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40600 California Oaks Rd, Murrieta, CA 92562

Murrieta Community Services Department


Summer 2010

(951) 304-PARK (7275)

Resident Teams* May 2 - 7, 2010 All leagues will consist of six teams playing a Women’s and Coed $300
guaranteed six games. All games will be conducted
Non-resident Teams May 10- 13, 2010 under Cal South rules and Murrieta supplemental Each Non-resident Player $ 10
rules; rules will be available at the preseason
Managers Meeting May 17, 2010 managers meeting. All fees are due at the time of registration along
Location Community Center Annex, 7:30 p.m. with:
All games will be played on Sundays:
41810 Juniper St, Murrieta A completed original roster signed by all
Women’s Early 4:00pm
All teams interested in participating in the current players.
season must submit, in person, all the items listed Coed 25 and over 5:30pm
on the checklist to the California Oaks Sports Women’s Late 7:00pm A completed player code of conduct form
Park Office during the appropriate registration signed by the Manager and initialed by
Each 8v8 team roster must have a minimum of 8
and up to a maximum of 20 players. Coed teams
WILL BE ACCEPTED. IF YOUR PACKET IS may have two under 25 courtesy players. Each
team will be required to bring one game ball to A visible copy of a valid photo I.D. of
INCOMPLETE, IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED each player and proof of residency for all
AT THAT TIME. NO EXCEPTIONS. every game. Home teams are required to bring an
alternate colored jersey incase the colors match too Murrieta Residents (i.e. a copy of a Utility
Registration procedures will be as follows: Bill or other official correspondence
All resident teams will submit their packets first. closely to the visiting teams jerseys.
showing the players name and address.
Only completed packets will be accepted on a first
Teams should register for the times they wish to P.O. Boxes are not proof of Residency).
come first serve basis. After resident team
registration, there will be Non-resident registration play, game times are firm and will not be adjusted.
There is no division break up based on skill. All All league fees must accompany the above
if spots are available. Nonresident registration is listed information in order to have a completed
based on a first come first serve basis. leagues are recreation leagues. If a league does not
fill there is no guarantee that a team will be able to packet. Cash, Checks, money orders, or major
*A resident team’s roster must consist of at credit cards are accepted. Please submit only one
least 80% Murrieta Residents. Resident teams be placed in another league. If a league is canceled
due to insufficient registration a refund will be Form of Payment for League Fees unless a
must maintain 80% residency throughout the Sponsor is paying your team’s league fees, then you
season. Teams that fall below the 80% residency given.
may submit two different payments, one for your
rate will not be eligible for playoffs and will not be league fees and another for your non-resident fees.
allowed to register as a resident team for one year. All players should have a photo ID with them
Resident teams not registering during the first at the fields; failure to produce a photo ID
week of registration will not receive priority over when called to will result in ineligibility for
non-resident teams. that game and may result in a team forfeit.

Games start the week

of June 6, 2010
PLAYER SHALL: At any time lay a hand upon, shove, strike or threaten an official. Officials are required to immediately
suspend a player from further play and report such players to the League Director. The player shall remain suspended until his case
has been considered by the League Director.

MINIMUM PENALTY: Suspension from All Parks and Recreation Leagues for the remainder of the season.

MAXIMUN PENALTY: Suspension for life and/or assault charges filed.

PLAYER SHALL: Refuse to abide by an official’s decision. Officials are required to immediately suspend the player from
further play and report such a player to the League Director. The player shall remain suspended until his case has been considered by
the League Director.

MINIUM PENALTY: Placed on probation for the remainder of the season.

MAXIUM PENALTY: Suspension from two league games, placed on probation for the remainder of the season.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Be guilty of objectionable demonstrations of dissent at an official’s decisions.

MINIUM PENALTY: Warning of the official.

MAXIMUM PENALTY: Removal from the game by the official.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Discuss with an official in any manner the decisions reached by an official, except the manager/coach of
the team.

MINIUM PENALTY: Warning by the official.

MAXIUM PENALTY: Removal from the game by the official.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Be guilty of using unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against the body and person of an
opposing player. Officials are required to immediately suspend a player from further play and report such players to the League
Director. Such a player shall remain suspended until his case has been considered by the League Director.

MINIUM PENALTY: Suspension from two league games and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.

MAXIUM PENALTY: Suspension for the remainder of the season.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor upon any player, official, or spectator. Officials are require to
immediately suspend the player from further and report such players to the League Director. The player shall remain suspended until
his case has been considered by the League Director.

MINIUM PENALTY: Suspension from ALL Parks and Recreation Leagues for a one year period.

MAXIMUM PENALTY: Suspension for life and/or assault charges filed.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Be guilty of abusive verbal attack upon a player, official or spectator. Officials are required immediately
suspend the player from further play and report such players to the League Director. The player shall remain suspended until his case
has been considered by the League Director.

MINIUM PENALTY: Placed on probation for the remainder of the season.

MAXIUM PENALTY: Suspension from two league games, and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Appear upon the playing facility (the parking lot included) at any time in an intoxicated condition officials
are required to immediately suspend the player from further play and report such players to the League Director. The player shall
remain suspended until his case has been considered by the League Director.

MINIUM PENALTY: Suspension for two league games and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.
MAXIUM PENALTY: Suspension for the remainder of the season.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Be guilty of gambling upon any play or the outcome of games with any spectator, player, or opponent.
Officials are required to report violation of this to the League Director.

MINIUM PENALTY: Placed on probation for the remainder of the season.

MAXIUM PENALTY: Removal from the game by the official.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Smoke while coming on or off the playing area or while on the field of play.

MINIUM PENALTY: Warning by the official.

MAXIUM PEANLTY: Removal from the game by the official.

NO PLAYER SHALL: Possess any alcoholic beverage upon the playing facility ( including the parking lot) at any time. Officials
are required to report violation of this to the League Director.

MINIUM PENALTY: Warning by official.

MAXIUM PENALTY: Suspension from the league for the remainder of the season.

SPECIAL NOTE: Any player being placed on probation for the remainder of the season is then reported again for violating
any “Code of Conduct” will be suspended for the remainder of the season.
a. Any player removed from a game must leave the facility immediately. Failure to do so will carry a maximum penalty or
suspension for the remainder of the season.

We will abide by the Code of Conduct:

Coach/Manager Signature

Team Name


Initial of Players:

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. ________ 6. _______ 7. _________ 8. _______

9. _______ 10. _______ 11. ________ 12. _______ 13. ________ 14. _________ 15. _______16. ________

17. _______ 18. ________ 19. _________ 20. _______

Team Name: League: Division:
Coed 25+ Women’s Early– 4:00p Women’s Late– 7:00p Sunday

Manager Name: Phone (Day) : Phone (evening):

Address: City Zip: Email:

Asst. Manager Name: Phone (Day): Phone (Evening): Email:

Waiver: In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way in: The classes, as listed on the reverse side of this form , I, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives or assigns, do hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue The City of Murrieta, its officers, employees, and
agents from liability from any/all claims including the negligence of the City of Murrieta, its officers, employees and agents, resulting in personal injury, accidents or illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from, but not limited to, participation in this event.
Assumption of Risks: Participation in this event carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The specific risks vary from one activity to another, but the risks range from 1) minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and sprains 2) major injuries
such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint or back injuries, heart attacks and concussions to 3) catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death.
I have read the previous paragraphs and I know, understand, and appreciate these and other risks that are inherent in this event and I hereby assert that my participation is voluntary and that I knowingly assume all such risks.
Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I also agree to INDEMNIFY and HOLD the City of Murrieta HARMLESS from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney's fees brought as a result of my involvement in this activity and to reimb urse them for
any such expenses incurred.
Severability: The undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing waiver and assumption of risks agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of California and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding,
continue in full legal force and effect.
Acknowledgement of Understanding: I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and voluntarily, and
intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

Name: Address: City: Zip: ID Res Signature: Phone:




















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