Let Shepherding Endure

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The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN: 2411-0132(E), 2411-5487(P)

Vol-2, Issue (1): 23-26



Reviewed by: Iqra Rehman, Dr. Anwaar Mohyuddin
Department of Anthropology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
Corresponding Author;
Dr. Anwaar Mohyuddin
Department of Anthropology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
In this book writer Gideon M. Kressel has
discussed about the applied anthropology and
from Applied Anthropology to save the culture
and traditions of two local Israel and Middle East.
By the recommendation of writer following
determinants were focused which includes the
support of development for the improvement
which were financed externally, planning,
programming policy were important and these
contribution. Different objectives are required,
the role and responsibility of women is essential,
resources should be preserved. NGOs role and
the role of power are needed and partnership
between the herders and farmer is vital.
The long-standing decline of pastoral nomadic,
the result of the attack of global systems and
populations into territories earlier the field of
tribal societies. It is evidently part of larger
universal trends immerse native and minor level
of cultures, societies, and economies. In this
book the writer did analysis on the case study of
social course on the ethnic people.
There are total nine chapters in which historical
perspective, government role, policies and other
different anthropological perspective have been
discussed. These chapters include the discussion
of rationality and plans for development of
villages. And he tried to point out other issues
which are related marketing and economically
intensifying of sheep in Israel. In the last chapter

The main thing is the self sufficiency and

dependency in the area of the Middle East. The
perspective of power has created the relations
between ternary things which are pastoralist,
agriculturist and the state. These relationships
were based on the exchange of goods and
supplies. Many questions were a raised on the
phenomena of accumulation migration.
Migration was used to do in the Middle East and
the nomadic people migrated for the sake of
resources and migration it is also depend on the
arid or non arid area when the state and
peasantry interaction is required treatment at
that time state interrupt agricultural life and
commercial existence.
Beneficial interaction in the middle of pastoralists
and agriculturalists through proportional trade
could on a basic level have improved the welfare
of both, however, since the conditions helpful for
stable business relations between them were
outside their control, a third operator, the state,
was expected to guarantee the sought result, for
the occasion, by standardizing and directing the
commercial centre.
The different ancient and historical invaders are
discussed of the Middle East. Many groups
intrude in Egypt, which was Hyksos after that
another group entered the Middle East whose
political power structure was like the Israelites.
Different more groups move towards these areas.
And no one nomadic tribals moves from east to
west, but they tried to move from east to Africa.
The dynasties which move towards Egypt were
Hyksos, Israelis, Turkish, and Fatimid. After these,
in the beginning of 1024-1030 another tribe

entered and that tribe started migration from

east to west. The Ottoman Empire was not the
nomadic or pastorals when they conquered Egypt
and other states.
When the Egypt enjoyed the affluence, pastorals
were attracted towards it and the migration from
east to west was started at the start of the 19th
century for that migration there were some of
the good reasons. In this chapter migration along
with the historical perspective and also recent
perspective of migration are focused. Another 3
major factors are deliberated in this book which
has appealed the transition of Bedouin from
pastorals to agriculturalist
Prosperity in major institutions like
economics, politics and military
Purchasing of lands
By the influence of tribes or tribal people.
The tribal people demand for lands for the
settlement and then this settlement has
converted those pastorals into agriculturalist.
When different tribes started owing the lands
then the major thing was the distribution of the
land means inheritance and the writer has briefly
talked about the inheritance of lands.
In the third chapter of this book the writer has
tried to discuss about the difference about basic
and applied research according to writer it
depends on the respective goals and for the
improvement of Negev Bedouins has been
concern in the research few points on which the
research was based which are as follows
To resolve the settlement of pastoralists
Improvement of the desert for different
Housing scheme
Different other proposed plans of
Change of government policies
The important thing was to change the
government for the benefit of Bedouins different
policies were build. Land ownership was under
the Israel land authority and every transition was
by the authority of Minhal. After the Minhal
come under the agricultural ministry and it was
linked with housing ministry when agriculture
was becoming non-profitable, then Israelis

started focusing on the political system and

adopted the American politics. The writer has
briefly talked about the problems, suffering of
the Jewish people and the green patrol was the
agency which was governmental agency which
preserve the land and the safe the lands which
are used for farming. The state claims land in
which the Bedouins were living and Bedouins
claims for the basic rights because they dont
have any other option.
In the next chapter the writer has focused on the
policies towards the Bedouins. The Bedouins
were losing power and have no power to obtain
their rights. Tribal feuds were increasing and the
conflict of lands between Arabs and Jews was
also increased, Middle East people feel
threatened due to their past. Bedouins were not
able to claim their demands in their tribals
division for better living.
The Bedouins have the ability of being settled in
any community. Because of the separation
between the land ownership and private sectors
plots, the ruler section of Israelis was safe by the
law and order not non permanent rental of plots
of non Jews were facing many hurdles. In the
start of 1986 policy of owning private land Jewish
people were allowed to sell their private property
and Jews people who stopped farming they were
not allowed to back that governmental
properties. There are three important things
which were used to keep an eye on the plots and
that were adviser, consultant and counsellor
these were made by the green patrol.
The ministries of interior of government try to
resolve the social issues and they started doing
research on the Bedouin. They tried to focus on 3
main points. Firstly was to collect information of
Bedouins. Secondly they did conferences with the
in-charge of the southern area for the benefit of
Bedouins and thirdly to determine the
development and by the comparison of
socioeconomic and demographic information.
But this was not an easy task to determine all the
various points. Because of the Jewish nationalism
the Arab nationalism was in danger and itself it
has raised many questions. After that all the
disputes were on the lands.
The different options were available for Negev
Bedouins that is continuation of their traditional
way of living and other is urbanization. There are
three basic elements in which writer have


focused for the settlement of Bedouins. First was

for the herders that feeding of animal in every
season, secondly to avoid intra heredity conflicts
for design village and thirdly was the Bedouins
accommodates life for enduring arrangement. As
applied anthropology research is not only a
research but also it is a goal oriented research
means it can help and give benefit and further it
can help in development. In November 1990
another alternative plan was introduced that was
the improvement of pasture area and other new
ways of nourishing natural vegetation. They also
tried to introduce the annual system of
vegetation. Agriculture incorporating the farming
of plants and trees for the improvement off
landscape and try to increase inside tourism. The
diet of Bedouins was not so good and their diet
was poor in vitamins.
There was the vast plan which was created for
the shepherds village. Other than that
development plans for settlement in arid land
were created for the Middle East different parts.
Other newly Arab states have never experienced
about the colonization but the difference has
been done on the social problem and these
people were not aware of new or modern thing
and that was the different task. The village design
was planned for the Negev Bedouins and
standard was made and that was according to the
modern designs communication and transport
system was made comfortable other than that
electricity was given and water system, track for
sheep and goats development of woods for the
purpose of agriculture.
A different question was arises like who is going
to live in this state? What criteria should be than
for living in that town? Then it was answered that
starting numbers of families should not exceed
eighty houses. Actually that village was design for
the herders. In the town for feeding cattles the
feed was available. The structures of houses were
compact and that keeps family privacy and
retains of socialization. Other facilities were
education, health centre, sewage system
planning and other community. The social change
was observed the statetribe relationship was
created with the adoption of modernity and legal
system was recognized.
The traditional methods were used there, for
rearing of goats and sheep. In Israel the
kibbutzim and moshavin area the dairy products

and the meat was very popular. In Arab

community the meat is increasingly becoming
famous. In this book the writer has discussed the
dialogue between himself and the Mr. Golan in
which he has answered aspects. The religious
institution has been discussed along with that the
economic value especially wool production and
the business and marketing.
In the last chapter the writer has focused on the
better plans of action. The two basic problems
has been discussed firstly the supply of forage
has decreased because of dearth and
overgrazing. Secondly the numbers of herders
were declines who take their animals for grazing.
After that the solution of these problems were
discussed the foremost solution was the
improvement of live style of Bedouins.
The area which was wasted due to the agro
forestry and national parks development the
herding land was decreased. And the Bedouins
were concern with lands for herding and
anthropologist also felt concern for their
problem. The writer has discussed about the
economical and the sociological factors of
herders in Middle East. The main aspect for the
big reduction in the land was the adaptation of
land to agro land and farming of cereal. This was
also due to the privatization and enormous of
inhabitants growth in the area. The consequence
of decades of misconduct, overstocking and
overgrazing and the amount of edible has been
condensed and forage condition diminished. The
development area are accountable landlord and
to accept the development. The writer was of the
view that the Bedouins were familiar with
implementation of policy of development. But
some of the other requirements were also there
which includes the state ownership and the long
terms of user lease of residence for lands suitable
for the grazing. The road system should be
improved. Another agreement was the
transferring of properties. Collecting money from
everyone for the year of drought and plenty of
rain. Improvement of range of employment,
other than herding. Provide these villages with
electricity, running water, and new modern
facilities so that the younger generation wishes to
stay in the village.
The declining of pastorals in Middle East and
Israel is because of the economical development


and adoption of modern way of earning. But the

traditional way of earning was the same was used
for earning. And another issue was the plenty of
rain and the season of drought which has
reduced herding. The conflict between the Arabs
and Jews has also reduced the pastoralist. In
Israel the efforts were more for the settlement of
Negev then other Middle East countries. The
problem of water was one of the main issues. At
the end writer has recommended that state has
the duty to resolve different issues which are
faced by the Bedouins and especially the water
Publication Date: Jan-31 -2016
2016 The Explorer Islamabad Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan


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