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Jorge Augusto Espinoza Vinueza

Advanced A
Grade: 820

Environmental conservation: Collection of waste affect the

Pollution is a serious problem that we see today, lack of awareness of people increasingly
becomes more noticeable not realizing what they do to their bad habits not measure, by
indiscriminate logging and hunting undue of animals, but the main problem we can see is
the global and dangerous contamination that exists right now. Garbage is a threat to our
humanity, but much to our nature, we must raise awareness to humanity on the right way to
help our planet and one of those is not littering, and primarily the collection.
The main cause of waste production causing problems in collecting dedicated to it by this
organizations is the lack of awareness of people to littering, one of the great unknowns that
arise from having this obvious problem is what can we do? It should give those schools
programs, awareness campaigns to educate somehow the people and avoid such problems.
The objective I propose is the collection of waste through school and university campaigns
to be carried out monthly in each of the institutions with government support.

Development of the topic

Pollution of the environment by waste can be defined: as the presence of different agents
are physical, chemical and biological environment, either by the combination of these same
in different places or concentrations q may harm the health of human beings, damage to the
flora and fauna.
Trash is rejected by various human activities, and q can be harmful to the environment in
general material. The domestic waste materials that humans are regularly used plastic,
paper, wood, food scraps, cardboard, glass and metals, which accumulate in places for
outdoor gathering and harm the health of mankind.
A method harmful to the environment is eliminating waste through incineration, but this is
very harmful because it emits toxins that damage the environment.
There are several types of waste among which are:
Organic, inorganic and sanitary.

Jorge Augusto Espinoza Vinueza

Advanced A
Grade: 820

City pollution through waste.

This is like a cycle that starts with eating foods that people do every day or doing daily
activities, then continues with the collection process aimed at this public entities and carried
their own disposal sites, which become foci which it is infectious in these places to

The process of collecting toxic waste for mankind and the environment, which can be
transformed into new materials for their respective use or feedstock. These materials are
usually sold to industries, a cycle to be reused again and again is how it helps the
The solution to the problem of waste is no longer to produce many more of these, so he has
created a method to help this work, this process is called the 3Rs: Reduce, Recycle and

Advantages of recycled materials

To recover all recyclable solid waste going to landfills and prolong the life of these
materials to use him again decreases. The use of recycled materials as feedstock in the
manufacture of new products helps to conserve renewable and nonrenewable natural


Pollution due to garbage collection precincts cause problems for humanity and
environmental problems, as well as the soil, air and water
We must all contribute to this process of collection to help the environment and
mainly live in a world free of contamination and healthy humanity living on earth
forever, because the garbage is one of the causes of slow destruction of earth and
global warming.
Recycling is a form of garbage collection to help the process of decontamination of
the environment and help reduce excess waste there worldwide.
The best way that there is awareness among people about this global problem is to
make monthly campaigns in schools and universities for children and adults know
the consequences of not littering and recycling to help the environment.

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