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The People of Devils



ΑΘΗΝΑ 2010
With lots of love dedicated
my parents, to EL_lines
to Natalia, Olga, Onder, to my colleagues

By Price

LIAPIS Panagiotis



Δ/νση Κ.Βάρναλη 12, 15121 Πεύκη, Αθήνα
Τηλ. 210-6149149
Κιν. 6937097443
ΔΙΑΘΕΣΗ 210.8065618 6937097443

A few words from the author

Friends in this textbook, and knowledge, which
keep the dusty Greek manuscripts of Plato,
Aristotle and other ancient fotodoton through
masterfully blended events of economy, religion,
Greek history and mythology, the confirmations of
Medicine and the multidimensional social
structures you presenting with episodic manner
cycles of 50 years revolutionizing the mainstream
polity, destroying and recreating periodically society when the
exploitation of land and resources from one human to reach its boiling
point that affects the nature itself. We also indicate economic behavior
with which it is possible to spend almost painlessly through this
economic tidal wave, get ready my friends for the collapse of the dollar
and mi dip without any safety net, stories bottomless reality a series of
error events on the constellations, and possible manipulation of
cosmogony, incidents involving the Nazis and the possible bases in
space, President Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeias launched
in conjunction with the worship of infernal beings are a new mirror
through which can be seen The mainstream of the current boom in the
MIND CONTROL, the chip EMV of Bill Gates on banking credit cards,
the emerging banking system in relation to economic crashes of
America, SIONISMOS and the New World Order of the 4th Reich, and
PEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA in connection with the
anti-government slogans and reactive walls define a new reality, which
leads to control police forces in the use of hidden centuries Sound Guns
of the ancient Greeks, developed by the Greek National Nuclear
epistimoina C. Gkiolva. The creations of the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule)
and the sound "Artemis", as are internet sources are presented in detail
below in relation to biological warfare aircraft from the US-spray from
chemical and microbial air over cities. By Bantouva model [the Cretan
intrepidity under the instructions of Mahatma Gandhi, is trying to
minimize the harmful effects of these anti-constitutional activities are
using Genetics Industry, widespread fires, building new towns in the
concentration camps of the Reich D, applied geo-strategic plan
application of a new war in the Balkans because of Kosovo, where the
project "Blue Ray" at the upcoming mayhem at the end of 01/2010 will chrisimopoiithoun new
weapons bass Police with physical effects of radiation on the human organism KARKINOUS
The whole controversy will graduate and domination of Russia and Greece in the Balkans and
the economic and cultural status while reducing the roles and FRA Germany, and China rising

By Price

LIAPIS Panagiotis
The Anneliese Michel (the real name of the film «Emily Rose», which was known from the
movie "The Exorcism of Emily Rose ', but differs somewhat from the facts) was a German
college student, born in Leiblfing, a small village in Bavaria, Germany. Her parents were
deeply religious people (Catholic), so he grew up in an intensely religious environment. From
its inception on September 21, 1952, the Anneliese Michel was a normal youthful life.
Without warning, her life changed one day in 1968 when she began to tremble and he was
unable to control her body. She could not call her parents, Josef and Anna, or any of her 3
sisters. A neurologist at the Psychiatric Clinic Würzburg diagnosed «Grand Mal» epilepsy.
Because of the force had these seizures and depression, which departed the Anneliese was
transferred to a psychiatric hospital for medical care and perithalpsi.I stay in the hospital did
not improve her health. Furthermore began to suffer from depression too.
Having focused her life to the Catholic faith, Anneliese began to attribute her condition to the
existence of demons. It gradually became an intolerance to religious sites and symbols as the
cross. Sooner or later, after the attacks began, Anneliese began to "see" demonic forms
during the course of daily prayer.
It was late 1970 and the other children were enjoying the new era of peace and freedom,
Anneliese was battling with the obsessive idea that she was possessed. It seems that there
was no other explanation for the demonic grimaces during the prayers. Later followed by
several voices saying that Anneliese will "rot in hell." He mentioned the "demons" to the
doctors only once, explaining that it began to give orders. The doctors provided different
drugs countering the psychoseis.I Anneliese but was convinced that the medical treatment
failed to help and called persistent exorcism of the church. In the summer of 1973, her
parents visited different pastors and asked to do exorcism. Their applications were rejected
and only offered them to continue the 20 year-old Anneliese medical and pharmaceutical
care. They explained that the process (Infestatio) in which the church accepts daimonismo is
very strict and only when all the conditions and symptoms occur only then can the priest
make exorcism. The symptoms to name a few are annoying and apathy in sacred symbols,
speaking in languages never knew before, and supernatural forces.
In November 1973 Anneliese started started treatment with Tegretol (carbamazepine), an
antiepileptic drug, which took until shortly before her death, when time came to be unable to
swallow anything.
In 1974, after the priest Ernst Alt monitoring for some time, asked the High Priest of
Würzburg, proceed to exorcism. The application was rejected but the priest did not stop the
attacks and conduct became even more unorthodox. In parents' house in Klingenberg,
swearing, hitting and started to bite members of the family. Refused to eat because the
"demons" do not allow it. Anneliese slept on the stone floor, ate spiders, flies, and began to
drink her own urine. Heard screaming inside and outside the house for hours and break
crosses, kill icons of Christ and other sacred symbols. The Anneliese became largely self
inflicted and the conduct of tearing her clothes and urinating on the floor was the most
frequent. After the September 1975 all the criteria of exorcism occurred, the Bishop of
Würzburg, Josef Stangl, assigned Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst Alt to the "Great
Exorcism" of Anneliese Michel. The basis for this ritual was the «Rituale Romanum», which
was even at that time under the law since the 17th century. The evidence showed that the
Anneliese should be spared because there are several demons in the body, including Lucifer,
Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, Fleischmann (a Franciscan priest, ashamed of the 16th
century) and some other "condemned souls" who had revealed within. From September 1975
until July 1976, one or two every week became hocus pocus. Anneliese's attacks were
sometimes so strong that we had to keep three men, or even the shackles.
Periodically, Anneliese saw some mental equilibrium and began to go old school final exams
given at the Pedagogical University of Würzburg and go to church.
The attacks, however, not stopped. In fact, they found more often paralyzed and unconscious
on the floor than before. The exorcism continued over many months, always with the same
prayers and the same priests. Sometimes family members and guests as a married couple
who claims to have "discovered" on Anneliese, was present during the rituals. For several
weeks, Anneliese denied food, their knees were full of sores, and more than 40 audio
recordings to keep detailed time ritual.
The last day of the Exorcism Rite was on June 30, 1976, and Anneliese was suffering at this
point from Pneumonia. He was also a weak overall having a high fever. Exhausted and
unable to run itself the "hidden agendas", her parents stood in and helped carry out the
"Beg for absolution" was the last statement Anneliese made to the exorcists. The mother said,
'Mother, I'm afraid. " The Anna Michel died in her sleep the next day, July 1, 1976 and her
mother recorded the death of her daughter. At noon, Pastor Ernst Alt informed the authorities
Asafenmpourgk. The senior prosecutor immediately began procedures.
In 1974, shortly before these final events xetylichtikan the film, William Friedkin «The
Exorcist» (The Exorcist) made its first appearance in cinemas in Germany, and provoked a
wave of paranormal hysteria that flooded the nation. Psychiatrists all over Europe reported an
increase in persistent ideas among their patients. Prosecutors took more than 2 years to bring
the case to court Annaliese, trying at that time to sort out the strange events and data. The
"matter Klingenberg» would be considered at two levels: What was it that caused the death of
Anneliese Michel, and who was responsible?
The exorcists tried to prove the presence of demons by playing tapes in which strange
dialogues like two devils arguing about who should leave the body of Anneliese, one of the
demons called himself "Hitler", while none of the present during the exorcism did not doubt
the presence of demons.
The autopsy report, concluded that her death was caused by malnutrition and dehydration
that resulted from almost a year of malnutrition during the rites of exorcism. Experts said that
if you feed it by force of life would sothei.To court ruled that parents of Anneliese like exorcists
were found guilty of murder by negligence, as they called a doctor and sentenced to 6 months
imprisonment. Some doctors have argued, that the symptoms of Anneliese, were not
unknown and suggest an unprecedented mental disorders that were mentioned in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV-TR). Before trial, the parents
of Anneliese, requested the exhumation of the body of their daughter, the official reason, we
had buried casual and wanted to change the coffin. In fact, the reason was a message
received from a nun, which told them that he had seen a vision that the body of their daughter
remained intact and unchanged, which could prove the authenticity and the supernatural
nature of the case. But official reports (not contested) reported that the deterioration of the
body was consistent with respect to time and the scars left. Later, a committee of the German
Church took the conclusion that the Anneliese was not possessed, but that did not keep away
the faithful who supported the opposite. To date, the tomb remains a pilgrimage for those who
believe that Anneliese Michel fought the devil.
Really intriguing is the case, which became films.
Meanwhile some videos circulating photos of t is quite appalling.
And there are certainly many cases that have heard similar cases, possessed and procedures
exorkismou.Eseis what you think might happen;
There is indeed evil spirits in possession of human bodies;
Are all these creatures superstition;

Is mental disorders;
Where there is truth and exaggeration;
However, if I'm not mistaken, the official church acknowledges the existence of evil spirits and
and have similar exorcisms.

Daimonolipsia, demonic oppression and exorcisms.

Some adventurous people have confirmed that, as there are no mice where there are cats, so
no one is possessed where there are exorcists ". Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, (1742-1799),
Aphorisms F 134.


Christianity has traditionally taught that Satan and the hordes of demons at the earth trying to
hurt, to torture and destroy them. The belief was, entered Christianity from Judaism, 1st
century AD "Among other things, the forces of evil (thought to) promote injustice and
oppression of the people of God, idolatry, an error and violence." 1 "Many theologians believe
that the concepts of Pegasus from the Zoroastriki Faith in Persia centuries ago.
There are many dozens of passages in the Christian Scriptures that describe the belief that
demons can live in a human being and make it behave strangely. Many mental and physical
illnesses were attributed to the source of the 1st century AD A large part of the message of
the Gospel for the treatment mandate of Jesus in exorcism. Reported to have cured many
sick eliminating one or more demons from their bodies.
The faith of the people of the country evil spirits and so in need of exorcism, there remains
today among conservative Christians, both Catholic and Protestant. Referring generally
believe in the infallibility of the Bible. The Christian Scriptures contain too many references to
exorcisms than Jesus and the Apostles, as believers who interpret the Bible literally, are
forced to believe in demons, in daimonolipsia and exorcism.

The progressive Christians have long since abandoned the belief in demons. They view the
Bible as a graphic literature reports a pre-scientific age, which is unrelated to reality. But the
cultural images die hard. Hollywood still turns out second grade films and the occasional
program that includes daimonolipsia and exorcisms as a main subject.
Physical abuse during exorcisms causing serious injury "23" or death "24"
Homicide, accidental, presented a rate of about one year in North America. In the immediately
preceding years, we have recorded new data on killings of exorcism in Waterloo ON Canada,
California and New Jersey.

Daimonolipsia and Exorcism in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament)

The pagan cultures that surrounded the ancient Israelites are obsessed with these two
issues. But Judaism was an exception in the Middle East. The Hebrew Scriptures contain
some references to daimonolipsies and none in the exorcism. The only references to evil
spirits that reside in humans are three stories about Abimelech (Judas 9), some prophets
(Kings A 22) and Saul (Samuel 16, 18 and 19). In any event, it was God who sent a special
devil or false spirit to torment people. There is a theory that the Hebrew Scriptures originally
contained descriptions of contact between humans and demons, but the material is removed
from the text. For example: • The description in Genesis 32 of Jacob wrestling with an
unknown thug element in the bank of a river, perhaps referring to Jacob who once fought a
demon river.
The description in Exodus 4 where God is trying to kill Moses, may initially described the
struggle of Moses with a demon.
• A description of the coating with the blood of the lamb in the door at Exit 12, you have taken
from an ancient ritual to protect the house from demonic visits.
But these and similar cues must remain pure speculation. In no case involving possession of
a man by a demonic spirit or report an exorcism ritual.
Numerous cases daimonolipsion exorcisms and from Jesus and his disciples mentioned in
the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. The Letters and Revelation are silent on these
issues. We may collect certain conclusions about the method of exorcism from the Scriptures:

• Cause of daimonismou: In the Bible, daimonismou victims are never responsible for their
situation. There are references to the Christian Scriptures that indicate that the daimonismos
caused by some sin in their lives. None of the victims are not accused of having allowed
himself to be captured.

• Animals can daimonisthoun: Matthew 8:30 and the corresponding passages describing that
demons can not understand hogs.

• Multiple daimonolipsia: Many passages refer to a person daimonolipsia many demons. In

Luke 8:30 describes a man who had conquered many demons. Use the word "legion", a unit
of 6000 soldiers.

• Gifts of demons: The demons can give people special powers. In Acts of the Apostles 16:16,
was a woman the power to predict the future from the demonic spirit that had occupied. But it
appears as an exception. Other passages describe how the demons hurting people.
• Diseases and disorders caused by demons: The Luke 9:39 clearly describes a case of
epilepsy caused by a demon. In Luke 11:14 records a person could not speak because
people of the country a demon. In Luke 13:10-13 describes a woman who could not
straighten her back for almost two decades, due to a demonic pnefmatos.10
• evil words: Many passages in the Bible describe demons have done squat, talk to exorcist,
perhaps taking control of the vocal cords of people.
• The power of demons: The Mark 5:4 describes how elements inhabit a spirit makes the
victim has superhuman strength, that they could not keep the shackles and chains.
• Demons vary in Malice: The Matthew 12:45 describes how a spirit of a man left but returned
with seven others who were evil than the original.
• The hocus pocus is often easy: With one exception, Jesus or an Apostle were told just the
demonic spirit to leave the demon and complied immediately.
• Some hocus pocus require special preparation: Jesus' disciples could not render a boy from
a demonic spirit that made the child is seemingly mute and epileptic. Jesus healed the child
and explained that the only way to relieve some of this kind of demon, was in an earlier prayer
and fasting.
• Using clothing: In Acts 19:12 described how, clothing or towels used once than Paul had
magical powers and used to treat people suffering from disease and evil spirits.
• Only Christians can perform exorcisms: In Acts 19:13 describes how the 7 non-Christians
have tried to exorcise demons in the name of Jesus and Paul. Failed. All were attacked and
beaten by the possessed man who tore their clothes. • Prostazontas in the name of Jesus:
After the execution of Jesus, hocus pocus place in the name of Jesus - Acts 16:16 In
describing a slave possessed. Paul adjuration a "spirit of divination" from it. He commanded
the spirit to leave "in the name of Jesus
The Acts 19:13 described how, some itinerant Jewish exorcists, attempted to exorcise one
demon by saying "in the name of Jesus, which Paul declares, in order you to leave." He was
unsuccessful, presumably because they were not believers of Christianity.

• Risk in exorcism: In Acts 19:13 a man possessed displayed superhuman strength. 7

attacked Jewish exorcists to beat them expelled from the house with their clothes torn.
Apparently, the demonic spirit acknowledged that exorcists were not Christians and refused to
execute their orders.

• The sick went to the exorcist: the sick were transported ahead to the Apostles the Apostles •
not looking sick. With one exception, all treated, or suffered from invasion of demons, or
physical illness. Nobody in the Bible had no mandate exorcist.
• Return of the Demon: The Matthew 12:43 describes a demon who left a man, apparently
because exorcism. He returned later with seven other evil spirits to regain the individual.
Nevertheless, there is no mention of Jesus or exorcism of his pupils have temporary
• The Exorcism depends from the faith of the victim: In Mark 9:18, Jesus explained to a man
that all things are possible to those who believe, including the exorcism of his son.

Currently the daimonolipsia and exorcism?

The progressive Christians and those who are classed as skeptics, in general deny the
existence of the people of the country demonic spirits that control the minds and bodies of
humans. They often cases exorcism in the Scriptures, for lack of basis in reality. The
descriptions often portraying, how the writers of the 1st century interpreted the facts, eg The
authors of the Gospels described stories of demons who were ordered to leave their victims.
In fact, Jesus simply used the ability of faith-healing to heal those who suffer. The
conservative Christians who accept the infallibility of the Bible, have a range of views
regarding the daimonolipsia in modern times. Two extremes are:
• The occupation is no longer unusual: it is believed that daimonolipsia and the necessity of
exorcism was common only during the reign of Jesus and shortly after. Rare or absent today.
Perhaps the presence of Jesus on earth caused the unusual action of Satan and demons. Or
perhaps Jesus and his disciples cured so many people Possessed to show the audience that
Jesus was the Messiah. With the establishment of the Christian church reduced the need for
exorcism. Thus, one can assume that the contemporary references seizure caused by evil
spirits in the reality of mental illness. The hocus pocus is extremely dangerous and offensive
to the victim.

• This occupation is still unusual: it is believed that the daimonolipsia and the necessity of
exorcism is as strong today as in the 1st century Palestine. Many people are monitored by
psychiatrists and psychologists and other therapists are actually demonized and treated only
by exorcism. Countless millions of dollars wasted unjustly from their psychotherapists, or
even dangerous treatments.

Daimonolipsia, demonic oppression and schizophrenia.

In Acts 10:38 says dynastefseis from Satan, which some believe is a different phenomenon
than daimonolipsia.20 oppress someone from Satan to accept influences on behavior in one
area of life - eg . to be unable to resist alcohol. Tortured but not occupied by squatters
daimones.19 dynastefsi This often leads to daimonolipsia.

The anonymous page of the Web "Eternal Destinies" teaches that Satan governs the
frequencies, the media and Hollywood. Is "a dominant influence on world politics and various
religions." The Webmaster differentiates between the symptoms of demonic dynastefsis and

• Symptoms dynastefsis: abnormal and irrational fear, anxiety and loneliness, lack of goals,
depression, inability reasonable justification, searching power and control, etc.

• Symptoms daimonismou: vrisimo uncontrollable, excessive physical strength, surprisingly

high IQ, highly negative reaction to pronounce the name of Jesus, multiple personalities, too
much fear in the presence of Christians, violent behavior, demonstrate paranormal abilities,
severe depression, etc.

In "Eternal Destinies" believed that dynastefsi daimonismos and have different causes:
Causes dynastefsis:

• Activities such as friendliness, appointments or sexual contact with a person who possessed
or oppress, to play the tables Ouija, to read science fiction, watching soap operas, watching
porn, etc.

• Religious trouble such as pseudo-religions, sects, reciting the psalms, the non-Christian
meditation, etc.

Causes daimonismou:

• activities such as: extreme cases of sexual debauchery, the disobedience • blasphemy, to
do test ESP or other paranormal abilities, mixing in astrology, to go to soothsayers, to own or
use occultist amulets, talisman, written materials, music etc.

Roman Catholic beliefs and practices of exorcism:

In the past, the church's beliefs about the nature of women and human sexuality have led to
the belief that every newborn has been occupied by a demon people of the country because
of close contact with the channel of sexual mother. The church used to conjures every
newborn at the time of baptism with the following ritual:

"To exorcise the unclean spirit in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Departed and
left him a servant of God [name of infant]. Damn you and damn mind, he heard the command
of God himself, that he walked onto the Sea and offered his hand to Peter and sank. So damn
damn, I admit the conviction ... and get out of this servant of God [name of infant] ... Never
dare, cursed devil, to violate the sign the sacred cross we put on the forehead of. With the
help of Christ our Lord. "

Minor hocus pocus are still running on baptism, the blessing of Holy Water, the blessing of a
house or other location k.lp.2

Through its history, the church has recognized a demon demonic spirits and the people faced
with integrated exorcisms. This practice is strictly controlled in the modern era. The
ecclesiastical rule now requires a direct command of the bishop, after two careful
investigations, based on positive evidence that it is true daimonismos ".3

It is believed that demons cause damage to a couple of ways the victims: They can cause a
psychosis in which the demon fills the mind of his victim with bad thoughts. The second is
daimonolipsia, where the devil takes the power of the human body. Various signs
daimonolipsias are: errors in the faith, deceiving, inaccuracies, lies and confusion "in talking
with many words from unknown languages, or to understand, making known distant or hidden
things, a showdown over the position of someone with strong aversion to God, the Virgin, the
Cross and holy pictures ".4
On January 26, 1999, Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina, curator of the Holy Synod for Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments, presented an updated exorcism ritual for ekklisia.4
Former major modernization released as Rituale Romanum during the reign of Pope Paul C
1614 AD The ritual is described in 84 pages, properly fastened in a red leather book. The
ritual is currently available only in Latin • be translated into other languages at a future date.
The exorcism ritual includes: prayers, the blessing and sprinkling of holy water, placing their
hands on the possessed and the creation of the cross section, the invocation of Christ, the
Holy Spirit and the saints of the church ".5 Then follows the typical invocation: the demons out
of Satan and called from God to free the victim from the daimonolipsia. Then followed the
ceremonial dictates when the devil is ordered to leave the man. Ending with "Therefore,
removal Satan."
The guidelines of the Vatican stressed that most behavior is shown to be caused by
daimonolipsia, in fact caused by psychiatric astheneies.6 The Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a
leading exorcist of the Vatican, found that only 5 or 6 among thousands of people are asking
the using an exorcist, actually owned by evil spirits. The other "psychiatric help shopper" 8. "...
The priests who come into contact with exorcisms, we must face the evil as a force, Grooming
all individuals, rather than a power that traditionally embodies Satan, threatening people from
outside ... The Vatican officials say beneath the new ritual, the priests will be encouraged to
not be mentioned anymore in the Prince of Darkness, the Accursed OFI in fraudulent Spirit,
the Satanic Power or the Lord of fraud. By contrast, more formally referred vaguely to the
'cause of evil '. It was first set up an invocation to the Virgin Mary to help fight the evil one,
damaged individual', a reflection of the personal debt of Pope John Paul II to Mary. "8
Nevertheless the church is facing "soft" belief in Satan and demons. The Vatican
representative, Cardinal Jorge Medina Estevez, said: "The existence of the devil is not an
opinion, which may be perceived as one wants. Anyone who says there will not have the
fullness of Catholic faith. He said that the presence of the devil is visible in the broad
acceptance "of lies and fraud ... the idolatry of money ... the idolatry of sex ...". The presence
of the devil ... explains the dramatic situation of the world, suffering beneath the power of the
malicious. "According to the memoirs of Cardinal Jacques Martin, the former superintendent
of the service staff of the pontiff, Pope John Paul II, adjuration passed a woman in 1982.
When he brought it, writhed in edafos.7 nSyntiritikes Protestant beliefs and practices
Fundamentalists and other Evangelical Christians exhibit a wide range of beliefs regarding
the daimonolipsia and exorcism. But mostly they share some basic principles:

• Like Catholics, most believe that the extracts of demons in the New Testament are accurate
descriptions of power and action of evil spirits.

• Satan and his demons are believed to be living entities wandering the world looking to
torture and destroy people.

• Many believe that evil forces play a dominant role in people's lives today. Books in Christian
bookstores and Christian radio programs and television often refer to demonic influences and
warn believers to be vigilant then.

Some Evangelical beliefs:

The J.F. Cogan has written a "Handbook for Daimonolipsia for Workers in the Service of
Mankind [sic]". It is a very complete description of daimonolipsias and exorcism, and we will
deal here with the detail. The handbook aims to inform those who deal with the case, the
workers of the church and 22 other professions for what he feels is the reality for
daimonolipsia.10 comments: "... Satan and his demons are real strength.

Within the limits that God has, Satan and his demons can do real spiritual damage to people
who are not satisfied, and therefore not protected from the Holy Spirit. "Here he writes:" The
purpose of Satan and Demon is the eternal damnation of the souls of those many people as
possible to reject the salvation of Jesus Christ and be forever cursed the punishment of hell.
"cites a number of behaviors and actions are usually caused by daimonolipsia today:

• "... those who commit murder and arson series is possessed."

• Intermittent daimonolipsia the cause of spousal abuse

• "Suicide is often linked to daimonolipsia."

• "When two people are both possessed, you are sensual attraction for one another, beyond
any reasonable ... lust often caused by demons, leads to murder ..."

• The absurd kidnapping stores

• Learning disabilities and behavioral problems of childhood.

• Various physical illnesses.

• Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia

• The post-hypnotic suggestion.

• Demons occupy homes as people • a haunted house may be a "nest" evil spirits.
• Specific games can lead to trouble with demons: the boards Ouija, the dungeons and
dragons and other role play, games with dragons, etc.
• The multiple personality disorder (otherwise, a separate identity disorder)
• False memories implanted by demons in the minds of people treated recall memory.
Automatic human combustion
• Awful and insulting language in a voice different from the normal voice of the victim.
He writes that there are many activities to attract demons to people involved with:
• Illegal sex.
Gay sex.
Viewed pornography.
• Use of Psychotropic Drugs
• Playing rock music, especially if the musicians themselves involved with demons.
to carry a specific professions, roles and tasks that often cause daimonolipsies:

Leaders of religious sects

• All fans of Satan will eventually occupied by demons.

• Astrologers

• Parapsychology, including those who operate via telephone and parapsychologist to help in
police investigations.

He says that if a person opens his mind "to forces that are not purely holy, then the mind can
be filled with a demon.
The Gospels describe that during the reign of Jesus, saying that the demons were taking
people and caused to physical and mental illnesses. But after the execution of Jesus, Paul
wrote a large extent the area of evil spirits. In II Corinthians 11:13-15, warning that Satan's
servants (possible demon people) pretended to be disciples of Christ, even spreading lies and
controversy. Extracts Timothy 4:1 and Timothy 4:3-4 say that the teachings of demons will be
widely disseminated. We give as an example of the Evangelical clerical school teachers who
support equal opportunities ordination for gays, lesbians and heterosexual.
The. F. Cogan has developed an interesting idea of "demonic sharing time." Does the number
of devils has been identified for the past few thousand years. Thus, each demon has a lot
more people hold today than in past seasons. Because they are created beings, the demons
can only be in one place at any time. It should be "sharing time" people to them. Thus,
concentrated to torture a person, then traveling at high speed in the other person suffer. Does
that perhaps can travel between the victims with "the speed of electricity, 300,000 miles per
second. [This is unlikely if the demons have non-zero weight, because a body mass increases
towards infinity as approached the speed of light]. Supports this theory, pointing out that
murderers, those who sexually molest children and those who abuse their wives may be
involved in criminal activities for a while and be perfectly calm and rational a few seconds
before and after.
It proposes a multi-step to cause the release of daimonolipsia. People:
It should be saved and n aplirothoun from the Holy Spirit.
• you must pray to God that "the power of the discharged blood of Jesus Christ to protect
• To find a consultant to help them
• pray for the release
• to expect deliverance from demons. You may not want to leave them easily over the
demons that may try to regain their
• to pray regularly

• read the Bible

• regularly monitor the church

The Interactive Vivlos11 cites Romans 8:35-39 to prove that demons can not understand
someone who has survived.

Magazine Viewpoint, a Mission Outreach in Joplin MO, gather feedback from a number of
Evangelical Christians on daimonolipsia. Some opinions expressed:

• when someone repeatedly occupied by demons, this is the same demon each time.
• there is no practical way to protect from demons, someone who is not saved. The demon
may return at any time.
• when the Holy Spirit enter someone, not at the same time to capture a demon
• you can easily know if a spirit comes from God or Satan. Simply called to say "Jesus is
Lord." If you can not or will not say the words, it is a demon.
• Satan deceives somebody gets them to create a ministry to exorcise the possessed.
It employs them than to preach the gospel.
• To expel the demons from a possessed is dangerous because it can be occupied
worse than before. The person must be saved and receive the Holy Spirit to prevent a
• The evangelicals mobilized to preach the gospel and not find people to exorcise them.
• A coworker suggested that very few real cures and hocus pocus today and that Satan is not
now occupied people, as did the 1st century AD After Jesus was resurrected, "the power of
Satan is substantially reduced."

The Bob Vaugn is the page "Uncommon Answers" on the Web, which deals with dynastefsi
by demons and other themata20. Argues that:

• The Christian faithful have the power and authority to expel devils from possessed.
• Not all diseases are caused by evil spirits. Some are caused by viruses and other natural
• Someone who is possessed is helpless to resist the orders of demons.
• Many New Testament passages indicate or suggest that someone who has survived can not
be captured by a demon.
The Rex W. Rosenberg, a conservative Christian clinical psychologist who specializes in
multiple personality disorders and disorders separate identity (MPD / DID), believes that
demonic intrusion can lead to what he calls the "division of demonic intervention" (DMD).
Stating that the therapist will detect their customers both in the presence of several real
persons (otherwise alters, some from which we have demonic connections) and demons
(some of whom will disguise as alters). It can be done much damage to the patient, if not
accurately determine the exact nature of the entities and do not apply the appropriate
therapeutic agogi.13

It has created an experimental "study occult Activities and demonstrations, which can use a
person to detect the degree of involvement with the occult. It lists 96 experiences or
demonstrations of occult activity, eg viewing monsters, fairies, the inability to read or
understanding of the Bible, demonic sex with a woman. 79 lists occult activities and
organizations such as Tarot cards, tables Ouija, I Ching, reading sex palm or tea, maps
biorhythms, throw the runes, the numerology. Includes a number of religions and spiritual
paths: Christian Science, Eckankar, Hare Krishna, Santeria, Scientology, Unification Church,
Witchcraft / Wicca. Other references to the Internet and daimonolipsia MPD is at 15, 16, 17. A
description of exorcism of a man who had been diagnosed with MPD is at 18
Materialistic, religious doubt, and progressive beliefs:
Materialistic, religious doubt, and progressive groups and individuals have long since
abandoned any belief in Satan, the demons in daimonolipsia as cause of mental and physical
illnesses and the need for exorcism. Few people today give importance to these issues. Most
believe the alleged daimonolipsies, have their roots in mental disorders such as epilepsy or
syndrome Tourette, a mental illness such as schizophrenia or "people whose minds are more
or less healthy, but who unfortunately absorbed to play a social role with a lot of unpleasant
consequences. "22
Many therapists have been involved in the diagnosis of multiple personality disorders and
disorders separate identity in their patients. Nevertheless, most mental health professionals
have remained reluctant to be convinced of its existence. Consider the MPD / DID as an
iatrogenic disorder .- a problem caused by your doctor or therapist. Today, very few therapists
still believe in the reality of MPD • almost none of them gives rise to a enoikountes demons.
Hollywood has done a great number of horror B category for evil spirits and even some major
films such as Fear of Amityville, Carrie, The Devil in Mrs. Jones (film XXX), The Exorcist, the
Gkostmpasters, the Gkremlins, Halloween, Children of the Night, The Omen, Poltergeist, and
the baby Rosmari.25 continue to make movies promoting a fictional version of the cult of
Satan that was created from the church over 500 years ago. Children still like to scare evil
spirits from "witches", skeletons, haunted houses, ghosts, etc. on the eve of All Saints
(Halloween). But most "believe" in these things, in the same manner that they believe in
Santa Claus and the Easter rabbit - as an amusing tale of a pre-scientific era.

Latest developments:
April 2000: The Reverend Jim Peasboro in Savannah GA wrote the book "The Devil in the
Machine: The computer is held by a demon?" Some points raised in the book are:
• While the age of computers has announced several advances, is also another door through
which the Lousifer and favored to be allowed entry into the souls of people and the corrupt.
• Demons can understand everything that is the brain, even a chicken, a human or a
• "Any PC manufactured after 1985 has the storage capacity to house a demonic spirit."
• "... Most of the young people involved in shootings in schools, such as the tragedy of
Columbine, it was love computers ... I have no doubt that computer demons exerted influence
over them."
• calculated as "... one in 10 computers in American households today, it houses a demonic
• "Technicians can replace the hard disk and reinstall the software to get rid permanently
sinful spirit."
The Reverend Peasboro said: "I learned that many members of my congregation came into
contact with a dark force whenever they used their computers. Honest, happy in their
marriage to the families, were thrown into exuberant pornographic pages and forced to
witness unspeakable degrading acts. Housewives who had never expressed an immoral
thought entered the chat room on the Internet and were using vulgar, degrading language
would never use normally ... One woman lamented as I exomologountan 'I feel when I'm on
the computer, like someone else or something else taking control '. "
He had the opportunity to inspect an infected computer. He found that an artificial intelligence
program started automatically. He said: "The program began talking directly to me, with open
empaizontas. Wrote on the screen, preacher, you're a man and your God is a damned liar."
After the device was furious and began to print gobbledygook ... Later, I put an expert in dead
languages examine the text. It turned out a series of obscenities, written in a dialect of
Mesopotamia 2800 years! "
That prooves that man contains within his knowledge universal knowledge which is activated
depending on the environment in which tensions

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