BISM9 Maths Plan Week 4 Lower

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BIS Moscow, School 9

Year Short Term Planning

Miss Katya

Numeracy: Block B Unit 1 Week 1

Resources: Different shapes sheet, properties of triangle sheet,

I can recognise
and understand
properties of 2D


W.B. 24/09/12: Autumn Week 4

Teacher: Mrs Nixon


Main Teaching Activity

Know facts for the

3 and 4 times table
go through the 3
times table, chn
then pick a chd to
start and move
randomly through
others. Then repeat
with 4 times table

Draw a regular pentagon, hexagon and octagon, chn

name and describe them. Draw other shapes, chn
describe them to a partner: which are symmetrical
and which are not, the no. of sides and vertices,
explaining that a vertex is a mathematical word for
corner, and that we call more than one vertices.
Also discuss which have right angles.
Chn draw a pentagon on w/b,. Rpt for hexagon and


Ind. differentiated activities


Chn write
hexagon or
octagon by the
side of each
shape (see
They also draw
one of each
shape, such
that it looks
different to
any of those on
the sheet.

children to
draw a set of
pentagons, a
set of hexagons
and as set of
octagons, each
shape within
each set looking
as different as
possible from
the others.
Mrs Nixon

Cut out 2D shapes

and give several to
each child. Draw a
Carroll diagram on
the W/B:
Chn stick their
shapes one by one in
the correct place on
the diagram,
discussing and
naming each as they
do so.
Miss Katya

Draw an
triangle on
above a square
so that the
lines are
touching. What
shape have you
made? How
many vertices?

I can describe,
visualise and
classify 2D shapes


Recap the names of

basic 2D shapes,
drawing them on the

Draw the following shapes and ask chn to name


Talk to your partner about which you think might

be the odd one out and why. Agree that the semicircle could be the one odd as it is the only shape
with a curved side, or the triangle could be the odd
one out as it is not symmetrical. Rpt with:

Agree that the regular hexagon could be the odd

one out as it only has six sides, or the t-shape
octagon could be the odd one out as not all its
sides are the same length.

Chn work in
pairs to spot
the odd one
out, they ring
the shape and
write the
reason why this
one is different
(see resources).

Give each pair a

copy of sheet
of shapes (see
resources), ask
them to cut
them out and
then to sort
them into two
Compare the
way different
pairs have done
this. How else
could we sort
them? Draw out
criteria such as
same length
sides, at least
one right angle.
Mrs Nixon

Chn ring the odd one

out and write why,
but also draw their
own set of shapes
where one is the odd
one out.

AV group share
their results

I can draw
triangles and
draw them.


Times tables test!

(Resource sent)

Draw the above triangles on the W/B. What is the

difference between the 1st 2 triangles? Agree that
they are both symmetrical, but the 2nd has 3 sides
of equal length. The 1st is called an isosceles
triangle. (The name comes from the Greek iso
(same) and skelos (leg).) The 2nd is a special sort of
isosceles triangle; we call it an equilateral triangle.
It is a regular shape as all its sides and angles are
equal. Fold a paper copy to help chn to see the 3
lines of symmetry. What is the difference
between the 2 right-angled triangles? (One is
symmetrical and one is not.) So one is also
isosceles. What do you notice about the last
triangle? Draw out that it neither symmetrical nor
has a right angle. We call completely irregular
triangles scalene. Draw one on your w/bs. This is
not easy as we naturally seem to want to draw
right-angled or isosceles triangles! How could we
sort these triangles into 2 sets? Move them
according to chns suggestions, e.g. those with
right angles/those without, or those which are
symmetrical/ those which are not.

Abacus evolve
textbook 1 pg

Chn label
properties of
triangles sheet,
using a ruler to
find if triangles
are isosceles or
equilateral and
the corner of a
page/set square
to check the
right angles.
Mrs Nixon

Chn label
properties of
triangles sheet
using a ruler to
find if triangles
are isosceles or
equilateral and the
corner of a
page/set square to
check the right
Chn investigate if
an equilateral
triangle can have a
right angle????
Miss Katya

Draw a Carroll
diagram with
titles Has a
right angle Has
no right angles,
Has at least 1
line of
symmetry, Has
no lines of
symmetry. Chn
decide which
triangles go in
each section.

I can recognise
symmetry and
draw symmetrical

Number sequences
2, 4, ?, 8. 10, ?, 14
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ?, ? 128
1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 15 etc


Draw a square and a vertical line of symmetry. If

we folded this shape along this line, what would
happen? Draw out that the 2 halves would fit onto
each other exactly. This is a line of symmetry. We
could put a mirror along this line, and it would show
the other of the shape. Draw a square on your
w/b with a line of symmetry in a different place.
Share w/bs with horizontal and diagonal lines of
symmetry. Fold a paper square along these lines of
symmetry to confirm. Draw a Rhomboid. Is this
shape symmetrical? Fold a paper copy to show it is
not. This is of a symmetrical shape. Copy it onto
your w/b and draw the other . Compare chns
shapes. Test a few out using mirrors. Discuss any
like the last which has 2 equal halves but is not

Chns shapes
have dotted
lines to help
them to draw
the other

Chn draw the

other of

Chn work in pairs

Chn draw a shape
made from 8
squares on cm2
paper. Is your
symmetrical? If so
draw on the line of
symmetry. Check
it with a mirror.
Work in pairs to
draw 4 other
shapes from 8
squares, 2 which
are symmetrical
and 2 which arent.
Use a mirror to
check and draw
lines of symmetry.
Compare chn's
shapes and help
them to draw all
lines of symmetry
on shapes where
there is more than
Mrs Nixon

Where can you

see symmetry
around the

I can divide by 2,
3, 4, 5, 9 and 10

Write ? x ? = 24 chn
find different
methods to get to
the answer.
Try ? x ? = 30


& Future

Write 34, 27, 25, 24, 40, 36. Which of these

numbers will have a remainder if we divide by 5?
Which divide by 10? Working with a partner.
Write on w/bs. Which of these will have a
remainder if you divide by 3? Write 33 5. How
would you work this out? 33 is not in the 5 times
table so there will be a remainder. We could count
up in 5s until we get close,
Draw a number line jotting from 0 to 33 to show a
jump of 6 lots of 5, and the remainder of 3. How
could we work out 27 4? Whats the multiple of 4
before 27?

Multiplication homework (Tuesday for Friday)

Remainder homework (Friday for Monday)

Write: 28 3,
28 4, 28 5,
27 3, 27 4,
27 5
42 5, 42 6,
42 9
Chn discuss
with a partner
which divisions
will leave a
remainder, and
work out the
answers to
sketching an
empty number
line jotting to
help and also to
show how they
found the
Miss Katya

Write: 28 3, 28
4, 28 5, 27
3, 27 4, 27 5
42 5, 42 6, 42
9, 50 5, 50
6, 50 9, 45 5,
45 6, 45 9
Chn discuss with
a partner which
divisions will
leave a
remainder, and
work out the
answers to those,
sketching an
empty number
line jotting to
help and also to
show how they
found the
Mrs Nixon

Work Abacus pg 17
(textbook 1

Write 34 5 =
5 r 4. Do you
think this is
right? How
could we
85 10 = 8 r 5

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