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Project Title


To be discussed
Maria Isabel C. Del Valle
To address the grammar needs of qualified students who will undergo the
To be discussed
First Quarter


2-3 months

Project Proposal
Executive Summary
In direct support of JRoozs tagline of Success doesnt come by chance and the claim of
100% passing rate, a specialized program targeting students who will take the IELTS
UKVI is being proposed to be part of the flagship review offerings of JRooz. This workshop
seeks to increase and validate the current statistics of exam passers in the JRooz (IELTS).
It aims to primarily increase chances of the students passing the UKVI test. Aside from
this, this workshop seeks to employ student-centered and objectives-based learning,
strategies and techniques so as to provide top-of-the-line programs, individualistic
approach and integration of student-centered innovations which is in line with what
JRooz Review Center Inc. has been maintaining in its programs since 2001. As per
research and related literature, the strategy which best suits any learner is a
combination of the learning-to-communicate and communicating-to-learn approach.
The current IELTS program offering of JRooz utilizes the communicating-to-learn
approach and has been found out to not be sufficient enough to address the needs of
some students (UKVI test takers) with regards to their grammar. In a population of ten
(10) students, for example, only two (2) will pass the UKVI test while the rest will fail.
These students who have failed the UKVI will then retake the regular IELTS and they will
then be able to pass. Most of these students who have failed the IELTS UKVI tests have
achieved a 6.5 on their Writing scores, and yet when they undergo the regular IELTS they
manage to get a 7 in their Writing. The question lies in the part why they only achieve a
6.5 in the UKVI, whereas in the regular IELTS they get a 7. This has been indirectly
answered in a training conducted by the British Council in how to teach IELTS Writing
the grammatical errors in the essay are what make their scores 6.5. A minor mistake
such as missing a period, for instance, will warrant a deduction of one point from the
over-all score. The proposed workshop is intended for those students, who have gotten a
6.5 mark on their Writing test in the diagnostic test of JRooz and have the foundations of
English grammar. These students are eligible to undergo the proposed workshop in
combination with the current Writing Workshop of JRooz. The working timetable for the
workshops classes is on a 2-week/3-hour session (1pm 4pm) so as not to be in conflict
with the working schedule of the students work schedules. Those students who will be
enrolled in this workshop are projected to have an increase in their scores in Writing in as
little as one months time. The workshop involves a series of formative and summative
assessments which will target the learning outcomes of the program. The module for the
workshop is proprietary content and will have different manuals for both the students
and the instructors so as to make the facilitation of the lectures and activities easier and
structuralized. Having a specific program designed for IELTS for UKVI (Academic Module)
can be an advantage of JRooz Review Center over other review centers offering IELTS
programs. In the Philippine setting, a review center that specializes in IELTS for UKVI has

not been established yet as of date. Thus, having a program specifically fit for those who
will take the IELTS for UKVI will boost marketing and is expected to be profitable.

Proposed Time Frame

Planning and

Content and


Description of Work

Start and End Dates

Identification of the Problem
Proposal of Solutions
Design and Methodology
Assembly of Curriculum
Development Team
- Conceptualization
- Establishment of Intended Learning
- Deliberation and Approval
- Gathering of materials
- Selecting the content
- Evaluating and Revising the Content
- Creating the Teaching Learning
Activities (TLAs)
- Establish the Assessment Tasks
- Evaluate the feasibility of the TLAs
and ATs
Approval of the Module Prototype
Publication of the Module Prototype
- Training of the Facilitators (TBD)
- Dry-run with the stakeholders
- Pilot testing (regular IELTS
(Academic) students/non-passers of
UKVI and regular IELTS
- Evaluation and Reporting
- Revision (if needed)
- Roll-out
- Monitoring (Academic & Marketing)

December 2015
January 2016 (1st week)

January 2016 February


February 2016 TBD

Approval Signatures

Mr. Jack Rooz,

Project Client

Mr. John Francis

Lalic, Project

Maria Isabel C. Del

Project Owner

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