege is restricted to only this
two-subject peculiar load. Previous cases of simultaneous enrollment
involving three or more advanced courses taken together with
corresponding pre-requisites are no longer allowed, for if the student fails
in the pre-requisite(s), he/she would have to retake all the advanced
courses affected.
4.2.3 PETITIONED/TUTORIAL COURSE. Students may request for the opening
of a course as a petitioned or tutorial class (Lecture) subject to the
following conditions:
it is an off-semester course;
it is a pre-requisite course for the next semester offering;


it is the only course left for the students to graduate at the end of
the term;
there should be at least six (6) students for the petitioned course
and five (5) students or less for the tutorial course;
a laboratory course can only be requested as a petitioned class.

4.3 ACCREDITATION OF COURSES shall be based on the curriculum of the courses,

in particular, the topic coverage, and the number of units earned or contact hours. It
should be accomplished within the enrollment period upon admission to the
University, subject to the following terms and conditions:
only professional courses taken in institutions with programs having
the same or higher level of accreditation as that of USC can be
requested for accreditation;
only a final grade of 2.0 in General Education Courses earned from
non-PAASCU and 2.5 from PAASCU accredited programs can be
accredited. Validating examinations are given every first month of
the term to students who do not meet the required final grade;
accredited courses are encoded in the Integrated School
Management Information System (ISMIS) by the Office of the
the approved request for accreditation of courses is subject to
revocation if the records upon which the approval is based are later
found to be incorrect;
4.4 EXAMINATIONS. Besides regular class quizzes, test, and other requirements, four
official general examinations are given in every term: pre-midterm, mid-term, prefinal, and final examinations. Dates for these examinations are posted on the bulletin
boards. Faculty members are provided with the examination schedule for their
information and guidance.
4.4.1 No student is allowed to take the scheduled major examinations unless he/she
presents his/her Examination Permit issued by the Accounting Office.
4.4.2 Students are advised to check their grades through their ISMIS account, print
the grades, and keep a copy in a folder together with other important
documents ready for reference on occasions such as advising, enrollment,
graduation, and other activities when evidence of academic performance is
4.5 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. In addition to the regular curriculum requirements,
every student is required 12 units of Religious Education (ReEd). Non-Catholics may
substitute ReEd with social sciences and humanities courses in consultation with the
Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. These courses do not
constitute an overload.


4.6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Students are required eight (8) units of Physical
Education (PE) during their first two years. Simultaneous enrolment in two or more
PE courses in a particular term is not permitted. PE units are included in the
summation of the total study load for the term and in the computation of the grade
point average (GPA). Students with particular medical conditions or disabilities may
take adopted PE classes in consultation with the Department of Physical Education.
Regulations of National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001, states that
all incoming freshmen students, male and female, starting school year 2002-2003,
enrolled in any baccalaureate program and in at least 2-year technical and
vocational or associate course, are required to complete one NSTP component of
their choice, as a graduation requirement. It has the following components which
the students can choose from: Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), Literacy
Training Service (LTS), and Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). Each of these
components shall be undertaken for an academic period of two (2) semesters; and
shall be credited for three (3) units with 54 to 90 training hours each semester.
Foreign students, however, are not required to attend the NSTP.
5.1 ATTENDANCE. A student who incurs unexcused absences of more than 20%
of the prescribed number of class hours or laboratory periods during the term
should be given NC or 5.0.
5.2 RETENTION. If in any term a student fails in one-third of the units for which
he/she is enrolled, he/she should not re-enroll in the same program without
approval from the College/School Dean and the endorsement of the Department
Chair. If the student fails the second time, he/she may enroll in another program
if accepted by the Department Chair concerned. A student is disqualified from the
University if he/she fails the third time. A college/department may, nevertheless,
prescribe its own retention policy.
5.3 GRADING SYSTEM. The grading system adopted by the University is as
Very Good




Below 75% Failure
unexcused absences of more than 20%
of the prescribed number of class hours
or laboratory periods during the term


No Credit
Final grade which does not earn credit
nor indicate failure given in those cases
where the student did not take the final
examination in the course, and his/her
performance was not satisfactory to
merit a passing grade
Such grade is permanent and cannot be
changed subsequently.


A grade which indicates that the student
has not complied with the academic
requirements for the course
It must be completed within one
semester/trimester/ summer in which the
course was taken; otherwise, the grade
automatically becomes NC (No Credit).
Withdrawal of enrollment from course/s
with official notice


In Progress


A grade given to students who are

writing their thesis/dissertation or its

A grade given to students who have
requirements of their thesis/dissertation
or its equivalent

5.4 DEANS HONORS LIST. The University through each College/School

recognizes superior scholastic achievement through the Deans Honors List.
5.4.1 Qualifications
a regular load for the semester according to the curriculum enrolled
a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 1.70
of good moral character and has not been found guilty of any
5.4.2. Students who qualify for the Deans Honors List are entitled to receive
a Certificate of Merit during the College Recognition Day held every
succeeding semester.
5.4.3. The top three students with the highest GPA in a college/school/
department/grouping of departments will enjoy the scholarship privilege.
First honors

- 100% tuition fee discount privilege

- GPA is not less than 1.20

Second honors

- 75% tuition fee discount privilege

- GPA is at least 1.21 but not less than 1.45

Third honors

- 50% tuition fee discount privilege

- GPA is at least 1.46 but not less than 1.70

5.4.4 There is no limit to the number of students who can enjoy the privilege,
provided, they are within the GPA requirement for the particular
category of honors.
5.4.5 The GPA shall be computed based on the final grades of all courses
taken in the immediate preceding semester except ReEd and NSTP


5.4.6 Students on the Deans Honors List who are entitled to scholarship
privileges enjoy the tuition fee discount during the succeeding
semester. Those who have graduated are no longer entitled to the
tuition fee discount privilege which is neither convertible to cash nor
5.4.7 Students who are not on the Deans Honors List for a particular
semester can still qualify for Graduation Honors based on the set
in all curricula by multiplying the number of units assigned to a course by the
final grade earned and then by dividing the summation of the products by the
total number of units earned for the term. Non-credit courses like NSTP and
basic ReEd are excluded from the computation. Grades of 5.0 and NC of credit
courses are, however, included in the GPA calculation.
The University grants scholarship privileges as grants-in-aid to students who excel in
their studies as well as to those who qualify as members of USC varsity teams and USC
performing arts groups, and to those who are financially-deprived. Scholarships are
likewise afforded to deserving students who meet the requirements of alumni
associations, government, and private scholarship benefactors. The scholarship
program then at USC consists of those sponsored by the University, Alumni,
Government, and Private institutions.
As a general rule, scholarship grantees are not allowed to avail of multiple
scholarships at any given time. But, if there are those who qualify for two scholarships
funded by the University, they can be entitled to the scholarship that provides the higher
financial grant, upon the endorsement of the Office of Scholarships, Alumni Affairs, and
Job Placement. However, those who are beneficiaries of a scholarship grant funded by
other agencies, or by private individuals are entitled to avail also of a USC tuition fee
discount privilege due them because of scholastic excellence (i.e. Deans Honors List
and Graduation Honors), and membership in varsity teams and performing arts groups
recognized by the University.
Application forms for scholarships can be obtained from the Office mentioned above
or from their respective Coordinators/Advisers. Duly accomplished forms, together with
the specified requirements, have to be submitted within the official registration period,
unless otherwise specified.


University-Sponsored Scholarships
6.1 High School Graduates with Honors
100% tuition fee discount (excluding laboratory and other school fees) provided
they come from a class of at least 60 students
75% tuition fee discount (excluding laboratory and other school fees) provided
they come from a class of below 60 but not less than 30 students
50% tuition fee discount (excluding laboratory and other school fees) provided
they come from a class of below 30 but not less than 15 students
75% tuition fee discount (excluding laboratory and other school fees) provided
they come from a class of at least 60 students
50% tuition fee discount (excluding laboratory and other school fees) provided
they come from a class of below 60 but not less than 30 students
25% tuition fee discount (excluding laboratory and other school fees) provided
they come from a class of 30 but not less than 15 students
50% tuition fee discount (excluding laboratory and other school fees) provided
they come from a class of at least 60 students.
25% tuition fee discount (excluding laboratory and other school fees) provided
they come from a class of below 60 but not less than 30 students
6.1.1 High School Graduates with honors have to apply for the scholarship
privileges to which they are entitled. They must submit a duly accomplished
application form attached with the following requirements:
certification from the Principal of the secondary school where the student
graduated stating the graduation honor and the number of graduates in
their class;
Certificate of Good Moral Character; and
photocopy of Study Load.
They must comply with the following conditions:
have not availed of any other scholarship privilege granted by the
have not engaged in any gainful occupation;
have a regular load of their prescribed curriculum; and
have attended the Scholarship Orientation with a parent or guardian.
6.1.2 Scholarship privileges for the aforementioned honor students are given for two
semesters only, provided that the grantees obtain a grade point average of at
least 1.70 in the first semester of their first year in the University and do not
shift to another curriculum.

6.1.3 After two semesters, they may avail of other scholarship privileges if they meet
the qualifications for the Deans Honors List.

Varsity Players
Qualified athletes are granted scholarships in the form of tuition fee
adjustment privilege subject to the conditions laid down by the Board of Athletics.
The varsity teams for men and women are for the following sports:


lawn tennis

table tennis
soccer football

Performing Arts Groups

Students with special talents who qualify for membership in the following arts
groups are granted tuition fee adjustment privileges according to the conditions
set by the Performing Arts Committee:
dance troupe
theater guild


Working Scholarship Program

The University, through the Human Resource Management Office,
administers a Working Scholarship Program (WSP) primarily to assist deserving
students who are financially-unable to obtain a college education.
Students accepted to WSP shall work for four hours a day (24 hours a week)
in consideration for free tuition and other school fees and a book allowance every
semester to be determined by the University Administration.


The University Presidents Scholars

6.5.1 The University President provides scholarships for 10 slots, preferably to
deserving students of low socio-economic status who are enrolled in any
four to fiveyear baccalaureate degree programs.
6.5.2 Arnold Janssen Scholars
6.5.3 USC Mission and ReEd Scholars

6.5.4 ACUP Scholars

6.5.5 By virtue of the Presidential Decree No. 451, the University President
provides scholarships to poor but deserving students at the ratio of one for
every five hundred students enrolled.
6.5.6 Likewise, Presidential Decree No. 577 provides the granting of full
scholarship to dependents of military personnel who died or are
incapacitated while in active service. The number of grantees is at the
ratio of one grantee for every two thousand students of the total
Alumni-Sponsored Scholarships
College/School/Department-based alumni associations, geographical alumni
chapters, alumni classes or batches, alumni groups, and individuals offer scholarships
to deserving students who meet their required qualifications.
Government-Sponsored Scholarships
As an autonomous higher education institution in the country and with its track
record of linkages with government, the University is privileged to administer
scholarship programs sponsored by the following government agencies:
Commission of Higher Education (CHED)
Department of Education (DepEd)
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Civil Service Commission (CSC)
Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
Provincial Government of Cebu
Local Government Units
Private Institution-Sponsored Scholarships
The strong partnership of the University with business and industry, professional
associations, religious groups and individuals, privately-run corporations, and
establishments has paved the way for the offering of scholarship grants for philanthropic
and humanitarian purposes. These private agencies vary in their scholarship
requirements and conditions.




7.1.1 Candidates for graduation are required to apply for evaluation of their academic
records a semester/term before their graduation in order that any deficiency can
be evaluated. Application forms can be obtained at the Evaluation Section of the
Office of the Registrar. Dates and deadlines for evaluation are announced each
7.1.2 After the evaluation of academic records, the candidates for graduation should
file an application for graduation at the Evaluation Section of the Office of the
Registrar. Dates and deadlines for application for graduation are announced
each semester.
7.1.3 Candidates for graduation are required to accomplish the clearance for
graduation before the final examinations, to clear them of financial and property
obligations. They are also required to apply for the release of their official
transcript of records and diplomas at the time of the application for clearance.
7.1.4 After the final examinations, application for graduation will no longer be
7.1.5 The College of Law requires that a candidates application for graduation be
approved by the Law Faculty and Board of Candidates for Graduation, which
shall, among other things, take into consideration the ability of the candidates to
pass the Bar Examination.
7.1.6 Fines are imposed for late application.
7.2.1 Candidates for graduation who complete their courses with the following GPA
shall receive the corresponding Graduation Honors:
Summa Cum Laude
1.00 to 1.20
Magna Cum Laude
1.21 to 1.45
Cum Laude
1.46 to 1.70
7.2.2 The GPA is computed based on the final grades of all courses taken, except
NSTP and the basic ReEd courses.
7.2.3 To graduate with honors a student must:
carry the required load per term as prescribed in the curriculum pursued.
However, a student may qualify for honors even if he/she has been
underloaded for 3 units in a semester for a maximum of two semesters,


provided the College Dean concerned can justify it and the Council of Deans
approves it on a case-to-case basis. The underload may also be justified if
he/she is a working scholar of the University;


have completed in USC at least 75% of the total number of academic units
and have been in residence for at least three consecutive years immediately
prior to graduation;

carry a minimum study load of 12 units and a work load of at least six (6)
hours per day if he/she is a working student for gainful employment, provided
that he/she can submit on the date of application for graduation these pieces
of evidence of his/her gainful employment: (a) certification of employment by
his/her employer, and (b) SSS membership documents or any other pertinent
document acceptable to the Council of Deans;

possess good moral character; and

not have incurred a failing grade (including NSTP and ReEd courses) or NC
including courses taken from previous school/s attended.
Any deviation from the policies regarding an honor students study load
disqualifies him/her from the corresponding honors, with a subsequent
reduction of one rank.

Section 1. General Behavior

Each student of the University is expected to act as a mature Christian, to conduct
himself/herself with dignity and deportment, and to uphold the moral standards, inside
and outside of the Catholic University. The Code of Ethics for Students is found in
Appendix 2 to guide the students to become morally upright Carolinians. When he/she
enrolls and is accepted, a contract is established whereby he/she submits
himself/herself and agrees to comply with the rules of the University. Upon enrollment,
he/she assumes all the responsibilities appertaining to his/her status as a student,
specifically, toward the administration, faculty, and the studentry.
The USC school ID is issued to each student at the time of his/her initial enrollment
at the university.
Every student is required to wear his/her USC school ID inside its premises and to
present it to any person in authority upon demand.

Its validity is for five (5) years subject to validation every term.
It is required for the following purposes:


o entry to all university campuses;

o use of university facilities including recreational facilities;
o transacting business with university officers, e.g. payment and verification
of school accounts at the Finance division;
o admission to certain programs, convocations, fora, etc.
A Carolinian is expected to:

present a neat, clean, and respectable image at all times even outside the


Male and female students are required to wear the proper school uniform according
to the specifications and standards set by the University. See Appendix 5.
Students are expected to be reasonably neat in appearance and maintain dignity in
their manner of dressing, avoiding attire and decorum deemed inappropriate in a school
For female students, skirts must cover the knee; also, the pair of pants for both
genders must be straight-cut.
The P.E. uniform must be strictly worn only during P.E. classes.
The guidelines to be followed in the conduct of disciplinary proceedings and the
sanctions imposable are contained in Appendix 4 and Appendix 3, respectively.
Section 3. Student Rights
The university abides by the universal declaration of human rights which emphasizes
equal privilege to any individual regardless of gender, ethnic/cultural background, socio
economic status, religion, or sexual orientation. As such, the university is committed to
upholding and protecting the rights and fundamental freedom of every student enrolled.

Every student then, regardless of his/her academic program, has the right to:
have equal access and avail themselves of the services and facilities provided by
the university;
freely participate in university affairs and activities, both academic and
organize and join registered school organizations;
be treated fairly and with respect by teachers, employee or staff in the university,
and fellow students;
be informed regarding school policies and regulations which may directly or
indirectly affect them before such matters are adopted (article IV section 1, Bill of
Rights, Supreme Student Council Manual);




access ones own academic and financial records;

seek explanation of his/her own grades from his/her teachers;
be informed of any complaints against him/her and to answer these in a proper
file complaints against a fellow student, teacher, or any employee of the university;
have freedom of opinion and expression through appropriate means and medium;
peaceably assemble to express legitimate concerns;
have a safe and secure environment;
receive competent instruction and a relevant education to insure his/her
development (article IV section 1, Bill of Rights, Supreme Student Council
freely choose their field of study subject to existing curricula and to continue their
course therein up to graduation, except in cases of academic deficiency, or
violation of disciplinary regulations;
be free from involuntary contributions, except those approved by their own
College/School/Department, organizations or societies;
exercise such rights as are granted him/her by the Constitution, and prevailing

In the exercise of these rights and freedom, everyone shall be subject only to such
limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition
and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements
of morality, public order and the general welfare of all (Article 29, UN Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, 1948).
Among the recognized limitations on students rights are the following duties and
obligations of the student to:
1. exert his/her utmost initiative to develop his/her potential for service, particularly
pursuing an education suited to his/her abilities, in order that he/she may become an
asset to his/her family and to society;
2. uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavor to achieve academic
excellence, and abide by the rules and regulations governing his/her academic
responsibilities and moral integrity;
3. promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the school by observing the rules
and discipline, and by exerting efforts to attain harmonious relationships with fellow
students, the teaching and academic staff, and other school personnel;
4. participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the general welfare,
particularly in the social, economic and cultural development of his/her community
and in the attainment of a just, compassionate, and orderly society;
5. exercise his/her rights responsibly in the knowledge that he/she is answerable for
any infringement or violation of the public welfare and of the rights of others
(Section 15, Education Act of 1982);
6. respect the academic freedom of institutions of higher learning as embodied in
Section 5 (2), Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution.



The following facilities can be availed of by all bonafide students, subject to the rules
and guidelines set by the University.
Section 1: Instructional Facilities
a. Josef Baumgartner Learning Resource Center, Talamban Campus
b. Audio-Visual Facilities:
Theodore Buttenbruch Hall
CAFA Theatre (TC)
(Downtown Campus DC)
CAFA Lecture Hall (TC)
Gansewinkel Hall (DC)
Phillip van Engelen Open
Anthony Buchick Hall (South
campus SC)
Harold Rigney Hall (Talamban
Phillip van Engelen AVR
Campus TC)
Hoeppener Hall (TC)
c. Cebuano Studies Center
d. USC Marine Station
Section 2. Recreational and Sports Facilities
The Office of Athletics and Recreation Services provides assistance to individuals
and organizations in the planning and holding of various types of sports and recreational
activities of the University. It also administers and manages the annual intramural
games. Moreover, it is tasked to conduct the selection, training, and development of
athletes for the different varsity teams of the University.
Following are the recreational and sports facilities available to students:
volleyball court
swimming pool
soccer field
basketball court
pelota court
tennis court
Section 3: Other Facilities
a. Museums:
University Museum, Downtown Campus
Biological and Entomological Collections, Talamban Campus
b. Covered Court (Talamban Campus)
c. Dormitories (Talamban Campus)
d. Enrique Schoenig Nature Park
e. Butterfly Sanctuary
f. Wrocklage Yard
g. Kolks Nook
h. Cafeterias


Carolinian Inn
Campus Internet (CNET), Downtown Campus
Moot Courts
School buses

To complement and enhance the learning process, students are allowed to initiate
and organize activities which may be co-curricular or extra-curricular in nature.
Colleges, departments, and student organizations, in coordination with the Office of
Student Affairs, manage these activities. The following are activities held within the
academic calendar:
Freshmen Orientation Programs
Student Organization Fair
Student Leaders Congress
SSC Elections
USC Excellence Awards
University Days
Community Outreach Activities
Job Fair
Christmas Programs
Drug Awareness and Prevention
Our Noel
College/School/Department Days
Womens Days
Student Organization Days
Section 1. Library System
As an information resource center, the USC Library System provides information,
resources, and services responsive to the curricular and research needs of all sectors. It
supports the goal-directed thrusts of the University of San Carlos. Spread out on four
campuses are fifteen (15) libraries, seven (7) Audio Visual Centers, central acquisitions,
and cataloging units supervised by professional and PRC licensed librarians.
Library Location
Downtown Campus / P. del Rosario Campus
Bernard Bonk Library, 2nd Floor, Arthur Dingman Building
o School of Business and Economics Library
o American Corner
Law Library, 5th Floor, Ernest Hoerdemann Building
North Campus, Gen. Maxilom Avenue
Basic Education Library, Ground Floor, Edward Norton Hall
South Campus, J. Alcantara Street
Education Library, 2nd Floor, Anthony Buchcick Building
BED High School Library, 2nd Floor, Stephen Szmutko Wing

BED Elementary Library, 2nd Floor, Jorge Krieger Wing

Talamban Campus
Josef Baumgartner Learning Resource Center
o General Reference Library
o Humanities Library
o Science and Technology Library
o Social Science Library
o Filipiniana Library
o Cebuano Studies Center Library
o Serials Library
o Knowledge for Development Center
Hours of Service
Downtown Campus / P. del Rosario Campus
Bernard Bonk Library
07:30 AM - 08:00 PM
Law Library
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
North Campus
Basic Education Library
07:00 AM - 05:30 PM
South Campus
Education Library
07:30 AM - 07:00 PM
Basic Education Libraries
07:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Talamban Campus
Josef Baumgartner Learning Resource Center
07:30 AM - 07:30 PM

Library Users
The following are authorized clients of the USC Libraries:
all bonafide students of USC with validated school identification card (ID)
USC faculty members, administrators, and employees
members of the SVD Community
USC Alumni bearing the appropriate alumni identification card
other users with recommendations or referral letters from their respective


Library Services
The librarians of the different libraries offer to the users proactive services.
Book Borrowing
Reserve Book Service
Faculty members may place books on a particular subject on reserve.
Their students may borrow the books by the hour or for overnoon and
overnight use at the Reserved Book Section.
Book Reservation
Administrators, faculty members, and administrative staff who have urgent
processing requests are notified by phone when the books are delivered
to the Circulation Counter.
Stack Service
Shelvers maintain the books in accurate arrangement to ensure efficiency
in searching and locating the volumes for use by different customers.
Current Awareness Service
Information Literacy
InterLibrary Loan, Referrals
Reading Advisory Guidance
Reference and Information Services
Storytelling and Book Talk


Library Facilities
The Josef Baumgartner Learning Resource Center serves as a one-stop-information
hub that responds to the demands of the users for valuable information. Each of the
libraries within the LRC has a reading area. In addition, carrels are provided for
graduate students doing research. Lounging areas are segregated and are specifically
for newspaper and magazine readers. Microforms, microfilm, and microfiche are
available at the Serials Library. The Library has the Knowledge Navigation Center
(KNC) that allows the customers to discover and explore CD Stations, the Internet,
digital resources, and other applications; and to access the proper resources and
subject specialists. Each library is provided with Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC).
Audio Visual Halls are air-conditioned and are provided with good acoustics and up-todate equipment for user comfort. (See Appendix 7: General Rules for Library Use)
Section 1.1. Audio Visual Centers
There are seven Audio Visual Halls located in the four campuses of the University.
At the Downtown Campus at P. del Rosario St. are two audio visual halls namely,
Buttenbruch Hall and van Gansewinkel Hall.
The Buttenbruch Hall is dedicated to the memory of Fr.Theodore Buttenbruch, SVD.
It can be a venue for cultural performances with a 240-seating capacity for theater
The van Gansewinkel Hall can likewise accommodate 272 persons for theater
viewing. It can also be a venue for cultural performances, seminars, forums, and other
similar activities.
The Norton Hall at the North Campus is available for seminars, forums, cultural
performances, and other similar activities for mostly basic education classes.
Fr. Anthony Buchcik Hall at the South Campus, is named after Fr. Anthony Buchcik,
an SVD priest who served as the Dean of the College of Education and at the same
time the Director of Music in 1956 to 1965. The entire wing of the Teacher Education
Center is now called Anthony Buchcik Building.
Fr. Joseph Jaschik Hall, also at the South Campus, is the audio-visual hall intended
for the Basic Education, located at the north side of the building known as the Fr.
Joseph Jaschik Wing.
The USC Technological Center at the Talamban Campus, has two audio visual halls:
Rigney Hall, and Hoeppener Hall. The former, located on the first floor of the Bunzel
Building, can seat 192 persons for seminars, forums, and other activities. The latter has
130 seats. These facilities have several AV equipment and software materials.


Audio Visual Centers Service Hours

Main Campus / P. del Rosario Campus
Buttenbruch Hall
07:30 AM - 07:30 PM MON-FRI
07:30 AM 05:00 PM SAT
van Gansewinkel Hall
07:30 AM - 07:30 PM MON-FRI
07:30 AM 05:00 PM SAT
North Campus
Norton Hall
08:00 AM 12:00 NN; 01:00 PM 05:00 PM
South Campus
Jaschik Hall
07:30 AM 12:00 NN; 1:00 PM 5:00 PM MON-FRI
08:00 AM 12:00 NN SAT
Buchcick Hall
07:30 AM 6:00 PM MON-FRI
07:30 AM 5:00 PM SAT
Talamban Campus
Rigney Hall
07:30 AM 07:30 PM MON-FRI
07:30 AM 05:00 PM SAT
van Engelen AV Room
07:30 AM 07:30 PM MON-FRI
07:30 AM 5:00 PM SAT
Hoeppener Hall
07:30 AM 07:30 PM MON-FRI
07:30 AM 05:00 PM SAT
Audio Visual (AV) Services
Sound and Recording Service
Projection and Viewing Service
AV Material Loan
Sound System Service
Video Coverage
Photo Documentation
Booking and Reservation
See Appendix 8: General Rules for AV Use

Section 2. Office of Research

The Office of Research performs the dual task of implementing the Research as
well as the Intellectual Property (IP) Policies of the university with an overall goal of
making the universitys research agenda relevant to the local needs. The Office of
Research facilitates the development of linkages with other higher education institutions
and industry through collaborative research initiated by the academic units for faculty
members, staff, and students.
In promoting the culture of research in the university and in protecting the
intellectual property rights of its researchers, the Office of Research also initiates
capability building activities such as conducting research forums, conferences, lectures,
research and IP seminars, and training workshops; and supports activities initiated by
the academic departments.
Section 2.1. Research Units. The University maintains the following research units to
support students research needs:
Office of Population Studies Foundation, Inc. (Talamban Campus)
Water Resources Center Foundation, Inc. (Talamban Campus)
Cebuano Studies Center (Talamban Campus)
Kabilin Heritage Studies Center (Downtown Campus)
Conservation and Heritage Research Studio (Talamban Campus)
College/School/Department-Based Research Groups
o Social Science Research Center (Talamban Campus)
o Natural Science Research Center (Talamban Campus)
o Marine Biology Section, Maribago, Lapulapu City
o BioProcess Engineering and Research Center (BioPERC- Talamban Campus)
o Architecture Computer Center (Talamban Campus)
Section 3. Office of the Registrar
It is primarily responsible for the following functions:
1. students enrollment and registration, transfer, and graduation;
2. updating and safekeeping of students records in strict confidentiality and
maintaining other records such as government recognition and accreditation of
academic programs, approved curriculum of academic programs, notarized list of
graduates, and promotional reports (Form XIX);
3. enforcement of CHED regulations related to academic programs, curricular load,
accreditation of courses, admission, and transfer.
Furthermore, these functions are carried out through the three (3) sections of the
Office of the Registrar, namely:
1. Records Section issues transfer credentials, transcript of records, diplomas, and
certifications of academic documents for various purposes.
2. Evaluation Section evaluates the academic performance of students to determine


year-level and credits earned for the purpose of graduation and sees to it that
CHEDs and the Universitys curricular policies are enforced and properly
complied with.
3. System Support Section handles tasks related to enrollment like change of
curriculum (shiftees), change of grades, printing of Form XIX, enrollment data,
and other structured data. Also, it checks and verifies faculty load for payroll,
encodes new and revised curricula, and encodes enrollees in petition and tutorial
Section 4. Community Extension Services
The Community Extension Service (CES) is one of the three core functions of the
University of San Carlos as a Higher Education Institution along with Teaching-Learning
and Research. Hence, Carolinians experience integral development by advancing their
academic competencies, highly motivated by their active engagements with university
partner communities, institutions, and organizations. All CES programs, projects, and
activities are undertaken by students, faculty, and staff with a three-fold mandate: first,
to voluntarily extend their professional and academic expertise; second, to engage in
prophetic dialogue with the world guided by the Missionary charisma of SVD Spirituality;
and third, to empower people and communities for social change through a
transformatory or liberational approach.
As an HEI settled in a particular locale and community, USC recognizes that it has
an undeniable role to its context. The needs of its context must be considered of
primary importance in developing a CES program and in organizing pertinent activities.
Data and information must be gathered using valid and reliable tools to serve as bases
for the university, through its units, to offer appropriate and relevant responses to
community needs. All CES programs, projects, and activities must be contextresponsive.
To create a truly appropriate and relevant response, the CES taps and mobilizes the
discipline that can best provide the extension service. This strategy shall essentially
provide faculty and students the opportunity to practise their profession in actual and
real cases/situations. The competencies are ably executed while assisting the
communities in their needs and problems. Hence, all CES programs, projects, and
activities must be specialization-based.
Recognizing the multi-faceted character of socio-cultural, economic, and political
realities, the academic and administrative units work together in crafting comprehensive
extension initiatives and in utilizing multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches. Also, to
ensure the responsiveness of all extension work communities, organizations, and
institutions, the CES treats them not only as beneficiaries but also as partners. This
partnership is essential for making CES programs doable. Hence, all CES programs,
projects, and activities must be collaborative and inclusive.


Since CES undertakings are intended to be programmatic, outputs and outcomes,

both tangible and intangible results must come out of the program; thus, they are to be
measured and gauged. These outputs and outcomes serve as guideposts in
determining whether interventions have an impact on the lives of both partners.
Moreover, it is essential to ensure that interventions continue to serve the purpose of
benefitting as many people as possible. Hence, all CES programs, projects, and
activities must be sustainable and outcomes-based.
What is important to underlie all of the guiding principles of CES is the value of
voluntarism to define the character of extension service.
The CES office was constituted to fulfill this mandate. The office takes a major role in
networking, organizing, coordinating, and facilitating the various CES initiatives of the
departments, colleges, support offices as well as that of the student organizations. It
also conducts monitoring and evaluation of CES programs, projects, and activities with
the college-appointed coordinators. Thus, students, faculty, and staff are highly enjoined
to make learning more meaningful by volunteering in the various extension initiatives of
the university.
All of these are envisioned to produce Carolinians with developed empathy and
enkindled missionary spirit. A Carolinian is not only an expert in his/her profession, but
also a truthful Witness to the Word.
Section 5. Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry (CM) is an essential apostolate which is an officially recognized
ministry of the Catholic Church. It is considered the heart of the apostolate of the
Society of the Divine Word (SVD) Missionaries and its concrete response to the call of
evangelical mission of the Church in the educational setting. Its services are directed to
the integral growth of students, faculty, non-teaching personnel, administrators, and
others, enhancing the missionary spirit and promoting the SVD vocations.
It emphasizes the motto: Witness to the Word in different avenues like retreats,
recollections, workshops, seminars, prayer service, Ecumenical promotion, Bible Camp,
and other activities.
The USC-CM operates interdependently in the four campuses according to the
needs of each campus. The University Chaplain is the head of all chaplains. Each
campus has an assigned chaplain and staff, referred to as campus ministers. Whereas
the campus ministry in the Basic Education is attached to the academic program, those
in the tertiary level operate independently from the academics, working and coordinating
closely with the ReEd/CL-Values area and other internal and external linkages and the
like e.g. Archdiocesan Campus Ministry.


Section 6. Guidance and Testing Services

The Guidance Center shares in the realization of the USC Vision-Mission by
providing opportunities for the personal growth of the University community. It is
committed to facilitate the personal/social and academic development of its clients. This
is realized through the provision of various services and programs made available to its
The Guidance Center is staffed with experienced mental health professionals. Fulltime Counselors and Psychometricians are assigned to the three campuses. When
needed, referrals to external professionals are facilitated. A group of specially-trained
students known as Peer Facilitators assist the Counselors in the implementation of the
Guidance Program. Psychology majors undergoing Guidance internship are also
available to give support to students on their needs.
6.1. Office locations
Downtown Campus
Counseling Office
Testing Office

across Buttenbruch Hall

lobby, beside the Office of Student

Talamban Campus
Counseling Offices
Arts and Sciences
Architecture and Fine Arts
Engineering and Computer Sciences
School of Health Care Professions Testing Office

2nd floor, Phillip van Engelen Building

lobby of CAFA Building
basement, Bunzel Building
2nd floor, Hoeppener Building
basement, Bunzel Building

South Campus
Counseling Office
College of Education

lobby, College of Education Building

6.2. Services Available

Counseling takes the forms of resolution, creative management, and

effective coping of intrapersonal (personal life, career directions,
college/academic adjustment, among others) and/or interpersonal
concerns (peer relationships, family relationships among others) through
individual or group counseling. In promoting personal, career, academic,
and social efficacy, student follow-up and/or referral to other professionals
is also done.

Appraisal is made through initial interviews (new students) and exit

interviews for graduating students. Counselors also keep track of
students development as well as the services availed of through the


maintenance of cumulative records (including test results, development

programs attended, etc.).

Psychological tests are made available to students in line with counseling,

academic placement, and self development programs (personality, career
interest, aptitude, emotions profile, and personality type index). Other tests
are given on a case-to-case basis. Referral for testing is given by the
counselor and tests are taken at the testing office. Results are then
interpreted by the referring counselor. Psychometricians provide research
assistance to undergraduate and graduate students on a case-to-case

Information Service is given through Individual consultations or through

Orientations, Personal Growth Workshops, Seminars, Forums, and
Group programs:
o College adjustment and Study Skills Enhancement
o Self-Exploration and Self-Enhancement
o Career Reassessment
o Personal Leadership/Effectiveness (Whole Life Management, Goal
Setting, and Decision- making)
o Enhancement of Interpersonal Relationships
o Enhancement of Human Relationships in Organizations
o Work Ethics
o Job Preparation
o Other enhancement modules as requested by academic departments
(e.g. teambuilding, leadership, basic listening, and facilitating skills)
o Peer Facilitator Program
o Practicum Supervision (undergraduate psychology and graduate `
Office complement and support the academic training of students
through various student-related services aimed to develop
academically competent, active witnesses of the Word, socially
responsive and globally competitive students with a deep sense of
solidarity. It also serves as the official communication link with other
authorities in the University, the student body, and the general public
on matters concerning student welfare and development, student
activities, and student discipline. It also acts for the Administration on
matters related to the implementation of university regulations
concerning appropriate behavior.)

Section 7. Office of Student Affairs

7.1. STUDENT ACTIVITIES SECTION. The Office takes charge of regulating the
operations as well as the activities of all duly accredited or registered student


organizations in the University. It also produces a pool of student leaders who are
actively involved in their own development and that of the communities where they
operate. It networks and coordinates with other service support units in the
University in their regulation and supervision of student activities.
Specifically, the office:
processes/approves registration of student organizations
processes/approves registration of registered student organizations
approves and issues activity permits
regulates and monitors student activities
evaluates performance of student organizations
organizes and conducts the search for outstanding graduates, leaders,
and campus student organizations
organizes/conducts/facilitates leadership training seminars
provides mentoring and guidance to student organizations
screens, approves, and regulates announcements/notices and
streamers/tarpaulins for posting
7.2. WOMEN AFFAIRS SECTION. This Office complements the academic departments
in their concern for the total development of female students. It organizes and
provides seminar-workshops, symposiums, relevant forums or activities that will
hone their active, effective, assertive, and decisive potentials necessary for
success in their chosen careers. It also ensures that all students adhere to and
abide by the Dress Code Policy and all other pertinent policies affecting them.
Specifically, this section:
designs training programs for female students
organizes symposiums/forums addressing issues and specific needs of
oversees the implementation of rules regarding school uniform and school
conducts preliminary investigations on cases involving female students
facilitates participation of female students in relevant activities on and offcampus
issues uniform exemptions/special permits for students specifically those
who are:
o pregnant
o gainfully employed
o cross-enrollees
o consortium students
o married
o second-coursers


Students enrolled in the Graduate Programs and the College of Law are
exempted from wearing the school uniform. However, appropriate attire must be
strictly observed.
Students of courses that require special uniforms on specific days may wear
their prescribed company, hospital/community or duty/ practicum uniforms with the
approval of the Women Affairs Section. Since the practicum uniform takes the
place of the prescribed school uniform, not wearing the former on scheduled days
would mean no entry to any USC campus.
7.3. STUDENT DISCIPLINE SECTION. The Office seeks to uphold the Universitys and
students interests by implementing the established regulations related to
appropriate behavior expected of a Carolinian studying in a Catholic University.
Hence, the emphasis on all the programs and interventions on appropriate
behavior is intended to prevent, if not, deter any misbehavior of students, to ensure
upright living.
Specifically, this section:
accepts filing of grievances and complaints and sending Notices of
Summons to both complainants and respondents;
conducts preliminary investigations on minor and major violations of
University policies;
convenes members of the Formal Inquiry Committee to conduct Formal
Disciplinary Proceeding;
deliberates and recommends sanctions on students found guilty of
coordinates with the Registrar regarding non-processing and nonissuance of credentials to students with serious violations of University
releases confiscated IDs;
coordinates with the Guidance Center for counseling referrals;
represents the University and the students in cases related to student
keeps records of cases of students with confidentiality;
facilitates issuance of Certificate of Good Moral Character;
facilitates issuance of temporary permits and gate passes;
interviews transferees and returning students to the University;
implements immediate disciplinary sanctions commensurate to minor
infractions; and
facilitates inquiries/ background investigation on students over-all
performance and behavior for reference purposes.
A students liability is not confined to the offenses specifically identified and
defined in the schools code of discipline. Some offenses may be generally worded as to
encompass a number of related wrongdoings.


Section 8. Health Services

The Universitys medical and dental clinics make available health services as
well as primary and continuing comprehensive (physical, psychological, and social) care
to each student. USC Health clinics are located in four USC campuses. The Head of
Health Services is assisted by qualified physicians, dentists, nurses, and student aides.
All new Freshmen and Transferees are required to obtain a medical and dental
clearance as part of the enrollment procedure. Students need to bring their student
manual during the check-up and will have until the middle of the semester to complete
this requirement.
Students can avail of the following health services:
8.1. Medical
medical examinations for all First Year students and Transferees
first aid for emergency cases
medical consultation and treatment
issuance of medical certificates/excuse slips (if seen/examined by the school
infirmary beds for rest to sick students
free medicines for common diseases (as starter dose only)
referrals (for certain cases which need the service of a specialist and certain
procedures or facilities which are not available in the University)
counseling and guidance (family planning, nutrition education, AIDS prevention
and education, drug education)
health education programs
Letter of authorization (LOA) to students who sustained accident injuries with the
approval of VP Finance
8.2. Dental
dental examinations for all First Year and Transferee students, providing them
with an individual dental record as prescribed by the Bureau of Dental Health
emergency dental treatment and consultation
prophylaxis (cleaning) once a year
temporary and permanent filling
tooth extraction
referrals (for difficult cases: impacted tooth, third molar tooth)
free medicine (pain and haemostatic)
oral hygiene education
Students can avail of one school dental procedure per visit.
8.3. Wellness Program
immunizations (Flu vaccine, Hep B vaccines)


health education through seminars, lectures, symposiums, and bulletin board

nutrition counseling
physical education and fitness
smoking cessation
stress management and sleep promotion
HIV 101
gum health 101
mens health
womens health
Section 9. Security and Safety Office
The Security and Safety Office of the University of San Carlos is committed to create
an atmosphere conducive to the pursuit of educational objectives/teaching - learning
process. The Office works to develop and implement strategies and procedures that
promote and ensure a secure, safe, caring, and law-abiding environment for students,
employees, and visitors. It also ensures the protection of facilities of the university. See
Appendix 6 for the Security and Safety Policies.
Section 10. Office of External Affairs
The Office of External Affairs is responsible for the following functions in the
University, namely: International Linkages, National/Regional and Local Linkages,
International Students, Mission Animation, University Branding and Public Image, and
Resource Generation through the University's Naming Rights Program.
Section 11. Office of Scholarships, Alumni Affairs, and Job Placement
The Office is a support unit directly working with the Office of the President.
Headed by a Director, it provides services to three major and inter-related areas. In the
case of Alumni Affairs, it coordinates with the Universitys alumni association in the
planning and implementation of the Alumni Program. The alumni complement
scholarships and job placement in the sense that they may either become the sponsors
and employers themselves or provide the information or opportunities for scholarships
and employment by other entities. Moreover, with the facilitation of the Office, the
Naming Rights Program of the University can be realized also through its alumni.
To serve better its clients, the Office is conveniently located in two of the four
campuses of the University: at the Ground Floor of the Arthur Dingman Bldg.
Downtown Campus, a few steps ahead from the Main Lobby, and at the Alumni and
Visitors Center, close to the right-most entrance of the Talamban Campus.


The specific functions of each area are:
Alumni Affairs
o assists in the requests by alumni, particularly those overseas, for school
records and other pertinent documents;
o facilitates, in collaboration with the concerned College(s) in tapping
expertise within the University for the needs of industry where alumni are
o facilitates the granting of privileges, whenever possible and relates to the
core functions of the University, in the use of facilities and equipment for
developmental activities;
o maintains the Alumni and Visitors Center where the alumni can meet and
o maintains an Alumni Newsletter that, among others, posts announcements
of milestones in the professional careers of alumni;
o maintains the Alumni Web-Section on the University Website to foster
links between and among fellow alumni;
o assists in the establishment of formal organizations of alumni batches and
o collaborates with College Alumni Relations Councils (ARCs) and Basic
Education Alumni Coordinators in the planning and holding of activities by
alumni batches and chapters;
o assists in bringing together and finding synergy in the efforts of alumni to
help address the development needs of the University;
o helps identify avenues for alumni to take part in sustaining and enriching
the academic life of the different sectors of the University through logistical
support, among others;
o collaborates with the Universitys alumni association in the search for and
in the recognition of alumni with outstanding achievements during the
annual Grand Alumni Homecoming; and
o recommends the grant of honorific academic recognitions to accomplished
alumni in their chosen field of endeavor who have manifested the impact
of the University on their community or country and the international

o maintains the database of existing sponsors for maintenance or possible
increase of scholarships granted and of scholars who can be tapped as
sponsors in the future;
o prepares and provides performance and financial reports to sponsors;
o seeks out and facilitates sponsorship of scholarships by individuals,
groups or institutions;


o meets regularly the scholars in an assembly to thresh out and help

address academic and administrative concerns;
o provides opportunities for supplementary scholarships to the Work-Study
Program (the Universitys Working Scholars);
o maintains a pool of Carolinian Champions from among the scholars who
will represent the University in academic competitions; and
o maintains Presidential Scholarships and/or recognitions for meritorious
achievements in the academic processes of research, instruction, and
community extension services by faculty, administrative personnel, and
students in particular.

Job Placement
o facilitates job search of graduating students and alumni by organizing Job
o maintains linkages with employment-service offices or agencies to
broaden opportunities for job search and employment of graduates;
o works closely with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to
help provide better opportunities for job search through its official
government search-engine;
o posts, on bulletin boards and on the University Website, Job Ads from
partner companies or institutions;
o collaborates with other University offices in the conduct of Job Preparation
o projects a friendly atmosphere and provides assistance to companies or
institutions which undertake recruitment activities within the University;
o facilitates, between the College(s)/Department(s) concerned and
companies or institutions, the setting up and maintenance of a Cadet-ship
Program, particularly for fresh graduates to undergo training for a certain
period, with the probability of getting hired thereafter; and
o seeks out and negotiates for the offering, by companies or institutions, of
special arrangements on Internship or On-the-Job Training (OJT) for
enrolled students, also with the probability of getting hired after
ARTICLE VIII. Other Services

Section 1. Integrated School Management Information Services (ISMIS)

The Integrated School Management Information System (ISMIS) is an online portal
for students to access their records such as grades, class schedules, assigned
teachers, assessment, student ledger, payment history, and clearance status anytime


and anywhere at their own convenience. ISMIS supports the following processes:
online enrollment, online inquiry of records through the Student Kiosk, and payment
through banks.
Section 2. Textbook and Mimeographing Services
This section is responsible for the procurement, sale, and distribution of the required
textbooks and other instructional materials, materials for school uniforms and other
academic attires (P.E. uniforms and graduation toga), as well as printing needs
(mimeographing, and bindery services).
Section 3. University of San Carlos Press
University of San Carlos Press was founded in 1964 as San Carlos Publications.
That same year it began publishing a series of monographs in these areas, namely:
Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Philosophy, and Theology. It also
started the annual peer-reviewed scientific journal The Philippine Scientist. In 1973, it
began publishing the Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society (PQCS), a peerreviewed scholarly publication issued four times a year. PS is accessible online through
PhilJol; and PQCS, through JSTOR.
USC Press is a member of the International Association of Scholarly Publishers and
the Council of Editors of Learned Journals. Its clientele includes a great many national
and university libraries both in the Philippines and abroad.
San Carlos Publications formally became USC Press in 2007, following wide-ranging
improvements in its publishing portfolio. It continues to produce the two above-named
journals plus a host of books in various academic fields.
Section 4. Water Laboratory
The University of San Carlos Water Laboratory, an attached unit to the Chemistry
Department, serves as a research arm for students. It caters to the needs of learners as
the laboratory offers quality first-hand experience on different analyses involving
different types of equipment supplemental to their academic training. The Water
Laboratory has widened its scope of analytical capabilities, not only to water analyses
but also to soil, ore, and other special samples for testing.
The Water Laboratory also extends its analytical services to external clients, from
private and government entities in Cebu to other neighboring provinces in the Visayas
and Mindanao. It is commercially recognized as a standard testing laboratory and is
constantly accredited by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) and the Department of Health (DOH).


Section 5. Maintenance and Calibration Workshop

The Maintenance and Calibration Workshop (M&C Workshop or MCW) performs the
regular maintenance, repair, and calibration of instruments and equipment of the
University of San Carlos (USC) and its extension units.
It also produces these instruments and pieces of equipment for educational, applied
science, and research purposes. In addition, the workshop performs service orders for
local industry and business.
By serving the science departments, engineering departments, extension, and
research units with the maintenance, calibration, and production of instruments, the
workshop lends essential support to the improvement of research and the quality of
educational programs, thus, shaping USC from a mere teaching University to an elite
teaching and research University deserving of its status as a flagship school in
Science and Technology, Southern Philippines.
Section 6. General Services
The Office of General Services is located at Talamban Campus, next to the
Hoeppener building and the University Stadium. It coordinates and directs the overall
operation and activities of the University auxiliary services and physical facilities.
It is composed of different sections that handle the following services: carpentry,
painting, tinsmith, electrical, air conditioning, plumbing, landscaping, transportation, and
Section 7. Office of Property Administrator
The Administrator of Properties is accountable for all real properties and assets of
the University and ensures their safety and maximum utilization. The Office oversees
the acquisition, regular valuation, and disposal of real properties as well as the
systematic disposal of junk assets, and the bidding process and implementation of
major constructions. It also administers the optimum use of available spaces and
contents, complies with government regulatory requirements, and maintains/ensures
the archiving or safe keeping of all property documents of the University.
Section 8. Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO; or Patent Library)
The Office promotes the practice of Intellectual Property (IP) protection and
facilitates the filing of patents. The following need to be protected through various forms
of IP rights or IPRs to benefit their creators and the public: copyrights, patents, utility
models, trademarks/service marks, trade secrets, industrial design, geographic
indications, and layout designs of integrated circuits.


P. del Rosario St., Cebu City



Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City



J. Alcantara St, Cebu City



The Code of Ethics for Students is a set of moral standards aiding Carolinians to
embody the principles of Scientia (Science), Virtus (Virtue), Devotio (Devotion) as they
strive for excellence in their respective academic fields and build the character needed
in their personal and professional lives.
The Code of Ethics aims to develop the sensitivity of students to moral issues in
contemporary life, to strengthen their courage and ability to speak out and act on these
issues and, thus, to hone their sense of personal identity as Witness to the Word. The
groundwork of this Code is that students would achieve and maintain a level of maturity
required of responsible and effective citizens of the country and the Church by the
observance of this Code.
The Core Values of the University given in the By Laws of the Corporation serve as a
frame of reference for the Code of Ethics for Students and, accordingly, afford them
inspiration in complying with the Duties and Responsibilities below.
Integrity. In their personal and academic lives, students display behavior congruent with
the values they espouse as members of a Catholic University. They do this through a)
honesty and truthfulness in dealing with administrators, faculty, employees, and other
students; b) the respect afforded the intellectual property rights of others; and c) the
vigilance shown in not compromising the integrity of their own work. As Carolinians,
they value and nurture this integrity in all circumstances of their lives.
Excellence. Students strive to achieve excellence in their academic studies and cocurricular activities commensurate with their respective gifts and aspirations. In meeting
the standards of the University, they are not complacent about early successes or
discouraged by occasional setbacks. Accordingly, they recognize the truth of Aristotles
words: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
Commitment. Students are actively engaged in the process of their own learning and in
the internalization of the ideals of the University. They demonstrate these through their
sincere interest, hard work, and perseverance in their studies, as well as in the maturity
of their behavior reflecting these ideals. In both endeavors, they strive to bring honor to
the University the alma mater that nurtures their young adult Catholic lives.
Social Responsibility. Since the contribution they make to society will be built on the
social responsibility exercised during their formation, students recognize the University
as a community in which to develop sensitivity to the rights and needs of others and to
take effective action in responding to them. They also learn to be vigilant to social,
economic, and political conditions in the real world: the need of the poor for a voice in
society, the divergence of cultures and religions, and the integrity of creation.


Evangelization. Students aspire to be Witness to the Word in their academic and social
lives. Under the guidance of the Administration and the faculty, they endeavor to
internalize the teachings and values of the Catholic Church and the role a Catholic
University plays in the evangelization of peoples and cultures, especially the poor and
the marginalized in the society. Daily they strive to assimilate the Word of God and
exhibit the practice of their faith, including the frequent reception of the Sacraments so
that they may be examples of Christian living in their respective communities.
Leadership. While respecting authority at the University, students are called to personal
initiative and leadership. They exercise these through commitment to action on the
grounds of concern rather than of personal advantage, on the strength of their
convictions rather than of the desire for popularity. By exercising leadership roles during
their formation, students build a strong sense of Christian identity and confidence in
their personal effectiveness as graduates of a Catholic University.
Section 1: Academic Conduct
Students share with their teachers and academic heads the responsibility of
maintaining a suitable environment that is conducive to their own learning as well as to
the classroom management by their teachers. Students perform their part in this shared
responsibility by:
1.1 faithfully adhering to the rules and regulations given in the Handbook for
1.2 assuming full accountability and responsibility for their own learning and
actively taking part in the learning of other students;
1.3 exerting every effort to relate what they learn in the classroom to the real world
1.4 observing proper academic conduct at all times, specifically abstaining from
committing plagiarism, cheating in tests or examinations, falsifying academic
documents, and from abetting students to do all these immoral acts;
1.5 demonstrating sensitivity to and appreciation of the facilities provided for their
learning by the University by refraining from defacing, damaging, or
committing wastage and theft of institutional resources.
Section 2: Student Student Relationship
As a major part of the University community, students are responsible for promoting
genuine collegiality among their peers through mutual respect for each other as well as
by the example of their moral behavior. This collegiality is manifested in the following
2.1 respecting the rights of fellow students to learn and affording them courtesy
and respect at all times;
2.2 valuing and respecting the diverse qualities and gifts of their peers, especially


those of other cultures, religions, nationalities, and social classes;

2.3 respecting each other as individuals. Under no circumstance shall they
physically or psychologically harm or threaten to harm others by bullying,
hazing, stalking, harassing or discriminating other students in any form;
2.4 accepting constructive criticism from fellow students.
Section 3: Student Teacher Relationship
The maturity of societys culture is assessed by the level of respect for and
appreciation of its members to those who pass on to each generation the knowledge
and wisdom that is its heritage. Students demonstrate this respect in the following
3.1 treating their teachers with the respect due them in view of the experience,
knowledge, and concern they have for the welfare and learning of their
3.2 actively participating and engaging in sound interaction and dialogue with their
teachers and their peers without fear of intimidation or ridicule;
3.3 appreciating feedbacks or constructive criticisms from their teachers as part of
the normal process of formative education;
3.4 refraining from giving personal favors or gifts, whether in cash or in kind, in
return for any special consideration such as a passing grade, the granting of
honors, consideration or other concessions;
3.5 being truthful in their reasons for not completing academic assignments,
attending class or taking an examination;
3.6 properly elevating their concern to the Section Head, Department Chair or
College Dean as the case may be should they feel they are not given a fair and
reasonable hearing on an academic matter.
Section 4: Student Administrative Employee Relationship
Administrative employees of an academic institution fulfill unassuming but,
indispensable function in rendering support to the programs of colleges and
departments. Students show recognition to this important contribution by:
4.1 treating administrative employees with respect and courtesy regardless of their
administrative status or position;
4.2 being sensitive to administrative employees schedule and workload in dealing
with them;
4.3 properly elevating their concern to the administrative employees immediate
superior should they feel they are not given a reasonable response on a
particular request, query or dispute.


Section 5: Student Community Relationship

In immersing themselves in community-related activities, the students should bear in
mind that they represent the institutions interest and involvement in establishing rapport
with and support of community members. For these purposes, the students are
encouraged to:
5.1 participate in community services and extracurricular activities by making
active use of the knowledge and skills they have gained at the university;
5.2 support activities of other sectors, such as the civil society, government, and
parochial and religious organizations, in measures possible;
5.3 refrain from involving the University in their own personal financial dealings;
5.4 conduct themselves at all times in such a way as not to cast aspersion or bring
dishonor and discredit to the University or tarnish its good name and
reputation. In this regard, the students should understand that the University
has the right and authority to regulate their conduct and activities on or off
campus, when these conduct and activities affect the good order and welfare of
the University or have direct and immediate effect on the discipline or general
welfare of the school.
Discipline in school is specifically mandated by the Constitution, which says, that all
educational institutions shall teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical
and spiritual values, develop moral character and personal discipline.
The Constitution requires all schools to be responsible in shaping the behavior of
young people under their care. The establishment of rules governing university-student
relations, particularly those pertaining to student discipline, may be regarded as vital,
not merely to the smooth and efficient operation of the institution, but to its very survival.
Furthermore, rules and regulations are intended to promote a wholesome
atmosphere conducive to the full development of the human person in the light of
Christian philosophy aligned with the USC Vision-Mission.
To ensure proper and appropriate conduct of the student body, the University
formulates these guidelines enumerating the offenses and their corresponding
penalties. They do not, however, curtail the rights of the University in any way under
existing laws to pursue cases not listed hereinunder. Analogous situations and cases
are also to be deemed covered by the authority of the University to enforce discipline
among its students.
Moreover, the Board of Discipline may impose sanctions higher than what is
stipulated in this table, if the evidence and gravity of offense so warrant.





Suspension/Probation for Discipline
Exclusion (Temporary)
Exclusion (Permanent, cf.. Step 4 P. 64)

Nature of Offenses
But Not Limited To The Following
1. entering the University campus without a valid school
identification card (I.D.)
2. non-wearing of school identification card on campus
3. possession of two or more school identification cards
(I.D.) or gate pass by whatever means or manner
4. losing ones ID or Temporary Gate Pass three (3) times
5. sitting on a ledge or sleeping on a bench or table
6. loitering or making excessive noise in corridors,
stairways or immediate vicinities during classes
7. boisterous laughter, excessively loud conversation or
argument, shouting or howling offensive to the
sensibilities of the school community or disruptive of
8. use of cellular phones, beepers, iPods or other
communication gadgets inside the classroom while
classes, examination or other academic activities are
going on
9. bringing in or playing with any gambling paraphernalia on
or off campus sites
10. proselytizing, defined as attempting to convert others to
ones faith by attacking or denigrating the practices and
beliefs of another, or by offering special inducements
11. irreverent conduct in the chapel or during angelus, Holy
Mass, prayer or any other similar religious practice
12. disrespect to national symbols (e.g. making a mockery of
the national anthem) and any other similar infraction
13. unauthorized use of school facilities or equipment
14. irresponsible use of school properties
15. eating and drinking in the theater, AVR or in other
designated non-eating areas
16. indiscriminate throwing of waste paper, candy wrappers,
chewing gums, plastic cups, etc. on campus or spitting



Frequency & Penalty

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th










Nature of Offenses
But Not Limited To The Following
on floors or walls
17. failure to wear the prescribed school attire or uniform
18. taking off of school uniform on campus except during
class activities that require civilian attire.
19. wearing P.E. uniform on campus but outside of P.E.
20. male students wearing attire inappropriate to the formal
sando/sleeveless shirts, shorts (except during intramural
games, sports fest and P.E. classes), tattered
pants/clothes, long hair [covering the ears and collar of
the uniform], dreadlocks, outrageous hair coloring, beard
and mustache, shirts with offensive and lewd prints,
earrings, nose ring, lip/tongue/eyelid rings, and tattoo on
an exposed part of the body.
21. female students wearing attire inappropriate to the formal
school environment, like: blouses or dresses of such
designs as backless, halter cut, plunging/low cut
necklines, sleeveless, tube style, narrow shoulder straps,
spaghetti straps, baby shirts/blouses exposing the navel
or belly - transparent attires with no proper
undergarments, miniskirts and dresses, shorts of any
leggings/tight knee-length pedal pushers except during
intramural games and P.E. classes), tattered pants,
slippers(rubber or leather), tattoos, multiple earrings and
body piercing
Hemline of the skirt-uniform should cover the knee.
22. cross-dressing: male students wearing make-up/colored
fingernails and wearing female designed outfit such as
blouses, lady tight jeans, lady sandals/shoes, bras, etc.
female students designing uniform blouse into mens
polo and wearing mens shoes
23. violation of parking regulations
24. borrowing or lending of USC ID card, gate pass, library
card, official receipt or other relevant and official school
documents for whatever purpose or intention; tampering
ones own or another students ID card and using it to
gain entry to USC premises, whether or not damage was
inflicted on any member of the USC academic
25. Possession of two or more school identification cards
(ID), gate pass by whatever means or manner


Frequency & Penalty

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th







Nature of Offenses
But Not Limited To The Following
26. unauthorized use of school facilities
27. plagiarism, forgery, falsification, tampering, alteration or
misuse of official school records, documents or
credentials, or any other acts indicating fraud or
28. unauthorized access of computer files like hacking and
other IT-related violations
29. representing, wearing or using any uniform, insignia or
other identifying marks of the University or any
department or college without authorization for personal
30. unauthorized solicitation or selling of any goods or
merchandise for fund raising
31. unauthorized collection of money, checks or any other
instrumentality of monetary value and embezzlement of
32. extortions, unauthorized solicitations, and other similar
acts committed against other students, members of the
faculty, and other members of the academe
33. attempt to steal
34. stealing
35. cheating during any examination, quiz or long test
(including take home examination or written reports
required for submission) or any other academic
36. unauthorized possession of notes or any material
relative to the examination, whether actually used or not
37. copying from or allowing another to copy from ones
examination papers, assigned reports, reaction papers
and other similar materials
38. letting somebody else take the examination in his/her
own behalf (in which case both shall be liable hereunder)
39. communicating with others during examination without
permission from the teacher or proctor
40. submitting another persons work as ones own
41. Campus and Public Disturbance such as:
41.1. deliberate disruption of classes, academic
functions or activities within University premises
41.2. brawls, riots, hooliganism on or off campus
41.3. staging/organizing rallies, strikes, pickets, and
demonstrations against the University without
valid permit
41.4. instigating or participating in group activities


Frequency & Penalty

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th




Nature of Offenses
But Not Limited To The Following
leading to the stoppage of classes, presentations,
gatherings, rallies, etc.
41.5. causing panic or confusion by harassment and
picketing at University entrances and exits, loud
and disturbing arguments, shouting/heckling/
unrestrained laughter/loud talking inside or outside
the classroom or in the corridors/stairways and
immediate vicinities
41.6. barricading, preventing, or threatening any student
from entering the school campus or attending
classes, and/or school personnel from discharging
their duties
41.7. vandalism or destruction of properties of the
University, or those belonging to any member of
the administration, faculty, non-teaching staff,
fellow-students or visitors while on campus
41.8. tampering official announcements on bulletin
boards, posting of notices or posters in nondesignated areas or removing thereof without
proper authorization
41.9. posting and displaying on campus and its
immediate vicinity, posters, pictures, banners or
streamers with materials that are libelous,
obscene, indecent, offensive to the feeling and
moral sensitivity of persons, injurious to the good
name of individuals or of the university, subversive
or seditious.
41.10. authorship, publication or circulation of false
information about the University, its officials,
members of the faculty, non-teaching personnel or
41.11. oral defamation or slander
41.12. lying, misrepresenting, and other acts of perjury
committed during the Formal Disciplinary
41.13. grave threats, intimidation, coercion against any
member of the school community: administrators,
faculty, non-teaching staff, students or visitors
41.14. assault resulting in physical injury or damage to
41.15. any act or omission punishable under the laws of
the land.


Frequency & Penalty

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th



Nature of Offenses
But Not Limited To The Following
42. Acts of Immorality such as:
42.1 adultery, concubinage, bigamy, and other
immoral relationships which are against the laws
of the land and/or teachings of the Catholic
42.2. scandalous sexual acts and/or immoral acts
including but not limited to public display of
affection committed inside the school campus, or
outside the school premises when the name of
the school will be tarnished
43. manifesting vulgar or perverted behavior between
students whether of the same or opposite sexes
44. bringing, viewing, displaying or distributing pornographic
materials on campus (either acting as a model/subject,
agent, sponsor, or technical crew) or sending foul
messages to anybody (student, faculty, employee)
45. sexual harassment (please refer to IRR on the AntiSexual Harassment Bill of 1995)
46. subverting or defying policies and guidelines of any
college department, office of the University, and CHED
47. initiating or participating in activities contrary to law or
public order
48. desecrating Religious Images and Practices
49. disrespecting any member of the USC Community and
its guests resulting in ridicule, embarrassment or
humiliation or besmirched reputation, by and through any
means and medium, such as but not limited to Facebook,
social networking sites, or other sites on the internet
50. displaying publicly intimacy/affection that tends to offend
the sensibilities of the school community
51. smoking on campus and its immediate vicinity
52. entering the campus or off-campus sites under the
influence of alcohol and prohibited substances
53. bringing of intoxicated beverage in whatever amount on
54. engaging in an unrestrained drinking of alcoholic
beverages with schoolmates or friends in school uniform
outside the campus during school hours.


Frequency & Penalty

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th




55. possessing firearm without license/authorization of,

pyrotechnics, explosive or miniature bombs, or
threatening to use any to harm anybody
56. hazing as defined in RA No. 8049 or the Anti-Hazing Law
as an initiation rite or practice as pre-requisite for
admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or
organization by placing the recruit, neophyte or applicant
in some embarrassing or humiliating situations such as
forcing him/her to do menial, foolish tasks or activities or
otherwise subjecting him/her to physical or psychological
suffering or injury
57. any act or omission punishable under the rules and
regulations of the University or laws of the land even if
the act was committed outside the school campus.
57.1. possession of marijuana or drugs
57.2. smoking marijuana or using drugs
57.3. seriously assaulting another person
57.4. trespassing a private property and refusing to
leave when requested to do so
57.5. conviction for contempt of court for disobeying a
restraining order
57.6. being drunk and disorderly in the streets in
violation of an ordinance
57.7. unauthorized use of the name of teacher/s, school
official/s as co-author of an article to assure its
57.1. posting of lewd, defamatory, indecent or libelous
remarks or comments on the internet
57.2. commission of violations of existing laws and/or



The Universitys right to take action on the condemnable act or omission of a student
is not limited to what is listed or mentioned in this Manual. Whatever is actionable in
court or quasi-judicial body is also actionable in the administrative tribunal of the
University. If there is no written complaint, the Administration, on its own initiative, will
be the complainant and will start the investigative proceeding.
Other disciplinary sanctions which may be meted out to erring students are the
1. written apology to the aggrieved/offended party
2. payment of the value of the property destroyed/damaged/lost or its


3. regular rehabilitation counseling by the Guidance Services

4. oral or written warning from the person in authority (Discipline Officer, Faculty
Member, University staff)
5. disciplinary probation with automatic suspension for the rest of the term in
case of any violation of the conditions imposed
6. exclusion for a semester/s
7. disqualification from receiving honors at graduation
8. non-issuance of Certificate of Good Moral Character
9. disqualification, suspension or withdrawal of privileges (discounts or
10. payment of fines
11. other penalties which may be set forth by the University
Any student or a group/class of students may file a written complaint against any
administrator/s, member/s of the faculty, and non-teaching personnel of the University
for any acts which violate any of the University policies. Grievances and complaints
related to sexual harassment, unauthorized solicitations, proselytizing, and extortion of
money or goods in exchange of a service rendered, or the granting of passing grades
and the like, must immediately be reported to the appropriate authorities, to prevent
further abuse and other complications resulting therefrom. For the ample protection of
the complainant, he/she may report this in person, or may write directly to either the
University President, or to any of the Vice Presidents, or to the Office of Student Affairs,
so that immediate and appropriate action can be done to correct the situation.
Composition of the Disciplinary Board
The USC Disciplinary Board is composed of the following:

VP for Administration
VP for Academic Affairs
Dean of College to which the respondent belongs

The Board shall impose the appropriate sanctions and render a decision on cases in
a manner herein provided.
The Formal Inquiry Committee (FIC) which conducts the formal investigation of all
disciplinary cases involving students is composed of the following:

Head of the Office of Student Affairs

Student Discipline Officer who acts as Chairman


Chair of the Department to which the respondent belongs (or his or her
designated faculty representative)
Student Organization (S.O.) President or his/her representative to which the
respondent belongs

The USC Disciplinary Board and the Office of Student Affairs have jurisdiction over
all cases involving the discipline of students.
The fact that the misconduct was committed outside the University premises is
neither a defense nor a deterrent to an investigation by the University, for as long as the
misconduct involves his/her status as a student which can affect the good name or
reputation of the University. The proper discipline shall be imposed by the Board and
the Office.
A student who is charged with an offense and refuses to heed the summons to
appear before the investigating body set up by the administration, is deemed to have
waived his or her right to present evidence(s), and the case shall then be decided on
the basis of the complaint and evidence(s) presented.
In case of subsequent enrolment of such student, he/she shall have to answer the
charges filed and lodged against him/her.
A formal charge or written complaint shall be filed by the aggrieved party or any
person having direct and personal knowledge of the commission of the act charged
against the student. In the absence of a written complaint, the University, on its own
initiative, shall be the complainant against the erring student.
In the event that the University shall be the complainant, the aggrieved party (the
victim, if any) shall be the principal witness. The University shall uphold its right to
investigate cases even in the absence of a formal complaint by any aggrieved party,
provided that these cases do not involve immorality and its related cases thereto, where
a complainant is necessary to shed light and to give testimonies as well as to provide
acceptable and verifiable evidence(s) thereof.
The Procedure on the matter pertaining to SERIOUS OFFENSES by erring students
which are investigated and deliberated on by a Formal Inquiry Committee is as follows:


Step 1: The Office of Discipline shall strictly comply with the minimum requirements of
due process that entails the imposition of an administrative penalty as severe as
suspension, exclusion or expulsion, such as:
the students must be informed in writing of the nature and cause of any
accusation against them;
they shall have the right to answer the charges against them, with the
assistance of counsel, if desired;
they shall be informed of the evidence against them;
they shall have the right to adduce evidence in their own behalf; and
the evidence must be considered by the investigating committee or official
designated by the school authorities to hear and decide the case;
if the student involved is a minor, the parents and/or legal guardian shall be
duly notified of the charge/s.
Step 2: The Office of Discipline, while respecting the respondents right to due
process, shall convene a Formal Inquiry Committee to investigate, hear,
deliberate, and render a decision on the case.
Step 3: The Formal Inquiry Committee, after the investigation and deliberation on the
case, shall formally submit a written report of its FINDINGS, COMMENTS,
CONCLUSION, and RECOMMENDATION(s) to the Board of Discipline for
approval or disapproval.
STEP 4: The Board of Discipline shall make the final disposition/judgment on the case
after studying and evaluating the Findings, Comments, Conclusion, and
Recommended Penalty as submitted to them by the Formal Inquiry Committee.
The Vice President will make the final disposition/ judgment including cases
recommended for any of the following penalty:

suspension from classes for three (3) or more days

dismissal and exclusion from the University

In the above cases, the Board of Discipline shall forward all the papers to the Office
of the Vice President who shall make the final disposition of the case.
A student may file an appeal to the University President within five (5) working days
from his/her receipt of the judgment or decision from the Office of the Vice President.
The action of the University President is final and executory.
The Documents of Disciplinary Proceedings are confidential and are the exclusive
property of the University of San Carlos. These cannot be used by anybody as a
material for purposes of litigations in court proceedings, unless there is an order by a


judge of Court. Furthermore, only the President of the University can decide for any
release of such documents.
Pursuant to the Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education, the following
disciplinary sanctions for serious offenses or violation of school regulations may be
applied on an erring student:

Suspension is a penalty in which the school is allowed to deny or deprive an

erring student of attendance in classes for a period not exceeding 20% of the
prescribed class days for the term.

The decision of the school in every case involving the penalty of suspension
which exceeds 20% of the prescribed school days for a term shall be forwarded to
the CHED Regional Office within 10 days from the termination of the investigation of
each case.

Exclusion is a penalty in which the school is allowed to exclude or drop the

name of the erring student from the school rolls for being undesirable, and
transfer credentials shall be immediately issued. A summary investigation
shall have been conducted, and no prior approval by CHED is required in the
imposition of the penalty.

The decision of the school in every case involving the penalty of exclusion from
the rolls, together with all the pertinent papers therefore, shall be filed in the school
for a period of one year in order to afford CHED the opportunity to review the case in
the event an appeal is taken by the party concerned.

Expulsion is an extreme penalty on an erring student consisting of his/her

exclusion from any public or private school in the Philippines and which
requires the prior approval of CHED. The penalty may be imposed for acts or
offenses constituting gross misconduct, dishonesty, hazing, carrying deadly
weapons, immorality, selling and/or possession of a prohibited drug such as
marijuana, drug dependency, drunkenness, hooliganism, vandalism,
instigating or leading illegal strikes or similar concerted activities resulting in
the stoppage of classes; and other related serious school offenses such as
assaulting, threatening, or preventing a) a student from attending classes; b)
an employee from entering the schools premises to discharge his/her duties;
c) forging or tampering school records or school forms; and d) securing or
using forged or tampered school records, forms, and documents.


The decision of the school in every case involving the penalty of expulsion,together
with the supporting papers, shall be forwarded to the CHED Regional Office within
ten (10) days from the termination of the investigation of each case.
In cases not covered by the foregoing rules, the USC Disciplinary Board shall
determine the kind of penalty to be imposed, which may include, among others, the
following: reprimand, suspension, expulsion, dismissal or expulsion from the
University. The factors which may be taken into account in the determination of the
imposable penalty are:

previous record of the student (recidivism)

gravity of the offense
character and position of the aggrieved person
established precedents
other aggravating or mitigating circumstances accepted and appreciated by
the Formal Inquiry Committee and by the Board of Discipline

The other disciplinary sanctions which may likewise be meted out to any erring
student are the following:

written apology to the aggrieved/offended party

payment of the value of the property destroyed/damaged/lost or its
regular rehabilitation counseling by the Guidance Services
oral or written warning from the person in authority (Discipline officer, Faculty
member, University staff)
disciplinary probation with automatic suspension for the rest of the term in
case of any violation of the conditions imposed
exclusion for a semester/s
disqualification from receiving honors at graduation
non-issuance of Certificate of Good Moral Character
disqualification, suspension or withdrawal of privileges (discounts or
payment of fines
other penalties which may be set forth in the University regulations.

Preventive suspension of the accused may be imposed even before the hearing of
his/her case has commenced. The respondent shall not be allowed to enter the school
premises if the evidence of guilt is strong, and the school head is morally convinced that
the continued stay or presence of the accused during the period of investigation
constitutes an obstruction to the moral operation of the school or his/her presence
poses a risk or imminent danger to life and property in the school. The preventive
suspension shall not exceed 10% of the prescribed class days.


Appendix 5: Specifications for School Uniforms

Uniform for Males


Uniform for Females



The following policies and procedures are provided to ensure security and safety on
campus as a commitment to the Carolinian family in particular and the community in
A. Entry of Persons in the Campus
A.1. General Provisions
A.1.1. Any person who wishes to enter the school must present his/her ID card to
the Security Guards.
A.1.2. Those who fail to present their ID will not be allowed to enter the campus.
A.1.3. USC employees, students, and guests are required to wear the USC I.D.
on campus.
A.1.4. Any person deemed undesirable shall be barred from entering the campus
under the following circumstances but not limited to:
A.1.4.1. bringing of alcoholic beverages and prohibited substances
A.1.4.2. being under the influence of alcohol and prohibited substances
A.1.4.3. carrying deadly weapons such as firearms, sharp bladed weapons
firecrackers, etc.
A.1.5. Body searches for students, employees and visitors may be done during
special school events.
A.1.6. Inspection of boxes, luggage or any container shall be done upon entry and
A.2. Students
A.2.1. Students are required to wear their ID card on campus.
A.2.2. If a student has no ID card, the Security Personnel must determine the
reasons for failing to present one.
A.2.2.1. If a student has misplaced his/her ID card, he/she will secure a
Violation Slip from the Security Department. This Violation Slip is
valid only for a day. This slip will be used by the student in lieu of
his/her misplaced ID card.


A.2.2.2. If a student has lost his/her ID card, he/she will secure a Violation
Slip from the Security Department. The Violation Slip is valid for only
three days to give the student time to look for his/her ID card. This slip
will be used by the student in lieu of his/her lost ID card.
A.2.2.3. If a student can no longer find his/her ID card, he/she will execute an
affidavit of loss. This document shall be submitted to the Office of
Student Affairs (OSA) for the students ID replacement.
A.2.3. Students are required to be in their prescribed school uniform when entering
the campus; otherwise, they shall be denied entry. (Please refer to Article III,
Section 2 of this Manual for the specification of prescribed uniform.)
A.2.4. Students may be exempted from wearing the school uniform provided they
secure a uniform exemption pass from OSA to be obtained a day before
seeking entry on campus.
A.2.5.During wash days, students must wear the prescribed civilian attire; otherwise,
he/she shall be denied entry.
A.3. Parents/Visitors
A.3.1. They are required to present their valid Identification Card (ID) to the security
A.3.2. They shall then be asked to log in and deposit their ID card.
A.3.3. Subsequently, they shall be issued a visitors ID that they should wear while
inside the school.
A.3.4. When their transaction is done, they shall log out at the security guard on
duty, return the visitors ID, and ask for their ID card.
B. Entry of Motor Vehicles on Campus
B.1. All vehicles are subject to inspection by the security personnel upon entry and
exit in all USC campuses.
B.2. All USC Administrators, faculty, employees, students, parents, canteen
concessionaires and regular suppliers of the USC canteens, who are vehicle
owners and who wish to gain entry and/or avail of a parking space privilege
shall apply for a Motor Vehicle Pass Sticker (MVPS) in the Security Office.
B.3. An applicant is entitled to one (1) sticker privilege only. However, those
applicants with special concerns may be issued an additional sticker after being


evaluated by the Head of the Security Office.

B.4. A temporary Vehicle Pass may be issued to the following:

teachers pursuing masters/doctorate degrees and other special programs in the

part-time teachers
students, parents, and visitors with legitimate transactions in the University

B.5. USC MVPS holders are expected to follow the guidelines stipulated in the
application form, uphold the rules and regulations of the University, and observe
traffic rules.
B.6. Any violation committed by a Motor Vehicle Pass Sticker (regular or temporary)
holder shall be dealt with accordingly.
B.7. Taxicabs hired by faculty, employees, and students may be allowed entry to the
Talamban Campus only. However, USC guidelines and traffic rules must be
B.8. In the South, North, Downtown, and Montessori Campuses, taxicabs are not
allowed entry, except for special requests from employees and administrators.
B.9. Student MVPS are issued only for the Talamban Campus.
C. Materials/Equipment
C.1 Taking out and returning USC Materials/Equipment
C.1.1. Any equipment/property owned by the university that will be taken outside
the campus must be recorded by the Security Guard on duty.
C.1.2. A gate pass duly accomplished and signed by the Department Head or any
authorized issuing person must be presented to the Security Guard before
such items can be taken outside the campus.
C.1.3. Upon the return of the said items back to the university, the gate pass shall
again be checked by the Security Guard to make sure that the
equipment/property brought in by the personnel matches that which was
taken out.
C.2. Bringing of Personal Property/Equipment/Gadgets Inside the School


C.2.1. Any student, employee or visitor bringing a personal property/equipment/

gadget inside the school must present this item to the Security Guard on
duty for recording.
C.2.2. The owner shall be issued a Certification Form certifying that the item(s)
belong to him/her. Only then shall he/she be allowed inside the school with
the personal property/ equipment/gadget.
C.2.3. Upon exit, the owner shall present the Certification Form to the Security
C.2.4. The Security Guard shall check the listed items in the Certification Form if
they are the same items brought inside before the student, employee, or
visitor will be allowed to take the items out of the school.
D. Other Policies
D.1. Curfew The curfew hour is set at 9:30 p.m. on all campuses. Anyone who
needs to stay beyond the curfew hour must secure a permit from the Vice
President of Administration two days before the planned extension.
D.2. Sundays and Holidays Any person who wishes to enter the school must
present his/her Campus Entry Request Form and other permits such as
Classroom Utilization Form and Facilities Utilization Form to the Security
D.3. Overnight Parking on USC Campuses Only SVD- and -USC-owned
vehicles are allowed to park overnight inside any USC campus. However,
vehicles owned by USC Personnel may be allowed to park overnight
provided permission is secured from the Vice President for Administration.
The university shall not be held liable for any loss or damage to the vehicle
or its contents while on campus.
D.4. No Smoking Policy Smoking on campus and the immediate vicinity of USC
is strictly prohibited. Anybody caught smoking will be warned and/or
reprimanded. This shall be documented for future reference.
D.5. Policy on Sales Persons, Solicitors, Peddlers/Hawkers, Transient Vendors,
and Canvassers The university facilities may not be used for commercial,
personal/private financial gains, or for commercial advertising unless
authorized by USC Administration. Sales persons, solicitors,
peddlers/hawkers, transient vendors, and canvassers are generally not
permitted to operate in any of the University campuses.


E. Guidelines
E.1. Entrance/Exit in USC-TC Dormitories - Dormitory occupants must present
their Dormitory Identification Card and school ID to the Security Guard at the
USC-TC entrance gate.
F. Safety and Preventive Consciousness for Fire Hazards and other Untoward
F.1 For safety purposes, teachers, officer in-charge, students or whoever is the
last user of the room or office facilities during the day should see to it that
lights, air conditioners, etc. are securely switched off before leaving the room
or office.
F.2 It is not the primary duty of the security guards to switch off electrical
appliances and lights. They are only to double check to make sure that all
rooms and offices are properly locked.
F.3 An incident report on any violation of the policies will be submitted by the
guard on duty to the Supervisor of the Campus Security, who in turn will make
an official written report to the Vice-President for Administration.
Appendix 7: General Rules for Library Use
A. General Rules
1. SILENCE should be observed.
2. Eating, smoking, and sleeping are prohibited.
3. Books in the reading areas should not be returned to their shelves but left on
the tables (to avoid their being misplaced).
Exception: Individual volumes belonging to a set, such as encyclopedias,
should be returned to their proper places.
4. Students have unrestricted access to thousands of volumes for reference and
browsing. They may also request stack service for books which they cannot
5. A properly validated ID must be presented at the various counters wherever a
library material is needed. This card is non-transferable.
6. The University ID will be confiscated from a student who fails to observe
library regulations and procedures and shall be referred to the Department
Chair/Dean or Office of Student Affairs for disciplinary action.
B. Control Procedures
1. Library clients should wear their ID upon entry and all throughout their stay in
the library
2. Upon leaving the library, users are required to pass through the correct exit
security portal. If the exit triggers the alarm, they should follow these steps:
1st Alarm Ring Step aside and pass through the security portal again.


2nd Alarm Ring Approach the circulation desk and verify if the material is
properly checked out. Wait for the library security guard or the librarian to
approach and check the handbag, briefcase, etc. for any materials that
may have triggered the alarm.
3. During brown-outs, users must:
Open and show contents of bags, folders and/or envelopes.
Show date due slips of every library material taken out to the exit checker.
C. Rules of Borrowing Materials
1. Reference and Browsing books may be borrowed for two (2) weeks
renewable for another two (2) weeks, unless needed by another student or
administrative employees whereas faculty and administrators may borrow the
material for a semester.
2. A maximum of ten (10) books may be borrowed at a time by students or
administrative employees. Faculty and administrators may borrow 20 books
at a time.
3. Reserved books are issued for an hour for use within the library or for
photocopying. Overnight use for selected titles is allowed.
4. Duplicate copies of the CD ROM may be borrowed by faculty and
administrators for overnight use.
The Library System complies with all the provisions of RA 8293: An Act
Prescribing an Intellectual Property Code, and strictly observes the countrys
copyright law and Fair Use Guidelines.
D. Fines and Other Penalties
1. For overdue books, the following fines are imposed:
1.1 Reference books and Browsing books: Php 5.00 per day per book
excluding Sundays and holidays
1.2 Reserved books: Php 2.00 for the first hour, Php1.00 for the second
hour and succeeding hours, and Php10.00 for each full day
including Sundays and holidays if these are service days.
The Library reserves the right to change rate of fines without prior notice.
2. When a book is lost, the borrower should report the loss immediately to the
librarian. Otherwise, the book becomes overdue and the borrower will pay the
overdue fines incurred until the day the loss is reported, in addition to paying
for the current replacement cost of the book.
3. Stealing and mutilating books are serious offenses and will be dealt with
strictly as these acts are grave offenses incurring disciplinary actions and
3.1 For the theft, a fine of Php 1,000 will be imposed in addition to the
current cost of acquiring a replacement.
3.2 For the mutilation, a fine of Php 500 plus the current cost of acquiring
a replacement.

Appendix 8: General Rules for AV Use

1. Eating, smoking and sleeping are not allowed in any AV Hall/Room.
2. Setting of cell phones on silent mode must be followed.
3. Using pointed objects that can damage the stage, walls, and backdrop is not
permitted in the AV Halls/Rooms.
4. Resting ones feet on the backrest of the chairs is prohibited.
5. Damaging any of the facilities of the AV Hall is subject to charges against the
organizing group/users.
6. Cleaning of the hall after use is the responsibility of the organizer/s.
7. Bringing of personal equipment such as laptop, LCD, lapel microphones, lights,
etc. should be referred to the AV coordinator/AV services librarian/AV technician
for guidelines in its appropriate use and for charges, if any.
8. Vandalism or any damage done intentionally or maliciously on any part of the hall
shall be dealt with accordingly.


Appendix 9: Academic Program Offerings

AY 2013-2014
Bachelor of Science in Information
Bachelor of Science in Information and
Communications Technology
Associate in Computer TechnologyMulti Media Technology


Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Bachelor of Science in Landscape
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design


Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Linguistics
Bachelor of Arts in Literature


Bachelor of Fine Arts major in:
o Advertising Arts
o Fashion Design
o Painting Arts
o Cinema
Certificate in Screenwriting
Certificate in Illustration
Certificate in Multimedia Design
Certificate in Advertising Design
Certificate in Advance Drawing
Certificate in Advance Painting
Certificate in Studio Art


Bachelor of Library and Information
(Enhanced Program)


Bachelor of Science in Biology
Bachelor of Science in
Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science in Marine

Bachelor of Science in Applied

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Bachelor of Philosophy

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
o Archeology and Cultural
Heritage Management Track
o Development Track


Bachelor of Science in Computer


Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Bachelor of Arts in History

Bachelor of Science in Accounting




Bachelor of Science in Hotel and
Restaurant Management w/
Australian Qualification Framework
Bachelor of Tourism Management
Diploma in Culinary Arts
Certificate in Cruise Line Service
Operations and Management

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Associate in Paramedics
Certificate in Emergency Medical
Certificate in Emergency Medical
Certificate in Traditional Birthing
Attendance Hilot
Diploma in Midwifery


Bachelor of Science in
Bachelor of Science in Real Estate
Bachelor of Science in Business
major in:
o Executive Resources Management
o Financial Management
o Human Resource Development
o Marketing Management
o Operations Management

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Bachelor of Science in Clinical
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Bachelor of Laws
Juris Doctor
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
major in:
o International Relations and
Foreign Service
o Law and Policy Studies
o Political Theory and Systems
o Public Management and
minor in : Economics

Bachelor of Science in Economics
tracks :
o Business
o Law and Politics
o Social Science
o Statistics
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Bachelor of Education in Early
Childhood Education with focus on
Montessori Education


Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


Bachelor of Education in Special

Bachelor of Secondary Education
major in:
o Communication Arts (English)
o Religious Education-Values

major in:
o Computer Networks
o Digital Systems Design
o Software Engineering
Certificate in Systems & Network
Certificate in Computer Technology
Specialization in:
o Software Development
o Systems and Networks


Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and



Bachelor of Secondary Education
major in Music, Arts, Physical

Bachelor of Science in Electrical

Bachelor of Science in Electronics


Bachelor of Secondary Education
major in:
o Biology
o Mathematics
o Physics-Math
o Physics-Chemistry
o Biology-Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Industrial
Bachelor of Science in Industrial
Engineering (6-yr Bridged Program)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering (Ladderized Program)
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing
Engineering Major in Metalworking
(Ladderized Program)
Bachelor of Mechanical Technology
(Ladderized Program)
Preparatory Course for Mechanical

Bachelor of Science in Chemical
Bachelor of Science in Civil
Bachelor of Science in Computer


Master of Architecture
major in:
o Architectural Science
o Landscape Architecture
o Urban Design
Master of Fine Arts in Cinema Studies


Master of Science in Library and
Information Science
Master of Science in Mathematics
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy
Master of Arts in Philosophy


Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
o Track A: Bioscience
o Track B: Marine Biology
o Track C: Environmental

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
o Regular Program
o Straight Program
Master of Science in Physics
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
Master of Arts in Psychology
with concentration in:
o Industrial/Organizational
o Developmental Psychology
o Social Psychology
Master of Arts in Guidance and

Master of Science in Biology

Master of Science in Environmental
Master of Science in Marine Biology
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
o Regular Track
o Straight Track
Master of Science in Chemistry


Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology
Master of Arts in Anthropology
Master of Arts in History
Graduate Certificate in Cebuano
Heritage Studies
Certificate Course in Community


Master of Science in Information
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
Master of Arts in Literature


o Montessori Education
Certificate in Professional Education
Certificate in Teaching Montessori
Certificate in Teaching Special


Master of Science in Accountancy
major in:
o Internal Audit (thesis)
o Management Accounting (thesis)
o Taxation (thesis)
Master of Internal Audit (non-thesis)
Master of Management Accounting
Master of Taxation (non-thesis)


Doctor of Philosophy in Science
major in:
o Biology
o Chemistry
o Physics
Master of Arts in Mathematics
Master of Arts in Science Education
major in:
o Biology (thesis & non-thesis)
o Chemistry (thesis & non-thesis)
o Physics (thesis & non-thesis)


Doctor of Philosophy in Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Business
Master in Business Administration
Master of Arts in Economics
Master in Economics (non-thesis)



Master of Arts in Nursing Major in
Clinical Supervision


Doctor of Philosophy in Education
area of specialization:
o Curriculum & Instruction
o Educational Administration
o Research & Evaluation
Master of Arts in Education (thesis)
major in:
o Educational Management
o English Language Teaching
o Physical Education
o Special Education
o Montessori Education
o Religious Education
Master in Education (non-thesis)
major in:
o Special Education

Master of Science in Pharmacy


Master of Science in Chemical

Master of Engineering major in
Chemical Engineering

Master of Engineering in Electrical

o Control Systems Option
o Energy Management Option


Master of Engineering Program
Master of Engineering in Civil
Master of Science in Civil
specializing in:
o Water Resources and
o Structural and Geotechnical


Master of Engineering in Industrial


Master of Engineering in Computer

o Computer Network Option
o Digital Systems Design Option
o Software Engineering Option


Master of Engineering in Mechanical

Master of Engineering in Engineering



Master of Engineering in Electronics

and Communications Engineering:
o Computer and Communications
o Control Systems Option
o Microelectronics Option


Master of Political Science (non-thesis)

Master in Public Management and
Development (non-thesis)

Appendix 10: USC Hymn

To USC we sing
Our song shall always ring
You, who set the mind astir
Of our learning the harbinger
Our Alma Mater dear
We pledge our love sincere
Firm do we stand and true
Glory to God, to man and you
We promise faith and love
And laud the Lord above
To God we shout our song of praise
To Him our voice we raise
Your aims to lead us to the Lord
Be now forever blessed!
(Composer: Prof. Ricardo G. Narciso, Jr. +)


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