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With lots of love dedicated
to my parents, to EL_lines Greeks
to Natalia, Olga, Onder, and to my colleagues

By Price
P.d.M. LIAPIS Panagiotis

Writer LIAPIS Panagiotis

Addr K. Varnali 12 15121 Pine Athens
Tel 210-6149149
Mob. 6937097443
SUPPLY 210.8065618 6937097443


A few words from the author
Friends in this textbook, and knowledge, which keep the dusty Greek
manuscripts of Plato, Aristotle and other ancient fotodoton through
masterfully blended events of economy, religion, Greek history and
mythology, the confirmations of Medicine and the multidimensional social
structures you presenting with episodic manner cycles of 50 years
revolutionizing the mainstream polity, destroying and recreating periodically
society when the exploitation of land and resources from one human to reach
its boiling point that affects the nature itself. We also indicate economic
behavior with which it is possible to spend almost painlessly through this
economic tidal wave, get ready my friends for the collapse of the dollar and
mi dip without any safety net, stories bottomless reality a series of error
events on the constellations, and possible manipulation of cosmogony,
incidents involving the Nazis and the possible bases in space, President
Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeias launched in conjunction with the
worship of infernal beings are a new mirror through which can be seen The
mainstream of the current boom in the MIND CONTROL, the chip EMV of Bill
Gates on banking credit cards, the emerging banking system in relation to
economic crashes of America, SIONISMOS and the New World Order of the
4th Reich, and PEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA in connection
with the anti-government slogans and reactive walls define a new reality,
which leads to control police forces in the use of hidden centuries Sound
Guns of the ancient Greeks, developed by the Greek National Nuclear
epistimoina C. Gkiolva. The creations of the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule) and
the sound "Artemis", as are sources on the web are presented in detail below
in relation to biological warfare aircraft from the US-spray from chemical and
microbial air over cities. By Bantouva model [the Cretan intrepidity under the
instructions of Mahatma Gandhi, is trying to minimize the harmful effects of
these anti-constitutional activities are using Genetics Industry, widespread
fires, building new towns in the concentration camps of the Reich D, applied
geo-strategic plan application of a new war in the Balkans because of
Kosovo, where the project "Blue Ray" at the upcoming mayhem at the end of
01/2010 will chrisimopoiithoun new weapons bass Police with physical effects
of radiation on the human organism KARKINOUS The whole controversy will
graduate and domination of Russia and Greece in the Balkans and the
economic and cultural status while reducing the roles and FRA Germany, and
China rising

By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis




1. This project is a bottomless MYTHISTORIMA Reality

2. Clarifies Developed Fiction
3. Any resemblance to actual persons, locations and events are imaginary,
purely accidental, not existing in the present reality and past it.
4. Copyrights on works protected by the current constitution, laws and
5. Prohibited the reproduction and distribution of all or part of the document
without the prior written permission of the author and an award identifying
figures and in words of the author's remuneration, rights and remuneration of
the Greek state, the duration of the contract and the parties.
6. The document bears a registered trademark
7. The project is only available for private use, prohibited the reading public
all or part of it.
8. The work donate to the library of the Greek state request and complied
with the legislation providing for the process.
9. For Greek citizens: To book not sold through bookstores and other retail
outlets. KNOWLEDGE donors.
10. The book takes seeker typing costs and expenses of this mission.
11. The Writer LIAPIS Panagiotis receive no remuneration (money) for
placing the Project
12. The book has no subversive of the system concept, but instead Net
conglomerate of all the Greeks of Planet Earth, 120,000,000 Greeks to create
well-governed society as defined by the democratic, elected Parliamentary
Antiptosopous People
13. The GREECE Fri all the problems exist because of the scandalous
AS NO ONE GREEK even no hope, no justice. Amen.




The question why the heliocentric theory of Aristarchus was not

promptly accepted, certainly open to many answers. But if you try to
group the alleged causes, could form two main sections. Those who
advocate non-persuasiveness of the proposal in the absence of
scientific maturity, helping the then scientific community and others
who believe that the contents of the new proposal to surpass the
philosophical and social fabric of specific societies had developed
within the mainly given historical conditions. We argue that the
second version is the main cause of non-acceptance of the theory of
Aristarchus because of opposition from the religious and social
dogmas, superstitions wins. Since the human being was created
automatically by some magical, divine or yperkosmia power, but built
up gradually through endless transformations of material kosmou1,
the requirement for an a priori mental rationality of behavior, more
like a desire for a happy happy end Cheap sineromantzon than as a
realistic estimate. The acceptance or not of a scientific truth has to
overcome the cognitive limitations of homo sapiens and the broader
social and cultural veils, which significantly affect the objective
evaluation of a theory, an opinion or a finding. Having overcome the
cultural bias for selecting and investigating a scientific question,
logical documentation of proof in question is a necessary condition.
"Every expression has a full meaning, is to rule, expressing an
opinion, assertion or claim, characterized solely as" true "or" pseudo-
dis "saying that it is a reasonable proposal."

The heliocentric theory of Aristarchus Samios of its wording so far

dealt with the theory of evolution Darwin's numerous difficulties in its
acceptance. Why? But before firms an answer, let's see what initially
supported Aristarchus tou3 in theory and in what historical and social
context provi-pothike.
The theory of Aristarchus is one of the brightest collective views of
the human mind. Relying on the reasoning that has the human
species and strongly incompatible confidence in the conclusions of
mathematics, Aristarchus had the courage to propose a new
interpretation of the heliocentric universe was in stark contrast to the
remarks of "common sense", but opera and great-than with the entire
edifice kosmotheoritiko the religious and cultural traditions were
masterfully technourgisei.
For the tyrant of Syracuse Gelon "Aristarchus of Samos For he
assumed the vacant while the stars and alion menein real, when it
wanders on Agan alion in District of turnover, as telling the street
amid the interim text '*.
* "The Aristarchus of Samos assumes that vacant while stars and the
sun left property, the earth orbits the sun to circle the sun which is in
the middle of his career." (Translation Georgiades I, reference 4)
The stunning proposal of Aristarchus the heliocentric system and the
movement of the earth on its axis that is not a random case, a
product of unbridled imagination, but derives a clear conclusion to
the groundbreaking use of appropriate observation and similar
geometric theorems. The only surviving work "On size and
abscesses TE sun and the moon» Aristarchus shall state:
"So that the estimated distance of the sun from the earth is greater
than 18 times more, but less than 20 times greater than the distance
from the Moon. and this agreement with the case for the partition of
the moon. In addition, the diameter of the sun is the same ratio to the
diameter of the moon. But the diameter of the sun is to the diameter
of the earth therefore greater than the number 19 compared to 3 but
less than in a '43 to 6. And this is in agreement with the Fallen ratio
of distances, and the Case-ing on the shadow, as in the case that the
moon hypotenuse in fifteenth place a sign of the zodiac 5.
If we in our minds the views of "the Wise" at the time of Aristarchus
(320 to 250 or 230p.Ch) in Hellenistic Alexandria and Athens argued
that the earth is the fixed center of the universe and the stars
according to Plato

5 Aristarchus of Samos, "On the size and abscesses TE sun and the
moon, post-translation-preface - Notes Georgiadis H, ed
Contemporary Horizons, Athens 2003, sel.67
6 Based on the text of Plato's Timaeus 41c - 42d Ch Theodoridis,
1954 letter keeps a connection that: "Plato paired the stellar gods to
reincarnation. The human soul is immortal as the stars. The author
father, after up the universe, separated souls, he worked with as
many stars and distributed one in each star. Obeying the Doom, as
the universe, souls falls on land, planted in the bodies and take part
in nature, the feeling, the passion, the pleasure ... Those souls go
virtuous life, come back to the star and the Co-nechizoun endless
makarismeni lives. But many astray in this first humblest life comes
down to a matter, the woman first. 324 W Panhellenic Conference
with International Participation
We understand the power of thought and the courage required
to support the sun (personified gods in many ancient religions s) is
simply a physical object (ball), which even the size estimated to be


300 times that of Earth (e-hile we now know it 1.300.000fores) 7,
which rotates annually around.

same conduct plummet throughout the body and lower animals. And
their suffering will end if the logic is not imposed on the earth and the
horses stuck wake, if you do not fall back to the old and excellent
temperament. X Theodoridis, "The real face of the Ancient World",
published by the Garden, 1954.

We can conclude that the more a scientific discovery of cracks or

reversing the worldly idol to interpret the world using the then
dominant social classes to maintain their dominance in a society, the
resistance increases.

The Ancient World Wise

The first returns representations of the world in ancient El Lada found

in the Iliad and the Odyssey. The illustration of the shield of Achilles,
made by Hephaestus, on the Earth and Sky:
"First concocted shield great and sturdy
everywhere adorning it, and put a wreath around faeino
triple that shone, and in this stirixen silver Telamon.
Five were such aspects • shield and thereon
gies concocted images of the wise mind.
Top of the eftiase earth and sky and the sea
and unflinching sun and moon, and the stars always, with which
heaven is crowned, and the Pleiades and the Hyades and Orion
robust and Bear and coaches who call, which is directed and Orion
lurking, which is unfortunate in the bathrooms of the Ocean '.8
Here is also a prime example of kosmotheo ritikis-awareness first
years of Greek thought, as referred to the alleged "Theogony" 9. The
work that is attributed to Hesiod, but argued that it was composed in
the eighth to ninth century by the "Priesthood of the Muses" and gave
the holy grafin Ellinon
10. "First of Chaos was, at the platystithi the earth, the eternal
sound fundamentally all ... And from the darkness Chaos
Born and the Black Night and the Night Again Ether and Day, gave
birth than the Seed of Yerevan, as combined the erotic with him.
And then the earth gave birth first to first equal with Heaven itself the
asteroplithon to the As covers over everywhere and make the
Blessed God of the eternal sound foundation, and gave birth and the
Mountains The large, permanently-gods of pleasure eyelets "*.
Similar approaches exist in "Oupanisades, ancient Hindu texts, which
indicated that" in principle does not exist. Created. Grew. Done egg.
The egg is incubated for a time. the egg broke and opened. One of
the half was of silver, the other of gold. The silver was half this land,
the golden sky ... and that was born from the aditya, the sun '.11
In the Judaeo-Christian worldview, the sky is the chief place of
existence of "God." Each therefore attempt to interpret the movement
of celestial bodies juxtaposed with century-ment in accordance with
the "sacred texts" God has established. In Matthew's Gospel reads:
"Jesus was baptized climb immediately from the water and behold
Him aneochthisan heavens and saw the spirit of each-th descending
dove and alighting as much on him and suddenly a voice from
heaven, saying. This man Estin son my dear The other great
monotheistic religion, Islam makes a similar argument: "In the name
of Allah, the visceral, the Merciful. He is the merciful one who has
taught the Koran. He created man and taught him the articulated
reason. The sun, moon, fol-vidual orbit their limit. Plants and trees
bowing in worship. He put up at the sky and put the balance of all
things not to violate it. He gave the correct weight and correct size 1

Greek City-State

From the eighth BC century colonization of the important role of craft

and trade contribute to new social groups Constantine and the
formation of city states.In the city states of mainland Greece and its
colonies longer contested the power of the nobility and established
forms of democracy with civil rights. The main civil rights is equality
before the law (equality before the law) to isigoria (freedom of public
expression) to occupy public office or to vote kliro14.
In classical Greek antiquity (fifth and fourth centuries BC), social
organization is relatively stable and the development of the Republic
has become the desired form of government. The development of
philosophy and science is not insurmountable because the citizen
feels responsible for his fate. It is owned by the insurmountable fear
of divine forces - though not with-kleipsei altogether - and "diminish"
the gods to his level asking to capitulate to the laws of the city down.
The world of religious myths questioned and examined in light of new
facts of social life in the city. As e-ve anaferei15 "The Ancient Greeks
did not feel helpless victims of an unexplored and" absurd "world, but
trying to find the logic inherent in the natural and social phenomena.
The Jocasta argues that "it is best to live at random as it can. But this
view, as supported by Kitto, is not consistent with the concerns of
Greek thought. The "Greek thought, as if by instinct, how the
universe was chaotic and" absurd ", but based on some reason, that
obeys the law" .

In the tragedy "Suppliants" Aeschylus presents Apollo-Tai to defend Orestes,

but the chorus saying the snub is not meddling in matters which are outside
the jurisdiction: "Dance: King Apollo, left the main to those got. Tell us what
you mixed on this issue. Apollo: I came to testify because by law it is my
supplicant UT-year man who fled the temple mou17. "
Heraclitus believes that in a city that was the main early-Moss Act,
intelligence, and race. Even expressed the view that "the struggle is both the
father and king of all things, to alter the true gods, and to people, although a
slave, and in their free 18. Despite the fact that major scientific discoveries
have been made and different cultures than the European example Chinese,
Greek culture with its European form has actually followed the modern
culture. The Ionian philosophers of the School of Miletus was first carried
ness-raising a quantum leap in scientific thought basing the
What is anyway the ether in ancient;
According to Hesiod's Theogony, the world was born from Chaos, on Gaia,
after the Erebus and Night. Then they gave the ether after day, love, etc.
According to Hyginus (librarian of the library of the emperor Augustus 60 BC -
10 AD) with Ether Day became Gaia, Heaven and the Sea.
The ether was an important part of an effort by scientists to understand the
universe by Aristotle (and older) up to the scientists - researchers of modern
times. At the same time, the ether was a controversial matter among
scientists about the existence or not. After the publication of the theory of
special relativity or the existence of ether was abandoned. Not, however,
modern views arising from quantum mechanics, they come to deny this
perception and to resurrect once again the idea of the ether.
Etymologically, the meaning of the word Aether is the supreme and
katharotaton layer of air. Produced from the verb meaning aitho switch,
ignite, shine, flame, burn 'aitho he not only the burn, but the sparkle (Eustace
Parekvolai s Iliad PS 250). Other derivatives of the word is black, the colored
man, and probably the Etna. Plato in "Cratylus" etymology of the word
produced by saying that "forever thei" that means moving constantly.
(Cratylus 440

b)Greek Mythology


The Aether according to ancient Greek literature is the fire that gives life, is
the spark of life to every creature.Homer did not regard the ether as a deity or
as a region, but as a special condition of the sky, which is under heaven
(Iliad. X. 288, I. 556, B 412, A 192 P 300 T 351).
Aristophanes called the Life-Giver of all things "Ether semnotaton,
viothremmona everything (Nef. 570).In "Hymn to primordial" we see the faith
of the Orphic Aether that existed before any birth - look after your Primitive or
Cupid, Fanny wander into the Ether when born from eggs, "primitive difi
good, great, aitheroplagkton, oongeni "- (Orf. Hymn 6 to primitive.
The Damaskios (About) authorities, says that in the Orphic and according to
the version of Jerome and Ellanios, time and the need (Adrastea) gave birth
to Aether, Chaos and Erebus. The Orphic kosmogoniki therefore believe in
the theory that the Aether is a primary, a key component of creation, that is
the soul of the world, the Divine Fire, the spark that gives life to all creatures.
Greek Philosophy The Anaximenes (585-525 BC) formulated the theory that
everything is air and the dilution of produced Ether. The Philolaus (5th
century BC) one of the disciples of Pythagoras, who survived the massacre,
believed that the Aether was the fifth of the elements constituting the world.
Xenophanes (570-475 BC) formulated the theory that the earth is surrounded
by the ether, which extends to infinity.Among others the Parmenides (540-
470 BC) believed that the Sun and the various constellations are located in
the ether.Anaxagoras (500-428 BC) considered that the Aether is one of the
two parties that divided the original mass of the driving force of Mind, ie the
spiritual power and identifies with the Fire. Aristotle controls Anaxagoras and
saying that it wrongly called Ether that is Fire, concedes that the Aether is the
fifth cosmogonic element, the most perfect of all others, and states that "the
sky and the stars and in essence called ether.
The ether is closely related to another concept of physics, the concept of
emptiness. The concept of vacuum, from the ancient Greek philosophy to
today's physics, leads to the introduction of the concept of ether.
The basic principle of Aristotelian physics is the denial of any existence of a
vacuum in the room. The existence of a vacuum is absurd, and Aristotle
illustrates a series of arguments suggesting that people should be a complete
and finite space. Although up to modern science, the ideas of Aristotle on the
vacuum and ether was untrue until erratic, we see that today's concepts of
modern physics come back somehow in Aristoteleia physics.
Anyway contemporary astrophysicists scientists say the "empty" space is not
that of a vacuum and there is the so-called mesoastriki material (residual
material is not formalized in a star). So then what is known as "space gap" is
not exactly empty. According to several Greek universities - philosophers of
the four elements of the universe, earth, water, AIR and fire, set a notation for
the states of matter. Earth is the solid form of matter, water is wet, AIR the air
and fired a "thinner" form of matter that we do today. We associate it with the
energy of electromagnetic or other dynamic fields, which is a special case is
the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the fire (fire). Anyway another sense
is the flame (flame), another light - faos-fire and the other tower. The
movements of caves such material is given. So the stone as "land" is directed
towards the Earth, αήρ always remains above the earth and water, and the
fire rises above all. These ideas of Aristotle methodically led the absence of
the gap. What is blank for Aristotle? In an empty space can not be any posts,
nor can there be no cause of the movement. So in a vacuum no stone would
not have reason to move the earth and no flame tossed. Followed the same
philosophy and other ancient Greeks.After formulating the idea of a person
from Democritus and Leucippus, the Parmenides argued that if the individual
is the basic unit of matter, then the various bodies of the world, never can be
divided into people who are. Because if that happens, then in each area will
be blank. The concept of vacuum is absolute, ie not an empty space, just
empty of events, but the concept means that neither the site itself is, the
meaning of "anything" includes even the very existence of the site.
This sense it must have Chaos in Hesiod's Theogony (the root of the * chaF
<XAFOS means the gap rather than the disorder as understood Chaos now).

So between choristhenton people there is absolutely nothing. Not even empty

space, a concept that is unacceptable, as seen from the arguments of
Aristotle. After choristhenton between people there is nothing, then touch one
another and in fact, never been broken! The unfortunate result was deleted
by introducing a new "element", a new form of matter, the fine is often not
detectable, but necessary to fill the space between people and makes
possible the separation. The fifth substance, or ether or quintessence, as it
was called until the beginning of last century, has defined in the maintenance
of aftosynepeias dynamics and kinetics of body and comes to replace the
"pathological" sense of emptiness.So copying the article Leivadioti C.
(Periscopio Science Magazine Issue 269) We will discuss the properties of
ether, such as Aristotle held, although it is remarkable that in subsequent
generations of scientists, the idea of ether was introduced for the same
reason, maintaining the aftosynepeias Potential and kinetic forces. As
mentioned, the weakness of the presence of causes of motion in empty
space, leading to the elimination of empty space and the introduction of
ether. Similarly, in metaneftonia physics, the failure of the action at a
distance, the theory necessary for that era, the middle propagation of radio
waves and the concept of the absolute reference system, led to the
reintroduction of the concept of ether in a more modern and
mathimatikopoiimeni form. It is known to follow the story. Various
experiments, the main contribution of the Michelson experiment and Morley
showed that there is no absolute reference system, so the Kinematics
determined by the theory of special relativity, which denies any absolute
reference system and considers the various moves only relative to each
other. Although the Special Theory of Relativity eliminated the concept of
ether, however, after 10 years, through the General Theory of Relativity that
time, attempted to return a new version of that concept

Relativistic Ether

The classical Newtonian Gravitational Field expressed by the gravitational

force (F), which is a scalar physical size, ie each point in space is described
by a single number, which is a function
• the mass of the body leading the field,
• how the distribution of mass in space, and * the position of the point in
assessing the field.

For example, the gravitational field with spherical symmetry, as are those that
exist around planets or from ordinary stars, the gravitational potential field is
proportional to body mass causing the field and inversely proportional to the
distance of the points considered by the center of the body at a rate
proportional to the global constant of gravity (G).
But in general relativity the gravitational field is not so straightforward, since
the potential is not a simple scalar field, but a second order tensor field, ie the
metric tensor (gmn). The notation indicates gmn a table (or matrix) with 4x4 =
16 elements, each of which is generally a function of space coordinates x, y,
z and time t. The indices m and n stand for the four coordinates of spacetime.

But the table is symmetrical, ie the 6 non-diagonal elements of the table (g) is
equal to the symmetry, so only 10 of the 16 elements are independent of
each other. That is, general relativity considers not one but 10 independent
potential in the gravitational field.
The weight associated with the geometry of spacetime by the tensor g, for
what he called the metric tensor. Each spatiotemporal surface characterized
by a different tensor g, and in fact this is a tensor describing the geometry of
this surface. The field equations of Einstein connecting geometry and
physics. The geometry is contained within the so-called tensor of Einstein
(Gmn), which is a complex function of the metric tensor (g) and its
derivatives. The physics represented by the energy-momentum tensor
(TMN), which contains various quantities that determine the distribution,
movement and state of matter in space-time or even characteristic quantities


from other areas outside the forces of gravity, which is likely to occur such as
the electromagnetic field.



The Einstein equated the two tensors, which reflect the geometry and physics
of spacetime. The two tensors were equal and only one interposed between
the universal constant K, ie
Gmn = K * TMN (the mathematical treatment shows a minus).
The constant K follows from the normalization of the units.
Gender tensor is nothing but the field equations Eistein through which it is
possible to calculate the metric tensor g, ie the dynamics of the gravitational
field, and then moving a particle inside the gravitational field.
The field equations, but only describes a tanystiki equation, however,
analyzed 10 complex scalar equations that connect the metric tensor of the
material and energy sources of the gravitational field. This is because both
the tensor of Einstein (G), and the energy-momentum tensor (T) is
symmetrical, ie only 10 of the 16 components are independent.
One of the biggest problems was faced by Einstein to understand better the
field equations is exactly what happens in an "empty space", ie a space
empty of matter, where the energy-momentum tensor, T, is equal zero. In this
case, the field equations require that there may be gravitational field, g is the
dynamic is different from zero, just as it is outside the stars, where the space
is assumed to be empty of matter, but also exists in this stellar gravitational
Thus general relativity is the presence of geometry, represented by the
tensor g, even in the absence of matter. According to Einstein's reasoning,
the presence of "geometry" was not just an abstract mathematical description
of spacetime. Instead, the space-time due to the presence of geometry or in
other words, the gravitational field spreads it acquires a different texture
entirely natural meaning, and in no case be considered as the normal case of
a vacuum!

For Einstein, the only loophole is if the metric tensor is zero. In this case
there is nothing, absolutely nothing, not even the same space-time. The
approval coincides with that of Parmenides, since it admits the existence of
an absolute vacuum

So the question arises, what is the empty space-time by matter, which,

however, no gravitational field, namely geometry?
After rejecting the idea of absolute vacuum, Einstein adopted a modern
reissue of the idea of ether, which is whether or not any gravitational field,
despite the absence of matter, namely a curved geometry of space-time
continuum. This refined version of the ether does not affect the speeds of the


bodies, nor is an absolute reference system. However, replacing the idea of
absolute emptiness. As the biographer of Einstein, by Frank Philip: «Einstein
himself always insisted that the concepts are not simply mental constructs,
but as an expression of objective reality. The space-time there.
Indeed, although general relativity can not give details about the physical
cause that makes the space-time continuum a non-absolute space, yet
provides that it is something that can not be equated with "absolutely
nothing". What is happening in the natural space-time continuum, gave
another fundamental theory, quantum mechanics.
Quantum Ether



As mentioned, according to the General Theory of Relativity, the space

appears as space is completely empty because it implies that the intensity of
various fields such as gravity and the electromagnetic zero. This "queer"
space, which is designated as the relativity space-time continuum or ether of
Einstein, physical structure becomes less important from the standpoint of
quantum mechanics.
In the space-time continuum, the presence of dynamic fields is justified by the
various natural sources. One example is when we are near a star, where we
note the presence of a gravitational field around the question space. In these
cases we do not have a material factual vacuum since there is a gravitational
field, which, however, energy gives energy, and thus material (based on the
equivalence of matter and energy), the surrounding space.
So Einstein's ether is nothing more than a typical non-empty space-time, but
where the material is in the form of energy. However, where there are no
natural sources for the fields, so that their energy tends to zero, then the
space-time continuum is a "quantum vacuum" and the ether, Einstein is now
called quantum ether. We will study this case.
Even a group of waves whose frequencies are not very different, so as to
maintain unchanged the form of their dissemination. Although frequencies
varied considerably, some waves will spread faster than others and over the
years kymatoomada be dissolved. Each individual wave group has its own
amplitude and frequency, and the expression of amplitude versus frequency
spectrum called kymatoomadas. The graph of the chart it is in the form of an
inverted bell, called the Gaussian form ("Bell of Gauss). According to this,
there is an average frequency of the frequencies of individual waves, which
corresponds to the peak. Any other frequency, the more varied than the
average, the reduced width and with exponentially so that for large frequency
deviations from the mean value, the graph to zero asymptotically. This
particular shape of the graph is called the pulse kymatoomadas. The pulse
does not last forever, but is characterized by a life time. A great feature is that
the pulse area is constant, regardless of years of life kymatosyrmou, and is
analogous to a physical size of the wave action is called (it has units power
on time). Indeed, the action is equal to the product of years of life and a pulse
of its total energy. If the action is constant, the life and energy of the pulse is
inversely proportional sizes. Thus, the lower the kymatosyrmou a lifetime, the
greater the energy. If one takes into account the duality of substance and
wave, then the above approach leads to the principle of indeterminacy.
In quantum mechanics theory, the different sizes are represented by
operators, ie mathematical expressions that perform an operation. For
example, the momentum is represented by the operator of spatial variation,
while the energy from the operator of the time change. Different operators
acting on wavefunctions which are solutions of the equations in various
problems of quantum mechanics. Generally, however, the various operators
are not swapped among themselves. For example, the operator's position is
simply the location of the test body and the momentum, as mentioned, is the
spatial change. As is known, the spatial variation and the position is not
swapped quantities in mathematical operations. The principle of
indeterminacy on the so-called conjugate quantities, such as the location and
time of change, ie the speed (or momentum, as the product of the speed of
the mass, which is constant, gives the momentum), or other words, for items
not swapped. The value of the intensity and the rate of temporal change of
intensity of a field is two sizes such as location and speed, ie a spouse and
sizes so it is not possible to know the prices of both sizes, with absolute
precision. Apply to them the principle of indeterminacy. The greater the
accuracy of the intensity, the lower the accuracy rate of change and vice
versa. Thus the empty space the field can not be maintained exactly zero,
because then it would destroy the principle of indeterminacy. Although there
was no scope, then the field strength would have a clearly defined value of
zero. Also there would be clearly identified and a time rate of change, zero.
But never at any spacetime, which obeys the principle of indeterminacy, it is
possible to have absolutely fixed intensity and rate of change of intensity.
Thus, any spacetime can not address the absence of any potential field. And
if a place could lay that to happen, that is a natural energy disappear dynamic
fields, then it is place Spatiotemporal would lose its status, ie would transform
the "absolutely nothing" of Parmenides and Einstein, so as not violating the
principle of indeterminacy, which inevitably would have otherwise, because it
would allow the simultaneous presence of zero current and zero temporal
change of intensity of the fields. We stress once again that there is talk about
where the presence of different dynamic fields is justified by some natural
The conclusion is that any space-time continuum, the permanent presence of
dynamic fields is inevitable fact. But especially in the case of missing natural
sources of dynamic fields, then the field is the minimum. But not zero.

We therefore need to have a certain minimal amount of indeterminacy,

expressed as a quantum fluctuation in the prices of the intensity and the
corresponding rate of change of field strength. These energy fluctuations are
nothing more than pairs of particles, called interaction operators, ie particles
that are responsible for the dissemination of fundamental interactions, for
example photons. Are these particles appear and then annihilate in a very
short time, and thus can not be detected directly by a particle detector. If DE
is the energy potential of these particles and t is the time of their life, then, as
we already explained in the previous paragraph, these two quantities are
inversely related, since proliferating give global constant of Plank.
Thus, quantum ether is that space-time continuum, which lacks all kinds of
natural sources of dynamic fields, so that all the time and space is
transformed into a sea of potential particles, the more energy, but is shorter
lives. Certainly this action can not have any value, since it is some kind of
particles formed and hence the energy and time is life data.

Casimir Effect

As mentioned, the quantum ether is a potential sea of particles, bodies of

fundamental interactions. The indications for the presence of this ether, that
the quantum vacuum is not only theoretical but also experimental because
there are many applications of quantum vacuum in the laboratory. One of the
most important experiments to prove the existence of the quantum vacuum is
the study of the phenomenon Casimir. The Casimir effect is the presence of
small attractive forces acting between two conductive plates unladen parallel
to each other and are situated very close together. This phenomenon was
predicted by Dutch physicist Hendrick Casimir in 1948.
The finite distance between the plates prevents the realization of potential
intermediate particles in empty space, with wavelengths greater than a
specified threshold. The effect is to accumulate more particles outside the
plates than in the intermediate space. This difference manifests itself as a
difference between the pressure exerted on the plates from the outside and
the pressure exerted by the intermediate space. The difference in pressure
pushes the plates inward like a pull effect. This phenomenon can be likened
to the following example. Consider a cubic box filled with air, which is divided
in half by a plate that has the power to move. If somehow, a considerable
number of particles able to pass from one place to another plate, then the
pressure of the tank where most particles will increase and become greater
than the pressure in the other party. This difference in pressure exerted on
the surface of the plate a force to move toward the less particles. This
example is quite similar to the phenomenon Casimir, except that instead of
air, we have the quantum ether.
The Casimir showed that the energy density of the gap between the plates do
not contribute to any potential photons are created, but only those which
wavelengths are integer multiples of the distance between the two plates. It
also noted that the energy density of empty space between the plates
decreases as decreasing the distance between the plates. This in other


words, the shorter the distance between two plates, the greater the pressure
differential and traction power. The tiny power was measured in 1996 by
Steven Lamoreaux. The results were consistent with the theory within
experimental error of 5%.

Certainly within the quantum ether, the potential particles generated not only
photons. And other bodies of fundamental particles interactions, except the
photon, also contribute in a small percentage of the force between the plates,
but this is negligible, leaving only the power of the photons can be measured.

Flares quantum Aether

(The Paul Davies has shown that observers traveling epitanchynomenoi in

quantum ether will be surrounded by a special electromagnetic radiation,
known as flaring of the ether.)
As is known from the electromagnetic field equations of Maxwell, a radiation
dose when accelerating. Conversely, when the speed is constant, no photon
is produced. The same procedure is accelerating a charged particle inside
the quantum ether leads to the emergence of a friction force, nothing
happens if the speed remains constant, ie the motion is inertial.
One of most scholars is the quantum ether physicist Paul Davies at Maquarie
University in Sydney Australia and the University of Queensland.
The Paul Davies has shown that accelerated observers traveling in quantum
ether will be surrounded by a special electromagnetic radiation, known as
flaring of the ether. But the phenomenon is too weak, since to produce
electromagnetic radiation from the quantum ether only one degree Kelvin, the
observer must move with speed of about 10 ^ 21 g, where g is the
acceleration due to gravity on Earth. But while it is completely impossible to
accelerate as much an observer, is not that difficult to do the same with a
subatomic particle. It has also been made that if this particle is accelerated
proton, then it absorbs energy from the ambient radiation and becomes a
neutron while escaping a neutrino. Remember this one and it is extremely
"odd" coincidence that the root of the word ether, the verb means aitho
switch, ignite, shine, burn, burn ....

The second phenomenon, ie, the occurrence of friction only charged particles
accelerated move into the quantum ether, quite puzzled experts and today
efforts are being made to find out how compatible is the capacity of the ether,
to distinguish inertial from non-inertial reference systems, the general principle
of relativity. The limited principle of relativity states that all reference frames


moving in a smooth and linear motion are all equivalent for describing the laws
of nature, ie there is no absolute reference system. This means that between
two moving inertial observers, it is impossible to prove one, that one is
stationary, while the other moves, since the movements of the two observers
are always relevant to them. In the general case, where we have accelerated,
with the first glance it appears that the different reporting systems are not
equivalent to each other, such as passengers a vehicle is able to know when
the driver slows down or speed up the movement of the body due to inactivity.
But Einstein showed that the inertial acceleration mimics perfectly the
gravitational field.
So the general principle of relativity does not distinguish any reference system,
accelerated or not. therefore considers that the inertial reference systems are
all similar and identical to the gravitational fields.
The quantum ether might alone, but practicing the accelerated particles and
not to non-accelerated. It is reasonable to formulate the question: Does the
inertia that appears in various materials when accelerating, there is nothing
more than the total friction force caused by quantum ether to charged particles
that compose these materials? If this is true, then The general principle of
relativity must be reconciled with the inertia caused by the quantum ether.
As demonstrated through various astronomical measurements, currently
evolving universe expanding at an accelerating pace (see related article in the
journal Science Periscopio i. 256). So, after a period of about 10 ^ 100
seconds, the universe will end in a cold and dark abyss, consisting of photons,
neutrinos and electrons (or positrons) zero energy, where the temperature is
less than 10 -70 degrees and tends asymptotically to zero. Everything will sail
a boundless sea quantum ether.
Therefore, better understanding of the quantum vacuum will offer a better
understanding of end-stage structure of the universe. According to Hesiod's
Theogony, the world was born from Chaos, from which came the Erebus and
Night. Then they gave birth to Ether and Day ... For over three millennia, Ether
is the center of cosmogony, is the material of which created the Universe and
probably the material which reaches the remote and bleak end. Guided by the
text and main body of the article is the natural Leivadioti George magazine
"periscope SCIENCE 'Issue 269

• Theogony (ed. PAPYROS)
• John Pasha, the Orphic
• Tsatsomoirou Elias AEGEAN MOUNTAIN (ed. PYRINOS WORLD)
• George Grammatikakis. The hair of VERENIKIS (ed. UNIVERSITY
• P. Davies, J. YPERCHORDES Brown, The 'Theory of Everything "(ed. mirror)

• Tony Hey, Patrick Walters THE QUANTUM UNIVERSE (ed. mirror)

European philosophy. Transformed the theological and metaphysical with the
Philips - which in various versions until today, "created by" world with the new
question "what is it made from 19?
The observation of the natural world from the ancient Greeks is not
mechanically, but with the creation of theoretical tools of logic and
mathematics. To be able to control the truth of the findings, the characteristics
Burnet says: "The Greeks have what it succeeded, was, in principle, observers
born ... In addition, the Greeks always tried to give a rational Q-months for the
phenomena observing. Logical abilities were separate, as shown by the
mathematics that has left us'

20.Hellenistic Times

In the Hellenistic period the role of religion is declining and new non-ideological
pursuits sought. The gods of the city-state can not be achieved in the vast
territory that public-miourgise Alexandros.21 the Great's invasion of East
'monothei-scatter' arrests begin to emerge. The pursuit 'Savior or Benefactor
"22 expresses the anguish of the citizens of the cities in-Gradually become
nationals of kings and tyrants. It seems that the Hellenistic world pays high
price for the demystification of the Greek gods for the sake of democracy,
philosophy and science during the classical era. The collapse of the Hellenistic
world, the rising power of Christianity, following the proclamation of Christianity
in the Official religion by Emperor Constantine the Great (313 AD) was
moiraies23 effects on Enlightenment and scientific e-survey. The law signed by
Emperor Constantine in 356 AD the closure of all Greek temples. And the 381
AD God-Emperor dosios24 banned all non-Christian religions apart from
Judaism and the religion of the Samaritans similar. (380-392 AD). The
Christodoulou-stianoi returning to the ancient religion, is punishable by
deprivation of political rights. The philosophical schools of the A-thinas was last
closed 539 AD by Emperor Jun-stiniano A. Teachers philosophers are forced
to convert to Christianity. Note that according to the eminent historical
Toynbee25 that those who refused "to be apostates of Hellenism damage
tisan-seekers in Persian aftokratoria.26
A typical example of addressing the recent Greek-new philosophy was the
brutal murder in 415 AD the pro-eminent scholars and mathematician Hypatia
Ypatias.27 The daughter of the mathematician Theon, and enjoyed great
recognition in Alexandria. The murder is attributed to the High-scenes moves of
Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria, Lou. Voltaire has written that the death of the
High "was a brutal murder by Cyril sheared dogs to be a fanatical gang runs
after them '.

O ether and the interferometer

In the 19th century, after the discovery of the phenomenon and the contribution
of light "o scientific world began to question the certainty of saying that light
consists of particles, which eventually replaced by a new certainty in which" the
light is a wave. That assurance was consolidated in the late 19th century.
The concept but a wave coming from the sea waves which create the
necessary water. So it appears another unanswered question: "If light travels in
space like waves in the ocean, what was the ocean for light waves?
The answer ultimately given was that the environment in which distributed
the light waves, which happens all the electromagnetic disturbance is
AITHERAS, a substance that covers the entire universe. But for this to happen
should the "luminophores" he ether have some amazing properties. The high
speed of light material required to be scary and frightening high-yield low
density. Also this substance would allow the heavenly bodies to run smoothly.
And while the idea of the presence of ether was certainly annoying, but the
idea of having no medium wave spread was even more annoying. The ether
concept stems from the ancient word Aether, which has been used by ancient
Greeks to name the complex fluid that fills the space of heaven.
There are several hints in the writings of Isaac Newton to show that the idea of
having a spirit which pervades everything was endearing. Isaac Newton was
also assumed that the radiant heat may need a different spirit to spread from
one who needs the light.
Since 1830 the scientific community has adopted the view of a wave theory of
heat whereby the heat is considered a motion by the form of "vibration of the
ether. Meanwhile, in 1800, William Herschel had discovered that in the spectra
of thermostereon always with visible light and an invisible radiation of lower
frequency, infrared. The assumption is that the invisible light, infrared radiation
is identical with the radiant heat proved to be verified when the "heat rays"
exhibit wave behavior and light shows. That diathlontai, help and Polish.
Now luminophores ether, which spreads the light could serve a dual purpose.
Be identical with the ether which is spread by thermal radiation. With the
advent of Maxwell's electrodynamics, the merger of two ether ether to diffuse
the light and spirit to spread the heat radiation, has been consolidated and a
further step towards consolidation. The Maxwell has taken another big step. He
suggested that the average spread of the electromagnetic field can
assume the operation of light transmission and diffusion of heat radiation.
The ether took place in classical physics and became a kind of firm truth. This
is because apart from the analogy with water and sound waves there is a more
intuitive ground consolidates the certainty of his existence. The idea that the
gap may be an interaction is unrelated to the everyday experience and was
told by Einstein in 1936, "all science is merely a refinement of our daily
thoughts. After the ether was so fundamental it should be and how detection of
otherwise would be an unnecessary metaphysical load. The established
method was to measure the speed of light from the moving earth. Logically, the
earth is not stationary during a rotation around the sun. The ethereal theories
of light and electromagnetism developed from the perspective of a
property as an observer to the spirit and the value 300.000 km / s referred to in
the ether, the speed of light. However, with the opening of the land value of the
speed of light, which measure the natural land-should ideally be subject to the
Guideline $ ynsi from which comes the light. As the light comes to earth in the
opposite direction from that movement, the apparent speed will be greater than
the "real" of speed, 300.000 km / s, the speed is in the ether. If you measure
the speed of light which moves away from Earth in the same direction as that
of the diffusion motion of the earth, the apparent speed will be lower than the
actual speed of about experiments conducted in the late 19th century
experiments were designed to measure the difference between two values and
were innovative. Nevertheless, experiments with a known one to fail. The value
of the speed of light emerged from these measurements were the same as
300.000 km / s that had the light if the earth was stationary in the ether. The
precision of these experiments was made by Michelson in collaboration with
Morley, 1897. And it has shown that the earth was stationary within the ether,
but the movement could not be denied. Ether model was in crisis.

Middle Ages

The period of the Middle Ages in Western Europe beginning with the


destruction of the Western Roman Empire. In over for us' East »o
Middle Ages begins after the death of Emperor Theodosius in AD 395
the destruction of Greek philosophical and scientific thought. During
the Middle Ages, especially after the establishment of the Papal States
from Charlemagne's interpretation of the world was true faux-Backup
doctrines of the Bible and any opposing view considered Q-UR the
devil. The Church supplied a satisfactory for the purposes of
feoudarchismou, worldly idol 29 containing the eternal order, hierarchy,
obedience to God and the representatives of the metepei s life and the
punishment for the sins embraced and adapted
* Also Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games in history after 1170
years needs new. the requirements of Aristotle and Ptolemy system of
interpretation of the sky. The Aristotelian cosmological model was the
anti-RFMO the views of Aristarchus. The Charles Gillispie noted that:
"The Aristotelian model of the universe was known as' Chinese nest", ie
a series of concentric crystal spheres around a ba-limits, perishable
and static earth. Each ball was above her, as Mr. Bright-Bia, the moon,
the sun, a planet or a constellation of stars vacant. The rotational
movement was spreading throughout this complex of a exotato shell.
Beyond this was the ultimate euphoric-date. Regurgitated constantly in
theology, poetry, literature and philosophy, this standard give the
reader a well-educated adult-tion picture of the world. "Each new
scientific discovery prohibited. Could only be expressed in Latin, which
he did not know the people and disguise their locations, so as not to
cause dangerous revisions of existing worldly idol. In 1557 Pope Paul IV
created by the Inquisition of Rome's list of banned books «Index
librorum Prohibitorum» synechos31 replenished. Astronomy in Ancient
After Orpheus, Hesiod and Homer begins the scientific development of
astronomy in Greece with Thales, about 600 BC, characterized by a
number of astronomers trying to make laws for the observed
astronomical phenomena. In their effort developed and different
assumptions about the structure and principle of the universe
Thales, considered the father of Greek philosophy and world lived in
Miletus in 624 until 564 BC. It was not just an observer of the sky (as the
older Hesiod, Homer and Orpheus), and theoretical astronomer. He
predicted the eclipse of the sun made in 585 BC, the estimated first year
to 365 days and that the diameter of the sun was 1 / 720 the apparent
orbit around the Earth. Both found that this relationship exists between
the diameter of the Moon's orbit and on Earth. I also know that the
eclipses of the sun at times presented 223 lunar cycles. Rightly
therefore considered the first Greek astronomer.
Anaximander. (610-545 BC) was a junior student and successor of
Thales of Miletus at the school. Argued that the principle of beings were
infinite, that is eternal and ever-changing material, invented the first
solar calendar, designed the first map of the known world by then and
dealt with astronomical and cosmological issues. Considered the
forerunner of the mathematical approach to astronomy. He spoke first
on the Earth is in limbo and the opening of the center of the world
(probably the sun). First measured the distances of planets from Earth
and their sizes. Designed the first map of the celestial sphere, outlined
the movement of the sun on the ecliptic, and measured with reasonable
accuracy the loxosi the ecliptic (24th instead of 23rd right 27). Calculate
the gnomon the solstices and the equinoxes.
The Anaximenes (585-528 BC) succeeded Anaximander in school. He
believed that the principle of beings was the wind, which, in the
movement, is water elsewhere and elsewhere is ether and fire.
Understand first that the light of the moon from the sun and naturally
explained eclipses of the sun and moon.
Pythagoras and his students owe an explanation of eclipses and the
phases of the moon. They made it for the first time laws for the motion
of planets and their distance from the Sun.
The Philolaus (6th-5th century BC) was the first who dethroned the
Earth from the center of the world and put in place a fireball a focal
point around which the Earth turns once every 24 hours. Believed that
the Sun, Earth and moon orbiting this fireball. The invention is of the
Pythagorean Philolaos - that the Earth and Moon move - it was a
revolution for its time. Today we accept that the outbreak of Philolaos
and the Pythagoreans were the Sun.
Anaxagoras (born in Ionia Klazomenai around 500 BC) believed that the
Earth has tympanoeides shape and held it in the air. Sun Anaxagoras
consider him as a passionate stone, not the god Apollo or Phoebus,
and the size was bigger than the Peloponnese. To the moon was
believed eterofoti but sees it as a second Earth is inhabited by humans
and other creatures. And for the stars say that they have similar form to
that of the Sun. He also comets and shooting stars, while the meteors,
Anaxagoras believes that it was swirling stones and pulled from the
earth. Sentenced to death because they introduced loopholes demons,
but she managed and left. The tomb was written: "Here rests
Anaxagoras, that the celestial world found the truth."

The actions undertaken (lived 5th century BC in Athens) was an

astronomer, surveyor and engineer. He devised a calendar cycle based
on the movement of the Moon, known as the Circle of actions
undertaken or Circle of the Moon. The creation of a stable system of
dating - which would determine the frequency of events in relation to a
fixed figure - it was essential to be practical based on mathematical
astronomy. The actions undertaken by observing the periodicity of the
moon and recording the timing of the full moon for many years, realized
a series of regularities and repetitions. Identified so that every 19 years
repeat the same sequence of the full moon, an observation which was
not possible to accurately predict future moon. Astronomical
observations of the actions undertaken to have made an astronomical
instrument, guided or sunflower. With the help of light discovered that
the equinoxes and the tees are not dividing the year into 4 seasons of
equal length, which is said to have argued previously and from Thales.
The cycle of actions undertaken later used as a variation on the Hebrew
calendar, and the Christian church for the determination of the
festivities. Also built an observatory at Colonus, sundial the same
Plato (427-347 BC) philosopher than a large impact on time and as an
astronomer. Considered astronomy branch of mathematics in the state
and described the motion of celestial bodies with the help of the
rotating flywheel. Considered the spherical universe and the Earth
holds the center. At the end of his life, but according to Plutarch, after
reading the works of Philolaos regretted that put the Earth at the center
of the world.
The Eudoxos of Cnidus (408 -355 / 3 BC) was a great mathematician and
geometer. This status helped him deal with astronomy. The school he
founded in Cyzicus flourished for a long time and his writings were
used to collect the original "Little Astronomy" that occur in geometry all
the theories mentioned in the Globe and the daily rotation. First he
applied the method followed by Aristarchus of Samos, to calculate the
distance of Earth from the Moon and Sun. More importantly captured
the first geometric theory for the motion of planets (with concentric
spheres that rotate one within the other). Again, first demonstrated the
sphericity of the Earth, which is divided into zones, and measured for
the first time the perimeter. Corrected "oktaetirida" of Kleostratou,
connecting the moon with the solar year. Mapped the constellations of
the Equator and the Tropics circles and gave them names according to
Hipparchus. Count periods of five planets, giving them the following
values: Aris 2 years (actually 1.88), Jupiter 12 years (11.86) and Saturn
30 years (29.46). Regarded as the founder of theoretical astronomy and
celestial mechanics. On the later work was based as we said the
astronomer Aristarchus of Samos. Finally set up observatories in many
The Heraclides Ling (390-330 BC) was born while the Heraclea of
Pontus, but he studied philosophy in Athens under Plato and Aristotle.
The Athenians called him and "paradoxical" because it introduced
revolutionary ideas in astronomy. Heraclides gave the first theory that
space is infinite. Acknowledged and taught that the Earth rotates
around its axis in 24 hours and produce the daily rotation of the
celestial sphere in the Earth's rotation. Some believe that Heraclides
had in mind except the daily movement of the Sun in retrograde, and
that the annual traffic on the ecliptic at the proper time. For the theory
of stars, planets and stars, Heraclides identical to the Pythagorean
dogmas and claims that each star is like a world that includes air and
ether, in the infinite ether. Considered comets as clouds at very high
altitude and illuminated from the upper light the same as the Olympus
of the Pythagoreans. The Symplikios said the Mouse Heraclides and
Aristarchus of Samos believe the sky and the stars remain property
while the Earth turns around the poles towards the equator from west to
east making it a whirl some day. Proclus says Heraclides opposed by
Plato believed that the Earth is stationary, assuming that it moves
round and the sky and the stars remain vacant property (and the Earth
does rotate around its axis), which is contrary to phenomena and
simple logic.

Aristotle (384 to 322 BC) with his teacher Plato is the luminous duo of
philosophical thought in the ancient world. Wise was brilliant,
encyclopedic, naturalist, author of reason and the most important of the
dialectic of seniority. Regarded as the largest systematic scholar in the
history of world civilization. His work is an integrated, closed, universal
system of research and teaching and includes papers on biology,
poetry, Meteorology, the first philosophy (Metaphysics), Rhetoric and
Politics. The astronomical ideas of Aristotle were valid until the
Renaissance in the form of geokentrikou system of Ptolemy and
replaced by the heliocentric system of Copernicus.
In his work "On the Sky" the world as a whole is a spherical space with
the center also has a spherical earth. Aristotle gave two additional
reasons why the Earth was round. First, note that the Earth's shadow
always has a circular ring onto the moon during a lunar eclipse, which
can only be explained if the Earth is round. If the Earth were a disk, the
shadow will appear as elongated shortage at least during the eclipse.
Secondly, Aristotle knew that people who traveled to the north, saw the
Polar Star to rises higher in the sky, while to the south saw the Polar


Star is immersed. On a flat Earth, the positions of stars will not change
with the location of the observation.

Aristotle believed that the Earth is round but not too great, while it was
still. In one passage in Aristotle informs us that the length of the
circumference of the earth's sphere is large compared to the volumes of
other stars. And estimated that forty myriad stages equivalent to 73.000
km is nearly twice the actual length. As for the planets, Aristotle admits
that it is a distance range: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter
and Saturn.
Around 330 BC Aristotle recognized that the Sun and Moon are spheres
and that their orbits around the Earth is round. Showed that the
motions of planets could be made from a combination of several
circular movements. But after careful consideration decided that the
sun was the center of these tracks, so chose the Earth as the center of
our solar system.
Aristotle correctly explained eclipses of the sun and moon, and
concluded that the Earth is round, the shadow on the moon. He even
had a proper appreciation of the Earth's radius. Moreover, he
acknowledged that the stars must be very distant and argued that they
were too round. Also postulated that the stars must be beyond a certain
Because of the tremendous prestige of Aristotle's view on the real
reason Earth was not the widespread view Filolaou to open the earth,
nor of the Aristarchus Samios which supported the heliocentric system.

Aristarchus of Samos (310 to 230 BC) was an astronomer and

mathematician of Samos. It is the first man to work proposed by the
heliocentric model, putting the Sun, not Earth at the center of the
known universe. For this reason it is often known as the Greek
Copernicus. His ideas on astronomy had been initially accepted and
were lower than those of Aristotle and Ptolemy, until successful
regeneration and developed by Copernicus nearly 2000 years later.
Therefore, Aristarchus believed that the stars are infinite distance, and I
thought the explanation for the absence of visible parallax, that the
observed motion of stars as the Earth moves around the Sun. In fact the
stars are much farther away than was assumed in ancient times, which
explains the fact that stellar parallax is detectable only through
telescopes. But it was assumed that the model was geokentriko a
simpler and better explanation for the lack of parallax. Aristarchus
observed the motion of the Moon through Earth's shadow during a
lunar eclipse. It found that the diameter of the Earth was 3 times greater
than the diameter of the Moon. Using the calculations of Eratosthenes
that the Earth was the region of 42,000 km, he concluded that the Moon
has a circumference equal to 14,000 km now known that the Moon has a
circumference approximately equal to 10.916 km Aristarchus observed
that the Sun, the Moon and the Earth formed nearly a right angle when
the first or last quarter Moon. It found that the angle was 87 °. Using
correct geometry, but with the wrong components, Aristarchus
concluded that the Sun was 20 times farther away than the moon. In
fact the Sun is about 390 times farther away. Determined that the Moon
and Sun are almost the same effect size of Earth and concluded that the
diameter will be proportional to their distance from Earth. Thus
concluded that the Sun was 20 times larger diameter than the Moon,
which is computationally reasonable and proper, but also wrong (it is
based on incorrect data). The assessment, however, this indicates that
the Sun is clearly larger than the Earth, which supports the heliocentric
Eratosthenes (276 to 194 BC) was a mathematician, geographer and
astronomer. One of the most important achievements was that
calculated for the first time the size of Earth that has constructed a
coordinate system with parallel and meridians, and constructed a map
of the known world. She had several important contributions to
astronomy, such as spherical astrolabe and was used widely until the
invention of the planetarium in the 18th century. Reported that it had
calculated the circumference of the Earth around 240 BC using the
height of the sun during the spring equinox near Alexandria and the
island of Elephantine, near Syini (now Aswan, Egypt). Apart from the
radius of the Earth Eratosthenes determined the curvature of the
ellipsoid, measured the deviation of the Earth's axis with great
accuracy, giving the value 23 ° 51 '15 ", built a stellar map containing
675 stars, proposed to add the calendar one day every four years and
tried to compose a story based on precise dates.
The era of Eratosthenes was ready for achievements such as
measuring the actual diameter of the Sun, Moon and Earth, and the
distance between them. These measurements were milestones in the
history of astronomy, representing the first tentative steps towards
understanding the entire universe. Eratosthenes used as a real
scientist, not only previous knowledge of the global Earth and the
necessary mathematical tools, but designed and necessary tests. The
idea that the Earth is round, Earth was acceptable in ancient Greece,
because they saw they had seized the ship after leaving port to
disappear slowly in the horizon until the port seemed just the tip of the
mast. This only makes sense if the curved surface of the sea. If the sea
had curved surface, the same should happen with the Earth, which
means that it may be a sphere. This view was reinforced by observing
the eclipses of the moon: when the eclipse, the Earth to the moon cast
a shadow in the shape of circular disc shape just as you would expect
from a spherical object. Equal importance was the fact that everyone
could see that even the moon was round, indicating that the ball was
the natural state of being, strengthening the hypothesis that the Earth is
round. Everything started to become meaningless, and even the
writings of Greek historian Herodotus and voyager who spoke to people
at the far north who slept half the day time. If the Earth is round, then
different parts of the globe will be illuminated in different ways
depending on their geographic latitude, which explains in a natural way
a polar winter nights over six months.

The Hipparchus of Rhodes (190 - 120 BC) was an astronomer,

geographer, cartographer and mathematician, considered by many as
the father of observational astronomy. Also, he is the title of "founder of
trigonometry" and a "greater astronomer of antiquity," but also "all
time". Patience, his perspicacity and recorded on the historical passion
that grapples with the rise in the streets today, depending on the
circumstances of his age, surely impress. He developed mathematical
models for the movement of the Sun and Moon, with comments ranging
from centuries of Chaldeans in Mesopotamia. There was also the first
trigonometric table prepared, which allowed him to resolve any random
triangle. The top six, however, his achievements were:
He estimated that the solar or tropical year is 365.242 days, when today
the modern atomic clocks confirm the account of the value at
365.242199 days. The discovery of the migration of the equinoxes.
Calculate the diameter of the moon and the varying distance from Earth.
The creation of the first list stars, at least in the western world. The
invention of the scale sizes of stars by measuring the brightness of
which is still used today by all astronomers in the world. 134 BC The
Hipparchus discovered a star that did not exist before (probably a
comet) in the constellation Scorpius, and then took the principle that
"the stars are not eternal in heaven."

Inventors of astrolabes, the instrument through which measured the

coordinates of the star. Perfected the binoculars, a tool that allowed
assessment of the apparent diameter of the Sun and Moon, the distance and
the actual size. Also perfected several old instruments such as was Norma,
sunflower, etc. It is the first that divided the cycles of these astronomical
bodies at 360 degrees and is the first that built a globe.
The Antikythera Mechanism - a cluster of gears inside the mechanism
depicts the variable angular velocity of the Moon - was made in accordance
with the theory of Hipparchus.
However, the complexity of the systems geokentrika created by Claudius
Ptolemy (108-168 AD) in Alexandria in the 2nd century AD.
Claudius Ptolemy was essentially a theoretical researcher based his views
largely on observations and data gathered by the Hipparchus was 300 years
ago. It is mainly known for the great work, the "Great Mathematical Writing",
also known as the Almagest (the name given to the Arabs), which contained
the works of many Greek astronomers, and his own studies in a total of 13
volumes Ptolemy placed Earth at the Center of the Universe, the Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn to roam encircles our planet.
This model has survived for 1900 years.
Great Mathematical Preparation of Claudius Ptolemy, an astronomer than
was geographer and mathematician, was crucial for over 1400 years. It
suggested only that the heavens are spherical, but insisted that they have
exactly the shape of the ball. As the night sky was the perfect shape of the
hemisphere, the Earth should be at the center of the universe - its natural
place in the cosmology of Aristotle. Further, Ptolemy's Earth does not rotate
around its axis: if you rotate the clouds and the birds will be left behind,
unable to follow.

The Almagest repeating much of the work of Hipparchus. Among other

things, measure the angle of the ecliptic, estimates of the distance of Earth
from the Moon and Sun and a list of stars. Yet it listed 44 constellations in
which Ptolemy gave the name still used today (eg Orion and Leo).
The role of Ptolemy, who brought the greatest influence was the
mathematical theory of planetary motion. Because the orbits of the planets
on the Sun is nearly circular, the geokentriko system could provide an
acceptable accuracy of the posts. In short, the planets firmly in a perfect
circle, epikyklo. The center of this circle peripheral firmly on another perfect
circle (the wearer) which was the center of the Earth.
Right: It seems that epikyklos a global placement of Earth at the center of the
But to explain the apparent speed of the variable behavior of the planets and
the non-perfect circular orbit, Ptolemy was forced to introduce sophisticated
tools such as a point called the equalizer. Despite this, the Almagest it is still
a major mathematical achievement. Suffice it to consider how all the
Europeans astronomers until the time of Tycho Brahe was convinced that the
bullets flying celestial bodies have material existence.
Ptolemy also dealt with astrology and geography. The geographical treatise
of classical geography was in a similar position with the position of Ptolemy's
Almagest in classical astronomy.

However, many people believed in a flat earth for centuries. Since then the
official view was that we had to learn about the universe were already known.
The Earth as the center of the universe and offered a few ideas, which later
proved to be more correct was only isolated voices "crying in the wilderness.
And then within a relatively short time the whole industry of astronomy and
science epanastatikopoiithike all the appearance of several human genius. In
this helped and explorations in the 16th century and the beliefs they stopped.

To appreciate the achievements of Aristotle, we must understand that there

had been no progress in view of the world for 1900 years, until Nicholas
Copernicus discovered that the sun is the center of our solar system. Even
the great progress made by Copernicus, was in the Aristotelian context and
was arrested as an attempt to improve the observations of Aristotle on
planetary orbits.

For most ancient astronomers, accurate predictions of planetary positions

were equivalent to understanding how the universe works. The most far
distant stars were just the background on which the global action. Ptolemy,
the last of the great Greek astronomers of antiquity, has developed an
effective system for the world to "Maximum Mathematical Writing" or
Almagest. His theory was based on the work of several predecessor
Hipparchus, Ptolemy devised so geokentriko a model or to the Earth at the
center, a model that lasted for 1900 years.
That Ptolemy was able to put the Earth at the center of the world and provide
satisfactory positions of the planets, due to his ability as a mathematician.
This could make the model in such a way as to maintain both the ancient
Greek belief that the sky was perfect - so each planet to move along a
circular orbit (the perfect curve with divine status) at a constant speed .
The greatest difficulties to be overcome explaining changing speeds and the
occasional backward movements (from east to west) of the planets. This
work was completed in putting the world to move along a small circle called
the epikyklou, whose center Kini evenly along a larger circle, called a guide
or bearing circle the Earth at its center.
When this project is near completion, Ptolemy realized that there were some
mistakes and so did some small corrections. First, put the Earth slightly away
from the center of the bearing center (a land that is not in the center of this
circle, like the current system, where the sun is at the center of a shortage.
And secondly, put the hub epikyklou the move with a constant angular
velocity around the third point, which is located on the opposite side of the
center of the carrier cycle from Earth. These changes enabled Ptolemy to
predict the positions of the planets with reasonable - though each far from
perfect - exactly.

During the Middle Ages, unfortunately, more than the knowledge of ancient
Greece astrophysics disappeared in Europe, although some knowledge
preserved by the Arabs. Only a faint light was thrown into this dark educated
by monks, as his father Bede in the 8th century.
The renaissance in astrophysics, but did not come when astronomers
changed the theoretical framework of Aristotle, the work of Galileo at the
beginning of the 17th century. The real revival came only during the 12th and
13th century when rediscovered the works of Aristotle by European scholars.

The Hypatia (370 AD - 415 AD Alexandria) is the last philosopher and

mathematician of ancient Greece. The father, Theon, and he was a
mathematician and astronomer. He wrote reviews not just for Mathematics
and the Astronomical Canon of Ptolemy. Apart from philosophy and
mathematics, Hypatia had an interest in engineering and technology practice.
Letters of caution include plans for several scientific instruments and include
an astrolabe. The astrolabe was used to measure the positions of stars,
planets and the sun and the calculation time as the rising sign of the zodiac.
The Hypatia was the last pagan scientist of the Western world and his death
coincided with the last years of the Roman Empire. And since by then there
were important advances in mathematics, astronomy and physics throughout
the West for another 1000 years, the highest of the fee became a symbol of
ancient science. After Hypatia came chaos and barbarism of the Dark
Ages ... ... ....
The Index was abolished after centuries since Pope Paul VI .. "In the Middle
Ages there was almost standing suspicion that the pioneers of science -
leading alchemists, anatomy and natural - the miracle owed their knowledge
and skills in IP-rissotero Satan rather than God '32.

The study of ancient Greek works became known in the West by Arab
translations, mainly from Arab universities in Spain, together with the
translation of ancient Greek texts from Byzantium main through Sicily, they
were together with economic and social changes of the causes for the
emergence of the Renaissance .33
Positive scientists, applied knowledge, are in the development of civil order
and is a necessary-coefficient for the creation of a new era. The class of
merchants comes from its establishment in conflict with the Church of the-
what ethical principles prevent the development of commercial Capitals-tion.
Commercial fleets are a natural consequence of the need for science-and
engineering alone. The accounts need specialized knowledge and require-
Thun mathematicians, contracts and transactions require lawyers, etc.
In the late 17th century, the bourgeoisie, consolidating its position and feels
the need for a universal conception of the world through an ideology. This
ideology will build people's expertise, Montesquieu, Diderot, Rousseau,
Elvetios-Creating a rational conception of the universe, able to confront the
Ceuta-darchia the Middle Ages. Therefore, given the freedom of scientists in
their research, independent thinking, which is essential to finding the truth,
which is used by the bourgeoisie for the further development tis.34


Possible reasons for not accepting the heliocentric theory of the API-starchou
can be considered: a) that contradict the simple day-to-merino experience, b)
that contradict the dominant kosmotheoritiko mo-migration model to the
dominant social classes were built. c) ideology-camera causes. Let us
examine now in more detail the above reasons.

1) Everyday experience.

Tin incompatibility of everyday experience with the scientific interpretation of

reality-reference many scientists argue History Epistimon.35 Ptolemy (161-
180mCh) accepted the heliocentric system, because it considered the
geokentriko sound system, having found that it complies with all what is
observed in nature. 36As noted that Ptolemy believed that the proposal of
Aristarchus was simpler agreement-gkritika the complex .* But his definition
of science is precisely that it remains in merino-day experience. Like
Bronowski has written, "the scientist or artist gets two events or experiences
that stand separately to find a similarity between them that nobody has seen
before and to create an equal showing that similar '.37 otherwise; CTE many
scientific discoveries have been accepted without such data have obvious
the existence of microbes was effi-edifice, but ordinary people to ever see
with the naked eye.

2) Opposition to kosmotheoritika causes.

The ruling classes and integrating in accordance with their own interests,
religious doctrines and cultural production dosages of each people. Most
scientists and is capable of only-fur innovative materials in conventional or
neutral areas of interest and avoid supporting views contrary to the prevailing
religious and philosophical ideas tions of their society.
In the ancient polytheistic religions societies (Egypt, China, Greece, Rome),
the scientific discoveries were treated with more tolerance soteri, and when
imposed by the monotheistic religions, many scientific discoveries were
ignored by the official Church (Judaism, Islam, Christianity) .38 Typical cases
questioning and persecution of scientists and philosophers, where the
findings conflict with the established values were:
a) He Aristarchus of Samos was accused in his time, it introduced a
"disrespectful". And as Plutarch, was accused by the philosopher Kleanthis
for "disrespect." "Only when Oh, not a crisis to us asebeias epangeilis, osper
Aristarchus oeto suffering Kleanthis Sami asebeias proskaleisthai the Greeks
to bring the world to esti-if ..." 39 Let us remember that the death sentence of
Socrates contains the category "new demons' .
b) We also know that Anaxagoras was accused by the pla-tona and was
saved by Pericles, because he was a student. He then fygadepse the Minor
c) And even leading thinkers such as Plato believed that philosophers,
especially of science, questioning the official religious beliefs and pushed
young people to atheism. Extreme BAC-ple opposition to new ideas is
indicated by the excellent-xeno41 that Plato wanted to burn books
d) Even where the Renaissance began, the Catholic Church and not only
that, faced with the most violent, the scientists showed that Ness findings
challenge the view in the "divine order" of book publishing
pragmaton.43Apagorefseis without approval , list of banned books,
convictions and killing e-pistimonon. Examples are:
e) In 1584, the Giordano Bruno is the case of infinite in-band and the
certainty of existence of other planetary systems-in. On February 16, 1600
the Vatican and the Pope to burn the fire in Rome square Flower because it
supported the ilioke-ntriki theory. The Catholic Church will take up each
heliocentric-punishment in 1822 only three centuries after the discovery of
America by Christopher Kolomvo.44
f) It is also interesting workaround Galileo Galilei by Pope Urban the Eighth,
which referred him to trial in the tradition of the Inquisition. The trial began on
12 A-priliou in 1633 and ended on June 22 of that year. The deposit was
forced to make Galileo is the most irrefutable indicator of the climate of the
era and the opposition of religious authority with new idees.45 Among other
Galileo said that:
"I, Galileo Galilei, son of Vintzentzo Galilei, aged 70 years ... I swear I always
thought that, now I believe that export Sequence in the future to believe with
the help of God to all the teachings of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman
Church. ZA However, despite the fact that in the past Holy I stated that I
must abandon the false belief that the sun is the CM-center in the world and
motionless and that the earth is the center of the world moves, and that was
my obligation not to support, defend or teach in any manner to anyone with
spoken or written in the above false teaching and after my too-manthike that
teaching is contrary to the Bible, I wrote and produced a book which
develops This teaching has already been convicted and enter the arguments
favoring, PA-raviazontas these commands ... '46.
Galileo was limited died at his home in Artsietri in Florence in 1642. In the
same year was born in England Newton. After Galileo's condemnation of
scientific progress was transferred to Northern Europe interrupting the great
Mediterranean tradition aio-new.
g) It is however interesting to see how they behave today's governmental
powers to scientists who do not submit to their wishes. The Robert
Oppenheimer (1904-1967) was associated more than any other in the
construction of the atomic bomb. It also had a higher administrative position
and benefited from deep appreciation to the leadership of the U.S. But when
later opposed the construction of a new type of bomb, machine tarnish the
name of the former citizens chosen category gorithike filokoummounistikes of
intentions - was questioned by a special Commission, and was
decommissioned epistimonika.47

3) Ideological causes
The ideology is used to describe a coherent set of ideas about the world,
society and man. The term ideo-law first used by the French philosopher
Destutt de Tracy in 1796 and the importance of "study of ideas. The term-
xanachri simopoiithike later by Marx to give an interpretation that the social
conditions of real life down the ideas of the people. Marx writes: "In direct
contrast to German philosophy which descends from heaven to earth, here
we ascend from earth to sky
The fundamental importance of the ideology expressed by many Marx-
facturers. In particular, the Althusser supports "all I know no class can not
maintain state power for an extended period if it is simultaneously its
hegemony over and over the ideological mechanisms of the state." 49 The
ideological mechanisms operate in the State without based on the use or
threat of immediate violence. Such ideological mechanisms are religious,
school, legal, cultural k.t.l.50 The Maurice Cornforth's book «Theory of
knowledge» says causes can cause ideological planes.51 The ideological
errors are responsible for the unorthodox attitudes of society towards
scientific changes that would be in its interest. The main causes of
ideological errors are:


a) Reflection of productive relations in ideology,
The development of ideology, but appears to be caused by left-abstract ideas
in the minds of men, in fact are the result of UT-thormitis reflection of social
relations and mechanisms for e-xousias. The same applies to religious
ideologies that are based on metaphysics. Metaphysical concepts employed
almost always kra-schemes and programs state of affairs.
b) class interests
Any ideology reflects the interests of the ruling class. Any emerging policy
seeks to achieve its own purposes creating an ideology that seems to
represent the interests Da-an entire society. When this policy applied, then
the dominant ideology of serving the new ruling class. Often scholars or on-
warp which pioneered the changes come to the end service them the official
views of the new ruling order, because UT-consider that serves their
individual interests.

The question why the heliocentric theory of Aristarchus was not acceptable
open time surely many answers. But if you try to group the alleged causes,
could form two main sections. Those who support the non-persuasiveness of
the proposal for non-maturing sci-Con, helping the scientific community. And
others attributing the failure to accept that the contents of the proposed new
DOE-rakontize philosophical and social fabric of specific societies had
developed within the mainly given historical conditions. Let's look in more
detail the two mentioned sections:

A. immaturity of the scientific proposal.

Non-conclusive documentation of the proposal in accordance with the views
on current or subsequent philosophers and mathematical under-supported
by: Archimedes, Ptolemy, etc. But the historical evidence available to us do
not agree with the fact that no cognitive or scientific impossibility of the
modern philosophers and mathematicians to understand the theory of
It is known that a disciple of Pythagoras, the Philolaus, the 6th Century
argued that the earth moves and that is not the center of the world. Two
centuries later the philosopher Heraclides from the Sea, claimed that
Mercury and Venus revolve around the sun, but Co-nechize to believe that
the Sun revolves around the earth, but in one year and not a imera.52 worth
noting also that Mr. Shelley, the Babylonian in 150 BC supported the
heliocentric theory. Even Seneca indication of the truth of heliocentric
theorias53. Also, the Emperor Julian who tried to revive the powers-chaious
gods believed in heliocentric theory (maybe that's why the nominal as
Therefore, Aristarchus did not result from zero the theory, but relied on
earlier views of mathematics which leads us to the view that other conscious
or unconscious reasons prevented his contemporaries to adopt.

It is known that the Germans had developed antigravity technology.

It is also known that many German scientists after World War II worked for
the Americans. German was Werner von Braun, the father of missile
systems. (After the war ended in 1945 von Braun and his team were among
dozens of German scientists who carried the American forces in the U.S. as
part of the operation Paperclip (Operation Paperclip). There he assumed the
direction of the research department of ballistic missiles special service U.S.
Army (White Sands Proving Grounds) in New Mexico, where he contributed
significantly to the development of instruments in space. In 1955 he acquired


American citizenship. von Braun was the manufacturer of the missile «Jupiter
C» and «Vanguard» on both of whom shot the artificial satellites «Explorer
1» and «Explorer 3». Since 1961 began, under the supervision of von Braun,
the construction of missile «Saturn» was designed to carry heavy loads into
orbit and beyond Earth's orbit. In 1969 the rocket «Saturn V» that brought the
Apollo 11 spacecraft, carrying into space the first astronauts who, on June 20
prosedafistikan and walked on the Moon.) Many of these scientists have
worked to create HAUNEBU.

We do not know if those vehicles were able to fly. From what I've read said
that there have been successful and have stability problems. Nor could hover
at high altitude using the antigravity. There are many projects that have been
given to publicity and photographs.

How to throw;
It is said that the vessels through a diesel generator create electromagnetic
fields. Antestrefan the scope of this vessel to the earth. Like two magnets
repelling each other. (If I understand correctly.) I quote a few more drawings
and photos of these strange flying objects





If we really had discovered such technology from the Germans mean by

success, since the levitation antigravity to think that it is scientifically
acceptable, it would be something that would be left in the drawers of the
Americans because, truth be told, they are handling the oil worldwide. Just
left in drawers many engines use various other methods to pay off-that uses
oil. Perhaps these Chanempou / Haunebu be developed both in America and
Russia but after the Second World War and today ufo sightings from time to
time we have reports about them, even by pilots, are some of these
structures. My opinion is that all these sightings of strange flying craft, not
from space but purely human constructions. I do not want to go into secret
organizations in the Nazi Vril in aliens and ghosts. All these belong to the
realm of fantasy. From what you've read (those who've read) think that
ultimately were the Haunebu?
All natural forces that can cause levitation of an object without the use of
engineering promotion called (erroneously) as an antigravity force.
The haunebu apothoumena create magnetic fields. Now actually I do not
know whether there can be normal antigravity. So like you mean it.
Something that escapes the attention of the world without using a trick aka
speed or magnetic field. Although I have not understood exactly how he
created gravity. The more mass a planet has, the more weight that carries.
Theoretically, therefore, I understand but that is created;
What attracts us;
Only the mass of the volume;

Black holes attract them in large gravity without mass law of general relativity
by 1915 believes that gravity is the curvature of spacetime. Why, then, this
curvature can not be used for transportation? Because this curvature may
not be able to give and antigravity?

The weight is only in the dark items (energy and matter, in my opinion are
one and the same, the ether of the ancient Greeks, we are simply the
"realize" various manifestations). Is not that distorted time and space, but the
ether. The Michelson and Morley experiment with some tried to prove the
existence of ether. The experiment failed not because they had the wrong
target, but since the mid-season (1887) did not allow substantial. After this
failure took Einstein's theories on relativity balonontas previous theories and
turned its attention to "scientific" system in the wrong fields. The experiments
of Tesla on the other essentially confirmed the ether, but because they
offered solutions to cheap energy buried. The exploitation, then, the ether
can provide antigravity. A vehicle, but can be moved only with antigravity,
simply lift it. We also have epitanchysis thrusters and deceleration. A vehicle
that behaves like a UFO must distort the ether at will (in terms of intensity
and time) to acquire the initial desired speed and be able to afxomoionei and
generally to "direct" or else we will be kick something the vehicle and leave at
the mercy of the elements of nature. So in this case we must understand the
"current" and its arrangement in space and their movement in relation to
time. At present and according to official data from the system this has not
been done and there is no attempt in this direction. Unofficially, however,
(several conspiracy theorists insist that) have carried out experiments (from
decades ago as a development of 50 experiments of Tesla or even
extraterrestrial cooperation) and have reached incredible levels. Now,
depending on your temperament, and get picked! The word science is
derived from ancient and the Supervisors (on and stand) which means I
stand on the subject, therefore, as Aristotle says I know well and I know that
my knowledge this will not ever change because I'm not mistaken. Thus the
number of "science" of our time, only mathematics can be recognized as a
science, because only these are undeniable. All others are just art. Because
they follow the model of learning theory (word for sight-view of the divine),
and the experiment, just as someone stated the meaning of art. For this
reason, insert the word science and its derivatives in parentheses. In our
case, with all these "models" on kosmotheasis the universe and give the
impression not of course of science but of charlatanism (I humbly apologize
to the injured parties, this is only my personal opinion) as to each other
magicians' science "and adds a bit of speculation and oneiroxeon to
prevailing views, ignoring (often fighting dishonest) previous successful
experiments are not consistent with his views and together coamings an
ocean of personal success, most especially in cases remunerated by grants-
profit corporation . I will say "D agreements and punk does not tell us the
baroufes you?". Well, I expose my own kosmotheasi (what a beautiful word!)

Antigravity F
hysio can achieve levitation of an object using the Earth's magnetic field and
that is what was in Hanebu. All you need in this case is a properly polarized
electromagnet depending on the magnetic field at the earth at that point will
make the levitation. To work properly need a great computer and several
sensors to analyze the individual magnetic fields. I do not know if you can
understand, but it is possible to be done has been a long time now, but only
for a small "flying" since needs much energy. The p @ @ Tana gravity is
powerful (think about what action needs to launch a rocket) and is actually
this way flight not only advantageous for demonstration purposes and
perhaps to mislead the public (such as hoists with various aeroproothisi). So,
if they listen to exploit the free energy (ether - Tesla) to believe that
something actually runs. And if you think that Tesla died. Poor in a hotel
room in America. What to say ... Ilektromanitika see the fields of land can not
be taken advantage of the companies because they are free on earth, while
oil lost boroun.Etsi and energy of Tesla and how many other physical effects
that we have today apalaxei completely from the use of oil. The Tesla
experimented with virtually no magnetic field of the earth, but the free energy
that is around and within it. This is the free energy orgone of Reich, the
slopes of the Indians, the Chi of Chinese and Greeks ether.

The fact that Copernicus wrote in 1539 that the Celestial Revolutions
acquaintance, apparently extracts of views, the Philolaus in Heraclides and
Ari-starcho urged him to investigate the truth of these claims made. "The
passages forced me to make myself thinking about a move the earth." It is so
flimsy argument that the study of completed projects Filolaou of Heraclides
and Aristarchus from his contemporaries were not sufficient to demonstrate
the acceptance of the heliocentric system. When even the clarity of the
arguments and analytical abilities of the evidence used in the only surviving
work "on the size and abscesses sun and the moon TE 'convinces us that it
was appropriate to conclusively substantiate his theory.
We are certainly in the case of maximum-mathematician of ancient
widespread over, Archimedes, who appears to be convinced of the
correctness of the theory of Aristarchus, as reflected in the sandstone. But
we must not forget that Archimedes did not live in a democratic city, but was
under the authority of the tyrant of Syracuse Gelon. Recent opinions but
maintain that Archimedes did not reject the theory of the heliocentric system,
but for objective-ness sets in Gelon both ways, Geocentric, and Sun-

B. Inadequacy of ideological, social stereotypes.

The ideological construction and social stereotypes are particularly strong in
the functioning of societies and the shaping of kosmotheo ritikou-ego of each
individual. Since the heliocentric theory was contrary to the traditional worldly
idol was not acceptable. The role of religion has historically been found to be
hostile to radical scientific proposals that challenge the "sacred texts" and
there-worldly idol wholesalers. Of course whenever religion makes a tactical
withdrawal when a scientific discovery has won the mega-think masses of
people. But religion is not negotiating the first "move event" the beginning of
creation is the sole work of Theou55 is why Pope Pius the 12th since 1952
linked to the alleged
The first time the "Big bang" to quote the Bible "Let there be light '.56 But
alas the progress of science no longer be controlled efficiently by the church
and why the theory of" big bang "is fiercely disputed. The importance of
ideological and religious beliefs, religion is also a form of ideology, people's
lives is crucial. In primitive societies, people in breach of the moral taboos
tithento voluntarily live on the margins of price-and sometimes were led to
Studies in the field of social psychology have shown that the humanities but
Posh seeking social support to their own social attitudes, or approaching
people who agree with the opinion of or committed-tizontas to enhance
views. Also found that most people prefer those with whom the same while
moving away from those who adopt diaforopoiime-Ness apopseis.57 A
classic science experiment that was confirmed by later studies was that of
Stanley Milgram (1961) for the conditions of obedience and disobedience to
authority. It was found that A-field which had not practiced violence - beyond
persuasion process, and are not aware of the simulation experiment, decided
to same-chetefoun volunteers 15-450 Volt electricity that would be death-tax
if the experiment was real. And Milgram concludes: "A major proportion of
people do that tell them whether the IP-riechomeno the act and without
limitations as conscientious believe that the orders given by a legitimate
power ... That is why the limited-ation of freedom for each Member is always
comprehensive and consistent skepticism about the rules invoked by the
powers-a '. In modern Western society's role in the orientation of Com-Defy
opinion no longer practicing church, but ideological and cultural

Urban mechanisms of neoliberal globalization ..

An agreement-gklonistiko text tabled by Albert Einstein, who lived the horrors
of two world wars and the holocaust of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. The painful experience of mine in his scientific journey led him to
the alarming conclusion that scientific knowledge is used by governments
rather than the welfare of mankind, but to create new weapons used in
homicidal wars. Einstein noted that "Vle'pome so that the man of science
tries really a tragic background. While buzzing from the excitement of clarity
and internal independence, created by the almost superhuman effort, aunts
of the tools to become a slave to external and disappear inside. Should be
allowed to wear the representatives of the cultural-ing powers humiliated a
gag ... even to the extent it continues to obey and refining the instruments
used to view the A-people '.60

Aristarchus of Samos is a leading example of the quest for scientific

knowledge from human subject research needed to be free and
akidemonefti. And the dissemination and use of new knowledge depends
critically on the dominating mechanisms of the ruling ideology of the society
in which it is produced. But we should not escape our attention that every
primary-toporiaki knowledge beyond the restrictive socio-cultural Ki-lyfos the
time it requires payment of a price-setting by the miourgous. But how many
are willing to pay?
But even today's top scientists believe their obligation to omnyoun current
religious and philosophical beliefs, believing that the opposite is likely to
affect their career
. The Jean Claude Pecker61 notes that following from challenging the theory
of big bang, - which had created the ground for afthai Rhaeto-subjectivity and
new illusions-the hawking and expressed the need for a new theory, 'if we
can find a complete theory should [allow us] to participate in the discussion of
knowledge exist because we and the universe. If you find the answer to this
question [...] we will know the thoughts of God ... This is the triumph of
human spirit. "Pecker And adds:" I might disagree with the conclusion of
Hawking! ... God is the first model created by man for the universe, the
simplest and cheapest ... not his last! "

1 Papadatos C, "Psychophysiology, Athens 2003, p.13

2 Exarchakos I, "Basic Mathematical Concepts", published by symmetry,
Athens 1989, sel3
3 Riley K, Aristarchus of Samos, www.perseus. / GreekScience /
students / Kristen / Aristarchus.htm
4 Archimedes, Sandstone 4-5 in Aristarchus of Samos "On the size and
abscess-ment and TE Moon, Prologue - translation and notes Georgiadis H,
ed Contemporary Horizons, Athens 2003, p. 47
7 Rilei k, op
8 Iliad Homer, translated by Kostas Doukas, ed Ideotheatron - Georgiadis,
Athens 1998 sel.641 "Aristarchus of Samos" 325
9 Hesiod speaks, introduction and translation-reviews Lekatsa P, ed
Zacharopoulou, Athens, p. 104
10 Lekatsa P, Introduction, p. 19 Translated Lekatsa Q, ibid, p. 19
11 Thomson G, «The Ancient Greek Society-The first philosophers, Cedar
Edition 1987 sel.162 326 W Panhellenic Conference with International

12 Matthew, New Testament, ed Apostolic Diakonia of the Church of Greece,

Alpha thina 1993, p. 11
13 Koran, met. Mimilis, Cactus Ed, Athens 1980, p. 17
14 Sinclair J., «History of Greek Political Thinking." Papazissis, Athens 1969,
p. 134
15Papadatos C, "The Myth of Oedipus: myth or drama psychoanalytic truth?"
The Riddles of the Sphinx and Oedipus as a supportive, editing Secretary I.
Tolidi Edition, Athens 1996, p. 47
"Aristarchus of Samos" 327
16Kitto, HD, «The ancient Greek tragedy," Papadimas Edition, Athens 1993,
p. 191
17 Nikolaidou E "Aeschylus: Father of Tragedy", published by Savalas,
Athens 2002, p. 231
18 Sinclair T., ibid, p. 42 328 W Panhellenic Conference with International
19 Thomson G., ibid, p. 171
20 Burnet J, Early Greek Philosophy, Forth Ed, London, 1930
21 Toynbee, A. The Greeks and their heirs ", trans. Yiannadakis N, Athens
1992, p. 67
22 A. Ranovits Hellenism and the historical role ", ed Academy of Sciences
USSR Moscow-Leningrad 1950, greek. Ed. Duck / mind C, Athens, p. 340
23 Toynbee, A, ibid, p. 109
24 Toynbee A, ibid, p. 109
The last 25 Greeks remained loyal to the religion of ancient Greece who are
Mani Christianize the Kingdom of the Bulgarians in 917 AD, Toynbee A, ibid,
p. 109
26 Toynbee A, ibid, p. 115
27 Dzielska M, «Hypatia, the Alexandrian, marine Edition, Athens 1997, p. 17

28 Voltaire in Dzielska, M., ibid, p.19

29 Papadatos C, "Issues of transition to socialism", published by bit, Athens
1984, p. 65
30 Gillispie, CC, «The edge of truth," trans. Kourtovik D, L-Cultural
Foundation but the National Bank, Athens 1994, p. 23
31 Szass, J, «Industry of madness', trans. Skaragka E, Vol. B Publishing
Thessalonica-ing 1991, p. 258
32 Burt C, in the foreword: A Kaisler, "The act of creation, trans. Chatzinikoli
Yota, Chatzinikoli Edition 1976, p. 9
33 Berggren, JL (1997) «Mathematics and her sisters in Medieval Islam: A
Selective Re-view of Work Done from 1985 to 1995, Historia Mathematica,
24, 407-440
Papadatos C 34, 1984, ibid p. 65
35 Lloyd G, «Ancient Greek Science: Methods and Problems, Publication
Alexandria-dreia (metaf. Ball X), 1996, p. 269
36 Vlisidis I, "General History of Science, Volume A, D Ekd.Vogiatzi, Athens
1957, p. 262
* Crombie A. C, «From Augustine to Galileo, Volume A, Educational
Foundation E-thnikis Bank, Athens 1994, p. 96
37 Bronowski J., Representations of the world Tambakos N. ekd.Stachy,
Athens 1996, p. 37
38 Gillispie, C.C, ibid p. 19-20
Lagadas A Nik.Kopernikos and Galileo Galilei, Athens 1995, p.10
41 ib. IX 40: 'AristÒxenoj d' ™ n to <j `Istoriko <j Øpomn» mas ... fhsi Pl £
twna qelÁsai sumflšxai t | Dhmokr ... tou suggr £ mmata, ÐpÒsa ™ dun »qh
sunagage <n.
42 In the New Testament describes scene burning books. "Competent and of
the acts on the work-Tash synenegkantes Papers burnt before all things, the
New Testament, Apostolic Diakonia, 1993 edition
43 Szass, T, op , P. 256
44 Livieratos E. "Cartography and maps Periigisis, National Map Library,
Thessalonica, ab 1998, p. 179
45 Wilson, D.B. (1999). Gallileo's Religion Versus the Church's Science?
Rethinking the History of Science and Religion, Physics in Perspective, 1 pp.
46 Papadatos G., 2003, op p. 17
47 Foulkes R., An analysis of the social and ethical implications of science
and technology on human society throughout history,
48 K. Marx, F. Egkels, German Ideology, translated by C. Kritikos - Filinis K,
ed, Gutenberg, Athens 1989
49 Luis Althuser: Lenin and Philosophy and other essays, London NLB 1971.

50 Papadatos 1984, p. 90 cited

51 Cornforth M. Theory of Knowledge, in Greek, Epistemology, translated
Rodakis P., ed today's world, Athens sel.111, A.Ch.
52 Bonar A. "The ancient Greek culture, transport. Shrimp E., ed foundation,
Athens 1986, p. 254
53 Rilei K op
54 Gavroglu K. Dialetis D., Christianidis G., Aristarchus and Iliokentrismos.
Magazine party Nefsis, No. 10, ed Nefeli, Athens 2001, pp 3-45
55 Mpitsakos C (2003) "Science and Religion: From the fire in the ownership,
Ne-landscapes, No. 55, May-June, pp 25-26
56 Pecker, J.C. (1990) "Mathematical models and physical reality," Dialectic,
No. 4, pp 103-120
57 Frey D., Experimental studies with selective information search and some
thoughts about the transfer to political situations. In the "Introduction to
Political Psy-chologia. Introduction-Editing: George Nick. Galanis-Helmut
Moser, publications, Papa-survive, Athens 1999, sel.126-127
58 Milgram S., «Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to
authority" in Current Research in Social Psychology, Social influence., Editor,
Introduction, Papastamou Stamos, Ed. Odysseus, Athens 1989, sel.171-200
59 Papadatos C. (2001). "Globalization and Hellenism in the journal"
Socialist theory and practice, September-October, Athens, pp 18-22
60 Mpitsakos NHRF (1974), "Science and Ideology, Eridanus, No. 7-12, pp
61 Pecker J. op p. 104-121

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lective Review of Work Done from 1985 to 1995, Historia Mathe-matica, 24,
Burnet J, Early Greek Philosophy, Forth Ed, London, 1930.
Cornforth M, Theory of Knowledge, the Greek Epistemology, trans-ing
Rodakis P., ed world today, Securities SA
Crombie A, C, «From Augustine to Galileo, Volume A Cultural
Research Institute of National Bank, Athens 1994.
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Foulkes R, An analysis of the social and ethnical implications of science and
technology on human society throughout history, /
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Lloyd G, «Ancient Greek Science: Methods and Problems, editors-tions
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Nasal n in the representation of the world, ed. Spike, Athens 1996

AITHERAS and alchemy

Ether, according to some schools of alchemy is the fifth element in addition to

the remaining four, namely air, earth, fire and water. Also known as'
Quintessential »(quintessence).
Already in ancient Greece, Ether seen the subtle stuff in which they lived and
breathed by the gods. While Aristotle distinguished as the fifth element.
Unlike the other four moving linearly, Aristotle said that the Ether moves in
circles that it has distinctive features and is not subject to change. Plotinus
also said that it is essentially non-penetrating material. Later, the medieval
scholastics philosophers noticed changes in the density of Aether and filed
the opinion that the density is higher in materials of celestial bodies that in
each period. In Hindu philosophy is the same with Aether concept which is


attributed to the Sanskrit word "Akasha". In Chinese philosophy, referred to
as "Chi".

In modern physics the concept of Ether is not included in most theories.

Nevertheless, there have been-there, many scientists have argued that the
presence of a substance like ether is reasonably necessary to explain the
world. One of them was Albert Einstein who originally rejected the idea of the
Ether, but later revised.

According to several Greek universities - philosophers of the four elements of

the universe, earth, water, AIR and fire, set a notation for the states of matter.
Earth is the solid form of matter, water is wet, AIR the air and fired a "thinner"
form of matter that we today associate it with the energy of electromagnetic
or other dynamic fields, which is a special case is the electromagnetic
radiation emitted the fire (fire). Anyway another sense is the flame (flame),
another light - faos-fire and the other tower. The movements of caves such
material is given. So the stone as "land" is directed towards the Earth, αήρ
always remains above the earth and water, and the fire rises above all.
These ideas of Aristotle methodically led the absence of the gap. What is
blank for Aristotle? In an empty space can not be any posts, nor can there be
no cause of the movement. So in a vacuum no stone would not have reason
to move the earth and no flame tossed. Followed the same philosophy and
other ancient Greeks. After formulating the idea of a person from Democritus
and Leucippus, the Parmenides argued that if the individual is the basic unit
of matter, then the various bodies of the world, never can be divided into
people who are. Because if that happens, then in each area will be blank.
The concept of vacuum is absolute, ie not an empty space, just empty of
events, but the concept means that neither the site itself is, the meaning of
"anything" includes even the very existence of the site.
This sense it must have Chaos in Hesiod's Theogony (the root of the * chaF
<XAFOS means the gap rather than the disorder as understood Chaos now).

So between choristhenton people there is absolutely nothing. Not even empty

space, a concept that is unacceptable, as seen from the arguments of
Aristotle. After choristhenton between people there is nothing, then touch one
another and in fact, never been broken! The unfortunate result was deleted
by introducing a new "element", a new form of matter, the fine is often not
detectable, but necessary to fill the space between people and makes
possible the separation. The fifth substance, or ether or quintessence, as it
was called until the beginning of last century, has defined in the maintenance


of aftosynepeias dynamics and kinetics of body and comes to replace the
"pathological" meaning the gap
The best known proponent of the idea of the existence of Aether was the
German scientist Wilhelm Reich. The Reich had developed a theory - fully
supported by experimental site - which talked about "... there is a special kind
of energy that directs and sustains life .... This energy called "orgone
And if this world we see is unique as it believes and Aristotle in a way and he
has from five worlds consist synarmologithei.Apo and which one is the earth,
the other of water, the third of fourth-fire air. In the fifth call another light ether
and others and others say this same fifth substance which by nature are
given to wander is only from the bodies cyclically rather than necessity or any
other event.

That's why after five oraiotata understand the shapes that exist in nature,
pyramid and cube and octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron, and in
each of the world credited the dessert which fits the shape. IN EXAISIOUS
KOSMOGONIKOUS MYTHOUS ancient Greeks ether often referred to as
divine entity. But it exists and has the certainty of classical physics for a long
period of history. The reason was simple: The experimental discovery that
light had wave properties required, in proportion to the sound-a means to
disseminate it. Especially when the light needs to travel the mesoastriko
blank to reach us from distant stars. This "gap" therefore should not be just
empty, but filled by some substance material and invisible, allowing the
propagation of light. This same material substance to be contained in
transparent bodies or the Earth's atmosphere, which also penetrated by light.
With these requirements in the ether continuously acquire new and
contradictory qualities. Was originally a very dilute gas, but then ascribed the
rigidity higher than that of steel! But all-natural, mathematicians and
philosophers, believed that the ether existed as a physical entity. From the
time of Galileo, however, develops an experimental physical science. This is
the greatness and its difficulty. While, therefore, the existence of the ether
theory appeared to be necessary, the remaining experimental confirmation.
The search for the ether was systematically from numerous laboratories in
Europe and developing scientific America. In vain. The existence seemed
impossible to anichnefthei.Sta late 19th century two talented American
physicists, A. Mitchell, of Polish origin, and E. Morlei, who had originally
studied theology, joined forces to explore the fleeting ether. The experiment,
designed and made with great care surprising and lively discussion for many
years. The ratio of interest but was not successful, but the sudden failure!
The experiment sought, quite simply, to measure the speed of the Earth
within the aithera.Etsi, light beams sent in parallel or contrary to the direction
that the Earth moved. According to classical physics-and-common sense, an
observer would then have to measure different speeds for each beam. The
difference could calculate the speed of Earth in the ether, and indirectly
confirmed the existence. Note that the device was built by the Americans, the
famous natural interferometer, was extremely sensitive and capable of
measuring even slight variations. However, any direction you follow the light
rays, or even if the device is made, the speed of light showed no obvious
diafores.Itan: Something rotten in the kingdom was in Denmark. Only nobody
knew what was in fact the kingdom and what Denmark. It was really the
culprit, the speed of light, measurements with the interferometer, or whether
the actual movement of the Earth? Prominent physicists came even talk of a
"conspiracy of natural laws" that prevented detection of the ether. The
interpretation of "conspiracy" was given by Einstein's Special Theory of
Relativity in 1905 and was unexpected: the presence of ether is no longer a
necessity. It was indeed incompatible with the basic tenets of the new theory.
This conclusion can not rely on the experiment, which was thought to
physics, Einstein was interested in the foundations of the building and not for
the cracks in the walls. The rotten, then, was to our understanding of space
and time. As for the speed of light, it has always remained unchanged,
regardless of the initiating source or observer.

Today, one hundred years later, these findings seem crystal • So difficult to
understand one's disastrous insistence on the concept of ether could easily
be argued that the experiment did not deserve even to be done and even
with such care. The cosmologist Hermann Bodo but stressed: "This
experiment was of paramount importance at the time and ex post wisdom is
worthless in science. What made it so famous Ios experiment that proved
wrong as something that had infiltrated our minds so deeply, that seems
obvious now. "Valuable saying that the strength goes far beyond science.
Many "obvious" and stereotypes dominate our thinking and sometimes
govern our lives. It is time to wonder about their value and to reveal the
deeper truths that might kryvounO Aristotle (384 to 322 BC) was a Greek
philosopher. Along with his teacher Plato is a major form of philosophical
thinking of the ancient world, and teaching deeply penetrated the western
philosophical and scientific thought until the Scientific Revolution of the 17th
century. There was a naturalist, philosopher, creator of the most important
reason and the dialectic of seniority in accordance with all the above
theoretical findings, Aristotle argued that the world and the entire life cycle in
it is eternal things, that the integrated form of each transient thing is tangible
manifestations of eternity and the determinism of the natural scene and the
cycle of need, with reference to the eternity of the form, follow the line of


mechanical birth-growth-perfection-cut-tabes-wear. The world, Aristotle
described the starting data of natural philosophy prosopokratikon. He said
that the physical body is an alloy of four elements (earth, water, air, fire),
combining resources of the essential qualities (gi-kryo/zesto, nero-kryo/ygro,
aeras-zesto/ygro, fire-hot / dry) and place in the world have a provision in
concentric spheres, with the heaviest in the center (earth) and lighter in the
region (fire). In these four elements, which were supposed Presocrats as
constituents of the universe, Aristotle added a fifth in the outer ether. The
name "fifth body" or "fifth essence" or "essence" as a characterization of the
ether is not due to Aristotle himself but later "doxografous. In the spirit of
Aristotle said that, as a unique material, consisting of all celestial bodies from
the moon and beyond, and for this reason those remain unchanged, while the
body beneath the moon constantly changing. From these positions is obvious
that Aristotle was unable to overcome its former cosmology or the issue of
"dyarchias" (two kinds of material and structure in the universe) or against the
geokentrismou (concentric spheres around the Earth). For the Earth, of
course, accepted the more scientific theory of Eudoxia, which yielded similar
to sphericity sphericity of the heavens and, contrary to what one would
expect, were better informed about the western countries than those in the
East. The "weather" of the phenomena even looked like shooting stars and
the novel, meteorites and comets, the Northern Lights and the Milky Way,
free from superstition, which was dominant in his time on these phenomena.
The performance of the specific problems of general natural science of his
time, Aristotle was able to establish thematic and methodological biology and
many other related branches of science such as botany, zoology, ecology,
entomology, embryology, psychology animals, etc. So first suggested
methods of classifying species, examined the causes of diversification of the
genus, hereditary and acquired properties, buckwheat and oligogonia the
multiparous and the duration of pregnancy in different animals, the spread of
certain species and the influence the natural environment "ethos" of animals,
their habits, disease etc., the philosopher drew most of the informative
material from books, folklore, personal discussions with farmers, shepherds,
hunters, fishermen, practitioners etc. and rarely by autopsy. Therefore, the
opinion that it was a kind of tour the research center for all these things are at
least exaggerated.
For biological investigations Aristotle formulated and applied three criteria,
"range life" (nutritional, aesthetic, intellectual), the "intrinsic heat (the more
hot-blooded, more sophisticated animal) and" complexity "of the structure (as
more complex institutions, so most perfect body). Note that by introducing the
concept of "body" and then the inorganic and organic world, Aristotle was
specified by prevailing in his time, metaphysical and theological conceptions
of the soul, namely that it treats the body as an instrument to realize
In summary, it can be said that Aristotle identified the following biological
principles that modern science has discovered and made again, without
specific knowledge about the teachings of Aristotle.

1. Nature is simple. Resolve any problem with the simplest possible way and
not create anything in vain and unnecessary.
2. Nature creates a counterweight to any excessive force and thus alleviate
inequalities and conflicts.
3. The nature restricts the seeds where there is excessive growth.
4. The particular nature of "species" within man is the last step in the process
of genesis of the embryo.
5. The organs are specialized.
6. The bodies, along with the principal function, and perform minor
7. Some institutions are arranged so as to promote the perpetuation of the
8. The bodies, which are in pairs, are symmetrical layout.
Anthropology (psychology).
Not to overlook the common characteristics between humans and other
animals, Aristotle recognized the reader a unique position in the world. The
superiority of the stated key to standing upright and walking in, the
construction of the hand, the articulated reason and conscious thought. By
standing up the man, noted by Aristotle, has the power to hold up his head
and manages in a manner unknown in tetrapods, with the elevation of the
head favored functions of consciousness and cognition. The hand that
Aristotle saw as body organs. But reversing the position of Anaxagoras, that
man is the wisest animal, because he has hands, it argued that precisely
because it is the wisest animal has hands. For the text noted that with the
structure and shape, but especially with the complex move, a body not only
taste but also articulated speech, which transforms the preamble into voice
so promotes understanding, coexistence and the complex relationships
between people. He argued that man has the intellect as something special
in the sense side, which is common to all animals, had already noticed that
the Alkmaion Krotoniatis, the Sophists and Plato, but Aristotle has a large
scale study of this case. It inherited all the natural factors that contribute to
the superiority of man noticed a number of attributes and passions, featuring
only the man.
According to Aristotle, therefore, only man has a sense of time, the ability to
measure the time and everything else, to have self-consciousness and
thinking about things that concern, to choose among many possibilities in its
own way to do to laugh and to sing from the heart of mental and intellectual
stimulation. Finally, without disputing the findings of earlier sophists, that
many animals predominate in power, in strength and sensory organs,
observed that the spirit of man has infinite resourcefulness, which opens
doors to realizes any purpose.
In reference to humans as a whole, not individually, Aristotle saw the
problem of the soul. Considered the soul from the beginning as an instrument
of the body, so it took both the theory of Democritus that the soul consists of
people, and the theory of Plato that the soul is the motor. Aristotle studied the
soul, not only from a general philosophical point of view but also from
biological, cognitive and moral, paying more, this first in antiquity, the
psychosomatic and biological phenomena in addition to the mental. From that
show how the weather has extended the concept of the soul. However, it
should be noted that the psychology of Aristotle was a philosopher and so
could not be identified with the modern psychologist. Aristotle defined the
soul in these words: "The soul is telling the first entelechy, the body who has
a natural potential life." Specifically, it found its soul over the body from the
perspective of ontology as a form (species), from the standpoint of physical
theory on the move as a drive source (power) and the teleological criterion of
ultimate purpose of being (entelechy). Again, according to the biological and
teleological criteria, identified three types of soul, a "nutrient" (the plant), the
"aesthetic" (the animal) and "intellectual" (man). For the latter type of soul
even taught that this is the "passive mind" associated with the passions and
mortal and the "poetic mind, is unemotional, theoretical and immortal. And at
this point there is that Aristotle, as in cosmology, so in the psychology, in
spite of pragmatism is ultimately managed to escape from dyarchika
Subsequently, with the intention to study the "joint operations", ie the
common functions of body and soul, Aristotle wrote many smaller,
specialized treatises on sleep, dreams, the divination, the feeling, memory,
intellect, Mr et al. which were known under the general title "Small course. To
sleep, which he characterized physiological loss of consciousness, dropped it
due to a failure of sensory function in an uncoordinated way, resulting in the
same event would have on each of these different effects. For dreams gave
natural explanations, the marked words as a kind of remembrance and set
aside the prevailing view that contain messages of the gods, noting that
dreams and see the animals. The sense that he regarded it as
psychophysical function, yielded a lesion in the sensory organ, thus playing
an objective reality, subjective and accurately. Apart from the individual
senses that Aristotle recognized a common, which is critical capacity. He
explained however that the "common sensation" first coordinate senses to
produce the show ("Fantasy"), which helps to understand the size, shape,
movement and time and then composing the individual performances to
produced by the intellect. He explained further that each individual has a
sense of right perception of things, while a mistake in attendance is due only
to common sense, namely the coordination of the senses. He also said that
the relationship between mind and invisible things is analogous to the
relationship between sense and a sharp object. From all this it becomes
evident that Aristotle considered the starting point for the sense of
understanding and knowledge impossible "out of aisthanesthai. Thus
removed from the teachings of Plato on the priority of intelligence and closer
to the idea of Democritus aisthisiokratiki.
Anthropologically founded by Aristotle and moral, that teaching about the
good and happiness, virtue and practice. So in this area of philosophy not
only moved away from religion, which was establish theocratic ethics but also
by Socrates and Plato, who, believing in absolute good and evil, had sought
to establish a moral ontology. Man held by Aristotle "principle and acts
gennitin osper and children" and moving further away from Plato, said that
the purpose of morality is not the knowledge of good and virtue as a
prerequisite for moral well known fact, because from that happiness depends
directly, while the knowledge depends indirectly. This taught that man may be
happy with their own resources, because it can control its operations, thus
gaining the virtue that leads to happiness.
According to Aristotle, happiness is consistent with virtue and wisdom based
on the energy of the soul. Stated that human life by acclaimed business
ethics is full of pleasure, because the acts of virtue have pleasure in them.
About Aristotle, who believed that pleasure is a natural need for all regardless
of living organisms and for this reason it can not be constitutive of happiness,
distinguished pleasure of the senses and intellectual pleasure, explaining that
the first is common to all animals, while the second is the prerogative of man,
experienced in the intellectual activity and is safe, stable and more intense
than that of the senses. Noting also that happiness is in the business to
comply with virtue, certainly not ignored the fact that all acts, regardless of
their results, aim for happiness. Also do not disregard the fact that life, and
therefore the happiness of man depends on chance, that some external
goods. He stressed however that all the players happy, which themselves are
unpredictable, only a responsible act of man, or with virtue, has insurance
and duration of the pursuit of happiness. Provided realized that happiness
with virtue, Aristotle showed how necessary is the knowledge of virtue. In his
view, the virtue is neither passion nor power, but the dexterity of a permanent
soul, conquered with exercise. He explained that with this skill, the man
chosen to extremes, called "deficiency" and "exaggeration", an intermediate
condition (mesotita), that the concerns that are best for him "as the science
minded and reason ". Showing that it is within human capabilities to find the
correct measure, sought to define the criterion to choose the form of energy
in each transaction. On this basis that Aristotle once observed that any
deviation from the proper measure annoys humans, has highlighted the need
to act the man is always a way as not to disturb the free and clear thinking.
To capture the very virtues that Aristotle believed that man by nature is
neither good nor bad, necessarily considered above. The generally smooth
structure and growth of the organism, the right learning and persistence and
long-term exercise, stressing particularly the importance of addiction. Having
demonstrated that virtue is realized in practice, Aristotle studied the same
moral structure of the transaction and gave the following description: first the
mind finds it good, excited at the "orexis" which contributes to the crisis that
something good to turn into desire to approach the acquisition and generally
experiencing that which was good. Then instruct the mind to respond to the
call and where to find command response, will succeed the decision. Then
the person seeking the means to accomplish the purpose and calculates the
circumstances to ensure the operation of each side and done well and
effectively (nor seen the other hand To whom and to s and th consequential
seen as a means of UPU and excellent, opera outbreak of Virtue "). Aristotle
also noted that for anyone to do morally, it is not enough to do well but needs
to have the right mood and desire, that the steady virtuous option. Even
reached the point to make the start, which characterizes the moral thinking of
the whole, that option rather than success, giving practical moral value.

At the beginning of Aristotle directly affected students, notably Theophrastus

and the Aristoxenus Tarantino and indirect cycle Promenade, which was
founded by Theophrastus in Athens in 318. The fact that Aristotle had already
establish thematic and methodological many branches of sciences and
knowledge contributed to encourage and make the necessary guidance
ambulatory enough to grow along with the philosophy and special sciences,
such as Evdimos the tion, the Dikearchou The Messinios, the Army of
Lampsacus the Wolves and the Aristo of Ceos. The last two are worth
mentioning for their initiatives in an effort to popularize the Aristotelian
philosophy. The influence of Aristotle, this time illustrated by a series of
extant psefdoaristotelika projects, authors are some of the above and other
ambulatory. Over the years the influence of Aristotle, surpassing the limits of
the Promenade, spread to other philosophical schools. For example, mention
the fact that around 100 BC the great Stoic philosopher Posidonius had
shown particular interest in Aristotelian philosophy.
The interest in the philosophy of Aristotle, revived virtually the entire first
version of Aristotelian works by Andronicus the Rhodian in Rome (c. 40-30
BC), based on autographs from the personal archives of Aristotle, who after
the death of Theophrastus had saved the family of the great philosopher in
Troas. As the time was this version, the Aristotelian philosophy was known by
only a few works that were released in several manuscripts, mainly from
dialogues, similar to Plato, which Aristotle, like Plato intended for the general
public. Starting with the entire issue of Aristotelian works began broader and
deeper influence of Aristotle's thought not only cycle Promenade and other
philosophical schools and the general cultural life of the ancient world. Also at
the same time just based on the total above version was stronger and more
durable literary and philosophical activity for the interpretation and
commentary on the Aristotelian works, and for comparisons and correlations
of the Aristotelian system with others.
From 1st BC the 6th AD century the richest written and generally invaluable
to the modern world "Annotations" in aristotle writings by sages
commentators as Andronicus of Rhodes, Alexander Afrodisiefs the
Ammonius the Herms, the Olympiodorus the Damaskios the Simplicius,
Stephen the Alexandria and John the diligent. In addition to the eclectic
Antiochus, the Askaloniti launched and attempts to reconcile the Aristotelian
with Platonic system, which by emphasizing the similarity of the two systems
in the last centuries of the ancient world after the decline of the Promenade,
resulted in the Aristotelian thought to move permanently into the Neo
In medieval Aristotelian thought had an impact not only the Christian world
and the Jewish and Islamic. In the beginning the philosophy of Aristotle,
especially the logical writings in conjunction with the metaphysical and
teleological criteria of thought, it seemed appropriate to Christians, both
apologists and fathers looking for arguments to strengthen their faith, and in
the official Church in the East and West, which was necessary to formulate
and ensure its dogmas. Throughout the Christian intellect, since it arose as
the modern era, the Aristotelian thought, the scientific services offered, could
not survive at a higher level and the Platonic thought, although the Christians
regarded the latter somehow parent with their own message of love. As early
as the 8th century. BC Aristotelian thought came to preoccupy the Islamic
and Jewish intellectual life.
Arab and Jewish philosophers (Averroes, Avicenna) sent to the peoples of
Europe the interest for the study of Aristotle, who in a few centuries the West
has been the benchmark for all the problems, "the teacher of wise men", as
praised by Dante. In the 12th and 13th century, with the edge of the
scholastic philosophy, Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas reached mature
expression of the composition of church teaching with Aristotelian philosophy.

In the Renaissance interest in Aristotelian thought, having surpassed the

commitment that characterized the fastidious, he turned to study the same
sources, a more constructive relationship with them. Certainly for the
regeneration of Aristotelian studies in the special sense of the word can not
be justified. But the one that Melanchthon promoted the study of Aristotle in
the Protestant universities and the other Jesuits supported their positions with
the Aristotelian method. Even those who got completely new directions
initiated by the philosophy of Aristotle. By kritikoteri stop studying his work
and the leaders of modern philosophy and physics, Galileo, Descartes
Descartes and others, and later Kant, in the heat of the ontology of Leibniz
and the Wolf, which contain valuable Aristotelian thought .
In Europe, the strong philosophical movement from the beginning of the 19th
century, the teaching of Aristotle was associated with the newest trends.
Thus, benefited from the Aristotelian theory and the Aristotelian method of
both Hegel Hegel and his opponent Trentelempourgk. Also, the Bolzano and
Brentano, paving the way to pass the Aristotelian thought in phenomenology
and existentialism Chousserl of Heidegger, the theory of object Mainogk and
aporitiki ontology of Hartmann in modern biology and the movement of
neovitalismou even the psychoanalysis of Freud and finally neothetikismo
and epistemology of modern analytical.
For the history of their own works of Aristotle can be stated briefly that, under
the first general adoption by Andronikos, manuscripts copied and multiply
from generation to generation until the invention of printing. The first paper
issuance was in 1489 in Venice. The version that contained only the Latin
translation of Averroes memos. A little later, 1495, again in Venice, first
printed the Greek text. This was followed by many other publications as the
major global issue of the Academy of Berlin (1831-1870). The Academy gave
itself a special series of 26 volumes and ancient "Legend" in Aristotle. Today
aristotle texts accessible to a global readership, both critical and
interpretative issues, and translated and annotated.
Excerpts of original texts of Aristotle.

A) The objectives of education.

"That s true nomothetiteon on education and koinin poiiteon itself are

obvious. The d will have no education and how money paidefesthai, not seen
lanthanein. Now he works on the ground. For it is not these things
ypolamvanousi manthanein other of the young or to or for aretin the Life of
the excellent, neither Potter abundantly clear to the intellect or rather should
the ethic of psichvis. TE dated barriers on education thought remains
turbulent and no Delos Potter askein seen useful to the Life of, or tends to
aretin or unnecessary ( However he always eilife reviewer TINA). On the TE
to aretin outhen telling the avowed (and he aretin to me that the once
everyone timosin, ost, reasonably differ, and to its exercise). That he s seen
necessary didaskesthai of useful, essential invisible. That's not me always,
divided the liberal TE projects and bondage otherwise, and that the written off
as seen metechein ments of feedback of the participating humane.
inhumanely d Project is seen that nomizein and art of and itself are mathisin,
osai Unto uses Tash and their deeds of righteousness apergazontai useless
body of freedom or intellect.

B) The virtue lies in mesotita.

Determination of "mesotita.

"In municipalities always causing a continuous and divisible-take in hand the

number of d minus the fourth equal and everything, or in this thing for us or
not ... I say the thing he means the equal distance on its either ends, Estin
Opera One and the same pasin, and for us as neither a surplus nor absent.
This d ouch If, nor identity pasin. Quasi where many of the ten and two of the
few, the associated media lamvanousi in the thing. Rear he excels, and TE
subject. This is not a means for the esti arithmitikin analogy. The particular
items of equipment so ouch us. for it is not far now ten mnai eat very little and
two, the aleiptis Out Month commanded. he probably causing a lot now and
this lipsomeno or little. Milon he he little, and now reckoned drills too.
Similarly to the road and fight.'re going public so the scientist over-hand and
shortcoming leaves, and the middle tooth Calls' aireitai, and my middle of the
thing but for us. "

The myth of cosmogony in Ancient Greece

The ancient Greeks, these great thinkers and researchers in their effort to
explain some phenomena I knit countless legends. Of course, dealt with the
principle of the world and the birth of countless gods. With rich imagination
built huge pedigree betray the ancestors of the twelve Olympian gods, but all
smaller worshiped in every corner of Greece.
Also coined amazing tales explaining how Jupiter and the other Olympians
seized absolute power in the Greek pantheon
According to ancient tradition tells us that Homer, the father of the gods was
the Ocean that surrounds the entire universe. From smiximo with his wife
Tethys came all the other gods. The Ocean presented by Homer as an
elderly white-haired old man with a sweet smile, quiet, never took part in the
quarrels of the gods and lives away from the earth and Olympus.
Far more comprehensive is the myth tells us in Hesiod "Theogony" at the top
of the world and the origin of the gods. So at the beginning was Chaos, the
Earth and Eros. These three primary deities were family ties between them,
just appeared one after another. Chaos was pitch dark, black and spider
without any sign of life. Absolute silence reigned everywhere. This scary
creature was the original infinite • had authority nor the end. He was so vast,
so if anyone lived at the time and could fly, would fly in all his life without
being able to get once in a peak. But if that were the opposite, that if you
begin to fall in the pitch black void, chaos will fall in his entire life without ever
arrive at a fee.
Within the vastness of the cosmic years once came from Chaos, not to
mediate an erotic smiximo two strange beings, the Erebus and Night. And
these were dark and gray beings with enormous wings. Enormous and the
fickle stood opposite each other anoigokleinontas black eyes, no exchange or
conversation. The absolute silence and loneliness continued to hold sway
over the universe. The only difference was the chaos that was the beginning
and end. It was indeed huge and would need to run a whole month to get
from one wing to another, but certainly would find a bottom. All this darkness
and silence reigned until the Eros, the last of the three primary deities, came
between two terrible things. The influence of Eros was the absolute coolness
to leave the two mysterious creatures. They exchanged their first words and
so failed to prosecute its endless loneliness overpowered the centuries.
And later on in this strange relationship sprang Ether. Bright and shining and
bright, with transparent wings shine in the divine light in all directions. He was
smiling and handsome with a huge body, but with harmonic States and white
skin. propagate enormous legs in the entire universe and spread his brilliance
in the pitch dark chaos. But that appears, and another similar female deity
Day. Glorious, golden, pure white daughter panoria wings, she immediately
eyes on Aether and smiled. He once saw a similar one with him and luminous
plasma was glad too. The two brothers, happy and playful brought happiness
into the world. Kynigiountan were playing in the vast universe and hid behind
the huge meteorites. Often, the mad mischief and trouble, their aged parents,
but that basically ololampra admired for their children.
Ether symbolizing the ancient part of the upper atmosphere, which is the
cleanest part of the air. Day after day symbolized course, part of the day
bathed in light and ever succeeds at night.
They say that much later came through the dark innards of the Night Sleep
and Death, two brothers who are so closely related to each other and with
humans, as well as fraud by Eris (brawl). The fraud was the goddess who
seized intrigue people and lead to lawless acts and frauds. The Randy Eris
sow discord between gods and humans. The children were terrible pain,
Lethe (forgetfulness), famine (starvation), the battles, the murders, the
Dysnomia and the Oath, so much suffering mortals in their lifetime. Earth
(Gaia) that lie in the vast chaos after the birth of Aether and Day, and she
gave birth without a broker erotic desire, the sky, Mountains and Sea. First of
all, Gaia gave birth to Uranus, which was higher than that, the entire
surrounding and within the vast dome encompassed the entire stellar
It was gorgeous, huge and blue. So captivated by Gaia's first son, who fell in
love with, and combined the huge body. From that association came
countless gods. After spending a long time since the birth of the sky, Gaia
was still koiloponaei. Soon, however, the pain became unbearable • war was
right in the bowels of the earth, which rattled the whole. So after some time
began to sprout on the surface of huge giants, vast and sprawling with fickle
souls. These giants were awesome mountains. The Earth never liked
children who are both talaiporisan until birth. But he was forced to live
together forever, and to tolerate, since the birth was stuck on the huge body.
Every time he tried to drive off her horrible pain tortured. Eventually Mother
Earth has accepted her fate.
But to the earth, before recovering from the disruption caused by the
mountains, she still stirs something inside her womb. This time the pregnancy
was sweet and painless. Earth feel a pleasant tingling sensation and a
murmur to be heard during the night and he caresses the ears. It was indeed
curious to see what creature was again what it came from deep underground.
He really but a premonition that this time her new child will be terrible and
fearsome as the mountains. So soon rises from the body of the vast Sea.
And poured immediately surrounding the Gaia cooling it and making it
beautiful and covered with a blue body. The Sea closed within the huge arms
and Gaia was happy and proud of the young son of • was beautiful, brash
and powerful, sometimes calm and serene, sometimes sparkling and
confused by the huge waves.
It is said that after the defeat of the Saturn Sky, Gaia combined the with her
second son. From that association came all the deities who personify the
forces and forms of the sea, rivers, springs, lakes and more generally
throughout the water element.
Children of Pontus and Gaia was Nereus water, the Thaumas the wonderful,
the Eurybia the Almighty, the Phorcys and Kito to monsters of the sea. The
Nereus paired with Doris, a daughter of Oceanus, and gained from it fifty
daughters, the Nereids, protecting the sea and seafood and lived within the
sea creates. The Thaumas joined Electra, another daughter of the Ocean,
and brought the world the colorful, winged Iris (personification of the rainbow)
and predatory Harpies, the Aello, the Storm and Ocypete (Gorgofteri). The
Phorcys by Kito, the two brothers, mingled together and gave birth to two
Graeae, old ladies by birth, and the three Gorgons. The Gaia to the Greeks
symbolized the inexhaustible source of strength and fertility. It was
considered the world's mother and mother of the gods. As for Eros, it was not
known puckish god, the son of Venus arrows with the arrows of the gods and
humans, but a force of attraction that lead to the data on compounds and
their compositions. He had unlimited power, but it was only the first three
forces has not acquired his own children
In many cases in nature and laboratory studies have observed phenomena
that are not compatible with the interpretations and theories for the current
science. Even today. the physics has made incredible progress, there are
such phenomena-thorns, which are usually silenced and their interpretation is
"frivolous" and rushed to close the matter and not to "disturb". Search
The withheld unexplained physical Such phenomena often encountered in
electrostatics. Exemplified by the discoveries of investigator Charles R.
Morton. Researchers demonstrate experimentally that low speeds may vary
and electrostatic fields. But this amendment in accordance with the theory of
relativity and the current theory of electromagnetism, should occur only when
the speed of an electrostatic charged sphere approaching the speed of light!
More specifically, an electrostatically charged sphere when moved, eg with
our hands, "squeezing" the electric field in the direction of motion and
lengthens the tail as the back part. But what happens at very low speeds of
around 1 rn / sec (3,6 km / h) and refers to a "fluid that surrounds the ball and
accompanies or is accompanied by the electrostatic field.
Indeed, an increasing repulsion in front of the moving loads and strengthen
the pull back from electrical loads. . At right angles to the loads seem to be
moving in the opposite direction from that movement (bottom photo). 'Alli
once science can not explain this phenomenon? The second experiment
shows inexplicable behavior was when Charles R. Morton decided to
discharge, a generator of high voltage type VandeGraaff means a glass tube
on a metal plate with a hole in the middle, which was grounded. When the
spark came from the opening of the glass tube produced a script of unknown
nature. In an extension of the glass tube and the spark was placed a funnel
that directs the show with glass and plastic "goals" so that they received
immediate shipment. This action appears to be transmitted in the longitudinal
axis of the spark, which is non-existent under the current theory of
electromagnetism 'Also, this action penetrates metal armor with ease as
opposed to the electrostatic field isolate them.
Merikoi scientists interviewed by Morton felt that produced X-rays, but the
power was so strong that it managed to lift the air piles of papers! This ketoio
however, would require a force of millions of Watts, where the cause of the
rise was the radiation pressure X. Others argued that the field was very high-
speed ions, but this does not apply because the air does not ionistike - so
would send blue light. Furthermore, a reliable test of the existence of ion
beam is diverted by the magnetic field. In this case the set of unknown nature
in no way affected by magnets. Another "known-unexplained" phenomena of
modern physics is the "paradox of Faraday." A metal disc which rotates
between two magnets (homogeneous field parallel to the axis of rotation)
shows a voltage between the shaft and the region. This is a typical
phenomenon of electrical induction where a drain "cutting" magnetic lines
and displayed voltage across it. It's a bit odd, but the design is still in use
today, the electricity consumption meters PPC The paradox is that if we unite
in one body magnets and disk, and rotate, again produced the same voltage
no relative movement of the conductor with the magnetic lines. Strange
behavior remain, GPS, special electronic tracking devices in some parts of
the Acropolis of Athens. In this phenomenon plays an important role in both
the place and time of the experiment. However, these effects can be
addressed and explained under the general philosophical and scientific
definition of "Ether"
The ether theory and banned from the ancient times in one way or another,
the Ether is known to humans. The ancient Greeks knew about; him and
found the Orphic and Homer to Aristotle and Plotinus. Plato, in addition to the
four known elements / substances of the World - Earth, Air, Fire and Water -
indicates the fifth essence, quintessence, which is yperaisthiti and permeates
everything. For the Orphic: "In particular parcel kingdom, Oh such and such
that always cycles, fire and water and Gaia and Aether .. . "Contemporary
researchers (D. Demopoulos) interpret the famous 'E' at the temple of Apollo
at Delphi as a referral number on it just RETT stuff! Because of the "fine"
texture, justifiably Ether is combined with Matter and Spirit. Indeed, believing
that the removal of the modern science has the indirect effect of animalization
and Science and the people in general. On the other hand, the physics of the
ether, mesouranoyse last century, which was rejected - fraudulently in the
opinion of many - from the current science, leading to unimaginable
applications, something like say miracles. Because the Ether is the
background - the womb - they jump out of the material, the actions of all
styles and life itself!
The ether is associated with other forms of energy, but is completely different
from them. Is the fundamental cause of weather, solar and gravitational
phenomena. It is the primary, primitive, universal, cosmic, animal energy,
which coincides with a practical and philosophical: the Ether of Aristotle, the
cause that leads ravdoskopous the orgone (the climax) of Vilchem Reich etc.
For physics in the 19th century The Ether was weightless fluid, which existed
everywhere in space and on material objects. Was the means by which
diffused electromagnetic waves of light and radio. We are talking about
luminophores Ether. It was "omnipresent and always full", that just
considered to be God, in Christian or other religions! It was the instrument
that forces acted from a distance. The concept of the ether seems to be
transcendent, but not all! Touch and tangible world of ours.

Pseudoscience great conspiracy Dealing with Ether currently characterized

as pseudoscience by most physicists, but not all. Modern physics has
rejected the existence, citing the famous experiment of Mikelson and Morlei
done by 1887. In this regard, although no Ether, the speed of light would
change, depending on the direction traveled by the test device. If not, then
there was no ether. There were changes, and Ether, a theory forfeited. It is
true that the last decades of the last century, physicists were fully convinced
of the existence of the ether. The great Newton himself had supported its
existence, when "need" a "stationary reference system" to demonstrate the
motion of celestial bodies. Newton had equate the ubiquitous "building site"
with ether. Especially when also large Maxwell found that light is a "wave
anomaly which requires a instrument <which happens to the wave motion>
all convinced that this instrument was still Ether! Officially, it is considered
that the Morle'i Mikelson and wanted to demonstrate experimentally the
existence of the ether, but it is assumed that the results of their experiments,
persuaded them to reverse. Specifically hypothesized that if the Earth moves
in a "real sea Ether" could measure the speed, just as the sailor measures
the speed of the ship on the still sea. The experiments showed no motion and
so, or have abandoned the ether theory of Copernicus, or that the opening of
the earth! It is worth noting that many felt it easier to abandon the Copernican
theory, after Ether not only had very deep roots, but was confirmed by
Maxwell ... Finally - as I said - dismissed Ether.
But if one reads the relevant literature of the experimenters, will see that they
explicitly measure small changes, which is precisely the opposite of what is
believed today. These changes were even seasonality! Light travels faster or
slower depending on whether it was spring or autumn, day or night!

O Wilhelm Reich and orgone accumulators

The Wilhelm Reich, the scientist who, among other things had developed a
theory - supported entirely through the test site - which talked about the
existence of a type of energy that directs and sustains life. Is the energy
called orgone. Then he experimented by creating a device that was able to
build up the orgone. The ability of this device to demonstrate through several
experiments. The Reich was able to demonstrate scientifically the existence
of a thin electromagnetic energy that surrounds everything. This energy has
been known since antiquity as ether. Aristotle considered the ether as the
fifth element, which moves cyclically, as opposed to the other four elements


are moving linearly. Plotinus also said that it is a pungent substance and non-
material. In recent years some people who I became quite concerned with
the theory of Wilhelm Reich creating the ether converters with very good

Occam's razor
The Occam's razor (Occam's Razor, an alternative spelling of the razor
Okkam, is assigned as the razor blade) is a scientific principle, which is
attributed to the English philosopher and Franciscan monk Logic of the 14th
century, William's razor. This principle underlies the methodological
kidnapping and also called the principle of economy. In its simplest version,
the Occam's razor is as follows: "Nobody should make more assumptions
than those needed.
In Latin, read as: Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate
The sentence could be given very freely as follows: When two theories
provide equally precise estimates, always choose the simpler.
Example: Observe that a tree has fallen after a storm. Within the context of
the storm combined with that of the fallen tree, a logical assumption would be
to assume that the strength of the storm uprooted and knocked down the
tree. This case does not challenge our critical thinking, as there are strong
logical links between what they already know and what we assume to have
been (ie what we see and hear the storm is strong evidence of their existence
and that are capable uproot and to throw down trees). An alternative
hypothesis would be that an alien giant felled tree. This case, however,
requires several additional assumptions, which are characterized by various
logical weaknesses resulting from inconsistencies with what we already know
(with respect to the existence of extraterrestrials, the ability and intention to
carry out interstellar travel, the ability and intention to uproot trees, either
deliberately or not, and the existence of extraterrestrial biology that allows
them to be 200 meters high, despite the gravity of Earth), which makes it
The Occam's razor is often read as Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter
necessitatem, or otherwise, "Entities should not be multiplied beyond what is
necessary. This version, however, is later and is not in any of the writings of
the razor. The same goes for the words non est ponenda pluralitas sine
necessitate, which literally means "there will be no incremental
proupotithentai be necessary. This can be interpreted in two slightly different
ways. Under the first, all the theories that explain adequately the data, the
simplest is preferred. Under the second, preferred the simplest subset of any
theory which adequately explains the data. The difference is that there may
be two different theories that explain the data well and which have no relation
to each other and no common element. Some argue that in this case
Occam's razor does not suggest a preference and that is only when a self-
theory is added to something that improves what the theory already provides.
Thus, Occam's razor only cuts and removes all these additional theoretical
The principle of Occam's razor has become the inspiration for many other
formulations, such as: "Economics of requests," the principle of simplicity
"and the term (in some medical schools abroad)" when listening to gallop, to
think the horse 'and no 'Zebra'. A restatement of Occam's razor in a more
formal terminology is available from the Information Theory in the minimum
message size. "When you have to choose one of two models with identical
projections chosen the simplest. This version wants to say that a simple
model can not be included among the models that meet the criteria of
formality, if the estimates are not identical.
The Leonardo da Vinci, who lived after the razor gave a variant of Occam's
razor. The variation of short-circuit the need for sophistication, equating the
latter with its simplicity: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. The Occam's
razor also reads between two theories or explanations, when all other factors
are identical, preference is simpler.
If this wording is somewhat vague, it may be preferable to that of Newton:
We accept most causes for natural phenomena than they are both true and
sufficient for the justification of their existence.
In the spirit of its own "razor", often said: "The simplest explanation is usually
the best."

That is an oversimplification and is at least parodigitiko. Furthermore, this

restatement is based on several errors and most of all is that Occam's razor
is used only to distinguish between two scientific theories that make the same
predictions. The second error is that Occam's razor does not suggest that the
choice of "better" theory, but that simplicity is the key factor for choosing
between two otherwise equal theories. It may, over time, become known
information to make complex theory better. The Occam's razor does not
clearly states that this can be done but urges us to accept the simplest theory
until we have reason not to do it.
The Occam's razor is known by many other names such as Top of
Economics, Principle of Simplicity, because there is an obvious link between
the simplicity, economy and the razor. Before the 20th century, the prevailing
perception that the defense's Edge metafysikos a simplicity that nature was
basically simple and, therefore, the physical theories should reflect this
simplicity. Since the beginning of the 20th century, however, these ideas
began to lose popularity because scientists began to form an increasingly
complex picture of the physical universe. Accordingly, philosophers have
abandoned the metaphysical support razor and fled to epistemology,
providing induction, and pithanotitologika factual arguments, a situation that
continues today. Thus, Occam's razor has become the top method. Schober
Eliot does not agree with the epistemological support Edge and believes that
there must be some bias metafystiki behind him, although it offers possible
resolutions. (Sober, 1990).

The contradiction of Chatton

The Walter of Chatton, who was a contemporary of Oulielmou's razor (1287-

1347), opposed to Occam's razor and applications. In contradiction, invented
the anti-Razor: "If three posts were not sufficient to confirm a proposal for an
affirmative question, you must add a fourth, and so forth. While many other
philosophers have expressed similar "anti-razor" after Chatton, Chatton her
office never saw the success of Occam's razor. Other philosophers that it
made their own anti-razors were Gotefreidos Oulielmos Leibniz (1646-1716),
Emmanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Carl Menger (20th century). The version of
Leibniz called "principle of completeness" (Arthur Lavtzoi). The idea on which
they relied was that God created the world with the highest number of
different creatures. Kant held that the authority's razor should be tempered
somewhat, so he called his own anti-razor: "The variety of entities should not
be lightly reduced. Carl Menger believed that doing mathematics over
economy in terms of variables and thus shaped the law against meanness,
according to which "entities should not be reduced to the extent failure 'or
else' is pointless limited to just what is needed very much. " A less serious, or
(as some would say) even more extremist anti-razor is Pataphysics, the
"science of imaginary solutions", which was coined by Alfred Tzara (1873-
1907). The Pataphysics, the absolute anti-apagogismos believes that every
event in the universe is completely unique and governed by its own special
laws. The Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, later developed variations on
this theme in his tale / psefdodiatrivi Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. Moreover,
there is the bat Kamptri whose cynical wording suggests: "There may be a
set of mutually inconsistent observations, for which the human mind can not
conceive a coherent explanation, no matter how complicated would it be" .
The Occam's razor is a fundamental principle for those who follow the
scientific method. It should be noted however, that the razor is heuristic
argument and not necessarily give good results. It is, in essence, a compass
pointing in the general direction to be followed to select the scientific
hypothesis which (currently) contains the smallest number of unproven
assumptions. Often, many theories are equally "simple", so that Occam's
razor does not offer any diaforopoiisi.Apo the other hand, without the
Occam's razor is not science. The primary instrument of science, that
theories of composition and selection of the most remarkable theory based
on the collective analysis of data, it would be impossible without some
method of choosing between the theories expressed by stoicheia.Afto
available because in each data set represents infinite number of theories that
are consistent with these data (this is known as the Problem
Ypoprosdiorismou). Consider, for example, that someone researching the
famous theory of Isaac Newton to show that every action has an equal
reaction. It is very easy to devise alternative theories that explain the data
equally well. Such a theory could argue that for every action there is a
reaction to half of the original, while well intentioned creatures invisible to
strengthen the response to their own energy, so the reaction is equal to the
action. All these creatures will die in the year 2055 and then the nature of the
observable universe will change. This theory describes equally well with our
observations and the theory of Newton. Furthermore, it is our choice may be
by direct evidence any theory until 2055. As the second theory is that these
creatures are invisible and undetectable, we can not distinguish between two
theories until 2055. On the other hand, every theory has a very big influence
on what we expect for the future (for example, might choose to live our lives
differently if we know that the world as we know it will cease to exist in 2055).
Finally, it seems that creating an infinite number of such theories, simply by
changing the year. By the year 2056 created a new theory. The 2057
provides another, and so forth. Since there are an infinite number of theories
that correspond to each set of observations as well as estimates of each are
equally original, if science is unable to choose between them, they never
managed to establish a useful theory. Until now, the only known way to
assign the relevant theory among the myriad theories that correspond to a
set of observations is Occam's razor. For this reason, the Occam's razor is
an essential element of science, without which science ceases to function.
The Occam's razor does not mean simplicity equals perfection. The Albert
Einstein was probably referring to when he wrote in 1933 that "the ultimate
goal of any theory is to render unpatentable matter reduction data as a
simple and less is possible without leaving an adequate representation even
as a thumb. This comment is often paraphrased as "a theory should be as
simple as possible, but not simpler." Often the most appropriate explanation
is simpler than the simplest possible explanation because they require fewer
assumptions. To make one's Occam's razor as "The simplest explanation is
the best (or alithesteri)" an oversimplification itself. In the history of science,
Occam's razor was used in two ways. One was the production of ontological
self-erasure and the other the diaritorikos competition. Some examples of the
first case: The momentum of Aristotelian physics, the "angelic" heavenly
engines of medieval engineering, the four spirits of ancient and medieval
medicine, the daimonismos the explanation of mental illness, the "Flogiston"
metamesaionikis of chemistry and vital spirits metamesaionikis of biology. In
the second case, we have three examples from the history of science, where
we selected the simpler of two competing theories, not the ontological
opponent, even though both theories explain the full effects. The first
example is the heliocentric model of Copernicus over Ptolemy geokentrikou
model. The second is the mechanical theory of heat against Kalorikis theory.
Finally, the third is the theory of electromagnetism over on Einstein's theory
of phosphorus ether. In the first case, the Copernican model was chosen
over that of Ptolemy the sake of simplicity. Ptolemy's model to explain the
apparent retrograde motion of Mercury with respect to Venus, an applicant
for epikyklion the orbit of Mercury. The Copernican model (as formulated by
Kepler) was able to explain this move by shifting the Earth from the center of
the solar system and replacing it with the sun as the center of all the orbital
motion, while replacing the circular orbits of Ptolemy's model with elliptical.
Furthermore, the model of Copernicus made no reference to crystal balls
which allegedly contained the planets according to Ptolemy's model. On a
motion Copernican model reduced by two elements of the ontology of
Astronomy. According to Kaloriki theory of heat, the heat is an imponderable
substance, which moves from one object to another. This theory came from
studying the rules and the discovery of the steam engine. When Lord
Rumford was considering building cannons found that observations of the
antievainan Kalorikis theory. Thus expressed his own mechanical theory to
replace the previous one, which ousted the Kaloriki and was ontologically
simpler than all previous ones. Also, during the 19th century, physicists
believed to travel light required a medium, as with sound waves.
Proupotethike that this instrument was the ether and occurred several
experiments to detect. One of the most famous negative experiments in the
history of science, the experiment Mikelson-Morlei failed to prove the
existence of the ether. Einstein based this conclusion and formed a theory
without any reference to ether, thus making even one example of a theory
that offers greater ontological simplicity.

In biology

Biologists and philosophers of biology use Occam's razor in two areas of

evolutionary biology: the controversy about the units [natural] selection and
systematic. In his book Adaptation and Natural Selection (Adaptation and
Natural Selection, 1966) by George C. Williams argues that altruism among
animals is best explained if we accept as the basis of a low level (ie
individual) selection as opposed to high-level group selection. Altruism is
defined as behavior that benefits the group rather than unity, and considered
that team selection is the evolutionary mechanism that selects the altruistic
characteristics. Others consider natural selection as the mechanism that
justifies altruism only all behaviors of various animals, which act on the basis
of personal interest, without worrying about the team. The Williams argues
that the doctrine of personal choice is more economical. In this way relies on
a variant of Occam's razor called the Rule of Morgan. However, more recent
writings of biologists such as The Selfish Gene (the egocentric gene) Richard
Dawkins, have revealed that the view of Williams was not simply, nor the
most basic. The Dawkins argues that the operation of the development
depends on the number of genes which are amplified in most hard copies,
because they determine the progress of any given species. That becomes a
natural selection of certain genes and this is essentially the fundamental
principle which is incubating makes a unique and select group salient
features of evolution. Please refer to the following example of Zoology: The
moschovoes when threatened by wolves, form a circle with the males on the
outer side and females and their young inside. This is an example of male
behavior that appears to be altruistic. This behavior is bad for males as
individual animals, but beneficial for all and thus many thought that supports
the theory of group selection. However, a much better explanation is offered
if one considers that natural selection works on genes. Factors influencing
mode if the left, leaving them exposed to the descendants of wolves, their
genes will not be promoted. If, however, struggled to protect them, then the
genes are preserved in the offspring. And so the corresponding gene, which
requires that behavior multiplied. This is an example of natural selection
through genes and massive long-term change, which is a general principle
that offers a much simpler explanation, without resorting to specific principles
such as team selection. The Systematics is the branch of biology that
attempts to document pedigree relationships among organisms. It deals more
with the categorization. There are three main camps, the systematic, the
kladistes The fenetistes and evolutionary taxinomistes. The kladistes only
consider the genealogy should determine the classification, the fenetistes
counters that the similarity in the affinity of origin is the decisive criterion while
evolutionary taxinomistes argue that both genealogy and similarity play a role
in the classification.

O Francis Crick has made comments about the potential limitations of

applying Occam's razor in biology. Raises the argument that, since biological
systems are products of a (continuous) natural selection mechanisms are not
necessarily optimal in an obvious sense. It draws attention: "Although
Occam's razor is a useful tool in science can be a very dangerous instrument
in biology. It is therefore very unwise to use the simplicity and elegance as a
guide to biological research.

In medicine

When modern medicine to refer to Occam's razor, physicians and

philosophers of medicine speak of the diagnostic scheme (sparingly). The
diagnostic scheme requires that when an injury is diagnosed, a disease,
illness or condition, the doctor should try to focus attention on possible
causes less responsive and will explain all the symptoms.
Few ways to get closer ...

The purpose of the local is to present our thematakia will bring us a little
closer to scientific thought. I hope not to bore you to issue you'll find here, but
you cause questions that I wish to share with mas.Proto point of scientific
thought is the Occam's Okkam .... The Occam's razor (Occam's Razor, an
alternative spelling of the razor Okkam, is assigned as the razor blade) is a
scientific principle, which is attributed to the English philosopher and
Franciscan monk Logic of the 14th century, William's razor. This principle
underlies the methodological kidnapping and also called the principle of
In its simplest version, the Occam's razor is as follows: "Nobody should make
more assumptions than those needed.

In Latin, read as: Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate

The sentence could be given very freely as follows: When two theories
provide equally precise estimates, always choose the simpler.

Example: Observe that a tree has fallen after a storm. Within the context of
the storm combined with that of the fallen tree, a logical assumption would be
to assume that the strength of the storm uprooted and knocked down the
tree. This case does not challenge our critical thinking, as there are strong
logical links between what they already know and what we assume to have
been (ie what we see and hear the storm is strong evidence of their existence
and that are capable uproot and to throw down trees). An alternative
hypothesis would be that an alien giant felled tree. This case, however,
requires several additional assumptions, which are characterized by various
logical weaknesses resulting from inconsistencies with what we already know
(with respect to the existence of extraterrestrials, the ability and intention to
carry out interstellar travel, the ability and intention to uproot trees; whether
intentionally or not; and the existence of extraterrestrial biology that allows
them to be 200 meters high, despite the gravity of Earth), which makes it

Here we see the scientific functions.

The Occam's razor is a fundamental principle for those who follow the
scientific method. It should be noted however, that the razor is heuristic
argument and not necessarily give good results. It is, in essence, a compass
pointing in the general direction to be followed to select the scientific
hypothesis which (currently) contains the smallest number of unproven
assumptions. Often, many theories are equally "simple", so that Occam's
razor does not offer any differentiation.
On the other hand, without the Occam's razor is not science. The primary
instrument of science, that theories of composition and selection of the most
remarkable theory based on the collective analysis of data, it would be
impossible without some method of choosing between the theories that
reflect the available data.
This is because each data set represents an infinite number of theories that
are consistent with these data (this is known as the Problem
Ypoprosdiorismou). Consider, for example, that someone researching the
famous theory of Isaac Newton to show that every action has an equal
reaction. It is very easy to devise alternative theories that explain the data
equally well. Such a theory could argue that for every action there is a
reaction to half of the original, while well intentioned creatures invisible to
strengthen the response to their own energy, so the reaction is equal to the
action. All these creatures will die in the year 2055 and then the nature of the
observable universe will change. This theory describes equally well with our
observations and the theory of Newton. Furthermore, it is our choice may be
by direct evidence any theory until 2055. As the second theory is that these
creatures are invisible and undetectable, we can not distinguish between two
theories until 2055. On the other hand, every theory has a very big influence
on what we expect for the future (for example, might choose to live our lives
differently if we know that the world as we know it will cease to exist in 2055).
Finally, it seems that creating an infinite number of such theories, simply by
changing the year. By the year 2056 created a new theory. The 2057
provides another, and so forth. Since there are an infinite number of theories
that correspond to each set of observations as well as estimates of each are
equally original, if science is unable to choose between them, they never
managed to establish a useful theory. Until now, the only known way to
assign the relevant theory among the myriad theories that correspond to a
set of observations is Occam's razor. For this reason, the Occam's razor is
an essential element of science, without which science ceases to function.
The Occam's razor does not mean simplicity equals perfection. The Albert
Einstein was probably referring to when he wrote in 1933 that "the ultimate
goal of any theory is to render unpatentable matter reduction data as a
simple and less is possible without leaving an adequate representation even
as a thumb. This comment is often paraphrased as "a theory should be as
simple as possible, but not simpler." Often the most appropriate explanation
is simpler than the simplest possible explanation because they require fewer
assumptions. To make one's Occam's razor as "The simplest explanation is
the best (or alithesteri)" an oversimplification itself.
In the history of science, Occam's razor was used in two ways. One was the
production of ontological self-erasure and the other the diaritorikos
competition. Some examples of the first case: The momentum of Aristotelian
physics, the "angelic" heavenly engines of medieval engineering, the four
spirits of ancient and medieval medicine, the daimonismos the explanation of
mental illness, the "Flogiston" metamesaionikis of chemistry and vital spirits
metamesaionikis of biology.

In the second case, we have three examples from the history of science,
where we selected the simpler of two competing theories, not the ontological
opponent, even though both theories explain the full effects. The first
example is the heliocentric model of Copernicus over Ptolemy geokentrikou
model. The second is the mechanical theory of heat against Kalorikis theory.

Finally, the third is the theory of electromagnetism over on Einstein's theory

of phosphorus ether. In the first case, the Copernican model was chosen
over that of Ptolemy the sake of simplicity. Ptolemy's model to explain the
apparent retrograde motion of Mercury with respect to Venus, an applicant
for epikyklion the orbit of Mercury. The Copernican model (as formulated by
Kepler) was able to explain this move by shifting the Earth from the center of
the solar system and replacing it with the sun as the center of all the orbital
motion, while replacing the circular orbits of Ptolemy's model with elliptical.
Furthermore, the model of Copernicus made no reference to crystal balls
which allegedly contained the planets according to Ptolemy's model. On a
motion Copernican model reduced by two elements of the ontology of
Astronomy. According to Kaloriki theory of heat, the heat is an imponderable
substance, which moves from one object to another. This theory came from
studying the rules and the discovery of the steam engine. When Lord
Rumford was considering building cannons found that observations of the
antievainan Kalorikis theory. Thus expressed his own mechanical theory to
replace the previous one, which ousted the Kaloriki and was ontologically
simpler than all previous ones. Also, during the 19th century, physicists
believed to travel light required a medium, as with sound waves.
Proupotethike that this instrument was the ether and occurred several
experiments to detect. One of the most famous negative experiments in the
history of science, the experiment Mikelson-Morlei failed to prove the
existence of the ether. Einstein based this conclusion and formed a theory


without any reference to ether, thus making even one example of a theory
that offers greater ontological simplicity.

They talk about the Aether Nikola Tesla, Constantin Carathéodory, Albert
Einstein ... ... .. was Aitherovamones;;;

Let sumo more closely the theories of each starting from Tesla.O Nikola
Tesla was born on July 9, 1856 in Lika, which is today Kroatia.Legetai fact
that the evening was born Tesla violent storm had broken, and therefore The
mother then called him a "child of the storm." The Tesla revealed by a little
appealed to electricity. She began her school career in the birthplace, and
later went to Graz in Austria and then in Prague, Czech Republic. Upon
graduating had already created the AC generator. So he moved to Paris and
he got a job in the company of Thomas Edison where he tried to help the
company to complete the lighting program in the city of Strasbourg. But not
long to reach the two major enemies inventors. Edison offered Tesla to work
together. The Edison was determined to fully exploit their own ideas, and
promise to Tesla huge monetary reward if he helped serve the purpose.
When I finally managed to Tesla, o Edison failed in his speech. The Tesla on
the other hand, expect that Edison would neglect their own investigations to
financially support his ideas.

The Tesla left so by the Edison company and created his own company
called the Tesla Electric Company. Thus, the one Edison struggled to meet
the technology with DC and the other Tesla battled with the Tesla alternating
refma.Chari fotagogithike the World Exposition in Chicago in 1893 and
created hydro station in 1895. Also, the Tesla impressed the public by
passing alternating current through the body without intact and lit the bulbs
with the fingertips. The Tesla fell victim to business and speculation. The last
years of his life was left unemployed and poor. He died of a heart attack on
January 7, 1943 at a hotel in New York. Inglorious end for a great inventor
and a genius myalo.Se this man we need light and power that we have our
homes, and other inventions such as the Tesla coil, radio, radar, X-ray, etc.
Honorary name has been turned in to the unit of magnetic induction of the
Nikola Tesla was the enigmatic scientist did in the late 19th century a


wonderful job on the various forms of energy and has developed solutions to
issues on which modern physics generally blind, based on ideas that have
been marginalized, sometimes described as' anti -scientific "or" esoteric. "
Examples: wireless energy transfer and electro-promoting flying objects. To
make matters worse, while promoted a "pseudo-science" or "science of
concealment" that Kapeloni any groundbreaking discovery does not fit the
economic and political interests of some circles and promoted the distraction
of thinking of the masses of pseudo-scientific questions riddles the existence
of aliens and the UFO.
Why, however, all these conspiracies and cover-ups?
The control of the masses and perpetuate the capitalist system and economic
interests circles that want to control the global economic movement,
answered William Lyne. And to achieve this it is brainwashing the masses
through the media, and scientific and research centers. In this way the
medieval witch who was flying the broom has been replaced these days with
UFO and alien passengers who want to enslave the human race, but with the
Santa Claus dressed in red uniforms with the Coca- Cola distributes gifts.
And on the other hand, cheap energy production and transport from Tesla or
his orgone accumulator of Wilhelm Reich left in obscurity, while scientists are
marginalized, declared insane (like Reich) or simply find no sponsor or
support any government ( like the Tesla).
The purpose of all this: the physical and mental slavery of the masses,
control through political systems of various financial resources and the
removal of people from Nature and therefore from the freedom and ability to
think and act freely! A perfect control system for energy and the economy
down the sidelines any idea or innovation that does not serve the financial
establishment, leading to total dependency. I wonder, how modern (or older)
power center would allow the existence and management of an almost free
source of energy?

Thus, as the W. Lyne, few people know (or admit) today that the flying
saucers are space ships some "small green men, but the evolution of the
scientific work of Tesla, on the flight iletro-promoting devices could even be
used for space travel with minimal power consumption. It is true that
discoveries like those of Tesla and Reich will demolish the economic-political
system of capitalist merchants handling these sources of energy and
commodities. This marked "hidden" and marginalized, and disappeared from
the face of the earth, except of course from the Secret Service records which
are stored in the classification of 'Strictly Confidential'. The excuse to cut the
access routes for those seeking that knowledge is the risk of their use of
them; "Nazis", "the Communists" and generally the 'terrorists'!


There was a disguise, and there will be NO!

But this is only a modern phenomenon? Perhaps in the past, scientists are
not prosecuted and their knowledge was ignored or sham? The Lyne shows
the continuity of the phenomenon by presenting a list of philosophers and
scientists who have suffered this behavior from certain centers of power, but
recent Where scientists unknown to many people who simply "placed on the
shelf" or "sent home".
What was really the fate of Samios Aristarchus in the 3rd century. BC, argued
that the Earth is round and revolves around the Sun? Did not forgotten until
Columbus 'suspected' of the sphericity of the Earth decided to make the trip
to the West?
Did not Anaxagoras declared "heretic" when it claimed that the Moon is a
huge celestial body, a "space rock"?
And W. Lyne completing this huge list of cases with names such as
Democritus of Archyta of Tarentum, Plato, Aristotle, Tzorntano Bruno,
Galileo, Da Vinci of Eckhart, of Orwell, Huxley and others of These
revelations do not stop here. Mentions recent cases, such as the (unknown)
scientist and philosopher Don Albert whose work was marked from the U.S.
authorities "Amazing," but told him to "go after 300 years" or Ukrainian Valery
I. Titarenko whose work was registered as an intelligent patented and
"disappeared" from the public. The Valery I. Titarenko recently (1997), an
operation whose implementation leads to technological innovations that seem
"miracles" but not that far away from the accomplishments of Tesla:
Reference is made to the wireless transmission of energy, creating electricity
from the vacuum a kind of "clean energy" unrelated to oil or nuclear energy,
movement of heavy objects, creating rotating flying machines, creating new
materials and alloys, and many other "miracles". What happened to that?
Probably closed as "crazy!" What will, however, those centers of power when
the situation in the global energy problem reaches a head? Or when
environmental pollution makes life on earth unbearable and the situation
irreversible? Did you draw from the drawers of the "occult" theories of Tesla
and so many other scientists?
"The Republic abused because our self-destructing right to freedom and
equality, because it taught people to believe the audacity as a right, the
illegitimacy as liberty, impudence of speech as equality and the anarchy as
The saying is a result of concluding framework and the reasons and those
stated by Isocrates (436 BC-338 BC) for "mellesthai" the wrong of the
Republic and not the exact word.



"It may seem paradoxical that modern science, after winning their titles,
syssorefontas myriad events and performing countless
experiments, came again on the same assumptions that were
made by several millennia"
(Journal "The press" Montreal 1929)
"The most inaccurate and most misconceptions reimbursed
against all the ancient sciences. The modern science is true,
many are justified (the ancient science) but the general opinion is
still burned in monitoring the rotations of thoughts and ideas"
(Alchimikai researches - PIERR PIOBB).
When we speak today Alchemy views clashed seriously.
Although it tends to give a justice in this ancient science, there
are many people who accuse the alchemists or as "charlatans"
(E.P.M. 1912 - "Spanish Sophia") or as black magicians, or as
simple as the researchers interested in profit.
During Jacpues Carlew Michel Granger and the academia,
particularly those related to science, they give little attention to
the spiritual mother of modern chemistry. And just hearing the
word "alchemy" causes ironic smiles.
But in the past wonderful scientists comprehending the
magnitude of alchemy, not only as a science, sought to deepen
and restore it to science. The most famous researchers are:
Marcellin Bartelo, White Figkie, Ryells, Pierre Piomp etc.
Alchemy really is not a local phenomenon. It was known in many
parts of the globe, but despite the distance and diversity of
information an absolute uniformity distinguishes!
The Chinese alchemy although it was more practical has come
from the same mold with European and Arabic. The main goal of
the alchemist is to realize the "Big Project". The "Big Project" is
the acquisition of the philosopher's stone that turns base mettala
in gold. This, as mentioned earlier, the modern materialists call
the virtuosity charlatanism, superstition, not science.
Be an answer to them by Blavatsky!
But how true is weak today most members of the French
Academy than ever to reach an absolute proof that destroys the
possibility of mutation of metals, they have recognized a basic
alkali metal! "
The essence of the theory of alchemy is based on the
composition of all the world, which are generally triple. Every
object in nature has an objective form, a vital soul and a divine
spark purely spiritual and subjective. In PIERR PIOBB we
summarize the theory of alchemy in the following proposals:
1. Matter is one.


2. Susceptible stands.
3. All bodies are just bodies in different stages of development.
4. Since the law of evolution is a general law of nature, enough to
put them in the circumstances dictated by law, to repeat the
experimental work of nature.
5. The result of each development is a perfect transformation.
Therefore it can not be achieved without the intervention of a
specific factor that is designed to stimulate the evolutionary
energy that is latent in every body.
6. Since this factor is a gross nature, it must be regarded as a
body has reached a particular stage of development. It is
therefore possible to produce in the laboratory. This factor is
what the alchemists called "philosopher's stone" or "provlitikin
The ancients were convinced, and probably rightly, that to
achieve the "great work" was someone to emulate the ways of
nature. "The type or model of the Hermetic science, is none other
than the actual nature" (Pernety). So the recipe for the "big
project" should be copied from the development of nature. This
evolution in Pernety done through 7 stages.
1. Glow 2. Sepsis 3. Scrapping 4. Distillation 5. Syneresis 6. Dye 7.
We should say that the glow is defined as the "cleansing" or
"crushing" of the body by means of an external fire, which
decouples the separating parts or evaporating liquid which unites
them. The fire was called a philosophical sort of "steam" in
conjunction with Pontius water (eau pontique) ie mercury.
Mercury is far removed from mercury metal. In this all
researchers agree. It is now known what they meant by the term
mercury. Second step was to ferment and rot in the alchemists'


destroying the old nature and form of fermentable body and
converts it into a new body from which is born at a very young
fruit. It was the preparatory work before the dissolution. If we try
now to explain the dissolution, it is rather an instrument designed
to achieve what he calls G. Le Bon afaiteriosi the material, ie
producing a imiylikou body. The dissolution endoatomiko
transform the ether (a stable liquid root) in a body fluid that is
highly sensitive and comparable with mesoplanitiko ether
(imiyliko body).
Perhaps an individual follower, and fermentation or rotting to the
transformation of the nature of the body. The body is at this stage
as the grape: it is the fruit of the grape but is not yet wine:
The next task after the fermentation was distilled. At this stage,
the philosophers say the body becomes androgen Rebis, and
followed a contraction. So called an operation in which the body
is united with the man authorities any material substance,
involving the reaction of salt (ether), sulfur (Within plant energy)
and mercury (body such equipment) then became a kind of
reconstitution of the material . Then followed two other works, the
evaporation and condensation, which in the writers were too
simple for those held in secret but very difficult for others. Indeed
these works have been filled with great caution and mystery.
Overall, the mega project has 3 stages:
- The first was the production of Rebis
- The second production of the Elixir or Philosopher's Stone.
- The third, called dye was synonymous metastoicheioseos.
The Rebis if not treated properly tended to repeat the previous
situation in which the body was at the stage of the lamp. So we
need to give the appropriate separation result which would


achieve the further evolution. Had in alchemical expression to
obtain the "animate authority." The elixir had this purpose. Only
then could the alchemist to go to sublimation, which was a
similar act of distillation. The Rebis only produced by distillation
is a body that becomes a new foundation, but it is tainted by its
basic elements. A new fermentation!
This is called fermentation and hermetic mystikoteri the practice
of alchemy. Held with the participation of elixir. Hence the
production of the elixir has primacy in the ancient writers. After
fermentation of hermetic Rebis the elixir must be followed by
painting or staining. Because one of zymothike Rebis is a body
"exelichthen" but has not yet stable. Should stabilize at a certain
stage of development. The stabilizer substance is paint. And the
last working as we said was the concentration which was the
concentration of technically prepared body.
The alchemy is and a philosophy
We must not create the false impression that alchemy served
mainly in search of philosophical stone. The human thirst for gold
lumpiness in "cash" nature of this work covering the true
essence of alchemy. Indeed, the "art of Hermes" is first and
foremost a philosophy. In the words of Zolivie Kastelli "alchemy
seeks above all to feel and understand the particular life of
matter, trying to discover the sympantiko law linking the material
with great kosmogoniki class. In this project involved the
alchemist at all. " The Panopolitis Zosimus says! "Alchemy is a
genuine mystery. The discovery can be done in one dream in
particular and internal communications within a minute. The soul
feels that rises and begins to climb the stairs of a secret
staircase." But it would be a great mistake to confuse one's
medieval alchemy with her, the antediluvian periods. She, as she


says E.P.M. acted through 3 main elements: the philosopher's
stone for transformation of body, "alkachest" or global solvent
and the elixir of life that had the ability to extend indefinitely the
human life. No real philosopher and mystic has never concerned
with the latter. Finally Blavatsky tells us that there are some
truths about the alchemy that must be heard to avoid
misunderstandings and falsehoods by any serious scholar.

They are!

1. Alchemy was introduced into Europe from China and because of the
distance from the place of origin, was no longer the pure alchemy
(not astrology) taught in schools Thot - Mercury 1 Dynasty of
ancient Egypt.
2. The Zochar known in Europe is Zochar Simeon Ben JOCHAI
but a collection of some passages and some traditions that made
Moses de Leon, from Cordoba in the 13th century. which in
MOSHEIM followed the interpretations of the Christian disciplines
of Chaldea and Syria. The true Zochar stating the Chaldean Book
of Numbers is not staying only 3 incomplete copies held by
mystics rabbis. One of them lived in Poland and destroyed the
original in 1817. The other belonged to a Rabbi of Palestine
disappeared from the JAFFA few years ago.
3. From the tightly books there is just one apopasma known as
the "Emerald Table" because all the others included an esoteric
teachings were burned by order of Emperor Diocletian in the 3rd
BC century. The rest, even the "Poimandres" is reorganizing
operations Latin and Greek writers. About the works of medieval
masters know that they removed the tomb key to their
interpretation. This is only the East can be found. The only key


Esoterism of ancient wisdom is to experience the man himself to
Principal Faith

Myths of Ancient Greece

The dark and deep Chaos born - without the mediation of sexual mixing - the
Erebus and Night, which in turn gave birth, with sexual intercourse, their
Aether and Day. Ether, born first, was Bright and shining and bright, with
transparent wings, glittering in the divine light in all directions • smiling and
gorgeous, with huge body, but in harmony with members and white skin
stretched. enormous legs in the entire universe and spread his glow in the
pitch dark chaos. Ether symbolized the top of the atmosphere, which is the
cleanest part of the air. Day, glorious, golden, panoria daughter with pure
white wings, she immediately eyes on Aether and smiled: he once saw a
similar one with this bright creature, he enjoyed very much. The two brothers,
happy and playful brought happiness into the world and especially on Earth •
play and game in the vast universe, hiding behind the huge meteorites and
often get mad with mischief and trouble, their aged parents that deep down,
but boasts the ololampra children.
From the dark bowels of the Night and other children were born, which was
very important in the lives of gods and men, the poor, especially sense.
Among the fraud, Gera, Eris (Brawl), 4 Hesperides, the Kir (accident), the
Kirea (Misery), 3 Degrees, the Moro (Destiny) by Momus (taunt), the
Nemesis (Punishment) The getting into (poverty), the dreams, Philotes
(sexuality) and twin brothers, Sleep and Death. The high ratio of past and
later testified in folk song. The Nemesis was the nemesis, which was
replaced in later years, Themis, and the fraud was the goddess who seized
intrigue people and lead to lawless acts and frauds. The Randy Eris sow
discord between gods and humans. The Hesperides were 4 (Aegle,
Arethusa, and fireplace Erytheia) larvae and, with the help of Ladon, a
dragon with 100 heads, guarding the golden apples of the garden, which he
gave as a wedding gift to Hera, Gaia. Finally, the 3 Fates (Atropos, Clotho
and Lachesis) lived in the Parnassus and gave each a different job, in
determining the destiny and the life of every mortal and immortal: the greater
the Clotho, carrying a rocket eklothe with such • fate of the people of the gods
was the Doom (fate), another name of Morrow. The Lachesis spindle and
kept reeling in this thread of people's lives, defining what you enjoy and what
would get in their lives. Finally, the younger, Atropos, holding scissors and
cut the thread of life, based on the determination that was made by her
brother, Moro. According to another legend, the Fates were children of Zeus
and Themis, and lived on Mount Olympus and Hades. The terrible children of
contention, and that they were created without the intervention of divine
semen was algae (sorrow), the weasel (Disputes), the Androktasies
(Homicide), the automatic (distemper), the Dysnomia, the Lethe (oblivion)
famine (hunger), the reasons (rumors), the Battles, the Neikea (teasing), the
Oath, the pain, Ysmines (complexes), the murders and the lies (Lies), so
much suffering mortals during their lives, but also gods themselves.
Constantin Caratheodory or otherwise Karatheodoris

Born in Berlin on September 13, 1873 where his father was ambassador to
Turkey. His father was Stephen Karatheodoris and his mother Rosemary
Petrokokkinos the origin was from Chios. All the studies done abroad.
Although he grew up in Europe, the Greek Christian upbringing was. From
toddler spoke Greek and French and before reaching the teenage years
spoke Turkish and Germanika.Geneteira family Caratheodory was the old
Bosnochori, which is then alive N. Vissa. Keeping life through the centuries,
the Greek Orthodox character of the old Bosnochori managed to survive
through the specific constraints of the Ottoman period and to highlight leading
personalities of the sciences, arts and letters, among which the prominent
family of Caratheodory members which rose to the supreme position of the
Empire and won worldwide recognition, without changing the orthodox faith
or to deny the Greek consciousness. Constantine Karatheodoris the 1883-85
school went to the Riviera and San Remo. A year went to school in Brussels
where the lesson of geometry felt the love and the call was for mathematics.
In 1886 he enrolled at Royal School Aten d'ixell of Brussels from where he
had graduated high school in the summer of 1891. In Belgium it was a math
contest in which it asked the class of Carathéodory to compete for two years
in row and Caratheodory took first place both years. On October 18, 1891
after tests came in the Belgian Military School where he began a new period
of his life. In 1895 he graduated from military school as an Engineering
Officer in 1898 and came to Egypt because he was hired by the British
company that manufactured the Aswan Dam in Asyut as an assistant
engineer. Egypt remained two years. There he realized that mathematics
were more of a very great charm, and that the civil engineering work was
unsatisfactory. Therefore decided in June 1900 to leave Egypt and studied
mathematics at the University of Berlin in Germany. Constantine
Caratheodory married in 1908 in Istanbul, Delight, gender Carathéodory, who
was distant relative. He was 35 years and wife 24. They had not two children,
Rosemary and Stephen. Constantine Caratheodory became a leading world-
class mathematician, chrimatizontas professor at four German universities
and the Technical University, and undertook at the behest of Venizelos to
hold the University in Izmir, Ionia, Athens and Thessaloniki. It should also be
noted that there is close cooperation and mutual respect between
Constantine Caratheodory and Einstein. The scientific work of Constantin
Carathéodory extended to many fields of mathematics, physics and
Archaeology. The mathematical work out the calculus of variations, the
theory of real functions, the theory of complex functions in differential
equations with partial derivatives, the theory of sets and differential geometry.
The work of the physics related to the thermodynamics, geometric optics,
optical general, special relativity and engineering. Archaeological studies
relate to the construction of Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt. In particular,
in churches, in pyramids, irrigation works, etc. Caratheodory wrote about 232
works of which 165 are published. Almost all the work is extremely inspired
basic research that the project as one of the few in the world science,
mathematical dianoiseos layout. All of the research represents a new
mathematical spirit of 20th century marked by a return to classical perfection
of ancient Greek mathematics. At the same time his interest in contemporary
cross-cultural movement occurs with the writers and lectures. For many years
he was editor of the journal Mathematische annalen (Matematise annalen),
member of the editorial board of the journal Circolo Mathematico di Palermo
(Palermo di Tsirkolo Matematiko) and chairman of the editorial board of
Encykloradie der mechanik (1931-1935).

Constantine Caratheodory died on February 2, 1950 thrinoumenos by

mathematicians and natural whole world and the spiritual world of two
peoples who are regarded and we both as the best representatives of the
Greek and German. The man, Einstein was a feature of 'wonderful'
The exciting life of a wise man for whom the greatest mathematicians of the
world spoke with deep respect
"Gentlemen, you asked to answer a thousand two things, one does not want
you to know who was my teacher who showed me and I opened the door to
higher mathematics, thinking and research. And not to bore you, I say this
simply, without details, that my teacher was great, the Greek Unrivalled
Constantin Carathéodory, which I personally and mathematical science,
physics, the wisdom of our century, owe their everything, "Albert Einstein
(last press conference, 1955)
With the 50th anniversary of the death of Constantin Carathéodory place
yesterday from Friday and will end tomorrow, Monday the international
conference in honor of the Ebro, in the outlying cities of New Vissa and New
Orestiada, from where the origin of his family. That, in which Einstein
characterized «ein feiner Mensch», ie "a wonderful person," the morals, and
his education, is little known to the Greeks, but by early 1900 the most
famous mathematicians in the world spoke with immense respect for him.



The stars grow up and explode with an exponential growth. An exponential

growth initially has little slope, eventually taking steep slopes, are almost
vertical, which features - resulting in an explosion.
The Earth is growing and expanding, increasing the severity of - some
prehistoric birds exifanisthisan some survived, no longer fly, bird, peacock.
The prehistoric giants exifanisthisan. These are all explained by the
hypothesis of increased mass and gravity of the Earth over periods of years
to hundreds of millions of years. Continents, of course, removed just as the
Earth's surface to rise, increasing the volume and radius. Probably. the
doctrine of continual creation exgei related or unexplained phenomenon of
the home - creating earthquakes.
These data are taken from the positions of Geophysics and Astrophysics, the
above laws and EL are tailored to specific aspects of Professor
The collapse of the BIG BANG - Long Live THEORY OF CREATION DC
Panagiotis Pappas

The theory of Big Bang, the theory of "once creation" of matter, 13.5 billion
years ago, from a point explosion in Sympian, not determined by the creators
of this theory.
Instead, the theory of continuous creation of matter, the doctrine of
"everywhere" creation of matter in a very small percentage, so that the
creation of this test is not significant in the laboratory and in small intervals on
the order of human life of 100-200 years, but clearly felt at large scales,
global - stellar and long periods of the order of millions of years. The
presence of mines and deposits millions of years, with different material
composition at the surface and subsurface of a rotating, 24 hours, the body,
such as land, categorically denies the Big Bang theory of the origin of
chemical elements from an unknown point in Sympian , 13.5 billion years
ago. If this theory were correct, could be reached chemical elements from the
big bang and arrived at the Earth, which also rotates in 24 hours,
katanemento homogeneously with rotational symmetry, the surface and
immediate subsurface, of which we know with absolute certainty the Earth
more than any other knowledge about the universe, it is precisely because of
the existence of mines and deposits of different compositions from the rest of
Earth. On Earth there are mines and deposits, for example, huge deposits of
bauxite within Mount Parnassos, Greece. The word today is full of tunnels
and mining galleries throughout the term, which requires one day by car to
tour as a personal tour of the writer. The existence of this clearly underlines
the theory of continuous creation of matter by such material, and no same
kinetic pool of installations from the parent material, everywhere, in space
and time, and the theory of growing earth or expandable wire of orogennisis
and expansion in the expanding universe, the creation of stars and the
creation of the final phase - an explosion of stars, to explain the concentration
of different groups of stellar clusters in local concentrations: planetary
systems, galaxies, galaxy groups, and must say explains the law EDDIGTON
L / LH = (M / MH) a. This formula can be written L = constant and x Ma,
where a = 2 - 4.5 (The L increases approximately as M ^ 3 for stars of about
10 solar masses as M ^ 4.5 for stars of about 1 solar mass and as M ^ 2 for
lower mass stars).
H luminousness a star depends on mass and not the recommendation, as it
should have been, if the fotenotis due to thermonuclear reactions.
Features and tangible examples of the many examples that can occur and
can not explain clearly the theory of Big Bang, but clearly explains the theory
of continuous creation, we can choose the following three:
1st, The veins of gold chemically inactive component, concentrated (formed-
up) in a linear veins underground.
2nd, radioactive radon, with a maximum half-life of only 4 days (2.4 h, 14.6 h,
23.9 m, 25 ms, 054 ms, 35 ms, 3.96 s, 25 m, 25.7 m, 5 ms, 6 ms, etc., max
3.8 days) released, of course, always everywhere from the subsoil and of
course probably not existed since the Big Bang, obviously because of the
short life. Even hypothesise that each individual radon comes from another
person, eg the radio by radio division, the issue again postponed the
existence of the last item in the subsurface of the earth. Because some time
after the Big Bang, at the same time with radon, once and for which the rate
of decomposition of the element radon production supposedly should have
been one by one with the rate of degradation of the continuously emitted
radon, which is relatively very small half-time - 4 days, we had this element of
production run, thus similar to radon.
Mathematical Observation, a radioactive element with a half life of 4 days (or
similar value T) and initial mass of the entire mass of the Earth (the maximum
weight may have a point to Earth) on the basis of the law of degradation of
the radioactive half-life estimated at a time, it left only a few milligrams, ie,
practically zero. In time, eg, a few thousand years, the calculation gives a
much smaller residual mass of the atomic mass of the element, whatever it is
what it is absolute zero in the strict sense of the word. This is a full proof
against the Big Bang theory and for the ongoing construction.
If now the same hypothesise that the entire mass of the visible universe after
the Big Bang is, a radioactive element with a half life of 4 days, now at 13.5
billion years, it also would have completely disappeared with residual masses
less, p, x, in radon, even that of hydrogen. The followers of the Big Bang that
apparently did not even mathematics they will disappear too. We will describe
the calculations in Appendix few days.
Appendix: The Law of radioactive degradation of life is m = m0 exp (-lt),
where k = ln2 / T and T = half-life. Considering initial mass m0 of radon equal
to the mass of Earth 5.97x1024 Kgr, m0 = 5.97x1024 Kgr, we have with k =
m = 5.97x1024 Kgr x exp (-365ln2 / 4) = 3.396 x 10-28 x 5.97x1024 = 2.0196
mg, residual mass of approximately 2 mg milingram radon after a year of 365
days when the initial mass of radon was all the mass Earth! (Rate of
reduction of radon time 3.396 x 10-28 <10000 x 10-28 = 10-24. Rate of
reduction in one hundred years (3.396) 100 x 10-2800
which obviously tends to zero. Remember, integer powers of a number of
smaller, tend to zero).
Considering now the initial mass m0 = 0.1767 x 1064 <1064 Kgr radon equal
and greater than the mass of the entire visible universe, ie all (and more) the
mass of objects in Sympian, we can see with the largest telescopes on Earth,
ie the greatest mass that may have radon in the Universe. With L and T as
above and t = 13.5 billion years ago in days, ie t = 13.500.000.000 x 365,
taking m = m0 exp (-lt) = m0 exp (-ln2 / 4 x365x 13500000000x365) = m0 x
(3.396 x 10-28) 365x13.500000000 = 0! the largest (and even greater) value
m0 = 1064 Kgr),
m = 1064 Kgr x (3.396 x 10-28) 13.500000000 <1064 Kgr x (10000 x 10-28)
1064 Kgr x (10-24) 13.500000000 = 1064 Kgr x 10-24 x13.500000000 = 10-
24 x 13.500000000 +64 Kgr = 0 Kgr

Minutes absolutely zero Kgr, compared with the mass of any

elementary particle or mass of any individual item! This should not surprise
us. Remember again, integer powers of a lower number, tending to zero.
Same is also true for the other radioactive elements with half-time T, any
known value of T! No known radioactive element with the normal half-life
could have survived since the Big Bang until today!
Of course to say, it can be left and the radio after the Big Bang, for those who
believe today that the source of radon is radium.
So for radon is concluded, may not have any source straight from the Big
Bang, or coming from any other radioactive element and it comes from the
Big Bang, and thus remains to hypothesise that Radon was born
underground or The parent element of this is born and long after the Big
Bang and even in the subsoil of the Earth, always demonstrating the theory
of continuous creation.
Other provisions of the doctrine of continual creation
Since only 25% of Neutrino EXPECTED FROM THE SUN reaches EARTH
WITHOUT YOU IS NO LOSS meanwhile, means that only 25% OF THE

HUBBLE Law of the expanding universe U = Hr (H = 1.8 10-18 Sec-1)

Epikratisi of matter in SYMPAN AND NOT OF GALAXIES ANTIYLIS Rotating
spiral spirals
In 1878, Maxwell gave the following reasoning: "If the Earth is moving at
some speed through the ether and, assuming that leaves him unaffected (by
the assumption of Maxwell, but unlike other cases such as Stokes) Ether
should be moved to relationship with the Earth at a speed equal measure and
in the opposite direction than the speed of the Earth.
Of course, the speed of the Earth should be taken into account:
• The orbital speed of (as it rotates around the sun)
• the unknown velocity of our solar system, and * other unknown possible
components of velocity.
The size of the problem, if one takes account of only the orbital speed of
Earth, as it was known only value was estimated too small to be measured
and the case was left without control for some time.
But the young Michelson, accepting the challenge of the impossible
experiment with the help of Professor of Chemistry Morley built in the famous
After an unsuccessful attempt in 1881, a second experiment was able to get
usable measurements of displacements observed ciliary junction and in 1887
published the findings of the experiment.
His conclusion was that "the relative velocity of the earth and the ether is
probably less than one-sixth of Earth's orbital speed (speed of the Earth
during the procession around the sun) and certainly less than one quarter of
An unbelievable as to the substance of the entity, unborn, and immortal,
which governs the complete works of human intellect and activity, the time,
however, brings the birth and death of any other existence. It is not accidental
in this case the myth of the ancient Greeks, according to which Kronos (=
time) swallow the very children. In this case, however, that depicts Zeus, who
was spared because his mother Rhea gave Cronus a stone to swallow
instead? What are unaffected by the time except for sulfur? Displayed and
bearing a scythe, which reaps the lives by ending the actual flow of them. Still
exist with the notation drepanoforo death. Is directly related to the
development of the microcosm of mesokosmou, the macrocosm of the
universe. Pandamator, panoletir, pantherapeftis, pandidaktor. The human
mind is arrogantly the degradation, by considering the physics as a mere
dimension of a four-dimensional space-time continuum. Appointed him, but
he always escapes, not only the substance but also the beginning and end of
this dimension. In measuring a variety of events and institutions. With the
help of celestial motion of the stars, or the modern atomic clocks ammonia or
kaisiou_133. He can not tell what it really is. If indeed there is, or is merely a
virtual reality, where and what surrounds us. However, associated with a
sequence of events that give a sense of time and abstract concepts of past,
present and future. Meaning, of course, though apparently clear and perfectly
understandable to everyday ordinary people, however, purely subjective and
totally confusing world of modern physics when combined, mandatory
Moreover, the philosophy.
The ancient Greeks, inventors bass science and especially philosophy, could
not be indifferent to this ancient entity, where all the sense, but nobody can
really be a "touch". In association with the movement and space, because
with these measures, but paradoxically, the move is measured over time
enthymizontas somewhat classic question of the egg and chicken. The
Pammegistoi Aristotle said: "I am not anything without movement and change
in time. Neither Kinisis nor "no traffic time esti ... It was only the kinisin time
measured, but the open time by the orizesthai into each other ... time telling
the number of movements in advance and afterwards and continued ... It
might be the kinisin this and an and again and again (ie periodic) time and
thus, quasi eniafton or springtide or metoporon. The time for him as for his
uncle Plato develops oriented, straight and without inversion. It can not be
fully measured and what counts is a virtual time, the "offspring" time of Plato,
the picture is the ideal time. According to the Stoics always perpetually
subject to cyclical movements between birth and death. Return to starting
position meant death, and regeneration, something that agrees with current
ideas in science, as we shall see below. The Elea on the other hand said that
the motion is an illusion, so no real and close to it and the time. During the
holy Augustine (354-403 AD) before the creation of the world there was no
sense of time. This part of the overall creation of God, which also concepts
present - past - future have no meaning in the timeless eternity. The ideas of
Aristotle dominated for centuries, until the Newton (1642-1727) proclaimed
the intangibility of the flow of absolute time, as opposed to the motion of the
body where it can be accelerated, decelerated or even, as derived from the
fundamental law. And where everything seemed to understand and simple
and the technology of timekeeping devices had reached heights of
excellence, is Einstein (1879 - 1955) with the major contribution of the course
and make Caratheodory's Special Theory of Relativity, which sounds as a
bolt from the blue the scientific salons of the season. The building collapses
sythemela Newton, time ceases to be a firm and constantly moving
substance time depends on the observer, the speed for accuracy, with which
he moves. Expands at high speed! Possible father to appear younger than
his son, or even worse, was born after his child! Unbelievable yet true! The
time dilation has been found experimentally. And the final blow came from
the General Theory of Relativity Einstein again. Not only speed, but gravity
affects time. Again, time slows to a strong gravitational fields. Inside a Black
Hole, to name an extreme case, an imaginary traveler can jump past or
future, without going through any spatial or temporal distance! A new
background in the sense of time, which travels through time, writers of fiction,
and they acquire the mantle of science, and once the development of science
leads people to see that despite the jump remains at the same point. So what
is finally the time? But let's take things from scratch.

It seems simple to think that almost from the start, opened the eyes of the
man, saw the sun and the other constellations and began to follow. So
gradually found their movements, said the frequency and in time began to
reconcile their positions with several changes in nature, which happened
around him. So for example, found that the length of day and night, hot or
cold and other weather phenomena were directly related to the path of the
sun or the tides of the various phases of the moon. So not long deification of
the sun, moon and other celestial bodies, since these forces seemed
supernatural and made in religious activities. The observation group of
plants, and those directly connected with the sun, led to the discovery of the
seasons of the year and the early part of the human performance of
agricultural work. So the daily and religious needs have led to methodical
observation of celestial bodies (including the sun, the moon, the Sirius, Orion
and the Pleiades) and the precise determination of the length of the primary
measuring unit of a new concept was born, time, ie the day and year.

Especially in ancient Greece, where he developed at least the 9th

millennium BC navigation and soon found the usefulness of the stars and
constellations in the conduct, the mere observation of celestial bodies
became a scientific survey, and was born and ever since then developed
astronomy. The calendar note even seems to have originated from the
Navigation and it went in the agricultural sector. Hesiod in his "Works and
Days' orders. "To start the summer erupt when the daughters of Atlas
Pleiades, and sowing when dyoun. According to Polybius the constellation of
the Pleiades (the well-known birds) was so great, that the Achaeans and was
used as a political principle of the year. Even today the Indians of Brazil
Toukano calculate seasons with the help of the Pleiades. It seems to have
become even got information from the civilized world, the Greeks, in the
background. In other peoples comments starry sky surrounded with
superstition and magic mantle only limited empirical incremental recovery,
despite the impression that supposedly dominated the Greeks borrowed their
astronomical knowledge from these people (Babylonians, Chaldeans, etc. ).
When the Greeks nafsiploousan they did not even exist. It's funny so the
above claim.
The day, therefore, the daughter of Night and Erebus, sister and
granddaughter Ether of Chaos, in Hesiod's Theogony, was the first physical
unit of time (duration). Resulting from the Earth's rotation around its axis, and
last for the rotation. It is best understood in the apparent path of the sun from
east to west. Homer dividing into six sections, Eos - Imar middle - on the
bright twilight portion of the day (day), and evening - average night - amfilyki
the dark part (night). But the moon, sister of Helios and Eos and the daughter
of the Titans Hyperion and Theia according to Hesiod, was used in antiquity
for the measurement of time. Thus the various phases of the Moon set out a
lunar month, the second physical unit of time. Finally, the continuing cycle of
seasons has led to the last physical unit in the year. This is the behavior of
the Earth around the Sun. Thus began the development of a calendar system
in which the important role you played and the myth of Apollo (= Sun) on the
island of Delos. Once born akersekomis god of light, the holy swan of
Maionias, where we pulled the chariot of the future in his travels, made seven
times around the sacred island sang seven times in honor of giving him the
number of unique sanctity. When Homer is also the "seven herds of cattle,
and seven herds" was the Sun (before identified with Phoebus Apollo), while
seven were the son and seven daughters. Since then the number seven is
repeated in many cases, fans and so far retains its symbolism. We mention a
few: The seven wonders of the world, the seven cities' marnantai rizan wise
decision by Homer, the seven sages of antiquity, seven male and seven
female children of Niobe, the seven people and seven virgins were the
person's blood Athens to the Minotaur, the seven days that prevented the
birth of Hera Hercules, seven days brooding in winter Kingfisher eggs, seven
stars representing the Big and Little Bear and the seven Pleiades. Even
eptafaeis was the Orphic bands of light, septet was the holy gallery in
Olympia, seven were against ekstratefsantes eptapylis Eptapirgiou and
Thebes (Seven Against Thebes). But mention the seven vowels of the divine
design Greek language. Moreover during the Pythagoreans the number
seven was perfect as was the sum of two perfect numbers, three (triangle)
and four (square). It is the only number ten, where either divided or multiplied
to give someone else in the top ten. Today we are talking about seventh
heaven eptazymo bread, eptapsyches cats, jealously, etc., while the
Apocalypse of John "is littered with cases where the number seven can not
be accidental. So seven letters to seven churches, seven fiery torches, seven
seals, seven trumpets, seven fanfare etc.
After all they reasonably understand why the number of days of the week is
seven, while skeptical about the prevailing view, that the division of the month
is seven day Caldean origin. But the ancient Greeks spent every day of the
week to a god, while making and naming them. So the first day was spent in
the sun, the moon in the second, the third to Mars, the fourth to Mercury, the
fifth in Jupiter, Venus in the sixth and seventh on Saturn. The Romans
received the names and translated only in wind dialect words in Latin, and
through them, the Romans spread to the West and kept almost unchanged
until today The following table shows the names of the days of the week in
various nations.

Chaldeans BC Greeks Roman Greek Hebrew AD

Shamash day sun dies Solis First Saturday Sunday

Sin Moon days dies Lunae Monday Saturday Monday
Minurti Mars days dies Martis Tuesday Saturday Tuesday
Nabu Mercury days dies Mercurii Wednesday Saturday Wednesday
Marduk Dios day dies Jovis Thursday Saturday Thursday
Ishtar Venus day dies Veneris Friday Friday
Norigal Saturn days dies Saturni Saturday Saturday

With the prevalence of the Greek Orthodox Christianity accepted the

Hebrew numbering and left of the names that made reference to the Twelve.
Instead, First Saturday only, using Sunday to commemorate the resurrection
of Christ. Unlike other Europeans retain their Greek translation naming
obviously dialect. This week is the first artificial unit of time, the value is not
probably due to religious reasons rather than the scientific necessity.
The months in Greek antiquity took the name of the festival took place during
and epoikilan from city to city, while Romans others bear the names of gods
or Caesar and other serial number. So January is named after the two-faced
Janus god or king, February celebrations in honor of Saturn, the god Mars in
March, April to Aphrodite, in May the mother of Hermes, Maia, June, Hera,
July the namesake Caesar Augustus to Octavian named Augustus (=
respected), while other months have names based on the number in Latin
and their position in the initial 10 months on Romulus. The January and
February are later additions from Noumea, the Savino King of the Romans,
who succeeded Romulus. From ancient indicatively months under
ilioseliniako Attic calendar. Wedding (January / February) Anthesteria (Feb /
Mar), Elaphebolia (March / April), Mounychion (April / May) Thargilion (May /
June) Skiroforion (June / July) Ekatomvaion (July / August) Metageitnia
(August / September) Voidromion (September / October) Pyanepsion (Oct /
Nov) Maimaktirion (Nov / Dec) and Poseidon (December / January). The
month began with the first visibility of the moon and ends with the new moon
and the year began with the first visibility of the moon after the summer
solstice. With the Roman conquest of Athens and the rest of Greece has
taken out the Roman solar calendar.
From ancient times there have been many attempts to connect this year but
the months and days, despite the difficulties inherent in the fact, that the year
contains a whole number of days (about 365.25), or months, or the lunar
months contains integer days (around 29.5 average). This suggested at
times, especially by the Greeks, several corrections or intercalary months
every few years. For historical reasons to mention the contribution of
Anaximander talk to him or her Kleostratou him Tenedos, the famous
METON Pausanias from Athens (METON eniaftos) of Kallipou of Cyzicus
(moving into Athens), the Aristarchus the Samian and of course to
Also Julius Caesar in 46 BC led to significant reform in the log even giving his
name (Julian calendar). For the accuracy required the reform attempted two
centuries ago, 238 in Egypt, Ptolemy the Benefactor, but the reaction of the
clergy prevented. With the reform introduced the leap year. The Julian
calendar every 400 years winning 3 days. The inaccuracy of the Byzantine
philosopher found Nikiforos Gregoras (1295-1359), but his application for
adjustment of the log rejected the emperor Andronicus II Palaeologus, not to
cause scandal in the minds of believers. So the new reform would make the
Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 with proposals for scientific committee set up to do
so. The new Gregorian calendar was called and the accuracy is one day
every 3323 years. The Gregorian calendar was introduced in Europe in late
centuries. In Greece, introduced in 1923, so that February 16 was changed to
March 1, but the church has accepted the following year 1924. Today there
are some believers who still use the church to the Julian calendar, called Old
Calendarists ..
Apart from the units of astronomical dating circles, very old and widely used
system was the Olympics. Olympias was a period of four years between two
events of the celebration of the Olympians. The first year of the first Olympiad
in 776 BC was considered, the year revival certainly not the establishment of
the Olympic Games. Finally anaferome that in Hellenistic times was the
chronology of Alexander's death (the maximum), and certainly the victory of
Christianity was established as the basis for timing the birth of Christ and the
time differs currently in BC and AD

Artificial time units

With the development of astronomy and the need for precise time
determination, which imposed new conditions or to everyday life, or the
development of science, emerged on the other hand a smaller subdivisions of
the days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds ( milisekont) microseconds
(1 / 1000 milisekont), on the other hand the same day identified more
accurately as the ratio of the year. Later, even with space flight and nuclear
division created the need for even greater precision in the measurement of
time. The half-life example particles produced by nuclear processes may be
unrealistically low. Appear and disappear in nanoseconds (1 / 1000
microsecond) or pikodefterolepta (1 / 1000 of the nanosecond). This method
reached the time measurement to within 1 second in 3000 years! On the
other hand again, even the year is comically inadequate for studies of the
principles of the Earth (archaeological, geological strata, fossils, radioactive
elements) from archaeologists, palaeontologists, geologists. There, now, as
in the dim light that reaches Earth from distant stars, recorded events that
occurred centuries ago, thousands, millions or billions of years, as can be
traced even in time of creation of the universe. It is enviable privilege of
astronomers - astrophysical, but equally impressive, if one considers that
those who observe the moment when the note is past the stars. This is
because the distances of outer space is so huge that even light, which
traveled 9.5 trillion miles per year, billions of years needed to reach the
observer of the Earth from another galaxy. What occurs then is how was the
star or galaxy, when the light started it. Perhaps seeing the past, ongoing, of
course, a star, who has long since died.
To return to the current measurement units of time to mention that the year is
365 days but every four years is 366 days (leap year). And has 12 months
with different number of days, divided into four periods of unequal duration.
Specifically, spring begins on March 21 (vernal equinox, day length equal to
the night) and ending on June 21 (summer solstice maximum day-night
minimum) with a duration of 92 days and 20.2 hours. Summer begins on
June 21 and ends on September 22 (autumnal equinox, day length equal to
the night) with a maturity of 93 days and 14.4 hours. Autumn begins on
September 22 and ending on December 22 (winter solstice maximum night-
day minimum) with a maturity of 89 days and 18.7 hours. Finally, winter
begins on December 22 and ends on March 21 with a duration of 89 days
and 0.5 hours. The relationship between the year and its subdivisions seem
complicated but this is because astronomical cycles (revolutions Earth -
Moon), in which determination is independent of each other.

Methods time measurement

In the beginning the time measurement devices that were based on

material flow, such as running water, sand sliding stones falling, should count
as a size, and this is a moving reality. But lit candles ratings were ordinary


timer. So there are ammoklepsydres the hydraulic hourglass timer hydraulic
timing and candles.

The basic chronometric instruments but from antiquity to the 16th century
was the sundial even different types, which show the time with the help of the
shadow of the basic part (opinion) who created the sun. The opinion was
special right triangle whose acute from a corner was equal to the latitude of
the place where used.

But the station was ... timekeeping technology and construction of the
astrolabe (probably by Hipparchus, the father of astronomy), which stated the
hours to the nearest minute. Once the 13th AD century mechanical clocks
were invented perhaps the Chinese, so I believe, so that some sponge found
in 1901 the most famous Antikythera Mechanism. This mechanism has many
metal circular gears positioned in such a way as to simulate the motion of
some planets. Who and how he built with such astronomical knowledge and
precision manufacturing such that era (dated to 80 BC) remains a mystery. It
seems however that it is rather astronomical computer engineer than an even
more complex astrolabe.

Evolution of mechanical watches with cliques are those with quartz crystals
and precision a millisecond. Here are atomic clocks that time estimated by
the individual pulses of nitrogen in the ammonia molecule, or the person of
the cesium-133 that occur within a second, exactly where it is unimaginable.
Finally, the ultimate in precision clock, which uses hydrogen atoms, is about
1/ second. Develops trapped ion technology for even
greater accuracy

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Now is the time, as seen from above, calculated on the basis

idiosychnotites which oscillate those of the individual watches. As of January
1972 at the International Bureau of Time (Bureau International de l 'Heure)
Paris emit continuous time signal, based on the average of 80 atomic clocks,
which are scattered in 24 countries of the Earth. This time is called
Coordinated Universal Time or UTC summary the acronym for Coordinated
Universal Time, and it is this political time communicating observatories in the
media. Therefore, astronomical observations of the movements of the sun or
other stars no longer play a role in the calculation of the time. The well-known
DST has nothing to do with the above. Imposed by various countries for
purely practical reasons of energy.
Assured me that this energy saving, as is greater use of the bright part of the
24-hour days.
Also for practical reasons have been established and 24 shells which shared
the planet and each differs from the vicinity of one hour. This raises, of
course, an imaginary line across the regions which differ by 24 hours so I
called a line change of date. This criss 12th spindle and passing through the
middle of the Pacific Ocean. To accurately follow a zigzag course to avoid
mix up the residents of neighboring areas by the date change. Since a part of
the line watches shows 12 hours ahead of GMT and another 12 hours back.
The adjacent picture shows just the spindles and the time difference of each
of the first shell from which it passes and the meridian of Greenwich. It also
shows the broken line to change the date (International Date Line).

Biological Clocks
As mentioned at the beginning of work everything else in this world
continuously from the primitive, albeit unspecified, essence of time. So
almost all living organisms, animals and plants have developed their own
clock mechanism, with the help of which everything done on time, otherwise
it occurs wilting and death. The activities of members of the animal and plant
kingdom and occur in cycles are coordinated with the astronomical cycles of
alternating day and night, changing seasons, phases of the moon and eleven
cycles of activity of the Sun. Some circles even recorded the agencies
themselves, such as years is shown in the circles of logs of trees. These
complicated watch or clock movements shall be when the plants are
blooming, the flowers never open, migratory birds when to migrate, and when
to sleep, when to wake, etc. Over the years, and after live rounds to them,
these biological clocks unwind cease operation and death occurs in
organizations. But time runs its course, indifferent to what it leaves behind.
The time, in all seasons but especially after the formulation of
theories of special and general relativity, has been the focus of many restless
spirits pastime that all focus on the following questions: Is there real or not?
Where are you moving? Is reversible or not Can we travel to the past or the
future? has a beginning and end and where are they? Obviously all the
questions are unanswered and only the wording creates and leads to a
mysterious and charming atmosphere and creates a strange mood, like to
communicate with sulfur.
Whether there is really the time or not is purely a philosophical
question, and in the broader question of whether indeed exist and meis or
not. For a natural therefore there is no such issue. To explore other questions
one method would be to connect the half with another physical size and study
related. Such a magnitude is the entropy, which is generally a disorder of
body system. Most changes in the nature and flow of time means such
appear to be reversible. That is, prima facie, one could say that the sun eg
could be rising from the west and sets in the east, moving in opposite
directions, reaches the Earth's rotation to be reversed. This is not ruled by a
law of nature. Then what would happen to the flow of time? I had gone to the
past? You might find other phenomena in the opposite way, if you reverse the
causes. Thus, the magnetic poles of a magnet or a coil could be appearing at
opposite ends. Water becomes ice if you remove the heat, but ice is water,
although the heat offer these phenomena said to exhibit symmetry with
respect to time. But if we study the flow of heat, we see that it always flows
spontaneously from hotter bodies to the cooler and never vice versa.
Ultimately, of course, science has shown that in nature all the changes are
irreversible. These studies led to the formulation of the Kelvin, Planck and
Klaousious the second thermodynamic law, which is in many monorropi
direction of flow of time. Generalizing and eklaikefontas this law of physics
say that in any insulated system and the universe is considered to be such a
system, various components may increase or decrease the entropy (disorder)
over time, but the total entropy of the system always i 'increases. As a child
growing up seem to increase with the order of construction of the stone, and
formed the various organs of the body and stabilizes the rhythm of their
functions. But this is achieved by diet, where food is broken down into
nutrients, and this certainly represents an increase of disorder such that the
entropy, in order for the system as a whole child - food entropy increases as
the years go by and the child grows . This way one time of Entropy shows the
corresponding one-way direction of chronou.Alla if we accept the one-way
direction of time, when will it stop?
According to Boltzmann, an Austrian of course the end of time will occur
when the universe obtained the maximum entropy. Then no change can
happen, there will be warmer and colder body, there is no activity after the
radioactive elements would have split and will come into the stable. The stars
will shine and now the Earth and other planets with continuous loss of energy
will epipesoun on helium. Of course the man has long since disappeared. It
has been the famous thermal death of the universe, and since there is no
change, and be established and measured the time, even if he is still there,
but would not make sense. This will happen in the year AD
10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 As follows, taking into account the half-life
point lead _ 204, and the quantity of this universe.
In the beginning of time? This goes back to the moment of the Big Bang,
when we had the first change and the beginning of the creation of the
universe. But what caused the big bang? So what was there before that? Is
there time? Questions unanswered, of course, who themselves but elevate
man to other levels.
Under the prevailing theory of cosmology, the universe after the Big Bang
began to expand with a corresponding movement of the time. Today we are
still in this phase of expansion. In 40 billion years after the Big Bang, will
begin to contract, and another 40 billion years will follow where another
explosion and the cycle will start again, just say the stoci philosophers
thousands of years ago. The universe is like a mythical phoenix, burns
periodically and is reborn from the ashes? Time inherent with him doing?
During the contraction moves in the opposite direction? This amounts to a
journey into the past? The end of the year coincides namely the principle of?
And how much did this cycle? When mathematician and philosopher Alfred
North Chouaitchaint "it is impossible to think over time and the mystery of the
creative path of nature without a feeling crash in front of the limits of human
thought." -

* The owner of the cigar, Einstein

For many years the Nuclear Research Center Demokritos those students,
students with their teachers visited the Department of Particle Accelerator
and were lucky enough to guide Mr. F. Trouposkiadis, a technician who
worked there in the end passed a unique test of knowledge. First accept the
question of whether everything they saw on the tour thought it would have to
think and the Greeks had built. After studies if they knew about relativity,
thermodynamics and mathematics had made a Greek, who acknowledged
himself Einstein. And finally, if they had heard from their own teachers to
indicate anything in the class name of Constantin Carathéodory. In all all the
response was usually a series of "no" accompanied by embarrassment or
discomfort. So took as a souvenir of their visit, the admonition to stick to a
wall or even a student laboratory facilities, a small poster with simple mild
character of Caratheodory, the inseparable cigar, imprinted with thick Black
and White beans on the paper, together few photocopied pages of an age-old
issue of "Person of the Century", with some data from the brilliant life. It was
the only one, to know, throughout ongoing effort to recall the existence and
the huge scientific displacement of Constantin Carathéodory. And this from a
simple, insignificant individual.

Having studied for four years in the Belgian Academy and became an officer
in 1895 went to Crete, where he met the young then Eleftherios Venizelos. At
27, he decides to leave his career in the army engineer and devote himself to
mathematics. He managed to keep excavations at the Pyramids of Egypt, to
study art history, he knew Greek, French, German, Turkish. In five years he
had managed to become professor at the University of Goettingen and eight
years since he graduated in mathematics was now a professor at Göttingen,
succeeding the famous Klein, Jupiter and mathematics, as was called by his
contemporaries. At the same time begins to consider himself Latin and
ancient Greek, thus deepening the work of Euclid, with honors and high
acquaintances did not stop accumulating. In 1918 he was elected professor
in Berlin and the Academy in July 1919; the ceremony of welcoming the
nomination of himself Max Planck.

M. J. Gideon, briefcase and writer Alexander the Great Church, a man

restrained but still honest, aware of the dark church, but an honest
researcher mechanisms files ecumenical patriarchate, from becoming
unwitting apologist of the lever to reveal a grim reality. Apodidontas the
hostility of the people and the Church against the repudiation of science by
patriarch Paisios in 1744 the gallery of Free Masons of milk, which the monk
Kaisarios Dapontes called "koniatas (= plasterers) concludes. "Since then
attached kath'imas lao, was born the idea that the sages and scholars, were
the so oioi apokirychthentes as atheists, for they are all wicked and scientists
in general persecution was raised as such an advantage. Gideon
acknowledges that the same happened to the Byzantine period "to think the
load compartment of culture adept people, drapetefsanta spirits of the sons of
hell and the devil."
The Old Testament was a clear "For even the estereose oikoumenin itis th
will be shaken" (Psalm 92.1). Motionless then the universe, namely the Earth,
but moving the Sun: "Sun upright in Gibeah ... '(Joshua). But beyond even
the strict interpretation of picturesque villages, how could the mind of a
theologian to fit how the Earth was the center of creation and housing the
image of God could be a satellite of the Sun? But in spite of good faith , has
the East's small Galilean. The priest Veniamin the Lesbian was invited by the
Patriarchate to account for teaching that the earth moves. In 1805, the
uneducated, the patriarch Kallinikos E xesikomenos by reports of Athanasios
Parios, preacher of the Great Throne Dorotheos Desire and the monks and
Samuel James, convened a meeting of 7 bishops, which is based on books
students embezzlement St Athanasius, in a letter to the residents of Kydonies
the school where he taught Benjamin, the calling to confess error in writing,
threatening him with expulsion from his position. Benjamin, pretended
understood the matter as against dogmatism in favor of the findings of
physics, which is easily dismissed by writing an ambiguous platitude: "apasai
century physics ennoiai ... They are not than by the addition that if non-simple
speculation" (A. Angel "Epiphany "-1988). This is not a random event, like
many preceding. Nikiforos Theotokis in 1766 in Physics of the state system of
Copernicus. The night ran away from school in Iasi, where he taught, and
later switched to maintenance. In 1781, the deacon Josephus Moisiodakas
heard heliocentric system, but avoids to adopt it, for fear of reactions, and he
having the bitter experience of persecution in 1777 from the School of Iasi.
The Kodrikas who in 1794 translated the "De la pluralite des mondes" in
layman's Science Fontenelle where the author defends his follower
iliokentrismou Copernicus saw the book can be ordered from the Church. In
1797 Professor School of patriarchal Sergius Makraios published grandiose
"Trophy of the Greek armor against the followers of Copernicus. The
geographer patriarch of Jerusalem Chrysanthos Notaras (indulgences
businessman who inherited the patriarchal throne by his uncle Dositheus
"Stellomen ... .... Twenty-indulgences ..."-Prakt.V 'had. Syned. Peloponnese.
Studies, vol III, Ath . 1981-1982, p. 290) although it had considerable
astronomical knowledge, subordinate the truth to religious expediency,
whether consciously or blinded by his faith and wrote in "Introduction to
Geographic and Global", Paris 1716 ". . ... the Earth is true ... is ... center of
everywhere .... need is to prove that it is still ... that is still the first deiknytai
Divine Grafin. Geokentrikou fan system was a scholar and bishop of Athens
Meletios, according to unpublished Epitome of Astronomy '(the earth ....
Oudemian kinisin poieitai ") and" Geography "in (1728). Even a
representative of the Enlightenment philosopher Damodos Vincent (18th
century)., Unable to overcome the status of the Orthodox theologian supports
the compromise system of Tycho Brahe, (16th century). Because "endorses
the divine script. The Brahma stagnant like the Earth and the sun orbits, but
accept that the other planets orbiting the sun. Archbishop Eugene Voulgaris,
but understands that Copernicus was right, reject the system because it is
contrary ye ierais selisin. The ag.Athanasios of Paros, in the "answering
address", he wrote that science is futile, "the desire manthanein" is
"tyrannical" as "forcing a man to light up areas and the planets. The monk
Cyril Lafriotis of Patras, attacking the priest Anthimos Gazis that "both
errofise the atheism of crowds" to dare to mention in a footnote of "Grammar
of the Philosophical Sciences", "the noisantas akinisian the sunset. (G. Caras
The science to ELL. Area. Ekd.D.I.Zacharopoulos-1991). The teacher Father
John Dimitriadis Tyrnavos Pesaro (1806), which in School (Ellinomouseion)
taught mathematics, physics, chemistry, philosophy and was a fan of the
heliocentric system, was banned by Larissa Raphael in 1805, preaching in
the temple.

Maybe some oppose: Can the leadership of the Church to be obscurantist,

but was enlightened priests, even in the underground leadership pyramid.
The ministry offered its financial and vocational rehabilitation to a study
ftochopaido West. Kuman notes the category of "educated", "Eutin by the
patriarchal esynazonto salaries in Constantinople by the cleric to analavosin
valorem" ("History of human acts, t.IV). For many this signaled the
subsequent adventures with the Church, for some even as Diakos follower of
Voltaire Moisiodaka Josephus, one wonders if the robe did not feel like a
prison. They had to deal with despots like boorish describes the Anonymous
Greek: "The patriarch after ixefrei to read both descended from the Psalms of
David, is a worthy principle toiaftis the Synod, and this ixefrei to reading more
from him and their deeds of the Apostles . The Kon.Koumas reveals: "Letters
to varvarikin syntaxin with anorthografian improbable and to those of bishops,
Tas signature ... ypografai century metropolitans, bishops and priests to
testify prokopin the signatory ... ....." The scholar Pamplekis Christodoulos,
has faced the categories Platamon Dionysius, who wrote and insulting satire
against the wise teacher "Sequence eterofthalmou Antichrist and
Christodoulos on Akarnania. Even his teacher, Eugene Voulgaris, had to
renounce it, calling the book "On philosophy" (Vienna, 1786) containing the
Newtonian view of the world, "a compilation terrible books." Patriarch
Neophytos, excommunicated him in 1793 .
The Heraclides Mouse in the 4th century BC. and Aristarchus of Samos, 3rd
BC century. suggested the heliocentric system and the rotation of Earth on its
axis and around the sun, and Dikearchou Eratosthenes measured the
diameter, while Hipparchus estimated the distance of the stars. Aristotle
offered a logical argument that the earth is round after the eclipse of the
Moon, the Earth casts a shadow of the curve. The G Highlights Meeting but
took care to curse "on the outside moran philosophers legomenin wisdom":
"Percent legousin that the Greek sages ... ... ... ... kreittones eisi of pious
Orthodox men ... damn ... thrice.
So the opposite Christian side, the apologist Theophilus Antioch accuses
writers of ignorance "parliament say the world spheroids" (To Autolycus,
Vivl.V, 32). The monk Cosmas Indicopleustis the 6th century AD, writes in the
Christian Cosmography "of how the Earth is flat and square surrounded by a
wall that joins ftiagnoun Heaven, Hell and the place" down on the earth. "
Cosmas, translated and influenced the Slavs and Orthodox Syrian Saint John
of Damascus in the Sacred while (8th century).. This was preceded by an
apologist Lactantius (4th cent.) Mocks those who believe in the sphericity of
the Earth, believes the plane, causing the irony of Copernicus in «De
revolutionibus orbium coelestium» -1543. The funny views of the two men
was based on Isaiah 40-22, which states "... in the circle of the earth" and as
we all know the circle is flat. Modern apologists of Christianity, see the "circle
rotation of the Earth, but it does not explain why no one enlightened father
not given this interpretation. In fact there is always a serious relationship with
a Christian Geography logic, at least at the points intersected with the Bible.
For example, some authors like Indicopleustis Philostorgius and the
Ecclesiastical History »(III, 10), to extract rescued St. Photios, believed that
the Nile is the Biblical Lands, who comes from heaven (see below Fig . map).



Basil in "six days" gives the final blow to the question of allegory, is cunning
in the method by which the Church now interprets the Bible, trying to be
patched up by the alleged symbolism blatant myths, such as building the
world in 6 days which is supposedly centuries etc. dismisses any
interpretation of transport (such as in Genesis has a Hellenist Jew of
Alexandria Friends trying to reconcile the Bible with Greek philosophy) and
says: "I never forced Horton Horton noo, and fyton and ichthyn and beast,
and beast, always eiritai so ekdechomai. On the question of the shape of the
Earth, remains faithful to his knowledge that no man can know or need to
investigate because although many claimed the land that is a sphere or
cylinder or drive, etc. though Moses did not say anything from the "My only
purpose proachthisomai atimoteran words for our kosmopoiian because
nothing on the shape of God Moses dielechthi therapist. What writes
Agiovasilis based solely on knowledge of the era in which perfectly hold and
tries to discredit or to reconcile them if possible with the Bible. No divine
illumination does not lead, unlike the slavery of his faith prevents him from
using advanced knowledge in a open-minded inquiry by delivering personal
thoughts, assumptions, etc.
It is only natural the Patriarchate and the drones of the courtiers, followers of
any physical and mental stillness and devotees of the forces of social inertia,
putting out pimples when I heard about the rotating earth. Perhaps the cause
is what gives Korais: ".... The fear of not turning the ball .... Overthrow which
he received unworthily ypolipsin. The Vatican has recently (John Paul II) that
the earth moves. Making a virtue of necessity installed in 1981 in Arizona,
advanced telescope technology. The ecumenical patriarchate indifferently
whistling. Addressed in a very easy going public. The own adventures in the
globe is not widely known. In our school books there is no hint. The veil has
dropped Omertà oblivion ....
So I have to say two things and I hope to watch: First, there are worse in the
world and close our second, do not go to the very edge of it will fall and then
finally the blogs and in fatwa amartiesPantos the great Imam of Saudi Arabia
announced some years ago that the Earth is flat, according to the Koran, and
whoever claims otherwise, deserves to be punished hard
In Light of the East in September 1919 asking the Eleftherios Venizelos in
Paris and there Caratheodory in developing its views on a second Greek
university. In October of that year delivered to Eleftherios Venizelos, written
in French, an important text, with many arguments for establishing Smyrna a
Greek university. It is so convincing that the Caratheodory August 1920, a
warship in the port of Izmir, Venizelos, the Greek High Commissioner in
Smyrna Stergiadis and Caratheodory agree and decide on establishment of
the University of Izmir, which has logo the words "Light from the East.
Venizelos seems to have found the person Caratheodory the perfect engine
for a very difficult task. The idea of this university was supported by Venizelos
and Stergiades financially and morally too. And it is somewhat difficult to
explain this behavior are those who believe that it was pre-planned collapse
of the front in Asia Minor by Venizelos to fill the large uncultivated areas of
Greece by the refugees, but are always energetic and creative Greeks of
Asia Minor. The invasion of the Turks in Smyrna in August 1922 broke the
dashed dreams and the hard work of Caratheodory, who had meanwhile
ordered equipment, books and furniture for the university. And among the
refugees no longer mourning the Izmir and fight for a place in a boat,
Caratheodory not put it away. He sent his family wife and two minor children
in the unknown with a ship and he was left behind, as a public servant, but a
different culture and time, to salvage what had been entrusted to the Greek
state! And managed to bring back almost everything files and other material.
From all this, some utensils, libraries and institutions are now in the dusty
corridors of the cavernous old chemistry Solonos Street and even the
younger faculty members treat them with some disdain, and perhaps
discomfort, since taking up precious space.

* The Great University

Caratheodory was able to meet later in the family and returned to Athens to
teach for two years at the University and the University, but without success.
As stated verbatim in the "Step" Mr. A. candelabra, an eyewitness to the
traditions of that era, the Greek was miserable and could not speak well. He
had help teach math in first year chemistry students, and listeners and
NOISE cause distress during delivery, not knowing what was ahead and what
could be offered if you find a way of understanding. Frustrated, leaving in
1924 from Greece and went to teach in Munich, invited by the famous
Zomerfelnt, said then: "The University of Munich is large enough to allow
himself the luxury of a Caratheodory and the University of Hamburg , which
was expressed and that the mood to add it to the staff, had said sarcastically
other German academics: "Idea to have for themselves in Hamburg ..."».

In Munich he lived the rest of his life and died on February 2, 1950. As written
by Nicholas critic, who knew quite well: "The intelligentsia, which was liberally
oriented, he had acquired, maturing over time, a strength and a width could
not feel and who they endorsed synomilitai of the conflict. I remember, for
example, at the beginning of the First War to predict the defeat of Hitler's
Germany or the time to anticipate the attack of Hitler and ultimate destruction
by an authoritative shake educated Germans who are successful leaders had
already affected. In his homeland of Greece harbored infinite love. "

Found it very difficult during the war, like everyone else, while the release of
German scientists or foreign residents of Germany were considered enemies
of the Allies. That's why I Kalitsounakis on June 13, 1947 in a visit he made
to Princeton University and at the same Einstein, when the discussion came
to Caratheodory, who believed his friend, the famous mathematician said he
is willing to write to the U.S. principles established in Germany to facilitate the
return of the whole family in Greece. «Er ist ein feiner Mensch» Einstein said,
closing the discussion, a human rationalist, of course, little known in Greece,
although a world famous theorem bearing his name, not enriched by science,
but wanted to see that make a fortune.

The scientific work of

The work of C. Caratheodory spread in Mathematical Analysis, in Geometry
in the Calculus of Variations in Mathematical Visualization in
Thermodynamics, the Theory of Sets, Theory of Relativity. Are fundamental
and demonstrate the breadth of thought and knowledge. From her doctoral
dissertation in 1904 on the Theory of Change, which was fundamental,
showed its worth. From there it went, even in operations officer put the
foundations in the theory of relativity, while studies of the geometrical optics
led to applications as valuable as a system of telescopes in the famous
Palomar Observatory Mount is based on theories formulated by
Caratheodory. The German Academy has agreed to adopt by 1945 the total
turnover in five massive volumes, while Greek students knew the name of
Caratheodory known only by dedicating to him his book on calculus by
Professor of Mathematics at the University Demetrius Kappos.

The relationship between man and math is almost always characterized by

fanaticism. There are those - the majority - which, not trying to reach their
charm, state sworn enemies of the unknown field of knowledge during
compulsory school years. They are also those who, having been fortunate
enough to know without broken links in the chain is a mathematical science,
become fans of. Make mathematical thinking way of life ... Knowing, of
course, that mathematics is nothing other than the existence of the ideology
of romanticism, realism, the organotikotitas. For some it is more ... The world
of ... Their very lives ... Constantine Karatheodoris, the most eminent
mathematicians, researchers in the 20th century, is one of the few around the

A mathematical contest, which invited the class to compete for two

consecutive years demonstrates the mathematical skills. Emerges first and
two years. Dream, a preoccupation with mathematics. His father believes the
mathematical science "profession without a future." It leaves him to study his
favorite subject, and Constantine, following his father's urging, he studied at
the Military School of Belgium, from which he graduated as an engineer
officer. His love of mathematics, but for him is "blight." Continues to
participate in competitions in mathematics, and who excel. In 1898 he came
to Egypt, where he remained for two years and worked as an engineer -
assistant engineer first - the dam of Aswan. Mathematical queries are proving
very attractive to young, Constantin Carathéodory, who does not close its
ears to the sirens ... In June 1900, leaving Egypt, the dams, the engineering
profession, for his great love: mathematics. He sits back to school
mathematical faculty of the Universities of Berlin and Göttingen, where
emerging student in 1908. His doctoral thesis "On discontinuous solutions of
the calculus of variations" is the first study that systematically deals with the
theory of random solutions, and until there is only limited conclusions. The
subsequent investigation of the industry that generates significant results in a
number of other areas. That same year, 1908, married in Istanbul Delight,
gender Caratheodory, distant relative. From this marriage takes two children,
Rosemary and Stephen.

His academic career includes teaching mathematics chairs in German

universities of Bonn, Hanover, of Breslau, in Göttingen, Berlin and Munich.
This demonstrates a leading world-class mathematician. In 1920, took
command at the Eleftherios Venizelos to organize in establishing the Ionian
University in Izmir, Athens and Thessaloniki. He manages to save the library
of the University of Smyrna, and after the Asia Minor Catastrophe in 1922,
bringing the volumes to the University. The period 1922-1924 is professor of
mathematics and engineering at NTUA. In 1924, settled permanently in
Munich. He returned to Greece in 1930 to help reorganize the Universities of
Athens and Thessaloniki
Versatile and prolific mathematician anymore, K. Karatheodoris puts its
stamp of success on the issues dealt with, but loves ... The scope of inquiry,
broad. Calculus of variations, partial differential equations, real functions,
complex functions, geometrical optics, thermodynamics, geometry, theory of
sets, astronomy, special theory of relativity of A. Einstein. It should be noted
that there is close cooperation and mutual respect between Constantine
Caratheodory and Einstein. Uncle Albert believes the teacher ... It is
important that Karatheodoris is not as widely known as Einstein ...

Apart from the numerous original scientific papers published, enrich the
international mathematical literature series books. Common characteristic,
the mathematical rigor combined with meticulous treatment of detail and,
primarily, a clear expression of concepts and evidence. Investigates
problems of changes in m-dimensional surfaces in an n-dimensional space. It
makes extensive use of partial differential equations, first degree or first
class, multiple integrals and geometric methods. Contribute to his research in
the theory of complex functions. He's theorem Emile Picard on the problems
of rates of normal families of functions of several variables, or complies with
the display ... The Caratheodory due recognition of the importance of
Hermann Schwarz theorem, which had hitherto observed. The speech,
however, in conjunction with other mathematical research, opening new
horizons in mathematical scientific research that lead to the renaming of the
Caratheodory theorem in "entry on Schwartz 'as he is known in the literature.
Caratheodory, dealing with real functions, inspired an axiomatic formulation
for metrikotita and simeiosynolon measure of the n-dimensional Euclidean
space. Working with the same zeal when the "General Analysis" contains as
special cases and the rest were split. Within this process the algevropoiisi the
concept of integral.
His writings are, since until now, a source of information for mathematical ...
"Calculus of variations and partial differential equations of first order" ... The
treatise, which had been on the same subject, entitled "Conformal
representation '... and publications, however, as the "real functions" ... Many
jobs are published shortly after his death. The period 1954-1957, the
Bavarian Academy of Sciences issued in five volumes, all of his writings. The
scientific work has been extended in many areas of physics and archeology.
The work of the physics related to the thermodynamics, geometric optics,
optical general, special relativity and engineering. Archaeological studies
relate to the construction of Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, especially in
temples, pyramids and irrigation ... He wrote about 232 works, of which 165
are published. Almost all the work, however, are extremely fundamental
research inspired him to highlight a few of the world science. A layout of
mathematical thought. Since 1927, a member of the Academy of Athens, and
then proclaimed member of the Academies of Berlin, Gketinmpengk, Munich,
Bologna and Rome Division.
To people Caratheodory, his daughter said a few years ago, speaking at the
anniversary in honor of the event: "Every Sunday we went to the second
largest church in Munich, which was granted to the Greeks. My father raised
us as Greeks. We went to a German school, but twice a week come home
and the dean gave us Greek lessons. My father, each time coming to
Greece, took with him. In Germany, when asked me where I am, I say with
pride that I am from Greece, because then the admired Greece ...

K. Karatheodoris maintained regular correspondence with his student, A.

Einstein. The existence of this correspondence, his daughter discovered after
the death of her father. Some of the letters were sold, unknown how ... In one
of those who were his daughter, Einstein writes:
"Dear Sir, I find it wonderful to calculate your ... We should publish the theory
in this form in the Annals of Physics since the physicists usually ignore this
subject, as I myself. In my letter you should look like the Berliner newly
discovered Crunewald and wonders if people lived there before. If you bother
to give me extra and normal transformations, you will find in me a grateful
and conscientious listener. If, however, solve the problem of closed lines of
time, I will stand before you with folded hands ... Behind this issue lies
something that is worthy of the sweat of the optimum.

Constantine Karatheodoris or Caratheodory, Leaving on February 2, 1950.

The world of mathematics and physics in mourning ...

"The Republic abused because our self-destructing right to freedom and

equality, because it taught people to believe the audacity as a right, the
illegitimacy as liberty, impudence of speech as equality and the anarchy as
The saying is a result of concluding framework and the reasons and those
stated by Isocrates (436 BC-338 BC) for "mellesthai" the wrong of the
Republic and not the exact word. The ardent desire of individuals today is to
solve big problems in the unified theory, which means you have to prove the
absolute affinity between the four forces that have until now accepted by
traditional physics. This electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak forces of
the atomic nucleus, as it wants to believe the "current" natural, although
Stephen Hawking announced that it would not be surprised if proven wrong
by the current generation of large integrated theories. But, as has the
question, the greatest difficulty in this theory is presented in association with
other gravitational forces, which made the Feynman, a great American
scientist, quantum mechanics, to accept that this must be done to prove the
relationship between electricity and gravity. Of course, Feynman was not
aware that in a corner of Greece, Kastoria, it just showed the Gkosdas
Naoum, a brilliant but modest Greek scientist who managed the production
thought to describe the structure of the universe, from which emerged the
obvious World
Second, it is necessary an important clarification regarding the two conditions
already mentioned, whose significance is not clear whether it need any
further effort to understand this issue. These are the universe and the world
who are confused by literary terms almost identical to the interpretation
dictionary. However, in terms of physical and especially the understanding of
this theory, it is necessary to differentiate. The term Universe will mean
everything, the whole, that would still not within our senses directly or through
any technical means. The term people would mean only that which directly or
through a mechanism within our senses, eg the material, electromagnetic
waves, etc. We therefore agree with this definition we must accept that the
Universe, who appears and thus the world, is part of the visible universe.

With these data we begin a journey of reflection. And as any serious

contemplation starts a post, let's start with the known law of immortality, that
"The universe is indestructible."

I believe that the creator of the theory of dynamic to substantiate his views,
initially wondered whether the universe was created sometime or unborn.
From the pre-Socratic era, the Greek philosophers argued that the universe
existed, there would exist. But if we accept that we created, we should seek
his creator and to prescribe the death, because what happens is born to die.
In nature, however, did not find anything that verifies this version, which also
conflicts with the law of immortality. The universe, therefore, is indestructible
so the unborn. Here stops working the mind of man. How can it be something
without having done? The seemingly absurd human data metaphysical
perspective, can be redeemed philosophical and theological, if we accept that
the universe is identical with the historical Word, with God. Heraclitus
accepted that "in the BIOS and an ex-everything" and that Logos is the
presumed authority of Being. So the Universe is the Word and in it will find
the "substance" that created the World, a substance unborn, imperishable,
infinite, invisible, but the properties of gravity and inertia which characterize
the material. This Greek, universal philosophical dimension of the Word
should not be compared with God the Evangelist John as "the incarnate

The next question is whether the ratio is within or outside the universe.
Assuming the outside, we must accept that the universe was created, and yet
to be born and die, but this conflicts with the axiom that we start. So God is in
the universe, is the same, and toward men to transform a part of themselves,
to create the visible world.
But what is nature and how the primary unborn, imperishable and invisible
substance in the universe, from which derives the visible world? For the sake
of knowledge will be an attempt to bring the divine body, so to speak,
although that might be considered insults. This is what the ancients called
ether, and thought that it meets the universe.

The highest intelligence of the Word could only choose simple solutions and
clear of any complexity. Wherever you look you will see that the nature and
wasting materials, spare in means. And another thing: The author has based
since the World, is not involved in the further evolution, which has set off by
physical laws. Not elastic conscience and in no way allow deviations and
naive wonder of type one plus one equals three, leading to the destruction of

Based on these positions assume that the universe starts from the simplest,
the One. But we see immediately that this one alone has no incentive
development. Will be there waiting along with himself and hits his loneliness.
Thus, we proceed to the next step and put it next to a partner, not like him,
but another to tow it. The attraction is a dynamic affair, which happens to be
one of the basic physical laws, from which no man can escape. 25 centuries
have passed since Heraclitus formulated this law in the short term "in nature
is dominated by the uniform law of the unity of opposites, in which everything
obey. It is not known why these two opposing entities and whether anyone
will ever know it. This is an ideal which unlike the natural habit to call positive
and negative electricity. We'll keep this description only for consultation. In
the 6th century BC philosopher Anaximander held that the primary substance
of beings is not eternal age "Infinite," which embraces the world!

The universe, therefore, constitutes an enormous virtual dynamic contrast-

filled with tiny plants in the dynamic theory called "pebbles", half of which are
positive and the other half negative electric charge of 1.6. 10-25 Cb. It is
unimaginable low load, below which no response to nature. It is impossible to
accept that hopefully will find a way of detecting and recording this plant.
Here, however, revealed some other very important property of the Word,
that the essence of the sulfur is not continuous but fragmented. The
"quantization" is not random because only then can perform the
mathematical operations in the universe.

In the course of our reflections as a result comes the question: What really is
the provision in the Universal Time of the number of two opposing chip?
Suppose the simplest, they are arranged alternately in the simplest form, ie
on a straight line. But then we would have an unacceptable linear universe
where you see only what lies ahead and behind us. If you choose two
dimensions, length and width, we would have a flat universe with very limited
visibility. You see only what is happening immediately around us. Adding
another dimension, height, strike the known three-dimensional world of ours.
So here goes. Any further increase is unnecessary and confusing, whether
some physicists insist sofizontai other dimensions. Immediately the question
arises: space-time is a dimension of the universe? The answer is simple.
Time, as the second component of the term, not a dimension, nor recognized
by nature. The theory of dynamic rejected it because it is an invention of
man, and identification with the movement. Therefore created a special
mechanical timeless and valuable chapter of physics.

How are arranged but electropositive pieces in three dimensional space to

occur between not only balance but also all isotropic, the "sine qua non"
specificity of the structure of the universe? Is isotropic and that the
characteristic feature, where up of components in space are equal and
identical in all directions of the system. In this context a single solution: To be
isotropic the pieces, must be located alternately on the tops of small cubes.
According to the theory of dynamic cubes they have tiny size of about 0.558.
10-54 measure. It is impossible to capture the mind of man is the smallness.
The layout of the chip in the cubic system is consistent not only with the
isotropic and mainly to gain momentum over the tops of the rectangular
isosceles triangles. The Pythagorean relationship requires the supremacy of
traction on the repulsive tendency of chip, triple-effect throughout the system:
1) Coherence of the universe. 2) The universe is finite, the limits beyond
which there is none (absolute vacuum). 3) The universe gets necessarily
spherical shape. It supposedly had imagined the great philosopher
Pythagoras, with metaphysical tendencies, the size of discovery? If the
mythical Titan Atlas supports the shoulders of "Heaven and earth TE,
Pythagoras may semnynetai that bear on the head throughout the Universe .

Summarizing the above, we believe that the universe is spherical, finite and
full court and indestructible entity made up of virtual kvantomeni contrast,
subject to the Pythagorean relationship and establish an enormous space. In
other words, the universe is a good kourtismenos invisible mechanism, ready
to create the material, the world of the senses. At the same time and see the
simplicity of the Word. Greater simplicity would not be compatible with the
existence of the universe, but the minimum fee would be completely
unnecessary. The whole world is moving, without being suspected, invisible
Being in the chip "experiences" in the darkness and the cosmic temperature
of absolute zero of -273 degrees Celsius.

But in what way the invisible substance of sulfur creates the visible world? If
assumptions that the universe could keep the whole cubic shape, then all
cohesive forces will isorropousan chip in a chaotic situation. It is chaos in
physics complete tranquility and the absence of any movement within a
system. The theoretical situation for the universe first been described by the
ancient philosophers with the words of Hesiod "Primarily chaos born" and
Parmenides that "Everything is calm, nothing moves." It is now the Universe
kampyloumeno "kourntizetai" and comes from the state of chaos and calm,
with the result of the material and to "open the Winds of Aeolus" and make
perpetual motion. The position of Parmenides Heraclitus now gets the
sentence "everything flows, and is consistently no.

Everything starts with the deformation of the links between units, and
changing the angles of the Pythagorean relationship to adapt to the
curvature. Like all global systems, so in this case, the links between the
peripheral chip are more powerful than the more relaxed the center, leading
the latter to break and create in the dynamic microscopic bubbles absolute
vacuum in the peel of which accumulates a large number of tesserae. It is
this bubble with thick bark (called formation) is the first step in creating the
material, eg a neutron, which has saved all that energy that resulted from the
breaking of ties between the tesserae. Here is verified the saying of
Parmenides, which for centuries remained unexplained, that "The current
(the Being, the dynamic space) and non-existing (absolute vacuum)
constitute the world (matter and energy). The Parmenides described the
being, the serenity of the structure of the universe. Heraclitus described the
scene, the vibrancy of the world of the senses. The Parmenides was
theoretical, the practical Heraclitus. The two together made up the absolute
truth, both as to actual conflicts, which require each equation and
The dimiourgithentes formation of matter, or be electrically neutral, such as
neutrons, or electrically charged, such as protons, electrons, etc. start a great
game contributing to the creation of ever increasing complexity of the world.
Certainly, understanding the theory of dynamic should be noted that the
formation of matter and move there in the vast sea of electrifying chip, which
heavily influences the cause, that is dynamic, and the result is the formation .
Only this can explain the hitherto unexplained phenomena of the world.
The consistency and the attraction between the formation of matter is gravity.
But as the consistency of the chip power increases with the removal of the
center is developing a mandatory anti-gravity force, the so-called antigravity
which draws the material to the outside world more and more. The
acceleration of this movement of bodies in the region of the Universe is
scientifically documented and is not explained by traditional physics. The
data but the theory of dynamic interpretation is extremely simple, because
the pressure tends to be increasing coherence in the region of the universe.
The apparent removal of galaxies, as observed by the famous astronomer
and Hubble has been in the prefecture, has led to misinterpretation "on the
global explosion and expansion of the Universe." In fact there is a centrifugal
process only appearing material, which consists of stars, galaxies, etc. When
the material arrived sometime in the far reaches of the universe, returning the
empty space in exosympantiko, while the accumulated pieces of cortical
formations drawn again normally dynamic, straight time and the trapped
energy that comes from the extremes in the form Patient radiation. The Law
of immortality with which we began this journey of reflection, and verified by
the triumphant end. However, we will never know if there is something
beyond our universe

From what has already occurred, it seems that the universe is created in the
center and mix in the ends of the universe, after an adventurous journey of
several billion light years. The galaxy we have covered already two-thirds of
the road, according to calculations derived from the theory of the Resource
Area. In fact the world is another aspect of the denatured Word, which gives
the false impression of birth and death. Virtually nothing is dying, after all
obey the law of immortality. Simply change form.
The man too is a part of the eternal cosmic play. Somewhere in the middle,
looking to the vastness, but to imagine and investigate and minimum.
Because the ratio is raised to the minimum, however, show the greatness of
the maximum. The human being fortunate enough to realize through the
brain structures of the dimension of the divine. But the material world in
general giving rise to the seed of the Word passed to the self. Reason
blockaded in human nature, giving the company a little voyage of fashion,
which can be enjoyed by the senses, to do research in mind, to treat the
moral conscience. Taha, what is more important? The direct knowledge of
the universal Logos or a great love as an intrinsic component of the actual
structure of the Word?

Through the theory of dynamic interpretation given to the issues that failed to
answer the traditional physics, in particular as regards the nature of gravity,
electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic waves. Achieve the unification of the
four traditional forces and given a different dimension to quantum mechanics
and quarks. Interpret the structure of atomic nucleus and the nature and
function of neutrinos. Apomythopoiountai called supernatural phenomena.
Rejected time as a physical dimension and coincides with the move.
Apolytopoieitai space as a dynamic state, which result in the matter and
motion, the only effect of the secular mainstream. The theory showed some
weaknesses and inconsistencies. It's smart, simple, smart and simple as is
the Word. Basically it is a complete and consistent physical with huge
implications in science and energy space. It is no coincidence that the Union
Natural ekthymos Greece took the adoption of this essay, which is consistent
with the assessment of the scientific world in the face of the author.

The scientist-researcher Naoum Gkosdas be proud of his creation, which is

already translated in English as we should be proud and we are compatriots
and all the Greeks, it showed that it has left our genetic material is ability to
chew, like those wonderful our ancestors changed the shape of the world.

Albert Einstein: Great form of science

Albert Einstein, one of the most creative minds in human history, was a
physicist germanoevraikis origin, naturalized American in 1940. Born in Ulm,
Germany in 1879 and died in Princeton in the USA in 1955.
In the first 15 years of the 20th century, Albert Einstein developed a series of
theories that proclaimed for the first time, the equivalence of mass to energy
at the same time, gave a completely new to the concept of space, time and
gravity. These theories were not only a profound revision of the old
Newtonian physics and have revolutionized the scientific and philosophical
In 1880 the family moved to Munich where his father, Hermann Einstein and
his uncle Jakob Einstein opened a small electromechanical workshop. In
Munich, Albert spent his childhood and where he learned the first letters in a
very strict school. The almost military discipline of the German culture of the
19th century did not seem suited to the liberal character, which mirrored that
showed no special performance at school. Along with other studies and the
bossy insistence of his mother, Einstein studied music and although he
played only a relaxation was accomplished violistis.Sta childhood significantly
affected two people in shaping the thinking of Albert. His uncle Jacob who
inspired him revealing the whole fascination of mathematics and his uncle
Cesar Koch of the implanted one, voracious can say, curiosity about the age
of twelve years epistimi.Sta Einstein decided to dedicate himself to solving
the puzzle that called 'universe'. Three years later, with very low marks in
history, geography and foreign languages, he left the school without getting
graduated, and went to Milan to meet his family, who had recently emigrated,
because his father's work does not went well. Albert Einstein continued his
studies in Switzerland, famed Polytechnic Academy in Zurich, where he
successfully completed four years of study in physics.
After graduating in the spring of 1900, he took Swiss nationality, worked for
two months as a professor of Mathematics in 1902 and then appointed as
examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. Having secured their livelihood
to the Einstein married in 1903 to Mileva Marić in symfoititria. Top Posts
In early 1905, Einstein published in the monthly German journal "Annalen der
Physik" a thesis entitled: "A new determination of molecular dimensions, with
whom he has a PhD from the University of Zurich. Four more great articles
published in that magazine, the same year and changed forever the visa was
the man for the universe. In his article "A creative approach on the production
and transformations of light", Einstein raised the hypothesis that light consists
of individual "action figures", which apart from the wave behavior, give light
on some properties characteristic of particles. So in an attempt to achieve
two goals: revolutionize the theory of light and explain, among other things,
the emission of electrons from some solids when these incident light.
The special theory of relativity Einstein's first version entitled "The
electrodynamics of moving bodies" and was based on an essay he wrote
Einstein in the age of sixteen. The basic theory was that if, for all reference
the speed of light is constant and if all natural laws are the same, then both
the time and the movement depends on the reference system which


Moving to the mathematical formulation of his theory, Einstein published a
fourth article entitled "The inertia of a body depends on doing?".
Mathematical note that the special theory of relativity based the equivalence
of mass and energy in which a quantity of matter with mass m has an energy
content of E equal to mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light. This
relationship is usually written: E = mc2.
Understanding the new theory and the identification of the copyright
abstained many years, but Einstein had won a place among the most famous
Europeans who sought physical advice more and more. Although Einstein
continued to develop his theory, attempting to incorporate in it the
phenomenon of gravity, let the patent office and after a brief stint at the
University of Bern and the German University of Prague, came back in 1912
the Polytechnic College Zurich.
Finally, because of the insistence of Planck and Nernst in 1913 accepted the
position of teacher in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin and
simultaneously entered the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Thus, despite the
independent nature and the political and social opposition to the militaristic
regime in Germany of Wilhelm II, left in April 1914 with his family in Berlin,
who was then one of the most brilliant centers of European science.

The general theory of relativity

The general theory of relativity the tireless mind of Einstein deals with
variable speed drives. Einstein approached this issue in a way completely
different from Newton. The great physicist of the 17th century had seen
something that was a remarkable coincidence: gravity acted the same way in
all bodies, regardless of their mass. Einstein gave an explanation on this
issue. The acceleration caused by gravity, he said, can not be separated
from the accelerations caused by other forces.
Einstein created using ten complex equations "field", the General Theory of
Relativity in 1916. The General Theory, unlike the Special Theory, had
almost no direct intellectual ancestor. Even today, the mental concepts used
by Einstein surprise scientists.
Einstein's equations provide actual bending of light by gravity and the
curvature can be established by measuring the deflection of a light ray
coming from a distant star and passing near the Sun. The light from the star
forward to be visible only during a total eclipse. Einstein predicted
theoretically double deviation from what could be made to the laws of

Blackbody radiation
From the perspective of Planck and his contemporaries, was naturally sought
an explanation of the law of entropy in the electrodynamics of Maxwell. In any
case, Maxwell's theory was fundamental and was supposed to interpret the
behavior of tiny oscillators that produce radiant heat from a black body. The
Planck originally believed had given the non-reversibility of the process of
radiation by the lack of symmetry with respect to time the equations of
Maxwell. Ie that the laws of electrodynamics distinguish between present and
past, between the time it rolls forward and time is running backwards. But in
1897 the Boltzmann broke this argument. The Boltzmann showed that
electromagnetism does not ensure an "arrow of time" more than engineering.
The Planck had to find another way to justify the non antistreptotita.
The study of black body radiation was started in 1859 when Robert Kirchhoff,
the predecessor of Planck's headquarters in Berlin, commented that this
radiation was fundamental in nature. The 1890s several experimental and
theoretical physicists investigating the spectral distribution of radiation.
Significant progress was achieved in 1896 when he found a mathematical
Wien law was in agreement with the precise measurements performed at the
Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt Berlin.
Spectrum of black body-Wien According to Wien, the intensity of each region
of the spectrum, u, ie the energy density per unit frequency depends on the
frequency, f, and temperature, T, according to the formula u (f, T) = af5 exp
(bf / T) -1, where a and b are constants determined empirically. Wien's law,
however, lacked an adequate theoretical basis and for this reason was not
accepted by Planck. N It is important, said that the dissatisfaction of Planck
was not the same type of Wien which fully accepts, but in the way of
production from Wien. The Planck was interested in producing a right hand
but empirical law, but to establish a strong evidence of it. In this way he
believed he could justify the law of entropy. Driven by the kinetic theory of
gases Boltzmann, Planck, the notion that he called "the principle of minimum
disturbance" which was not supported either in engineering or in
electrodynamics. Been used to define the entropy of an ideal oscillator
(dipole), but was careful not to equate such oscillators with specific atoms or
molecules. In 1899 Planck found an expression for the entropy of the
oscillators from which it follows the law of Wien. The law is sometimes
referred to as the law of Wien-Planck had now become a fundamental reality.
The Planck satisfied. Finally, the law was agreed that additional certificate
well with measurements. Or so it seemed.
The harmony between theory and experiment did not last long. To wonder of
Planck, the experiments performed in Berlin showed that the law of Wien-
Planck did not properly describe the range to very low frequencies.
Something went wrong, and Planck had to return to his office to look for why
seemingly good evidence produced an incorrect result. The problem seems
to have stood in the definition of entropy of the oscillator. A revised
expression for the entropy of a simple oscillator, the Planck obtained a new
law of the spectral distribution presented at a meeting of the German course
in October 19, 1900. The spectral distribution was given now by the relation u
(f, T) = af -5 [exp (bf / T) -1] -1, that is close to Wien's law at relatively high
frequencies. More interesting is that this first version of the famous Planck's
radiation law also agree perfectly with the experimental spectrum in infrared
region of low frequencies. If there was to it a constant b which the Planck
thought as fundamental, the next move from b to h was more than a simple
renaming of the constant. Proof of Planck did not use quantization of energy
consumption and is also based on probabilistic interpretation of entropy
Boltzmann. These developments were to come two months later in "an act of
desperation" as he remembered later, Planck. Before you go to this act of
desperation need to look at the Rayleigh Jeans law and the so-called
"ultraviolet catastrophe" if only to see it as a historic non-essentials. In June
1900 the Rayleigh suggested that classical mechanics when applied to the
oscillators of a black body, leading to an energy distribution that increases
with the square of frequency. This was in apparent conflict with the data. The
Rayleigh based its argument on the so-called equitable distribution theorem
which shows that the average energy of oscillators that are a black body it is
given by kT where k is the constant of Boltzmann.
Five years later, Rayleigh and Jeans had what is now known as a type of
Rayleigh and Jeans, and are usually written in the form u (f, T) = (8pf2/c3)
kT, where c is the speed of light.
The result of this relationship is an energy density is increasing as the
frequency increases, and becomes "destructive", ie the vast region of
ultraviolet. Despite its prominent role in the textbooks of physics, the formula
does not play any role in the initial phase of quantum theory. The Planck did
not accept the theorem of equal sharing as a fundamental and therefore
ignored. Coincidentally or by Rayleigh and Jeans accepted that the theorem
is generally valid. The "ultraviolet catastrophe", a terminology first raised by
Paul Ehrenfest in 1911 has been a topic discussed in a subsequent phase of
quantum theory.
In November 1900 the Planck acknowledged that the new expression for the
entropy could hardly be considered anything more ambitious than a guess.
To obtain a more fundamental proof now shifted probabilistic interpretation of
the Boltzmann entropy for which until then had been ignored. But although
the Planck uptake in terms of Boltzmann, did not share fully in the preamble
of the Austrian gas. He remained convinced that the law of entropy was
absolute, not probabilistic, and so reinterpret the theory of Boltzmann in his
own non-probabilistic way. It was during this period made for the first time
since it became known as the "equation Boltzmann" S = k logW which relates
the entropy, S, the molecular disorder.
To find the W o Planck was able to count the number of ways in which a
given action can be shared among a number of oscillators. Note that the
Planck oscillators when he meant to people. The term oscillator is a vague
entity basic vibrates at a frequency that depends on temperature.
In an effort to find the process numbers, the Planck inspired by Boltzmann
and introduced what he called "energy elements". Specifically, the
assumption that the total energy E of the oscillator of the black body is
divided into a finite amount of energy, e, a process that became known as
"quantization." In this publication of 1900 presented to the German Physical
Union on December 14 one hundred years ago considered the Planck energy
"as composed of a fixed number of finite full and equal parts, and for this
purpose the physical constant h = 6, 55x10-27 (erg sec) ". He continued: "...
this constant when multiplied by the usual frequency coordinators gave the
energy component E in ergs and dividing by E we get the number P of
energy elements to be allocated to N coordinators.

Summary of theory
In simple words, the theory was: If a black body consists of oscillating people
(oscillators), then the energy emitted (the energy of the black body) depends
on the frequency of oscillation. So the longer the oscillation frequency of
people so more energy will be emitted. Oscillators but had some vibration
modes and frequencies had to be altered in several steps rather than
smoothly. Therefore, the heat released could take only discrete values, since
they may have all possible actions. This is why the energy left by the black
body into discrete packets, which Einstein later told quanta or photons. The
theory was radically different to Maxwell because the latter accept continuous
action rather than discrete (quantized).'s Theory rests on two assumptions.
The first is that the energy of the oscillator or people can take some specific
values (multiples of the oscillation frequency of individuals) and the second is
that the emission of black body radiation is associated with the energy of
people, varying from a value or level in a lower price. And when the action of
individuals is reduced, the person then emits a quantum of energy. The full
elucidation of the phenomenon was again the Einstein photoelectric effect.
Quantum theory was born. Of course Planck's constant had appeared, with
the same sign and approximately the same value as we use today. But the
heart of quantum theory is the quantization of energy and not at all obvious
that this was on the minds of Planck. As he explained in a letter in 1931, the
introduction of energy quanta in 1900 was "a purely formalistic affair and
really did not give it much thought because it had at any price to get a
positive result." The Planck did not focus on discrete nature of the energy
process and was willing to conduct a detailed abstract of the oscillator. Much
more interesting than the quantum discontinuity (whatever that means) was
the impressive accuracy of the new law of radiation and physical constants
that appear in it. A Conservative Rebel
If that were a revolution in physics in December 1900, nobody seemed to
noticed. The Planck was not an exception, and the importance attached to
work mainly on a historical reconstruction. Although Planck's radiation law
was quickly accepted, what we consider today as the main intellectual
contribution, is the basis for the quantization of energy is barely seen in his
time. Very few physicists expressed their interest to demonstrate the type of
Planck, and during the first years of the 20th century, nobody thought that the
results contradict the foundations of classical physics. As Planck himself
fought hard to keep the theory of the firm ground of classical physics that he
loved so much. Like Copernicus, the Planck became a revolutionary against
his will. The Planck was the archetype of the classical mind, a noble product
of his time and culture. Throughout his distinguished career as a physicist
and official of science, he maintained the view that the ultimate aim of
science was a unified view of the world established in absolute and global
scientific laws. We firmly believe that such laws existed and that anaklousan
the internal mechanisms of nature, namely an objective reality where human
thoughts and passions were not able. The second law of thermodynamics
was always his favorite example of how progressive a law of physics to be
released by anthropomorphic associations and transformed into a purely
objective and universal law. After 1900 the Planck acknowledged the
probabilistic law of Boltzmann entropy as very important and fundamental,
but quickly stopped recognizing the central message that there is a finite
probability (even if it is too short) to decrease over time entropy is an
insulated system. Only around 1912 he left the last scruples and fully
admitted the statistical nature of the second law. Regarding the quantum
discontinuity, the crucial feature that energy is not constantly changing, but to
"jump" for a long time believed that this was a mathematical assumption, an
artificial invention that does not refer to actual exchange of energy between
matter and radiation. In this respect there was no reason to suspect a
breakdown of the laws of classical mechanics and electrodynamics. The fact
that Planck did not see his theory as a radical disengagement from classical
physics and also seems strange silence. Between 1901 and 1906 have
published nothing on the Law of the black body radiation and quantum
theory. Only around 1908, influenced largely by the detailed analysis of the
Dutch gas Hendrik Lorentz, Planck turned to the view that the quantum of
action represents a phenomenon that can not be understood by classical
physics. Over the next three years, Planck was convinced that quantum
theory marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of physics and
with it the sense of the nature of the theory was revolutionary. "The
hypothesis of quanta will never disappear from the world," he said proudly in
a speech in 1911. "I do not think I go too far if ekfrasso the opinion that with
this case the foundations for the construction of a theory that some day
intended to illustrate the rapid and sensitive molecular events in the world
with new light."



People are changing at unprecedented tachytita.Pragmata happen.

What we liked the company of the National Network of Consciousness is
essentially a refusal to accept perireousa anapofefkti.San blackness like a
crack where the light passes clean catalytic whenever the PADISY existed
since 1996 and it came time to spread a little more.
One of the activities is PA.DI.SY Visualization for Greece, every 3 months.
What is this;
The Visualization of Greece made the conscious participation of citizens
throughout the country and includes coordinated broadcast positive thoughts,
feelings, symbols and images designed to spiritual progress of our country.
The art of creative visualization is ancient and powerful method of
implementation goals and challenge events. Suffice it to concert and brought
them from a very small minority of people, which is considered a "critical
mass" of change that we want to achieve. The critical mass has been
estimated experimentally equal to one tenth of the square root of the total
population who want to change.
This practically means that for Greece requires a coordinated vision only 330
For the whole of mankind, only 8500 of about enlightened visionaries!
Another diarastiriotita are monthly meetings of the domestic routes: S are
discussed and answered questions related to the development of
consciousness and mystical experience and is a group practice on meditation
techniques, creative vision and energy healing.
The externalization WITHDRAWALS
Saying withdrawal, refer to the classical view, the ration esoteriston and
mainly serving the Eastern teachings that support, as will be seen that the
objective of the internal work is complete apotaftisi some extent by the fact
that we all experience, which is regarded as an illusion.
Instead, on the other side of the scale, there are many voices in favor of
deliberate action and I was suggesting, referring to the word outsourcing,
which means that our call for a conscious, creative action in our lives, in
accordance with any values and whatever understanding we have formed. As
a first step, these two views seem to be in stark contrast and it will become
apparent later in our talk, I will be very useful for everyone, we finally
understand how we could possibly combine, because there, your bias, that is
the end, this little analysis we do today. So let's get down to the first view, the
terms for withdrawal. In a nutshell what we learn and what we know. Based
on the esoteric teachings, we know that this world in which we live, what we
call the physical reality behind us and around us, is only an illusion. Is a view
supported also by the achievements of modern physics, meaning that nothing
is solid after all, nothing is solid, nothing is given, nothing is stock and
everything forward through a defined gap through a field blank if you want the
scope of quantum physics, in which indeed disappear. All these have led to a
view that the ultimate goal of conscious internal movement of the individual,
is just beyond, to surpass you want to wake up, and that is why use the word-
awakening from this dream, which we all experience, from this fake reality, to
be able to reach a number of ways the only true reality is that the Hindu
tradition has been established over the condition of nirvana, which is just a
situation where there is no production of reviews, this is term use, ie no
motion, no outsourcing, no production of thoughts, desires and everything.
And because the mind in this case, the world's mind, is supposed to be the
person who creates the reality that everything we experience is a dream,
which is produced by the Divine Mind, say the World Nou to lead So in a
situation that is balanced and fits through not produced all of these trends,
thoughts, feelings, desires, creating the outside world and there we can see
the only objective and undisturbed state of bliss. This is a brief view of the
withdrawal, which uses different ways and different methods, so that we can
lead in this situation where, as I said before, let you go now, in accordance
with these theories, and even let you go finally, for this and is a state of
liberation or enlightenment, or whatever one wants to call it, from the view
that there remains no longer a permanent, blissful and undisturbed balance,
which is beyond reality, from the most senior to the most inferior realities that
we experience all of us here in the material field. So with this way to immerse
yourself in this situation and to experience the bliss. To achieve this one
situation, we are told that the original, primary motivation is to avoid pain, we
are told is that to experience the manifested presence, and there are wrong
on this, so like all of us and in general all beings, always encompasses the
meaning of pain, without explaining how that if you do, there is always a pain
to wear behind our every action lurks failure, disease, and in any event, all
waiting for them at some point death, which entire experience of death is the
ultimate pain. So you say, with incentive to be able to get away from this
perception of pain, there is no other option but to retire from this world in
which the concept of pain is inherent. That there is no way someone who
lives and are prey to various thoughts, emotions, the identifications of
adhesion is that external reality, there is no way to avoid experiencing pain
and not experiencing fovo.Ara the only way you says running away, n
'escape your consciousness from this situation is just to drive in this
undisturbed balance of nirvana. I suggest ways for this internal process of
withdrawal. The first and foremost of which everyone is speaking the concept
of apotaftisis, ie n 'gradually liberate our conscience in the process that we
identify constantly, with different concepts, different thoughts with different
emotions with different items. So this requires a full path, you say, do not
have the slightest attachment to material goods, because it brings pain, so
plucked, not chasing money, not chasing their homes, cars, careers, people,
because the Once you are sticking to five friends, parents, children, partners
etc. at all those involving pain, so apoproskollisou all these and found them
that is just a dream situations that rely on a screen so as when watching a
movie tells you that it's easier to have that moment to realize that this is all a
lie and thus apotaftizesai and not get upset, do not adhere to these
characters, the same thing you can do and in your life, slowly, so as to begun
to be released from all these matches. But then not only play a role in
external matches, but play a role in the home.
So you say that the course should apotaftisteis and all these elements form
what we call personality, or your ego.
So then, you can not be passionate and attached to ideas, they should get rid
of them so to get a sense agnosticism (not correct term) but that should not
have things to defend. There is no reason to insult if someone makes a point
of view that is contrary to yours, because just say that my own thinking, or my
own view, this presupposes an identity, an adhesion.
Since there is a match, the attachment each time you likely will experience
back pain because they rejected something from you. This also says you do
and your feelings.
That tells you a key inside that you stay away from desire and fear, as said
by Kazantzakis hope and hope fovo.Den nothing, fear nothing, I am free,
because we say that saying Kazantzakis result was affected, this is not a
secret that from such internal philosophies. So I say then, when they hope for
something, so it grows desire, no fear to cling to the object target, thus
released. Not maintaining desires, starts and relieved from fear, because fear
is the opposite of desire, that feeling that grips us when there is a risk that we
made a wish, or we risk losing something that we who apparently want.
So, if we and necrosis is the dipole of fear and desire, start slowly and are
degraded, note that word, the edifice, which makes up our ego, our
personality, or so slowly that remains?
That is, if we have something to defend, as goods, people, thoughts, views
and opinions, we have to defend the wishes and feelings, pluck, pluck, is the
deconstruction of the ego and personality and what is left at the end, is what
is common to all, others say the Divine Essence, Divine spark others, anyone
can say will. The fact remains that what we said it is common to most all of
which feature is that it is just a state of bliss in an undifferentiated state of rest
resulting from everything, but the same point is identified with anything.
Informs us that this situation is derived through the decomposition of I, with
these methods described in a way, is the virtual target is the subject of any
course dealing with the internal road.
Eventually this situation each of us, tell us, comes when it comes to say, but
to get your method, entering a state observer observers say because our
mind is alert, monitor what is happening outside and inside us, but takes no
position, that is not the same, no distinction is not saying this is good, the
other is bad, it's right, the other is wrong, I want that I do not want the other is
white, the other is black . That drops out of duality, but just follow, just notes,
but to characterize.
This process of non-charged comment, telling us that it is the process how it
works, the enlightened mind, ie, just watch the various events and various
performances highlighting inside the field of consciousness, but it deals with
them. As I told you not stick, no picks, no distinction is not taking place. This
is the last phase, the observer, which characterizes the absorption into in this
state is called nirvana. Let's go now to another point of view.
At first glance, you will understand all that, the first category of withdrawal
debated, is that most characterizes the path followed by the number of yogis,
the hermits, monks, etc., who actually follow a path of withdrawal and out
from society just to have better conditions on the issue of non-attachment.

The other path, the path of externalization, has a completely different logic.
We could say that is the way the magician, or very roughly the path followed
by the West, the road of the west, who, no more, no less, tells us this.
Watch to see what arguments are good and both sides.
Tells us that each of us, although composed of this deep within, from that
divine essence which is common across all beings and to all the objects of
Creation, but, which is no coincidence, within just completed this section, and
this raises the complexity, each of us, each object, giving an absolute
uniqueness in the game's existence. We hear that all the stones are stones,
yes, but none is oloidia with another, all people are composed of the same
data, the depth of their existence everything is common, but no man is the
same as another. In this give an expediency, it is not simply the product of
randomness that each creature has its uniqueness and is different from
So this brings us immediately prior to the conclusion that everyone and also
has a special job to do a particular task. And in any case we can not accept, I
say that even the very process of creation of the world, it was a cosmic
mistake, or something random.
Because of this state of nirvana that undifferentiated, as I said complacence,
argued everything and continue to argue?
If it was something unnatural, if it was something outside the program, they
were something other than divine consciousness, say, or outside of the divine
intent, then there would be no and no reason to happen. It was left once and
for all this divine status, with it's original form, the undifferentiated and
Why all this to show people what ends it serves?
Thus western concept, always cultivating the concept of the project, the
concept of High Road, for everyone, the concept of work has to do each of
And so was born the way of the magician or street west, if you will, who tells
us quite simply that having well aware that reality is a dream and that mind is
the maker of everything, then everyone must is fully conscious and work with
the help of the mental forces to target debt and his own understanding, their
own truth, to be able to reflect in the physical reality, it could be grounding
any spiritual attainments have, any intellectual understanding has, within this
reality, aiming to make the dream of the most perfect possible. That is, the
magician knows that everything is dreamlike, but 't leave to their fate.
Just know that, gives him the hands of a gun and a project to realize the "as
in heaven and on earth" to perfection that exists in these higher spiritual
fields, it can be grounding by means of projects to be done, making our world
more perfect. Of course unfolds and there is raised an entire chain of virtues,
and so we talk about truth, namely that we can make this world to meet as
much as possible to higher truths, speak for justice, for harmony. All this debt
is a western, do not get it geographically to the earth has a duty to realize.
From this perception, characterized and the way the whole of Western culture
and echoes of this view today is all that current, so-called positive thinking.
That is, if the first path that says, totally exempt from thoughts, because we
do not care if it is good or bad. If your bad thoughts, do evil in the dream,
though good, do good to dream, but anyway it is a dream that we care if good
or bad, after all.
The Western objects and says, no, we must have positive thoughts and our
work is precisely these positive achievements, it can be a dream, but the
more perfect is the dream, the more we meet the Creator, the Father and this
is how much better conditions are created for all those beings who are
trapped within this dream and better conditions mean better conditions for
So do not leave things to chance, of interfering. How?
Here is a complete implementation methodology now neither little nor too
tells us that whatever we can to the truth in our understanding, to see it
carried out to see it expressed within this external reality will must follow
some rules. These rules are very rough, because directly connected with the
process of vision we do here each quarter, is very simple but very dynamic.
So the first we want is to characterize us an inflexible desire to be good for
the performance of our work. Second, there is a rigid belief in the outcome.
Why precisely because the mind is the maker of all things and is the creator,
to enable n-mirror and be realized in any external reality which exists in the
mind should be firm, should be robust, compact. So here comes the rigid
intention and faith in the outcome, we do not always produce a sound
intellectual edifice until it has been implemented in the mirror and the outside
world. This structure, what does?
We say it clearly consists of thoughts and feelings.
So to be robust and dynamic, we are powerful thoughts, positive thoughts
and vivid emotions, strong emotions. If we are told, someone meets these
four conditions, any project is feasible grasp is attainable, positive thoughts
lively, vibrant positive emotions, inflexible intent, belief in the outcome, four
components. There is a whole mechanism of how and why. These four
elements lead to the realization of the project. We have talked many other
times for them, just remember that one and all, as we have done in the field
of mind that their thoughts and feelings, ie, where we make this mental
structure, or if you want to mold the thought, the which includes energy and
build more our inner reality is a field or some fields, which lie above these
fields of physical reality and exactly in these fields are working the west, or
the magician who said, which is the other way, the path of conscious action
and creation. There are too many names for these fields. Others consider it
to be that area knew of old as ether, or the quintessence field, from the Greek
Some would call stellar field. The modern scientific view is that called
morfogennitika fields. The bottom line is that it is now well established
experimentally that there is a higher field than that of reality, whose
characteristic is to manage information, ie thoughts and feelings upon which
organizes the material. That is, all models of physical objects, of how the
human body works through a union of a sperm with an egg in there to have
the information of how to grow and become a human body, so that the land
formed a global level and the entire universe, all this information and the
organizational structure of matter, that receives this form we see in external
reality, there are means to these morfogennitika fields.
Influencing So there emfytefontas thoughts and feelings, structured
instruments in these fields morfogennitika we create the conditions to be
expressed now in flesh and blood of external reality. This is the way of
So here we are told is really two opposites. Because when we speak of
conscious intention and the intention and rigid belief in the result, in one case
and the other talking about non-adherence and out of desire and fear, how to
marry these two? Or have non-attachment, or want something .
At first impression, therefore, bring us an internal conflict. Anyone who has
come into contact with this kind of views, and I'm sure all of you that many
times have you come to this dilemma. That is the one you feel from inside
you need to get rid of any stress of reality and say that century the heck then
I 'deal with such and such when the account expires, what will I do with my
wife, what about the child My one, the other, I hope to be able to fly all over
me in peace. And the next time again, time to look at the account expires,
you say, oh a plan to get any more francs, or not to vulgarize thing, so many
wonderful ideas that will capture and safely, and would sometimes you have
the desire to get that oh, what good would those things which I understand,
something that is fair and perfect world there, why not there, something I
have to do something must do it all, to create better conditions in this karmic
environment that we all now. Such internal conflicts, not only is not rare, but
is facing daily. Is there a way to marry these two aspects?
Assume that the answer is yes and I will try but I can not explain.
First, between this dilemma, what is the true nature of reality?
It seems that we can rely on every day ever with this game of birth and
disappearance, or the true nature of reality, is this really the state of the
vacuum of nirvana that tell us where all undifferentiated, calm . What one?
What is shown not only by esoteric schools, who have looked deeply this
issue, but again I come in modern physics, is that the nature of reality is
actually twofold. That is, they are neither one nor the other, is both. The true
is that ultimately the state of calm, equally true is the state of visibility
phenomena, the state of creation. That's why they finally thinking once and I
asked our theologians and brings in a difficult position and laugh, that if God
is all powerful why it had to do and we created it when they replied like I did,
but because he had a plan to make things perfect, and we said because we
make things perfect anyway because it was perfect from the start and reach
such deadlocks.

Finally, there is going beyond that intent, the intention is the desire of each is
in the absolute nature of reality, this game is, is actually working through
these two situations. And in the undifferentiated state of immobility and
through the traffic situation, which creates the phenomenon. And this is
exactly verified by modern physics, meaning that the quantum field in
vacuum is something quite real, because we see through the particles
disappear and squandered forces, while through this field we again
generated to raise particles and forces that make up what we call again
around us, the world of phenomena. So both are in the program and the two
situations are natural and both are quite real and our sustenance, for this
very reason it is so made that operates in these two levels. Our conscience is
made so that it can and to experience the ultimate bliss of silence and
stillness, so made to be experiencing this whole situation to initiate the
generation of thoughts, feelings, all this game of duality.


If this conclusion is correct, and apparently in accordance with all the
information we have is correct, then exactly the same lines should go, and
our action.
Thus, there is a rule that says that you've heard most about the law of
circularity, rotations, this rule then, the internal work and assistance to life,
tells us exactly what we ought to follow a cyclical, which implies the following
periods of withdrawal, which will alternate periods of externalization. This is
very important because you watch what you earn from each one of these two
repetitive cycles.
When we are in the process of withdrawal, which means that they identify
with things, but just observe, we have a major advantage in that period. We
have the advantage that we enjoy a much higher and more understanding of
If you're not tangled into the phenomena that have the wisdom and authority,
as they are when you're on top of a mountain and observe things from above,
you are not stuck in them.
A Well, such a course withdrawal apotaftisis of things, leads to a fuller
understanding and approach to truth, a better approximation of truth.
But this understanding that we acquire and this truth which approach within
each cycle withdrawal, we must now try to act.
Why watch a great risk if we adopt the view without the possibility of testing
without the possibility of probation, if we take the view that everything is a
fallacy, and thus any idea we have is correct, because since there is no
objective truth, that he Let everyone believe. If everything is an illusion, an
illusion, a dream, why not believe that anyone wants?
This creates a very dangerous schizophrenia, a psychosis, and this is
something that is not rare in our area. That many people who have not bother
to try to sieve through the brutal reality of foreign ideas, trapped in illusory
situations from which it could never return. This is not a state of nirvana, but I
suppose is obvious. The only way therefore to try one in this relentless club
selection, let's say we call the inner reality, the correctness of his ideas, is to
try to put into action, then there comes the second cycle, the cycle
externalization, the cycle of Creation, and with the help of which operate in a
descending manner, any attempt to understand our approach to any higher
truth to give flesh and bones, to impose the external reality. There you will
see our mistakes and I will try the truth to us and whatever our
understanding. Through this act of implementation, we see a mirror, the
correctness of our truth. Watch what you say and only through such a
process can we understand any mistake which we have fallen. Thus, each
cycle withdrawal ought to be followed by a cycle of externalization. There
should be shunned external reality, because it alone shows us the mirror of
accuracy or not, progress or not, we have made in-house. Through this
course of action, creation and implementation, they have a lot more
experience and understanding, lived longer, why not just felt in a Freudian, a
purely intellectual level. So, when we move into the next cycle of withdrawal,
to be much more relieved and redeemed from mistakes and errors.
Thus, the path to initiation, someone who knows how to match these two
streets, is what rightly been described by some as aneliktiki spiral. That is, a
path which goes so that through each cycle apotaftisis withdrawal or, if you
followed a subsequent round of externalization, but the next dipole
apotaftisis-externalization is again at a higher level and the next, in a more
higher, with the ultimate goal each time is as close as possible to the very
heavens, and every time out, to bridge, the best of the sky and the earth.
Namely, to realize the "as in heaven and on earth."
With this way and our way we ensure the internal path by which I mean that
would follow an increasingly upward dimension, will go to increasingly higher
fields, on the other hand will ensure that the action we honor the uniqueness
of all exist, creating a more perfect external reality, perfect in the sense that it
comes in more harmony with the heavenly truths which we understand, we
correct our mistakes and also create better conditions for all alarm. I want to
finish based on the latter, making a small observation. In this way the
implementation or if you want in this street magician, many with their right to
object to the question of motivation. That tells you the road to retirement is
more secure because it actually made it safe, ie, to recede, and has no risk of
being wrong. While the path of creation, has many risks to do lathos.Kai you
say okay, you think that what you conceive, or that your desire is a healthy
epithymia.Ki upon a selfish desire, though?
What will emerge?
Will there be a better world?
Finally, the worst one that reflects your own selfishness?
Indeed, this is a very serious problem and is also a problem that puts the
West today, precisely because this art of creating and implementing the
exercise, and persons who somehow have deification of themselves and
want their will be law. The power to be a law. Thus, there is only one
criterion, that ended and we said earlier, that the cycle of externalization, the
criterion is changing things, translating statements, create better tone for
myself and other beings?
This is a question of utmost security for our course, that when we are, we
have nothing to fear. So the answer to the final-final is that, yes, follow this
evolutionary spiral, the rotation between apotaftisi and from another
establishment, but when operating towards apotaftisis, and operate it safe,
avoiding any responsibility, liability and we do not do it to escape some
problem or reality, apotaftisi to do to reach truths, to reach higher truths and
to gain greater understanding, not do to blow. And it is these truths and more
understanding that it will acquire, our duty to fight the external reality is
always like having safety valve if the creature we create and provide better
tone for everyone.


.... And not only for Greece, of course. What happens? Obviously, it is
common understanding and have seen yourselves, it looks like things are
gaining momentum in general developments at global level to accelerate.
Many people would actually embrace some theories, which talk of contraction
time for new steps, which penetrate the region of our planet from other
galactic centers, you know very well how the scenario plays of 2012. I will not
dwell on them, not because it is unlikely to happen any such things, but
because it is good to talk about the most we can rationally and based on
evidence. Certainly one can not exclude that our transformation is indeed a
top place on earth that can rely on exoplanitikes actions, no one can 'exclude
it and things show a peak that around 2012, it can take a very big crisis On
the other hand is very close to 2012 to wait for a disaster in the sense that
the feared, or wait for a complete regeneration of humanity, as many still
It is more likely, by the logic always, is to be a trend because of the different
predictions, trends are those which "fish" intuitive than the visible areas and
therefore should not be stuck just above this year, whether is 2012, or the
climax of this crisis seems to be a planetary level, could be a few years later,
or 2020. The bottom line is that if we leave aside the various standard
theories, which are too little to fear, because too often we have seen in the
past and look disappointed dry facts that we have in our hands by concrete
evidence. The truth then is that things, developments and accelerated the
evolution of technology, but also that some promote a very fast game of the
new world order, globalization, and it seems, it is obvious that some raped.
Now to put it but in a theoretical framework, which I think is very important,
regardless of repeat these chronologies, the date, there is a fundamental law,
which you must have all account we covered all phenomena and all
structures, from one person to an entire society, the same humanity, the
planet itself. This law is known as the Law of circularity, and I imagine that
many of you will have heard already. This law says very simply this:
That any structure of any living organism, as is also the planet itself, is going
through some sinusoidal phases, that begins from below, from one stage of
birth, go into a growth phase, reaching its peak and in the creation and
quality characteristics then inevitably it is the law of circularity that is
relentless and the life of that man, each of us, that after this stage of maturity,
starts and passes a constriction in a decline, resulting in reached the end
turning lower again, which may mean here and now I want to point out some
things, it can mean three different things at the end of the cycle. One can also
mean it is unpredictable and depends and from those involved in the process,
we are speaking about animate structure, a vibrant structure. One possibility
is exhausted if the cycle of a structure, I'll disintegrate and components,
where the dying man say, or when someone is dying culture, as we had such
information in human history, countless. In this case, the elements which
made up the concrete structure applied to the energy sector and from them
slowly reconstituted and a new cycle starts again, respectively. This is the
first possibility.

The second possibility, which is the desirable and epidiokoumeno any

structure, whether a company or a society or a state, everything is just that
the cathode ray circle say to the dissolution does not result in the dissolution
but to act as a catharsis, namely through the contraction and the decay of the
structure, those items which are included to allow n 'renewed so the same
structure but may be dissolved to go to a new cycle of enhanced and better
quality. With this how those structures fail to evolve and avoid the disruption
and with it the way you enter a new evolutionary cycle, a high class. The third
possibility is the exception, I know this has been raised slightly and Gurdjieff,
for those who can keep in mind your relationship with the musical scale and
distances of semitones, I say quickly, I can not analyze this moment, that
here in the gaps to appear between the tones, a structure can depart and
pass into another stage of development. The bottom line is that when we say
a derogation, we mean that there is something in between, that does not
disappear as we said in the first case, nor still keeping its identity and
enhanced quality, but passing a mutation which may lead to something
completely different from what it had started, which gave birth to the first
round. Why do I say this?
I do not intend to fall into theories, but these just three possibilities that I
unfortunately well, or worse, on the situation in which we get now. That we
are in this cathode passage for humanity on the planet, so we face three
challenges in fact, one is the most optimistic, to enable mankind to act as we
have with this situation more and aftepignosi use it as a cleansing and
through this process to get stronger and mentally upgraded and be able to
apply in practice what they say, that in the deepest darkness emerges and
begins the best light. So it is desirable to be able to get out intact from this
down to the walk which is currently the evolutionary state and even take
advantage of the lessons we have learned so that we can get together as
humanity in a more evolutionary cycle . The worst, the second and to be
realistic, one can not exclude, it is indeed through this cycle of the cathode
mankind to lead to a dissolution. We have not signed any contract of a higher
power that we will always be the favored species up here and not only that,
but I guess most of you have in mind for your very important archaeological
remains exist around the world, witnessed over doubt that on earth cultures
were pre-pre-historians, who have, since their development, which apparently
had and technological development, it was not just theory, for some reason
disappeared and could not pass and even the knowledge, or had any
achievements for future generations, because then spent many-many years,
until the human race to grow back on the planet and start again the whole
story from the beginning. So too, unfortunately, this possibility is unlikely and
is certainly undesirable.
The third possibility, which is a serious possibility, we talked some more time,
so this just briefly will say that it will recall that that is the possibility of
derogation from within a society technofeouderchias is a condition, which
means that the human race no longer has the characteristics that has so far
not disappear, but are integrated with advanced machines and computers,
and because life will depend solely on technology, because the environment
can be completely damaged, the food will is artificial, artificial water and
generally maintain our subject only by those companies that can provide the
standard food and air and water and the environment and everything, so just
talking about feudalism, that is a scenario you see in science fiction movies,
yet not far at all from the application, which, as I said, food, water,
atmosphere and living conditions will be entirely dependent on technology
and therefore is actually an evolutionary Notwithstanding such a situation,
talking about a society of human-robot slaves of those companies, which play
a role in government no longer synchronized with each other globally.
In such a way, as you understand will have a completely different dimension
to concepts of spirituality, enlightenment, self, talk about evolutionary
exception, which is not good for mankind to go there. There are however
pushing a furious pace to that possibility.
So to summarize so far, the obvious is that we are in this circle of cathode
near the bottom, the low point, but you never know how deep the bottom is
so confident predictions can be made about whether At present we are the
worst period, or if the coming years will be much worse, the more likely it is
that we have not yet reached the lowest point of the evolutionary cycle and
thereafter there are three possibilities that I told you, where as on the
optimism thing, again there are a number of specific elements that show us
that humanity may well be passed into a phase of high-quality upgrade,
objectively, no wish list, if left out of the way this large network of greed that
leads to a completely irrational managing the resources of the planet, the
same scientific evidence we have, we say that we have a beautiful and bright
world community, which will have no energy problem, no problem feeding,
which is characterized by abundance of freedom and by respecting the
uniqueness of each person, each state of each separate structure, and this is
no theory, I repeat, if you bother to look for and from the Internet, but also
from the literature, there is absolutely no problem.
So the optimistic scenario is indeed through this clearance, which is at
present the world has come a universal alarm for the people around the world
and through this awakening to move to a different evolutionary stage, to the
extent is possible to have resolved completely different physical needs, then
there are the good and the freedom of thought necessary to enable mankind
indeed be passed to a spiritual phase, which would use up the resources and
the attention of each of us will not be trapped by how we can survive, or how
to respond to stress in these artificial needs which gives us every day and
thus freeing our attention from these circumstances that we suck from inside
'hunting competition and the stress of survival, we can orient towards spiritual
liberation. In such a case and a number of such qualitative leaps are to know
and suddenly, because a lag phase accumulated quality can be expressed
suddenly when you least expect. We are what we want to be optimistic and to
where we want to turn things does not mean that we should not invite
everyone to be vigilant, from the moment we see in the things that drive
others more in I want to stress two further elements that must wait, this is
also related to the concept of rapid developments and headed our discussion
today. When you follow the way which moves in recent years that the
international elite, trying to steer things in certain ways, you will see that
treats some areas that are critical and very critical for us to impose this
Ultimately these measures. What are these areas?

One is the environment, through this campaign and scaremongering about

the destruction of the environment is a common theme that emerges, look
what the evil of the whole issue, global coordination is needed, not to make
any country that wants and anyone that wants to save the planet.
A second area that began after the terrorism in various countries from
different pockets of terrorism, what should be done about this?
You see it already, it is often the tactics of companies that you know very well
where they have a product that does not respond to a problem is creating the
problem so they can sell the product below. What exactly does this and the
international elite, then the second field of terrorism, which in essence is a
product of this international elite, right up again the question of who will save
us from this situation, requiring a global coordination. Take action, get special
laws, watch everyone, fakelose them, and now mobile media can listen to
conversations, even if you pull the battery, even if the phone is closed, they
can watch what you say and where you and what you do.
Third sector, energy, the oil crisis, oil saving it, what follows immediately
creates a problem, sell the product, how do not deprive the world's
resources, not to run out and have a rational use, still needs a world
directorate in order to distribute the energy.
The fourth factor, the economy, the guarding methodically, global economic
crisis, so each country can manage alone, so we have a n-take at the global
level to coordinate things, so that there are such phenomena
A fifth will see him play and to remember, because they have been pilot
schemes to date have produced and are pandemics, a pandemic can expect
not know if it is avian influenza, or whether it is something new that will
leaked from a laboratory, but after the global economic crisis can expect an
epidemic, a pandemic, which will be needed again, would raise the issue of
the need for a global syntonismou.Etsi So we see that there are five
dominant areas, playing deep human insecurity, health, environment, safety,
the concept of terrorism and crime, energy and the economy, they will
escalate more and more in the coming years, so it could not sustain the world
and he said that, like '67 here in Greece, many say what will happen will not
find no military, no colonel, to enable to restoring order and in fact what
happened. So globally, the goal is to reach a head, so riots, crime, protests n
'spread all around the world and all n' indignation and say that last Make a
world government to rest, which have now, of course, simply the issue is to
establish and through a formal shape to be able to formally take decisions.
So this one player, which I think should have it all in mind, we understand
that how things are going global and the question is now what happens, who
the opponent is the opponent, we have something to do we?
So we say go to the bottom, because even they have become hostile forces,
which could have a specific proposal and to operate the entire process, as
we said, as a catharsis, to lead the world from inside this crisis to a new cycle
of quality upgrading. But already we see some samples, ie a sample that this
monopolikotita the new world order starts to go, creating new poles of world
and this is an obstacle to plans for global totalitarianism. The second point is
that people in different states, beginning and understand what is happening
and this is a very important issue, namely those chatting here, do not think
there is slowly starting and are the property of citizens, even in calmer
western countries, eg the fact of the global financial crisis, nobody even in
advanced Western countries that do not believe that it was artificial and was
stealing bankers and that all this is to shrink even further wage and the other
insurance and other employment rights?
We all have understood the matter is that we have been able to find some
form of social organization through which the reaction, there is the problem
as well, even on the question of a pandemic, as I said the Internet is full; has
awakened the world. Only recently I read in some of the news magazine,
which found a renowned pharmaceutical company, in which the vaccines,
which would divert the third world, was the son of avian influenza and
claimed to have been accidental. Imagine how it accidentally into the
nebulizer of the vaccine to put the son of avian influenza, what is it?
Enter the world and wakes up, browse the Internet if you see that especially
the younger people who work more on the Internet and start informing on
them and how we methodically made the whole thing, not to say to terrorists
now come up and the Japanese finance minister had made a statement
before the data resign on September 11th were not conclusive and may be
made the whole story, which is a great awakening, which is too optimistic
world, which simply can not be expressed through concrete social forms,
because Briefly, simply because money is still in the hands of elites control
the moment the big parties and big media, so without those two are difficult at
this time to form something else. But it is very likely and I think to go there
and the thing with the text and each should help, it is very likely to start from
the bottom, and forms of self-organization, with the help of the Internet, which
is the time allows a world coordinate a global coordination and you will see
that sprung up such innovative shapes because the only thing missing at the
moment, somewhat to close this position is a spiritual leadership in the world.
We see that people are more advanced developmentally than their spiritual
leaders, though it is regrettable thing, because while these problems are well
aware, has dared and has not ever get a pope to call the people to be
vigilant, invite people around the world to rouse them and tell them that there
is another solution, where is the love one another, where is all this?
He has never come to a patriarch denounced, has never come out the Dalai
Lama, which we have issued a book cart, has never come out, where are the
spiritual leaders of humanity, get out, be daring?
Are introduced in the circuit of global elites. This is so is missing and you will
see that it is a matter of time because the thought forms, which is structured
on an international level by all citizens who are awakened are hundred
percent sure, because it always happen this thing that will give birth to little
by little spiritual leadership is the law, understand only too well that it always
precedes the fermentation, the culture of the new quality and then as the ripe
fruit was carried wider thought forms through specific social patterns and
specific social leaders, which are simply evolutionary body becomes the
engine of all traffic gets wider society. This would therefore expect, and while
the crisis deepens in the coming years, so that positive thought forms born of
all those billions of the world, see what happens, and gives birth to a waiting
this wait, which has specific requirements, even though it is unconscious and
not conscious, but has specific requirements, which ones?
Minimum well to let the people be free to live free, healthy, in a clean
environment, does not want a lot people, a minimum security, has the head
of quiet, not to live in uncertainty and polemo.Ola are ripe within the
consciousness of the world and for this reason, in that we can be confident
that, because it figures or thought prevails far and as tension prevails in much
of what technology means you have some other or money, it allows us to be
optimistic, I said of course that no one can be sure there is always a
possibility not catch up the train. But where we are, after all we can do
something else, where we have to be focused to do our best to grow just
about every day and more on this positive thought forms for the spiritual
evolution of mankind, to join in this new cycle of alarm. I conclude by saying
that for Greece apply what we have said, not only because of the Greek
world begins and there is some additional threats in the short and long term,
because of the geopolitical upheavals that occur in the region and we want a
lot more attention than internationally. Us us catch waves both international
and international policies described earlier, we catch but the developments
and upheavals in the Balkans and East increased risk would not like to talk
more about this issue, simply have said before, attention to the scenarios and
the risk of instability that we see promoted here in Greece for not having a
national adventure, because destabilization in the interior, give birth and
appetite for intervention to neighbors and never know how far we can reach
the state are also ample evidence that several areas of instability that are
here, such as crime example, it is guided and thus very much needed
attention and that is the reason we changed the vision, especially in today
and see if the light of developments keep him changed and in June we meet,
perhaps in September.
The awakening of GREEK Archetypes
Our subject today, as announced, is the awakening of the Greek archetype, a
very complex issue for the time whenever we have at our disposal. So I will
try to raise some issues which we consider quite significant for the period we
are living, and generally, starting from the definition of that word, the
archetype, as we have noticed quite ambiguous. Usually a concept from
psychology, the theories of Carl Yugoslavia as a player, the team based in
the unconscious and this is how the Yugoslav determined by a number of
forces, actions that are in the team and the unconscious where someone can
come into contact, if appropriate, through practice or opening his own narrow
self, the individuality of the words may be found in this wider field, this
collective unconscious. However, as we have seen the vision document
which was addressed to the Greek archetype, the meaning here for us, from
an internal perspective, differs from classical psychological sense. In essence
if we are to follow, is somewhat identical to the Higher Self.
That is, each of us and generally any entity has a potential means of which
as of how to exploit, will be open to evolution, or will lose this opportunity.
Someone who can make the most of this potential hiding inside, and to reach
higher developmental stage in this life, saying that it managed to take the
higher road and managed to reach the Higher Self. So when I say Higher Self
does not mean another living thing away from us, or something different, we
mean that the upper part of our existence, the evolutionary upper part of our
being to which we all seek in which we all go. In every life we live, there is a
maximum development that can be exhausting, this maximum development
is the Higher Self, our greatest achievement is, for each life. With this in
mind, therefore, when speaking pattern, pattern for each of us is, we mean
more to the Platonic sense, than the ideal model, which as we said to
approach and succeed. In addition to any man, however, the pattern features
and much broader, that pattern has a family pattern has a group pattern has
a village, city, state, any one institution, the entire planet. So, as every man
must, trying to reach this evolutionary stage than that expressed by the
Higher Self, or the concept of archetypes as I said, every structure has a
wider virtual model of evolution, the upper step that can reach in terms of
spirituality and evolution, which is required to reach. With this in mind,
therefore, when speaking of Greek archetype, we mean in the here and now,
in these circumstances is, that exist in our country and the international
situation, which is the highest evolutionary path which can be walked by
Greece as a country , as humans, as nature as a whole. The idea behind a
collective vision and do, than you've seen all studying the text, is to cultivate
these specific properties, which will awaken positive by positive attributes as
you see, which will activate and awaken the Greek archetype of bringing
Greece, as we said above this evolutionary path. Here we come to another
issue that has to do with so-called thought forms. The archetype is not the
same as the thought forms. This package of properties which determine the
pattern and calling each of us when we talk to him, but the whole country
when referring to the Greek archetype, this package properties is a well
thought forms. The definition of thought forms is just a set of ideas, feelings,
intentions and energy, which is cultivated make significant changes now in
the natural world, physical world, these changes which would establish in
practice now and establish positive properties which bear the thought forms.
This word means in essence a noosfairiki structure, a structure at the
invisible. This concept of thought forms, therefore, is a very old concept, but
we see verified and through modern ways, experiments and information.
To avoid long story short features would you just mention the issue of
morfogennitikon areas in which we have mentioned many other times that we
have found outside our known material level, there is a place they called
morfogennitika fields, namely some areas than which is born shape it takes
and where the material on this site, something like the team unconscious, as
he had called a Yuga, in this area, therefore, move and accumulate thoughts,
feelings and desires expressing all beings. Depending therefore, wishes and
feelings and thoughts that exist there in this area of morfogennitikon fields
occur and similar events in our lives, the events most of the outside world. It
is something which is at the research level and at university level today,
made a thorough study of the so noosfairikou noise, ie emissions to a level of
thinking, like what we say morfogennitikon of fields, from where it is shown
that in this actually move the site and disseminated thoughts from one end of
the world to another and the influences of these invisible, start and are now
It's in the game of life. It makes no sense but to indicate, why would you all
noticed that just before the Olympics began some energy plywood would say
if someone does not want to see the events me a random way, but wants to
see some combination synchronicities, we noticed that actually covered a
mishap say commas misfortune, some persons who were considered key
persons in Greece, however, Greece was saved, saved the prestige of the
Olympics by an outsider by some persons who did not expect.
This goes against until now and will continue, but there is no better way to
deal with such conflicts, only the constant bias in the positive, steady and
unswerving commitment to these values, we said, ideals, positive outlets, the
which we can consolidate slowly in Greek society. And that is what we all do
our indifference thereafter for any reactions occur. Furthermore, the onset of
a reaction is the only assurance that something is moving, action-reaction
law. If there were any reactions that would make a hole in the water so long.
So committed, in the positive commitment to the values that should dominate
and disregard for any reaction occurs. This too is in the program and just
shows the success of an alarm, which has already begun.
What are the primary stimuli that normally take in entering this area of
From whatever tradition you get started and get a book in his hands, he will
get a very impressive picture. I call this the Castaneda books of historical
Force. That is, if getting a Yogi Autobiography of Giogkananta who was
among the first books I read many, it takes a picture as soon as I get in this
area we find a teacher who will start to disappear and objects to tumble his
body and doing astral projection, the contact with stellar bodies. Gets a taste
of the predisposition for something completely unrealistic.
What to read to read the great yogi Milarepa in Tibet?
Similar things I read on suspension for technical terrible magic for people
undergoing tremendous distances in two hours without breathing and various
other stories dynamis.Na read the Western tradition, the books of Dion
We think that is constantly fighting with black magicians and seals and stellar
all about! The bottom line is that wherever you start one of these stimuli
received primarily through books, but also representatives of the area who
somehow sell God and therefore sell very well and exotic tale, has a
completely different picture than would found in reality.
So to summarize the initial stimuli to which I am sure that most if not all of us
here, were our original motivation to enter this arena with an idea that we will
open the third eye as described by Lompsangk ramp books, that we will know
someone who will touch us or give us a day and an incursion would suddenly
gain insight and intuition that we will be the favorite child of the Hierarchy
teachers with whom we have daily contact, better than This had the
Blavatsky or Alice Bailey.
We believe that as soon as I get there, because we are the super nice, some
people, the super villains, deal with us when we start and we created a
sensation and a sophisticate that we do, we follow up alarm, we think we will
have insight, intuition and worst of all, many think they will acquire forces
which would dramatically change their lives. Another will soon acquire
money, will be financially independent and this dress naturally with the
philosophy that being financially independent can be better serve other
people (because we need an excuse for something we can not admit that we
want the money just because we must have a philosophical background
behind it!) else thinks he will find immediately life companion baffling because
the search will find the karma of love, and others think that all the drawbacks
of his personality just made two meditations or five activations of the chakras,
all these layers and will be mollified and will suddenly become a perfect
anthropos.Afta are things as I said we have all experienced the problem with
them what?
Here is the issue. Usually when we start we have all these ambitions for
broadening the mind, the forces on capacity for tremendous change in the
company of exodiastatikes entities, angels, etc, and never pass through our
minds, starting to think about what should change in U.S. HIMSELF, WHAT
Usually, no one tells us how much you guys know at least in recorded history
who were considered to be enlightened, saints or have such capabilities and
connections, how many? Are numbered on the fingers.
From where and who you have to have the arrogance and the illusion of all
that entering into such an area would become such an adept level?
This does not tell us kanenas.Afto has a multiple negative epiptosi.Oi two
main negative effects are
1. Detract from the real problems of our personality, acting as a drug. What
we all have in mind is the incentive for everyone who enters the search.
Whether we like it or not, it's selfish. That is why all deliveries, openly or
covertly have dared to say. "The humble himself ypsothisetai," "Kill the ego,
says Hinduism. "If you die before you die will not die when they die," says the
Mount Athos. There is no tradition that emphasizes not the enemy of the
search is our own ego, to our own personality. But come the personality and
ego is what puts us in the search!
And here we have a very tragic conflict, our personality starts because he
thinks that will achieve things that would make it more powerful and comes in
a way that is inevitable at some time to kill (not in the concept of extinction,
but the concept of alignment). Others go elsewhere then. Why else from
starting a home that our reason and our original motivation is purely personal
subconscious and elsewhere we see that slowly sail. This is the first negative
At this stage we do a projection remember most was our original motivation.
We will see that usually the phase under which the search is starting a phase
problems. Whether we split with a partner and we are in a situation where we
feel lonely and empty. Whether you have experienced a small, big or death.
Whether we are disappointed by a failure of our business. Whether we
squeezed in some circumstances and feel drowned. From wherever you
catch it even if we start from personal, psychological problems will always
find that the initial motive is to escape.
We have christened this excess, but if you look good you will see that our
deep motivation is to get away, to rest, to banish those factors that cause us
pain. What I do not understand is that trying to get away from ourselves,
which does not. And at some point and escape, we are forced to turn back
and the face. Because if we do we can not go anywhere. Therefore, the first
major conclusion with great truth is that no one can go ahead and get rid of
the errors in the search if it decides to face himself and to stand before him,
to see him in the face and solve these knotty who initially led him to enter the
site search.
The second negative factor is that this climate has grown and fiction that
characterizes the area, the site itself censured by the moment usually just
take some time and see that making 10,50,100 times a practice of meditation
or read some things, making five attempts see that it progresses we see that
for some reason the initial enthusiasm was curbed and we are going again
face to face and must address directly some problems, usually there instead
to understand that what exactly should we give up the search space in which
we are because we found sticks for example, because it was lit up as fast as
we thought, or because they acquired their super powers or not we were
happier than where we were unhappy and say "yob watermelon" go below.

Then go to a next room because our personalities never believe that fault, so
blame the search space in which we were, then quit the site and go to
There, as we meet new people, because they are other techniques because
it is another in our environment xanapianei enthusiasm. We say "Oh, how
nice, here we are!" Spends there a time frame. Coming back to face the
usual problems when you deflate or burst the bubble of first impression and
decide once again that neither this area is worthy of us being so powerful
insiders, to host and go below.
And so we see around the world have created an army of seekers who can
not go below. Unfortunately, cooking in their own juice because it is like the
butterfly who think that flying from flower to flower to get nectar, they find
some theoretical justifications that will eventually complete the puzzle of
search, because other information picked up by such and other information
taken from the other and are unaware that the information is not irrelevant, is
an empty thing. And so time passes, the head swells from information until
some time or quit altogether, or become so-called space pensioners who
have passed have given this and have graduated from a bunch of search
sites, it is most veterans, although not the ftasmenoi, enjoy respect because
they know everyone but themselves in their little heart knows whether it is
happy and that things have learned. So something like this is the truth.
To see at least what are the things that can be gained through this adventure
of the search. In order not to completely debunk the landscape, you said at
the outset that there are a few people, measured in the fingers, actually
experienced such experiences like those described in books or oral traditions
of the area. But we must first have the illusion that we are one of them and
secondly to know very well that to becoming one of them can not be because
it wants him. Thanks counts, the response is from above. Counts each of his
past karma and especially as we said before we all know that the biggest
obstacle to this final jump is the same as our personality, our own ego. So
instead of dreaming that one can be Jesus to the position of Jesus, Buddha,
or in place of the Buddha the only thing you can do is work, work the best it
can with himself, with his personality, to beautify and smooth that it can from
those aspects of his personality which he tortured and tie. And if ever able to
function in truly disinterested and truly in harmony and in contact with the
whole, then seeing if chosen by the grace, or chosen by some higher powers
to be able to offer to serve.
Until, however, as each carries up to this figure we deregulated, it brings us
pain, removes us from our path does not make sense to nurture such false
hopes. The only thing that makes sense is as much as possible, consistent
and committed to working with our personality, to do work. So that is a first
truth. In this process, and as one works with the personality of a second truth
emerges through self-observation we make ourselves or through a teaching,
a group, or even ourselves. The truth that emerges is that we are inadequate.
We realize things that in principle we could not realize and the beginning and
see all our weaknesses, our egos, we stop to koukoulonoume and to gild and
seeing as it is. This truth may not be the insight that we thought we would
get, or the awesome psychic abilities, but is a much more important than
The importance of being able to see ourselves as is even if you freak out
when we begin to realize this thing is a skill, a Sindhi, a gift which is much
more important than to make a way and move objects or to anticipate the
thoughts of others. Because even when moving objects that will do, what
would you serve? That will not make you go to the grocer's shop, this is your
problem, what will make you happier?
As you enter in this way begin to be an empathy, a self that no longer see
your personality, your self naked. This truth brings in a great test. In danger in
this phase to be disappointed. Noting how inadequate you are, sometimes
puts the dilemma and say "if I am as I am seeing better not, better not to
understand better my fellowman living in the world and thinks he is fine and
has not gotten wind of Kousouris what is on it from me that I understand and I
can not do anything. "Through this disillusionment, whoever stand-slowly
acquire emerges in a second case.
What? That these problems himself and that relief was seen that the
characteristic is no personal matter ultimately.
This is the second great truth. The same problems and the same defects
seen as a mirror to show everyone around him. And then starts and is aware
of the community and the unity of being. And it begins and emerges a second
truth which is not philosophical or intellectual, but personal experience that in
fact when you see yourself well and sympathizing about what is happening
and its shortcomings, start and compassion to everyone, beginning and lives
there a section of events and people and that there is not works differently
through you and through the next door, but works the same way. So this is
the second great truth that can not be all fancy like those who read the books
said, but it is much more effective than all the deeds of all yogis, or any
secret about that read. Thirdly, as we come face to face, we see ourselves
like we've sympathizing, as we said we understand that the existence of such
cries of anguish from within us the same way and shout through all the other
creatures and begin to understand in this community, each unit now
characterized by the existence of an unmatched uniqueness. And so it is very
important to honor the uniqueness of each and thus uniqueness and honor
our own. When you realize this thing is a third great truth, it is the only stage
we really friends with ourselves, which is reconciled with him and now it is a
matter of pure energy to gather the necessary energy, the necessary amount
of force to we can change all those characteristics which we sympathizing us.
This is the final stage and the final truth, which is the most difficult of all there
are and more about whether you can have a final achievement or not. So do
not talk about the power of style if you can run day and night with 100 km per
hour, the forces that cause us to be lifted, or become invisible because they
are useless at all, but talk to a non-symbolic level, a real level, that the third
truth is through the way the search at some point gather and start to take
shape and feel upon us the necessary energy to be able to change these
aspects of personality that prevent an act freely through us. When it starts
and is born this amount of energy, only then can come the real liberation that
can not be expressed in miracles, but is a great miracle that there finally has
a unit, a means to honor him herself . And this is essentially the concept of
liberalization, the concept of realization. That having been able to exploit to
the fullest extent a particular unit, a specific person to work through it with the
perfect way.
So the search of perfection with respect to the uniqueness of each of us is
the final stage of power which can do all incarnate. If this will be
accompanied by tremendous therapeutic abilities in miracles or other gifts
bears no importance, believe me, they all come and gone does not affect
anything in the environment. To cure a ten people when they get well, will
resume the same shit to do. And make a super miracle will draw windows on
television and will xeftilisoun within a week. They play no role. Even in the era
of Christ did not go to that miracle is that we become seen miracles. The
great achievement so that you may have, as I said, is to give ground, making
those necessary changes on it, the stream of life and existence to work
through it with the most perfect way possible.
So that is the third great truth of being. If we now want to summarize all that
we said we would say that to insist on a street should in no way be
associated with these results, you thought, or listen to the left and right that
we should have. Contrary to insist on a path search means that you are
determined to get self-awareness, to get a sense of unity with the whole and
thirdly to change drastically upon you to prevent the flow of existence, to pass
through and leave your fingerprints with the most perfect way possible and
respecting the uniqueness of you. That is that we have the mind of everyone
to achieve through this story and nothing more. And if you get more is just too
specific and concrete reasons why we can not even imagine. This is not so I
feel like I do, no disquieting. If you came to this path to become fakirs I think I
would advise you to go. But those who have gained such gravity be
understood as to understand what was discussed today, I think it is anything
but should make you disappointed because you will be aware, however, that
in all these years, at least on what we discussed here You will definitely go
ahead. It is a sin to think that not enough for us little, but we want the most.
Because the lot is ideal, little is tangible and real and something we've
already accomplished, we have done. And only through this sense can go.
That's all I can say. I think it is a good material and we can discuss honestly
some things between us and that will probably cause a current word for
everyone to do a small review on, what errors may have fallen. And what
things have truly conquered, in order to rally the efforts of a substantial things
and not beat your head against the wall to be unhappy that it had become
such and such a master healer, or because they hear things that are
supposed to do others, he feels disadvantaged because it is not supposed to
do. From fairytale we had enough and left the question is whether we will find
the courage to work with five truths. Fighting fear. It is a sign bit, the 21
century. Before she was in Afghanistan, Palestine etc. today is a very large
number of people who cultivate the crop and there is a pessimism because
he thinks that the one is the nuclear danger, the other chemical and biological
weapons, human cloning , genetically modified products, the environment
that every day there is significant damage, and in addition we have a state
that does not ensure citizens' lives. All this, not unfairly, frightening many who
speak of a period of revelation, in a way. So without wanting to jeopardize the
existence of numerous and serious these problems, I think we should focus
our attention on them to do we as conscious citizens, but also some very
important points of light which have already look and operate by the end of
last century. If we see the danger of the situation we are today and for the
societies and the ecosystem should be the first point to bear in mind the
cyclical nature of the law, otherwise known as the Law of rotations. The
central idea is that when the darkness is deeper, and starts being born light.
There is no night that does not fly through the seed of the day, no day can
not fly through the seed of the night, there is no period of happiness does not
create the conditions for an upcoming misfortune, there is time, as we say
folk, to have caught the bottom and do not contain within it a substantial
recovery. So, mathematically, whenever humanity is entering a state of
decline, is to begin to create the conditions for a major upcoming revival. Why
is it really such a thing? Why should we spend all our humanity as a whole,
such a situation and we can not continuously make progress and move
forward developmentally?
Why is this spiral that our suffering and we should be passing through dark
times to be able to go after the light? Is on probation. And the test is not to
punish the man for his sins, or to see if we're some good guys. Like life itself
in order to ensure a robust child, from the millions sperm in sexual act, can
reach faster to have the quality of new man, so any kind of living, but also in
everyday life, you will have noticed that life itself poses difficulties for testing
to ascertain the value, strength and perseverance of a certain kind of trust
before any significant role. It is a universal law that creates these situations,
obstacles and tests. We must therefore make sure that the same is
happening now ..
What, then? That is when we pass an exam period for humanity.
The man accepted knowledge. The universe has entrusted certain powers
which it was asked to develop. It is the only creature on the planet that can
and manage energy resources, is responsible for other things, is responsible
for the plant kingdom and is the only creature that can act in this free will to it.
We have reached a point where these forces which the man trusted to have
brought in a stage of development but which, rightly or wrongly, is
inconsistent with the level of consciousness evolution. We come, then, is the
big test for the simple reason that while the lower our mental, as mankind has
risen and has become too much, if you want to internal conditions, it has
become even heart center, to be able to approach the more mental.
We have great expectations, we have tremendous knowledge of weapons
that can be razed or blow up a hundred times a planet like Earth, but there
has been no corresponding opening prochorima corresponding to the level of
our consciousness.
This, then, the big bet which is played on the evolution of humanity. If we can
go before destruction, in this necessary consciousness awakening. If we do
so, the role of man will emerge dramatically upgraded in the cosmic game
and I would trust much more than handling the moment. I want to clarify and
draw completely from our minds the possibility that all this be in luck.
What matters is that there is a specific secular mind that works behind. This
is very important, because nothing is random. All walk on the plan.
Well, if seen from within this context, this very short historical period we are
now in front, the flow of the evolution of humanity and of any risk, the only
logical conclusion I can arrive is that we spend a period of crisis in which
what is hidden?
Is our ability to manage those skills and knowledge, some trusted us. Here, in
conclusion, the game is played is the big bet if you manage to overcome this
weakness we have to factor conscience as human beings, and we thus get
enhanced evolutionary role that will give us access to incredible new levels of
It is something that awaits us.
We should therefore see no reason to ever, ever, the glass half empty. Is in
the foreground of those who want to delay development. You'll hear all of you
on the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy. It's something like what we do here,
the positive side, the vision for Greece. If, say, start and cultivate a reputation
that would be something if that reputation to believe too many people, slowly
and structured a thought forms that spread. Disseminated and reaches the
end be implemented. It does not matter if an ideology or a prophecy that he
believes will do something is true or not true in the sense that the above or
prompted some I took myself out of my head, it is important to achieve, to
believe a lot of people. So, who wants to freezing humanity, deliberately
cultivated through the media, through their actions, etc., a pessimism. it all
goes to destruction. The same words, which go by the flap, and want to go,
they cultivate a culture to be even stronger through the pessimistic thought. If
we want to offer to contribute substantially to what should happen, we must
be vigilant in all of us, they never "help" in the worst-case descriptions and
pessimistic predictions, but rather to focus on our strengths that we have to
do, of course, the best we can to promote a positive evolution of the planet
and humanity. It is pure theory and understanding what you say, it stuck in
the historical context in which we live now, we think things data, while older
people were not. Above them would love to just focus our attention today. If
you want to get an objective picture of the situation, we can not forget some
important factors that are predictors of what will happen. And these are the
following reasons.

First: Bring your mind to something very simple. On the issue of health and
longevity of today's man. Why resent all today? Resent it say there in the
hospital basement contained sleeping cots. In Greece there are sachets.
Pharmaceutical companies are purely commercial and not interested in a
holistic approach to the concept of man. Very well saying these things. We
have gone through his mind, but what luxury is this thing, whining and
worrying about such things when a few years ago the average lifespan was
Have you ever thought that?
Now, we live up to eighty average.
Previously a pestilence or plague had downloaded a total population of
Europe in the Middle Ages, will remember many of you, one and a half
million. He wiped out an entire continent.
Thing, can not we go through your mind today that such if I lived an earlier
era, I am now forty years old I should have died already. We think we are
forty-edge of our age and there is a long road ahead. Would normally be in
the grave right now if I lived a few years ago. Wars, epidemics and hunger
did not leave man to reach more than forty. That is something terribly
important, behind which lies a great evolutionary necessity. What?
When you have a long-lived body, which has many years ahead of when you
have a body that is not plagued by constant pain of illness or hunger, when
you are free from these problems, in you favor the development of a higher
consciousness, because our attention shifts from the stress of survival and
the struggle to stay alive, to research the concept of existence, etc.
If this time we are hungry or sick, no one would be here discussing these
things. Only when you have a long-lived body healthy and give you the
opportunity to allow nature to wonder what it is to lead the spiritual search,
read, acquire wisdom. Again, it was the exception and only in very small
periods of history there have been cases where such and such wise unable
to reach an age comparable to that in which we live today. Now, we are all
wise when you get the seventy we are all wise and omniscience in relation to
the level it will come then and in that which prevailed the past few years. So
what, do not ever forget.
Secondly, very importantly, the current standard of living.
But there is the case of India, there is a case of Afghanistan, there is a case
of the developing world, I would say. But again they were all at this level. And
the fact that these countries are not developed, not due to the evolution of
humanity in the imperialist policies of the superpowers and the colonialism
that keep these countries deliberately in this low life.
Taking the figures is how many millions of the world today, watch it and how
much was in the last century, we see that the size is overwhelming on how
many more may have a good standard of living than they had for millennia.
Because it was old and less population. Today they have to share resources
and goods in the world many more people.
So when you have an adequate level of life, fulfilled a very important second
evolutionary necessity. If you start from the animal nature, which is the basis
on which stands the conscience, the first concern, what is it?
As the animal be kept alive. Since that will ensure to keep alive the brutish
nature still dictates what you, before you start to turn around what's important
to you?
You dictate to live well and that the stress we see even in animals and at that
time have food in front of them will want to save, and the bone left over to go
get it and the other animal which is to have confident that we will not starve.
So we and the brutish nature of man begins and gradually fulfill these
requirements. And beyond the average life expectancy that has increased,
there is currently a large number of people who enter and released from the
stress of home, from the stress of travel and the stress of a satisfactory,
albeit minimum, mode of living. What does this mean?
That since this innate need for shelter, saying holding, property and liberty,
covered gradually released all our energy that was previously locked in the
hunting of these basic needs.
This release, for now, seems to express a form of saturation in many
mistakenly interpreted as alienation. Why do we say to the other, bored, no
thanks for my life, old ones have strong friendships peinagame and now can
not find a man to be interested to share my problem. Due to biotic difference.
Erroneously interpreted as alienation. It is a pre-stage where there has been
a glut in relation to material goods and the old values, but has not yet made
this necessary consciousness upgrade.
And let's not get carried away because of the fact that there were strong
friendships, as they say, one hundred years ago, not because they were
better people, was because we were serious people and when I had to share
a pittance and try not to get our other We bond with our neighbor. But not
because he was conscience configured to open the center of his heart.
It was this unity that characterizes the herd. And like the ants, pigeons, a
flock of wolves are near each other in order to draw the net, so zoodos
operating and people. The fact that these needs are covered, break these
traditional commitments, contracts that were based on need rather than
conscious choice.
Well, well, there was a conscious choice of our companions in life. All match
and marry on the basis of the dowry to combine households and can survive.
It means that now divide because many people are backward and antexelixi
and alienation.
It's why in a moment everyone will be based on free choice and not the
choice dictated by necessity. This is very important, so do not think all these
samples as negative.
Then there is the issue of ownership. They say that when Big Brother,
watching mobile, TV alienates us makes us, shows us. What would you say if
the 1890 and 1880, we had to work twelve hours daily, including Sunday if
dare to draw text and we will bury the wood henchmen of the feudal or the
factories that will work and we laid off the other day our work without
compensation, no insurance, no Social Security?
Have you ever thought of it or because they grew up in this period grew all of
our data and we are forgetting how many people shed their blood and what
games they became vested to those which we now consider elementary.
Women who you are, when you acquired a soul, you know?
Because if I remember correctly until 1880 had not. So by 1880 you animals
you want to know. Acquired heart now. We have assessed?
Voting when you obtained the women?
They must never be forgotten because they show a great awakening
consciousness that hatch. So that we who are sometimes crappy, because
this misery we grow. I repeat that some want to forget. But we must never be
forgotten. We should be enlightened on these things.
Let a third very important, very important. Educational attainment and
dissemination of knowledge. No need to say anything special here.
Remember how our grandparents were illiterate until a few years ago.
Remember that game was made by minorities such as blacks to enable them
to enter school at some point and start to read.
This great antiquity which miss everyone in the books, in my humble opinion
it was a hell, as far as educational. Why are the letters some people knew of
priests who could say they wanted dungeon without being able to control
them yet.
If we lived in ancient times, now I could be a prophet, let's say you are all
disciples and comfortable we would find a thousand students each, so the
A lot of people were like animals, uneducated, knowledge forbidden by
hanging if someone managed to learn to read something and the whole
system vasizotane a huge factory slaves.
Sorry to say this in bulk, but it was.
There is nothing comparable to the current level of development of
knowledge and wisdom and qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative not
talk about it. That which prevailed for millennia. The knowledge gathered in
five caste power and five priests and all other complete darkness.
The second element that we say about the difference in knowledge, great
importance is that we now have free access in many ways and recently the
Internet in the knowledge that you would like past ten years traveling to go
yourself and even to see how it is.
Imagine the unimaginable difference in that situation to today. So when the
knowledge now exceeds all government restriction, any national restrictions,
all religious, all ideological, each boundary, a condition that warrants?
Again, a consciousness awakening, addressed local and a handful of people.
How many years did prevail Christianity?
Centuries. Now an upcoming consciousness awakening, if created, ie, a new
ideology, which is required for an evolutionary leap in hand, the diffusion will
be immediate and universal. It can be stopped by anything. This can not be
late, can be done in the coming decades. Very important.
Fourth point. The self and the transcendental investigation. Here
would not say many words. My opinion is absolute on it. In terms of self
beyond the popular wisdom of everyday survival had some old, otherwise
they had the old midnight.
The woman at home to bury her husband in the wood when we were
returning drunk. It was a situation of social relations as zero and to know
oneself, zero. Zero.
The fact that the other three players you mentioned, namely that we have a
long average life today that we have a more comfortable standard of living
today and that we are more educated, is something like the next step allows
us to move forward.
Man who is hungry and uneducated can not be searched. Truth be told.
You can search and struggles we have not found the edge in many areas
and say the happiest was my grandmother all day than he made cookies and
brought his grandfather when he was entering the slippers at home, but this
happiness, we know well all of us, had nothing substantial. He was happy the
contract, ignorance and need. As if to give an animal eating every day and do
five shows Haris happy does not mean that there running out of happiness.
Now, therefore, they start wondering. And looking. And we say, is this good
life we do?
I am pleased with my work relationships?
I am happy with my friends?
I am happy with my partner?
Because we have more demands. This is not negative. It's a good thing. It's
something propellant. Why do we become more conscious in our choices.
So, it is good that so many people today do psychoanalysis and
psychotherapy. Not to mock anyone as old or several that make the smart
and say that we have filled crazy. No, man. Why is crazy here is much more
advanced than you who live in ignorance and you do not understand what
you are.
Those looking for can be touched and sometimes beyond the madness. But if
you do not look for there is no way to proceed. We compared, therefore, the
rate of self-awareness available to the modern man with the old. For the
transcendent will not speak at all because we do not need that we all, but
simply whether the figures show only, and even quality, think a hundred
years ago how many people had such searches as compared to those
This shows what? That we shop? That seems unbearable reality?
Possibly, yes. But it seems unbearable? After getting a house, we have the
car, and we have to eat. Because it seems unbearable?
Because we perverts? Or because we understand that there is something
much more than what we experience today and states?
Eventually, then, is our tendency to be immature and will come much closer
to our true purpose as a people. In our true destination means that knowingly
participate in an evolving project.
A fifth factor, important, is that back in relation to the old days is much
more the number of people engaged in service and offer to others and to
other beings.
Once, when we were students and went to the islands, I asked the locals
there, the boatmen, the 'big spears, "and said" what a beautiful beach you
have, what beautiful water, clean it "and they told us,' what do you say now,

1. A fifth factor, important, is that back in relation to the old days is

much more the number of people engaged in service and offer to
others and to other beings.
Once, when we were students and went to the islands, I asked the
locals there, the boatmen, the "big spears," and said "what a
beautiful beach you have, what beautiful water, clean it" and they told
us, "What are you talking about, I have had enough, I see since I was
born I do not see it before me. To find an oriented Swedish girl to


marry her to go to Sweden to make peace. "
This ignorance of the people living in the wild and could not
appreciate why the thought never mind, that is the destroyed. These
people that are unaware that they put fire to forests, to make them
land. These are broken down, the seas to make tourist units,
because even though they lived in nature do not appreciate this thing
ever. And many of them hated the very day.
Today, there is no man who does not recognize these needs.
To protect the environment, protect the animal kingdom. There are
millions worldwide who make collections sent to orphanages, to
prisoners in the disadvantaged. When times became all about?
Time watching others suffer and fell onto their loot?
It has changed greatly the quality of humanity. In the area clean of
assistance to human suffering, to the field of self-determination and
This means that these people of "goodwill" have increased
dramatically. Is heard, because we're the center of the bottom
culture, mentality of sharks. People of good will work with mildly.
Everywhere. Working slowly but steadily and multiply slowly and
steadily. And what you should not miss is that some time will create
the critical mass of people and when we create the critical mass is a
matter of time, sweep the whole of humanity in a completely different
So having these five points in mind, we believe that we must
be sure that everything goes well.
One last point I want to tell you is that if some things make us
pessimistic, seeing the big greed that dominates the powerful thirst
for power, etc. is not a matter of our century. Suffice it to read a little
history to show that from the beginning of civilization has been a
common denominator.
Historically power corrupts. Enlistment always had that weapon and
had to destroy. Always been indifferent to the environment. After the
Peloponnesian War were unimaginable ecological disasters. If our
ancestors had the weapons we have today probably would not have
anything left. Everyone that had the weapon used to destroy. So, the
thirst for wealth, power and the glory that's hunt reward, we must be
conscious that it has always existed and has always been the
enlistment of any power that he had not had to work it out. The factor
that differentiates the current situation is only quantitative. Because it
differs nothing from the past. Just today the world has greed means
to destroy the entire planet at once. This is the only difference. That's
why the alarm is needed now, so hopefully there is now a separate
state or a region, but worldwide. What we do not know those people
who pull the strings of any globalization and the strings of world
power in general is that they think they work for themselves and do
not know that unwittingly party to an evolutionary design that goes far
beyond the Greed and exousiomania their beats. May promote
globalization in order to help mankind, but ignore that, through this
move that they will pass on the sidelines, because evolutionary
forces pushing things are far stronger and much wiser than their own
ignorance. What issues should be handled very carefully in the
First and foremost we must have the necessary vigilance, I said from
the beginning, allowing us to get rid of the lethargic hypnosis, the
passivity and pessimism in which we want to keep the various
players antexelixis.
In short we are awake, not complacent and not think things for
granted when we see something wrong, do not let the flow of events,
but trying to do the best we can to reverse. If you do not have this
thing and live in a ypnosiki situation, we can do whatever they want.
To do this, so we can cultivate a necessary vigilant, we should turn
our attention to the mechanisms of formation of conscience. Why all
starts from there. And formation of conscience, means family,
education and mass media. We see what is the policy of others in
these areas. They do everything to make pathitikopoiimena,
pessimistic, soldiers consumers. We must turn our energies to these
areas of education, family and media to be able to operate a new
world view that is free from the selfish attitude that exists today, first
and second, to cultivate our self-awareness and alertness
citizenship. So, each prisoner.
Secondly. Apart from our involvement in the mechanisms of
consciousness, we can expand our perception of reality, which
fortunately is already done and to nurture those around us healthy
perception of reality, which practically means that we reject the
materialistic domestic model for the universe and on the faith and we
can replace in this world of live action with effect, seeing the man and
all of nature as part of a unified and indivisible whole. Which is like a
big change in our coexistence with the planet and the other kingdoms
of the world. We get rid of deliberately cultivated agnosticism. I said
in the beginning. That is, by deliberately cultivated faith in the matter
and that everything is done randomly and there is no higher power,
there is no plan behind things. Because only through a spiritual life
can attract a sense of happiness, be careful what you say, which
may exceed the problems of survival, the temporary phenomena and
certainly absurd, but death.
If we do not have a spiritual ideology have no reason to live. Having
made all the luck, why live?
We have no reason to spend all these troubles and anxieties of life,
should we all commit suicide, and after all they will die for sure what
all this before?
If you embrace such an ideology, how to be happy?
The happiness will depend on five quick stupid now that I got a good
car and I'm happy, so I missed the day after the stock market and I
am unhappy. The only approach to happiness is through spirituality,
because spirituality is more than just a temporary this world and the
absurdity of death.
And now, finally the service that we talked about before.
Service, supply, self-esteem, mental harmony, creativity is the core
values of humanity will emerge. We must cultivate all, questioning
the way it currently is committed to doing our day. Another element,
the fourth, finally, we must work cultivating positive thought forms.
This concept is crystallized in the old world is currently the only factor
that keeps him in line. Based purely on our own thoughts and in our
culture is our job to be able to pass through in our daily lives are
reasonable arguments and reasonable positive evolutionary
imperatives are discussing here so as to foster a new quality. This
requires a truly our commitment with the good sense, where no
strain, we both in our personal relations, as do also, I think all of us
here, but also engaging and clearly believes any moves everyone
that is valuable and worth helping. So. So the issue is slowly
becoming involved in this network is structured light in the world by
intervening in all those aspects of humanity necessary to arrive at
this new ideology. The aim is slowly to produce a united. From
teachers, from leaders of public opinion by leaders from artists,
thinkers from all the people who shape consciousness to wake up
the critical mass. Wake up to all mankind a certain number who will
then be able to sweep him and everybody else. Since then, all of this,
we are seeing today, we have all grounds to believe that time is on
our side and be optimistic. The media know that not only reproduce
the reality, not only is distributive for that reason alter a single reality,
but they are by a staff of filter to highlight and which color morally
based desire, or interests each paratiriti.Etsi is no exaggeration to
say that here is the law of quantum physics says that the observer
affects the outcome of the observation. Ie in this case the person
who experiences, monitor, or trying to relay some specific experience
affects the actual experience with how to play. So when we clear our
minds that any attempt to describe the real subject - in fact - a very
large subjective, should making a step further to clarify and see how
the personal filtering, personal coloring and choice of any events to
pass as news or information that define and influence the
consciousness of the receiver. That is us who we'll hear something
concrete on the radio, which will see something on TV, which will
read any document. Here we are in a second ocean of subjectivity,
where if you want to stick to the term information, talking to the
media, we understand that this term is a misnomer, at least. Because
the media did not even base the bulk of reporting their information.
Include many more items in them such as - allegedly - entertainment,
reviews, ads, games etc other than to inform they have to do. But if
we stay strictly on information means Story, we must ask what news?

We must ask ourselves where and where and why news is this one
who married an artist, or that were killed in a clash train many
hundreds of people and there is news that someone was good today
because we reached the surgery which they did, and now that I fell in
love in such and such, or that when a bird flies outside. What is that
criterion, assuming that news means that this reality into a single
whole I am focusing my attention and I look through a magnifying
lens or a tube and see a part of reality, what is the criterion whether
to focus on here or there?
I think we all agree that the criterion is purely subjective and
therefore the criterion is to where it wants to focus my attention, the
person who transmits eidisi.Ara here should not fool ourselves must
realize deeply that we are talking about how and selection shape the
consciousness of people. If you have different criteria about what
news will shape and a different human race. Especially now that the
media is so powerful and a different world emveleias.Fantasteite
CNN which to choose a different criterion in the news, what would
otherwise have been developed and will help shape the people
around the planiti.Echontas clear therefore that this news means
choice about what kind of mentality to beat people, take a step
further and also understand why someone interesting or someone,
what kind of consciousness would have the people. Because we
save them? This is a version because he is interested to serve? This
is the second version.
But what is more common is that behind the word news hiding
specific political, economic and social interests. This is something
from antiquity, may not have the means we have today, but the
concept of propaganda, disinformation and the selection is the filter
through which will pass the news and the news was very ancient.
So we make a clear choice of interests that want to develop a
specific awareness of the human race. And they call this news. The
call update! We can not change our minds. But we can know well all
of us, but also to disclose to others, so we are conscious these things
happen. But who is the mechanism through which affected the
human conscience? And the so-called news, and all so-called
products of SMEs. We are dealing with three very strong elements.
Sound, image and the reason (written and spoken). So there is a
triptych that transmits knowledge, image and listening (feeling). What
better place to develop human consciousness, this three-fold
vibration is the foundation of human consciousness. Why is shaped
exactly like the human conscience, based on these three elements.
The problem is that there is a whole mechanism, through which is
identical to those experienced every moment. It is a mechanism that
operates both cognitive and behavioral (behaviour) and energy.
To get them in order. In the cognitive field that make the mid-SME?
Having the thesfato of truth "are we to know what happens in the
world and you say, you transfer" shape and influence beliefs, values
and world view. You will hear many saying, "But after I heard on
television, read the newspaper, may be lying? After the talks.
As thus read, is by repeating specific messages and you become a
receiver that knowledge and data, shape your consciousness similar
to those which you receive, these beliefs and values. That this is the
world, what it means to be right man, that to go forward in life you
have to click over corpses, everything is competitive and you will just
have anyone to cover their backs in order not to bring it, that for
being nice means you have to wear such and dress, such and such
brand to have such and car etc. So go an entire package back ...
consumer behavioral field. Apart from the cognitive is very important
and behavioral, that means imitating models. We saw the carnival
which among other outfit Tsaka released (from big brother). What
does this mean?
That's next to Robin Hood and Pokemon added a new model,
Chuck! Standard mean what we said through a single fact to choose
a small party and throw the spotlight on it and I choose that I want
because I have a projector I choose, not you. So when I select the
instance owner or lady to throw light on it is like you say "to what God
is and what is the woman I would pick at such artist to view it as a
model, or the player x , or Tsaka.Ego through advertising to get back,
I can make you feel disadvantaged for some fat deposits, because in
my advertising, all women are kouklares and models with blue eyes
and so you get the dilemma and say " for I am smiling and happy in
my life, to model! 'How to break free from the misery I'm not that
kouklara I see on TV? is simply to eat yogurt to eat that, by being

2. Energy field
This kind of identity, our consciousness is powerful because starting
from the pure model at the end bicheivioristiko acquire energy and
texture. So, it is known that everyone is moving in his life, having
capacity to consume a certain amount of energy his own. This finding
fuel is a fuel that everyone can get to pointing in the alpha or beta
activity. Advertising, especially but not only advertising, and general
life as it is presented in the saga, the media and through the
standards of the characters actually doing? Takes the life force of
humans and turns on power consumption . It is precisely because it
intends to vital force, the libido, the Kundalini, tell it what you want, so
this is what you notice, the diptych works through which the
advertising can be a powerful means of submission is first of survival,
or through sex. Striking precisely the vital instinct. So it works two
ways. Or by viewing your pictures, which you raise vital energy
through sex and once to show the product in order to identify the vital
force of our generation with this product and have the illusion that
every time we eat this product to think that, subconsciously, we love
that time and the Eucharist (... and very very cool product! ...) or to
work in the phrase is through fear, cultivating an uncertainty which is
redeemed when you receive the product.
Whether third-way-showing a position of dominance is addressed
again in our vital energy sovereignty from a position when the person
possesses or consumes the product, or specific sexual behavior that
is epithymiti.Etsi has developed an entire circuit includes media
artists, journalists, models, athletes, politicians, an entire circuit
models, which do nothing more than to convert the vital power of the
people to whom a consumer ischy.Telos has shown that the best
way to someone receptive to a submission is to satisfy two
A) is the low awareness, ie a passive state and ypnosiki
B) be subject to the state of confusion and even more importantly,
fear. That is why in the investigation, we have seen on projects, one
does good, the bad and the other trying to bring a state of confusion
that is presently in you to accept what is in the press else to do.
The same applies to poliseis.Palia, insurers are trying to convince to
terrorism. Your name was "you know you're at an age critical to
where it 's you can stroke nothing happens?" Now it has overtaken
this way and have a more delicate methods of approach. But the
media remain in this climate. You see that the choice of news, or
films on TV are always news and films related to the disaster, the
threat of life, the crimes, the insecurity, showing a vibration that more
people at risk and adrenaline has to be continuously soaring. Even
the weather has become a weapon of intimidation, you think so go
for a walk outside your house will fall Hail to kill you, it will be
earthquakes, pestilence, and all sinking schetika.Etsi thus keeping a
constant stress and the exouthenonontas any viewer or listener
through this terror, when the time comes to be viewed as advertising
or a top choice of political leadership, we will find you in confusion, in
fear and are more receptive to get you through any message.
Summing up, we recall that very old, very old, ancient peoples to a
representation of reality through a sculpture or something considered
blasphemy and perversion. Why?
Why are old people feel one with nature and reality and thought
inconceivable to try to isolate one part of reality, to stand out and put
it on a wall or to the carving on a rock or a stone (where supported
and non-display of God). Of course by this excess we have now
reached the opposite extreme where there truly a perversion in the
sense that reality is translated, interpreted and reproduced at will by
very specific groups are symferonton.Afto too bad not only for us but
the very fact we say it is unique and original, aftoanaparagetai from
the standpoint that we have for it. This well know all of you and on it
is based and the vision we do for Greece. So if you want to change
the reality you have only to convince those beings which provide that
the reality is otherwise. And slowly the reality will change and come
to the measures of those beings who believe in this tropo.Afto is
therefore beyond the issue of deception, and very dangerous to the
role of SMEs. Showing that selective and biased versions of events
so as they want, kind of like the way people want them, the society
just as they want, they create very strong roots, a very solid
foundation so that society is going that way. To not say much else
will tell you just one more paradeigma.Osoi of my generation read
more old Mickey Mouse we had never gone through his mind that
perhaps, this whole series might be directed? Of course not. In
retrospect, however, we learn that Disney himself when he made this
series prepared for a society in which there were only nieces and
nephews. There were mothers, fathers, there were only nephews.
Understand how important it is for a generation that forged this
template? We had our parents. We went through our minds to
wonder why nieces and nephews have no father. Where is their
mother? Why are we just divine? It never crossed our minds. We saw
it but now that most of our own generation is divided. And the family
is in our own generation, passes a huge krisi.Ara think the thing that
goes over the next forty years, now that the children grow up with
Pokemon, the Power Rangers and all the other heroes who are
mutation experiments combining properties robots, bionic animals,
people, and in which series there is not even the concept of the
divine and not of divine but merely a state different things, cross-
species roam around the world without purpose, meaningless, lost in
space. We appreciate all leading to today's generation will grow. Are
things that will soak up all of us and when we are at an advanced
age will see today's children and will not believe our eyes.
What can anyone?
While it may seem a bit melancholic issue before us today, do not
neglect all the effects of underground consciousness of things. As
you might have an influence in the media can not make the debate is
to take between intelligent beings on a personal level. So if they have
the power of large-scale and aimed at a rompotochrisi, we can move
on the edge, can happen down in the world, our job in our company,
our friends, our family in revealing the truth people with whom we
come into contact. It is very important, is the first countermeasure,
the optical power of each. You see that already in Greece is a very
good job, which does not have contributed to the media, but has
contributed a stream of consciousness that moves from the bottom.
Greece is one of the few countries without stings in the myth of the
New Order, not stings in the myth of globalization and stings are not
standards that are going to incur. Can many of us to follow them in
practice, it can not be isolated socially, but consciousness is but a
very large proportion of Greeks, not below and does not agree.
The same can be done with the media.

3. Can these things we are discussing today are not the only ones who
talk, can be shared and disseminated rapidly astrapis.Defteron, each
of us, so we also are we supposed to have a history of exercise.
Exercise what it means?
Trying to cultivate some ways alertness and presence. Please know
that every moment what we are. We can say to the other. Which of
our viewer, or read the newspaper or listen to radio. We sometimes
have to stop and ask, do not need more than a minute, some
questions to himself mas.Theloume this time to listen or to see this
thing? Was our choice?
How do we feel that we have?
We feel excitement, enthusiasm?
We feel anger, fatigue?
How do we feel that the time?
Of how our thoughts create what we see or read the moment?
Three such simple questions:
1. Hear or see it consciously?
2. What causes my feelings, how my body feels?
3. What considerations secondary causes me?
This is a very powerful weapon, since that time nurturing presence
get it and what is called free choice. Because when you're given and
mechanical in something you do not have the right, an option. Each
time the alert goes out and the presence of the surface, it gives you a
choice. So where does.
Want to see the stupidity?
View the least consciously. Tell me because I'm tired consciously
choose the stupefaction at this time. Then you have the responsibility
for your decision. If you do not want but you get a chance to change.
As well as the dissemination of propaganda and what a media and
how they affect our consciousness outside of what we do to
ourselves at some point - and I should try together to move, should
start some campaign protest against some things.
Once all the interest and readability and the audience if they create a
current, that people are not bored to send a fax of protest or an e-
mail somewhere, or some letters, things are changing.
We need some time to reduce any negative impact on SMEs,
through our own mobilization.
The reason for SMEs should be as follows:
Mental Service = manifestation of truth. The dissolution of delusion
and ignorance by the revelation and communication of knowledge
and information about the true nature of reality, self, society, human
relations, etc.
Psychic Service = manifestation of Love: The end of fear, anxiety and
thymapatis by demonstrating the unity of the phenomena and the
eternity of existence, and through growing relationships mercy, trust,
justice and happiness among beings.
Energy Service = manifestation of Life: The end of suffering and
poverty through rehabilitation or enlargement of the contact with the
secular power, and by promoting the harmlessness, the supply of
creativity and healing.
Normally this should be the goal and raison d'etre of SMEs. Please
inform us as to the truth and how we can evolve better. To raise our
performances that will give us a sense of unity, love and trust
between people and try to relieve human suffering and to appease
any distress, or human poverty and not to fan the flames and try to
forward. If they could be configured in such a database in the media,
then precisely because the reality depends on the manner in which to
imagine, as I said, would change dramatically and reality itself. In
their slogan saying "goodness does not sell ...", you will have heard
this-"... we do commercial television or commercial radio, and since
not sell the goodness, throw out the program, we reply that goodness
is not a consumer product. Goodness is a property of human
evolution. And human development we can not negotiate on the
basis of such and if you sell product or another. It's like talk and take
out the stick-like people go abroad to do some insurance-to say
whether he has the gene likely to suffer a heart attack at thirty, not
the safe and fly in the street. From where to where we test for the
health of others, if you suffer an insurance company finances?
Is human-negotiable value that should be considered in light of
whether it would profit you should invest in human health?
If this is not Satanism and perversion then what is?
These karagkiozakia they show us on TV, it is alleged Satanists?
These values are what should be highlighted by the media and there
are values that are not negotiable, because otherwise we will stop


James Lavlogk comes to the theory of Gaia and Roumpert Sheldrake

with his theory of morfogennitikon fields. And while Lavlogk
introduces the concept of a pan-consciousness of planet Earth in the
sense that all objects or beings with the traditional concept that exist
in the planet Earth, do not operate independently, but all units of
consciousness are a much wider constellation of consciousness
which is none other than Gaia, our earth. The Sheldrake moved the
thing even more now at the forefront of research experiments that
are making large-scale and those you can find information online.
That what?
Starting first from inorganic materials, it was noted biologist, before it
deals with all of the nature of consciousness, that when you
manufacture some kind of crystal that they had memory. When that
started in the lab and took the first materials to construct a synthetic
crystal, the first time made an example of time to construct it.
Subsequent times, however, time was very less as if they knew how
the materials match between the crystal formed much earlier. This
made him paraxeneftei and believe that any naturally there is a
collective memory, a field that held all such information and
therefore, any act that is repeated is much easier than the first time
you need an extra energy to to operate. Thus, the Sheldrake went on
too many experiments. You'll hear the story of the 100th monkeys,
which found that many animals even if they are isolated from one
another, when a group of animals acquire a skill through training
other animals of the same breed, even when they are miles away,
acquire identical skills. This has gone further with people and made
too many statistics by giving groups of people already solved puzzles
(crosswords who had already been resolved in advance) and other
groups that were constructed crosswords until that time.
Demonstrated with statistical indicators that those who received
crosswords were solved by others before, sat to solve a much more
successful much more quickly than others, you get the puzzles that
had just built

Another experiment. Given to these population groups Japanese poem, the

Hai Mr deliberately to population groups who do not know Japanese, but split
into three categories of poems. The first group has traditionally poems that
had been learned by generations giaponezakia in another group of poems
that had just been built at that time and the third group of poems
gobbledygook, that resemble the Japanese pronunciation, but had no
noima.Pali the statistical Indicators have an overwhelming superiority in ease
of memorization first team, had taken the traditional Mr. Hai. Unlike the
second group was delayed even more and the third with even more
gobbledygook, trying to papagalisei something that does not even exist at
that time as a language. Through all these experiments, Sheldrake says that
as you continue to do cutting edge research, you see that makes thousands
of experiments that can participate anyone. Eg with the famous cake from
looking back. Someone goes and you to mess in the eye and say to see if I
look deeply you will understand to turn, to feel something? But the breeze,
but proving a real distance interaction, which is not related to brain waves or
with nothing, but requires a field through which to make these interactions,
the Sheldrake caught and put in statistical context and has responded and
participated in the experiments a population of thousands of people through
which has proved the existence of irrefutable phenomenon in the back look!
He has made other experiments demonstrating and documenting statistical
again we all know that if you leave a pet of miles away from home, finds the
road to turn back. Which still remains unexplained, and even in science.
Through all these experiments, therefore, the Sheldrake based the theory of
morfogennitikon fields, considered by all leading researchers to summarize
some things and that is the more appropriate and which in short says the
First, there is a field that is form-generates. That is an area which, according
to the information available is that which creates the physical forms. It is a
field that permeates everything. First it created an energy molds where the
molds are formed, then why is it provides that checks and transfers the
information defines and creates various materials fields. In this sense,
supported by an otherwise epistimonikotatou this time, the traditional view on
the fact that each person has an energy field that says breeze, that the same
facilities and animals that have similar material and inanimate and that all
they swim in a single ocean energy through which they exchange feelings,
thoughts, actions, information and so we're talking about an integral whole in
which, note, interactions are independent of time, that happens
instantaneously, independent of the site, independent of So the
apostasis.Etsi morfogennitika fields, somehow, come to buckle to fit in this
concept has existed since ancient times on the spirit in which the natural
period of Einstein rejected it and is obviously a matter of time when it will
revert back to vengeance this theory. Because now there are a number of
experiments and evidence for the existence of such a field which generates
all ypoloipa.Sto Princeton University as well as in Stamford have started
since 1960, whole groups of distinguished scientists who study such
fainomena.Apo Princeton University already in place now a new survey,
known investigation noosfairikou thoryvou.Tha tell me what this thing right?
The bottom line is that they have discovered that this natural noise, some
naughty words radiation, parasites which occur naturally and which one can
conceive of a radio receiver, turning where no station that is a very material
that efkoloepireasto noise, which is linked very strongly with the mental
attitudes of local people. So installing a network in the world no 80ria receiver
noise and combining all the elements to get through the computer, has
shown that before or during important events or major world events (as was
the attack on the twin towers) or major local events such as earthquakes
occurrence, but not only unpleasant things, but enjoyable, such as New
Year's Eve at large festivals, in these cases is directly affected by
noosfairikos noise. Directly affected the information sent to the host Princeton
all these receivers are located in different parts of kosmou.Malista not
random and this has been observed that in situations of distress that
noosfairikos noise rises. But what goes up?
The disorder, because noise implies disorder. While in situations of
happiness has been observed that the level of noise noosfairikou down, thus
appearing more organization, more, harmony.
So combined with the theory of fields morfogennitikon now been established
with almost absolute certainty the existence of such different fields, either
ether say whether morfogennitiko field say, no matter which captures
information, captures emotions, thoughts, intentions and provides the
information materials pragmata.Edo then to complete it and slowly come to
the concept of syneidisis.Symfona the classic sense, consciousness is
derived from the Plus + eidenai means I know, I understand, the concept of
antiliptikotitas. Say that when a structure, a material thing, is capable of
antiliptikotitas, which has a mechanism to be able to perceive the
environment and himself, then we say that this particular unit, this structure
has syneidisi.Ola these So we said, come to shoot sythemela the concept of
brain consciousness, that supposedly only those organizations which have a
brain, or neurons, or anyway some kind of network of neurons through which
electrochemical signals are exchanged, that they alone have the capacity
perception, consciousness and so therefore that consciousness is born only
of the brain, or only of neuronal function. This has now gone and walking is a
huge mistake. What is therefore shown that consciousness is the ability
antiliptikotitas is a property widespread in the nature, diffused through the
universe, has nothing to do with the brain, not even cells. Ie the traditional
concept of life which was focused at the cell and was revised. So today, the
modern view which will surely be the prevailing view in the near future, is that
consciousness has the entire universe with unwavering confidence, starting
from the level of vacuum and expanding the particles, the inorganic material,
the molecules in the cell bodies and more complex organisms such as
animals, plants and people.
And he also understands that the same gap until every molecule, every body
is not something static, not something that is trapped and remains only in this
unit of consciousness. It is something which is coordinated and experience,
his experience of the states and the exchange with the whole surrounding.
That's why we say that these interactions are not local, non-spatial. That is all
that I experience myself and everyone of us here at a level that is
unconscious at the moment for us to share instantly with everything around
us without any need time. In this sense, then everything is a vast ocean of
consciousness, leading to the old ubiquitous AND ALL COMPLETE. With the
most literal sense that the factor of consciousness is omnipresent and always
full The concept of consciousness we understand very well that's conscience,
if you cut off the entirety, but now look to focus more on specific people,
people , units of consciousness, then in fact breaking this whole separation
and working we will see, we graduated some qualities of consciousness.
Thus, human criteria, saying that a plant has more advanced consciousness
from the consciousness that has a crystal, an animal more advanced
consciousness than it has a plant and go legontas.Aftou kind of
discrimination ranks and the concept of consciousness, namely, that the
more advanced consciousness has something in our own eyes that operate
outside entity, except wholeness, the more advanced consciousness displays
a structure, we say, so possessed of higher consciousness, whereas,
therefore, there is an evolutionary range within the ocean of consciousness
that allows some units of consciousness, some creatures gradually evolve
accumulating experience and thus form a higher consciousness. This is a
final conclusion, which also verifies some evolutionary theories and beliefs
ranging from antiquity, there is a plan say the development of all beings and
not only beings in the sense that we feel the most, when we say that beings
mean only the animals and people, but talk about everything, feeling these
units of consciousness, which as I said there is a plan through the
accumulation of experience to be becoming a factor and consciousness that
we have upgraded forms of consciousness where careful, because all
communicate and interact in this broader context, even when a person raises
the consciousness of the essentially open for all. In fact they say the
upgraded qualities that captures everyone either knows it or not, to share
with all and thus through his course work and for liberating the whole! So this
is the highest concept which we have in relation to the consciousness that
progresses, blossom, go ahead and through improving the quality of my
conscience and thus the achievement of a higher level of consciousness
operating liberating for all, precisely because this "omnipresent and always
full" field of consciousness, using me and everyone of us in this perpetual
state of self-evolution and quality of development. So we understand, in
conclusion, that no one is alone, first, as though the illusion of physical reality
that makes us think that we are insulated from a drop in the ocean, but it is
not, we are a drop in full contact and communication with the ocean and
means in this context of unity, do you think, something that captures each of
us is lost, or that is not what antikrismatos.Kathe won each of us has a huge
mirrored not only for himself but for all of creation.
Not possessed by any kind of nationalism we are here to preserve our
country and especially to develop spiritually, cultivating some positive thought
forms, some positive, ie emissions, thoughts, ideas, feelings and power to
influence for the better, with a intellectual development, with a spiritual uplift
the citizens of this country and around the world.
Love sympantiki.einai individual and something we need much nowadays.
Why talk about something, we can feel and play in our lives, we should be
somewhat clear on what you mean. So the fact is that it is a condition which
would all agree, through our daily lives that we see him disfigured, distorted
and misunderstood. This is because while love is something objective, a
universal constant, everyone's adjusting to their own narrow selfish frames.
So we will say what is not love.
So look the other in the eye and say "I love you" and through us we
understand that "I like you, say" I love you "and meant that" I want sex. " We
say "I love you" and meant that "I'm afraid to stay by myself, do not leave
me." We say "I love you" and meant that "I have used over the years. We say
"I love you" and it's like the saying, "I love it to sponsor" or "thank you
because you sucker and tide."
The use of love therefore has too many conditions, we can still talk about the
concept of race or class but love all of these conditions are conditions of
separation and thus by definition can not be love, for love as we have said is
a universal stable. Since then that would cut off some people, some groups,
some nations, tribes and some will turn to love there, by definition, is not love,
is good. So let us free ourselves from the limits set by the ego, based on the
familiar feeling, or based on the interest to see how it could have approached
this concept in some contexts, which in our opinion is more real and more
sincere. So I would say that love is a triptych that relates to both how we
perceive things, but is associated with both our intellect and to our souls, and
with our actions, our behavior.

1. So starting from the first leg and I dare say that love means to recognize in
all and in all our common origin and common deeper universal substance
which is present in everyone and everything. So I can not talk about love if
you do not recognize this fact. We know very well even from the path of
science that everything is supposed to have started from a common center,
that was always an authority, but know from all spiritual traditions, something
that we experience this course is that within each of us there is a common
divine substance, over which slowly built the differences which make us right
now seemingly different. So to be able to love to be realized slowly that
common origin, that common substance, that the common purpose of
creation. And this gives me something very important that even if you think
what is here is an oxymoron. He gives me love and acknowledge the
uniqueness of my being in a single indivisible whole. So no one can
experience the uniqueness of its existence and obtain a higher purpose in life
than one way, if you do not experience the uniqueness through assumption
and identify the common elements and common origin of all things.

They say that there are two laws. a) The law of similarity and b) the
dissimilarity of differentiation. They are essentially one and relates to what I
said just now. All the trees have something in common. Everyone has
something in common. Each category being has something in common, but
every tree is different from the next, each person is different from the
neighbor. If you want to look and see the creation in terms of unity, then
focus on the common root in the common origin, a common point around
which everything developed. The difference in growth is the greatness of
creation, because if there was no difference, as you understand it would help
event, there would be manifested world there would be no creation. So the
greatness of creation is that with this similarity, based on the concept and the
law of love and create unique and can not operate one without the other. To
serve all you have to recognize the uniqueness of your being, and you find
your way more, and all can also be developed, based on unique creatures
who should have learned to honor and whole and the uniqueness of their
existence. So we obtain only through love knowledge of our cause, our upper
2. Take me to the second element which is not so much mental but more to
do with how we experience the mental pragmata.Vlepoume So that apart
from this common substance mentioned, there is something else, rather than
the common substance that started it all developed

3. Let now the third leg, in this approach is related to love what I do. I declare
that all is one, I recognize that we must see each other as enemies, or
something as small time, or as something more and we all have a common
essence, I recognize the uniqueness of myself, so I love myself I know that
through this uniqueness can offer, I arranged on the basis of this recognition
to be well positioned as we said in the law, not to cause disharmony in my
relationship with others, but something has to pay in life, I certain activities.
Here then in fact, my behavior to meet the highest on my way and my
purpose is how we act then under the Law and Harmony. So in summary,
when talking about love is not something theoretical but include a) to see the
common essence of things into everything, b) to respect their uniqueness, I
set it up properly balanced with the whole and c) do in harmony with the
whole in order to fulfill the changing my view, the more my way. They mean

To land it a bit, I would say something and how to put them in individual and
global level indicated. Something especially for the latter is much needed
today. At the individual level to see the common stuff like I said in all means
accepting people as they are who they are. Do not try playing games
authoritarian to put them in my view, in my position, be forced, but then I
respect their uniqueness. This means not accepting criticism, but not forced,
not power games. In relation to myself and others need to develop a good
balance between the so-called dipole, mercy and rigor that is to experience
bliss at love, you should both love myself and to the safeguards, it
safeguards My uniqueness, but not to over-emphasize so much on point to
unsettle my relationships with others and treat them hard. This is the first part
of the balance, the second part of the balance not to degrade myself, not to
throw in helping anyone curious, because then you still do not respect their
uniqueness and what I can make to development. I would say that is not
popular, we must be either oppressors or suckers, which showed the life of
so many spiritual teachers. But the balance and sense of harmony as
specified by the love than the other extreme is this thing, or sucker, nor ruler.
I love myself, love others means they find the right balance. And in terms of
what I do, ie to act, and proceed to higher my way means to live a creative
life of harmlessness, restraint and giving.
Why creative life?
Why does not he automatically does not love. When told that love is both a
recognition of the purpose, for some reason I'm here and it means and
correct relations with all this implies that a unique being, I can give something
unique. If this thing does not do it, it's like I give a message to the changes in
the plan that I remain idle and thus the evolutionary plan should be to get rid
of it should go for recycling. So this means that we must live a creative life,
that what we have to offer, what we have to offer, to dare to do in practice to
implement in practice. In what terms?
In terms of harmlessness and moderation, not to be greedy, so as not to
disrupt our relationship with the whole supply. Offering what it means?
Offer means a return of excess energy that I have gathered from the whole.
It is therefore in this balance, offer does not mean you'll also see all your
tender and loving does not mean I give up completely exhausted and do not
have anything to give your lemonokoupa rigged. It means that as you walk
into a creative life of excess energy in the back around the way that offer. So
to recognize the common ingredient, a common origin, common purpose at
all, as you understand excludes any notion of racism, nationalism or racial
At the level of humanity is therefore a very important goal to realize as
citizens of all states. As when we are States?
Any theory of the inferiority of races, or about the need extermination of some
races and some religions and some nations hope to dispel once and for all,
since contagion is now humanity is a very bad disease, a poison. It also
means the path of integration, not globalization, not misunderstood, is
something of no return. Ie the evolution of humanity is going to consolidate,
which means inexorable law, in connection with the operation of love.
But, as mentioned before, the module is based and the right balance
between its constituent units, such consolidation will not have any connection
with the devastating economic globalization that seeks the moment.
Therefore means that should the uniqueness and specificity of every citizen
of every nation and every state should be honored, to be strengthened in
order to have the opportunity, offering a whole to contribute to the evolution
of humanity and human race. So if those three shots, the concept of love
across the planet, is that I love everyone, I have no hatred or feelings of
inferiority toward anyone, nor to paint people, not a State, nor religion, love
them all are united them into a single framework, but I am keeping my
uniqueness, not for any other reason, not because I'm selfish.
So what we do and the vision for Greece, not because we are but because
we believe that safeguarding the uniqueness, we have to offer something
important, as it has to offer and every nation.
If that is our cut off, our emasculation, what are the characteristics of Greek
today will allow each of us to contribute properly to the development of
humanity. We have seen that where there is a race, there is creation, is the
prevalence of the law of entropy, everything is the same, there can be no
exchange of energy.
The exchange energy based on the difference. Even if the substrate is
So to be able therefore to offer a Greek, can not and must not like the
American or the Chinese as it does not mean that we should see him with a
half eye, other than us, just enough to be in love because and has its own
individuality and uniqueness contributes to the development of the whole. So
you see that something very simple, but I would say that some obscure
command, how distorted and how fights these days, whether planted hatred
and fanaticism, in many dimensions, and how much work we still have to
make them understanding at global level. So when it comes, and must come,
which will unify the world, but as I said through a union of good relationships,
respecting the uniqueness of each factor, the simple citizen, to entire nations.
It should also be radically changed our attitude, our action in relation to the
whole. As we said at that man should live a creative life, but still safe,
temperance and offer the same should be done at global level.
This means very simply that we want, and we still can not go to a non-model
development. We get rid of the romance, that the era of the caves was the
best season for humanity. Humanity will evolve, people tend to create. That is
to say just once, you should probably take the decision that the development
and creativity, you will probably walk "west". But the question is another, that
the West may have displayed a creativity, more productivity, technology
development and schetika.Tis but there is a tragic extent, the concept of
balance as we have with others and with the whole. So if the development
does not include elements of harmony with the environment and supply over
the remaining peoples can not be considered development. Take what I say,
not only the ecology, surely we need, ie the battle in the future will be in the
context of Kyoto Protocol and all messages are about how people at the
moment, a disagreement with the environment . How to kill all other
creatures, and we waste it the same planet, and how other people waste it. A
very important element for winning, to talk about love in the future is not
radically change the development, but the pace and manner in which occurs
at the expense of the whole. Why this tragic disturbs the balance. Imagine
that, to be a bit cynical, seeing things as they are, may not be the most
developed country in the world, but the fact that we have the luxury and sit in
our nice couch, talking, and we come to cars and then we go to drink coffee
and we all are, plus we have the opportunity to do good ideas. Have you ever
thought what is this thing?
How can what we?
The millions are dying because we Africans, Asians. Never mind occurs ever
that the level that we provide, not due to goodwill stolen from work and
miserable living level of other nations.
Even we Greeks do not have the tail of our heart. In the pyramid are we to
others we tread upon it. And so I, you know that can not continue. If this
continues to come here to hopefully make some terrorist acts and will have
right. If you do not reverse this climate of ruthlessness against the bottom, we
can not talk about love to come and the last message, I think it should be
spread over the term of the offer should be a little realistic and understand
that of course everyone, as we say not the same, so therefore if I am more
creative than the No, we can not have the requirement - as the error which I
think we understand that communism had fallen - to be on the same
economic level. Another is to offer one another and the other one.

But although there should be such a respect for the uniqueness and hence
not all the nations say have the same economic level, but we talked about
energy surplus, which means one thing, very practical. That the international
situation and the tremendous inequalities that exist within each country, why
not forget that there is, ie the wealthy enjoy that benefit, because they sit at
the nape of others. So talking about what love?
We can all then be rich, as shown in and can not be repealed and this
disparity has shown a history of revolution and violence.
But what can be done is a message which must be passed and I am sure we
will employ in the future of humanity is what is called economy of mercy or
It has already begun moving abroad as a guest and I heard recently, which
means that the way the economy, rely on the mercy, which means that the
relations in the future will be based on goodwill gesture of the strong to weak.

Imagine what would have capsized the world scene, what would it ie more
effective against the so-called terrorism? Place to go now chairman of
America and say "because we do this we will have a war at least ten years
and will not leave anything standing , or they made a meeting at the White
House or the United Nations and as they told the pope that "we recognize
that the level of our life we owe that we exploit and a world superpower we
are, what we do no who the been unwilling to take hold of it, then we
apologize, and promise to reduce emissions, will not pour chemical waste or
nuclear waste in the poorest countries will stop ignoring the spread of AIDS in
Africa and would not put it in eye as the future site of colonization, like now
believe, would help the Islamic countries to raise the level of care, not a
farmakaki people live, will assist in the dissemination of literature, where
there is illiteracy and thereafter if the kamoume all this and dared someone to
hurt us will change the lights. What's more beautiful than one such notice and
who by those folks who would appeal and asked forgiveness and offered and
such aid would not say on the side of America where there was a new attack
from someone else. This is what we concern ourselves too much in the future
because it has begun, and already implemented at the level of a few
companies. There will be tycoons became poorer as the wealth if you remove
some of the arrogance. So I think that they should love to see a global level,
no-ism, racism, not nationalism, not religious fanaticism, not diversity, but
defense of our uniqueness, in a single framework to summarize and
movements of solidarity and creativity through of mercy and offer to others
and through balance and harmony with the natural environment and other
creatures. Let us bear these in mind, it is not only the energy that emit here
and through vision we do, but I know very well and you know that these ideas
are disseminated instantly and within the team unconscious. It is no
coincidence that since we started the vision is a tremendous difference in the
mentality of the Greeks. This will not stop but only in national contexts, as we
there are others who do similar work in other countries. This gradually builds
a light grid above the planet for this and do not worry. I firmly believe that
even those who have these dark targets and try to disrupt the balance that
mantrosoun the world that we do not know, but working in favor of evolution.
These developments will exceed, promote globalization to control the whole
planet, I do not understand that, but thus bringing into contact with cultures
and civilizations contribute to faster integration of humanity and world. You
may think now that exapolyontas a manhunt will be able to monitor worldwide
through a network type of Big Brother, but we have brought together all over
the internet. I speak here and learn all the world immediately, whereas
previously you like months.

The same happens at the level of ideas, ideas are transmitted instantly. Think
about something here and found an idea on the other side of the planet,
today, now.
But these are not able to understand these people who work solely driven by
power, control, what will accumulate. But I do not understand that they work
for us. This could understand what it means after death, why not also
understand that they will die at some point.

AITHERAS and the awakening of conscience PLANITIKIS

Now living in Georgia, one of the darkest periods in their history, now that the
U.S. felt uneasy from the revival of Russian power, it is time to remember
what to sing the U2 Lemon: "Midnight is when the day begins". ( "At midnight,
the hour begins at dawn" in a little free translation). In this context, the
awakening of a new consciousness across the planet and a glimpse of the
shape of things to come
Essentially, the path of initiation means to enter the solar plexus in the control
center of the heart, enter the center of the genital organs under the control of
the center of the neck and finally the most important to put the center of the
base of the spinal material in the control center of the top of the head.
This again in turn implies the following very practical things. When we put the
solar plexus in the control center of the heart, meant to do one where you
translate that each of us experiencing things through the narrow perspective
of ego, personality and thus characterized by separatism we say, selfishness,
fanaticism and all life revolves on how volepsei will benefit only the man, the
tendency is therefore to be translated and put under the control of the center
of the heart, which means that stop seeing things through the narrow context
as we have of our personality, but through experiencing the true nature of
things, which is the unity of everything.
So wake the center of the heart means realizing that everything is one, that's
an illusion to think ourselves detached from other people, but the ocean of
the universe of energy that surrounds us, so from then act under from this
new perspective, which releases huge amounts of energy, cultivate an
attitude of offering and service to all, also releases from the weight of the
sense of defending one myself, which is very painful in the everyday life and
through this release occurs is the opening of the heart we see characterizes
all these people who are spiritually prochorimena.Oson said as regards the
control center of the genital organs from the center of the neck, back means
something very practical to the personal kathimerinotita.Se and there is
always a specific denaturation. Most people when they dominated the center
of the genitalia indicates that the action as we have in everyday life is
determined solely by criteria of force, because the center of the genitals not
only related to sexuality, but also related to enforcement, sovereignty,
exousia.Vlepoume So that is dominated by information on how we behave,
where most people, the way their lives chasing the basis of these criteria,
how to become stronger, they can control more things, how will enjoy more
power, how would you get more joy for me to impose on others, which occurs
naturally and through sex. When we say to put the center of the genital
organs under the control of the center of the neck, talking about a very
important denatured, which means that they then carve my life and my
behavior based on the force say, but at higher meanings and purposes of the
senior's own existence. We said that the center profile of the neck associated
with the true meaning of life, but to put rational objectives and the specific
knowledge, ie to function rationally, scientifically, what we see missing from
most people. Thus, this second element beyond translating choristikotitas a
section that said, putting the sun under the control of the heart, the second
element is to act rationally and are objective in our lives, not carried away by
their impulses and our the blind passion for pleasure and power. The third
part of transubstantiation in hand, namely to raise the center of the base of
the spine, under the control of the top of the head. This is expressed
excellently by the Christian saying the "Our Father .... As in heaven and on
earth" and simply means the following: to put in our material life, because you
that purely relates the center of the base of the spine, the To put under the
control of spiritual forces, spiritual awareness, which we do. It means so very
simple to live in complete agreement with our spiritual principles and to
realize the highest, which we have, that there is no contradiction, which we
see daily between our ideology, which is governed by a spirituality and how
we operate in our lives. This is precisely the point and "as in heaven and on
earth", ie someone who is able to communicate with heaven, the spiritual
energies and the highest ideas and are not able to grounding in everyday life,
in such a way that alarm is not yet accomplished anything.
We also remember the Gospel "by their fruits you will recognize them, which
means again just this thing that someone does not make sense to hold some
knowledge or have done some realize if he can not put into practice and to
body and in her daily activities and the way they organize their lives, how it
relates to any other activity.
Through this brief overview of these three key points on a path of intellectual
awakening and denaturing understand very well that this course is not
'humane' but on a personal level is going through very significant divisions
between those who say higher self, or if you want to spread the spiritual
forces which is the center of the top of the head between what we call
personality or ego, ie the short-sighted part of our existence, which considers
that it is something special and looks only itself and the source of all the pain
they are experiencing in the incarnation and our personality is based on the
three lower centers, solar, genitalia and the base of the spine.
Let's see from this model that is now a global level.

What has been done at peak head mankind as a whole?

Here we see that from the seventies beginning has been a tremendous
spiritual energy dissipation humanity. This is not theoretical but we've seen


and we feel in our own skin enough to realize one thing, that someone has
read even one book that is associated with spiritual practices, or internal
supply, a hundred years ago would was like a drop in the ocean, now not
only all the inside knowledge of all home deliveries has given generously and
everyone has easy access to it and need not be a member of a low caste, as
it was before and even more rare in ancient we're talking about a handful of
people could discuss things we are discussing at this time. Apart from the
theoretical knowledge, which has given generously and accessible to
everyone, it has happened with the exercises, the spiritual practices. Old'd
take to a spiritual practice, a kind of meditation, or anything else, you should
still be one of the few elite. Today all these practices are accessible and
available to everyone to be able to speak with them. Regardless of whether it
exploited the diffusion of knowledge which is well a very long project, a long-
term perspective, the bottom line is that fact that the dispersion of action has
been completed and today. That's why we now come out now new theories
and traditions with the dropper, because this diffusion took place and now we
are in a pause, which should be used as your told by those millions of people
around the world, from which has been accepted. Come at the third eye,
which is a center that personal, individual context relates to the insight, the
development of awareness and discrimination in everyday life, it is a
checkpoint, a control center of consciousness and here we indeed also a
second important issue that not only are born in recent years - the last fifteen
years, children with elevated intuitive and intuitive abilities and this will you
realize most of you, but there is something much broader, which is again
started around the seventies called self-awareness, be it in the form of
participation in spiritual traditions, or even more massively more through
psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Think of it that in Greece things come
with a short delay, if you say ten years ago, even someone you know or
heard from a friend that goes to group therapy would think that it stands in his
right, ie People were not at all familiar with the idea that man should have
some time to deepen in him and observe how the conscience to see what the
wrong ways he thinks, to see what shapes are often trapped. This is a huge
growth that occurs at this time, either through psychology or through self-
knowledge and self-observation procedures done by those who participate in
various mental faculties, or is the daily observation of the various alleged ¨ ¨
random events the world has woken up too much compared with the
coincidences, realizes now that it is not coincidental, but that is what we call
synchrony, and thus messages from the universe than our situation coming
from all sides to be open enough to recognize. I thus see that too has been a
shock to the center of the third eye of humanity, which we will see what a
dilemma, and what makes a conflict over how must be developed in other
centers. Let the center of the neck, where it now for what to say, that only the
development of science and technology to look at seeing that the successes
of the last two decades not to say that the Second World War is that the
acceleration development of knowledge is greater than it had done mankind
throughout the history of the Second World War. So the center of the neck
had a rapid awakening and not just by the side of technology and science
that is actually something very important, but also on the part of this
knowledge needs education. Let us just mind our parents, how many of them
have finished college? Many of them were not even literate. If this is seen
worldwide, worldwide, despite the disparities observed between the
advanced world, the so-called developing countries to realize that although to
the world fifty years ago, the change is huge in relation to education and can
read and comprehend a book, people can talk at a deeper more spiritual
matters as they are discussing at this time would be unthinkable fifty years
ago in many parts of the world. So today we see that despite the problems
the world that the level of education of the people giving too much more
possibilities. And one last thing, millions of people has begun and is
expressed - which is itself associated with the center of the neck - the agony
of searching for a meaningful life is something rare and previously
characterized only very few philosophers who would reach the point n
'wonder why I am here''because''I exist, what I came to do''what is the point
to spend my days with the way I live this moment''and all those on existential
questions now characterize a large number of people.
Go to the heart center. And there has been a very significant impact. First,
the spreading knowledge of science from the center of the neck to the heart
have led to the largest total population of the earth confident and true picture
now that is reality. From there that formerly had the mechanistic model of the
universe that everyone felt every stone, every tree, every planet is something
in itself, separated from all others and that all interact, just as Newton - only
by unvarying laws today is now a common belief that the unity of .... This
energy into the ocean than they originate and in which all disappear, and this
awareness now breaks the model you are told to choristikotitas and feels
confident and now that things everything is a whole and therefore the visual
with which we enter the world and is completely different. This is expressed
through the phenomenon of globalization, which, as we will see then is cause
and effect. Here to make a small parenthesis, I say that is because
mathematical precision, regardless of whether globalization is presently in a
way that I think most of us are opposed, however, is cause and humanity a
moment to become a single entity like myself, a single personality. So far,
racial discrimination, religious discrimination, economic barriers, political
differences that existed in the world, national, state differences, humanity had
fragmented into different too. This occurs when cause and therefore this
integration, which could not be canceled even though it made me this way it
is today, in a authoritarianism that with all the other features that we see from
the USA . mainly engage in the game of globalization.
But just like a man can awaken you must first establish his personality, even
if this means that the stage of adolescence will go from shaking by
controversy from abuses and many other dangerous situations, so that
humanity this moment which comes in a puberty stage, trying to form a single
personality will certainly show all the shaking and international problems that
we see occurring and that we speak. With this in mind, therefore, the
phenomenon of globalization do not think that consciously promoted by these
groups launched. When I deliberately mean that they think they work for
themselves to control the world can not but realize that they too are prey and
subject of some very superior intellectual powers, which unwittingly playing
the game. So sometime when we achieve global integration at all levels,
these people and these decision-makers will go to the end and things will
change radically. I do not know if we will live to see it, but that will be there no
doubt. So moving at the solar plexus now see that and there is promoted a
consolidation in recent years, when I say I mean the integration of behavior
patterns begin and be uniform throughout the world, lifestyle begins and is
also unique, there are some common standard personality development. The
way to like, to dress, talk, etc. enter and become common features of planets
like fun. That has to do with that feeling, how I see myself, how can I show for
n not like the others and so, if you see that there has been a huge cultural
mixing time which is now produced a model which has features from all the
traditions of the people - we see clearly, and cinema and our lives on TV and
everywhere, we see that formed a single center solar plexus for humanity,
where we see this trend adolescence I said earlier, that with all courtesy and
all the drawings, however begin to take shape a common global personality.
In the center of the genital organs at the moment is the spearhead of
globalization, where as I told these people that promote these changes do
not realize for whom they work, think they work for themselves. But because
the center of the genitalia associated with the management of energy and
forces, you understand very well what major change has been through this
accumulation of power in the management of money and global energy
resources in a few, very few decision-makers. Currently almost the entire
planet if you exclude China, which too is doubtful to say, is now under a
single point of genitalia, namely energy, sources of wealth, resources, money
and power in the world accumulates in a single center. This is something very
important which I do not know whether we realize many will be a point of
great crisis in the future as we see when we asked the center genitalia of
humanity to come under the control of the neck of humanity. Finally, going to
the base of the spine, we see that the body which is called humanity, the
possibility of contact people around the world between them, and this
presents a very big change. Today, most travel is a breeze, a few years ago
there were people who were born and had died in the same place, without
having even seen the sea, if they were born on a mountain and now we see
that a huge number of citizens of the Earth travels and comes in contact with
everyone and such bodily say divisions within humanity begins and
disappear. The same applies to goods, human goods which, as a result of
the operation of the center of the genital organs, are now accumulating at a
very specific centers of power. So here we are entering the great dilemma
that will mean that the concept of alarm on global consciousness and as we
said before, doing this will be the center of the genital organs placed under
the control of the center of the neck. At the moment we see the reverse, ie
that the scientists, several research centers, education and general global
awareness, not only on binding to a rational development plan, the rich and
powerful of humanity, but the opposite is true. The rich and powerful, holding
the energy and money are the ones who dominate the top center of the neck,
which are those prevailing on the science, they control and use technology,
they decide how to distribute the global knowledge and to whom, so this type
of alarm will make a great world crisis, that management is the center of the
genital organs of the strong warming will lead things in a global deadlock,
either the form of a very large financial crisis, either in the form of an
ecological disaster and seeing that this situation is not far away. So, as I said
in correspondence and the adolescent man who moves to the center of the
genitals parormoumenos will eat his face a few times until you begin to
function rationally, that is to start taking over the center throat, so will
mankind is obvious that this would result in deadlock, to give finally the center
and the role of decisions to specialists, the scientists say in holding
knowledge, those that can be managed rationally and objectively the things
rather than global those who are run solely on their pockets and how to gain
power and aftoanagnorisi. The second bet is denatured, which we see also
occurs at this time is that the history of solar plexus of humanity under the
control of the center of the heart. Proceedings treated from fanaticism,
fundamentalism and all forms of separatist ideology, which cuts out
attempting to portions of people, tribes, ethnic groups from a single set of
global consciousness, through theories of superiority, domination, or called
the Aryan race, or called Anglo-Saxon, Protestant Christians, whether called
holy war and Jihad, any theory anyway separatist nature we see n 'directly
addressed even today. Also when talking about solar plexus of mankind, we
speak there is an important element here, that individuality and I, when we
say that it should be removed or replaced with the relationship of unity, we do
not mean to be flattened, with each individual element, the Everyone of us
here are obviously an integral part of it all, and nobody is the same as the
next person. And in this there is again a feasibility Create. So therefore when
we say we put the solar plexus in the control center of the heart does not
mean that everyone should be themselves and each nation or each person n
'renounces the peculiarities of the light module. Instead we understand that
everyone can honor, preserve its uniqueness, its specificity, but full
cooperation with all. Without a sense of struggle to complete harmlessness,
without rejection of differences, there is the problem. This is a challenge for
humanity which has not yet been solved, but a much better way, than seeing
the developments from the first issue we have raised denaturing, which put
the center of the genital organs under the control of center of the neck. Here
is what will become the great crisis in the future. Last we left to put the center
of the base of the spine of humanity under the control of the center of the
head, because if not preceded by the two previous denatured will not allow
the life of humanity is spiritual. In a situation where humanity will resolve the
remaining issues and has reached two previous denatured in, we are unable
to know right now many things.


Ensarkothenta the creator and the very causalıty human spirit, which
supposedly serve. How to explain the fact godless materialists
when the insects know no logic anatomy & physiology of other
insects without reason? We believe that the "fate" and
"evolution" of the learned (?) Even if "automatically evolved"
independently than the other?
But why this "explanation" of such events with reference to
conditions without logic and scientific consistency ("luck" - "a
panacea - evolution) seem to the writer and to others as
substitutes for the word 'Habré katampra? And the so-called
automatically the birth of life, and an error of ancient Greek
philosophers, paradoxically view and neopaganiston, watching
the worm to be incurred by the rotten apple and mistakenly
concluded that life is created automatically by the end of
another life, Pasteur's experiment was his gravestone .

ATHEISMOS IS FAITH & even fanatical

The largest error in which one enters deciding to call
themselves atheist, is that while it has released the opinion that
essentially trapped in a system of strict faith in refusing the
existence of any higher being. In fact, the atheist convert, mid to
enjoy the innocence of his youth, tharrontas that took the most
rational and scientific approach that could be taken. Why not be


The science is known to consider the sciences and knowledge.

Question: Can science prove that God, even the exokosmikos
Christians, exists or not?
Answer: The science can not deal with a exokosmiko God
because once it does so, automatically ceases to be science,
since it now considers sciences and knowledge.

1. Christian, they could not prove the existence of God can be
said that he believes without any proof to Him and called
faithful. The atheist, who also no evidence the other does not
believe in the existence of God, and he is faithful to the doctrine
of atheism. But it represents the "non-believer," although he
believes. For to no faith, no matter the thing which is directed
against it, but that in itself there.
2. Obviously the atheist fanaticism as indifferent to the position
of science and mocks the religious, but also be able to
demonstrate that the position of the latter is worthy of ridicule
and that his own more rational, if not differ between the
scientific evidence.

Miracles, The Science & The PISTOS ATHEISTIS

Maybe the above paragraph may not be noticed in a system of

belief atheist. This is because evidence in the case of an entity
that entity needs to have the time of receipt, which is
specifically the Christian God if he wants he can let it happen,
that a supposed experiment will not have the necessary
regularity Results - Conclusions they are subject to the will of
God to attend, hypothetically speaking it. It is known that the
will of God is not subject to coercion. But in the case of
miracles because it clarifies the issue occurs when a so-called
miracle, there is a phenomenon that may even be the action of
God, which, as such, and as a phenomenon that is not possible,
at least in most cases be ignored, eg the relics of saints, not
only by the believer and the atheist. There especially seems the
atheist faith system totally exposed, because:

a. The science does not know why (because the) occurred or

still exists a phenomenon called miracle leaves unexplained
(agnosticism). This is because any position taken by the
science has to prove it. The science because it can not
demonstrate the actions of a God that is in accordance with the
Christian religion over the sciences and knowledge, can take
place around not only from Him and from any acts which disturb
the order of nature but overturn its laws. So for the relics of
Orthodox saints dominated the scientific agnosticism (not by
theory) once it has been examined and observed, and the
corpse is beyond any theories "Mummification", by virtue of
non-presence of specific environmental conditions to do so.
b. The Christian understands the miracle and give to God under
the system of faith without evidence. Sometimes, however,
attributes the miracle to demons or exclude some miracle
(unexplained science) is consequential to the act of God. Again,
of course;; see claims without evidence of so-called science,
with only the examples in the Bible and general theology
(experiences of fathers, saints, monks, etc.) on how, when and
why can want to act in God.
c. The atheist, by definition, excludes any miracle that is
unexplained in science, be made by a god. And does so without
evidence. So since such a move without evidence of the cause
of a phenomenon, as indeed the religious believer, is that the
number of faithful, not only admits it or considers that the
definition of atheism has nothing to do with a belief.

1. Again, the atheist contends, by virtue definition, no evidence
that any miracle can be done by God, since by definition do not
accept God. So the system is a system of faith if not provable.
2. In this case the atheist is more faithful to atheism than to the
Christian Yahweh. This is because the Christian in the case of
miracles can move more freely if they can perform a miracle or
God or not. The atheist, but still maintains that it is God who
caused it. That freedom of choice atheist is smaller in width of
the Christian. Clearly we are dealing with a more dogmatic faith
of the faithful Christians with less freedom than the Christian
3. Here the atheist fundamentalism is greater than that
attributed to the devout. This is because while the exact science
claims agnosticism and religious can be moved between the
possible and impossible and agnosticism (position sciences)
according to the theology, the atheist runs only in the weaker
position, which rejects a position as possible and the
agnosticism and without evidence. In other words the system of
faith reject the nested position and that of agnosticism of
science, to which the religious can not accept if the miracle is
not consistent with his theology. The atheist can not accept
agnosticism. Necessarily the miracle was not made by God as
against the atheism, the atheist "knows" that there is no god.
Therefore "knows" that the miracle was not made by Him and
rejects agnosticism as "knows" that the miracle is definitely not
caused by a god.
But there is one additional point in extending the above paragraph, which
shows that the atheist, not only is faithful to the system of atheism, but in
many cases syntaftizetai faith in the pagan and neo-Paganists. Let's see
When science can not explain a phenomenon, if there is a religious believer
to pass the phenomenon unto God and give an unproven explanation for the
cause of this. The atheist, however, many times, even when the science is
still in the context of agnosticism, especially for events that upset the natural
order and regularity, by reason of his faith prohibits him to give a prime cause
of the phenomenon in any god, clothing the pagan cloak and unsubstantiated
claims that:
A miracle is a miracle but a natural phenomenon of natural causes although
not definitely established as such (paganism)
b. The evidence of the definition of a miracle aitiothen natural law attributable
to the science of the future (oracular paganism)

Conclusions: It is worth noting that there are three cases - the so-called
branches of atheism as a faith:
a. first, known as an atheist can not understand how it looks like pagan
Although essentially a parallel misled faith with the past and obviousness
b. a second atheist perceives his relationship with the pagan and therefore,
when representing the atheist, but when erotropei the ancient Greek religion
and believes in it. So especially in this day (2005), one notes a number of
atheists, but are generally 100% pagans to relate to pagan sects, write books
on pagan and ally themselves with pagans against Christianity. There
certainly does not have to do with atheism but clean antichristianismo -
antigiachvismo clothes itself in the uniform of the supposedly karnavalistiki
scientism - atheism and remains faithful to the so called forefathers gods
"(see below).
c. The third case is the first sub. In this category the so-called atheist claims
that are essentially atheist, but if I could choose between a religion, certainly
would not be Christianity but paganism, where it remains as a more
"reasonable" religion, since supposedly deals with the nature purely positive
techniques. Again that the so-called atheist-friendly move that deities and
therefore true, it shows confidence in the pagan system and not an infidel.
The rule is faithful to a Christian accused of fanaticism and the atheist is
defined as a more rationalist and less passionate the dogmatic position. Of
proving the existence of a Supreme Being both an atheist and a Christian as
stated at the same levels. The difference is that such evidence Bible,
archeology, history, relics, miracles and personal testimonies. For the
miracles mentioned boost. Here I speak only for the personal testimony, as
God as an entity not subject to disciplines such archeology, history, neither
the handwriting analysis, etc. Being so far as it is part of the sciences and
knowledge. So if a court asking a judge supposed atheists 10,000 and
10,000 Christians, the first certainly would have no personal experience on
the testimony of God's absence to deposit (each other). Because the
existence of a Being does not create a experience anyway about it. Among in
the second but it was enough that they could rely on their personal
experiences as evidence zoses existence, both energy and the same God.
Of course atheism are by definition coercive clothes itself to slander to defeat
the faithful witness, although such slander at the end turns against its
position. And this is as follows:

The atheist of faith and rejects the definition of God. So when I have to do
with a few thousands or millions of others who claim expertise and
experiences of God, then necessarily (Doom) accepts - believes:
1. that the witnesses are lying.
2. If witnesses and give their lives for the truth (experience) the time for
a. The faithful are unreasonable because they are willing to kill for their lie.
b. or experience lies as truth and refuse to even give their lives on the
rational decision

On the other hand, the atheists, not only willing to die for their faith, that is
likely to lose their lives do not adhere to the support of atheism, but does not
demonstrate either the exchange of any other good example olakeris
donation of personal property, which in this area, the faithful Christians see
eg primary Monasticism and communalism. Therefore, atheists:
1. They can be accused as a witness to lie, assuming that they can testify
there was no God, if they have evidence for what they claim (see 1)
2. If you accept or not to give their lives or their personal property to prove
that those are true, then:
a. is unreasonable if they die or give fortune lies (see 2a)
b. experience lies as truth and rationally decide to give their lives or
3. If you do not give a (life or property), and this is the rule of atheist, then
they are lying on atheism (see below), where
i) refuse to give some of the most valuable commodities in order to
verify the truthfulness of their testimony (see 1)
ii) have not experienced so loudly, apparently to maintain, if not the
identity (see 2b) Conclusion: If the testimony of both believers and atheists of
the accused can not be proven, it only remains to consider the position of
each light experiences . Basis of experience seeing how the atheist position
is faith without experiences supported fanatically, that without serious signs
but many times with contraindications, and that if it never shows a similar
number of atheists, as Christians, confirmed the testimony of:
1. risk of his life
2. dedication of property
and substantially less than the severity of evidence in relation to the Christian
believer. This presents the most fanatical atheist because if Christian had a
personal testimony:
1. would put at risk the lives of
2. would not give her his fortune
The atheist but has no real personal experience on atheism (ie, absence of
God), but quite the opposite, fanatically insists on positions, which the
Christians would do if and when they had no experience. So the Christian is
less fanatical, if it experiences, the atheist who does not. Moreover, the
stated belief of the atheist is characterized by immense hypocrisy, if not
certify the testimony of works as a Christian.

The crucial question then is in the form of questions:

-Why the faithful Christian agrees to certify the testimony of several times
more power than the so-called atheists, since in average lines and both can
be accused of lies and nonsense from an agnostic observer looking at the
This response should give the atheists, perhaps again without certification,
because the Christian believers have their own which can testify, as did many
times before, but do this in the future.
Sometimes, just atheists fall into a animeroto, trying to convince him that God
does not exist and ask to be dragged from their places of "infidelity." In most
cases, counter-arguments 2:

1. the time argument

2. technological or scientific argument

Time argument

At the time argument cite a phrase similar to the following: "Today we now
have 1975 or 1990, even religion stayed with you? (Class of non-adjustment
of the accused at the time really - present). This argument is sheer absurdity.
Everyone who lives in a given time, he thinks "it is fashionable (necessarily
anyway is a contemporary of the year lives) and that because a thought is
expressed at this time for the respondents considered more valid than
religion is "old." Why is it ridiculous this argument? Firstly because atheists
are called as a religion and therefore their opinion is obsolete. Secondly
because their opinion is trapped in the time dimension (Modern - present)
showing lack of freedom of thought. In Christianity God is outside time
(timeless). Atheistic doctrines that try to trap the caller's mind at the time
dimension is pure evil (live, do, act, sin, there is no "tomorrow" (eternity out
of time in the kingdom of God) [pt opportunity here to remember one was
driven away song "is a substance, there is immortality"]). Thirdly, and this is
the antiepistimonismos because earthly years has put the man to count the
time eg 2001, 2002, 2003 etc. not lend some superiority in the next year
compared to the previous example to The "current" time is greater than the
"prior" because the number increases by one percentage point (1). This is a
false idea of human biological trapped in time. In theory atheist, perhaps
10,000 in the year the views are better and more "modern" than the current
2005, it will now be considered "outdated", but this has not been established.
It may very well until then a secular conflict has shut the Earth from space
map along with the thoughts of atheists or the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ to set completely sidelined by "modern" have come to the
"archaeological museum unclaimed. And the only time of the Incarnation of
our Lord Jesus Christ, some atheists considered themselves "modern" in 33
AD compared to 500 BC But the miracles and the resurrection of Jesus "sent
unread", at least in the vicinity of Judea, where there were then some, for
those few years of teaching.

Technological or scientific argument

Technological or scientific argument is the most ridiculous of all the atheists.

They mention something like: "Can not you see that man reached the moon?
Not see how such and such a phenomenon can be explained scientifically?
What God? Come and agreements in the" science "and in spite of God."
Oftentimes prize the time argument with scientific type in phrases: "Today we
have the medicine. We need God and miracles. These are outdated. Think
through the "polypragmatomosyni", and certainly not talking about the
Prowse godless atheists but opponents of religion, that technology, that the
achievements of people around the mechanisms of the forces that govern
the universe or science, make an end to religion and to God. This idea is a
deformation of enlightenment. In the 18th and 19th century, some people
questioned the science of religion. Since then, keep the following distortion:
The science contrary to their religion! Midnight black for those who think so.
Ridiculed by their own words, because the science is not dogma. Finds
dogmas. It is the same doctrine. Science, even when testifying phenomena
or realities, Fr. X As you can see below the question of the presence of God
as the least idea in the human brain does not provide absolute explanations
of causes first. Nobody can know with 100% certainty whether this function
of the brain in favor of God, is purely the result of a mechanical automatic
progression or mechanistic way that is the will of God or the fall of paradise,
let alone especially when not yet given any ultimate explanation for the
automatic birth of living organisms or the automatic creation of multicellular
organisms from single cell.
Atheism: a lie or hypocrisy?

But where lies the lie and the hypocrisy of atheism? Here, unfortunately for
atheists, science has brought to light great discoveries on the subject of
theology at the neurology discoveries are talking now of "nefrotheologia.
These achievements are the studies of modern neurology, which is far below
the dogma of atheists' God no, leave aside the religious phenomenon and
not taking "show how science has to follow the path beyond the requirements
of any faithful (Protestants see Bush and Darwin) or not.

Left: The human brain. (Source: TV station Alter, show the Gates of
inexplicable, Sunday, 23/100 / / 2005)
Right: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. Why God don 't go Away
(Brain Science and the Biology of Faith. Why not leave God), the Andrew
Newberg, Eugene G. D 'Aquili, Vince Rause, Andrew B. Newberg (Source:

Brain Science and the Biology of Faith. Why not leave God?
From the editors: The collaborative efforts of science writer Rause, the
physicist and psychiatrist Newberg d 'Aquili (Newberg former colleague at
the University of Pennsylvania) gives a dark yperpnefmatiko stirring than it
could be a mandatory scientific research on neuroscience of mystical
experience. The best material of this book is a summary of Newberg and the
investigation of the d 'Aquili using advanced imaging technologies to study
brain activity during "peak" state of meditation, which not only suggests a
typical radiological profile but and reveals some specific correlations between
brain function and subjective religious experience. For example, people
reported feeling an infinite perspective and aftoupervasis during meditation,
the researchers identified decreased activity in the "Areas Association
object" of the brain where the perception of the boundary between self and
other are submitted properly processed. The authors conclude that these
experiences are the normal result of a healthy neurophysiology, which
should not be interpreted as abnormal or accidental events, a point that the
fans and professionals will appreciate doubt. But the broader questions these
results suggest about the origin and significance of human religious behavior
leading researchers from several depths at a theoretical adaptation of
Joseph Campbell, comparative religion and sociobiology. This results in a
turbulent and confusing discussion of what it means to accept that religious
experience is "real nervous" or spirituality "makes us good."
Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

God in the brain - a summary of the program

The Rudi Affolter and Gwen Tighe have experienced strong religious visions.
He is an atheist; This Christian. That thought had died, though this thought
that gave birth to Jesus Christ. Both epilepsy lobe.
Like other forms of epilepsy, this situation creates and religious
hallucinations. Investigations into why people like Rudi and Gwen saw what
they saw, they opened a olakero science of the brain: the nefrotheologia.
The connection between the temporal lobes of the brain and religious feeling
has led one Canadian scientist to try to irritate them. (Located near the ears).
80% of people who took part in the experiments of Dr Michael Persinger's
report that an artificial magnetic field that focuses on these perieoches brain
gives them a sense as not to "present themselves". Some of them describe it
as a religious feeling. . "... A high probability [Ellen White] had temporal lobe
epilepsy" Prof Gregory Holmes, Dartmouth Medical School
His work brings prootpiki we programmed to believe in God, that faith is a
brain capacity that people have developed or been given. And lobe epilepsy
(temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE)) would help to unlock this mystery.

Religious leaders

History is full of charismatic religious figures. Could anyone of them was

epileptic? Visions personalities of the Bible as Moses and the Apostle Paul,
are those of Rudi and Gwen, but there is no way to diagnose epilepsy in
people who have lived so long ago.
However, there are more recent examples such as one of the founders of the
Movement Atvenistikou Seventh Day, Ellen White. Born in 1827, and
suffered a brain injury from 9 of which completely changed her personality.
Began to have very strong religious visions.
Representatives of the Movement doubt as to whether Ellen White suffered
from epilepsy, saying the injury and the visions are incompatible with the
treaty, but the neurologist Gregory Holmes believes that this explains the

"These patients are more prone to religious belief"

Prof Vilayanur Ramachandran, University of California, San Diego


Better than sex.
The first clinical indication pod connected with religious experiences came
from monitoring how the patients with TLE epilepsy answered in groups of
words. In an experiment where people were presented neutral words (table)
love words (sex) or religious words (God), the control group were more
excited words of sexual content. This was taken as a sweat response in skin.
People with epilepsy lobe moirasthikan not that clear sense of priorities. For
them, religious words gave the greatest response. Sexual words were less
exciting than neutral.

The creation of credit

If the abnormal brain function of patients with TLE change their response to
religious concepts, the technique could change the brain patterns of people
without such brain state to produce the same result? This is the question that
Michael Persinge wanted to investigate using a kalodiomeno helmet
designed to collect the magnetic fields in the lobes of those who wore.
"Feeling something beyond yourself, bigger in space and time, can be
Dr Michael Persinger, Laurentian University
People have not revealed the specific purpose of the test; simply that the
experiment was associated with relaxation. 80% of participants reported to
feel something when the magnetic field is applied. The Persinger calls one of
the common feelings of a "sensory presence", as if someone else is in the
room with you when there is none.
The Horizon Dr Persinger presented in one of the most famous atheists in
Britain, Professor Richard Dawkins. He agreed to try the techniques of
Dawkins and see if I could give him a moment of religious feeling. During the
experiment lasted 40 minutes, the Dawkins found that the magnetic field
around the lobes of the affected their breathing and his lips. Did not find God.

God and the brain ..

Over the last 20-30 years have been series of studies of brain believers of
different religions while praying or meditating time or during a religious or
mystical experience. The results have shown that there are specific brain
regions involved and others barely functioning during such experiences.
Experts are investigating these events gave the name "Nefrotheologia" to
study the relationship between brain function and religious or mystical views
and experiences.
Based on the findings of Nefrotheologias Professor of Psychology and Head
of the Neuroscience Research Group Laurentian University in Sudbury,
Canada Michael Persinger (who studies generally false interpretations of
phenomena to human consciousness) constructed a helmet with
electromagnetic radiation excites certain brain regions. At least 80% of the
people who wore the helmet during the experiments indicated that they felt a
presence in the room, or, if inclined to atheism, a sense that it is "one" with
the universe.

Malla words religious and mystical experience can be caused at will by

artificial stimulation of brain areas. The findings and other researchers of the
brain provide strong evidence that religious beliefs are the result of the
construction of the brain. Some brains are constructed so as to be more
receptive to religious beliefs, others less.
Some identify the centers related to belief in aliens or ghosts in the same
centers associated with faith in God and talking about innate human
tendency to fiction. The Dr Andrew Newberg of the University of
Pennsylvania in the United States takes the view that "God will not leave" (ie
faith in God will not stop there) for many generations to come, unless a
dramatic change in brain function because the human brain is such that God
and religion are the most powerful tools for carrying out actions that are
dictated by biological imperatives such as sustainability and the aftoupervasi.


The nefrotheologia attempts to uncover the biological basis of religious


The sense of self absorption in something bigger ... stems from neurological
events, such as disabling the region of the brain responsible for orientation,
mention that Dr. physiologists. Nioumpergk Andrew and Eugene D'Aquila in
their book "Why God will not leave." Based on experiments to record the
brain activity nuns, Buddhist monks in Tibet and temporal epilepsy patients,
argue that the brain is inherently programmed for transcendent experiences.
The religious feeling attracted the attention of physiologists, when it was
observed that many patients temporal epilepsy had indicated a sudden
interest in religion.
Patients report that during the crisis "facing God" or have "a sudden feeling of
spiritual elevation. Such incidents are described and the biography of Van
Gogh, who probably suffered from temporal epilepsy and demonstrated a
keen interest in religion at the end of his life. In the latest experiment by Dr..
Nioumpergk involved a young monk from Tibet, eager to aftosygkentrothei
into a machine that records brain activity, called SPECT. The device notes
the path of a radioactive substance in the brain immediately after
administration by intravenous injection. As the monk aftosygkentronetai and
approaches a transcendent state of "loss of ego" and "union with the world",
the machine records closure of the region of the occipital lobe is responsible
for orientation. Dr. Nioumpergk believes that when through meditation
stopped the flow of information from the surrounding environment to the
brain, the center of the guide is unable to determine the boundaries between
the environment and oneself. The off center orientation was observed with
similar experiments in the Franciscan monks in the hour of prayer, says the
MSNBC. Study of Japanese researchers in 1997 showed that repeated
Rhythmic chants can also affect the hippocampus, a brain region that defines
the phases and ovarian suppression. Thus, a sense of calm that often
accompanies the prayer may be caused or exacerbated by argosyrtes
repetitive phrases. Instead, the excitement seen in the swirling dervishes may
be due to rapid, ecstatic dance. The Dr. Nioumpergk and D'Aquila invented
the term "nefrotheologia" for such studies in the book to be issued in April
claimed that the religious sentiment is a product of the functioning of neurons
and can not be distinguished effectively than any other emotion.
"As our brain being" wired "as is, God will not leave" argues Dr.


Is there a God? One question that sooner or employ any person. Civilized,
uncivilized, primitive, educated or uneducated. A question that surely has
only one correct answer. Yes or no. From this point but the answer is crucial
for the individual and society. If there is a creator, we must follow His
commandments, as part of a system to prosper with the system, when
operating as specified by the manufacturer. If no author, to examine how they
were all around us, and shape behavior suits us socially. As a
mathematician, had yet to solve thousands of problems, questions,
questions. This problem however was the hardest, yet most crucial to my life.
When I was a kid, I had a deep faith and absolute trust in God which teaches
Orthodox Church. As the years passed, I created questions, doubts,
questions. The University came into contact with several political and
philosophical currents, which were all great answers to this question that
tortured me. But the answers vary. There is no God. God exists. There is and
we know from the Bible. Exists but does not know. There is one. There is but
one with creation. There is, but we created it, inability to explain the world
around us. Everyone, something believed. Concentration of specific records
from all branches of science were compared with the views of older and
younger on the issues of creation, matter, the macrocosm of the microcosm
of theories and views.
I had a serious weapon in my hands. Mathematical thought I had acquired,
and educational experiences. I knew to put a problem to find the data, the
use of mathematical methods in order to arrive at a solution. The inductive
thinking, ad absurdum, roads were invaluable in my attempt. Reached final
conclusions. I know what to say to my children. I know what I think, because I
We want to get my fans. I just wish to mention events, scientific views,
positions, and let each reader who reads these lines to draw their own
conclusions. Moreover, a good teacher is one who creates copies of itself,
but free people, with the ability to think

The ancient inhabitants of the planet believed that the earth is a big part of
the universe. The stars? Insignificant bright spots. Egyptians, Babylonians,
many ancient peoples have said the most amazing things. Homer believed
that the Earth is almost the universe, that Olympus is the home of gods and
Tartarus is the prison of the Titans. Thales of Miletus (the mathematicians we
have a great weakness) he believed that the universe has a water source
and a hemispherical shape. Aristotle taught that the Earth is stationary at the
center of the universe and all celestial bodies move around it in circular
The role of limited land continuously, as the centuries went by. Aristarchus of
Samos believed that the sun is stationary and the earth and planets move
around. This view is not imposed on astronomy. Eighteen centuries later (in
1515), the Polish priest Copernicus supported the heliocentric system of
Aristarchus. Galileo, a century later, it showed these positions. So many
centuries have passed to accept the man that is not the center of the world.
With regret the sun gave to the central position, and left to itself the role of
the following. But today we think?
Today, you no longer need to believe. Suffice it to use the instruments of
science and see. Artificial satellites, orbital observatories, spacecraft and
radio telescopes, computers, led us too far, the limits of the universe. The
land, a simple planet in our solar system. The sun is continuously diminishes.
Every second, losing 4.5 million tons of mass converted into energy. But it is
so huge that it will take thousands of years to influence its potential as a huge
nuclear reactor. There are other suns. The a Centauri is 4.25 light-years
away. The Vega, 28 light years away from Earth. Not only are certain. Our
galaxy alone has 200 billion suns. There are other galaxies. Hundreds of
billions in fact. In groups of 100 to 1000 are ypersmini galaxies. And only our
own galaxy, has a width of about 100,000 light-years. The earth, the sun, our
200 billion suns that are just our own galaxy. Hundreds of billions of galaxies
like ours. Really, what represents the earth in front of them all? The strange
but just begun. There are dark areas that send radio signals! There is the
'invisible' material, the material does not send light rays to the human eye can
capture. But they can distinguish the radio telescopes. The pulsars, the
Oscillating radiopiges, which emit radio signals, have as much mass and our
sun, but they have such huge concentrations, that a quantity of matter the
size of a simple cube, weighing millions of tons! (The material is there, not so
huge gaps, like the earth!) WRONG! THE UNIVERSE IS SYMPAGES
entirely of material. Just as our senses perceive the power elsewhere as a
thickening material and aluminum as a apopyknosi energy. What strange
That the air krtao in my hand may be under the same conditions of properties
in my office! The supernova explodes, shaking the universe as much mass of
the sun and are 100 million times from the brightest sun. Galaxies with
billions of suns pass through one another, without there even a conflict. The
most surprising though is the phenomenon of motion. Apeirarithma astral
bodies, swirling in space, each line is an extremely complex and extremely
precise orbit! Celestial bodies act as planes landing at an airport specific
sympantiko TRACK!
The moon rotates around itself and around the globe. The land on the moon,
around itself and around the sun. The sun with all his entourage wandering
around the center of our galaxy. The whole galaxy is in turn with all his body,
wandering around downtown ypersminous where it belongs. Advanced
motion! This is an example of the relative speed! People who have solved
similar exercises, they know very well that next to the pencil and the
computer have a whole box of aspirin!
The Milky Way has axis of symmetry! The axis is indeed perpendicular to
galactic plane. How odd!

In 1929 he formulated the theory of expansion of the universe. The static

universe, gave way in a world that is growing. Galaxies away from each other
with great speed. Today it is universally acceptable and fully evidenced the
scientific theory of "hot big bang» («hot big-bang»). With the help of
computers, fully documented and led a revolution in astronomy. Accepts that
the world came into existence, through a huge explosion of light and radiation
that occurred about 15 billion years before our era. From the overly dense
that situation created the nucleus, the people, the larger particles, large
concentrations of matter, galaxies. The universe is a process. He started a
given time, goes with a particular perspective. The Englishman took Ryle
1974 Nobel Prize when using radio telescopes showed that the density of
radiogalaxion increases, the greater their distance from us. The conclusion is
the confirmation of the theory of big bang. We all know the Einstein and the
great contribution to the evolution of science. With the general theory of
relativity (1916) studied the time and space of the universe in relation to the
distribution of matter and energy.

The Einstein but had made a major mistake. He believed that the universe is
static, stationary, unchanged in a year! Thus, he could not solve the famous
equations. Forced to introduce a term, the "cosmological constant" to force
the equations to drive where he wanted. Later, he regretted for doing this and
confessed that this was the biggest mistake of his life. Einstein's equations
solved with scientists who believed in an expanding universe, where galaxies
are removed with great speed from one another. The Einstein admitted at the
end of his life, the universe expands, and had "a beginning" in the course.
The Penzias and Wilson won the Nobel Prize in 1978, it managed to discover
a radiation unchanged over time, a remnant of the initial intense radiation
generated by the original big bang of the universe. In April 1992 the satellite
of NASA named COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer), which had the task of
research on the views of Renzias and Wilson, made an important discovery.
Distinguished regions of the sky with the temperature difference in the initial
faint radiation, leading to a difference in density and eventually the creation of
the universe from one principle. Since neither a scholar now doubts that
sometime, some 15 billion years ago, was a big explosion of light and this
created the universe. Indeed, internationally prevalent the word "Genesis" for
this principle in the scientific literature, regardless of their religious beliefs of
Heraclitus believed that this world, nor a God, or someone created it, but it
was always so be. It is now apparent that the second part of his reasoning
was flawed.
We'll see what happens with the first part.
It is well known by the eminent physicist Stephen Hawking. said "the initial
state of the universe must have been very carefully chosen. It would be very
difficult to explain to someone why the universe should have begun its life in
precisely this way, unless he considers it as a work of God, who wanted to
create beings like us. "Is it obvious that we exist? Life is something I would
like to have things? The answer to this question, it causes an immense
surprise. So to see what can be hit by what followed. The most popular
power, is the weight. Is proportional to the masses attracted to, and inversely
proportional to their distance. But the equation is the famous constant of
universal gravitation (G). It has a stable fixed price. Why is the G is just the
price, and not another? Who set this natural law, and this particular value for
The earth orbits the sun, according to the law of universal gravitation,
Newton. If this constant G was greater, the earth will revolve around the sun
for less than a year. The sun would be in "blue giant", ie the upper layers
would exert a stronger gravitational force will shrink the solar mass. The sun
will give much larger amounts of radiation to counteract the contraction will
shine stronger, it died quickly. But before the sun goes out, life on earth
would be completely impossible. If G was lower, the sun would be against
"Red Dwarf" cold, with a faint light. The water in the earth would be more
solid (ice), conditions are still unsuitable for life for many reasons. So: If G
was more or less the law of universal gravitation, life on earth would be
impossible. The sun will be very different. It would give much more radiation,
or much less. The orbit of the earth would be very different. All scientists
agree that if the G was defined differently in this natural law, life on earth
would be impossible. What set so precisely the value of the constant of
universal gravitation?
Let the world of astronomy, transferred briefly to the world of man. Person
means which do not intersect. But now we know that it is not right. How is a
person of earth material? But mainly empty, than nothing. And more compact
body, consisting of a vacuum. There is a core set of protons and neutrons,
and electrons are rotating around the nucleus. But if the nucleus of hydrogen
was like a football, would delete the electron orbit at a distance of 5 km from
the heart! In the meantime, what is? Nothing gap. What do electrons?
Revolve with enormous speeds around the nucleus at 1 sec out trillions
spins. Have a negative electrical charge. The nucleus is positively charged,
due to the protons. Really, since the protons are all positively repelled, why
not split the nucleus Why not push that away from one another? Because
there are powerful forces that keep them in the core, called "strong nuclear
forces. Without them, there would be no people. If the strong nuclear force
were slightly weaker, it would constrain the protons. The sun will not shine,
life is impossible. Indeed, the radiation of the sun based on the conversion of
hydrogen to deuterium. This transformation will not happen if the strong
nuclear forces were slightly weaker. Of course, there would be and no other
element except hydrogen. If the strong nuclear forces were slightly stronger,
in the early stages of the development would have disappeared entirely
hydrogen. We have created just the heavier elements. The sun and the stars
will not be radiated, life would not exist. These forces should be just so so
and allow a quantity of hydrogen remain as hydrogen and allow the
remaining amount of hydrogen converted to heavier elements. What exactly
set this value to the strong nuclear forces?
All organic materials known to contain carbon. Without him, there would be
nothing living or organic chemistry. How was really coal?
Enormous temperatures, three helium nuclei fuse together and create
carbon. First, merge the two helium nuclei and create a nucleus of beryllium,
which is neither stable nor unstable. Live four times a billionth of a second.
This period held the fate of human life. The lifetime of this core is determined
by the 'weak nuclear forces. Are responsible for converting a proton into a
neutron and vice versa. And these forces are defined to have an amazing
accuracy. If the weak nuclear forces were slightly stronger could be formed
beryllium or carbon, because it would break as soon as it was created. If the
weak nuclear forces were slightly weaker, all people would create helium
beryllium, so there would free individuals to form helium emissions. What
ensured this unique balance? The fate of carbon held four times a billionth of
a second. Beryllium should not be either more stable or unstable, but
"metastable". Without this terrible arrangement, there would be no coal, there
would be no life. And electromagnetic forces, however, determining the
creation of molecules and cells, is regulated in an admirable way. If weaker,
could not hold on the electrons around the nucleus. People would be
impossible to form. We were only nuclei and electrons are not stable
molecules, not cells, not life. If you were stronger, electrons would be
completely bound by their cores. They could then make the chemical bonds
that involve abortion and an electron, there would be no chemical reactions
or more complex molecules. The water will also always been solid. There are
four basic forces in nature. The forces of gravity, strong nuclear, weak
nuclear and the electromagnetic. They are all with such incredible precision
specified, that man he admires, it is possible to live. Simple numerical
coincidences? Is part of a project are there really so many coincidences? In
mathematics we teach that if we have 15 chairs and we want to find how
many ways can they sit 15 people, the answer is: 1307674368000 different
ways to people sit. (N! = 15! = 1307674368000) How the billions of cases
were there any physical constants, "was" and did not get another price, but
especially one that was necessary only? Is like to throw in a pot with earth
faces, and by chance to fall in order to write his own national anthem! But
strange is not exhausted.

Really, what is light?

The light consists of particles called photons.

A huge number of photons move at all spread radiation. What are photons?
Differ from the material particles, because they have no mass!. They have no
electrical charge.


It is a package of energy, real intangible physical entities carrying energy
and momentum.
Two of them, if you collide, they disappear!
And their energy is what? Implemented!. Two photons if collide, disappear
and appear in place of elementary particles of matter have mass? Lost
energy and materials displayed!
What I want to make scientists at СERN!!
It can therefore be derived materials by light Yes done so, now admit that all
scientists, without a shadow of doubt, why have not guessed, they have seen
it done before their eyes in the laboratory. It is impossible not to think about
the Bible, showing the genesis of God, to give the first command: "Let there
be light" and after the light to create the material. How do you know Moses
(1500 BC) who wrote genesis?
There are scientists in previous centuries who eironeftikan the birth, just
because God created light first and then the world. To know! Talked about
the genesis. Let's see some more very strange, which Moses wrote, that no
one can understand how he knew! God promised Abraham that will raise his
sperm as the sand of the sea and like the stars in the sky. Well, said the
materialists scientists and philosophers of previous centuries, what is that
stupid promise! The sand of the sea is immeasurable, the stars of heaven,
but is around 5000! So I thought, and accusing Moses wrote that a "folk tale"
rather than a science.
To know that Moses knew that the stars in the sky was as much sand and
sea! But Moses grew up in Egypt. What the Egyptians believed it? That the
stars are lights hanging from an iron dome in the sky, a divine power, lit at
night to help people on earth!
The sky, for the Egyptians was an iron sheet of land on which roll the waters
surrounding the earth. Through these views, Moses was born, and wrote the
Moses wrote that first the earth was covered by water, and God created the
land after (συναχθήτω τὸ was water in the sky ὑποκάτω μίαν synagogue
and ὀφθήτω ἡ ξηρά). In the Middle Ages, but then scientists watched
amazed as the shells were on the tops of mountains and high altitudes, and
could not explain how they got there. Indeed they did several strange cases
(incomplete attempts to force the creator, nature games, reflections of the
stars, etc.). Centuries after Moses, what was the level of science. I was very
impressed the book by Steven Weihberg «Three minutes» (The first three
minutes - a modern view of the ori-gin of the universe, London, Fontana
Paperbacks, 1983). The famous physicist he says: "If the ratio of light to the
material was greater, the light will prevail and not allow the material to create
local concentrations, which evolved into galaxies and stars. The radiation
pressure will shatter the solid material. If the ratio of light to the material was
smaller, the light could not hold up the core of the minutes of the universe. All
matter in the universe would have turned into heavy elements, there would
be no hydrogen, no sun, no life. The light should be just so, so, thus
preventing the total conversion of hydrogen and helium into heavier
elements, but does not prevent the formation of stars and galaxies later. A
terrible golden mean, an incredible balance of matter and energy, which
ensured the possibility of life to exist. "The Steven Hawking (A brief history of
time - From the Big Bang To Black Holes, Bantam Books, New York, 1988)
refers to yet another wonderful event that occurred during the creation of the
world, great hot blast! "If the speed of expansion, just one second after the
Big Bang was only slightly less than the true, the universe would have
collapsed before he could create life. Indeed, material bodies pulled by huge
traction forces. If the initial speed of expansion was not so great after the
eruption of the first colleges to expand a bit, it stopped, and turned (the
attraction) at high speed back, which would clash again.
-So if the initial speed of expansion, after the great initial burst was slightly
smaller than the real galaxies and life would not have arisen.
-If the initial speed of expansion, after the great initial burst was slightly larger
than the real, gravity could not gather the material universe in local
concentrations, but the matter would have diversified without creating
concentrations. The life course would have to be created.
-The initial speed of expansion should be just a value, it actually was so: and
can the material be removed from the site of the initial explosion at high
speed, and the molecules can be pulled up and the stars, the planets,
galaxies. The Hawking says "the initial speed of expansion should be chosen
with great precision, so that speed is even now so close to the critical value
necessary to avoid collapse.

Another paradox.

The construction of the individual, the core in the center and electrons
spinning around it, reminiscent of the sun and planets. Sun is the nucleus,
planets are the electrons. It is obvious that the universe is the same basic
design composition and structure, from the infinitely small to infinitely large.
There are differences between the microcosm of man and the macrocosm of
the universe. Differences, however, to create wonder and admiration.
According to electromagnetic theory, since the electron moves in a circular
orbit around the nucleus, it emits radiation continuously, like any other
moving cargo around the world. Radiation is naturally accompanied by
frequent loss of energy. If that was the electron, the radius of rotation should
continuously shortens the electron ultimately fall onto the core. Well,
especially the electron. IWT Is this happening to any other cargo moving in
nature. The Bohr's found, and since we know that the great exception, if it
existed, there would be no life. The little man, hides tremendous amount of
energy. One gram of any substance, whether metastoicheiothei within a
second, releases energy seven billion kilowatt hours. A single gram of
uranium, not of any material. Why has energy, first man held in Hiroshima.
(Non-radioactive elements, suitable bombardment of their core, they
decompose and create other elements, releasing energy).
But let the world people to go to the most important chemical compound,
water. Something wonderful is happening in the water to ensure the
continuity of life on earth. Take an area of land, during the winter the
temperature drops continuously. Once reaches 4 degrees Celsius, water has
become greater in density and precipitated. If the cold persists, the surface
water will be ice in the distance but the temperature is 4 degrees Celsius, and
life will go on! If you did not do this "anomaly expansion" of water ice would
be heavier than water and sink. It followed the next layer of water that would
freeze and sink until the entire quantity of water from river, lake or sea ice
have been made, and life in the liquid component have been killed. The water
evaporates! Are the clouds, and carried with them vast quantities of this
precious molecule. What is the point of this process? Contaminated water
cleans itself! These pollutants do not evaporate the water, but separated from
the pure and the impure! Fed by springs, irrigated land, Faith humans and
animals. The air we breathe is about 20% oxygen.
I often hear the comment: "What a pity not to have more oxygen in the air to
breathe pure oxygen if possible. However, if the oxygen was more, all
combustible materials would be flammable, so lightning would cause a fire
would be impossible to erase! If the oxygen was less, there would be no fire,
which helped a lot of culture, and the lungs would have to find another way to
commit the necessary oxygen to live. These gases have a title. Expand, and
spread throughout the area. Is this important? Yes, because it refreshes and
the atmosphere cleans itself. Fumes, dirt, smoke, disappear without human
intervention, but only the law of gases, which causes them to wander. Plants
that can help the clearance of the atmosphere. They absorb carbon dioxide.
The plants take carbon dioxide from the air, break down carbon and oxygen,
keeping the carbon release oxygen. Coal, he is doing? If trees, nuts!
Combines with hydrogen (water) and others, and generate valuable
compounds, suitable for feeding of animals and humans. What wise thinking
is behind all this? How can we assume that everything happened by chance,
by coincidence, but let us continue to look at the world around us. The light
spread straight, otherwise you will not see properly, but quite blurred and
irregular. The sound is not propagated straight but has a wavy, otherwise we
will distinguish the sounds!
Let us continue to think, and run on the earth at a speed of km every second.
Really, we do a circle but elliptical. Why? If the orbit was elliptical, but
circular, will shed light on the sun's poles. The ice would accumulate at the
poles, the water level of the oceans would be much lowered because huge
amounts of water would form a huge volume of ice at the poles, and much
water would be bound. The land would become another form with unpleasant
consequences for the trajectory. The rains will be scarce, the drought would
be a terrible curse on animals, plants and humans. However, this elliptical
orbit, formed by the equator wisely selected angle 230, so the sun illuminates
once the northern hemisphere or to the south, allowing the miraculous
balance of water and steam that allows the existence of the world as we
know it today. If the moon was closer to earth, the tides would be huge. twice
a day, huge tracts of land would be covered by the waters of the seas, the
earth will accept terrible erosion, there would be terrible storms. But enough
we turned our attention to the world that surrounds us. It's time to look a little
inside us, our bodies, our existence. We will find miracles, the routine does
not allow us to observe. Because we are so busy, he says, and the parable of
sporeos, "and the century μέριμνα τούτου And the wealth ἀπάτη τοῦ
συμπνίγει the word, and fruitless γίνεται.
Living without food is impossible. To see how this is done. Teeth, saliva, oral
cavity, oral devices, a great start for the proper breakdown of food. The
epiglottis closes, the food goes into the lungs, but in the stomach. Secrete
adequate fluids, hydrochloric acid kills microorganisms break down food, to
prevent rot. The pylorus (the entrance to the intestines) remain closed until
given a command to open, because only then the food is appropriate to
proceed to the next phase of absorption! Bile, pancreatic fluid, intestinal
secretions mixed with food, and it becomes possible to assimilate. The
absorbent material reaches the liver, separate urea, occurring processes that
need a book to describe. The heart of a vibrant pump worked continuously,
with excellent construction. It is divided into apartments. Fills the blood and
throw up the edges of the body, which is the exchange of matter. Within a
day, the heart does 60.000 dilations and contractions as many average,
moving in any expansion of 200 (average) g arterial blood leading to venous
and return to the heart. Everyone knows how essential to the life and health
is the proper functioning of the heart continually burdening the poor diet,
smoking, etc. The lungs are breathing surface eighty square meters. How? In
cells, reaching 400 million, and have a spherical shape. There is osmosis,
where the venous blood gets oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. The shape
ensures a huge contact area, which is necessary for this type of physical and
chemical processes. The nervous system transfers information from the
whole body control center in the brain. Irritations, sensations, pleasure, pain,
all carried to the brain. All these characteristics of human sperm with a single
infinitesimal size, which combines with an egg, inherited and recreated in the
offspring. An initial cell develops into many different cells have very different
task. The human body is so great creation of dozens of volumes of medical
manage to describe only a portion and only certain functions. Thoughts,
feelings, crisis, awareness, the ability to plan, the mental capacity planning
and drafting, it is impossible to interpret any human under the microscope.
Really, all these amazing, how people interpret them? What opinions have
been formed? Never be the man reaches a final conclusion before hearing all
the opinions, all opinions, before examining them with respect and

Democritus in the fifth century before Christ, said the only thing in the world
are men, infinite in number, making a variety of compounds. Joined together
by chance, it fell from the infinite space. Older people collide with smaller and
form associations. "None gignetai scratch and no lost at zero. The man and
the forces generated by random combination indestructible, indivisible,
unaltered (N. Antoniades, Handbook of Philosophy first volume).
Reflections on the theory: causes admired the idea of the individual. How to
understand Democritus, five centuries before Christ? Everyone refers to the
mental capabilities, and the heightens the discovery. Of course, made
mistakes. The man is atmito, incised, has protons, neutrons, number of
particles. The random combination of people, for which he spoke, interpreted
the world in a weak assumption. These people were, united, formed a perfect
constructions are not out of luck. The very minds of Democritus, who
invented so many abstract concepts, was not some random "rain points!" We
interpreted the construction of the world. 'Done at random does not mean
that there has been explained. Moses, a thousand years before Democritus
gave genesis to explain more fans, as we saw. It is obvious that Moses,
centuries before Democritus, in an environment that does not compare to the
environment of Democritus wrote a divinely inspired book. The work of
Democritus is a human endeavor.
Let's look at other human efforts:
A Buchner, early last century, wrote his own theory. Ignore what is material
and what is power, but little interested in the bottom of things. Creating a
world is impossible. The world is eternal, without beginning or end. Matter is
indestructible. The mass is never lost, just changed form. Once such material
is endless, so there was no beginning, so either God or a creator. The
Haeckel, at the same time, in his Die Weltratsel (The Riddles of the world),
gave his version. He described his work as a major intellectual achievement
of the 10th century. Merged the conservation of matter principle with the
principle of energy conservation, saying that the material is lost, the sum of
matter and energy remains constant. Thus, disagreed (right) with Buchner.
However, rejects the law of entropy, which disables all materialistic theories,
as we shall see later. The Haeckel, found it difficult when I needed to say
whether the man was made "by chance". Not accepted! But he said that the
same matter is God, the world is both creator and creation (pantheism). The
world, the material has a soul! Even trying to condense! The primary matter is
the ether, which does not consist of individuals, nor gas, but fills every empty
space. There eternal struggle between matter and ether, and indeed neither
the mass nor the ether are dead, they feel. Will have! The masses feel
pleasure from the condensation of the ether unpleasant by compression. I do
not need criticism theory. Today we know that there is no ether, more ether to
feel happy or unhappy! The Haeckel denied the existence of God. We believe
in 'Miracles'. But the theory, goes beyond an inspiration to all known
wonders. Explain the unknown with the unknown fate, a coincidence. It being
in non-existent objects. How insignificant it seems this theory, 3500 years
after Moses.
The materialistic theories look like. All admit that all of the wonderful
surrounding us were by chance or evolution of the less effective to perfect.
But who created the even less effective? The stars and planets, that move?
Not respond. Happened, they claim.
Let's look at what science says today, more to the views raised.
Is the mass of indestructible?
We know that the sun emits huge amounts of energy. To achieve this,
continuously turns mass into energy. Every second the sun lose more than
four million tons of its mass. In three hours, losing weight, however much the
mass of all the seas of the earth.
This energy is converted primarily into heat. But the farther from the sun
moved so degraded, because no longer can produce useful work. Eg A
locomotive, which by the action of steam using a small amount, but the rest is
converted into useless heat, which causes "thermal pollution" in the
environment. The mass, therefore, is not indestructible. The Law of the
immortality of matter has been finally overthrown. The materialists finally lose
the argument "because the material is endless, so it has a beginning, it has a
creator!" Science has demonstrated that the universe had a beginning, it will
run its course, will have an end! The fee will be essential if all the energy it
can produce work, become depressed energy, causing only problem with no
The material is lost. Billions of tons lost every one of trillions of suns, each
second. A small part is useful energy. The rest is lost. No one today can
doubt that the matter is not indestructible, nor usable energy left. The
universe, slowly drawing to a close.
There was eternal, as definitively established, nor the future will be eternal,
as today we know with absolute certainty. The second axiom of
thermodynamic Carnot-Clausius, which describes the qualitative degradation
of energy, has opened new horizons in science. The Law of Entropy says:
Continuously reduce the usable energy in the universe and becomes a poor
quality power, which can not be used. This will occur until the energy is
The materialist theories, but also received a powerful blow, decisive. The
Heisenberg formulated the "uncertainty principle", which invalidated the law
of materialist causality.
According to the law of causality, fundamental law of materialist theories that
happens in the world has a specific cause. If you know the cause, we can
understand with certainty what the outcome. So if we know the status of a
natural system, we conclude with certainty for development.
The man has no free thought and will, because, as part of nature, and he
obeys a chain reaction, just to create the appropriate reasons for them. In
1917, the theory of relativity (as opposed to certainty) has swipe at
materialistic views. The study of the atomic world, revealed that: If, for
example a photon falls on the prism of Nicols, you go through your mind, but
perhaps not gone but reflexes.
The person a radioactive element, perhaps a split second, but perhaps a
thousand years. Continuous observations, created a sense of uncertainty of
outcome. The Planck observes that the law of causality "is neither right nor
wrong, but an abstract principle, which helps us to focus on a maze of facts."
The Heisehberg replaced the law of causality with the principle of uncertainty.
Said it is impossible to know with certainty the position of an electron at some
time. Simple, but there is likely to be in some other places.
Biological experiments that followed confirmed the uncertainty principle. If, for
example exposing a cell to monochromatic radiation, the cell sometimes
takes a photon, other times not. If we recruit the photon, sometimes leading
to cell death, sometimes produce (germ cell) known mutations. These
mutations may lead to different cells from breast, perhaps future generations
of cells are all different. These new cells may survive and proliferate, maybe
not. Thus, the uncertainty and the unspecific enters and biological
phenomena. One of the unsolved problems of materialism is the answer to
the question: After everything was done randomly, how can the wonderful
appropriateness seen everywhere in nature? Let's just look at the human
eye. The images passing and reflected on the retina, where lies the optic
nerve. The eye exactly a telescope that scientists who perfected the
telescope, managed by studying the conformation of the human eye, and
having copied several features of it! He needs eye darkroom, a front opening
which varies with the amount of light present in the environment (iris) lenses.
The position and curvature of these lenses is proportional to the telescope.
There are eye tunics, which correct the defects caused by the separation of
the rays of colors! In the telescope was the same problem, and scientists
have found much to solve, mimicking the eye. There are so many incredible
coincidences! Even the fact that each eye can see and of itself, but together
they are coordinated to give a single image, just obviously can not be
described! Those "random coincidences happens, will never be able to
create a human eye. Every time I look at a baby born in the eyes, we can
clearly see the hand of God, just like when you look at the Eifel Tower in
Paris, we see clearly the mind of the architect who created it. Regrettably, the
materialist theories, and create ethical problems. If the members of a society
accept these views, social coexistence would be impossible. In his work
«Science and culture and other essays» o Hux-ley says: "We consciously
automatically endowed with freedom is not real. Do what we like but we like
that our need requires. Thus far, these views are
. But the continuity of materialistic thinking, is incredible: Since there is no
real freedom of all human actions are justified. Even those that are the result
of violence and brutal passion, murder, pedophilia, theft. Can a good deed to
be socially superior to the poor, but both lead to physical need, so no good
can be compensated, nor to condemn evil, after all just move to the deeper
The Hume defends the human right to commit suicide, if such compulsion. "It
would be a crime, if I could digress to the Danube or the Rhine, and I did a
crime, if channeled my blood a few inches off the natural flow?
It's unbelievable, which may ultimately lead to the idea that everything was
done at random, without the intervention of a designer. Cool ideas, full of
imbalance, filling books materialists. The Helvetius defends its rich life in
France, on the ground "And in Egypt, the fertility and wealth due to the mud
(the Nile) rather than a chastity!" Really, how few are the people who are very
good or very bad ! Much of humanity consists of people trying to overcome
the defects, poor themselves, and become better. Many people do are some
arrive at a situation that touches perfection and absolute goodness. What
would do if they were convinced that they are random coincidences, and it's
bound to be bad? How would a society consisting of people with such
principles? How important is the self-limitation of evil and selfishness, what is
valuable to effort for the improvement and perfection! The materialism, for
many reasons it won. But there are other views. A philosophy is quite spread
pantheism. Another that came from a monkey with evolution.

Those who believe in pantheism, identify God with the world. God has no
existence separate from the world, not creator, then there along with the
world. In the Vrachmaniston Veda, 1500 BC supported the identity of being
the world with the substance of God. Every creature in nature is God. The
real father but the European pantheism was Spinoza (1632-1677). He
believed that the Bible is a helpful book, useful to give guidance to man. But
everyone can form their views freely, independently of it. The apostles and
prophets were told just their opinion, they made mistakes, it is pointless to
God is nature, which we consider to be active. Everything around us were
eternal. And the good and bad, stem from the eternal physical need, but are
produced without a plan and purpose. The good, the bad, the perverts, it was
equally necessary for the world, so I created by nature, God. There is no
moral distinction, either divine punishment and crisis. God does not feel
negatively about bad or good for good. When a person dies, all that remains
is the memory, not the immortal soul
There were other pantheist. The Fichte, Hegel that the Schelling, o Hartmann
etc. It makes sense that many people fascinated by the idea that we are
gods. But this deity, it takes so little! After the death disappears and the
existence and divinity, it remains only a "remembrance". Of course, science
has definitively rejected the views of Spinoza, according to which the material
and the creation is eternal. Unfortunately, pantheism has led many people to
injustice, immorality, anti-social behavior, after they gave the excuse that
there is no moral distinction between acts in good and bad. But, man has
within him the voice of conscience. Even when he does something bad,
knows very well. There are criminals who are arrested when they declare that
they deserve the death, because there is no punishment for all the evils
done! There the passions, weaknesses, greed, but a deep voice consistently
inform everyone what is good and bad.
Really, how would our lives if everyone around us thought that there is good
and bad, and just able to satisfy the appetites and desires? Are these
theories than believe, is by nature destructive for society? Why people are
friendly and good? will prevail the law of the jungle, the law of the fittest, and
it will actually look like animals, trying to convince us that evolutionists. But
how different is a society which the cornerstone is love of the neighbor,
mutual aid, the desire to support those who undermined the effort to improve
individual, for social contribution. He finished that made the world, sought to
give a law to preserve life, and finally distinguishes humans from other
Let us now consider the views that somehow, somewhere, was the first cell,
joined with other cells in luck and coincidence and development, led to a
monkey. That, more and more prudent, made sometime man, our ancestor.
Really, What is life?
Aristotle says that "life and we say that the self and supplies for TE and
afxisin fthisin. The exchange of matter is the essence of life. Is the living from
dead matter? No, evidenced by the materialists. On the motion of celestial
bodies, by increasing plant and animal and human consciousness, all the
result of mechanical movement of people. Moreover, from inorganic
materials, organic produced (eg urea!)
But another is to produce urea and take another life. Life scientist who
created from inorganic materials? Okay, we can not say the materialists, but
nature can. It is called "aftodimiourgia!" Which saw the aftodimiourgia? But
the question is, are materialists Helmoht, Kircher, Redi, etc., believed to have
found the solution. "To put a piece of meat in the sun, and leave a few days.
You'll see that suddenly will start and come out worms. Who created? None.
Just aftodimiourgithikan. So aftodimiourgithike some time and the man "said
triumphantly. Unfortunately for them, Pasteur put the meat in a container after
sterilization. Of meat there came worms!
The discovery of the microscope put an end to all this discussion of
"aftodimiourgias worms. Today, we make canned meat, not spoil it for years,
simply because we have to submit a treatment that kills the seeds that were
on it, germs, microorganisms, of which it is loaded, but not be seen with the
naked eye. The defeat of the materialists was great. To imagine that there
are microbes in meat and microorganisms that are not visible to the naked
eye! But we were disappointed. Stubbornly insisted on trying to find another
"aftodimiourgia" in nature. The Bastian did such "discoveries", but the
Pasteur lived and even reverse all the data. The Bastian admitted his defeat
(he was Dean of the Medical School in London last century). After the death
of Pasteur, o Bastian returned with renewed effort, which again failed. The
Burke, believed that he created with the help of radium life, and even named
organisms radiovia! And this proved an illusion. The Leduce took over, with
the tree, o Delage echinus with the Carrel etc. all proved ourselves. Still Life
begets life. The Kelvin said in 1871: "Science provides a host of irresistible
evidence in the case of abiogenesis of life. Only life can create life. In this we
conclude, after detailed investigation.
The materialist Haeckel admits it can not prove abiogenesis of life. But to
characterize "rational case, scientific faith. Well, the materialists "believe"
those obstinate support. Yet mockery of those who have religious faith
explanation for the creation! They laugh at their expense. How odd! The
Arrhenius is very known to us from the theory of ikeltrolytikis dimension we
learned in high school (he was sadly mistaken and replaced by newer
concepts). The Arrhenius had respect for the creation of life.
The light pressure on the falling body, rightly said Arrhenius. When pressure
is exerted on live sperm, and there are germs there, carried by light over long
Let's follow this reasoning.
The currents of air pushing the seeds at a height of over one hundred
kilometers (!!!), which loaded negatively. There he encountered solar powder
namesake load and retreated outside the field of gravity. From there, pushed
by solar radiation and going to Mars in 20 days to 24 months in Neptune in
9000 years in the solar system Centaur! But, the new solar system emits
radiation, it will approach? Perhaps the sun has set another dust flies, the
dust particles are incorporated, are heavy, sit up and the seeds that came
from the earth, and all along the descending the force of gravity!

And the friction of the descent? C, it reaches a temperature of 100 degrees,

so that the seeds survive! Simple, huh? This Arrhenius named the "transfer
of life from one solar system to another. Of course, these seeds will create
plants, animals, people, and why not, and perfect creatures. But it proved
impossible to travel 9000 years too cold, and not be affected thereby
dehydration. Forget and ultraviolet rays on the ozone layer depleting fast life,
even in more developed forms. Absence of ozone, plants and animals of the
earth will disappear! Especially the Rontgen rays kill sperm, even if they are
protected within other colleges!
The incredible is that materialists do not accept the Mosaic creation, why not
believe in miracles! The Arrhenius theory of contrast, is a scientific concept!
As stated by Haeckel «is absurd version of creation as God's intervention,
the author is a Miracle, and Miracle is absurd. Thus there is no creation. But if
that were what the Arrhenius, it would be a much greater miracle than the
assumption that after seeing a creature, for example machine, we understand
immediately that someone created, and it went "by chance" the different parts
of the one next to another in order to function. Let us now turn to the theory of
Darwin (1809-1882). In 1859, his work «On the origin of Species by means of
natural selection» claimed that the number of species present is the result of
adaptation to the environment without any purpose. Random changes
occurred, dominated by species with these changes, so there was progress.
Darwin rejects the older materialistic theories. The effort was worthwhile, and
some aspects of science helped to follow new paths. The materialists, deify
the Darwinian view, finding a new beginning for the "theories" them. Let's
look at the theory of Darwin in the light of modern scientific research.


Darwin and materialists lumpiness possibilities of evolution beyond
reasonable. The ability of organizations to change, is not unlimited, but as the
first Wigand evidence is limited by the limits, confines, in fact. The man
managed to create varieties and breeds, but failed to create new species,
and if you tried. Evolutionary, in front of this weakness, admit that we can not
create new species, but argued that through the endless centuries since the
creation of the earth, this can be done while in the limited time a few decades
of experimentation, it happened.
But that claim as an argument (the last century) is a fatal drawback of the
evolutionary process. Scientists at the laboratory had knowledge of biology
and physiology, and with patience and constant attention, failed to advance
the evolution beyond a narrow limit. In nature, however, over the centuries,
random changes occur according to Darwin, not necessarily in the right
direction or better. Confronting these weaknesses of the method, such as
evolutionary Delage accepted that natural selection can not create new
species, varieties and breeds of the same species. In fact, the Delage wrote
that "natural selection eventually eliminate the bad natural choices, and
protect the species in danger of losing, by being maintained unchanged
through the centuries!"
This, then, that natural selection did the first cell of the monkey and man, but
remained unchanged in each species and helped to survive under changing
environmental conditions by creating varieties and breeds of the species.


The term struggle for existence Darwin describe the effort of each species to
survive in an environment filled with enemies. The most gifted individuals of
the species exist, survive and acquire offspring. Thus, the very nature selects
the strongest individuals of each species.
Let's see what he says that modern science. Darwin rightly states in his
theory of the struggle for existence, but exaggerating it gives more dimension
than we have. Darwin said that the struggle was conducted, and between
individuals of the same kind of dominance, and among different species. But
we rarely see in nature the same kind of people to kill each other. Wild
animals, for example, when fighting, rarely kill one another. The weaker
admits defeat and leaves, to survive and multiply. However, there are many
species that live in groups and defend themselves as society against
enemies such as bees, ants, many mammals. Here there is no "struggle for
dominance" between persons of the same species, but such bees in a
wonderful collaboration for the success of a goal!
And the struggle between different species has been overturned but the
universality of the Darwinian theory. If the struggle for dominance was such
intensity as much describes Darwin, thousands of species would succumb to
the stronger species and would finally disappear. However, we observe a
remarkable balance! Predators and the weakest, which are food, preserved
as a species, but the struggle for survival to disappear. Only the man with the
means available, managed and led where sought full ecological destruction
and desolation.
According to this theory, the less effective types should have definitely gone!
However, mollusks, worms, sponges, hydrooic still there next to species rich
talents. In nature, then there is the coexistence of the strongest in the
weakest and failed the "struggle for existence" to create a world as
envisioned by Darwin, or more, the materialists who saw theory as a new
starting point for support views. Darwin talk about evolution of species. The
trend, however, proved to be limited only between persons of the same
species. Never created a new genre. So the views of the materialists, that
somehow found the earth in the first cell was complex, was an animal,
monkey, man, it is totally unrealistic, not to create impressions on those who
do not know, that is supposed views arising from the theory Darwin.
Really, even if they happen all the incredible claim that the materialists, who
found the first cell, and found the land on which "evolved" in monkeys and
humans? What up?
Really, why insist that both the materialists, in a case that is obviously lost on
them? Studying their biographies, I noticed that it is not irrational or anti-
social people (most), but for scientists, researchers, observers, who tried
honestly to understand and help science. But followed a path that does not
lead anywhere. It is to them, acknowledge that many of them. The Romanes
in 1891 wrote that "the order in which occurred the plants and animals on
earth, according to the book of Moses (Genesis), respond to the findings of
geology and the theory of evolution.
The Haeckel states "We must give fair and sincere admiration to Moses on
the deep intuition of the intelligence of nature, simple and natural assumption
for the creation. The idea of separation and differentiation, and the idea of
progressive evolution has been agreed to. Really, it was Moses intuition?
Made in 1500 BC bothered to write a book, Genesis, to speculate? I do not
understand. However, only if he had the divine revelation, such a meaningful
endeavor. Moses had not of course free publisher and printer. It was
common then is so hard to write some intuitive assumptions and concepts.
But the materialists insist. Man was created as an evolution of the monkey.
There is evidence! There is scientific evidence! They left the creation of the
earth by chance and keep the place "are descendants of monkeys. Let's see
the 'evidence', and what happens in reality.

The materialists often argue that it is impossible for all people on earth come
from one original couple, Adam and Eve. Black, yellow, Indians, Lapland,
wild, cannibal, pygmy ancestry, we found all those on earth? These then, are
materialists, who claim so much in other parts of evolution, even at an
unreasonable level, here is impossible to argue that the evolution ! Enough to
make the Bible unreasonable and invalid. Initially, I would say that is
extremely important to understand that all people have a common origin,
namely that we are brothers. Many human theories have tried to make us feel
superior, considering our people subhuman. All were horrible social impact.
What to remember? The statement of the American Caldoun minister in
1845, that black people are not the same kind of white? Easy come from
apes, so if you kill them, is not a crime if they exploit, no exploitation of man
by man!
The genocide of Jews by Hitler's followers? Atrocities of civilized states and
have had colonies in Africa? At the very time they are supposed to have
come to civilize them? All were born of the very widespread materialist view
that each tribe has different antecedents . There are superior and inferior
people. For the below, the laws depending on the laws protecting animals,
they are docile and labor, allowing them to live.
Science created to divide people into senior and junior. Dozens of talented
people have devoted their lives to try to measure these differences. They
used every means to find differences in people. The color of hair, iris, leather.
The size, shape of skull and capacity. The shape of the face, nose, chin, lips,
eyelids. The racial odor, blood, sexual maturity and aging. Dozens criteria
hundreds investigations.
How many races are finished? The Keane in 1896 counted 63. The basic and
Deniker 6 twenty-nine varieties. O Hillaire12. O Flower14. Even today,
scientists disagree. Let us examine racial differences. Skin color is the first to
watch the people. Due to melanin. Really, there is white and the black race.
But they all white? Are all black people themselves? The white race, farmers
and fishermen, is where most of the black employees of a firm. Similarly,
black children who moved to cold areas do not have the deep black of their
ancestors. O Hettinger studied Europeans who moved to warm regions, and
soon their color changed. The change was more pronounced in the offspring.
Those who went to Guinea acquired the color of copper in the bronze
With animals, what happens? Pets, change color if moved to different
climates, often after a few generations become unrecognizable. The
development, as demonstrated, it is possible between individuals of the same
species. It never proved that different people have different kinds. The very
recent audit of the DNA, confirmed in the most absolute manner, that all
races belong to the same species, human, and apes, and more
sophisticated, they have totally different DNA, and will never evolve into
What does it mean that whites, blacks, Lapland, Chinese, everyone has the
same DNA; they are all the same kind of people. What does it mean that the
monkeys and all the alleged 'ancestors of humans have the same DNA;
means that there is or will never become human beings. But let's continue to
look at the differences, now we saw that the color is a factor which is
changing even within the same generation, let alone within a hundred
Hair. The black hair is different from white hair! But, within each breed, the
differences in hair is very important! This argument would make sense if all
the whites had the same hair, and black otherwise. However, differences in
appearance are great. the laboratory analysis but the hair of people of every
race are the same! Also, if you transfer a flock of sheep from Europe to
Africa, the soft and long hair were in Europe, Africa replaced by harsh and
short hair, as first observed Quatrefages. In the high plateaus of the Andes,
the hair sheep of Europe is much thicker. In short, within a few years before
the eyes of man changes that occur are similar to what happened to people
and made them look different. Evolution? I ask ironically the materialists. Yes,
evolution, but within the limits of the species, as demonstrated by science,
not create new species!
The cranial capacity, but there is more to white-No. And, worse, turned out to
white with a much smaller cranial capacity than the average, were much
more clever and famous in politics, the arts, literature, science, people with
much greater capacity than the average.
Languages? Not divided into advanced, and much less sophisticated Yes,
but the language, describes each time the level of a nation. As a nation grow
more, both building on the language. The falls at lower cultural and
intellectual level, both the language vulgarize, diminishes the number of
words distorted by hiring foreign elements. However, the language he seems
completely foreign to each other, have many similarities to feel great surprise
when he sees the same words the same concepts in populations separated
by thousands of kilometers. What shows that? That once we all talking the
same language, and then removed and set up the differences!
Let us look now at the origin of human beings, regardless of final proof
provided by the study of DNA. It is possible to accept the logic that has
evolved into a beast man? Even the supporters of our home by
anthropopithiko, acknowledge the difficulty of jumping it.
O Topinard writes in his work «L 'homme dans la nature» that "whatever our
efforts in search of zoological character that separates man from beast, we
must acknowledge that the abyss that exists between animals and humans in
physiology, ypervallontos is small compared to tinpsychologiki different
people and the Beast. "
Really, we acquired the beast can capture and processing of abstract
concepts? What beast sought solutions to problems in proportion to those
sought by man?
The materialists, however, write "I do not see the half-wild people of Africa
and Australia? There are those living proof that getting the civilized people in
the current situation, passed all these evolutionary stages?
The Gilbert and Chinchole, who examined the savage tribes, in order of
evidence presented by the view that modern savages, not in an intermediate
evolutionary step, but from ancestors much more civilized and sophisticated
of them!
Unfavorable conditions have led more and more down to the level of brutality.
The native Australian, for example, is now the lowest rung of human scale to
the point some writers refuse to identify the man.
The tools are reminiscent of the Stone Age. And yet, their children, when they
got educated whites and showed great intelligence, learned languages,
adapted efcherestata, some distinguished among their peers. If you were
'animals' would be provided?
O Hale notes that the dialects of indigenous Australians have great
perfection! The grammar has seven to ten calls a midnight falls! There
conjugations, moods and times. The richness of dialects exceeds the current
needs of the livestock such. What does it mean? That was no significant
previous situation, since language is always a mirror of the mind.
The savages have been and astronomical knowledge. Determine the time
with great accuracy. As they slipped because of difficult living conditions in
barbarism, retain human characteristics, that no beast could never get closer.

Not evolve from apeman to the man as saying the theory of materialists, but
instead evolve negatively by higher cultural levels to below! Such is the state
of race Tinneh North America (between Hudson Bay and Alaska).
The Morioris, living in Chatam islands of Polynesia were settled there in the
early fifteenth century. They come from Hawaii. But after three centuries of
miserable, isolated lives, reached the ultimate degree of degeneration and
ferocity. Darwin called the Foueginous, the inhabitants of the land of Fire, "an
underclass of almost intelligent beasts. Scientists, after labeling of Darwin,
have dealt seriously with the study of such people. The Bove who carefully
studied their language, wrote that is so rich, so only one is explained, are
relics of ancient brilliant culture. A dialect of this language is grammatically
perfect and 30,000 words, obviously much more than the current needs of
the breed. They have something similar (intelligent beasts of Darwin?).
Darwin was certainly not a linguist. Outcome casual and superficial
conclusions, by simple observation of the state of the race. Pushed in
materialism but dozens of people, who trusted the many casual conclusions.
Really, then hear about the successes of Darwin. Why is it so unknown in our
country, how different is the reality? Why, for example so few know the final
position of science which is so graphically by Schelling «the work will be
history in the future is to prove that so many people came to this wild, while in
earlier stages of evolution, had shown remarkable culture, language and
achievements. Thus, the materialists have fallen into the trap of views. Since
scientists now accept that there has been progress in today's semi
populations, but finest cultural levels to worst, we must accept that humans
have a common authority, according to the biblical tradition, and are not
sophisticated beast, but "the crown of creation" . Prove the analysis of DNA,
have demonstrated the linguists, I understand now everyone that just and
impartial study of modern scientific achievements.

So there is a God? The answer comes effortlessly out of my mind, logic,

data. Yes, God exists. It is reasonable to say when seeing a wondrous
construct "What we built it?". Nobody sane person would say 'They were
randomly materials, created and operated with admirable accuracy.
The description of mosaic creation meets a wonderful way to today's
scientific discoveries. Moses wrote a religious book, born centuries ago by
scientists. Still, astronomers, astrophysicists, mathematicians, geologists,
anthropologists, doctors, linguists, all now recognize the proper scientific
We have already detailed for Fans of Genesis, which is not explained by
human knowledge of Moses, nor the environment. The narration is obviously
inspired. True, many will say, this is a miracle, believe in Miracles?
Many people who broadly accept the Christian teaching, are hesitant when
they are asked "Do you believe in miracles?" The materialists describe their
own absurd miracles, who did not make one, but only fate, scientists feel, but
when we hear about someone who believes in miracles makes the creator
God, laugh ironically, look facetious with this look that says "Well, you still
believe in such?" and "what a shame, and you're a scientist, and say that
someone upsets the natural laws .
But let's look at what is miracle and what is the reality in this very serious
zitima.Ti is natural? That is the visible world with its laws and forces, said
Hettinger. And what is supernatural? That surpasses the natural laws and
order each time gnorizoume.Dyo important points should be the first time.
The first: We think we know all natural laws and causes of many things. But
too often our theories anatrepontai.Ta main books materialists written in
previous centuries. We knew then, what is natural? What are the physical
laws? Yes, say all. But today we know that much, we were wrong. For
example, everyone gave great importance to the laws of Newton. We now
know that these laws are not applicable. At high speeds, have been
completely reversed. "Excuse me, Newton" said Einstein, when they reverse.

If someone is causing a nuclear explosion, similar to that of Hiroshima, it

would say all of the previous century? Miracle! From a very small quantity of
matter, came a tremendous amount of energy, which is impossible. Fantastic
was a miracle? No, just the limited human mind could not grasp these
achievements, which, of course, these natural laws recently discovered.
Today, many still make the same mistake. Again, think they know everything.
If you do something different from what they know or would not believe, or
will perform a miracle. So there are "miracles" not miracles at all, just natural
laws that do not know. The second thing I can say is that yes, there are real
miracles. What makes more sense. The supreme power, was able to create
this wonderful world can certainly do things that we can not understand, or do
it ourselves. Like the atomic bomb during the last century was
incomprehensible, but the author had made so the material and of course he
knew, so now what is to us unknown, supernatural, miracles, the creator of
the far superior intellect, he can made. How is it possible to see the daily
miracle of creation, totally inexplicable to human laws, but we do "not believe
in miracles!" Why underestimate the creator? He created a machine that
knows more than that just living and uses . How many people watch TV every
day, using the phone, understand the mechanism? If you get a phone with
new features, no one will talk about wonder, but an achievement of
engineers, those who knew. Why then, if you hear something that does not
understand the religious field, we are ready to say 'because I do not
understand, so it's a lie, fraud was not so! "
The Nitzsche notes "Miracles are the highest order, which is nature and this."

It was surreal for people past centuries, it is natural for us. Telephone,
aircraft, satellites, spacecraft, microscopes, underwater, medical equipment,
surgery, replacement organs, etc. So this is surreal for us today (and many in
mockery), it is natural for people in the following centuries. And, of course, is
already a natural for the manufacturer of the wise absolute precision
instrument called the materialists sympan.Ti respond to these arguments?
"Well, since God is Wise and perfect, why did not a perfect world, and is
forced to intervene and does wonders to correct the injustices and
They deny that God is Wise, powerful and capable. But God made man free,
that gave him the most precious gift. It made him a robot. The result of this
freedom, is the world we see today. But would prefer to be spineless robots
to become "perfect" world?
It should however know that the finest work, though in constant evolution and
dependence on imperfect choices as moral beings, people are bound to need
corrective action. Today the man has exhausted the possibilities of self-
cleaning water and air. Where is human wisdom? If God had not given
opportunities to self-cleaning liquid and gas environment, life today would not
exist. How then attribute responsibility to God that the work was incomplete
at the time that we humans do what we can to destroy the creation, with only
temporary benefit of the "raising of living standards' ie consumerism?
Let us now concentrate our attention to the following questions genniontai.
Okay, God exists. Came in contact with Moses, and he was able to write their
inception. So God is not indifferent to His creation. Gave the Mosaic law
commands, moral norm was incomplete, of course, but similar to the situation
of people of that era.
But Jesus? There? Some say it is fabulous person. If there was, God is man,
both equally? Existed before, or became "like God?" Let us try to follow the
facts, and draw conclusions.
The emergence and spread of Christianity is not based on any of the laws of
logic. What was likely to spread this faith, if we have a mathematical
estimate? No! And yet spread. And in the smallest village, a large piece of
land, there is a church.
Let's think about what happened. Suppose now coming to Athens a group of
foreign people, poor, hungry, originating from a distant country. We are told
that their teacher, who was a carpenter from an obscure town of Nazareth,
condemned by his fellow citizens to death and crucified along with other
thieves. We ignore and teacher - carpenter and made at all. But, they say,
this teacher was the son of God, born by a miracle, and yet it in no way
benefit him because he lived poor, tortured and died young in the most
disgraceful manner. But we said the foreigners, all this because he wanted to
be resurrected in three days, and thus forgiven us, the Greeks, and everyone
from our sins and we can live forever, if you believe in this teacher. Thus,
breaking the traditional gods, to tear down the churches, the images that we
must condemn and from here we can only teacher who has just revealed!
Really, how many possibilities exist to convince us? I None. But this is what
happened to so many cities before twenty centuries, and Christianity spread!
Then demolished the temples, were persecuted by the gods, and people
believed in Christ as proclaimed by Paul and the apostles. Really, it's
incredible. It can be done in accordance with the logic. Be a true miracle,
contrary to the nature of human beings.
Yes, but what is preached by Paul and the apostles? Something that was
very pleasing, flatter the natural inclinations and tendencies of human
beings? We know that the ancient gods have faults and weaknesses similar
to humans. Love, passion, hatred, malice, did the man who feels vindicated
and he was so like the gods.
Christianity taught something similar? Taught entirely unlike the instinctive
people. Taught to love their enemies, self-sacrifice, humility. How difficult is it
for today's man to subdue the bad nature, after centuries proper example and
admonition. Then, it was really incredible to some people to leave their
ancestral gods, to become Christians. The ancient gods are flattering to the
ego, the selfishness and opportunities for fun, free erotic relationship with the
priest or the other inhabitants of the city. Christianity taught abstinence from
any such action, and command moral perfection through the humiliation! And
imposed. And the deserted temples and idols now adorn museums, like
statues of another era.
What they discovered these people, who gladly sacrificed their lives not to
deny their faith in Christ? True happiness, peace, peace that only Christ can
give, if you believe in the word and implement the teaching it. No human
effort could not lead to similar results. But let's take things from scratch.
He was the Christ or mythical person? This is a question we must answer
after studying the data we have. It will investigate not driven faith, but
scientific research. Besides me and preceded by a scientific research led to
the faith and then came the miracle of rebirth, where the old man
disappeared and was born a new man.
He hates that he did before and welcomes those scorned. But fills me with
such happiness, that is unthinkable for people who did not know the truth.
But let the emotions and come back to the rigors of scientific analysis.
There are historical records, confirming the presence of Christ on earth. We
will study the sources and then consider the objections. Only if you look at
the opposing views, we are confident that we can be led to conclusions.
The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (born AD 52) in his Annales which
develops the history of Rome in AD 14 in 68 AD says (XV, 14):
"Nero subjected to specific punishments those people called Christians. He,
from which came the name is Christ, who died during the reign of Tiberius,
when the provincial governor was Pontius Pilate. The devastating this faith,
which temporarily suppressed, xanafanike not only in Judea, the source of
evil, but in Rome, where everywhere gather all the bad and obscene. "
Important testimony. The Tacitus is totally opposed to Christianity. There was
no dispute that Christ, nor that Christianity spread despite persecution.
Complete Agreement. If Christ was a mythical person would live "sometime."
There would be both an accurate description of society in which he lived. The
Luke and Tacitus, the Christian and pagan, completely agree. Another
Roman historian, Souetonios was born in 75 AD and wrote the history of the
emperors of Rome. The first mention of Christians (Vita Neronis XVI, 2) says
"Christians are punished, people with a new villain and superstition." So it is
still a new Christian faith, and punished (64m.Ch.) by Nero. The Souetonios
then (Vita Claudii XXV, 4) says' the Jews to create noise in Rome because of
Christ, the exiled. "So Claudius, 53 AD injunction, which relegate Jews
because of Christianity.
Acts of the Apostles confirm!
When the apostle Paul came to Corinth, he found Akylas and Priscilla, Jews
who lived in Rome previously, and left (Acts 1 and 2).
Christians, therefore, before 52 AD, had been enough in Rome, so that
forced Claudius to expel all Jews. And Souetonios sees Christ absolutely real
person. The greatest historian of Rome, Pliny the Younger, demonstrates this
in turn to Christ. He was a friend of the emperor Trajan and sent as Legatus
Caesaris Bithynia in Asia Minor. So he wrote: "The contagion of the
superstition of Christians extends not only in cities but also in fields and
villages. Indicated in a letter to the emperor (Letter X, 96): "The Christians
are accustomed to a regular meeting day before sunrise, and hymns refer to
Jesus as if talking to God." The day was such a regular and Sunday.
Personally interrogated many Christians and has gathered much information
about life and faith. He wanted to protect the pagan religion and
communicate by letters with the emperor, on the Suppression and spread the
new religion. It seems even a suspicion that Jesus is a mythological person.
Pliny speaks of "Christ" and not "a Christ". Bothered because he praised "like
God". All this was done at a time close to the crucifixion of Christ. There were
eyewitnesses to the life and actions of Jesus were persecuted and martyred.
Never, no historical evidence was expressing doubt about the existence of
When born the "doubts"? From the "thinkers" after the seventeenth century
after Christ!
Really, what they say the worst enemies of Christ, the Jews? If a person did
not exist, it is reasonable to point out with great zeal? Do not the Jews
claimed that Jesus Christ was non-existent person. Indeed, enough about
him indicate their holy books and Historians. Let's start with the history of
Josephus the Jew who was born in 37 AD in Jerusalem. Pharisee himself
was closely connected with the families of the high priests Caiaphas and
Anna. In his work "Jewish Archaeology" wrote Greek, reads as follows:
Initially (XVIII, 5,2) talks about John the Baptist: "Tisi and of Jews edokei
ololenai of Herod in the army of God, and rightly so greatly in tinnymenou
poinin John the Baptist • killed alleged For he Logon Agathon Herod so the
man ... "So few Jews believed that destroyed the army of Herod by God, and
very fair, because it sanctioned the death penalty, John the Baptist. Efonefse
So Herod the good this man.
Josephus follows (XX, 9,1) writes:
"The priest Pineapple seat conference judges and produce to him his brother
called Jesus the Christ (James his name) and Tina partners as
paranomisanton accusation poiisamenos lefthisomenous surrendered (to
No one ever questioned the authenticity of the text. The time for which
Josephus writes, is just 30 years ago, there are many who lived through
these events. It is important that states "Jesus the so-called Christ."
Josephus as a Jew does not accept that Jesus was the Christ - Messiah they
expected, as a historian but by the need to describe the events as possible.
We remember the description of the z Matthew 63-65: a Ἐξορκίζω against
the living God in order that says to us if thou art the Christ, the Son of God.
"Asks the Caiaphas, where Jesus says yes," then the high priest διέρρηξε τὰ
ἱμάτια him saying that at Ἐβλασφήμησε;.
So Josephus speaks of James, the brother of Jesus, known as Christ. " Not
for a moment deny that there was Jesus, called Christ and writes 30 years
after the events. This information is very serious.
Let's continue.
Josephus the Jewish archeology, and specifically in the XVIII 3.3 writes:
"Gignetai and in so doing the time Jesus, wise man. For he not paradoxes
works poet, teacher of people finding pleasure talithi. While many Jews,
many of the Greek and his assistance and that • first indications of men to us
Fri, cross epitetimikotos Pilate, have ceased as the essential first agapisantes
him. "
Really, why not a Pharisee completely ignored Jesus? Did Christianity spread
to the extent that it was now impossible for a historian to be suppressed the
Josephus, therefore, as a historian, said the Jewish view. There is no sign
that the time some believed that Jesus never existed. He lived, taught, was
crucified, and "not have ceased for the first time that the agapisantes.
Josephus speaks of the books on the Emperor Augustus, Tiberius, Claudius,
Nero. In Kyrinio (governor of Syria) in Fisto in Filika, persons who report that
the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.
Are there other factors? Yes, most important, mentioned in the Talmud, the
holy book of Jews. The Talmud consists of the books of the Mishnah and
Gemara. The Mishnah (the oral law) is the tradition of the elders. The
Gemara is a guest Rabbis on that contained in the Mishnah.
The sacred books of Jews speak with certainty about the existence of Jesus
Christ. We of course accept his divinity, but admit no doubt of its existence.
Naturally, the attempt to devalue. This is written "in the evening of Passover
hung Jesus of Nazareth." Also emphasized that Jesus was the fruit of
prostitution did not treatments based on magic.
According to Professor J. Jew Klausner, in his book "Jesus of Nazareth"
"Jesus of Nazareth was a traitor in Israel, who had magic, scorned the
wisdom of reasons led the people in error and said it did not come to destroy
the Mosaic Law, but to be completed. Hanged on the eve of Easter as a
heretic and a deceiver of the people. The students did the same work in his
I think the problem of the existence of Jesus Christ on earth, has been
discussed enough, and the conclusions are effortlessly. Needless to mention
dozens of other evidence from various sites. Even in Syrian history, Serapis
wrote (after 73 AD) that "the Jews of the country katastrafentes those
persecuted zosin this distribution, the wise king, but died there due to the
new laws gave. By virtue of conviction of the wise king of the Jews removed
from the kingdom. "
The only "philosopher king" who katedikasti before 73 AD, was Jesus Christ.


We referred to the Romans, Jews, national, who was not that Christians
have been proved by the same written texts. Let us now refer to Christians,
and those who were martyred for Jesus Christ, not only with their projects,
their texts, but also the sacrifice of life itself. Born effortlessly the question
millions of people sacrificed their lives and prosecuted for anything? While
suffice to say, in words, they reject Jesus Christ, and to restore fully, not
accepted, but died testimony.
In 1945 the Hebrew University Professor E. Sukenik discovered two
excavated from tombs near Jerusalem, which were carved inscriptions.
Launched around 50 AD Were supplications to Jesus Christ, to resurrect the
dead persons were inside the tomb! No one ever questioned the authenticity
of the findings or the date which were drawn, around 50 AD?
People who died in 50 AD was a contemporary of Jesus. We heard about
Him, lived in an environment where it has acted, and give power to resurrect
them from the dead. Invoked by the texts that exist in the same tomb, to
provoke the eternal life!
Important information about the life and work of Jesus Christ, the Bible gives.
I say important, not all the information because it would be impossible.
Indeed, Jesus Christ acted in three years, more than a thousand days. But
the gospels refer to forty of these days (according to Mr. Trempela apologetic
in the studies). The words of the evangelists attribute to Jesus Christ, it would
take about six hours to tell them!
The New Testament is not a systematic historical treatise, nor were
evangelical scientists biography. What is the New Testament, the life, work
and teachings of Jesus, so that convinced everyone that Jesus Christ is the
Son of God and the law is the new covenant between God and people.
The New Testament therefore necessarily contains a part of the tradition of
the church, which was written for practical reasons. The Bible, the Sacred
Tradition was not written, is the sum of knowledge has been a Christian for
Jesus Christ and his teachings. The Englishman Papyrology C. Roberts
noted that the papyrus was invented by Professor University of Barcelona
Kalangan in the caves of Qumran near the Dead Sea, 1955, written in 50 AD
The scroll has been cut from the Gospel of Mark.
Dozens, hundreds findings have proved definitively that:
a) The Gospels Luke and Mark were written very early, just a few years after
the death of Christ. Acts of the Apostles before 60 AD The Gospel of
Matthew was written before 60 AD These estimates differ by only a few
years, but modern one denies that they were written by people who did not
live the life, work, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
b) The Gospel of John and disclosure, written a few years later. This is
illustrated by the fact that John believes many of the other gospel known and
report them again, but highlights particular elements of the teachings of
Jesus, who as a student of the hearing immediately. Matthew, son of Alpha,
first named Levi, when he followed Christ, named Matthew. He was tax
collector of Capernaum and rich. Denied everything, he followed Christ. After
the crucifixion and the fiftieth preached the Gospel to the Jews in Jerusalem
and Palestine. Went to get, where martyred for Christ. He wrote his gospel to
show the Jews that Jesus is the Son of God, a descendant of Abraham, the
tribe Judah, David's generation, just as the prophets said.
Marco originally called John, is following the new disciples Peter, Barnabas,
Paul. Marco preserves the teaching of the Apostle Peter says that he told
Peter to Christ. Martyred in Alexandria. The gospel he wrote to teach, not
Jews, like Matthew, but the pagan Romans and national. He was not required
to prove that it originates from David, Jesus, but with the life and work.
Lucas was a doctor. He wrote the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles.
It is very methodical, precise, using medical terminology to describe diseases
and treatments from Jesus. Came from Antioch. He was a student and Paul,
which followed the martyrdom in Rome. Preached in Dalmatia and France.
John, a disciple of Christ from an early age, wrote the fourth Gospel, three
letters and universal revelation. He was illiterate fisherman, son of Zebedee
and Salome. Filed in Asia, centered at Ephesus, was exiled to Patmos
(because of the persecution of Domitianou). A true miracle that a fisherman
wrote a book as a revelation! Here is clearly the "above" support and
assistance. It reminds me of Moses, saying: "Sir, I commissioned the project
to anyone else, because I am a stutterer and vradylalos, shepherd, sheep for
forty years!". But he wrote the genesis, which centuries later, when born
science, consider a very expensive textbook
Paul was the most educated of the apostles. Had higher education, the
famous teacher Gamaliel law. The study was "correct in law Patroos. Paul
had become a rabbi, a teacher of Jewish law and were one of the most active
officers of the Jews. In Jerusalem, acted with great fanaticism against
Christians, to the point where he became a Christian, other Christians have
long remained in fear. Paul was a very special personality. The life and the
effect is surprising and unbelievers.
He wrote 14 letters unique value. The first was written by 52 AD however,
and all before 65 BC, when martyred in Rome. These revealed a man not
only educated, but genius. Able to reason and evidence, to handle the
Scriptures and the prophets of the Old Testament, the best evidence of the
reasoning. Fearless man with a strong will, unbeaten in the endless
hardships, difficulties, beatings, imprisonment.
It was "kata fulfill the law Pharisee (c Filip. 5), but he left a brilliant career, full
of values and glories, and picked a street full of toil, suffering, imprisonment,
persecution. Why? What happened in his life and has changed what was to
happen in our lives to such a complete turnaround and absurd? Appears from
his letters to a man reduced to this? To accept that he has effortlessly look
good Why consider all his previous life one thing, and all that was worth was
the Christ? (c Filip. 7, A Cor. p 31, A Cor. k 23).
Let us imagine ourselves striving to study, completing his studies, to begin a
successful work that has the greatest appreciation and higher earnings.
Suddenly stopping the job, blaming his former friends and associates, and it
simply just a 'food and blankets "to start walking from town to town, from
village to village, and teach our views. To beat us, imprison us, to hungry, but
we continue to tirelessly our way. From his writings it seems that there crazy,
but we have a mind worthy of admiration. What should be done to make such
a big change in our lives?
Paul describes his experience. He saw clearly the Christ to appear in light of
more than sunlight. We saw him in his sleep, or a vision, but day and walked.
It was naive, she could distinguish the real from what is false. Only such an
experience was able to change the life of Paul so dramatically. And this
happened. The life of the seal the veracity of the testimony, beyond any
doubt. Paul also said that Christianity is so strange for his time teaching,
which seemed to the Greeks foolishness (stupid) while the Jews scandal.
Indeed, the Greeks did not understand the resurrection of the dead, and the
Jews did not want to believe that the Messiah they expected it would be like
Isaiah said, not a glorious king who would lead them to glorious success. So
Paul understood that what he taught, looked like foolishness to others and
was a scandal to others. A fanatic never accept that what one says is
possible to believe nonsense. But Paul was never fanatical. Amazing with the
understanding that shows the weakness of others with love and fatherly
advice, suggesting a higher mental man.
James was a child of Joseph, the father of the world in Christ. It is called
brother of Jesus. The child was Joseph had gained from a previous marriage
before mnisteftei Mary, the mother of Christ. Raised in the same house
James with Christ and the Gospels clearly state the brother of the Lord.
James excelled for Holiness and moral perfection, and became the first
bishop of the church in Jerusalem, founded after Pentecost.
James wrote a letter "To the twelve tribes of Jews are in the diaspora.
Circulated among the Jews a few years after the crucifixion of Christ. The
letter addressed to the generation that lived together with Christ, who knew
the story of the life and work, and is distinguished by its moral content.
25 of the 27 books of the New Testament, therefore, were written by
eyewitnesses as "senefagan and synepion" together with Christ, knew well,
his work, his miracles, his teachings, his life (Acts 41, A John 1, Peter B A16).
Written a few years after the crucifixion, except in John's Gospel, written a
few years later than the others. The early Christians read the New
Testament, had lived the same events and can not be sacrificed their lives in
the persecution that followed a false teaching.
He was fooled by the first Christians? Accepted without scrutiny by faith
alone, that they were told and that they were writing? None. We have many
examples that prove otherwise. For example, let's say Ireneos St, bishop of
Lyon in France who was born in 140 AD In the writings of St. Galanakis So
we deal with the revelation of John, and say that the text he uses is ", in
either cash and spoudaiois archaiois antigrafois" and that "on giving evidence
that those of John eorakoton. Fixes and another text of Revelation, which
showed some differences.
Today we have received 4000 manuscripts containing the New Testament, in
whole or in parts. We have the Sinaitic Code and the Code of the Vatican.
The Alexandrian Code and the Code of Veza. So many copies that were
written in such remote areas of the world, both old and agree to the contents!
The small differences in words or series of words are not changed to
anything meaningful and substantive content of the original text. Small
mistakes corrected duplicators easily when there are so many copies of
original texts from every corner of the ancient world. A simple comparison of
the texts shows clearly what the original text that have the most multiple
copies! The bottom line but never in no copy is not corrupted!
We are absolutely sure about the text of the gospels. It is totally groundless
and unacceptable scientific reasoning "whether added or removed words
from Christ." How colluded all the copyists in such remote areas, at a time
when the trip was an adventure? Let us examine other ancient texts, who
accept as authentic, how many copies we have.
The works of Julius Caesar, we have a 9-10 copies of the oldest written 900
years after the death of Caesar. The history of Thucydides, written 460-400
BC survived through 8 manuscripts the oldest written during the tenth century
after Christ is 1400 years since Thucydides!
Herodotus, Thucydides similar. Homer, worse still, the most "ancient" a copy
of which we are of the thirteenth century after Christ! For Plato, we are happy
to have found an ancient copy of his works, the ninth century after Christ.
No one ever questioned the authenticity of the works of Thucydides and
Herodotus. And we found few copies, and we are the oldest original fourteen
centuries later the writer! Yet the gospels we scrolls and copies of the time,
the generation that lived in Christ, not much more than any other work of
ancient writers, well, they then found some challenging materialists scientists!
Homer, the first copies of the works that we have written 2000 years after his
death, did not dispute. Christ, that all works out in his life were written by the
generation that lived with him, we have so many ancient texts from different
sources, the challenge! So that is a "militant science, science that has a bow
end, working to establish a ready-made conclusion. How does the free
science, which investigates and consistent approach to the findings with
radioanthrakiki dating, with archaeological finds, with linguistic methods and
effortlessly leads to the conclusion that "the safest in the authenticity of the
text is the New Testament and the Bible in general.

Professor at the University of Berlin Hanw Lietzmann stresses rarely in

ancient literature such a variety of sources.
The renowned professor of Papyrology F. Kenyon in his «The Bible and
archaeology» writes "And the last stands of doubts about the texts of the
scriptures that reached term we have now reversed. The materialists
continue to report small claims words that exist in several copies, not to alter
the content. But of course, a copier to make some small mistakes in words or
series of words that do not fall in the line since it does not change the
meaning of what he writes. "
Another flimsy argument of 'rationalists' like themselves is: "The authors have
targeted their own glory, so they wrote their books.
It is very easy to invalidate this argument. If you read the Gospels, one
observes that the authors did not seek his own glory. Instead, they criticize
themselves and point out their mistakes. Let us remember what has been
highlighted by the refusal of Peter "Before ἀλέκτορα fonisai thrice. In
Matthew he calls himself fees in previous lives. Sleeping students when they
asked the Lord in Gethsemane agrypnisoun to him. Disbelief of Thomas.
Paul, who in his letters he calls himself "monster" (I Corinthians 8 o)
"minimum of the Apostles" (p 9) "first of sinners" (I Timothy. A 13).
Another version of the materialists is that "hide the defects of Christ,
beautifying his teaching, his face distorted. And this argument is not backups.
Which of the fishermen-disciples came to correct the perfect moral sermon,
the unparalleled perfection of the teachings of Christ?
Christ, who responded and apostomose most educated of the Pharisees,
which they left speechless by his words, had "revision" of his students? Let
us see the description of Christ is similar to the description of someone who
would want Students raise as important, great, messiah?
We are the poor, homeless, without possessions, talk about the work that
they felt the march, the hunger, the thirst. Comes in contact with sinners, with
charges, prostitutes and even forgive the previous life. "Neither do I
condemn. Miketi Go and sin. " A woman who was commit adultery, according
to the Mosaic law was killed by petrovolismo! Christ with a "miketi sin" to
forgive! That was incredible for the society. The enemies always complain
that the "sinners and προσδέχεται συνεσθίει them" (Luke 1 o).
His enemies accuse him lord of demons. The catch, the spit, the fun, the
beat, the crossed among thieves. The materialists who see the story to
improve the image of Christ? In that time, all those were getting down to the
last rung of the social scale?
Let us examine in detail the views of those who claim that Jesus is not God.


O Dupuis (1742-1809) made a bizarre theory about Jesus Christ. In the

three-volume work (L origine de tous les cuttes ou la teligion universelle)
reads: "Jesus symbolizes the sun. The twelve apostles represent the twelve
zodiac signs. Hence the birth of Christ coincides with the peak of winter,
when the sun shows humiliated by the power of darkness. The resurrection
coincides with the dawn of spring, when light triumphs over darkness.
It gives the importance Dupuis, nor in the Talmud, or the overwhelming
evidence reported, leaving out any doubt that Jesus Christ lived for 33 years
on earth. If we follow the reasoning Dupuis, we can prove similarly that none
of the historical figures f was not true.
Typical is the work of J. Peres «Comme quoi Napoleon n a jamais existe»,
where Peres following the "method" of Dupuis and shows that the Great
Napoleon was never! Written by Peres «O Napoleon came from the East
came to the throne of France, and reached the western sea and died.
Therefore represents the sun. Napoleon had three sisters and four brothers.
And Apollo had three sisters and brothers graces all four seasons, (which in
French written in the book are male gender). So Napoleon is mythical Apollo.
Indeed, Napoleon's name could come from the Apollo ", by plausible claims
We all understand how arbitrary are the musings of Dupuis, and we
conclude, if denied all the historical sources and begin to do reasoning,
without evidence, without other data.
All authors have argued that it was Christ aside easily by dozens of other
scientists who have many historical and archaeological evidence remains. So
the deniers of Christ, finally accepted that Jesus was not open but it was
God. Today, therefore, we now move books that deny the deity, not the
existence of Jesus Christ. He was then. What was happening? Man, say the
deniers. Then, it was crook since claimed to be God, and knew well that
mocks other people! Let's look at what they claimed are deniers. O Herman
Reimarus (1694-1768) in a huge project, thousands of pages, states
succinctly that: "The basis of Christianity was a fraud. Jesus wanted to
ascend the throne of David and consulted with John the Baptist, to support
each other! He arranged the uprising of the days of Easter, but Jesus, hoping
to support the world rose up himself earlier, leading other leaders of the
revolution to arrest him and accuse him, that ultimately crucified. The
students continued the fraud for selfish purposes. Colluded for 50 days, stole
the body from the grave, and claimed that resurrected. "
In a crisis, but the sincerity Reimarus states that "it is strange that people are
taught the purest and most perfect moral teaching ever.
It's really paradoxical reasoning of Reimarus. Some crooks, the most
dishonest and sneaky way attempted to impose the most legendary and pure
teaching ever on earth! How strange!
Several books retracted completely bizarre view Reimarus. O Weinel says
features "The Reimarus not understand anything of historical research, and
appalled by the quantity of insanity, which is clear. The Iase writes that his
book was a product Reimarus "live and hate uncovered.
Today, no one supports these views.
O Bahrdt wrote eleven volumes, which states that: "Jesus was the leader of
the sect of the Essenes, who had many members in all walks of life not only
in Palestine but also in Egypt and Babylon. The same condition was Joseph
of Arimathea, who requested the body of Jesus. This is how things were. "
The Essenes found the bastard Jesus, who had many talents. took him under
their protection and support, as was body movement. When the boy Jesus
taught in Jerusalem for the death of Socrates in Athens, was analyzed in
tears (!) And jealous of the fame and glory of the Greek philosopher. In the
vicinity there was a Persian physician, who taught for two drugs, one eye and
one for neural diseases. Next to Jesus was the evangelist Luke was a very
good doctor. Jesus and Luke, with the knowledge and the Persian physician,
was easy to make some treatments that impressed, and created a reputation
for miracles. Jesus often feel remorse for the hypocrisy that makes miracles,
but it was different. We stop the story of Bahrbt, it is obvious that the author
has great fiction capability. The problem is that these claims are not
supported anywhere, just born in the mind of the author. His critics accuse
him of "ignorance", "fictionalized fiction", "lack the slightest knowledge of
scientific research", etc. O Harnack indeed observes that "can not Jesus
have nothing to do with the Essenes. The Essenes had no contact with
sinners or unclean. Ritually washed several times a day, and was totally
opposed to any contact with sinful, impure, infidel. Jesus instead accused
had constant contact with sinners, ate with them, tried to restore a moral way.
O Paulus, a denier of Christ and he (as God) tried to avoid the pitfall of
performance of deception and quackery in a perfect moral teacher. Try to
give to causes other than deception, miracles. Let's follow this reasoning.
The blank treated with eye drops. The demons left with palliative. Fasting, in
fact, be a good diet that helps the patient to cure itself.
Jesus did not die on the cross, just fainted. They put him in the grave, after
he smeared with a large quantity of perfume. The earthquake happened,
went alone to the stone! The disadvantage of the fragrance, like the ether
revive an unconscious! She went out, found his clothes gardener, placed
them, so says the gospel that "the thought for the gardener (!). No one
learned from there that he lived and how he died.
Truth, Paulus says that Jesus did not try to do miracles, just misunderstood
by others! However, there is deceit, leaving students to believe that miracles,
without being told the truth? was therefore someone who came of things
convenient, and just let others think they are god!
Dozens of books are challenged the divinity of Jesus. If divided into classes,
a) That was a skillful crook
b) that it was ethical, but others paraxigisan the existence and presence of
c) That was a minor, but students and Paul gave properties which had never
for its own benefit.
But nothing ever seems to benefit. The first century Christians were
persecuted, and yet not betray their faith. Instead, Christianity, despite the
thousands of witnesses, it spread with incredible speed, thanks to the
dedication and absolute loyalty of the first Christians. What benefit was Paul,
Matthew, Peter, pupils? Only one explanation exists. The benefit apparently
was not in this world. The kingdom of Christ, as Jesus himself said, there is
the kingdom of this world. Just for something completely sacrificed certain
students, Paul, the first Christians.
The moral teaching of Christianity is something unique. The deniers of Jesus,
we all accept the moral excellence of teaching it. Many admit they can not
explain how compatible the perfection of quackery and the teaching of
teachers. If students were making a false Christ would not die to support the
lie that they themselves created.
Let us examine, briefly, the teachings of Jesus. Reading carefully the words
of Jesus, we see immediately a great feature. The deeper meanings, the
most perfect moral teachings are worded very simply!
This is not saying. The philosophers of all time directed not at the ordinary
man. Addressed to the few, the educated, who can follow the reasoning, of
the imaginable. The unfolding of thoughts often causes the most educated to
read interpretive comments and other philosophers and writers on the same
topic, to make complex arguments.
Christ, however, addressed to the ordinary man. He says all this, no one
philosopher approached and said with simplicity. Nobody can claim that he
can not understand the word of Christ. "What do you want your people, they
too can make them," says Jesus "By any measure it with the same measure
will be judged. Sorry if the others will forgive you your heavenly father. If you
do not forgive your fellow human beings, or heavenly father will forgive you.
"Simple, meaningful, beautiful. It teaches love, kindness. Beats egoism and
selfishness. It is the perfect foundation for a koinonias.Para many simple
reasons of Jesus, is now proven to the world. Here are some reasons:
"Effective they now Caesar Caesar"
"Not to have the head klinai"
Ex-overs of the heart the mouth She said,
"Many eisi the aisle, and few are chosen"
"The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak" and many others.
The words, why are so characteristic that seems at once whether or not said
Jesus. His style is unique. Let's look at examples
"Applies for and dothisetai you, you request and shall find, knocks and
anoigisetai unto you."
"Come on everybody and the kopiontes pefortismenoi I rest ye.
"The ultimate esontai first, first and last resort."
Jesus masterfully used the so-called Socratic method, which lead students or
other people to give themselves the right answer. Use too many images from
daily life, and similes to be fully understood. With parables gave timeless
message in a way that is directly perceived by ordinary people of all ages.
The sowing, harvesting, evil and innocent workers, the shepherd, the sheep,
the merchant of pearls, the lost drachma, grief, joy, sorrow, tears, wealth,
poverty, hunger, thirst, health, disease, all representations people have their
lives on earth were narrative, parable, teaching, from which came the perfect
moral preaching, that similar never heard.
Let us see few signs of this unprecedented teaching.

1. The existence of God and of the Ether

Next to the pit of Samaria, Jesus told a woman: God is spirit, which can be
booked at local levels and national barriers. It is ubiquitous, ready to listen to
him speak. "Spirit of God and proskynountes him in spirit and truth worship

2. God is father
Ask in prayer Sunday to call God Father. "Our Father, in heaven." Is a father
who cares about people. Answers to prayers is sufficient to treat people like
we want to be 's be it! God, forgive us, as we forgive our fellow men, says
Lord's Prayer.

3. The kingdom of heaven

The soul is immortal. This world is a place of crisis. The reward of the
righteous and humble is eternal life. "If not strafite and genisthe as children,
my failure to enter the kingdom of heaven" Jesus said. And "humble himself
The resurrection Christ risen from the dead, death by death hits, and de
mnimasin percent less traveling "is the most obvious way the faith of
Christians in the eternal life. The "Death abuses" promised to get him to fair,
there is the heavenly father.

4. The mandate of love

It is the most important command. Love is unprecedented, including those
who hate us, we were wrong. Love has the power to synetisei and correct
many, the moment of confrontation and anger makes them all worse.
"Love of enemies you, bless ye the kataromenous, well poieite the hated ye
and pray for influence and diokonton ye ye.

5. The enemies of the soul-entity ether

The mammon. Money and material goods. If they made the first goal of man,
this is unjust, selfish, bringing misery to other people. Greed, greed, the
agony of loss, mark the personality and give inhuman characteristics.
Caring. The anxious care, what will become, what we do, whether it be afraid.
Jesus taught the normal care, which puts the material goods in second place,
leaving the leading efforts to improve our love, trust in God. The man should
trust the heavenly Father, not alleged with fear and anxiety that show a
person who does not believe that God can protect it and help.
The selfishness. The man has a great feel for himself, does not love anyone.
Bring to denigrate others with no interest and love. Try to use to achieve that
he believes that he is entitled. Exploit, oppress, considers "subhuman" many
of his fellow men.

6) The mutual aid.

Jesus emphasizes the need to help each other. Far as to consider himself a
debtor, if they help in a fellow human being! "Once you have given one of the
poor brethren, you have offered me," says!
The speech on the mountain, is the association of the Christian faith. For
centuries people bend over the Gospel of Matthew, and are surprised by the
moral level, which raises Jesus man.
Let's look at some of the conditions on the speech of Jesus Christ. It is
worthy of special attention to try to strike at the root of evil. Instead of 'not
murder' request 'not orgistheis against your brother. " Indeed, anger leads to
hatred, selfishness, evil, and sometimes murder. If someone does not
orgisthei, never reaches the next stadia.Anti for 'Do not commit adultery ",
Jesus said" not liked the woman beside you. " Indeed, since the desire
follows a statement that contains a lack of satisfaction with what we have evil
to others, ingratitude, lack of love for the woman's husband, perhaps trying to
win the object of desire, and a downhill that weakens families, leaving
orphans, creating deadly hatred, riots, lawsuits, murder. The worst crimes,
the most deadly sins that lead young children in despair, began with a simple
desire, an attraction that was left unplanned, rose, cultivated, leading to tragic
consequences and blame those who do not ftaine.As see this wonderful
teaching . If the person to follow, indeed, 'I will not walk in darkness but will
have the light of happiness in life.
"When cally charity, not fanfare directly in front of you, the osper ypokritai
poiousin in Tas and in synagogues ye rymais doxasthosi as in people."
Jesus cares about the underlying motives of human behavior. He wants to do
charity, but by love, not for show. Value is the honest, honest offer. Centuries
later, the marketing has discovered the value of the offer, like advertising.
"This event was sponsored by ... company 'read. But this is kind of
advertising! What exactly do people boast: "You know how poor I help?" Or
"helping the poor like me." According to Jesus "have already received the
reward them." The remuneration given by the people. If someone helps, but
no show, "Father you a looker in hiding, give thee now obvious. "Besides,
you Thou God and Mammon doulefein. We can not have the same position in
God and Money. We work, we will enjoy material goods, but will help our
people, and win we can win that way. Not adikontas others. Not to win by
making others miserable. Those who love money more than you should
certainly be an injustice, you sow unhappiness, sadness. There will be love,
understanding, compassion. "Thou shall dysi kyriois doulefein" says Jesus.
Indeed, there is conflict!
If someone wants to win as much as more money will quickly realize that this
can not be staying honest and fair. The adjacent, which injustice and stealing,
will have more transient. However, with the most money, conscience, who
informs him that it is unjust to declare that God is not going to help. Therefore
supports the hope of the money, and are trying to be 'secure' as possible. But
every intelligent person understands that the money unfairly nobody buys
panta.O ¨ Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe is, Aristotle Onassis, certainly had a
lot of money. They failed to buy happiness, nor to ensure longevity. Died
earlier and more unhappy, many ordinary people have few material
possessions, but have confidence in God.
"Ask, and dothisetai unto you, seek, and avrisete, sounds, and anoigisete
unto you. Pasch For he and the applicant shall be buyer located, and now
beating anoigisetai. Those of you telling the man, whom if his son at the
request of this bread, no litho serve Him? If ichthyn request, do not serve Him
ofin? S are ye, present for evil, oidate domata goods supplied per teknois
you, let alone the Father yours in heaven give goods per aitousin him?
"Jesus urges us to ask. To call and give us! It is promising, and we have
seen many times in our life ekplironetai.Nai will tell me who pray, God gives
what want? I know many who ask, and God does not give them anything!
Christ urges us to ask, and will give us. No lie. If you read carefully, it tells us
we should ask to be heard.
a) Let us pay attention to His words, "if you pray and remember that your
brother has something against you, it stops praying, go and reconcile with
your brother, then come and pray to be heard. Before we pray, we must love
all people, not having any injustice, or injustice if we have to make up!
Otherwise, God and he refuses to listen to us! How many of us who complain
that we do not hear God, no hate, we have no ego, no fair! Let us reconcile
ourselves, let us love, honesty, justice. Then let us pray.
I urge anyone who reads these lines to try. Then, let's fly away this book.
God will reveal, so intensely, so characteristic in his life, that "evidence" of
this book is useless. If you gain personal experience of something, we do not
need any more proof! We saw the felt, we have seen incredible things
happen out of all sense in our lives, and we know it. "Blessed are the non-
seeing and pistefsantes" says Jesus, but it supports our faith with works,
each of us, let us determine whether a product of chance or God's answer.
b) To ask things that benefit us on the way to happiness, health, moral
improvement. It makes no sense to ask things that would penalize others
(God punished him), we will show (Oh I want a new car) will hurt us (my God,
we win the lottery, I do not need any). Really, if you win five hundred million
in the lottery will hurt us? Very likely. The ninety to one hundred of us would
be harmed. The man when he has a lot of money and "does not need any, is
proud, selfish, acquires a sense of superiority. Initiates and despise the poor,
he wonders "how they live" some people hates' the dirty (you might not have
water for washing), mocks the "petty bourgeois in their habits. The great
wealth and great suffering, are two ways to safely remove the man from God.
But the interest lies in human moral perfection, not the show. The man should
enjoy life, to enjoy, but feel that it is from God. Do not believe such a rich
parable of "My Soul, you have many goods, texts in many years. Because
tomorrow, nobody knows, or buy it. c) look like children. To have a soul child.
Asking something from God, as a child from his father. Not like the Pharisee,
"My God, I thank you I'm good, honest, and not just those where the charge '.
Why God "yperifanois object, and just give humble thanks.
d) "Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of
heaven, but does the will of my Father in heaven." Have no meaning big and
nice words, nice words, the invocations. All that matters is to apply the
teachings of Christ, in short: all things fiber thelite poiosin unto you people so
also ye poieite them will. This man, For he Estin law and the prophets. "
Try. I assure you that you have the proof you want. Those who apply these
simple rules, you have all the evidence. We requested and received. It
sounded and will be opened. The peace and happiness will win, we are also
those who received no request. That is the explanation for the early
Christians. We see what they understood, and let the images and material
pleasures that bring together the old religion. Presented today by God in our
lives? Miracles happen today? Christ is the same, now and forever. "The
earth will be over, but my reasons will not elapse," he said. The best
evidence is always a personal experience.
When one reads the prophets, astonished! Their works were written centuries
before Christ, and are masterpieces of Jewish literature. I think few people
have carefully read those books. It's very interesting to look for Christ among
the lines. Let us begin our brief attempt by David. Foretells a great way to
Christ. What say?
Jesus is a descendant of David. It is king and will reign with justice and truth.
Will defend the poor. It is God who is born all ages. Will descend from
heaven and is God, Lord, loud, loved it eternally. Before the glory, but
suffered terrible passions will taunting. It punctured the hands and feet will
help a lot of clothes. It suffers from obsessive thirst. Will go glorious from the
grave and eternal reign of peace and justice to all peoples. It is incredible that
the prophecy! We can talk about man David Noting that it is God, is born of
all ages, and will reign forever, not in Israel but all nations. Let us examine
some of the typical psalms of David.
"Oryxan (pierced) and my hands my feet" (Psalm 17 u)
"His garments Diamerisanto My yourselves, and to put my clothes clergy (u
"God, my God, shun me ... inati abandoned me? "(u 16)
"The Lord said to the Lord I (rth 1)
"Defendant on my right up where Athos your enemies your footstool" (rth 1)
"And worship Him give all the kings of the earth, all nations doulefsosin him.
It shall be the name of this blessed for ever. And blessed be the name of the
glory forever and forever the century "(OA 5-19)
True, David was talking to a man? Who is to worship all the kings of the
earth? What does King David "Lord said to the Lord I? Not mean God said to
Jesus? What was central to King David his descendants?
"Thou a priest forever in the classification of Melchizedek" (rth 4)
"Fagontai fifty emplisthisontai and the Lord ainesousin ekzitountes aftonCh
zisontai kardiai century century century against them (and 27)
"It is Lucifer Hull gave birth to '(b 7)
"Does the poor of the people and save the sons of the poor and humbled
sykofantin (ou 4)
David understands that prophesy. Written in Kings II 23, 2 "Spirit of the Lord
Spake in me, and for this reason my tongue."
Before David, let's remember Jacob, who grabbed the twelve children of a
few moments before he died. Having criticized Simeon and Levi spoke
prophetically for his son Judah: "not ekkleipsei ruler on Judah and abbot of
the thigh this up if you come then it Oh, and this expectation of nations."
It is unlikely that a father who dies and greets the 12 children, to single one of
them, and to say that the root would expect someone born nation, everyone
is! Not the village, city, state of Israel, but the whole world! This actually
Of course, preceded by God's promise to Abraham. Even today the Jews
await the fulfillment of the promise of God. Let's see, what is God's promise
to Abraham.
"Greatly multiply thy seed as the stars of the sky and the sand rather than the
edge of the sea. Evlogithisontai now bud you all the nations of the earth, man
and a term we ypikousas of voice "(Gen. v 16).
God's promise was repeated to Isaac "and evlogithisontai now bud you all the
nations of the earth" (Genesis, 14 ab).
Thousands of years passed. Only Christ verify these and many other
prophecies. Let us see more before we draw conclusions.
Let's go to Isaiah, who prophesies with such a characteristic way for the
coming of Jesus Christ.
"Give, saith the Lord, unto you this point. Behold a virgin womb in habits and
texetai son and call His name Immanuel "(14 g)
"A child is born to us, son, and delivered unto you my X egenithi on the
principle that the shoulder and called the name of that great Angel House,
wonderful counselor, God is powerful, master, lord of peace, Father of the
age to come" (i 6)
"Great authority thereof, and the peace that I am not anything Orion. The
Throne of David and the kingdom that katorthosai antilavesthai this and this
and that justice krimati from now and forever "(i 7)
"Exelefsetai rod of Jesse and the root of the root roses anavisetai. And it
rests on God's spirit, a spirit of wisdom and prudence, House spirit and
power, spirit of knowledge and piety. Emplisei this culture of fear of God in
the X Thou glory held, nor in the speech control. Humble but takes a crisis
and to verify the lowly land X-clamp attached to the earth because of his
mouth and lips to ensure that spirit lifts disrespectful. And will have no legal
azosmenos the osfyn this and really eilimenos Tash terms (k 1)
"And in his name elpiousi nations (1 MB).
Like David, so Isaiah 800 years before the advent of Christ, he saw clearly
the martyr's death and with considerable detail
"I noton He gave me to scourge, Tash and slaps against my jaw, my face and
the essential apestrepsa by Aeschinus emptysmaton (n 6)
"Iniquity concocted essential, nor deceit was found in the mouth now that (9
"From the iniquities of my people was brought unto death" (8 ng)
"This bear our sins on us and suffering. He was wounded ensure our sins,
For we now bruise that iathimen (ng 4, 5)
'As a sheep to sfagin and lamb brought against him speechless keirontos so
essential that he opens his mouth (7 ng)
'And de alogisthi dissimilar and that sin and ensure aninegke many sins of
those surrendered (12 ng).
It is obvious that Jesus was waiting for Israel would be a glorious king who
would lead the people in that victory and conquest, but the Son of God, which
reported a "secure our sins."
Dozens of prophecies are predictive admirably the advent of Christ. In
"APOLOGITIKES STUDIES" by P. Trempela can read anyone interested in a
wonderful development (Volume D and E).
Let's see here but a few predictions that I consider very important. The
prophecy of Micah "from Bethlehem, where the crown not to David, Christ is"
very important. Many materialists authors accuse Christ that "adapted his life
to do everything according to the prophecies, to convince that he is expected
Christ. The blame is a common crook. The above prophecy in Micah to
suppress because it is not physically possible for a man to choose and place
of birth in order to convince others!
The words of Micah "And in Bethlehem, Judah land, have no minimum is de
igemosi IoudaCh of thee For he exelefsetai abbot, who has poimanei His
people my 'mentioned in the second chapter of Matthew, show that the
Israelis knew where to come Messier. It appears from the information given
to Herod when Jesus was born.
Isaiah spoke of centuries ago to John the Baptist. As with chapter of Isaiah
we see
"Voice crying in the wilderness. Prepare the way of the Lord directly poieite
the friction of our God. "
"Ofthisetai glory Lord opsetai all flesh the salvation of God."
Indeed, before Christ, prepared the path of Lord John the Baptist. The
materialists are forced to justify the fulfillment of prophecy, to conclude that
there was a concert of John and Jesus to deceive the Jewish people. John
indeed tortured, but to reveal the "trick". This can not explain.
Zechariah and Jeremiah say the silver Judas got to deliver Jesus. This
emphasizes Matthew (aa 9-10). In Zechariah we see "the potter Ripson in
this glorious honor, at which he exetimithis them. And I took the thirty pieces
of silver and eripsa them in the house owner, meanwhile pottery.
Indeed, Judas bought 30 pieces of silver won by his betrayal, the field of the
The one surprise after another. How not to think of Christ, when we read the
prophecy of David in Psalm xth "they gave me in the dirt and at the cholin
thirstily my epotisan with vinegar.
Each one of us, let us draw your own conclusions.
There was another, except Jesus, who fulfilled the prophecies?
The prophecies were fulfilled, or some "prophet" told a few generalities and
Jesus fit some of them? Or, perhaps Jesus Christ is the Son of God,
according to Divine plan, came to earth to redeem man from the sin and gave
him eternal life, teaching the moral law is not identical ever heard on earth
and his arrival heralded centuries with admirable precision.
And today is today, this cycle closes and will be presented as facts, but
whose understanding of the previous cycle instructions on how accurately we
need to do; This time not for the health of Gaia but of the universal
A text written by dozens of centuries, and surprising for the accuracy of
scientific description. A century ago, felt "ecstatic vision", "legends" etc.
"Tsakisontai the flesh these estikoton those on the feet of them and the eyes
of those ryisontai these ears, and the language of these TAKIS now these
mouth" (Zech. N. 12).
Really, what weapon was that era that could cause such results? The bow,
arrows, a knife, the maple, the swing?
Reading a scientific description of the effects of the atomic bomb, I
remembered some sugar. "When I dropped an atomic bomb, the effects on
the population depends on the distance to each is the point of explosion ...
Those who are in a first zone, where the power of the bomb, melt and
disappear ... Those who are in a second zone, getting the following: melt the
flesh, their eyes, their language, but remained the only bones that withstand
higher temperatures ... "The word of Zacharias remained unexplained for
centuries. The authors found materialists opportunity and inclusion in the
realm of the imagination, vision of ecstasy in which one is driven by drug
abuse and drunkenness, and so many others. Today, nobody can not see the
prophecy, the end of this world. Will therefore be thermonuclear war ...
Peter in his letter B (c 10) said "ixei particular day of the Lord, in heaven or
rizidon period. And the information KAFSOUMENA LYTHISONTAI, and land
and that it works katakaisetai.
The land then had a beginning, as demonstrated by science. The energy of
the universe is constantly deteriorating, and all scientists now agree that
there will be a fee. What does the writing?
"Heaven and earth end" (Matt. 24, 35)
"Amen, I say unto you, if you passed up the sky and the earth ..." (Mt 5, 18)
"Heaven and earth end" (Luke 21, 33)
"And I saw heaven kainin burn and earth" (Revelation 21, 1)
"New heavens and earth and the New expectations, among whom Justice
lives" (Peter B. 3, 13). At a time when the gospel was written, there were very
few people still on earth. There was no infection, or human resources to
cause environmental damage. It seemed so strange for centuries that the
earth and the sky past. Nobody was when such thoughts. Instead they
considered the heavens and the earth deities and the gods were not logical
to "past." Even though Isaiah said "For he will have no heaven and New earth
New ...», eight centuries before Christ! We live in an era that increasingly
understand the word of God. Today we know what they meant by the
prophets and John the descriptions of the nuclear explosion, what he meant
Peter. We understood what the "carving". We discovered that Moses was
right, so that only someone who does not want to see, I do not see.
Approaching the last days? The word of God prevents us from making such
'S Gregory that essential oidate day nor the hour that the Son of Man comes
"(Matt. 25, 13)
"Ouch yours ESTI gnonai times or times s Father put in his own power" (Acts
A, 7)
"Ixei not the day the Lord as a thief in the overnight (Petr. B 3, 10).
So, instead of compete with one another to look ahead, go! Let's say "thy
Kingdom come," says the prayer Jesus taught us. If you really practice the
Christian teaching, been experiencing peace, joy, happiness, is a foretaste of
eternal zois.Yparchoun many who accept the truth of the gospel. But not read
the same detail and carefully divinely inspired texts, and easily lured
sfalmata.Mia day I was in a gang, and one of my acquaintances said, "Christ
was a perfect man. We never claimed that he was God. Students deify him.
Tell me, who said he is God "and more than ten young people had nothing to
We must carefully study the gospels and the entire Bible. Then, we will help
many well-meaning people around us, just do not know the truth, but if we
listen, immediately understood and their lives changed.

Really, ever said that Jesus is God? Of course she said. Let's look at some of
the points
"Amen, amen I say unto you, before Abraham I am ahead" (John 8, 58).
"Tina told people I am?" Jesus asks his disciples, Peter and answers
"Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God"
Christ, who waited, as announced by the prophets. Jesus answers him:
"Blessed are you, because flesh and blood did not reveal to thee this, but my
Father in heaven ... I dosoi thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven ... "
The infidel Thomas said, "My Lord and my God." If Jesus was not God and it
does not correct, there should be a crook?
Let us briefly look at some more points
'In the name Jesus every knee bending heavenly and earth and sinister
"(Phil. 2, 10)
"Nd Estin this image of God invisible the firstborn of all creation" (Col. 1, 15)
"God was manifested in the flesh" (I Timothy. 3, 16)
"The kingdom of Emi essential to telling the world" (John 18, 36)
'Fibre to eidite has power that the Son of Man afienei sin on earth "(Mark 2,
"Afeontai thee sins" (Lk 7, 48).
In court, the high priest tore his clothes in a show of indignation, because
Jesus "blaspheme", as he said that he is the son of God.
"And then opsontai the Son of man coming in clouds" (Mark 13, 26)
"In the leader's life killed, whom God raised from the dead, we ourselves
witnessed eamen me" (Acts 3, 15).

Dozens of passages may be mentioned. But we can invoke common sense.

Paul, the apostles, martyrs, and their faces shone with joy, because we
encounter Christ. Telling all lies, and died to prove their lie? For more reason
why the benefit?
I've heard the strange terms: "Here on earth is heaven, for hell. Everything
here is paid, as the saying goes.
Initially, common sense says no, do not get paid all here. In the land of
injustice reigns.
Jesus Christ promised to do justice, and will judge people by their actions.
"Wherefore ye ginesthe ready and that time my dokeite the Son of Man
comes" (Matt. 24, 44)
"Here comes after the cloud, and this opsetai go bud" (Revelation 1, 7)
"Oidate that day the Lord as a thief that comes overnight so" (I Thes. 5, 1)
"How fygite the crisis" (Mt 23, 33)
"There will have no weeping and the vrygmos teeth" (Matthew 22, 13-25, 30)
Jesus himself said to his disciples that anyone who refuses the floor and
away the disciples, will be punished more severely than punished Sodom and
Gomorrah (Matt. 10, 15).
Jesus emphasizes again that we will be judged
"Do not judge non-fiber barley: Oh, For he that krimati krithisesthe judge, and
as such tailor metreito metrithisetai membrane (Matthew 7, 1).
Jesus does not hesitate to point out
"Porefesthe from the accursed to me in the everlasting fire" (Matt. 25, 41).
"Come blessed by my father, inherited the kingdom itoimasmenon unto you
by the world" (Matt. 25, 34).
"Prepare local march unto you" (John 14, 2).
"Hoard treasure in heaven" (Matt. 6, 20).
"The soul and which could not kill" (Mt 10, 28).
"Poetry yourselves friends of the Mammon of injustice fiber when eklipite,
Tas dexontai you into the eternal tents" (Luke 16, 9).
Really, let us consider the call of Christ. To help our people with the money
that is so unfairly divided the land. This will become accepted by him in the
crisis. After all, I do not think anyone can say that Jesus did not say clearly
where is heaven and hell! However, not on earth!
So let us watch what we say. Let us think. Fall into serious errors, but to
understand it. Trust magicians, psychics, astrologers, zodiac signs, omens,
when every serious person, and scientific associations (eg, astronomers,
psychologists etc.) say clearly that this is all arbitrary. The word of God in
many places the condemned vigorously!

"Does it matter that we read the signs?" Asking my students.

"It matters who you think. For two reasons: First, because it shows that you
are not smart.

It is possible to make the life of the "stars" and not by our own efforts,
initiative, self-motivated, willing?

And second, God forbid, he knows that will lead to the wrong path. Instead
we turn our attention to our actions, we look at the stars what they said about
us! "The man must feel responsible for his actions, and try to shape the
future by seeking the best for him within the limits Divine law is the ultimate
natural law "answer.

Truth, after all this is so obvious, so sure, according to simple logic, but under
any form of scientific research, because Christians are loyal only a small
percentage of our people?

Let us try to understand why:

a) "Do you believe today, the twenty-first century?" I often hear me say.
Sure, these people make a logical error. What has the century of the
existence of God? Looking for example a new building, we understand that
the architect created a while if you see an old building, an old building, or
even the Acropolis, we do not understand that all these were made by
someone ? There is no longer the concept of creation because we in the
twentieth century?
b) "Today, the era of computers, science, you still believe?" Indeed, the
computer helped me to collect data from many universities through the
Internet. All these facts show the opposite of what they believe many people.
Prove that everything was a wonderful, unique precision, not due to chance,
the coincidence. Really, it could be built "by chance" a computer? Of course
not. Then it could be built by chance the world, with all the wonderful
arrangements outlined in the first pages of the book?
Looking at the computer and communicating within a few seconds around the
world, libraries, universities, personal pages of scientists, I think, if you can
seriously believe that a few generations before us monkeys! Even in ancient
times were the famous seven wonders of the world today that cause surprise
and admiration.
c) People are afraid of irony. The spirit of irony, it is evil spirit. The mockery of
our fellow man hides evil, malice, selfishness. But all this is so cleverly
hidden behind the "humor". On the pretext that make our lives happier
inflicting upon our fellow human misery.
Everyone fears the fun of. Requires great strength of character to be able to
remain firmly in view, our beliefs without fear of "what others say.
Christians are strong personalities. They know what they want, and do not
bend forward in fear of irony. If you know a good Christian teaching, quickly
become very popular for many reasons.
Place in love at all. Try not to create problems, and in addition try to help
others solve theirs.
It threatens the happiness of their fellow men. We conspire against their
property, their family. It is a backup to anyone dystychisei following the
secular illusions. Eventually, kerdizoun.Vevaia, Christians of all succeed
because they are not alone. Have a backup that is irresistible "It's hard to kick
a stone," said the young Lord Paul, before believing. And Paul later said, if
God is with us, who cares who is against us?

d) People disbelief watching bad example.

It is not unusual, people 'and should' as teachers, professors, priests,
demonstrating that they are thieves, predators, pedophiles, totally corrupt.
What is impressive, a priest, who one day says "And the cowardly and
unbelieving and abominable and killer and porn and magicians and all who
psefstai, shall they have to share them in the lake burning with fire and sulfur"
and the next day demonstrated that he is the priest in one of these
What do you think people? So we mocked! Nothing of what he said does not
believe, nothing is true. We laugh, for we can easily check!
It is understood the anger caused by the hypocrites who are in our midst. Sell
our faith, win by trying to get closer to God.
They are like traders drove Christ from the church saying they did cave
robbers the house of God.
But we need to be objective. These few examples, as much outrage if cause,
we should not hide and so many worthy priests who struggle with self-
sacrifice in difficult circumstances to teach the word of God.
To see the many good people who do a very good job, but it is humble, not
forward. The press and media only show the bad. If we steal a priest would
make headlines all news. We hear "The priests steal. Create the impression
that most steal. Nobody thought that "a priest stole, but how many thousands
of priests doing what they teach.
Always try to be objective. Do not drag us the anger, the sentimentality, but to
judge calmly, considering all the data.
If you find some counterfeits nobody would conclude "Therefore, all coins are
If you find some phony priests and teachers, it is reasonable to assume that
everyone is fake.
e) People watching infidelity tests. Really, can a disease, a test is good for
humans? Yes, because most people will only remember God. As things are
going well, people are getting used to search for wealth, selfishness, the
irony for the poorest. When in real need, remember that it is themselves, not
purchased with money or health or happiness. Please God help them and
some returning to prayer, understanding of the smallnesses. Many people
want God to partner work. I have seen merchants crossed the first grand
collection, come and more. What is important, but first for humans, is the
moral improvement, the pursuit of self-worth, thinking of the future crisis. This
is for God the first priority. An illness, a misfortune, if we bring back the path
of God is great happiness for man. The wealth and happiness should not
remove any of the target, instead they should be given the means to love and
help for our people. It is so much joy when the man learned to give, not just
to get!
Nobody on earth will pass untried. At the time of the test should glorify God,
and to please help us as children by their father. It is certain that the
blessings that will follow will be greater than the test. I suggest you read the
"Job", one of the masterpieces are hidden in the Old Testament. Referring
specifically to these concerns.
f) People are drawn to the philosophy. There are philosophies, leading man
straight into disaster. But there are ideas that are logikofaneis, plausible, but
stealthily contain the seed of katastrofis.Akousa sometime in the University's
view "We believe nothing, hope nothing, I am free" sounds nice. Especially
the latter "I am free." It is just totally absurd. What has the freedom of man,
with "no hope for nothing!" Someone who expects nothing, has no plans,
dreams, perspective, can be neither creative nor happy. Happiness, even in
the secular sense, is to put some goals and accomplish them. If you do not
believe nothing, hope nothing, then we find meaning and substance to life.
Comes to mind Nietzsche's Superman. The Hitlerian "Aryan" and "inferior
sub-humans." The "niggers" and white. The 'noble', the 'Aristocrats' and
'people', the 'middle classes'. There is a distinction that is not founded on a
philosophical theory. However, most philosophical ideas divide people. Put
dams, sealed between them. Create struggle between the classes of
subhuman eradicate Superman, holding the black by the white minority by
the majority.
How different Christianity is true when applied! "There is no slave nor free, all
you brothers and your father's God," said Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, there were many hypocrites in the churches and especially
some foreign "missionaries". Adopted slavery, oppression of man by man,
ignoring the word of Christ supposedly taught.
If applied to the Christian teaching, there should be no injustice and
oppression that exists today. The employer should be worn with love and
kindness to people, not exploit them so blatantly, so inhumane, but to use
their wealth for the common good, his and the people working with him. He
has a serious responsibility for his conduct.
The employee then the employer would have to be honest and sincere. It
would lead him to see the injustice, to make frequent liar, hypocrite, do that
work without really trying. Would that he be treated with love, and ought to
behave honestly and that otherwise would be unjust, guilty. And now he is
guilty when they are dishonest, but is driven to such behavior by the
employer, who is an accomplice. One pushes the other to the cliff, and
eventually destroyed all together employers and workers.
If applied Christianity in practice as the foundation of society, would find land
to develop the materialistic movement, gaining supporters saying they would
bring justice. Indeed, the human thirst for justice. Who brought unfair,
inhumane, causing grinding to righteous society. Create enmity, hatred and
lead society in an explosion. We will be happy injustice for much, either in
this life or the next. If not apply the word of God, begin human efforts.
Unfortunately, incomplete attempts, oppressive, that contain hate, revenge,
enforcement. Often reminiscent of the efforts of Adam and Eve, they took fig
leaves to build their first clothes, dress! The human justice and philosophies
are often reminiscent of the heroes of television producers in Hollywood. A
"good" notes that there is injustice, killing at least two hours a few dozen
"bad" and the film ends, leaving viewers with the feeling that justice was
The righteousness of God, but talking about the root of evil. If you follow it,
will make the land much better and will see the materialists that their vision
becomes reality. If we do not follow it, we are ready to accept the
) The lack of love by some Christians.
Often surprised to see that some Christians hate Jews. "They crucified
Christ" they say. Christ came to earth to be crucified, to free us from original
sin. There was nothing, not wanted. When we hate the Jews because Jesus
Christ, we are weak in Christ, who was unable to resist the human will.
Second, hatred is not allowed for any reason to Christians. There should be
love for everyone. Third, collective responsibility is anti-Christian ideology.
There may be a mistake to blame all. In every group in every class, every
people, good and bad. I have met very good Jews and bad Jews far as I
know very good Christians and bad Christians too. Their love for pushing all
the good, and hatred leads them all in contrast to the will of God. It is
incredible to hate in the name of Christ, who said to love our enemies and to
do good even to those who do us wrong and we curse! May not "Christian"
groups to face and beat each other (!) To swear (!) To impose the "Christian
right" with violence. They are guilty of removing thousands of people from the
church and the word of Christ. "Woe to those who scandalize one of ordinary
people to follow," said Christ, and they, unfortunately, thousands of shock.
Let's be careful not to alienate our behavior, people from the word of Christ.
Let us bear in mind first and basic command. To love God by doing his will,
and our fellowman as ourselves. The happiness you feel it is the foretaste of
a life that will not stop her death.
Why I wrote this book? Does God needs advertising? Do you need people?
Do not need propaganda, such as political parties?
God does not need our faith. There is today, was always, always, regardless
of us. We have need of the Theo.Emeis accept in our lives the message of
the gospel and our lives are changing. Acquires meaning, purpose, content.
We do not fear death. We walk with confidence and faith as a child holding
the hand of his father, and feels totally secure. This book is the result of the
horror I felt when I realized that thousands of people around us have a
distorted view of the findings of science. They believe that science leads to
atheism, and leads to God! With clear and absolute! I hope this book does
provide an opportunity for reflection. I apologize for the impulsive writing and
literary flaws. For me it was important just hunting for scientific truth. It helped
some people, so hopefully with true love for all my readers, to help and join
with me some people around me to "not walk in darkness but have the light
of life." If any readers have questions on what I wrote, and I can help, I am
delighted to accept his comments.
Lekatis George,


4) "The man in the universe Asteriou Hadjinicolaou
5) "Jesus Christ" Leonidas. Diamantopoulos
6) "Archaeology and the Bible" Nikolaos Vassiliadis
7) "Christ the true God." Demetrius Kokori
8) «A brief history of Time» Stephen Hawking
9) «The first three minutes» Steven Weinberg
10) «God and the astronomers» Robert Jastrow
11) «The Big Bang» Joseph Silk
12) "Cosmology" Kontopoulos, Kostakis
13) "Astrophysics" .. Kostakis
14) "Berenice's Hair 'C. Grammatikati
15) «God and the New Physics» Paul Davies
16) «The Bible science and creation (Coder-Maxwell-Howe)
17) "Annotations in Palaia.iathiki (8 Volumes) P. Trempela
18) "The mystery of death" Nick. Vassiliadis
19) "There is God" Timothy Kilifi
20) "Jesus Christ" Timothy Kilifi
21) "Radioactivity" University of Crete
22) The archaeology of Ralestine and the Bible-From the stone age to
Christianity-Recent discoveries in Bible Lands (WF ALBRIGHT)
23) «Faith and the physical world» David Dye
24) «Science return to God» James Jauncey
25) "Jewish Archaeology" Vas Vella
26) "What does Christianity" Leonidas. Diamantopoulos
27) «Foundation of Modern Physical Science» Holton
28) «Forces and Fields in Special Relativity» Ganley
Search the Internet with the search engine Metacrawler over matters of
astronomy, cell biology, 76 radiochronology of atomic physics, biblical
archeology, helped considerably. If some readers have to search the Internet,
will especially benefit. Recommend that the libraries of universities, the
personal pages of scientists, the Encyclopedia Britanica.


A scientific research that clarifies the landscape against against the atheism.
The importance of scientific study clearly can not and does not include data
"on the immortal soul, if this is not deposited in the area of sciences and
knowledge. But for the "natural" (unnatural) atheism, the study is a dry "slap"
in opposition to the alafrones positions of atheists and supposedly irreligious.
Atheists not only can not therefore offer healthier immortal soul by refusing all
this deity and interest to the first, but in the field of physical wellness failed
almost all believers of religions in the world! This places them at the last level
of "leadership" and in the first stage of error. Really difficult year for atheists.


Keeping the faith: Researchers at the University of California Berkeley
associate weekly church life, with a longer and healthier lives. Researchers in
California have found new evidence that the weekly participation in religious
services is associated with a longer, healthier lives. In the study, researchers
from the human population laboratory of the institution of public health and
the California Department of Health Services and the University of California,
Berkeley, found that people who attended religious services were once a
week to significantly lower risks of death compared with those not attended
less frequently or never, even after adjusting for age, health behaviors and
other risk factors. The study will be published on 4 April in the International
Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. "We found this difference even after
adjustment for factors such as social connections and health behaviors
including smoking and exercise," said Doug Oman, editor study and lecturer
at the school of public health at Berkeley. "The fact that the risk of dying from
several different causes are lower for those who attend religious services
every week, suggests that we should look to some psychological factor for
the answers. Perhaps the frequent participants experience a greater sense of
inner peace, perhaps because they rely on religious attitudes addressing
stressful events. "The Oman conducted the study while he was research
scientist at the Institute of Public Health and a postdoctoral researcher in the
School of Public Health Berkeley. The researchers looked at specific risk of
death from certain diseases, including cancer and heart disease. While they
found no significant difference in risk of death from cancer, found that people
who attended religious services less than once a week or never had a 21%
greater overall risk of death, and a 21% greater risk of dying diseases of
kykloforiakou.Ypirxe also a strong trend towards lower mortality from
diseases of the respiratory and digestive tract, although there is more than
one option fortunate to have played a role in producing those
apotelesmaton.Se compared with the weekly participants those who attended
less than weekly or never had a 66% greater risk of dying from respiratory
illnesses and 99% higher risk of death from digestive system. Supporters of
the Christian religion were the volume of study, with 51.9% referred to as
liberal Protestants. Twenty-seven percent of participants were Catholics and
2.5% were Jewish. Members of other Western religions were 7.2% of the
group, while those in non-Western religions were 0.8% of the group. Those
with no religious associations comprised 10.6% of study participants.
The Oman said there are still unanswered questions that he hopes will be
addressed in future studies, including the importance of spirituality or faith.
"Several non-Western religions, including Buddhism, giving less emphasis to
shift to a temple or church," he said. "So the people of those beliefs can be
equally committed to their delivery, and can be rotated around the household
shrine. They go to church only a few times a year, but could still receive the
psychological benefits of inner peace. Still, Oman said that the study adds to
a growing body of evidence that religious practices are generally in better
health. It also noted that this study is one of the few that has investigated the
relationship between religious involvement and various specific causes of
death. The earlier studies of Mormon and Seventh-day Adventists to note
that the beneficial health behaviors such as abstaining from smoking and
high fat diets were strongly embedded in their beliefs. Previous studies have
linked also to the positive health effects of the high level of social support
found in religious communities.
"The picture that develops is that religious activity has an impact on health
through different pathways," said Oman. "Either because they encourage
better health habits such as exercise, providing a strong social support
network, providing a sense of psychological well-being, all those factors
combined, it seems clear that the results of faith deserve more study."
The researchers used data taken over 31 years of a longitudinal survey of
6545 adult residents in Alameda county, California. Researchers from the
state health department began the investigation in progress to study the
interactions between health status and social, family, environmental and
other factors. Although the study only examined the residents of county
Alameda, Oman said that the ethnic diversity of the area and the mix of rural,
suburban and urban neighborhoods make conclusions on communities
throughout the United Politeies.Ta information received through
questionnaires posted or through interviews in participants' homes.
Participants were aged 21 and older with baseline in 1965 which surveyed
again in 1974, 1983 and 1994. Death records were obtained from state and
federal mortality records up in 1996. Other scholars of the article are William
Strawbridge and Richard Cohen of the Institute of Public Health and John
Kurata from the Department of Health Services, California. The study was
supported by grants from the National Institute of Ageing, the Blood Institute
and the Department of Health Services, California.
Source: University of California,,


In an article in the newspaper Kathimerini (16-10-2004), entitled: "Heals
prayer?" And subtitle: "Doubts and reactions to triggers investigation of
thermal properties, refer to the reactions generated by the research done on
the . RSVP for the healing power of prayer.
This article gives us the opportunity to point out some obvious, but perhaps
paratheorimena things.
1. A faithful Orthodox Christian knows very well that prayer affects all aspects
of life, our daily living and spiritual struggle, but especially with the extreme
situations of illness and death. We consider this only as a power that heals
the body. He knows that prayer unites the man who prokatharthike from other
evangelical virtues to God. In an upgrade to a new level of life, which
dominates the selflessness and fearlessness of illness and death.
The way the investigation of Americans would risk to cope with the prayer as
a magic power, acting independently of people's faith or even be seen as a
natural force, which is activated by some meditation techniques. The
orthodox prayer is the activation of personal relationship with God, which can
be enclosed within the boundaries of the tangible world. However, this does
not mean that it can be considered its impact on people and events. The
prayers of the saints supports-proven-the universe. Furthermore, Jesus
spoke of the "natural" effects of "indiscriminate" faith of the saints, which has
the power to move mountains. The prayer of faith can be "reforming" the
pace of "real world" and "divert" the flow of events. Prayer is the strongest
activity of the faithful man that has personal and social consequences. This is
evidenced by the biographies of the Church. This, at present, demonstrate
and unbiased scientific research, as if some people can not accept the
government's action of God who hears the "blessings of faith."
QUESTION: "Jesus was Essaios and the first Christians were the Essenes
Qumran. The Essene-Christian parallels are many. By the time Christianity
became in; what we know as Christianity of the Gospels. "
ANSWER: Many of those who want to prove that Christianity has no divine
origin, highlighting the similarities of the Essene movement and ignore the
major differences between Jesus / Christianity and the Essenes. Fifteen
arguments support the view that Jesus not be Essaios and that "Christians"
were Essenes or coming from communities of caves of Qumran, on the basis
of written sources mentioned there; them (Philo On the Free is always great,
2, 457-459. Josephus, Jewish War, 2, 8, 2-13; Archaeology, 13, 2, 2; 15, 10,
4; 18, 1, 5. Pliny , Hist. Naturalis, 5, 17. Hippolytus) and their own books are
listed here: 1. The Essenes, were strictly adhering to the Mosaic Law
(blasphemy against Moses to lead; them to death). Instead, Jesus teaches
that, although not eliminated, the Mosaic law, but is exceeded and the New
For example, Jesus did miracles and cures during the day Saturday and
came to a hard confrontation with the Pharisees and the priests on this issue.
Unlike the Essenes, as far as we were strictly adhering to Saturday, no
example only in terms of therapeutic purposes (not healed on Saturdays) but
also for their physical needs, which oppressed for the sake of keeping
Saturday. The Essenes were more fanatical supporters of keeping Saturday,
from; what the Pharisees, which censuring the reason Jesus. Also the
Essenes were passionately in favor of circumcision .. The Essenes of
Qumran interpreted the movement as a fulfillment of Old Testament, while
the Gospel, Christianity believes that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old
Testament For example, Isaiah T; 3, the Essenes believed to refer to
themselves (Discipline Manual, V, 20? VIII, 12-14), while the Gospels to refer
to St John the Baptist. 3. The Essenes of Qumran were expecting a revival of
the worship of the church, while the Christian Gospel in the destruction of the
Temple, as the (supposedly Essaios) Jesus foretold.
4. Most of the Essenes did not marry (have adopted children or adults admit
to continue the movement) distrust with the woman, while most Christians
and Jesus married misogynist just does not qualify. For the celibacy of Jesus
is a goal that is not feasible for everyone. "From the ranks of the Essenes
were excluded women" (Larousse Encyclopedia Papyrus BRITANNIA, L.
5. The Essenes did not want relations with the outside community, while
Christianity has always proselytizing purposes. Jesus himself called by; the
apostles to preach.
6. The Christians of Acts baptized once, while the Essenes of Qumran many
7. The Essenes believed in the two coming Messiah, and an appropriate
priestly David (King) (Blessings, cylinder 1Q5v). Also believed that the
Messiah would be conveyed to the wilds, while Jesus (Mtth 24, 23-24) warns
not to believe those who say they know who is Christ.
8. The hermits of Qumran believed that the war will bring the expected Basel,
the angel wars in part, but Jesus rejects violence. "The Essenes took part in
the war against Rome and one of the generals of the Revolution, John was
Essaios (Larousse Encyclopedia Papyrus BRITANNIA, L. Essenes). Since 66
AD, when the revolution was the Jews against Rome, there were Essenes,
and Christians since the revolt against Rome, it is obvious that the two
religious groups were separated by at least 66 AD
9. According to Josephus (Jewish About the War, 1, 2, views of death and
body resembled the pagan and differed from the Jewish. They believed that
"souls are immortal, and the resulting thinner ether have been put in the
bodies such as prisons, from a natural desire. But when freed from the
shackles of the flesh, I am glad got rid of slavery and a long climb upward.
And agreeing with the opinion of Greeks declare that good living across the
ocean ( ....), while the wicked is reserved on a dark, stormy cave full of torture
never are endless. Re; the latter seems unlikely the Essenes believed in the
resurrection. Like the Sadducees, to whom the alleged Essaios Jesus
showed that wander . Indeed, it appears that the Essenes believed in
preexistence of the soul, unacceptable to the Christian teaching.
10. "The Essenes were divided into four classes (degrees); those who
belonged to the upper class does not come into contact with those belonging
to lower, to avoid infection "(Larousse Encyclopedia Papyrus BRITANNIA, L.
Essenes). There is such a strict separation of the Christian Gospels.
11. Communalism has been reported between the Essenes and Religion as
proof of the origin of the first second. But a;) the ownership of property was a
frequent feature (eg Pythagoreans) for such groups, b;), Christianity was the
free love for someone is baptized soon, while the Essenes were two years of
probation, during which the first year Try State shared the benefits of our
community, while in the second year of katakratountan goods.
12. Other alleged similarities, the common table and eating and drinking
bread and wine. In the Essenes, a new member could not participate in a
joint bank, only after one year (eat) and two years (how much).
13. The absence of references to the Essenes by evangelicals is not a
"Christian conspiracy, concealment of the founders of Christianity"; nobody
can argue without proof that. Why Did the Essenes are not mentioned either
in the later Rabbinic literature? There is a conspiracy.
14. The Essene-Christian similarities due to common Jewish origin. Applying
the same criteria as those applied by supporters of the theory of the origin of
Christianity from the Essenes would have to say for example that the
Essenes were influenced by the Pharisees, since both were fanatical
observers of the Mosaic Law!
Jesus performed miracles and cures for the day ... and the resulting thinner
ether have entered into the bodies (Mt. v 44 gives the paragraph in Jesus
Christ ...) over the face of the abyss • 28 estereone neither ether nor upper
• ... and of whom was born Jesus in the flesh, the price at all, God be praised
for ever. ...
Logos, Mantram, Theurgy - 13: Chapter 13 Akasha IS SOUND, IT Verb

Already reached the end of this work. In it was the intention with which they
will learn to speak the Gold verb. The mission of man is to learn to beat the
Lyre of Orpheus. This wonderful Lyra is the creative larynx! The mission of
man is to embody the word! The Earth is only a condensation of the verb!
Everything comes from the ether. And everything turns to the ether. And
beyond the ether is Akasha, the spiritual substance of blue, deep and divine
that fills and permeates the entire infinite space. And only the ether
concentration, in turn, clean Akasha. They are right when they claim the
POURANAS the property of Akasha is the SOUND. Certainly the sound from
the floor. And Akasha is the main factor theourgikis each transaction. And
Akasha is very Kundalini is the SOUL OF THE WORLD. And one concern
should be to life, awakening the soul of this World, which is a coiled snake,
this Kundalini, through sexual magic. The only way to purify the Great Golden
Ratio. From Akasha from all beings. And Akasha-Vani is the Voice, is the
verb which produces the Word! The verb Speech given concrete form in the


The slope is Vagia-acoustic waves of pure Akasha.
When Akasha concentrated in the ether, these Vagia-prana become
TECHAS (Fire) Vaya (Air), EMPL (Water), and PRITVI (Earth). These are
tatvas, both designed by Rama Prasad. In each flame, there is the fiery ether.
The air is the ethereal ether. In water is the liquid ether. The earth is the
rocky ether. These are tatvas. And the foundation of all of these are tatvas
Vagia-embankments, sound waves, the verb, the Great Word. Prior to
condense the global sphere with the four elements of fire, air, water and land,
there was all these elements into etheric state. When tatvas concentrated,
essential items are converted to natural elements. Akasha is really
concentrated sound. Tatva This is the spiritual substance which originates
from Anoupadaka. This term means "No Generators," who was-there ".
Inside the Akasha is the key element of matter. Farther from Anoupadaka is
the ADI, and farther from the Adi, is the AIM Sof, the Human theikotero

This creative Reason is expressed as a verb, as sound. There is a Golden

language which the people would speak. Before a man exiled from paradise
"CHINAS, spoke only to Gold verb, the Great Global Language. This was an
excellent grammar. The Big hierophants of ancient Egypt, when they wanted
to visit the 'garden of delights, dipped in deep meditation, holding in their right
hand a kernel commonly known as the "Eye of the Deer." And then,
fonopoiousan this mantram: I N I N A mantram This turns out to be a real
invocation. In his call, the minimum that the kernel is irresistible. This plant
minimum, have the power to place the body in the "CHINAS. When the
hierophant felt his body begin to inflated or swollen, his feet up, you
understand that his body became the mode CHINAS. Got out of bed full of
faith and eventually sank in the "Garden of Delights' and went to different
places on Earth. Anyone who wants to pursue the above, during this
experiment fall asleep meditating in the elementary kernel "Eye of the Deer."
Tell the student that is inside a great teacher of "CHINAS, whose name is
OGOUARA who hears everything in the voice of those who rely on the sink
and helps the physical body in the Fourth Dimension.

The language of the world "CHINAS"


In "Paradise Chinas" used by major global Word of Life. For example, if you
want to say: "I am here to fulfill my mission and with great sacrifice, will be
given this phrase with 'following the Great mantrams Language of Light:
LOUTENER MASLEIM AEODON If you are trying to formulate:" I am here
with you a little more time, "said the Golden Language:
MASLEIM OURIM SEIDAOU This is a small sample of universal language
which they speak all the inhabitants of Eden. And the language in which
ekfrazotane old divine humanity, until the time when expelled from the
"Garden of Delights." Another example: "The Passion of the Lord Jesus
Christ" out like this: Tian relief dedicated to Pan Our sages Cognitive in
Golden Language, called: LOUMISALES GNOSTIKO. On the other hand, all
those who cross the Fourth Path (the World's Mind) should know the "Word
of Passage" to be admitted to the temples of the mental level. That word is:
ADAKRIPTOTa main figures, ONE, TWO, THREE, formulated: Emba, Dova,
dousna. In these three principles of glittering Dragon of Wisdom is based on
the entire practice of Theurgy.


In this book delivered the Key of all forces and all key powers. It turned out
that Akasha is sound. Kundalini is the Akasha. Kundalini is the Sound. That
the Kundalini awakening the Golden spoken language, because the Kundalini
is the concentration of the Word in each of them. That the Kundalini is sexual.
That only through sexual magic can awaken the Kundalini to speak the
language of Light. In this sacred language the "indecent act" out like this:
GOAL GKOLETERO (no relation to the monster Golem;;;)
Έτσι λοιπόν οι εσωτερικοί σπουδαστές πρέπει να απέχουν από κάθε
«απρεπή πράξη» και πρέπει να εργάζονται μόνον με το «Αρκάνο A.Z.F.». (τη
σεξουαλική Μαγεία) στην εστία με την σύζυγο-Ιέρεια! Και εκείνοι οι οποίοι
εξασκούν το Αρκάνο A.Z.F. με διάφορες γυναίκες, παραβιάζουν τον Νόμο,
είναι «απρεπείς», είναι μοιχοί! Είναι καλύτερα να είναι ταπεινοί, φτωχοί,
αγνοί, απλοί. Έχει πολύ μεγαλύτερη αξία από την άλλη μεριά, ν’ αγαπάμε
τους χειρότερούς μας εχθρούς, να φυλάμε τα πόδια αυτού που μας μισεί, να
φυλάμε το χέρι αυτού που μας κτυπά, να χαϊδεύουμε το μαστίγιο που
πληγώνει τις σάρκες μας. Είναι πιο μεγαλοπρεπές ν’ αγαπάμε αυτούς που
μας μισούν ακριβώς, επειδή δεν μας καταλαβαίνουν παρά ν’ αγαπάμε
περισσότερο αυτούς που μας αγαπούν. Και ν’ ανταποδίδουμε καλό για το
κακό. Και να δίνουμε μέχρι και την τελευταία σταγόνα του αίματος για την
φτωχή πάσχουσα ανθρωπότητα. Και είναι καλύτερο να μαθαίνουμε την
γλώσσα του Φωτός, που προτείνεται επίσης σε αυτό το βιβλίο, και την


Γλώσσα της Δύναμης, που είναι τα μάντραμς, επίσης επεξηγημένα. Αν ο
άνθρωπος δεν είναι ικανός να μαθαίνει την Θεϊκή μουσική έκφραση του
Φωτός, η γλώσσα του δεν είναι κατάλληλη παρά μόνον για την ύβρη και
πέφτει στην κόλαση της κακίας. Αναφέρουμε μερικές υπαινικτικές


"My brothers, not many teachers'd know that we will be great condemnation.
(Teacher of Teachers, there is only one: the CHRIST, the Great Cross Unit.
But whatever the incarnation is a true teacher).


"Because we all hurt in many cases. If someone does not affect the ground,
this is a great man who can also harnesses the body. "(The words of a
student shall be filled with infinite love, infinite sweetness, with infinite
harmony and infinite peace. Because flattering words, although it is not
vulgar and offensive, but it is devastating. Every word loaded with anger, and
any ironic reason is a deadly dagger that offends the conscience of the
neighbor, the world of Mind).


"That's why we put reins on the mouths of horses to obey and to command
the entire body. (Those who are trying to lift himself and who at least want to
learn to come consciously astral body, who yearn to acquire the talent to
travel to mental body, intending to learn to move consciously in the World
Pure Spirit, should govern their language).

The constitution of SATANAS boasts RULES

"Look at the ships also, though both large and drift from high winds, ruled
with a very small wheel that allows someone to direct it." "So also the tongue
is a small part of the body and boasts of many things. There are a small fire
but how much forest burns! "(It is one who says' I am a great teacher, I am a
big secret, I hold great powers, I am the reincarnation of the spirit. Big or
large or a hero, even if it really is, we know that is a prince of this world,


Satan, who boasts about all these things. Actually no one should be proud or
boast because, like humans, down here we unhappy, sinful, clay, dust of the
earth. And up there in heaven, there is only one person over-the Divine and
Absolute Abstract Space).


"And the tongue is a fire, a world of evil. So the language is placed in the
members of our body, which infects the entire body, and inflames me the
wheel of creation and the fire of hell. " (Brother students, internal students
that language is a fire, a world of evil ... The Aztecs are the temple of
Tsapoultepek, who is in "Chinas", a sculpture that depicts Tonatiou the
triangular tongue of fire and phallus in erection. So in this model realize the
internal relationship between the ratio and sexual magic. When man
prostitute, his language speaks badly. The defamation, the slander,
defamation, give birth to sinful language .... Nobody has the right to condemn
anyone! Nobody has the right to judge anyone! Nobody is bigger than
Dominate NATURE

"Because the whole nature of the animals, birds and snakes and the beings
of the sea, and damastike domesticated by mankind ... ..". "Effectively, the
man can tame, to govern the nature of the Word in the speech. For example,
poisonous snakes away with mantrams: workable OSOA Ashi. The dogs are
tearing away the mantram: SOUA also the mantram: PAS! Donkeys with the
vowel O. Repeating sometimes word Chin, call the hogs. In the Sierra
Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia, where there is a drought season, the
Indians archouakos grouped together, imitating the song of the frogs and
then comes the rain they need for agriculture.

LANGUAGE blessing and a curse

"But no man can hamper the language, which is an evil which can not be
secured, filled with deadly poison."
"With that bless God and Father, and darn it people who are made in
likeness of God." "From the same mouth come blessing and cursing.
Brothers, I do not recommend these things be so made. "It turns a source
through the same opening sweet water and bitter?
"My brothers: Can the fig tree produce olives or vine figs? So no source
removes salt and fresh water. (The brothers of the path should be aware that
no source can be savory and sweet water simultaneously. You can not cross
the path and speak words sweet and sour at once. You can talk ineffable
words and perverse things simultaneously. Each offensive word, flying the
famous student off the true path. The average person criticize other people.
The superior man, criticizes himself).

Verified KNOWLEDGE "Who is wise and intelligent among you? Exhibited

good discussion through your work with gentleness knowledge. (Those who
foolishly proud of their knowledge, those who boast about themselves, is like
the fool who, having risen to a deserted tower begins to cry and to self-
boasting ... Those who are truly wise, rather than criticize his neighbor, have
a good intention of their work with humility and gentleness their knowledge).

Evil KNOWLEDGE "But if you envy, bitterness and jealousy in your hearts,
not glorify, and you'll be liars against the truth ... .... "That this knowledge is
that which descends from above, but earthly, brutish, devilish." "For where
envy and jealousy, there is turmoil and all that vicious. (Envy transforms the
student in a Judas. In general, the envious feeling wiser than his master and
arrives to sell the Master for 30 pieces of silver). "But the knowledge which is
the high first is pure, then peaceful, modest, praa, filled with compassion and
with nice fruit, not a criticism, not fake. "And the fruit of justice is sown in
peace by those who have peace." (3rd Chapter of the World Letter of St.
James, paragraphs 1 to 18).
WORD OF TELEIOTITAS The perfect man speaks words of perfection. The
knowledge a student who wishes to continue on this path should be used to
Koumantaris language. We must be merciful with the religious manipulation
of the word. For example, those who criticize the religion of another, or
another school, or a doctrine, is a gracious word. Truly, comes hard and
uncharitable ... .. not what enters the mouth what is bad for humans, but what
comes out! The mouth provides an attack, the intrigue, the slander, the
defamation, hate ... All this is damaging to man! ... All religions are precious
pearls past the golden thread of Theikotitas. But it avoided any kind of
fundamentalism, for it is causing great harm to humans in the vicinity. Not
only wound others with vulgar words or art and exquisite ironies, but also the
tone of voice, the discrepancies tuna, flattering.
I make PEOPLE. Science FRAUDS;;;;
Below Annex delivered only one example of "scientific" (1) fraud, among
many others that have emerged over time as they have arisen even scientific
fraud of the age of enlightenment and recently in Russia. The presence of
cheats in all branches of human activity, from trade (2) until the medicine is
not necessarily proof and credibility in these activities. In this way the
appearance of rogue theology during the period of Christian epikratiseos no
evidence that the flimsy theology. Another question one another other. The
history, in part, textbook Vlassis Rassias, love story, there is evidence of
morbidity of theology, but the morbidity of people over time. Oxymoron is
trying to prove that there is love in Christianity, because certain historical
figures behaved clumsily intolerance or misunderstanding or intentional
gestures such oxymoron to anyone trying to prove that the medicine does not
cure because some doctors are either crooks or not heal properly or trying to
prove that science does not seek the truth because some "scientists" to
koukoulonoun to their own advantage or benefit of large companies
producing medicines or other items such as cigarettes, drinks etc.
The science is the way the truth of the sciences and knowledge (built on
theology). The Orthodox theology analog and about 2000 years contends
that it is moving towards the truth concerning the uncreated, the treatment of
religious error and most secure way for the salvation of the soul. Show failed
one extent or another in the latter end people do not shed light on the
theological message of the treatment but instead obscures, if the message
does not appear unchanged but camouflaged astray through their actions.
Conclusion: The general approach to be followed by the man is very clean. A
person who decides to deal with science eg with medicine, clearly take into
account some of the scams in the industry who wish to follow, but that is no
impediment to the selection of the industry. Similarly one who wants to follow
the path of the Orthodox tradition watching the mistakes of the older and
younger, but avoids dealing with theology, if he wants to have its own terms.
The rejection of involvement with the Orthodox theology as a priest did such
and such or as a secular Christian at such abhorrence did not excuse non-
engagement. Should thus brought on any errors of any teacher of
mathematics, natural, and so numerical similar to the classes the student
finds an opportunity to refute claimed to failure of the professor, but
previously have examined the intrinsic worth of classes. That understands
apiece as a trick of splitting ochaderfismou of excuse of laziness,
irresponsibility and cheap excuse. More on the summary page on the church,
that the crew scandals.

The PAPER preceded scientific discoveries of Dr.. Hugh Ross, astronomer

Not only the Bible is filled with the basic principles of science, but at least
3000 years ahead of time. The statements of the Bible in most cases came
directly opposed to the science of the time in which made. When Sychrono
scientific knowledge is the divine accuracy of the Bible documented. For
example: For centuries the affairs of science were also in disagreement with
Genesis on the origins and development of Earth and life on Earth. However,
science has moved beyond these matters and now agrees with Genesis
describing the initial state of the Earth, the resulting changes, and order of
these changes. The possibility that Moses, who wrote more than 3,400 years
ago have guessed all these details are less than one in a trillion! Below is a
partial list of other basic principles of science found in the Bible:

• Stability of natural laws (Jeremiah chapter ag '

• The principle of the universe and space and time (Gen Cap D 'To
Kollosaeis, Cap A, B Timothy, Chapter D Hebrews, Chapter IA
• The conservation of mass and energy (Ecclesiastes Chapter A • A stable
water cycle (Ecclesiastes, chapter D of Isaiah, chapter NE
• The weight (Job, chapter KstKef. Λζ • The Pleiades and Orion, is due to
gravity-related groups of stars (Job, chapter Λζ NOTE: Other groups of stars
that are visible to the naked eye are disjoint.
• The influence of emotions on physical health (Proverbs Chapter East
Chapter Ig • Control of communicable diseases (Leviticus Chapter Ic • The
importance of cleanliness and hygiene in health (Leviticus, Ch Ie, Numbers
Chapter Ii) and control of cancer and heart disease (Leviticus Chapter G •
Continued expansion of the universe (Job Chapter I "Psalms Ch Rd, Isaiah
Ch M Ch MB Ch TA, With Cap
The crucible of scientific research, the paper has demonstrated the predictive
power of occasions. No other book, ancient or modern, can not respond to
claims of truth that makes the Bible. But then, no other book has been written
(through people) from God.
Source: Researchers of Truth, quarterly magazine of spiritual quest, No. 37,
pp 3-4, Copyright 2006-2007, Reasons to Believe. Biblical Forecasts od
Scientific Discoveries (

"Science looks like it frees man from the shackles of ideological prejudice
and authoritarian power ..." The science does not even need a defender. My
goal is - no mood to defend the religion - to highlight certain features of
science which I consider akin to religion in so far as to worry me. I will focus
briefly on three of them. The first - perhaps the most important - has to do
with the seemingly impressive efficacy of science to give us a rational and
impersonal explanation of natural phenomena - as opposed to religion, the
explanation which is based on a super-personality (God) " outside the
universe. " The difference would seem, is obvious: While the unproven
existence of god requires faith, while, conversely, scientific interpretation
unambiguously demonstrated through peiramatos.Ki however, as shown by
the Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776), the problem with this
experiment is that - always and inevitably - scientists use deductive calculus
to generalize the results of their experiments and make a naturalistic
explanation of events. The problem with deductive calculus is that there can
be no one ever quite sure that the results of an experiment can be repeated
anytime, anywhere. The scientist must also believe the generalization made.
Karl Popper (1902-1994) attempted to address through Hume's idea of
falsifiability: a theory is scientific if not confirmed by experiment, but only
when it can be ruled out. But the idea is suffering because scientific theories
are not necessarily upset when an event does not agree with the theory, as
has repeatedly happened in the history of science. Often theories are simply
corrected. Of course there are sciences (like sociology and economics) which
do not involve the experiment, but Popper meant mainly the most
fundamental science, which is natural. Within the next few months we will
have an historic opportunity to see (or disprove) the success of modern
physics. In the CERN experiment will look for evidence of Higgs particle,
which according to the integrated model, gives mass to matter. But I wonder,
though still "find" the Higgs, we actually answer the riddle of creation?
Modern physics, especially quantum, has come from the early 20th century
mathematical description of an invisible world beyond the senses, and even
beyond our understanding. The Higgs particle, such as photons, quarks, the
particles fields are mathematical concepts that living a virtual world away
from the realism with which science is supposed to interpret the world.
Observe the results of their theoretical existence but not the objects
themselves. The "Holy Grail of physics, the search is a Great unifying theory
(eg string theory), it sounds suspect as a substitute for impersonal,
mathematical societies - they will never know, since the experimental
evidence would is always beyond our capabilities. So whether this scientific
"explanation" differs from the position of religion on the existence of an
invisible - and basically unfamiliar - God? "In my opinion, very little. I really
wonder whether a non-monotheistic society would have the same obsession
for a unifying scientific theory than a polytheist. Why nature should have a
single cause? Why not two or three, or infinite?
Let us now turn to the social organization of science. The first European
universities were structured model monasteries.

The ancient inhabitants of the planet believed that the earth is a big part
of the universe. Egyptians, Babylonians, many ancient peoples have said the
most amazing things. Homer believed that the Earth is almost the universe,
that Olympus is the home of gods and Tartarus is the prison of the Titans.
Aristotle taught that the Earth is stationary at the center of the universe and
all celestial bodies move around it in circular orbits. The role of limited land
continuously, as the centuries went by. Aristarchus of Samos believed that
the sun is stationary and the earth and planets move around. This view is not
imposed on astronomy. Galileo, a century later, it showed these positions. So
many centuries have passed to accept the man that is not the center of the
world. With regret the sun gave to the central position, and left to itself the
role of the following. Today, you no longer need to believe. Suffice it to use
the instruments of science and see. Artificial satellites, orbital observatories,
spacecraft and radio telescopes, computers, led us too far, the limits of the

The land, a simple planet in our solar system. The sun is continuously
diminishes. Every second, losing 4.5 million tons of mass converted into
energy. But it is so huge that it will take thousands of years to influence its
potential as a huge nuclear reactor.

There are other suns. The a Centauri is 4.25 light-years away. The
Vega, 28 light years away from Earth. Not only are certain. Our galaxy alone
has 200 billion suns.

There are other galaxies. Hundreds of billions in fact. In groups of 100 to

1000 are ypersmini galaxies. The earth, the sun, our 200 billion suns that are
just our own galaxy. Hundreds of billions of galaxies like ours

The strange but just begun. There are dark areas that send radio
signals! There is the''invisible''material, the material does not send light rays
to the human eye can capture. But they can distinguish the radio telescopes.
The pulsars, the Oscillating radiopiges, which emit radio signals, have as
much mass and our sun, but they have such huge concentrations, that a
quantity of matter the size of a simple cube, weighing millions of tons! (The
material is there, not so huge gaps, like the earth!) What a strange universe.
The supernova explodes, shaking the universe as much mass of the sun and
are 100 million times from the brightest sun. Galaxies with billions of suns
pass through one another, without there even a conflict. The most surprising
though is the phenomenon of motion. Apeirarithma astral bodies, swirling in
space, each line is an extremely complex and extremely precise orbit! The
moon rotates around itself and around the globe. The land on the moon,
around itself and around the sun. The sun with all his entourage wandering
around the center of our galaxy. The whole galaxy is in turn with all his body,
wandering around downtown ypersminous where it belongs. Advanced
motion! This is an example of the relative speed! People who have solved
similar exercises, they know very well that next to the pencil and the
computer have a whole box of aspirin!
The Milky Way has axis of symmetry! The axis is indeed perpendicular
to galactic plane. How odd!

In 1929 he formulated the theory of expansion of the universe. The static

universe, gave way in a world that is growing. Galaxies away from each other
with great speed. Today it is universally acceptable and fully evidenced the
scientific theory of big bang''hot''(''hot big-bang''). With the aid of computers,
the theory is fully documented and led a revolution in astronomy. Accepts
that the world came into existence, through a huge explosion of light and
radiation. From the overly dense that situation created the nucleus, the
people, the larger particles, large concentrations of matter, galaxies. The
universe is a process. He started a given time, goes with a particular
perspective. The Englishman took Ryle 1974 Nobel Prize when using radio
telescopes showed that the density of radiogalaxion increases, the greater
their distance from us. The conclusion is the confirmation of the theory of big
bang. Everyone knows the Einstein and the great contribution to the evolution
of science. With the general theory of relativity (1916) studied the time and
space of the universe in relation to the distribution of matter and energy. The
Einstein but had made a major mistake. He believed that the universe is
static, stationary, unchanged in a year! Thus, he could not solve the famous
equations. Forced to introduce a condition, the''cosmological constant''to
force the equations to drive where he wanted. Later, he regretted for doing
this and confessed that this was the biggest mistake of his life. Einstein's
equations solved with scientists who believed in an expanding universe,
where galaxies are removed with great speed from one another. The Einstein
admitted at the end of his life, the universe expands,''and had''a beginning
towards achievements.The Penzias and Wilson won the Nobel Prize in 1978,
it managed to discover a radiation unchanged over time , a remnant of the
initial intense radiation generated by the original big bang of the universe. In
April 1992 the satellite of NASA named COBE (Cosmic Background
Explorer), which had the task of research on the views of Renzias and
Wilson, made an important discovery. Distinguished regions of the sky with
the temperature difference in the initial faint radiation, leading to a difference
in density and eventually the creation of the universe from one principle.
Since neither a scholar now doubts that once was a big explosion of light and
this created the universe. Indeed, internationally prevalent term''Genesis''in
principle, the scientific literature, regardless of their religious beliefs of
Heraclitus believed that this world, nor a God, or someone created it,
but it was always so be. It is now apparent that the second part of his
reasoning was flawed. We'll see what happens with the first part.
It is well known by the eminent physicist Stephen Hawking. He said''the
initial state of the universe must have been very carefully chosen. It would be
very difficult to explain to someone why the universe should have begun its
life in precisely this way, unless he considers it as a work of God, who
wanted to create beings like us.'' Is it obvious that we exist? Life is something
that would like to have things? The answer to this question, it causes an
immense surprise. So to see what can be hit by what followed. The most
popular power, is the weight. Is proportional to the masses attracted to, and
inversely proportional to their distance. But the equation is the famous
constant of universal gravitation (G). It has a stable fixed price. Why is the G
is just the price, and not another? Who set this natural law, and this particular
value for G; The earth orbits the sun, according to the law of universal
gravitation, Newton. If this constant G was greater, the earth will revolve
around the sun for less than a year. The sun would be in''Blue Giant'', ie the
upper layers would have a stronger gravitational force will shrink the solar
mass. The sun will give much larger amounts of radiation to counteract the
contraction will shine stronger, it died quickly. But before the sun goes out,
life on earth would be completely impossible. If G was lower, the sun will be
against''Red Dwarf''cold, with a faint light. The water in the earth would be
more solid (ice), conditions are still unsuitable for life for many reasons.
If G was more or less the law of universal gravitation, life on earth
would be impossible. The sun will be very different. It would give much more
radiation, or much less. The orbit of the earth would be very different. All
scientists agree that if the G was defined differently in this natural law, life on
earth would be impossible.
What set so precisely the value of the constant of universal gravitation?
Let the world of astronomy, transferred briefly to the world of man.
Person means which do not intersect. But now we know that it is not right.
How is a person of earth material? But mainly empty, than nothing. And more
compact body, consisting of a vacuum.
There is a core set of protons and neutrons, and electrons are rotating
around the nucleus. But if the nucleus of hydrogen was like a football, would
delete the electron orbit at a distance of 5 km from the heart! In the
meantime, what is? Nothing gap. What do electrons? Revolve with enormous
speeds around the nucleus at 1 sec out trillions spins. Have a negative
electrical charge. The nucleus is positively charged, due to the protons.
Really, since the protons are all positively repelled, why not split the nucleus
Why not push that away from one another?
Because there are powerful forces that keep them in the core,
called''strong''nuclear forces. Without them, there would be no people. If
AITHERAS strong nuclear forces were slightly weaker, it would constrain the
protons. The sun will not shine, life is impossible. Indeed, the radiation of the
sun based on the conversion of hydrogen to deuterium. This transformation
will not happen if the strong nuclear forces were slightly weaker. Of course,
there would be and no other element except hydrogen.
If the strong nuclear forces were slightly stronger, in the early stages of
the development would have disappeared entirely hydrogen. We have
created just the heavier elements. The sun and the stars will not be radiated,
life would not exist.
These forces should be just so so and allow a quantity of hydrogen
remain as hydrogen and allow the remaining amount of hydrogen converted
to heavier elements.
What exactly set this value to the strong nuclear forces?

All organic materials known to contain carbon. Without him, there

would be nothing living or organic chemistry. How was really coal?
Enormous temperatures, three helium nuclei fuse together and create
carbon. First, merge the two helium nuclei and create a nucleus of beryllium,
which is neither stable nor unstable. Live four times a billionth of a second.
This period held the fate of human life.
The lifetime of this core is determined by the''weak nuclear forces.''
Are responsible for converting a proton into a neutron and vice versa. And
these forces are defined to have an amazing accuracy.

If the weak nuclear forces were slightly stronger could be formed

beryllium or carbon, because it would break as soon as it was created.

If the weak nuclear forces were slightly weaker, all people would create
helium beryllium, so there would free individuals to form helium emissions.

What ensured this unique balance? The fate of carbon held four times
a billionth of a second. Beryllium should not be either more stable or
unstable, but''metastable''. Without this terrible arrangement, there would be
no coal, there would be no life.
And electromagnetic forces, however, determining the creation of
molecules and cells, is regulated in an admirable way. FROM WHICH;;;
FROM THE ESSENTIAL Grid, he claims that there is THE SCIENTISTS OF
If weaker, could not hold on the electrons around the nucleus. People
would be impossible to form. We were only nuclei and electrons are not
stable molecules, not cells, not life.
If you were stronger, electrons would be completely bound by their
cores. They could then make the chemical bonds that involve abortion and an
electron, there would be no chemical reactions or more complex molecules.
The water will also always been solid.
There are four basic forces in nature. The forces of gravity, strong nuclear,
weak nuclear and the electromagnetic. They are all with such incredible
precision specified, that man he admires, it is possible to live.
LIVING GRACE in ether and then I will show MOREITAI HOW TO

Simple numerical coincidences? No da! It is part of a project there

really so many coincidences? In mathematics we teach that if we have 15
chairs and we want to find how many ways can they sit 15 people, the
answer is: 1307674368000 different ways people can sit. (N! = 15! =
How the billions of cases were there any physical constant,''was''and
did not get another price, but especially that which was only necessary?
It's like the earth to throw a pot of faces, and by chance to fall in order
to write his own national anthem! But strange not run ... Really, what is light?
The light consists of particles called photons. A huge number of
photons move at all spread radiation. What are photons?
Differ from the material particles, because they have mass! They
have no electrical charge. It is''packages''of energy, real intangible physical
entities carrying energy and momentum. Two of them, if you collide, they
disappear! And their energy is what? Implemented! Two photons, although
collide, disappear and appear in place of elementary particles of matter have
mass? Lost energy and materials displayed!

It can therefore be derived material from the light?

Yes, so done now accept all scientists, without a trace of doubt, why
have not guessed, they have seen it done before their eyes in the laboratory.
It is impossible not to think about the Bible, showing the genesis of God, to
give the first command:''Let there be light''and after the light to create the
material. How do you know Moses (1500 BC) who wrote genesis? Are
Scientists in past centuries eironeftikan the birth, just because God created
light first and then the world. To know! Talked about the genesis. Let's see
some more very strange, which Moses wrote, that no one can understand
how he knew!
God promised Abraham that will raise his sperm as the sand of the sea and
like the stars in the sky.
Well, said the materialists scientists and philosophers of previous
centuries, what is that stupid promise! The sand of the sea is immeasurable,
the stars of heaven, but is around 5000! So I thought, and accusing Moses
wrote that a''folk tale''and not a science. To know that Moses knew that the
stars in the sky was as much sand and sea! But Moses grew up in Egypt.
What the Egyptians believed it? That the stars are lights hanging from an iron
dome in the sky, a divine power, lit at night to help people on earth! The sky,
for the Egyptians was an iron sheet of land on which roll the waters
surrounding the earth. Through these views, Moses was born, and wrote the
genesis! What else is incredible for the time mentioned in the genesis?
Moses wrote the first born of light, and then was born the sun! Indeed
the first day of creation God said''Let there be light''and just three days!
created the sun and the moon. This is truly incredible to think that all the
people at that time believed the sun god (god Baal). It was unthinkable to be
built first and then the earth, the sun, for every person who lived at the time.
Similar observations were made in previous centuries, with several ironic
comments about Moses by materialists thinkers and researchers.
But what does science today?
Science now knows without a doubt, that there was sunlight in the
first light that shone on earth. Light existed before the sun, science has called
primordial light, and due to constant electric shocks and other purposes. The
phenomenon now called the Northern Lights has similar authority. An
irrefutable proof is the huge Carboniferous strata.
Even before the sun shine on the earth, huge plants were thick as
the human body and taller than 20 meters, which katakalyfthikan and created
vast amounts of coal. Neither flower nor fruit trees found in the Carboniferous
period. This shows directly that the sun was not yet the climate was moist
and uniform with no seasons and no variety, atmospheric and climatic
changes due to solar radiation. But that sprouted all these huge plants, no
sunlight? Framinzin created the first laboratory plants without sunlight, with
electric shocks. Augustus de la Rive found that the light from electricity is fully
capable of creating a vegetation type that created the huge coal deposits. It
was estimated that it took 700-800 years to form coal. Some sections,
however, took much longer to form.
The strata lying above the Carboniferous strata, so it's later years are
characterized by very different fossils (algae, Zoophyte, crustaceans,
molluscs, corals, clams in their millions). The establishment had progressed
to the next stage then. How Moses knew that the sun does not shine forever
land in an environment that believed the sun god? Nobody ever found an
explanation, other than the revelation from God. But there are other
incredible. Moses wrote in the genesis of that first created the plants and
animals, and then the sun! It may still be assumed by modern mere man do
this? It is completely impossible. However, proved beyond any doubt, so it
was! Moses pointed to three main views of organic life, a plant and two
animal! Science has fully verified. It verified that indeed the man was created
last. Moses wrote that first the earth was covered with water, and God
created the land after (''synachthito water at the congregation and an ofthito
dry''). In the Middle Ages, but then scientists watched amazed as the shells
were on the tops of mountains and high altitudes, and could not explain how
they got there. Indeed they did several strange cases (incomplete attempts to
force the creator, nature games, reflections of the stars, etc.). Centuries after
Moses, what was the level of science. I was very impressed the book by
Steven Weihberg''The first three minutes''(The first three minutes - a modern
view of the origin of the universe, London, Fontana Paperbacks, 1983). The
famous physicist he says:
''If the ratio of light to the material was greater, the light will prevail and
not allow the material to create local concentrations, which evolved into
galaxies and stars. The radiation pressure will shatter the solid material.
If the ratio of light to the material was smaller, the light could not hold
up the core of the minutes of the universe. All matter in the universe would
have turned into heavy elements, there would be no hydrogen, no sun, no
The light should be just so, so, thus preventing the total conversion of
hydrogen and helium into heavier elements, but does not prevent the
formation of stars and galaxies later. A terrible golden mean, an incredible
balance of matter and energy, which ensured the possibility of life to exist.
The Steven Hawkings (A brief history of time - From the Big Bang To
Black Holes, Bantam Books, New York, 1988) refers to yet another wonderful
event that occurred during the creation of the world, great hot blast!
''If the speed of expansion, just one second after the Big Bang was
only slightly less than the true, the universe would have collapsed before he
could create life.''
Indeed, material bodies pulled by huge traction forces. If the initial
speed of expansion was not so great after the eruption of the first colleges to
expand a bit, it stopped, and turned (the attraction) at high speed back, which
would clash again.
So if the initial speed of expansion, after the great initial burst was
slightly smaller than the real galaxies and life would not have arisen.
If the initial speed of expansion, after the great initial burst was slightly
larger than the real, gravity could not gather the material universe in local
concentrations, but the material would be dispersed, without creating
concentrations. The life course would have to be created.
The initial speed of expansion should be just a value, it actually was
so: and can the material be removed from the site of the initial explosion at
high speed, and the molecules can be pulled up and the stars, planets , the
galaxies. Hawking says''The initial speed of expansion should be chosen with
great precision, so that speed is even now so close to the critical value
necessary to avoid a collapse.''
Another paradox. The construction of the individual, the core in the center
and electrons spinning around it, reminiscent of the sun and planets. Sun is
the nucleus, planets are the electrons. It is obvious that the universe is the
same basic design composition and structure, from the infinitely small to
infinitely large. There are differences between the microcosm of man and the
macrocosm of the universe. Differences, however, to create wonder and
admiration. According to electromagnetic theory, since the electron moves in
a circular orbit around the nucleus, it emits radiation continuously, like any
other moving cargo around the world. Radiation is naturally accompanied by
frequent loss of energy. If that was the electron, the radius of rotation should
continuously shortens the electron ultimately fall onto the core. Well,
especially in the electron is not like that happening to any other cargo moving
in nature. The Bohr's found, and since we know that the great exception, if it
existed, there would be no life. The little man, hides tremendous amount of
energy. One gram of any substance, whether metastoicheiothei within a
second, releases seven billion kilowatt-hours of energy. A single gram of
uranium, not of any material. Why has energy, first man held in Hiroshima.
(Non-radioactive elements, suitable bombardment of their core, they
decompose and create other elements, releasing energy). But let the world
people to go to the most important chemical compound, water. Something
wonderful is happening in the water to ensure the continuity of life on earth.
Take an area of land, during the winter the temperature drops continuously.
Once reaches 4 degrees Celsius, water has become greater in density and
precipitated. If the cold persists, the surface water will be ice in the distance
but the temperature is 4 degrees Celsius, and life will go on!
If you did not do this''anomaly''of the expansion of water ice would be heavier
than water and sink. It followed the next layer of water that would freeze and
sink until the entire quantity of water from river, lake or sea ice have been
made, and life in the liquid component have been killed.
The water evaporates! Are the clouds, and carried with them vast
quantities of this precious molecule. What is the point of this process?
Contaminated water cleans itself! These pollutants do not evaporate the
water, but separated from the pure and the impure! Fed by springs, irrigated
land, people and Faith zoaO the air we breathe is about 20% oxygen. I often
hear from my students to observe:''What a pity not to have more oxygen in
the air to breathe pure oxygen if possible.'' However, if the oxygen was more,
all combustible materials would be flammable, so lightning would cause a fire
would be impossible to erase! If the oxygen was less, there would be no fire,
which helped a lot of culture, and the lungs would have to find another way to
commit the necessary oxygen to live. These gases have a title. Expand, and
spread throughout the area. Is this important? Yes, because it refreshes and
the atmosphere cleans itself. Fumes, dirt, smoke, disappear without human
intervention, but only the law of gases, which causes them to wander. Plants
that can help the clearance of the atmosphere. They absorb carbon dioxide.
The plants take carbon dioxide from the air, break down carbon and oxygen,
keeping the carbon release oxygen. Coal, he is doing? If trees, nuts!
Combines with hydrogen (water) and others, and generate valuable
compounds, suitable for feeding of animals and humans. What wise thinking
is behind all this? How can we assume that everything happened by chance,
by coincidence ...
But let's continue looking at the world around us. The light spread straight,
otherwise you will not see properly, but quite blurred and irregular. The sound
is not propagated straight but has a wavy, otherwise we will distinguish the
sounds! Let us continue to think, and run on the earth at a speed of km every
second. Really, we do a circle but elliptical. Why? If the orbit was elliptical,
but circular, will shed light on the sun's poles. The ice would accumulate at
the poles, the water level of the oceans would be much lowered because
huge amounts of water would form a huge volume of ice at the poles, and
much water would be bound. The land would become another form with
unpleasant consequences for the trajectory. The rains will be scarce, the
drought would be a terrible curse on animals, plants and humans. However,
this elliptical orbit, formed by the equator wisely selected angle 230, so the
sun illuminates once the northern hemisphere or to the south, allowing the
miraculous balance of water and steam that allows the existence of the world
as we know it today.

If the moon was closer to earth, the tides would be huge. Twice a day,
huge tracts of land would be covered by the waters of the seas, the earth will
accept terrible erosion, there would be terrible storms. But enough we turned
our attention to the world that surrounds us. It's time to look a little inside us,
our bodies, our existence. We will find miracles, the routine does not allow us
to observe. Because we are so busy, he says, and the parable of
sporeos,''the responsibility of the century, fraud wealth and the desire of other
pragmaton''Zoi without food is impossible. To see how this is done. Teeth,
saliva, oral cavity, oral devices, a great start for the proper breakdown of
food. The epiglottis closes, the food goes into the lungs, but in the stomach.
Secrete adequate fluids, hydrochloric acid kills microorganisms break down
food, to prevent rot. The pylorus (the entrance to the intestines) remain
closed until given a command to open, because only then the food is
appropriate to proceed to the next phase of absorption! Bile, pancreatic fluid,
intestinal secretions mixed with food, and it becomes possible to assimilate.
The absorbent material reaches the liver, separate urea, occurring processes
that need a book to describe. The heart of a vibrant pump worked
continuously, with excellent construction. It is divided into apartments. Fills
the blood and throw up the edges of the body, which is the exchange of
matter. Within a day, the heart does 60.000 dilations and contractions as
many average, moving in any expansion of 200 (average) g arterial blood
leading to venous and return to the heart. Everyone knows how essential to
the life and health is the proper functioning of the heart continually burdening
the poor diet, smoking, etc. The lungs are breathing surface eighty square
meters. How? In cells, reaching 400 million, and have a spherical shape.
There is osmosis, where the venous blood gets oxygen and expel carbon
The shape ensures a huge contact area, which is necessary for this
type of physical and chemical processes. The nervous system transfers
information from the whole body control center in the brain. Irritations,
sensations, pleasure, pain, all carried to the brain.
All these characteristics of human sperm with a single infinitesimal
size, which combines with an egg, inherited and recreated in the offspring. An
initial cell develops into many different cells have very different task. The
human body is so great creation of dozens of volumes of medical manage to
describe only a portion and only certain functions. Thoughts, feelings, crisis,
awareness, the ability to plan, the mental capacity planning and drafting, it is
impossible to interpret any human under the microscope. Really, all these
amazing, how people interpret them? What opinions have been formed?
Never be the man reaches a final conclusion before hearing all the opinions,
all opinions, before examining them with respect and consideration

Demokritos ...
Democritus in the fifth century before Christ, said the only thing in the world
are men, infinite in number, making a variety of compounds. Joined together
by chance, it fell from the infinite space.
Older people collide with smaller and form associations. None
gignetai''scratch and no lost at zero.'' The man and the forces generated by
random combination indestructible, indivisible, unaltered (N. Antoniades,
Handbook of Philosophy first volume).
Reflections on the theory: causes admired the idea of the individual.
How to understand Democritus, five centuries before Christ? Everyone refers
to the mental capabilities, and the heightens the discovery.
Of course, made mistakes. The man is atmito, incised, has protons,
neutrons, number of particles. The random combination of people, for which
he spoke, interpreted the world in a weak assumption. These people were,
united, formed a perfect constructions are not out of luck. The very minds of
Democritus, who invented so many abstract concepts, there was some
rain,''random''points! We interpreted the construction of the world.
Done''accidental''does not explain how that happened. Moses, a thousand
years before Democritus gave genesis to explain more fans, as we saw.

It is obvious that Moses, centuries before Democritus, in an

environment that does not compare to the environment of Democritus wrote a
divinely inspired book. The work of Democritus is a human endeavor. Let's
look at other human efforts:
A Buchner, early last century, wrote his own theory. Ignore what is
material and what is power, but little interested in the bottom of things.
Creating a world is impossible. The world is eternal, without beginning or end.
Matter is indestructible. The mass never lost, just changed form. Once such
material is endless, so there was no beginning, so either God or a creator.
The Haeckel, at the same time, in his Die Weltraetsel (The Riddles of
the world), gave his version. He described his work as a major intellectual
achievement of the 10th century. Merged the conservation of matter principle
with the principle of energy conservation, saying that the material is lost, the
sum of matter and energy remains constant. Thus, disagreed (right) with
Buchner. However, rejects the law of entropy, which disables all materialistic
theories, as we shall see later. The Haeckel, found it difficult when I needed
to say whether the man was made''by chance''. Not accepted! But he said
that the same matter is God, the world is both creator and creation
(pantheism). The world, the material has a soul! Even trying to condense!
The primary matter is the ether, which does not consist of individuals, nor
gas, but fills every empty space. There eternal struggle between matter and
ether, and indeed neither the mass nor the ether are dead, they feel. Will
have! The masses feel pleasure from the condensation of the ether
unpleasant by compression.
I do not need criticism theory. Today we know that there is no ether,
more ether to feel happy or unhappy!
The Haeckel denied the existence of God. We believed in''Miracles.''
But the theory, goes beyond an inspiration to all known wonders. Explain the
unknown with the unknown fate, a coincidence. It being in non-existent
objects. How insignificant it seems this theory, 3500 years after Moysi.Oi
materialistic theories look like. All admit that all of the wonderful surrounding
us were in coincidence with the less effective way to perfect. But who created
the even less effective? The stars and planets, that move? Not respond.
Happened, they claim. Let's look at what science says today, more to the
views raised.
Is the mass of indestructible?
We know that the sun emits huge amounts of energy. To achieve this,
continuously turns mass into energy. Every second the sun lose more than
four million tons of its mass. In three hours, losing weight, however much the
mass of all the seas of the earth. This energy is converted primarily into heat.
But the farther from the sun moved so degraded, because no longer can
produce useful work. Eg A locomotive, which by the action of steam using a
small amount, but the rest is converted into useless heat, which causes
heat''contamination''in the environment. The mass, therefore, is not
indestructible. The Law of the immortality of matter has been finally
overthrown. The materialists finally lose the argument''because the material
is endless, so it has a beginning, it has a designer!''
Science proved that the universe had a beginning, will continue its
path, will have an end!
The fee will be essential if all the energy it can produce work, become
depressed energy, causing only problem with no benefits. Already made
several attempts to avoid the early problems of the''greenhouse effect'',
the''contamination''heat''and''heat death. Unfortunately, that make the earth
produce heat that is unnecessary and harmful. A car to move, the engine
produces heat, which is simply unnecessary and harmful to the environment
and lost. If warmer air and sea a few degrees, this is a serious problem in
many parts of the world. There are scientists who argue that in a few
decades, due to thermal pollution, the situation on Earth will change
dramatically. The bottom line though is that usable energy is converted to a
small percentage of useful work, but largely useless in heat, which raises the
temperature 1-20 degrees air and seas. The material is lost. Billions of tons
lost every one of trillions of suns, each second. A small part is useful energy.
The rest is lost. No one today can doubt that the matter is not indestructible,
nor usable energy left. The universe, slowly drawing to a close. There was
eternal, as definitively established, nor the future will be eternal, as today we
know with absolute certainty. The second axiom of thermodynamic Carnot-
Clausius, which describes the qualitative degradation of energy, has opened
new horizons in science.
The Law of Entropy says: Continuously reduce the usable energy in
the universe and becomes a poor quality power, which can not be used. This
will occur until the energy is exhausted.
The materialist theories, but also received a powerful blow, decisive.
The Heisenberg formulated the uncertainty principle''''set aside the
materialistic law of causality.

According to the law of causality, fundamental law of materialist theories that

happens in the world has a specific cause. If you know the cause, we can
understand with certainty what the outcome. So if we know the status of a
natural system, we conclude with certainty for development. The man has no
free thought and will, because, as part of nature, and he obeys a chain
reaction, just to create the appropriate reasons for them. In 1917, the theory
of relativity (as opposed to certainty) has swipe at materialistic views. The
study of the atomic world, revealed that: If, for example a photon falls on the
prism of Nicols, you go through your mind, but perhaps not gone but reflexes.
The person a radioactive element, perhaps a split second, but perhaps a
thousand years. Continuous observations, created a sense of uncertainty of
outcome. The Planck observes that the law of causality''is neither right nor
wrong, but an abstract principle, which helps us to focus on a maze of facts.''
The Heisehberg replaced the law of causality with the principle of uncertainty.
Said it is impossible to know with certainty the position of an electron at some
time. Simple, but there is likely to be in some other places. Biological
experiments that followed confirmed the uncertainty principle. If, for example
exposing a cell to monochromatic radiation, the cell sometimes takes a
photon, other times not.
If we recruit the photon, sometimes leading to cell death, sometimes
produce (germ cell) known mutations. These mutations may lead to different
cells from breast, perhaps future generations of cells are all different. These
new cells may survive and proliferate, maybe not. Thus, the uncertainty and
the unspecific enters and biological phenomena.
One of the unsolved problems of materialism is the answer to
the question: After everything was done randomly, how can the wonderful
appropriateness seen everywhere in nature? Let's just look at the human
eye. The images passing and reflected on the retina, where lies the optic
nerve. The eye exactly a telescope that scientists who perfected the
telescope, managed by studying the conformation of the human eye, and
having copied several features of it! He needs eye darkroom, a front opening
which varies with the amount of light present in the environment (iris) lenses.
The position and curvature of these lenses is proportional to the
telescope. There are eye tunics, which correct the defects caused by the
separation of the rays of colors! In the telescope was the same problem, and
scientists have found much to solve, mimicking the eye. There are so many
incredible coincidences! Even the fact that each eye can see and of itself, but
together they are coordinated to give a single image, just obviously can not
be described! Those''random''coincidences happens, will never be able to
create a human eye. Every time I look at a baby born in the eyes, we can
clearly see the hand of God, just by looking at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, we
see clearly the mind of the architect who created it.

Regrettably, the materialist theories, and create ethical problems. If

the members of a society accept these views, social coexistence would be
impossible. In his work,''Science and culture and other essays''o Huxley
says:''We are consciously automatically endowed with freedom is not real. Do
what we like but we like that we need to impose.'' Thus far, these are
opinions. But the continuity of materialistic thinking, is incredible: Since there
is no real freedom of all human actions are justified. Even those that are the
result of violence and brutal passion, murder, pedophilia, theft. Can a good
deed to be socially superior to the poor, but both lead to physical need, so no
good can be compensated, nor to condemn evil, after all just move to the
deeper needs. The Hume defends the human right to commit suicide, if such
compulsion. ''It would be a crime, if I could digress to the Danube or the
Rhine, and I did a crime, if channeled my blood a few inches off the natural

It's unbelievable, which may ultimately lead to the idea that

everything was done at random, without the intervention of a designer. Cool
ideas, full of imbalance, filling books materialists. The Helvetius defends its
rich life in France, on the ground''and Egypt, fertility and wealth due to the
mud (the Nile) rather than a chastity!''Really, how few are the people who are
very good or too bad! Much of humanity consists of people trying to
overcome the defects, poor themselves, and become better. Many people do
are some arrive at a situation that touches perfection and absolute goodness.
What would do if they were convinced that they are random coincidences,
and it's bound to be bad? How would a society consisting of people with such
principles? How important is the self-limitation of evil and selfishness, what is
valuable to effort for the improvement and perfection! The materialism, for
many reasons it won. But there are other views. A philosophy is quite spread
pantheism. Another that came from a monkey with evolution. Those who
believe in pantheism, identify God with the world. God has no existence
separate from the world, not creator, then there along with the world.
In the Vrachmaniston Veda, 1500 BC supported the identity of being
the world with the substance of God. Every creature in nature is God. The
real father but the European pantheism was Spinoza (1632-1677). He
believed that the Bible is a helpful book, useful to give guidance to man. But
everyone can form their views freely, independently of it. The apostles and
prophets were told just their opinion, they made mistakes, it is pointless to
imitate. God is nature, which we consider to be active. Everything around us
were eternal. And the good and bad, stem from the eternal physical need, but
are produced without a plan and purpose. The good, the bad, the perverts, it
was equally necessary for the world, so I created by nature, God. There is no
moral distinction, either divine punishment and crisis. God does not feel
negatively about bad or good for good. When a person dies, all that remains
is the memory, not the immortal soul. There were other pantheist. The Fichte,
Hegel, etc. The It makes sense that many people fascinated by the idea that
we are gods. But this deity, it takes so little! After the death disappears and
the existence and divinity, it only remains for the''memory''. Of course,
science has definitively rejected the views of Spinoza, according to which the
material and the creation is eternal. Unfortunately, pantheism has led many
people to injustice, immorality, anti-social behavior, after they gave the
excuse that there is no moral distinction between acts in good and bad. But,
man has within him the voice of conscience. Even when he does something
bad, knows very well. There are criminals who are arrested when they
declare that they deserve the death, because there is no punishment for all
the evils done! There the passions, weaknesses, greed, but a deep voice
consistently inform everyone what is good and bad.
Really, how would our lives if everyone around us thought that there is
good and bad, and just able to satisfy the appetites and desires? Are these
theories than believe, is by nature destructive for society? Why people are
friendly and good? will prevail the law of the jungle, the law of the fittest, and
it will actually look like animals, trying to convince us that evolutionists. But
how different is a society which the cornerstone is love of the neighbor,
mutual aid, the desire to support those who undermined the effort to improve
individual, for social contribution. He finished that made the world, sought to
give a law to preserve life, and finally distinguishes humans from other

Let us now consider the views that somehow, somewhere, was the first cell,
joined with other cells in luck and coincidence and development, led to a
monkey. That, more and more prudent, made sometime man, our ancestor.
Really, What is life?
Aristotle says that''life and we say that the self and supplies for TE and
afxisin fthisin.'' The exchange of matter is the essence of life.
Is the living from dead matter? No, evidenced by the materialists. On
the motion of celestial bodies, by increasing plant and animal and human
consciousness, all the result of mechanical movement of people. Moreover,
from inorganic materials, organic produced (eg urea!) Other, however, is to
produce urea, and another to produce life. Life scientist who created from
inorganic materials?
Okay, we can not say the materialists, but nature can. It is

Who saw the aftodimiourgia?

But this question, the materialists Helmoht, Kircher, Redi, etc., believed to
have found the solution.
''Do you put a piece of meat in the sun, and leave a few days. You'll see that
suddenly will start and come out worms. Who created? None. Just
aftodimiourgithikan. So aftodimiourgithike sometime''the man said

Unfortunately for them, Pasteur put the meat in a container after

sterilization. Of meat there came worms!

The discovery of the microscope put an end to this whole debate

aftodimiourgias''worms.'' Today, we make canned meat, not spoil it for years,
simply because we have to submit a treatment that kills the seeds that were
on it, germs, microorganisms, of which it is loaded, but not be seen with the
naked eye.
The defeat of the materialists was great. To imagine that there are
microbes in meat and microorganisms that are not visible to the naked eye!
But we were disappointed. Stubbornly insisted on trying to find another
aftodimiourgia''''in nature. The Bastian made similar discoveries''''but the
Pasteur lived and even reverse all the data. The Bastian admitted his defeat
(he was Dean of the Medical School in London last century). After the death
of Pasteur, o Bastian returned with renewed effort, which again failed. The
Burke, believed that he created with the help of radium life, and even named
organisms radiovia! And this proved an illusion. The Leduce took over, with
the tree, o Delage echinus with the Carrel etc. all proved ourselves. Still Life
begets life.
The Kelvin said in 1871:''The science provides plenty of irresistible
evidence in the case of abiogenesis of life. Only life can create life. In this we
conclude, after detailed investigation.''
The materialist Haeckel admits it can not prove abiogenesis of life. But
the characteristic''rational case, scientific faith.''
Well, the materialists''feel''those who stubbornly maintain. Yet mockery
of those who have religious faith explanation for the creation! They laugh at
their expense. How odd!
The Arrhenius is very known to us from the theory of ikeltrolytikis
dimension we learned in high school (he was sadly mistaken and replaced by
newer concepts). The Arrhenius had respect for the creation of life.
The''light pressure on the bodies falling''rightly said Arrhenius.''When
the pressure is exerted on live sperm, and there are germs there, carried by
light over long distances. ''
Let's follow this reasoning.
The currents of air pushing the seeds at a height of over one
hundred kilometers (!!!), which loaded negatively. There he encountered solar
powder namesake load and retreated outside the field of gravity. From there,
pushed by solar radiation and going to Mars in 20 days to 24 months in
Neptune in 9000 years in the solar system Centaur! But, the new solar
system emits radiation, it will approach? Perhaps the sun has set another
dust flies, the dust particles are incorporated, are heavy, sit up and the seeds
that came from the earth, and all along the descending the force of gravity!
And the friction of the descent? C, it reaches a temperature of 100 degrees,
so that the seeds survive! Simple, huh? This Arrhenius named the''transfer of
life from one solar system to another.'' Of course, these seeds will create
plants, animals, people, and why not, and perfect creatures. But it proved
impossible to travel 9000 years too cold, and not be affected thereby
dehydration. Forget and ultraviolet rays on the ozone layer depleting fast life,
even in more developed forms. Absence of ozone, plants and animals of the
earth will disappear! Especially Roentgen rays kill sperm, even if they are
protected within other colleges!

The incredible is that materialists do not accept the Mosaic

creation, why not believe in miracles! The Arrhenius theory of contrast, is a
scientific concept!

As stated by Haeckel''is absurd version of creation as God's

intervention, the author is a Miracle, and Miracle is absurd. Thus there is no
The magicians are able to make impressive performances kathilonontas
literally the audience. Performing beyond all reason and not to impress the
audience leaving no room for doubt their abilities. Are real magicians? To
their credit, most admit they are not (although the world is full of fools will
willingly accept the explanation of magic)! The only thing they have learned to
do very well is easily mislead the public, to turn a team's attention elsewhere,
to Never understood the transaction key which results in each trick. What are
the necessary ingredients for a successful show?
A dedicated audience.
2. A flat-selection issue.
3. Most importantly, the misleading way of presentation.
Most political systems in the world are structured on the culture of fear and
the hint of non-existent risks. It is therefore natural to require a maximum
wizard to work for them, able to perform various magic tricks in order to show
the black to white, the misery of being a crook and elected as a growing
personality. And this magician is none other than the well-known television.
Television is an ideal vehicle by which these three components of the scene.
Has penetrated into every home, so it has a huge audience. Also owned
institutions in the media (SMEs). This tells us all from our childhood is that we
are informed by the media and therefore the audience who wants to be
informed is by definition dedicated to the media and television in particular.
Furthermore, issues of TV is at the choice. Finally, the method of
presentation of topics is generally misleading.
Television and is a magician with a vast curriculum and many years of
experience and proven tools used by some shows that are to remain indelibly
etched in the minds of viewers. These tools are incomprehensible other than
clichés and pompous phrases. Road guillotine, extreme weather, dive of
death, known unknowns and the list goes on. Up ads! Remember the older
the toothpaste kalsioum B Hey. Wow! A simple toothpaste with calcium
converted automatically shocking toothpaste with Calcium (ie the Latin name
of calcium) and CA (ie the role of calcium in the periodic table)! Stranger you
to be good columnist, you are using the example that always you are using
any discussion to show it to my interlocutors that advertising is the art of
APOKRYPSEOS deceive and colloquialisms are then reported to the
authority imposed by the television to the public, thereby making it easier
recall and reproduction of discussions about the specter of a new era, the
Climate! What if increasing the tax on gasoline? What if the money from the
cashier us wings? Here, literally, the world is lost! And thankfully TV is here to
remind us and to fill important gaps and the lengthy summary of 20:00. Below
is a layman's attempt to clarify certain "known unknown" that passes us by
our good TV.
Global warming (aka unknown 1) ... You will hear:
Increasing concentrations of CO2, NO2 and other such compounds in the
atmosphere responsible for global warming. The greenhouse effect is an
increase in global temperature. The traces of these planes and enhance the
greenhouse effect.
You will not hear ...: Definition: What is ultimately the greenhouse effect? Is
the trap that emitted by the Earth infrared radiation in the atmosphere, the air
molecules triatomika. Heat source for the earth as we know, the sun, but
indirectly. Supplying energy to the earth, emitting in the visible and ultraviolet,
and the earth in turn eliminates this energy, emitting the thermal infrared, in
the period. The triatomika gases in the atmosphere have the ability to trap
this radiation in the Earth's atmosphere, thus maintaining higher global
temperatures mas.Poio is greater the greenhouse gas? The CO2;;; Wrong!
Most importantly, the greenhouse gas is the triatomiko H20, a well known
water. In a typical composition of the atmosphere, CO2 is present in
concentrations of about 0.036% and water vapor present in concentrations
from 0.1 to 5%. Concentrations of other greenhouse triatomikon measured in
units of ppb or Hellenistic parties billion. The fact that water vapor is the most
important gases, and we all understand that intuitively, since after a cloudless
winter nights and mornings we have very low temperatures, commonly
known as 'the bite', because the ground radiates heat upward without
obstacles! Conversely, when the weather is overcast, the temperature is
considerably higher, as natural glass works wonderfully! In the natural glass
is the current average global temperature. If there were steam to retain the
radiant heat in the atmosphere, the average temperature of our earth would
be at least 25 ° C lower • not so favorable for life as we know it today.

Necessary reduction of greenhouse gas emission triatomikon man? Course!

First of all, to avoid polluted air and secondly not bear to greenhouse gases.
Important note though??? Do not go crazy. These gases do not exist in such
large concentrations to justify such environmental hysteria and further global
warming is a natural mechanism of land and very useful.
As for the suspected traces of the plane, which occasionally receives some
email; normalcy These are classified in the category cloud Cirrus, the official
Atlas of clouds are called Contrails or condensation and Greek traces are
characterized by thin fibrous texture and translucent which is unable to trap
infrared radiation. Also, believe me, nobody is trying to poison us with strange
substances in the footsteps of airplanes!
Increasing global temperature and climate change (aka unknown 2)
We hear ...:
Global temperature increases over recent years, as shown in the adjacent
diagramma.I increase is approximately 0,4 ° C from 1980 to date and the
pace is particularly worrying. Climate change caused by human activity. This
position is responsible for the melting of ice at the poles. In a few decades,
sea level has risen so high that most coastal towns have disappeared under
the water. Furthermore, the increase in global temperature, there will be a
gradual desertification of a large percentage of land in the middle latitudes
and increase the number and severity of weather events.
You will not hear ...:
Because the known graph starts in 1850, Why do not we show it to start a
little earlier? Quite simply, because in 1850 ended the last Little Ice Age
period of the three minimum temperatures around the years 1650, 1770 and
1850. What does this mean in practice that before 1600 we were again
higher temperatures. And those due to human activity? Because I do not
think the skull's age had developed systems to reduce pollution! Let us come
back again but in the known graph. Increasing temperature has two maxima.
One between 1910 and 1940 and one from 1980 until today. Both the
increase is about 0,4 ° C. So what happened in the first maximum; Human
activity in 1910 was the same as 1980?
Also one of the main arguments are alarmist warming in Greenland in the last
decade by about 1 ° C. Too much growth, not deny. But at the same area
had a rate of temperature increase of about 50% higher in the years 1920 to
1930. Take a look at the chart of the IPCC relating to Greenland. This time
series is not only an upward trend shows! More on the issue of Greenland to


close the question, do you remember all the glacial periods and
mesopagetoneies we learned in school and in the course of geology? There
talking about the temperature differences of up to 10 ° C! What really
happened there. There was human activity? Definitely not! But there was a
lack of television! A simple look at history and prehistory of the land will tell
everyone that global warming as more natural and sizes run on sinusoidal
curves, which have maximum and minimum. Why we decided to consider the
fact that the warming observed over the last few years does not fall within the
established general Oscillation temperatures on earth over the years? Why
TV is sure to designate ourselves as the culprits. Read here and a few things
about Error Regression and you will understand how easily they can be
fooled human myalo.Diavaste also a great scientific work here about whether
and how climate change due to human activity. - But I feel it! Things have
changed now. I am forty years old and it was not the situation twenty years
ago .- Hmm, the cities were certainly not so, but the phenomena of
urbanization have nothing to do with global climate, but the microclimate in
the city alone.
Outside the cities the situation has changed so dramatically. Simply been
shaped by your perceptions of television come to reinforce the phenomenon
of confirmation bias.
The Ozone Hole (aka unknown 3).
We hear ...:
The ozone hole is growing, due to human activity with the use of propellants
in spray cans. Because reduced ozone, ultraviolet radiation from the sun
reaching the earth and makes the sun extremely dangerous. The sun is
made worse by the day and this is shown by the rapid growth of skin cancer

You will not hear ...:

Definition: What is ultimately the ozone hole?
Is a periodic minimizing the concentration of stratospheric ozone that
appears over Antarctica and extends mainly in the southern hemisphere
winter. Chlorofluorocarbons, commonly known as CFCs, which are used in
spray cans, accelerate the destruction of stratospheric ozone at low
temperatures. Such temperatures occur in the tropopause over Antarctica
during the Antarctic winter. Winter in Antarctica??? You know what that
means? Six months night! So there is not even the sun to send harmful
ultraviolet radiation. That is important to reduce emissions of CFCs; course,
why bringing up the hole in the ozone layer leads to a disruption of energy
balance of the land that disruption in turn can begin to significantly affect the
climate in some of the world.
- Not worse then the sun over the years
- Dry not dry! The rate of "deterioration" of the sun affects the less
overwhelming effect on our skin, the same careless behavior. A light colored
skin should be stored out of the sun as much as should be stored and thirty
years ago. A dark skin from the other (like mine) was not, nor has significant
problems from exposure to the sun (yes, I still do not put sunscreen !!!). The
rays are the worse results as more "perpendicular to the ground" to accept! In
other words, with a numerical example (not actual numbers), stop to take
care about 0.1% more UV radiation you receive compared to last year's
reduction of ozone and be sure to go to the beach in the morning or late
afternoon instead for lunch, where you receive more than 40% of UV
radiation. And jokingly, the wretches that the Finns had to suffer when they
visit our country and "eat the yob" 60% more radiation???
- But these skin cancers grow, they say investigations, they say on TV again!
- Yes, but nobody will publish the corresponding investigations indicate that
skin cancers are increasing because more and increased exposure to the
sun because tanning and swimming at 15:00 at the beach bar has become a
matter of social status as opposed to 30 and 40 years ago.
Why not publish these surveys???
Firstly to strengthen the profile of environmental bogeyman, and secondly
because cosmetic companies are paid and pay to turn right!
- But I feel it! Things have changed now. I am forty years and before twenty
years have not burned in the sun. Now, if you do not put sunscreen burn
- Natural burn! In 15 years you were playing from morning till night in
stadiums and vacant lot and your skin had learned in the sun. Today you
work from 8 to 10 hours at the office, then go home and do two weeks
vacation this summer! How do you expect to have the same strength in the
sun or ignorant your skin???
Extreme weather events (aka stranger 4)

We hear ...:

Go to the weather, crazy! Previously we had such extreme events as the

situation worsens and go! By prochtesini storm flooded basements all. And
you saw what happened in Halkidiki? The water, like streams dragged a
bunch of cars in the sea ...



You will not hear ...:

Generally in Greece do not have extreme weather! Extreme weather events

are hurricanes, are the tornado, is the monsoon and several others. I know it
will shock some of you, but the storm is extreme weather! The snow is
extreme weather! The heat is extreme weather. And also the heat is not just
high temperatures but has a direct dependency and the relative humidity! All
these phenomena are fysiologikotata reverently repeated in our country every
year in their time, sometimes more and sometimes less. If now we make our
cities, with bazomena streams, the clogged drains and the lack of
surrounding forests, unsustainable, certainly not the fault of the weather band
geek! And if we continue to burn our forests, cars and many other things we
will make diving in the coming years on each rainstorm.
Oh and do not forget!

Kleiste TV! But if you decide to open, keep your skepticism about what you
hear, especially when heard by non-specialists. I said, the chocolate in the
pastry for the State Prosthetics in Doctor and Climate Climatologists at! So
simple! Unless you intend to trust once an open heart surgery at a grocer ...
Andreas Andros

To live my husband, republish it on your ereftna on the subject I can not add
or change anything, I completely agree with you. To see the health of the
world should be exempt from the abuser primarily television. My work is 6
months. Actuates to see only DVD my choice and that's all. And I'm proud
that I have an Elephant 33 inch cathode ray tube. Excellent performance
color and sound performance electromagnetic smog just want as much!
IN GREECE CHAIVANITIDA not eat. Panagiotis Liapis
Regarding the "excellent scientific work" means the R. M. Carter, who is the
research committee of the Institute of Public Affairs, a conservative think tank
funded by oil companies. Besides there are thousands of other excellent
scientific work supporting just antitheto.Anaforika with extreme weather
events in Greece over the past 10 years the emergence of tornados in
western Greece has risen dramatically. The latter even last March had two
deaths. The fact that water is the most important greenhouse gas does not
mean that CO2 and methane, also contribute to increasing sygkentrosiston
gases in the atmosphere. With increasing the concentration more efficiently
trap solar radiation and the greater the thermokrasia.Oi political pressure on
scientists who believe that human factors play a role in climate change are


known and documented (A survey of climate scientists which was reported to
the US House Oversight and Government Reform Committee noted that
«Nearly half of all respondents perceived or personally experienced pressure
to eliminate the words 'climate change', 'global warming' or other similar
terms from a variety of communications.» These scientists were pressured to
tailor their reports on global warming to fit the Bush administration's climate
change scepticism. In some cases, this occurred at the request of a former
oil-industry lobbyist. In a report by NASA's Office of the Inspector General it
has been revealed that NASA officials censored and suppressed scientific
data on global warming in order protect the Bush administration from
controversy close to the 2004 presidential election.. «Climate Climatologists
at!" I agree completely and we must not forget that the vast pliopsifia of
climatologists who are actively involved in research (and not just those with
an undergraduate or graduate) actually believe that human activity is
exacerbating climate change. And some thoughts ... as non-climatologist.
Not so with the necessary background, let us quote some thoughts from my
professional experience as an evaluator. Forgive me some English
terminology if someone knows the Greek equivalent, will be / st grateful. The
issue is climate change. The term "change" signifies that some indicators of
change (if we accept that it is changing and somewhat measurable and not
rely on qualitative assessments), starting from a "base price» (baseline). In
any assessment, the base price is a key point. On the issue of climate
change, as you rightly mentioned by the columnist, the choice of base price
seems arbitrary or forced due to unavailability of relevant data and generally
deals with rather short intervals, eg 200 years. Without this inability to
eliminate the possibility of any interpretation of data should be taken into
account. Once we accept that such data will work as we are, we pass the
scrutiny of "authenticity." The relevant literature refers to four related steps:
a) conceptual validity, which examines whether there is a correlation, ie
whether the increase of carbon dioxide in line with rising temperature
b) internal validity, which examines whether "casual" association, ie whether
the increase in carbon dioxide causes warming,
c) construct validity, which examines what are the structures that cause
correlation and cause-effect relationships, in our case if such and such and
such a human activity ultimately lead to a measurable increase in
temperature, and finally

d) external validity, which examines whether we had the same results if we

did the same elsewhere. Let this step outside the debate, as we have only
one Earth.


On reading the relevant articles, I find that the focus is generally on the
validity scale a) and b). Unlike gamma), which is most tzanampeta usually
stays ascholiasti. I understand the difficulties of governing, but I like
'objective' observer can see that most of the articles mentioned in question is
incomplete in terms of 'proof' of cause-effect relationship. Of course, and
writes Nicholas Taleb, the absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of
absence. However, as some are unfounded views on climate alalagi
unconfirmed, equally, kateme not been proven with rigorous methodology,
and the relationship of human activity, global climate allagis.Telos about the
validity of scientists funded by X or Y or think tank company, I think any
criticism should focus on what they write alone. The 'good' scientists confirm
the upcoming Armageddon, probably governed by selfish motives well as
visibility and acquire social "capital." This course emphasizes not quite the
columnist, is a huge showbiz built on the subject, or simple if you cut on
climate change, do not buy Prius, go away.
Indeed, the problem starts right from there! There are scientists,
climatologists and understood through them (I agree with you Lambros
Sakellariou), who opened a statistical software (eg SPSS) and start "beating"
correlations between various sizes. These correlations with a numerical
example, again, can range anywhere for 20%. When you see a correlation
with a value close to 50%, as expected due to randomness increases in test
sample, the researcher believes that he caught the culprit. And we should not
have to give any scientific explanation as to the relation cause - effect, as to
why! Now, if the conclusions are high and demand, the channels or
subsidized programs, that's uh, forget completely the interpretation and go
exclusively to the alarmism.
Alex, the invisible ironic and derogatory yfaki I just have this feature. It's
invisible! And there may be some irony in the text, directed exclusively to
television, not in person. Your comment on the other is invisible in the
nobility. And with many formalities, but Failure to arguments. Example, the
tornado you mention are simply not there! Those observed in Greece where
kyklostrofikou wind (wind is kyklostrofikos and tornado), but in no case were
the brunt of the tornado, nor for that and for the foreseeable future. To create
a tornado, required in equation kyklostrofikou wind a great honor to
centrifugal force, a rate that will meet only at low latitudes. So, if you do not
move to Greece under the 30 ° latitude, just forget them and the tornado, and
water-spouts and hurricanes and everything else. As for the dead, what can I
say? And where we had 9 Beaufort, had killed by falling tree, but no one
thought to charge extreme weather ...

As for the theories of Stephen McIntyre, who has only a Bachelor of

Mathematics. Not even the Masters, has not published in peer reviewed
journals and had concealed the fact that he worked as a strategic advisor to
CGX Energy, Inc. (Oil and gas exploration company). Certainly not the
"fittest" to me talk about climate change. It is very interesting that most global
warming skeptics have no connection with related sciences (such
oceanology, meteorology, etc.) and even fewer are our specialized
"climatologists". This is not open to challenge should be a concern. To go
back to McIntyre, actually found an error in the data goddard institute for
space studies in relation to surface temperatures in the U.S.. Contact the
GISS, which thanked him and corrected the mistake. Apart from one where
the temperature anomaly of the United States had to be reduced by 0.15
degrees Celsius for socks 2000-2006, other differences detected do not
exceed 0.03 degrees Celsius and in no way reverse the fact that the
temperature increases in recent years. Fast Facts for the following obvious
1. Severe lack of historical data
4. Theory of the origin (atmospheric conditions on Venus) is at least
questionable scientific credibility

3. Theory based on a single critical point (increase in atmospheric CO2->

Chain Reaction -> significant change in the atmosphere-> temperature rise)
4. in fact we have no idea why we speak. Factors influencing the climate of
our planet (and mainly related to the sun) are many and most of them remain
largely unexplored

5.The most important of all: lack of any successful forecasting is the basis of
science itself

The overwhelming majority work published in scientific journals climate is

highly skeptical about climate change there is a scientific consensus on
climate change. Where there is disagreement even on the severity and speed
of future development. Do you recall the Joint statement of Science
Academies (2005), which was signed by the academies of Brazil, Canada,
China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, England and USA . Do
you recall the location of research institutes and organizations like the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, American
Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, Royal Society, etc.,
etc. The writing reports by such organizations allows individual members to
comment, consider and comment on the content so it is unlikely that the
positions on climate change these organizations far from the positions of
scientists-members. Besides both surveys have been based on abstract
research work in peer reviewed journals, and questionnaires to researchers
show that consensus. On the other hand, most of the climate change
sceptics do not relate to the subject and admit that only bad people do in fact
scientists have their objections, whom I respect. But I insist that they are
much less contrast, most are like those which participated in such
international conference on climate change 2009 sponsored by the Heartland
Institute. We're talking about incredible laugh
Neither a research institute or university as sponsors, 2-3 climatologists as
speakers. Features anafero (see the rest yourself): Speaker Peisner, national
spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stweardship of Creation (!), No
30raria institutes or their mother knows that aim to promote says «free
market policies» and «freedom», the Oregon Institute allegedly doing basic
and applied research and a pioneer (the fright) between the climate change
sceptics, but if the search has a staff of 8 persons, of which 2 have died and
the other 2 are children of the founder kai no student (!), the Americans for
tax Reform, etc., etc. This is the reality. The sceptics can be divided into 3
groups: group Peisner-shopping-Oregon-conservative think tanks, which is
the largest and most dangerous but that does not really have anything to do
with climatology, the group McIntyre-Andrea Andros, who Although scientists
are not conducting an investigation and / or may not have exideikefsi in
climatology and / or have a PhD and / or working within a recognized
research institution, institute, university. These scientists are clearly entitled
to comment (but think they have the infallibility) but we are clearly entitled to
disagree. The third group, which is the less, those who actually have a
doctorate, and conduct research at universities and institutions. It is the only
team that I as a scientist "respect." But until now there have convinced me ...
But the secret is elsewhere .... Indeed, mathematical models can
demonstrate and try to describe climate change in future years based on their
parameters. But if even one critical parameter is not taken into account the
results overturned. And this parameter is called AITHERAS the Universe
MONEY Universal Time Fluid called because it moves through asylipton
dimensional crystal network of a lower crystalline structure to the maximum
and vice versa leading to climate cure, not only at the Earth, but a galactic
level. The ether psichi of each galaxy in the sylolo forming the Universal Soul,
which is why we say that fills the entire universe and builds memories to
collect the crystals in each level to progress the Universal Soul. Picked;;;
It is true also that the sacrilegious education we are talking about is on the
whole no knowledge of the true meaning of the word and does not contain
anything that is even at the lower end of wisdom. But separate from the
insignificance and futility, of what makes it truly disastrous is above all that
passed for what it is, it tends to reject anything the more so smash all
features belonging to a higher field. We seem to have been coined


specifically for this purpose as the modern "uniformity" necessarily implies an
aversion to anything more.

Even more surprising is the fact that some people nowadays think they can
present their traditional teachings as a model for getting the very profane
education, without taking the slightest account of the nature of traditional
teachings and their essential differences between them and everything now
be called "science" and "philosophy" of which the real abyss separating. This
necessarily leads as to pervert entirely these teachings oversimplifying them
and not allowing to show only the most superficial sense, otherwise they
would have to admit that their claims are completely unjustified. We note here
an intrusion of modern culture in what is, by definition, radical and even the
opposite, and it is not difficult to understand what might be the disruptive
consequences even without the knowledge of those who, often in good faith
and without clear intention, become instruments for achieving this. The
decline of dogmatic religion in the West and the almost complete loss of the
corresponding esoteric clearly show which can be driven world if such a
visual widespread flooding one day even the East. The risk of this happening
is so large that we must take note as there is even more incredible kairos.To
but foremost is the main argument put forward such as the recently revealed
"propagandists" to justify their stance. One of them wrote recently that while it
is true that sometimes there needs to be restrictions on the dissemination of
certain knowledge, there is no longer a need to maintain now, because
(copied verbatim to not think that you glorify the so-called) "the average
educational level went up and the spirits are ready to accept teaching as a
whole. Here is the apparent confusion between traditional teaching and
training profane stating the word "education" has become nowadays one of
the most banal terms. This "education" has nothing to do with the traditional
doctrine nor take into account the ability of the student intake. Moreover,
once known as "raising the average level" requires inevitably return to the
disappearance of the intellectual elite, we can say that the "culture"
represents the opposite of preparing for the adoption of traditional knowledge
which is a code we can decipher and utilized. Moreover, it is n 'wonder how
an Indian can afford to ignore completely what phase of the Kali Yuga, we
are now, after reaching a point to say that "it is time that the system of
Vedanta can be presented in full text public ", while even the smallest
knowledge of the cyclical laws implies that the time is less favorable than
ever to do so. If Vedanta has always been impossible to convey the "general
public", which indeed was not intended, let alone what is feasibility in today's
world, where ever more obvious the incomprehensibility of the "multitude."
Besides, the truth is that for the same reason anything truly profound
traditional content and therefore responds to "whole teaching (because if this
expression is really a value must also include the original Initiation teaching)
is always more difficult and more accessible , because of the profane
intrusion of modern culture. How, then, one can ignore the reality to the point
of stating the opposite, especially with so much calmness as if to proclaim the
most unassailable truth?

If the changes observed were indeed "evolution" (it comes in each case is in
what direction), their nature is such that they "contribute" more to the
understanding of a metaphysical teaching than they "contribute" to spread
the profane education. Suffice it to see how much damage has been caused
to the knowledge of traditional truths political pursuits in any country in the
East have penetrate to convince ourselves that it would be more correct to
talk about inconsistency, at least in practice, despite an agreement between
this 'social evolution' and intellectual development. Indeed, we see that
relationship may have a "social life" with the purely profane sense of giving
the current people in spirituality, only obstacles hindering, and nothing else.
Conversely, when social life was completed within a traditional culture, the
ties between them was too strong. But is this modern attitude is what
destroyed them or trying to destroy them in places still stand today. What can
one then expect an "evolution" whose main feature is the direct opposition to
any spirituality?

The truth is that contemporary cause, to all those affected in one or another
degree, a real aversion to the secret and everything seem to be pretty much
hidden in any field you belong. However, we can not say exactly how the
"popularization" of traditional teaching is dangerous, at least if it were only the
theoretical side. It was simply unnecessary, even if it was possible. In reality,
the inner truths resist by their very nature to any kind of 'popularizing' with as
much clarity and if you expose one - assuming, of course, the present as they
are not to distort their true meaning - will not understand only those who are
able to understand, while others would be like not to exist. We are not talking
about the "realization" and methods suitable for this, because, by this view,
there is absolutely nothing that could have substantial value if it occurs within
a normal initiatory organization, from a theoretical point of view But it should
be a cautious when conditions are not suitable, ie purely for reasons of
circumstances, which should not be overlooked. Basically, the real secret,
which is also the only that can never be disclosed in any way, resides
exclusively in poker, for this reason it is not communicable. And within each
class of transcendent truth is a poker party, there is, in fact, the deeper
significance of the initiatory secret. An external secret, whatever, never has
any value other than a symbol or a picture of initiatory secret, or sometimes a
useful "education." But as you understand the meaning and purpose of these
things quite outside the intellectual framework and scope of modern culture,
and the incomprehension of them creates a natural aversion. Moreover, the
average person always feels an instinctive fear of what can not understand
and fear creates hatred very easily, even though while pushing himself to
eliminating the fear denying the existence of truth that does not understand.
So there are a few denials seem indeed to screaming rabies, for example,
those of "liberal thinking"-as-known-people regarding anything related to

Modern culture is so structured that it can not be tolerated no secret, not

even a caution. Because ignoring the reasons for their existence, he thinks
that "these things are privileges" which were introduced only for the benefit of
some, and furthermore, can not tolerate any kind of supremacy. If you try to
explain that the "privileges" such as calls, based essentially on the nature of
beings and nothing else, you lose the time, it would run counter to persistent
"egalitarianism" of. Not only boasting, quite unnecessarily, that removed with
the help of the only "rational" science and philosophy, a "mystery" by
notifying the "general public", but also fosters an aversion to "secret" in all
fields even so-called "everyday life". But a world where everything became
"common", it was a truly monstrous character. We say we held, because,
despite some efforts, we have not reached the ultimate end point and will not
ever get there, really, because it is always a "limit" situation. But such a
situation undoubtedly sought by all sides, according to what one might
observe that many of the seemingly opponents of "democracy" do not
ultimately nothing more than to give in so far as is possible further impetus to
the consequences, because it is the same, basically, as steeped in the
modern spirit with those who consider their opponents. To force people to live
as long as possible 'public' is not merely to collect the 'mass' at every
opportunity and under any pretext. additionally want to make them fit, not just
in "cages" as we said before, but literally "glass cages, arranged in such a
way and eat more" together ". People who are able to endure such a life,
actually deducted in a "ypanthropino" level, the level, if you want, insects
such as bees and ants. Also attempted by all means to the "organize" in a
way that does not differ more than those of these animal species, or even
ligotero.Kathos we have no intention to go into details making some
"predictions" that easily sees it will soon be overtaken by events, will not
insist further on that issue, and we remain satisfied if we give, in summary,
both an overview of the status quo and the trend will undoubtedly continue to
dominate future at least for some time yet as
The aversion to the secret is basically only one form of hatred towards
everything beyond the "average" level for anything that strays from the
uniform which they want to impose on everyone.
The following text is an excerpt from an article by Dimitris Tsoumani
magazine Strange (Issue 123) titled "The Dreamer of Agkartha, The
Forbidden Area, Imaginatio, Approach to the Mountain and the Spirit of

"... Well, the statues are made of a substance imaginary but real. The
imagination is a force only human. There is a power called Imagination of
Nature, which manifests itself in ways far more complex and unpredictable
than those that can occur at the level of matter. We could not conceive of the
existence of this power, only to synaisthanthoume if we did not have such a
power within us (if we become aware only passive, solid and certain ways of
interacting with it). This inner strength, of course, is fantasy, does not
endorse the concept of fsntasiosis "but in the sense given to us by the
corresponding Latin word imaginatio, the word imago, image. The reason,
then, is the image and virtualization (the eikonizein Byzantine literature), the
virtualization concepts and ideas, the "thinking with images, not limited by the
rules of the language is, however, a dynamic form of speech, (and here let us
remember that The word does not specify why only the word but also has a
relationship ennnoia one thing with another, and, by extension, of anslogias,
based on the symbolism).
Go back to the image tid dendrogslias, slept a sleep so deep that touches
death. . . During this sleep, the tree-FRA, the snake is a tree, cat, swim
through the imagination of nature, into a substance that can be tangible as
well as uncontrolled, spontaneous and geometrimeni. Ksneis vain tried to
implement more of a disguised Cartesian logic ... Large Ermitistes the Middle
Ages, they called Azoth ... The distinction between fantasy and reality
loosens, but not abolished. There are various degrees of reality than fantasy.
The substance may in time gain a permanent strength, writes the Saint -
Yves. From stone to become philosophers stone philosopher as saying the
Alchemists. Then becomes obelisk. Supervisors are obelisks ... Axis forces,
keep the place, the branching paths in the boundary of the Earth, with their
Doric austerity. Another picture: occasionally divided statues smile. The faint
smile of Angelique. Here is a different ratio of Nature and Technis.Se any
case, the imagination is but an artificial mineral substance .. "And what is the
sense of beat, the soul is the swing between dream and reality» (La poetica
dei Feaci , The Poetics of Feakes of c. Diano) If life passes us in a state of
hypnosis, that means that what we see in our everyday perception like a
dream, and that for this reason can be interpreted as dreams.
Someone witnessed the apocalyptic. It visualises, interpreted as follows:
"People become image. This will be the last lives to the darkened image.
"Departed horizon. Life first appeared on the walls. It is an uncoated wall with
a material as relevant. Elsewhere the walls and bloat exeichan like
amorphous cast statues and even newly formed abeyant the walls. Late
ekatevaine heaven. Lovely headband from slanting heavy lids solved and fell
slowly to show again how good is the light ... "
With those words begin Build the metamythistorima George Winter, first
published thirty years ago, in 1979. We are really far from the Middle Ages,
when people dreamed of apocalyptic?
And here the sky is falling, "to show again how good is the light". It is the
astronomical sky is falling. Remove the horizon, which provides three-
dimensional geographical space. As removed, revealed a wall, the ceiling,
the place where "life first appeared. A place of light, from "a material as
important, what bears statues. Then, after the awesome site revealed, the
sky is falling, the earth. It is a headband, a "beautiful headdress" that would
wrap a person conceal the person is light. So start it all. The world is
becoming image. Freezes. END OF TIME. The Dreamer dreams that woke
me up.


In today's world the theme of love, the relationship of a spreadsheet with

each other, sex is usually considered from a narrow perspective:
psychoanalytic, biological, anthropological or sociological. Product and co
author of a mechanistic materialism. A perceptual Matrix in which we live. In
these places to find deeper meanings and last no interest or when it ends or
is there somewhere, either a random effect or fairly restrictive Unable to see
beyond the narrow level of general human condition with this light, we will try
to look Eros, the mysterious attraction between the sheets as the ability of the
human race through him for an experience Yperatomiki, yperpsychologiki,
yperviologiki a possibility of contact with an "invisible" world where
superhuman equate humans with finite, contract, a closed system without
exceeding the capabilities of known physical laws and statements of Being.


It is indeed remarkable and far by chance at showing how much a woman
and sex in the modern world. At no other time has come to the fore thereby
also an excessive manner. Hand in the ancient world a card pointed to its
own data and even her husband, sometimes even as an element of "beauty"
with a heroic or philosophical sense, were the focus of attention. The woman
admired and worshiped as a mother more worthy of his mistress, mystic
unfulfilled yearning, proud, loving, priestess, goddess or sacred prostitute yet,
in social, religious or initiatory cases only APPLICATION intimate pleasure
with totally degenerate and ekchydaismeni stands Sex The female body
displayed throughout the theater, film, television, magazines, creating a
continuous imaginary man in particular, without this leading to an orgiastic
state or lust but a chronic mental and cerebral irritation. Irritation who never
met let alone can satisfy the brain and mental character. It is a complex mode
of libertarians neopouritanika information: See, admired, fantasies but never
touch! A direct call with no return love to praise and feeds the fantasy that
level, welcomes a psefdoithikistiki restraint and condemned by a modern type
neopouritanismo, to give in to this call to realize and satisfy any sexual
fantasy. So people, especially the male sex, with this constant irritation
unsatisfied think more sex today than in the past. A situation the militants are
bosses of various products such as cars, perfumes, clothes-pornographic
films, cinema, television, media, etc. and serve the interests glanced man
unable to meet this constant brain stimulation is looking for substitutes or
way, the way to fulfill this fantasy pattern, buying, watching and following this,
to become the standard of the man who claimed "the successful" social
imperatives that can win now every object of his desire to will finally meet this
constant mental stimulation or fantasy situation that has grown up in all this
hyperbolic system of projection of sex and female fyllou.To corresponding
physical force in its own way and gynaika.I woman on the other now
increasingly trying to ape the man instead brings its own evidence of the
female nature to take its due place in society. Becomes more and more men
than women and this is distorting the same way that undermines its own true
nature and tendency. Above this level of continuous stimulation described
above, the narcissistic element of woman finds a breeding ground. She
points out in every way all that can make it seductive, lustful (and this is the
narcissism respective subject of sales of women's products, you wonder how
many women are too specialized beauty products there, a whole system of
co-authors, is based and operates distorting the scene of the female and
male panel) and a kind of modern vampirism likes to sucks our attention and
admiration of the male leaf. This is a substitute pleasure, which prefers the
special pleasure that can offer the very real sexual experience. the issue of
empowerment of women is now the case, the perception of the modern world
is no less distorted. Living in a world where the attention of consciousness is
always focused on a material, external and social level only, the woman feels
a strong need to emancipate themselves at this level, which is fair but not
recognized and there is growing awareness more internal and spiritual
dependence on the man from the woman as outlined in paragraphs quickly
and guide above. The male equivalent to the most woman and the need for
internal empowerment of women. Kathairontas wife men still love it even
negative. The culture of masculinity has disappeared from the modern world.
So as I said earlier we have a "diabolical" reversed situation where the
woman tends to become more and more men and more male and more ...
woman ... in the negative sense of non-intellectual virility. The woman ceased
to inspire that holy person is a bridge for the man in search of a more deep
and real world. The man ceased to inspire women, society, ceased to be the
hero, the loyal Knight ....

So what ever lose than ever basically like and want and need today's man
more than ever:
The Sanctuary. The lengthy resounding sound of waves, scoffed the
chimairodi our plans. How jokingly echoing in our ears! The truth was that we
knew exactly where they go, how, nor the exact destination of us. We knew
only the ultimate objective and our objective xevrasmeno the deepest mines
in our hearts. Important for us had those moments, only to flee, escape,
journey. The risks do not frighten us, it was almost nonexistent in the face of
this eternal call. Finality was enough, not fit stacked nor postponements, was
engraved on the body near us and behind us all our skepsi.Den hold up
anymore this one sink in the shadow of the prison. We were more determined
and hungrier than vultures: I devour with pleasure and bulimia each corpse
The captain came out of the cab navigation after, he made a very careful and
accurate calculations of past shipbuilding oneirocharti us. Turn the diamond
wheel, the dusting of time-visionary binoculars, blew two or three times in the
final asymarto giving password in the bow and went to drive around shouting
perkiness and noble heroism - Climb companions not jib, release the rope,
pick up our aravourgimatika sails depart! - With hair and long gray beard
waved proudly in anemo.To moon afrontyto pops, silver disc with all sorts of
fantastic fruit, straftalize the sea, showed us the way ahead of gossamer
hematite horizon and slowly lost, but faintly I raised the leather got dark my
suitcase. I took one last mournful look back in the city, the harbor sparkles at
the foot of the mountain.

In the sea of unknown sail. Loved and hated traveled together, but always
with deep indelible sense that ultimately we all have a common purpose
which unites us beyond simple human sentiment, apart from our need to love
and be loved, to belong to a fraternity in a group. This was something
different, deeper, archetypal virgin, touched the non-human and unites us
more firmly and steel alysides.Thymamai the dreamy afternoons in spectral
islands we discovered in all their glory. Who enamel states, the palace of
basalt, the cobbled streets of dull, the ivory bridges with the gothic statues,
temples Onyx with huge fluorescent ivy that gave us aesthetic feverish
insomnia. After our cause depression Melnik and sank slowly back, back to
the dark womb of the sea, afrizontas.Meta, late at night, looking back at the
stern and beyond, to mavi-term, with sadness in the eyes in the minds of
bodies of comrades who devoured the wet grave of the hungry sea, silently
- Do we washed some tired their bodies?
- I played the sea, with waves of a concert last mournful waltz, a
tribute, for heroic souls?

- Piano then hand in hand together in a circle, and with tears in his eyes sing
the hymn of the dreamer, as some have called our lyrics together, in memory
of our brothers were lost so unjustly:
- "Dreamers we, in the seas of knowledge anoichtikame.Sto maze of cardiac
output chathikame.Tin we find again if you close your eyes ...." Today I do
not know what will happen. The Captain, always determined and hopeful told
us courage to do as we are still far from its final destination. But what is
important is tomorrow? Poets our deck, saying again and again, there is no
yesterday, now or tomorrow. As now, our royal galleon, the waves glide
boring, sit in a corner, writing the log deck and the sea seems to me like a
layer of time on it kylame, from past to future, as the north wind is pushing us
for more unmet our thinking and bold. I remember our ship to moor on a pale
desert you say designed by the hand of Tzortzione of Leonardo Da Vinci or
Pontormo. Paused briefly to listen to the loneliness and she told me as
meilichios troubadour on the beach with a gentle murmur stroking my hair
and my eyes. I was afraid for a while, the sand that swallows everything, but
then I thought: what is the reason to go running this part horror fills our
hearts, and we can just admire and record the architectural manifesto of fear
and pain of loneliness ? dive So we nonchalantly the golden pen in ink, like
the brush of the most passionately, committed artist and wrote then, and my
traveling companions, the book of unheard silences of the desert and the
secrets she taught us. The ve bent the most rare and resistant to algae and
dress it with dried wings of angels expelled, the ancient and forgotten art of
bookbinding as profane gods patience sometimes in secret, we were taught.
Sail again for new adventures, new knowledge and consciousness that
voutagan our bodies into a heady new wine of the Unknown. They had come,
but then grabs of Hope. The rationalists, accountants rectum! These
sichamenoi squid keep their cards "pollitically correct", in our hearts
bureaucrats, diplomats rubbing and swallow, shred and shamelessly happy
to ride on the backbone of horses of our ideas without hesitation. To cut the
wings of love poet who beat anyway over the narrow sidewalks earth
polished them out swords from their brazen cases, protectors of our visions
sworn, unlimited saints, monastic and hermits, pirates, rebels without a
logical just crazy with songs, prayers and ecstatic dance, with a resigned
melancholy innocent eyes. The clouds but until then we hid the stars, Simossi
dealing with this time on our side. Allies, and these brothers of the night. Tear
us evaporated on the warm cheeks of ravishing melancholy, we went to
heaven, ionistike aitherovamon with our thoughts, it was hot hail, fell upon
their own bodies and the flesh melted their souls. Gather the corpses of
reverence and buried in the land of "haves" and then threw their wooden
boats, our angry water and stretch the rope to catch our free spirit now.
"Join us brothers," as the thunders souls struggling in the swell to lift, "we are
not enemies, you want to give you secret inaccessible areas where the
mystery grows like a flower magic ...." In vain, those planning just how to go
back again, more formidable than ever, vdelygmatiki hatred and envy in the
eyes, from embarrassment to uncover the well hidden ugly ... What is UFO??
Jacques party will be telling us something very advanced, original and fefgato
"anyparkta. and Mrs Marika that conspire to wash it. More now on this "first
material" unknown kernel (do not know what can be and can be anything),
anyone can build and mold anything.In other words, the day following that the
UFO might be something totally different and much more "crazy" from simple
stories with aliens or esogiinous or even creatures and beings as we now
understand with this condition (but of course exclude that it may be
something from the above, one does not negate the other) and this is
because this core passes and is filtered by the "average" of the common
component of views, this culture, culture and education, this short, perceptive
and state legislation people in which the mystery and the Invisible is the
appearance of any epochi.Ypo this light, is of great interest to examine the
"why" and "how" of this widespread mythologias.Erchetai anymore in my
mind, therefore, again Again, the following question: How is shaped and
where a particular neomythologia with these charachtiristika as such, as if the
core is almost non-existent anymore?

Be Continued. ..


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