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Teaching given by the Spirit TATA G, spiritual emissary of BABA OddwTeaching given on
Saturday September 8, 2012
IK does not respect the dead (gn and gngn), we are below IK (in spiritual hierarchy).
One of the Spiritual Beings that IK respects is the Big Boss, Baba Oddw. If I (Tata G)
were to ask a favor to IK, IK would not even listen, but if you ask Baba Oddw, IK will do
it because Baba Oddw is something else (he is the OLFIN AY of this planet).
When IK comes to this material plane (in one of IK'S 666 spiritual manifestation), IK says
to the people:
"I love you a lot"
Why? IK says that, but to what it refers and what does it mean? That Elderly woman that
comes down through spiritual possession through the ELGN (Medium) that we called by the
nickname the Black Tomasa represents one human mask that this particular manifestation of
the 666 faces of Death - IK selected to use. IK has 666 faces or manifestations.
The Bible says that the number 666 is the number of the Beast, but it not
refers to the Devil /Lucifer (called OLOSI in the esoteric Yoruba Teaching of Oddw), but
refers to the Irnmol IK (the so called Angel of Death). Death or IK is not itself a spirit, is an
energy or spiritual power or Irnmol. IK is such a powerful being who has been allowed to
get into the Free Will of the people of Earth, no one else can do that than IK (also the R
have that POWER, that refers to the Power to Know what people are thinking in their heads).
When IK is present, IK do so in situations that are dangerous, but IK is able to hear what
you're thinking. When IK comes down through spiritual possession through the ELGN
(medium), certain specific instructions are given to the people present at the ceremony: We tell
things like: Dont think or imagine evil things, de careful with what you say or how you respond
to her, never look at her face: When IK comes down through spiritual possession, we will
cover IKS medium with a black cloth cape with hood that cover IK from the head and
covers IKS face. If someone were to look at IK directly, this person can get sick, have an
accident and die (No One looks at IK and live, they die unless you do EBO). To IK, only
you can see IK the day one is leaving this material plane (when you die).
Some say they are that they are SANTEROS (Yoruba - Orisha tradition follower in the
Diaspora) and working with the Santa Muerte (Holy Death - IK). In Truth there is no truly
Yoruba Religious practitioner that spiritually work with the Santa Muerte / IK (As they call it).
Why? In a sense the R and IK they are at different ends or extremes. We know that
when someone is at risk of death, and we cannot do anything for that person,
the R go directly to God (OLFIN RUN) and cry because they could not save that
person. You can imagine the situation there between IK and R. With us (the Spirits gn
/ gngn) there is no problems because we are "Dead" and we take a little bit of its power to
get the things we do done, but the NOT the R, for certain issues that occurred long ago
between the R and DEATH - IK.
The R in those ancient times were Irnmol or PRIMORDIAL ESSENCE or Principles

directly coming from God-OLFIN RUN and Oldmar (The Matrix of Creation, the
Universal Neutral Energy source of ALL), God created something called IK. GOD (OLFIN
RUN who is the Conscious Creator of the Universe) and gave many powers to Death - IK, is
among those powers which IK can influence and interfere in the Free Will of the people (IK
knows what you think, how you feel and so on).
For what reason they gave IK that power? To listen to you all.
There is a sign of If (Od If) which says: "In this sign, the
People cannot call Death = IK, or be close to Ik, because IK comes and
Takes you away. Death IK comes down from Heaven and takes them. "
All the R were against that they have given so many powers to IK because the R
for those times were the most Powerful Beings. Death = IK had the same powers as the
R. The R would tell OLFIN RUN (GOD) that IK would reveal against God. After
a certain time OLFIN creates Life (in the Universe). IK starts to dry plants and create
disasters. The R go and inform OLFIN RUN about the actions of IK. OLFIN RUN
says that since the beginning HE know
everything about what IK does.
Time passes and IK begins to think and say; "I can take the life of anyone, I have enough
power and the Force to make war against God OLFIN RUN. Death by being DEATH - IK
knew all things about OLFIN RUN, what He did or did not do.
The Irnmol and the R Elgbra have to do everywhere. Death - IK tries to make
War against God, and (the Divine Messenger and Guardian of God) comes and tells IK:
"Nobody can win over You, and you can not destroy us. We are the OLFIN RUN`S Army. If
you and I went to war, neither we could destroy you, nor could you destroy us. So would
millennia would pass and the war would never stop. Let's do something, a Game, and
depending on the position in which we end in that game, we will see how We end up".
knew rnml, who was the son of OLFIN L, which is an emanation of God OLFIN
RUN. agree on a plan of action with rnml, they tell IK that they were going to
make a Game, the rules were:
That Being that manages to Survive longer without eating food for energy wins. God (Olfin
run) would give the winner a special Great Power.
comes into play and transform and becomes an old man.
has 3 manifestations; one as a child, another as adolescent and last as elderly.
becomes an old man and was the one overseeing the IK and rnml game by
divine mandate of OLFIN RUN.
looks at rnml and says: "Boy, you're not hungry? You would like to eat those hens
who are there? "rnml says, "I'm going to be honest, I'm hungry, but I cannot do what".
says; "Come on, Eat them"rnml looking at the hens wondering and then looks to the
left, to the right and looks straight ahead and back and tells
; "Well, I am going to eat them, but on one condition"
asks: What condition?rnml: That you eat a hen with me.

: No sir, I cannot, I just like Rooster, hen do me damage.rnml: Do not worry, I'll get the
rooster, but that's my condition. I see you old and big, and I ask you to eat me.
: I Agree.rnml goes to get the Rooster and the two eat together. When have finished
eating, becomes who he really is and tells rnml: "Excuse me sir"
: Do not worry boy, you have shared with me and have been too honest and I will not say
anything about what happened here.
transformed back into the oldman and goes where IK is and He says:
: Are You fine?IK: Okay.
: Do you need anything?
: Will you eat one of those animals that are there at the yard?
: Why not?
IK: Because I'm not hungry, because if I wanted to go and I take them.
: Really?
IK: Yes.
: Do not tell me you are not hungry?
IK: Well, the truth is that I'm hungry.
IK goes and grabs an animal and eats it alone without sharing with nor offer nothing to
. At that exact moment becomes who he really is and tells IK: "I just see what you
have done and in this moment you have lost the game".
goes to the house of OLFIN and says, "This and this happens, IK was that one that ate
and not rnml".
OLFIN RUN called both to go before him, and told IK; You're a very egoistic self-centered
being, you are a being that does not share what is yours with anyone, you have power and that
power is to take people to another world, but from now on you'll work will be done manifested
as a Shadow, you're going to dress in BLACK, you'll never use the White color, and who ever
sees you, the people are going to see you like a Shadow".OLFIN turned to rnml and said
to him; rnml, from now on I will grant you a Power, and that power is that you can avoid
death". (That's why rnml is known as IK Foriji = The one that avoids death).Then the
situation between IK and the R has always existed, a Conflict. Why? Because thanks to
that situation IK (Death) was with a grudge. Why? Because rnml won over IK, and if we
see deeply, the two of them were in the same situations and conditions, but the key issue is
that of shared rnml of what he ate, and IK did not shared. How many people die at
exactly the same moment together? Some people the heart stops before others, is said that
IK (Death) doesnt share, never, never.There is a situation between them, IK is very
suspicious. They say that the only Deity/Irnmol who can truly defeat IK-Death is OLKUN.
Olkun mean, Olo = owner, Okun = sea, ocean, or owner the ocean or sea, but if we see it in
deeper Yoruba, OKUN means deepness, it could be the deepness of the ocean or the
deepness of outer Space.Someone once told me that God had no role, because I told them

that no one would ever be to blame, not even God, or anyone else about how good or bad you
receive in life. Each one is responsible for what happens, whether is good or bad. If you do
EBO (Ritual Work of Sacrifice), What are you going to hope you get? Good things.Although the
R dont need to do EBO, the human is the need to do the EBO. Why you do Ebo? Not
because they R needs it, as They do not need no Ebo (animal sacrifices, food offerings,
Gin, honey, Epo, etc).They asked me: Why beg to God? We have to beg them, Why? Because
we have the need for them to Exist, and they have no need for us to exist.
OLODUMARE is the Supreme God (GOD ALMIGHTY) is a NEUTRAL ENERGY (Matrix of
Creation), from Olodumare derives the Good or bad. Olodumare gives strength to the good and
the bad. From Olodumare various Divine Beings emanated. OLFIN RUN was the first one
and is the THINKING GOD, Creative God, because OLODUMARE DOESNT CREATE,
Olodumare EXIST eternally. OLFIN RUN is the one who thinks, which creates, which
does. OLFIN RUN is a positive energy from God. OLKUN is the Owner everything that is
not known (also Olkun controls the Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe and the
Black Holes in space). What else it is actually known in this world? Nothing really. OLKUN
owns everything. But Olkun when created, came to be with a magnitude and a force
compared with that of OLFIN RUN.OLRUN is a part of God, but has a similar Power as
OLFIN RUN, but it has certain limitations, and Olkun does not. Olorun rules the Stars and
the Light in the Universe. (This 3 are the ESOTERIC YORUBA TRINITY of DIVINE POWERS,
they all came from OLODUMARE - Matrix of Creation). It is said that the only being capable of
destroying IK as such is OLKUN, but OLFIN tells IK - Death that will be manifested to
others like a shadow and OLFIN says: and let me give you another thing which will go
against everything that you do, and you give "Death" you give Life.Death is the beginning of
Life, then it's something that contradicts IKS functions, that's why IK is always very grim,
because IK is someway is carrying that.What does a spirit that is at peace with God needs? It
needs Food, clothing, money, water? After death its when you really start to "LIVE", become a
Free Spirit.Oddw for Africans is the one who knows the secrets of death, among the
Egyptians he is associated with Anubis. There are many who say that they are "Followers of
the Santa Muerte" / Saint Death, without really knowing anything about it.
To start, Death is not a Saint, Death-IK is higher than the Saints, if we talk in the Catholic
hierarchy language. Death is an ANGEL - IRNMOL, a Divine emanation. The people who
do ritual work with Death are ignorant. What happened right now? Were talking about Death
-IK and IKS presence was felt, IK was present and knocked on the door. What's up?
Even the very same people who practices it says: "You have to be in good terms with it,
because at any moment Death may take you. What is telling us the history I just told you? That
Death - IK is very Egocentric. If you break IKS Ego?Its IKS nature, it is normal to be so,
for the circumstances that happened. Within the Yoruba Religion, DEATH = IK feels
displaced, because Death was always upset that God will give to the R and IK was put
aside, that made IK a very egocentric being, but is its nature. Later after IK creation, over
time IK is divided into two parts. It is divided into a Severe and Merciful aspects.Baba

Oddw taught that IK has 666 manifestations, of those 666, 333 are Merciful and the other
333 are Severe.
Note by Awo Ifalenu: What is said in the Bible that the number 666 is the number of the
BEAST many people think that it refers to LUCIFER / SAMAEL or OLOSI in the Esoteric
Yoruba teachings, but in reality the Beast is IK with the 666 manifestations? This Age IK is
manifested into action in a deep way. By Grace of OLFIN RUN, he granted that one of the
666 manifestations of IK help Baba Oddw in his Great Mission with Humanity in this new
times, this manifestations is able to take Spiritual Possession of the ELGN of Baba
Oddw to come down in special situations when a Life of Death matter is involving one of
the members of our Spiritual Family. This manifestation of IK speaks to the people involved in
the situation and give advice on what to do the help, o ask a ritual to be done, or ask to be
given a big animal, and IK will take that life instead of the person. IK can also tell if the
person involved is in the waiting line to be taken to the other world or not.

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