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Secondary Sources

"Http://" Web. 22 Nov.

2015. This source tells about what caused civil war among the Africa tribes and
etc. It also talks about how the European countries came together and sign a
contract: this is known as the Berlin Conference. At the Berlin Conference, they
divided Africa among the countries. This was the undoing for Africa.
"Scramble for Africa." - New World Encyclopedia. Web. 21 Nov. 2015. This source talks
about how the Europeans reacted to the Africans way of life and etc. The
Fashoda of Africa was an incident because the French wanted to have an
interrupted link between the Nile and the Niger River; as a result, controlling all
trade to and from Sahel region.
"15 Minute History." 15 Minute History. Web. 22 Nov. 2015. This resource gave me
more information about the regions of Africa. Western Africa was use to see the
Europeans because they had established the slave trade. This caused the Africans
to move east into the center of Africa hoping they wouldn't by taken from the
Europeans. The Europeans new technology, steam boat and Quinine, allowed the
Europeans to not get sick easy and to go down the rivers without a sail. Central
Africa was under the control of King Leopold, who saw this land as his property.
One of the major resources he took from this area was rubber. He did care about
the local population in any sort of humanitarian way. Northern Africa's and
Europe's relation is over a millennium old. Southern Africa population had a lot
of blacks and very few whites. This caused the British imperialism. Europeans
saw Africa as a way to make money. This caused a lot of tension between blacks

and whites.
"What Led Up to the Colonial Scramble for Africa?" Education. Web. 01 Feb.
2016. This showed me the causes of the Scramble for Africa. The European
countries had just established their countries yet they were running out of land.
"What Led Up to the Colonial Scramble for Africa?" Education. Web. 03 Feb.
2016. This talked about the causes of the Scramble for Africa. Most of the
causes was political, but with the advancement of guns, boats, medicine, and etc.
This allowed them to explore deeper into Africa.
"Biography: Carl Peters." Education. Web. 08 Feb. 2016. This site showed
how Carl Peters would get both Arab and African chiefs to sign away exclusive
rights to land and trade routes to Germany.
"Discover the Negative Legacy of Belgian's Colonialism." Education. Web.
08 Feb. 2016. This site shows the current struggles of Congo and how Belgium
affect them today.
"Africa Borders." Africa Borders. Web. 22 Nov. 2015. This source talks about how
World War 1 effect the Africans and how they were used to fight for another
country. Germany lost their land in African after their devastation in World War
BBC News. BBC. Web. 22 Nov. 2015. This source describes how the main reason the
explorers went to Africa was: scientific and geographical knowledge,
fame/celebrity, and converting people to Christianity.
"Equatorial Guinea Country Profile - BBC News." BBC News. Web. 10 Feb. 2016. This
site talks about how Equatorial Guinea is today and how it lacks in their

"Before the Scramble for Africa." Before the Scramble for Africa. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
This talks about Africa before the Scramble for Africa. The Africans were way
behind from Europe and America. Africa still used bows and arrows as their main
source of weaponry.
"Brief History of the Berlin Conference." Brief History of the Berlin Conference. Web. 22
Nov. 2015. This Conference was to promoted on the controlling the slave trade
and promoting humanitarian idealism. They passed empty resolutions about
ending the slave trade and giving welfare to the Africans. This conference was
mainly for dividing up Africa among the countries.
"Colt-Browning Gun." Colt-Browning Gun. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. This showed me how
the Europeans would use machines guns to scare the natives.
"Course Handouts." Course Handouts. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. This site showed me how
without the border lines for the European Countries, it was hard to separate the
land without starting a war.
Davies, Catriona. CNN. Cable News Network, 12 Aug. 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 2015. This
article talks about how the European countries grew financially and in trade. It
talks about why they did it, which they started with saying they were trying to
end slavery and civilize Africans.
"Effects and Legacies of the Scramble for Africa - Imperialist Africa." Effects and
Legacies of the Scramble for Africa - Imperialist Africa. Web. 07 Feb. 2016.
This site showed me how the Africa Natives were forced into the Europeans
culture because the Europeans that they were ignorant people.

"French in West Africa." French in West Africa. Web. 10 Feb. 2016. The French already
had tension with the current Natives of Saint-Louis with the earlier raids. The air
seemed to clear over time yet there is still some tension with racism. The French
used the Senegal River to explore the interior of West Africa.
"Helmut Ortner Concept & Consult | ZEITUNG, TITEL National." Helmut Ortner
Concept & Consult | ZEITUNG, TITEL National. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
This site showed how the German culture and education is still used in certain
parts of Africa today.
"Home." Home. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. This site shows the current East Africa Exchange
and how they help expand Africa's economy with their exchange system.
"Home - JSE Challenge." Home - JSE Challenge. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. This exchange
business (JSE) is the biggest exchange company in Africa. They focus both on
individuals and big franchisees.
"Why You Always Lying?" Memecenter. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. This gave me a map of
what Great Britain owned in Africa in 1920.
"Egypt Unrest: What It Means for LNG Trade." Potential Impact of Conflict in Egypt on
LNG Markets. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. This showed how much easier it was for the
British to trade their goods now the they had the Suez canal. This will cause the
British economy to go up because they are spending less money getting the raw
materials from Africa and India.
"The Scramble for Africa." St John. Web. 22 Nov. 2015. This explains how the
Europeans didn't care about the African's rights. They saw the Africans as
animals and in some cases they did treat them as animals. They would showcase

the Africans at zoos and events to show how uncivil and etc they are.
"Test Your Geography Knowledge: African Rivers and Lakes Geography Quiz." Test
Your Geography Knowledge. Web. 13 Jan. 2016. This site showed me the rivers
that was commonly used for trade and exportation during the Scramble for
"The Scramble for Africa." The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 25 Dec. 1999.
Web. 22 Nov. 2015. This goes in to detail about how the Africans greatest lost
wasn't land or power but self-respect. Europeans counted them, taxed them, and
order them into their communities into other tribes. The best land was used for
farming and minerals were dug out and shipped off to be Processed in Europe.
The Africans saw every little of the profit made by their labor.
"The New Scramble for Africa (part 1)." This Is Africa. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. This showed
the certain areas that Great Britain owned during the Scramble for Africa. They
also taxed the Africans living in this area to death on the cops that they picked
themselves for the Europeans to live.
"Untitled Document." Untitled Document. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. This showed me the
certain main material (oil) that Africa was down for producing. They have
predicted that Africa will be the 30 percent of the U.S.'s import for oil.
"Streetsofsalem." Streetsofsalem. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. This showed the Europeans
express of seeing the African Natives for the first. They were every surprised by
the bare chest women walking around. The cartoon off this page shows the greed
of Great Britain during the Scramble for Africa.

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