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So you’re new to IM&Comm!

Congratulations, you’re now part of the most creative and innovative area in AIESEC Monterrey. We will present
you the explanation of our main processes so you understand the area better.

IM&Comm, as an area, was just introduced to the Local Committee in July 2009. It was opened because of the
need we had on positioning AIESEC in the region, in order to change as many lives as this global organization
can do in Monterrey. On the other side, AIESEC around the world has had one same problem around
information management: we change Executive Boards every year, and our members’ flow is immeasurable,
so the knowledge and information generated in one year is not sustainable unless we develop strategies to
making it so.

As time goes by, new technologies appear to make life easier and more
efficient: that's why we use several platforms and tools to save time
and efforts that we could make agile, so if you feel like creating any
new app that may improve the development at the committee, this is
what the IM coordination is for.

So… what’s IM&Comm?: let’s define it with keywords such as

positioning, information management, knowledge management,
creativity, innovation, proactivity, internal communications, media
appearances, IT Systems, media relations, and giving the chance to
more people of changing their lives.

Our role
As you might have noticed, IM&Comm has a very strategic role for the development of the committee, for if
AIESEC is known by more people, the opportunities of changing lives increase, and so do our exchange
numbers. As well, we will be pumping the productivity of our local committee not only during this term, but letting
the knowledge be useful for future generations.

Benefits of the area existence

Imagine a local committee without positioning, internal communication policies and knowledge management
strategies, in which the virtual platforms we use have no one in charge of administering them. What would

The actions of the area have a direct impact on the work of the committee, either by providing with the right
applicants for the selection process or by helping the efficiency of processes around the LC.
Main responsibilities and processes of the area
To understand better the main responsibilities of the area, it is easier to see the diagram that depicts the
organization of IM&Comm.

All the members of the area, have activities that involve creativity and innovation. The following Job Descriptions
will help you understand what we do in IM&Comm.

Communications Coordination
Creativity & Design Managers (2 members are in charge of this JD)
The Creativity & Design Manager is in charge of the visual aspects of marketing and communication
processes. His/her main responsibilities are the creation of media for promotion regarding leadership
and exchange, the production and edition of the local news videopodcast, design of spams related to
opportunities created by and for the local committee, as well as the design of templates, power point
presentations and gaffetes for events. He/she is an expert on AIESEC branding.

Media Relations Manager

The Media Relations Manager is in charge of external relations
that benefit the promotion of AIESEC Monterrey at the local
level: Tecnológico de Monterrey, UANL, UDEM and the
students and organizations in the city. His/her main
responsibilities are the segmentation of future media partners,
the creation of specific products and portfolios for them, having
appointments with them, so AIESEC Monterrey can have
sustainable media appearances.

Media Appearances Manager

The Media Appearances Manager is in charge of writing
articles or other publications as promotion for AIESEC, and
will cooperate with the Media Relations Manager while creating
the products for every prospect. He/she will also publish regular posts at the LC’s
microblogging and blogging sites, and design the newsletter for Alumni and Organizations.

In Campus Positioning Manager

The In Campus Positioning Manager is in charge of the capitalization of events at Tec, UANL and UDEM
for AIESEC promotion and positioning. His/her main responsibilities are doing a research and
segmentation of events (by semester) at Tec, UANL and UDEM that are aligned with AIESEC branding,
contacting organizers or authorities of the universities to assure our presence, organize the local
committee to be present at the events or stands, and doing the student research of Tec, UDEM and
specific faculties at UANL.

External Events Manager

The External Events Manager is in charge of capitalizing on brand-aligned events present in Monterrey,
from the doing the research and segmentation of these events, to organizing that the whole committee is
present either on the stands or participating in conferences. He/she will also be in charge of designing a
plan of conferences organized by AIESEC Monterrey to promote Leadership, Exchange, Youth
Participation, Change Agents development, Discussions around Issues and the six values we practice in
AIESEC. He/she will organize the conferences along with the In Campus Positioning Manager, and get
Alumni to deliver conferences or workshops.

Events and Issue Based Promotion Manager

The Events and Issue Based Promotion Manager will be in charge of positioning AIESEC as an
organization whose aim is the development of change agents and the resolution of current issues
around the world, and at the local level. His/her impact will be reflected on the next recruitment where
the members’ focus on Projects is necessary. He/she will also develop sustainable publicity plans for
events organized by the committee, and produce the promotion which will include all ranges of media,
from spams to videos. The E&IBP Manager will collaborate with the External Events Manager during the
creation of the conferences plan.

In January 2010, the coordination of Positioning will be
opened as a separate coordination inside Comm! So if you want to
develop your leadership potential, think about taking
this great life-changing opportunity!

Information Management Coordination

Knowledge Management Administrator
The Knowledge Management Administrator is in charge of creating the easier ways of managing the
information generated through events. He/she will also be in charge of creating tools that will help the
way the other areas and the committee work.

Internal Communications Manager

The Internal Communications Manager is in charge of the biweekly newsletter, which will include the
summary of activities (at the local, national and international level), present leadership and exchange
opportunities, important notices and links to our blog. He/she will also be in charge of writing the
guidelines and script for the news videopodcast to be developed in the
Communications Coordination. He/she will also explain the
internal communications rules and plan to the whole

IT Systems Manager
The IT Systems Manager is in charge of motivating the
members to use the main IT Systems we have: (Teams, Wikis, Forums, Networking, etc.),
SAM (activities administration, competencies
development) and CAT&360 Evaluation. His/her main
responsibilities consist on tracking the updates of the
aforementioned IT Systems, so the members have the
information available to perform their jobs, and updating
the wikis. He/she is also in charge of assuring every
member is in his right stage on

Education Manager
The Education Manager is in charge of training and educating the Local Committee about the usage of
the IT Systems and supporting tools. His/her main responsibilities are the creation of handbooks,
illustrative videos and presentations about MyAIESEC and other tools such as Wiziq, Doodle, Google
Apps, etc. He/she will also create a library of supporting tools, and will constantly add new ones to
improve the efficiency of the committee.

Main Tools used in IM&Comm

If you need to find anything about the area, don’t doubt about using! Here you’ll be able to find the meeting records of the local or
area meetings, documents to improve your work, best practices from LCs
around the world, exchange and leadership opportunities, networking
contacts, etc. In case you are part of IM, you will use it as your Job
Description indicates, besides the afore mentioned cases.


All your activities to do will be registered here, as well as the strategies and plans of
all the areas and local committees around Mexico. This tool is useful for tracking the
achievement of our goals, as well as registering your development of your potential.
It’s also useful if you want to see what other committees around Mexico are doing in
order to achieve their goals and therefore, the national and international goals of


Some meetings either at international, national or local level take place on WizIQ, a platform for having on real-
time meetings with many participants, and with the ability to include ppt presentations, audio and video. Having
meetings with teams from other parts of Mexico, helps us to keep in mind that we are part of a global
organization pursuing the same goal.

We in AIESEC, tend to speak with abbreviations! So here is a quick reference in case you need it!

@ The most common abbreviation for AIESEC internally in the organization

AI AIESEC International. Head office of AIESEC located in Rotterdam, The
Alumni Is a former member who has been active in AIESEC and has now finished studying. He is still
actively supporting AIESEC work (e.g. give trainings, advices…)

BOA Board of Advisors: this includes Alumni and Partners that advise the EB about decisions. We held
meetings with them per quarter
Buddy A member who is the contact person responsible for the well being of an intern during his or her
stay in the country.

CEED Exchange of AIESEC members between two LCs. AIESEC members can work for a period of time
in a LC abroad doing AIESEC work. Usually takes from 1 week to 6 months.

DT Type of internship – Development Internship.

EB Executive Board
ET Type of internship – Educational Internship.

JD Job Description. Document that tells the responsibilities of every member.

LC Local Committee. The local branches of AIESEC at universities and business


MC Member Committee (National Level)

MT Type of internship – Management internship AIESEC’s world database, which we use in our daily work.

OC Organising Committee. A group of people who is arranging a p-box, seminar or conference.

OPS Outgoing Preparation Seminar. Seminars for members going on an internship abroad, this
seminar prepares them how to manage living a new culture and cope with cultural differences.

PAI President of AIESEC International.

P-Box Project Based on Exchange. Exchange
Plenary The major room at seminars and conferences for sessions where all
delegates are together.

SAM National system used as a tracking tool to see the development of the committees

TN Traineeship Nominee. A company receiving an international member for an internship.

TT Type of traineeship – Technical Traineeship
Trainee Name for intern in receiving country

X The most common symbol for eXchange.

We hope this booklet is useful for you to understand the way IM&Comm works!
Congratulations for taking the challenge of joining AIESEC and being part of the best
area ever: IM&Comm! You will love @!

Any questions? Ask your coordinator, or your VP!

Comm Coordinator: Angélica Martínez

IM Coordinator: David Jiménez
VPIM&Comm: Salomon Duarte

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