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Project Leadership and Communication

Harsh Bansal

The case demonstrates a situational dilemma which occurs when Tim, manager at Driscoll
software, receives a call from old valuable client Hybara Casinos. Client has requested to
complete the software installation project by expediting the 6-weeks deliverable into 2-weeks
during the Christmas holiday season. Tim has to take a tough decision between either getting the
work done from Kristen who is a newly appointed manager and an excellent performer but has
no prior experience of managing the project, or from Alessandra Sandoval who recently resigned
to set up her own business as Business Consultant. Tim is bit reluctant to take help from
Alexandra, as he doesnt hold a good relationship with her and will make him look weak if her
approaches Alexandra. Tim briefs Kristen about the criticality of the project as it can generate the
much needed revenue for Driscoll. Kristen raise her concerns about the project timeline and
unavailability of her team resources as most of them already have approved leave requests. Tim
ask Kristen to strong-arm and be clear with her team members convincing them to work on
project. Kristen holds a team meeting and brief Tim about the situation that two of her team
members wouldn't be able to work on project as their trip cannot be cancelled. Tim believes that
the project responsibility is over Kristens head and doubts himself Is The Rookey Ready ?

Suggestions/Case Analysis
Tim should try to negotiate about 2-weeks timeframe with the client setting up more
realistic expectations as it will not only relive the team pressure but will also increase the
Tim reputation as a Convincing and Effective Bossi in everyones eyes.

Project Leadership and Communication

Harsh Bansal

Tim should work closely with the client clearly assessing the Risks and Costs associated
by rushing the project in 2 weeks time as without considering risks, costs and quality of
Project deliverable makes him an ineffective leader.
Tim should practice Tough Empathyii by believing in and motivating Kristen instead of
trying to control her as it will give her more confidence and emotional support
Tim should act as a good situation sensorsiii realizing that this will be Kirsten 1st project
management experience and so should gauge her unexpressed feelings so that Kirsten can
see him as more approachable.
Tim should focus more on un-availability of resources issue raised by Kristen and look
for possible replacements either internal or external instead of focusing of Kristen
incapability to convince her team members.
No doubt Kristen is in lot of pressure here and the project is critical for Driscoll but as
stated clearly in case, she has been an excellent performer at Driscoll from 4 years, so she
is a good choice to handle the project. Tim should trustiv in Kristens capability and
understand that always there is first time for someone.

References Readings:




Why Learning to Manage is So hard

Becoming the Boss, (2007, HBR, Product R0701D)
Tough Empathy ( Page 68, Practice Tough Empathy)
Why should anyone be led by you? (2000, HBR, Product R00506)
Situational Sensor (Page 66, Become a Sensor)
Why should anyone be led by you? (2000, HBR, Product R00506)
Managers must focus on forging good I individual relationships(Page 54)
Becoming the Boss, (2007, HBR, Product R0701D)

Project Leadership and Communication

Harsh Bansal

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