May The Force Be With You

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Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)
Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)
Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
Yoda is 874 years old. When he died in Return of the Jedi, how old was he exactly? I know that he
makes a comment about looking good at 900 years of age
Number of episodes in the series 7
The Guardians of the peace and justice are known as the Jedis
Is Luke Skywalker a Jedi or a Sith? Jedi
What did the Siths pursue? Power
Is Darth Vader a Jedi or a Sith Sith
The 2 Droids were called R2-D2 & C-3PO
The Rebel Alliance consists of what? Humanoids
The Evil Empire consists of what? Humanoids
Who is John Williams? Major musician
Cinematography+story+characters+music+special effects+other merchandising= $4,000,000,000
Themes: Environmentalism, Oedipus Complex, Political Science, Good vs Evil, Nature vs Nurture,
Diversity, Technology, Religion, The Tragic Hero, The Tragic Hero Trope
The Force "An energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds
the galaxy together" -Obi Wan Kenobi
May the force be with you" Obi Wan Kenobi to Luke in Episode IV (The Empire Strikes Back)
Oedipal Complex -A Boy's desire to be with his Mother
-Taboo (incest)
-Wanting the "power" of the father
-Phallus as symbol of power
-Father protecting his turf"

Empire Strikes Back Personification (A character portrayal)

Oedipus and Figurative Language -Power/Battle for power
-Confrontation via the Sword Fight (Sword as Phallus)
-Joining Together
Who is the Sullustan co-pilot on the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor? Nien Nunb
Who is the Thieving Protocal Droid teamed up with Zuckuss? 4-Lom
What was Dengar's previous ocupation? Swoop Jockey
What alien attacks Luke on Hoth? Wampa
Who does Luke see in a vision on Hoth? 'Ben' kenobi
What gun do the Snowtroopers fire at the escaping Millennium Falcon on Hoth? E-Web Repeater
What is Han's last name? Solo
What is Jabba's species? Hutt
What creature does Ben Kenobi imitate to scare away the Tusken Raiders? Krayt Dragon
What is Luke's friend Biggs last name? Darklighter
What starship does Luke fly at the Battle of Yavin? X-wing
On what moon of Yavin is the Rebel Base? 4
What aliens sell C-3PO and R2-D2 to Luke? Jawas
What is the name of Luke's uncle? Owen
What is the name of Luke's aunt? Beru
How many suns does Tatooine have? Two
What species is Bossk?
Who does Vader 'releave' before attacking Hoth? Admiral Ozzel
What planet is Princess Leia's homeworld called? Alderaan

Which hand does Luke loose at cloud city? Right

What is the first name of the Ewok that meets Leia? Wicket
What is Bib Fortuna's ocupation? Majordomo
What is the species that serves as Jabba's palace guards? Gamorrean
What is the name of Jabba's dancer, who he executes? Oola
What are the name of the starship that the Empire uses? TIE
What is the name of the Mon Calamari Admiral at the battle of Endor? Ackbar
What planet is Yoda living on? Dagobah
What city does Lando Calrissian run? Cloud City
What color is Luke's second lightsaber? Green
Aayla Secura Blue twi'lek jedi who was killed by Commander Bly in Order 66
Hayden Christensen Who plays Anakin Skywalker in Episode 2 and 3?
George Lucas Wrote and directed Star Wars
Dexter Jesster provided obi-wan information about poison dart
Zam Wesell bounty hunter killed by Jango Fett's poison dart during her attempted assassination on
Padme Amidala
Darth Tyranus Count Dukoo's sith name
Battle of Geonosis battle towards the end of Episode 2 that took place in an arena
8 years how long did padme Amidala serve serve as queen
Barriss Offee Luminara Unduli's padawan
Zabrak what species is Darth Maul

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