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The Pansy Press

DID YOU KNOW? V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 4 / 5 / 2 0 1 0 W I N T E R , W E E K 2

 The 57 on Heinz ketchup

bottles represents the Apple Polishing
number of varieties of
pickles the company Apple Polishing is an event is mandatory, so you will be with other girls so you don’t
once had. that allows Professors, Lec- there to socialize with your have to talk to them alone.
 The first known contra-
turers, TAs and all other guests. Not knowing any professors is
ceptive was crocodile faculty to see that we are not No one should be concerned not an excuse not to invite
dung, used by Egyptians just a stereotype. This is a about having to face their pro- people. The purpose of this
in 2000 B.C. great way to get to know fessors for that long. The event event is to get to know them.
your professors or those itself it relatively short. Coffee Invite the professor who
 The king of hearts is the
only king without a TAs that give you your final and snacks (pie) will be pro- knows about a career you are
moustache. grade. vided and Prof. Petracca will interested in. Invite the teacher
 A lion's roar can be
This is a very important give a speech at the end. It is whom you actually didn’t mind
heard from five miles event and the only one of its formal, but completely do-able going to lecture for. Even if
away. kind we hold all year. Every by every girl in this chapter. they don’t end up coming, an
girl is required to invite at If you would like, you may in- invite always means a lot to
 Clans of long ago that
least two people. The event vite a professor that you share people.
wanted to get rid of un-
wanted people without
killing them used to burn
their houses down --
hence the expression "to What is care-a-thon?
get fired"

Initiated and run entirely by students, UCI Care-a-
thon is a 12-hour dance marathon that unites stu-
Relay for Life 2 dents, entertainers, alumni and community friends
to raise money for the UC Irvine Medical Center's
Rho Lambda Apps!
Delta of the 2 Neonatal Intensive Care unit. Rho Lambda is an organization that hon-
UCI Care-a-thon's 12-hour dance marathon acknowl- ors those women within the Panhellenic
Songfest 3 edges the battle newborns, who are too sick or too Community who have exhibited the
small to breathe or eat on their own, fight each day highest qualities of leadership and ser-
Philanthro- 3 in UC Irvine's Neonatal Intensive Care unit. C-A-T vice to Panhellenic and their sorority.
dancers commit to staying on their feet for the du- They are women who have furthered the
Poseidon 4 ration of the marathon in a show of solidarity with ideals and principles of the Panhellenic
the babies receiving life-saving care in 2010. Community throughout their years of
Recognition 5
For more information go to sorority affiliation.

The event is If you are of junior standing (that means

Weekly Cal- 5
having over 90 units) and have a cumu-
Friday, April 23 lative GPA of 3.0 or higher, APPLY!
Noon — Midnight
UCI Crawford Hall Applications are due by 5pm Friday
April 16th, 2010

Relay for Life Status

Here are a couple of stats 30 members And these are just the Pan-
on our status in compari- Raised: $100 hellenic teams I could find.
son to the other sororities The team who has the
Delta Gamma
in Relay for Life so far… raised the most so far is
115 team members One Million Ways with
Raised: $0 $840.
48 team members
Raised: $98
54 team members
Alpha Phi
Raised: $84 Let’s do our best!
45 team members
Kappa Sigma
Relay for life goes Raised: $420
from 12pm on April 21 team members
Tri Delta
24th to 12 on April Raised:$25

Adopt a Dolphin?!
What really happens dur- While it would be awe-
ing ritual?- my friends some to own your own
would ask. I’d lean in real dolphin, the odds are
To find out more go to:
close and whisper in their against you, but there is a
ear, “You’d never believe small loophole. https:/
it, they have a secret dol- site/SPageServer?
As a chapter, we could
phin lair under the house. pagename=wagc_dolphin
adopt/sponsor a dolphin.
In order to get initiated We help keep their home
you have to bond to a clean and protect them
dolphin which thereafter from the tuna can. It’s a
becomes eternally yours.” win, win!

Delta of the Week: Kelsey Hjalmarson

Major: Switching to Art I couldn’t date a guy who did- and ended up falling down stairs
Hometown: San Diego n’t like my: Sense of humor that were in the classroom and
Role model: My Daddy smacked my head on the
Weirdest food I’ve eaten: Cow teacher’s desk… in front of
tongue Perfect Starbucks Drink: Ice everyone.
Favorite Animal: Monkey coffee with milk and vanilla
Three Random Facts:
Favorite Book: The Catcher in Mythical creature I wish were
real: Dragons 1. I’m Icelandic.
the Rye
Most embarrassing moment: 2. I have one kidney.
If I were a Disney Princess I’d
be: Mulan When I was in middle school 3. I hate peanut butter
in Music class, I leaned over in
Superpower Preference: To be my chair to pick up a paper
a genius



Songfest Week
As we are all well aware, this night. Sign-in tables are open or myself at
week is songfest week. Activi- from 6:30-7:30pm. They are and I will turn them in for you.
ties consist of twitter key taking the sign-in sheet away Last quarter’s final grades that
terms, mysterious games and promptly at 7:30 so make sure were “A”s count too. Make
men’s volleyball. Although it to get there early. Last time sure to turn them in!
may seem to have no link to there was a huge line to get in
Songfest itself, the fact is that but they kept the sign-in Let’s not make Jaime do all the
it gets us points. That being sheets out late for everyone. work though. You can donate Updated Songfest
said, let’s all do our best to They aren’t going to be so nice a dollar to the Songfest jug
located in the House living Points: 3/29/10
show some Delta domination about it this time. And remem-
this week. ber, wear your songfest shirt room. That, or next time DG Ksig- 17,436
to the game. If you still want a you’re buying your groceries,
Tuesday: Make sure to sign in songfest shirt they are selling stop by the can isle and grab a DDD AEPi - 16,790
at the booth. You will have to them at the Songfest booth. couple extra to donate.
know the secret word so AXO Beta/FIJI-
please look it up on either the If we have the most people Remember everyone: 1000
Songfest twitter or their web- sign-in to the game we win cans is NO easy task WITHOUT
page (found by typing in song- 400 points. That would put us hard work. KKG SigEp/Pi- 9,756
fest in the UCI website search only 300 points behind DG and
box and then clicking on the KSig . And Lastly, just so you can be Gphi SigNu- 6,433
first link). If you don’t have familiar with the other pairings
shows: Theta EX- 5,160
internet access you can text On another note concerning
Barbara to check the word for points, make sure to bring AXO & FIJI/Beta in Fame EK PIKE- 4,843
you. There should be games cans in and turn in your “A”s. AlphaPhi & SAE in Rock of Ages
out for you to play, so take a If you weren’t at meeting this GPhiB & Sigma Nu in Xanadu AlphaPhi SAE- 3230
break between classes and past Monday, Jaime has prom- Tri Delta & AEPi in Grease
Delta Gamma & KSig in Chicago PiPhi PhiPsi- 2161
stop by. ised us 10 cans for every “A”
we turn in (same system as Theta & SigmaChi in 9 to 5
Wednesday: The booth should Smarty Panties). I already have KKG & Sig Ep/Sigma Pi in Little
still be open for people to sign a list of girls from Smarty Pant- Shop of Horrors
in during the day, but more ies for this quarter going that I Pi Phi & Phi Psi in We Will Rock
importantly, there is a Song- will turn into her, so you can You
fest Volleyball game that either e-mail Jaime your “A”s Sigma Kappa & Pike in Across
the Universe

The Songfest Philanthropy: Orange County Food Bank

I went into my experience at sand boxes. When walking out I don’t get choices or a guarantee
cans of condensed milk,
the O.C. Food Bank with really looked down at my hands, they of dinner. Looking back on this
1 jar of peanut butter, 1
no idea what to expect. I knew were dirty, dry, and blistered experience I can honestly say it
we would be packaging food (No joke!). I think not enough is one of the best ones I will bottle of tomato juice, 1
boxes but I had never thought of us take a second to think of ever have. I have a new found bottle of grape juice, 1
of the amount of physical labor how well we actually have it; respect for the food that’s in bag of dried milk, and 1
it would take to fill one box our pantry stocked every week our pantry, just knowing that bag of rice.
alone. Everyone was placed in a with multiple opportunities. most families of 4 only get 1
-Barbara Town
station, mine was tomato juice. Many families like the ones that box a week that consists of 2
For two hours we placed our are lucky enough to receive a boxes of generic cereal, 2 cans
items into a little over a thou- box from the O.C. Food Bank of peaches, 2 cans of salmon, 2

Getting to know Sally

Born in Missouri, Sally could fill a great need for Her vision and idealism
(her childhood name) young women living never wavered. Tri Delta
moved to Boston at age away from home and owes to her the beauty of
six. There she was part of their network of family
the rituals and the
a large but close-knit and friends. This realiza-
family. A brilliant stu- tion led her to start a fra- knowledge that commit-
dent, she was valedicto- ternity - but one which ment to an ideal greater
rian of her class at the would be different from than ourselves can bring
Girls' Latin School, and the type she had seen. a new dimension into our
originally planned to at- lives. She was elected to
tend Wellesley College. After her graduation,
the Fraternity Hall of
Her mother's serious ill- Sarah taught classical
ness coupled with her languages and German Fame in 1976.
father's absence forced a until her marriage in
change in plans and she 1896. She continued her
enrolled in Boston Uni- involvement with Tri
versity to which she com- Delta, serving as Grand
muted by horse-drawn President from 1889-
car from her home in 1893; Grand Commis-
Roxbury. sioner of Education from
1893-1897; and Grand
Sarah was one of the historian from 1897-1900.
best students in the class She attended Conven-
of 1889 at Boston Univer- tions when possible and
sity, and her academic wrote articles for The Tri-
excellence was recog- dent.
nized by Phi Beta Kappa.
The other Tri Delta All three of the women's In 1907, Ida Shaw Mar-
societies (sororities) on tin (she dropped the
founders were campus had invited her Sarah after her marriage)
Eleanor Dorcas to join, but she declined published and success-
their invitations due to fully marketed the first of
Pond, Florence her family responsibili- 11 editions of The Sorority
Isabelle Stewart, ties and active personal Handbook. The book con-
life, as well as a precon- tained advice on the or-
and Isabel Morgan ceived notion that secret ganization and operation
societies were foolish. of fraternities, and this
However, she came to began her 30-year career
realize that a fraternity as a professional Greek

Ida Shaw Martin

maintained close
contact with Tri
Delta's leaders and
her Fraternity until
her death in 1940.




APRIL 2010
 6pm Social Hour & Meeting


 Mandatory 6-9pm @ House

Wednesday: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

 Songfest Game @ Bren @ 6:30pm Wear
your songfest shirt and sign in! (Delta’s 1 Jewelry 2 Le 3New
Only) Party Carnival Member
4 5 Formal 6 Man- 7 Deltas 8 9 RC 10 Spring
Friday: Only: Song-
Meeting datory 6- Apps Retreat
OC/OTC fest Game
 RC Apps Due by 5pm to DOS mailbox 299 8pm Due

Saturday: 11 OC 12 Bus. 13 Man- 14 F.C. 15 16 AEPI 17

DD Field Day
Meeting datory 6- Visits Ex-
 Meet @ the house @ 11am to carpool to
Spring retreat
8pm change
18 Par- 19 Open 20 Man- 21 TBtN @7 22 Com- 23 24 Relay
 Aquarium @ 3pm—bring $5
ent’s Day Meeting datory 6- MANDA- posite for Life
Sunday: 8pm Photos
 Return from Retreat —> Go to Derby 25 Relay 26 Social 27 28 Sin- 29 30
Days Field Day for Life hour w/ cerely
 8pm OC AXO Yours?

Disclaimer: All times and dates and subject to change.

Outstanding Deltas
Lindsay Eddow Alisa Greenfield Kristin Bollingmo
Extreme thanks goes Alisa has become one Everyone who goes to
out to Lindsay for al- of Tri Delta’s all meeting knows that
ways doing a great job around girls. Not only Kristin is doing a great
with groceries and is she on Songfest job as Panhellenic
trying to take every- Cast, helping out with Delegate. Keeping us
one’s opinions into Derby Days, in charge all updated and taking
account. We all know of Sisterhood Day for everyone’s views into
it’s a tough job, but recruitment, but she is
account. Not only
even so, you always our Relay for Life
have we already
work through it with a Coach too. Great job!
started Sister Sorority
smile. Thank you!
events but Jamaican
Me Crazy is bound to
be a great success.
establish a perpetual bond of friendship among
its members, to develop a stronger and more
womanly character, to broaden the moral and
intellectual life, and to assist its members in every
possible way.


DELTA DELTA DELTA to promote and de-
velop mutually beneficial relationships be-

Delta Delta Delta tween the Fraternity and the colleges and uni-
versities where the Fraternity has established

Beta Upsilon Chapter chapters, to develop qualities of unselfish

University of California Irvine leadership among its members, and to en-
courage them to assume, with integrity and

Let Us Steadfastly Love One Another

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Solutions from last weeks codebreaker.

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