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1 hex = 1 sector
there is a hexagonal grid, on which you put the hexes, each hex is a card that is blank
(Showing space) on one side, and what is in the sector on the other.
when you set up the game, you place the cards on the grid blank side up, and they are
randomized each time, so each game is different.
Each sector is unknown, a squadron of fighters may be in that sector, or a cargo ship,
or nothing.
you can only attack the enemies in your sector, you have to travel to other sectors in
order to fight others.
If there is a quest enemy, or a specific item in a sector that is already known that it is
there, then you still have to travel to that sector in order to reach that objective.
Long range scanners can also tell you what is in a specific sector.
Planets and space stations (P/SS) are on the blank sides of the cards, meaning that
they are visible, and you know they are there, so there is no random guessing of the
planets locations.
battles always happen within one sector.
In each expansion pack, new sectors are added, giving more variety to the game.
enemies always have a specific and standard set of weapons and a specific amount of
armor and health
these static numbers can change with the class of the enemy. For example, a
squadron of one type of fighters has a different weapon and armor set than another
ranging from cargo ships to capital class warships, enemies are quite varied in their
turn based combat.
check the record sheets for the vessels, highest combat speed goes first, second
highest second, so on and so forth.
when there is the same number for the speed, the player goes first.
player combat - choose your ship. choose which weapon. choose enemy. roll 1d6 to
determine if attack connects, if odd, no. equal, yes.
to find damage, subtract weapons damage from shield, then armor when the shield is
enemy combat choosing victim- the enemy ship targets the biggest ship. then, if the
enemy ship is not destroyed, but the largest ship is, then move to the next biggest.
Etc. etc.
enemy combat choosing weapon- roll 1d6 for the weapon (depends on ship)
enemy combat hit rate - roll 1d6, if odd, no, if even, yes.

each enemy you kill and each quest you finish gives you command points. Once you
reach a certain number of command points, your commanding ability/level goes up. the
number of command points for the next level also increases. Your rank also goes up.
The rank that you currently have denominates the type of vessel you can command.
also as you level up, the equipment you can buy and equip also increases. as a result of
a quest, if you get a certain unique peice of equipment or a ship, if you do not have the
required level, the peice of equipment or the ship will stay in drydock, until you can
access it.
have a ship start off small
can travel to different sectors
in each sector, there is a few planets (or none) and more ships. the ships can be hostile
or not
can buy new ships
can buy equipment, to increase the ships abilitys
join factions to get access to new ships and equipment
story-lines for each faction
each faction gives you missions, usually against another faction
small number of weapons breeds an understanding of each weapon
can attack other ships for money, loot, and recognition

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