Fisa de Lucru Conditional

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1.Write the verbs in brackets into the gaps in Conditional I (0.25*4=1p)

If I ___________(to learn), I _____________(to pass) the exams.
We _____________ (not/to swim) if the weather _________________ (to be) bad.
If he _________ (to have) a temperature, he _______________(to see) the doctor.
I _________________(to be) very happy if my friends __________________(to come).

2. Write the verbs in brackets into the gaps in Conditional II (0.25*4=1p)

1) We _____________ (to call) the police if we _____________ (to see) a burglar.
2) If the pupils _____________ (to have) no school, they _____________ (to play) football.
3) If I _____________ (to come) home early, my father _____________ (not/to be) angry.
4) If I _____________ (to be) you, I _____________ (not/to go) to the party
3. Write the verbs in brackets into the gaps in Conditional III (0.25*4=1p)
1)The water in the pool _________________ (to be) warmer if the sun _________________ (to
2) If John ________________ (to learn) more words, he ________________ (to write) a good report.
3) My parents _____________ (to buy) the house if the man _____________ (not/to sell) it to
someone else.
4) If the police _____________ (not/to stop) me, I _____________ (to reach) you in time
4. Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets (0.50*4=2p)
1) If I ___________(to learn), I would have passed the exams.
2) We _____________ (not/to swim) if the weather were bad.
3) If he has a temperature, he _______________(to see) the doctor.
4) If we didnt come home in time, we _______________(to miss) the film
5. Translate the following sentences into English: ( 0.50*6=3p)
1) Dac nu ar fi nins, nu am fi plecat la munte de Crciun.
2) Ne-ar face plcere s venim la petrecerea ta dac nu am fi ocupati.
3) Dac voi ti rspunsul, o s i-l spun.
4) Daca nu faci curat in camera, parintii tai se vor supara.
5)Daca cina nu va fi gata la timp, voi mnca la un restaurant
6)Ea ar fi dezamagita daca ar afla adevarul.

6) Translate into Romanian (1p)

When he came to my class she was a bit difficult.But when she got interested ,it all changed.I have read her
books and I have seen her on TV.I wish I was as successful with all my pupils as with her.Its difficult teaching
nowadays .There are discipline problems and not enough money.
The government should give more money for education.I also wish the classes were smaller.


1. Write the verbs in brackets into the gaps in Conditional I (0.25*4=1p)
1) If I _______________(to earn) a lot of money, I __________________ (to fly) to New York.
2) If we _________________ (not/to come) home in time, we _______________(to miss) the film.
3) The teacher ______________ (not/to be) happy if I ____________(to forget) my homework again.
4) If our class _________________(to go) to England, I _______________ (to visit) the Tower of
2. Write the verbs in brackets into the gaps in Conditional II (0.25*4=1p)
1) If they ____________(to have) enough money, they _____________(to buy) a new car.
2) If he _____________ ( to be) my friend, I _____________ (to invite) him.
3) The Smiths _____________ (to go) on holiday if they _____________ (to have) time.
4) If Susan _____________ (to learn) more, she _____________ (to be) better at school.
3. Write the verbs in brackets into the gaps in Conditional III (0.25*4=1p)
1) If the weather _____________ (to be) nice, we _____________ (to play) football.
2) The car ________________ (not/to break down) if you _____________ (to check) it.
3) If we _____________ (to go) to McDonald's we _____________ (to have) more to eat.
4) You ____________________ (to understand) the film if you _________________ (to read) the book.
4. Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets (0.50*4=2p)
1)I will be very happy if my friends __________________(to come).
2) If they had enough money, they _____________(to buy) a new car.
3)If he _____________ ( to be) my friend, I would invite him.
4)The teacher wouldnt be happy if I ____________(to forget) my homework again.
5. Translate the following sentences into English:( 0.50*6=3p)
1) Dac ai vrea, m-ai putea ajuta s termin proiectul acesta?
2) Vei nva mai bine dac accepi s te ajut.
3) Dac a fi nvat mai bine, nu a fi picat acest examen.
4)El ar invata mai mult la istorie daca i-ar placea.
5)Daca nu as fi asteptat-o in gara ea s-ar fi suparat.
6)El va merge la mare cu masina daca isi va lua permisul de conducere

6. Translate into Romanian (1p)

I havent seen him since I left school but he was my inspiration.I wasnt very good at most school subjects.I suppose
I was a bit lazy and now I wish I would have done a bit more work ,especially in foreign languages .He was full of

enthusiasm and made everything interesting- I wish my French teachers had been the same.He used to demonstrate
things with lots of practical examples.

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