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Centralization of Management in Al-Roya School

And make decisions, in order to provide the direction of the company

centralized organizational structures that rely on one person. The owner,
because there is a responsibility to the company's business activities, small and
medium-sized enterprises, in many cases, use this structure. The main
organization, it can be very effective for business decisions. The owner of the
business is, usually, it has formulated the mission and vision of the company,
and set a goal to managers and employees, it does when you achieve these
goals. They have little control, since more felt directed to me, rather than the
centralized management, they operate independently, in that it is certain that it
is possible to make appropriate decisions, fewer remote employees It can help








recognition system in each of the company, you can employees help to

maintain motivation. To ensure that you follow the center of good practices
throughout the organization in doing so.
School bilingual Al Ru'ya was founded in 1996, using the Arabic and English as
the language education, it has received certification from the CIS in July 2008.
Subjects taught in English, English arts, mathematics, science, information
technology, and art & craft.
Subjects, especially Arabic Arabic to Ru'ya pastoral plan, Islamic studies, has
been taught in social science. Academic program, Kuwait leading to the
certification of secondary school, the Arab world, the United States and Europe.
Focuses on student preparation of for university undergraduate, teacher
qualifications Muslim Arab countries, the United States, Canada, Australia,
United Kingdom, Ghana, India, and has experienced a wide range of Pakistan,
Nigeria, and the Far East. Students will learn in a learning environment that is
based on the Arabic / culture, tradition of heritage and Islam.
Registration of RBS in 2009/2010 has reached 1,780 students. Students from
the campus of 1 to 12 classes, classrooms and science laboratories specialized
field of 91 that have been placed on the campus Segrated, consists of a

computer lab, art and crafts galleries. Two buidlings is one of the major media
center, 4 gym, we share two pools and 5 playground, and a specially built
theater. School year runs from September to June. This year, it has divided into
two semesters in the spring break of annual between them (the moon in early
month late /). It will start in club summer school in June. All prospective
students, the interviews and placement, English, is required in order to receive
the Arabic and mathematics.
Especially in decision-making, As a result of this school bilingual Al Ru'ya of
concentration there is more bureaucracy has been plagued with such
complexity in the school. The school has a bilingual El Ru'ya multiple layers of
stretch management from the owner to the front-line operations. It can cause
the activities of the dual-language Al Ru'ya and school is slow school of
responsibility for making any decision society will require a lot of time in order
to perform these tasks.
More complex school bilingual Al Ru'ya is a media that has been found that it is
to communicate the management decision-making difficult management
hierarchy of different activity levels. Level executives, effectively monitors all
activities of the school, not be able to control. While managing all operations of
the school, after the implementation of the concentration in the school bilingual
Al Ru'ya, executives, will not exceed the roof with the authority and
responsibility. She will not be able to spend enough time for other important
matters. This tends to reduce the efficiency of the work of the school.
Concentration of authority to the top level of the school of bilingual El Ru'ya
may become a cause of under-use power. To exercise their rights on the basis of
the top-level Al Ru'ya bilingual school administrator has its own judgment. This
lead to the abuse of power, our manager, lacks the appropriate skills to
More complex management centralized at the bilingual school of Al Ru'ya is,
while performing the assigned task, is most of the employees to feel
uncomfortable. They do not have the necessary permissions in order to deal

with the problem effectively. They show their personality, it does not get a
chance to develop. At school, it is essential to make quick decisions in order to
solve the problems of the related departments and offices. Concentration, as
soon as practical does not have is a flexible is not a top-level dynamic
environment by. Administrator of bilingual school in El Ru'ya will devote
maximum time routine decision-making. Therefore, can not they be to spend a
lot of time in the non-program decision. This will have a long-term adverse
effects on the performance of the organization.
Data collection
Through this project, I will pass through the two primary information source and
a secondary source of information. Since I operate in bilingual school of
management Al Ru'ya, using the primary source of information, I will now all
meet my friends and face. I have some of my friends to try to meet my
manager, regarding their views of how to manage to perform the task, ask
them. The questionnaire was distributed via the employees of all the
management at school, I will pick him in order to see their selection.
GM; I in order to find complete information about performance management on
the concentration effect of the employee, use the secondary sources that do an
Internet search and directory AOU. I in order to confirm whether it is fit to our
place of looking for a job or other solutions, check the advantages and
disadvantages of decentralization of management.
It uses the method.
The implementation of appropriate methods that suits my project, to think long
to all the aspects of the project has led me, finally I've realized you need to
select the approach of SSM. Soft system method, and the international profit
and purpose of business opportunities situation projects can be considered to
store the dimensions of the problems that have not been structured, the various
human intervention in the case of a substantially equal manner, environmental ,
social, are available political problem, this will affect the progress of the project.

This project is a repeat between step is a practitioner of the skills BECM system,
it will be considered

to be more business


that require

understanding and improvement. Status of my project, as there is human

involvement or interest in a non-structured and only high level, seems to be a
change in the application of the method. The reason for their involvement is
political goals and interests or force and occasional practice of authority,. What
will be the first step in is causing the delay when the project is a narrow risk
avoidance limit, and many scenarios that lead to the complexity of the
implementation level. Therefore, in this situation, we to have a system of
investigation, question what is happening, why optimal decision-making
towards a good opportunity, analyzing the state of improvement with a good
project or some form you need to
Stage of Soft Systems Methodology

Step 1: Not mode structure of the problem

In this step, such confusion, reason to give that has become large and complex
within the company is to shed light on the major cause of the confusion of this
mess with a clear reason. School Bilingual Al Ru'ya the central authority in
schools and relies on one person to make the decision making, in order to
provide directionality, faced here many complexities due to its dosage level It
has. School is considered the large ones with many branches, so the way that
has been, is it just difficult to adjust the decision in one arm. Following the
implementation of the concentration of El Ru'ya within the school, there are
many such complex provocation.
First, the management system; school Ru'ya Billingual gives way to excessive
regulation and fitness strict official norms and extra bureaucracy and delay and
delay inequality initiative of the decision-making in the workplace, it is a
centralized management system. (Figure 1)

Second of the complex is a dictatorship. Most of the employees, has always

been expected to Al Ru'ya that operate in accordance with those that are
affected by them. There is no anything of innovation. No If the employee is not
present the advantage, it might not be subject to levels of authority to
determine the specific problem. It creates a psychological aversion, it is
because the work in the school you do not see the growth and motivation within
the school system, as a result, it is faithful toward the school. It is not possible
school system Al concentration is easily held Ru'ya. There is a fine line between
any of the norms that have been adapted to this concept and its results.
Concentration in order is to maintain a long period of time, such as the factors,
it is clever treatment of, requires a gentle way, you will not be able to maintain
the most important secret is simple to all of the central system. (figure2)
7-action to improve the problem situation

stakeholders such gov. and other authorities

Stress and Pressure in National Real Estate Company

mparison between employee leave and solution

2- Expressed problem through rich picture

4- Stakeholders strategy conceptual model from root definition

Developed Competition
3- Stakeholder through CATWOE
Other reason Al Ru'ya as
a resultstrategy
of centeralized administration included lead to
significant delays in decisions that affect the way in which the concentration is often
operate schools, it has the effect of school bilingual employees. Management staff
and most of the men in the authority of the school is limited, response time to some
of these issues are issues you can sometimes escalate the problem. Al Ru'ya in

order to contact with the top leaders of many situations of people in the time of the
essence, you have a highly centralized authority to the Company's management
Centralization I because it is prohibited naturally innovative ideas front line level
and creative thinking, has a concentration of the poor most of the staff of the
management Al Ru'ya of school creation. In many cases, distributed enterprise, until
top management devised, has been promoting the idea of products and services for
the new permanent employees that was passed. If there is a large distance between
the centralized employee involvement of leaders of the front line of, it employees of
course, internal communication, have a little bit of motivation in order to reflect the
improvement or solution You. (Fig. 3)
School bilingual Al Ru'ya, only the hands of senior management, since the majority
of employees have a resistance to change, we are facing is a more complex
authority concentration. Most centralized authority of ideas and policy in a certain
Ru'ya is thought, is called to have been discussed in the small circle of leaders. This
interjected prohibition of effective contribution viewing new way of doing things in
new blood and tissues change. Many of the distributed approach than leadership is
to cover the company, it may lead to a broader set of perspectives on the direction
of business and operations.

8.2 Stage 2: problem situation expressed (rich picture)

The rich picture for (work overload) can help in sorting out the basics of the
situation and a helpful tool for explaining the fundamentals to all interested parties.
Rich pictures (situation summaries) are used to depict complicated situations. They
are an attempt to encapsulate the real situation through a no holds barred , cartoon
representation of all the ideas covered already layout ,connections , relationships,
influences , cause and effect : (Figure5)
Rich Picture Elements:
* Pictorial symbols
* Keywords
* Cartoons
* Sketches
* Symbols
* Title

Low commitment

No loyalty


No creativity


Resistance to

Rich Picture: Centralization inside Al-Ruya bilingual school

8.3 Stage 3: root definition of relevant system

Each CATWOE can be used to the questions related to human activity system, the
definition of each route is based on a particular view of the world.
Chaotic state and is defined by the associated root system and to determine the
components, the system in order to improve the unique perspectives and views
"problem, to develop a system for performing the procedures and plans by the
company As it has been advanced to, CATWOE first letter of each characteristic
Customers are victims of work will be postponed. I'm saving, embassies, are faced
with immigration and labor Kuwait labor authorities, the first victim, but employee
Al Ru'ya of school, students, working families, the Ministry of Justice.
Players: They are at the top of the decision-makers in the school of El Ru'ya perform
management activities.
Process of change: including the last decision of the resolution, intensive input,
option of one hand, bureaucrats, was transferred to a dissatisfaction with all of the
low-commitment, poor creativity, employee of the school of Al Ru'ya.
In the division of labor between the world :(. Employee, they give a lot of money
and a good salary in) in order to alleviate this problem, using a new method and
new ideas for increasing the efficiency, employees Comparison with other schools to
give the amount of work that he can carry.
Owner: They bilingual Al Ru'ya and shareholders that the leaders of the school, have
the authority to stop the project.
Constraints on the environment: requirements for you to improve the track of the
business (of new policies and strategies), environmentally friendly technologies, and
(salary increase) social, it is economical (revenue growth and reduce the risk) .
(Figure 5)

8.4 Stage 4: Conceptual model (Figure7)

Use decentralization

Participation in decision making

Expand public relation by motivation employees and manager
Help the employees as much as possible
Motivating employees for more creativity

Dividing work among the entire members company brand

Improve communication inside workplace


Empowering employees and managers at lower subunit levels

Give the employees the chance to express the selv
Government regulations to protect employees

Conceptual Model: Al-Ruya centralization authority

This model comes from root definition that contains my system thinking world
(suggesting for improving the situation) Al-Ruya bilingual school should put plans
and procedures which I will explain in the next 3 steps:
STEP 1: Empowering employees and managers at lower subunit levels
Empowering employees and managers at lower subunit levels gives the employees
greater satisfaction in their work. The authority and decision rights can free up
senior management to focus on more big picture issues as opposed to fussing over
details at the subunit level..
STEP 2: Diversification of administration
Al-ruya school need to appoint new staff who able to increase decentralization.
Diversification activities is better managed through decentralization. Al-Ruya need
to divided decision making in many hands to reach for the right one on behave of
the operation.
STEP 3: Communicate Goals
Make connections, negotiations. Keep the staff informed and avoid a situation of
circles within circles. Internal communication is paramount to a happy workforce.
STEP 4: Involve in Decisions
When employees involved in the decision making process at the organization or
they simply told what is happening, by involving employees in the decision making
process that can affect their jobs or the overall direction of the company gives your
staff a sense of empowerment and belonging.
STEP 5: Motivating employees for more creativity

Employee satisfaction is often measured by anonymous surveys

administered periodically that gauge employee satisfaction in areas such as
management and teamwork. As centralization limit employees creativity, so
Al-ruya rule now is to motivate its employees to participate in decision and
become more creativity to increase the school accuracy of operation.

STEP 6: Recognize Performance

The manager should apply the Employee satisfaction surveys which help employers
measure and understand their employees' attitude, opinions, motivation, and
satisfaction. Through this Al-Ruya school can know their suffering and their
STEP 7: participation in operation
Al-Ruya bilingual school has a good deal of efficiency in time and resources
because a high degree of coordination is possible with decision-makers at the top
coordinating all activities of the organization. This coordination prevents
unnecessary duplication of efforts and permits the decision-makers to allocate tasks
among various components of the organization in an efficient manner.

8.5 Stage 5: Comparison of stage 4 with stage 2

Conceptual models are compared to the real world with the objective of having a
well structured for the situation to improve it.





How is it done?


Activity on model

(the way )

(Is it in real life?)

(new ideas)

(by whom)

The organization

Yes; Observe the

Improve the


should provide

employees efficiency at



this kind of

work if you did not give

between the

service for all

them work overload.

manager and


employee based on

equally and for

respect and

many different

applying the


principle of equality


New rules for the

Yes; Al-Ruya school

Diversification in


extra working

starting the time of

the school


working as immediately


as possible to increase
revenue and avoid late.



board of

I think that Al-

It is happened in real


Ruya school as

situation but with the

employees for more

a result of

instance on


decentralizing its


employees will
able to innovate
and increase
accuracy of






There are many

The school must


awareness of the

responsible refuse to

recognize the good


bad effect of

recognize because they



consider it as increase

in work.




Not in real situation

Time plane for


creates loss of

because of

achieving of duties


man-hours and



delay in
performance of
work because of
transmission of
records from and
to the central
control room.




Because of

Not in real situation

Make good



relationship with


employees has


control access to
deal with other

Stage 6: Debate and determine on systemically desirable and feasible

To implement all of the changes if .AND changes to make this change in terms of the
system are possible and must be felt to determine whether changes. Negotiations
between all stakeholders comes with the benefit of the school. Senior Management
School of El Ru'y, all decisions and actions less important level of interest of senior
management approval, I will argue that all the problems of low-level action, and.
The importance of concentration, invitation to decision-making power of a top-level,
there is likely to be a low-level commissioning of the action direction of
administrators and top-level invitation middle level of operation authority. Working
in the school of El ru'ya, due to a delay of concentration is determined, but argues
that it is affecting its debt, poor commitment to school, but concentrated on,
through the implementation of decentralization again, the innovation limits the
creativity and sex, it will have a space for them to participate in decision-making,
and has the ability to increase their competition, the ability to promote a change in
their skills and abilities. (Fig. 4)

Step 7: action, either to solve the problem, to improve the situation

And this last SSM phase, you can make some changes at this time. You There are
several ways can be implemented to alleviate his be pressure from taking part in
too much work. As the cause of the stress associated with the heavy workload, time
management, the squeeze-out that can be all of these tasks it is due to lack of time.
School becomes more flexible, therefor corresponds to the environment transaction,
there was a clear shift toward the distributed decision making. Also, it gives a lot of

authority to make decisions to employees, and has been known to give the
authority to the employee.
Administrators can have a say in what happens, cultural school through open
decentralization al Ru'ya can rely on involved in the effective implementation of
strategies of the school administrators It has the flexibility to make decisions.
Manager with direct subordinates, Manager in direct reporting a large number of,
have a number of narrow span of control has a wide range of control. A wider, more
control of the span that has been granted to any of the directors of a flat
organizational structure. In turn, narrow span of control result of the high
organizational structure.
SSM implementation 9.0 Overview
I think the implementation of the decentralization of the bilingual school El Ru'ya
can occur when dispersed the authority of decision-making to the lower
organizational levels. Distributed with the authority of, important decisions will be
given a room for our creative and are made by the intermediate level and
monitoring the level of management. Since a small number of hierarchy for
navigating present, the structure of this type, in order to allow adjustment, the
lowest level of the problem, and to a rapid response to more qualified workers It
helps. However, organizational changes, can become very difficult in this system
will be uniformly applied.

10.0 declaration Ethicality

In a statement, someone set the ethicality of ethical aspirations of eager value
work. Although the statement indicates a reflection on the individual values, to me
it is important, in fact, everyone but is that is occasionally experienced the
workload, you can get it back . It is to address this complex situation, enough to get,
respectable project, is to trust the classmates and the university of my fellow.
Comprehensive and overall view is not a part, the practitioner about BECM B ball
things that refer to all of the problems, you should be aware of the professional and
ethical point of view. It means that you understand the complex situation and

looking for a way to any understanding span; wise. Yourself / You want to conscious
processing does not involve herself in a complicated situation. He / she is, but
officials can be very important in this situation. How to get used to the background,
deals, his / her tacit knowledge, experience, relies prejudice that therapist. He / she
should not be criticized.

Customer Report
To: Al-senior management Ru'ya bilingual schood
Topic: it will reduce the concentration of deletion or government authorities
Concentrated workplace chose to talk about conflict of pressure and working
conditions of working in school Ru'ya in bilingual school Al Ruya workers, excessive
stress is a majority of workers to interfere with their productivity, complain to give
physical and emotional health impact, because it is important for concentration. It
also depends on the administrator of the debt to communicate with its mainline
most standardized way. Because the administrator can interpret them in the
reservation of different ways, this is what can small business owner is not
There are many reasons for the dissatisfaction of the concentration of workers in
employment as such first of Al Ru'ya. Employment of delay. Concentration in the
Board of Education that was created by the delay in performing the work for the loss
and the record of the transfer and the central control room of man-hours, its
implementation through. The results quick determination that it can not be delayed
in your desk.
Second composite material facing the Al ru'ya school as a result of intensive is the
remote control. Directors will not be able to monitor the Btter name so that it is
under great pressure of work. Slack has been developed in the absence of a
command, you better control. Tertiary. There is no anything of loyalty. Most of the

employees of the school El Ru'ya, site the work that they are required to perform
these jobs, which was hoping is not dependent, is not satisfied with their work to a
centralized work initiative . Employees in a Ru'ya functions like a machine, there is
nothing the lack of work involvement and enthusiasm as a result. All of these
factors will be set as a failure of development of mutual work.
Wednesday; orders and decisions flow here 1 a secret that has been transferred
from the all impossible, secret it to a centralized workplace is not Al Ru'ya.
Thursday; work is not attention is given a special work in exactly the home El Ru'ya
special attention as is done in one place. Finally; Al is up in the workplace, and ru'ya
the structure centralized which can limit the quality of hierarchy communication
below. This, through the media, such as e-mail, is less expensive to communicate
with employees in the central office. The transparency will be created to share with
employees through this kind of e-mail. Previous state of N concentration, office work
which is located in the center of everything, it later, but to set the scattering people
in the platoon level, the control has been carried out from the center point.
Centralization of authority, was not in the pure sense. Mixture of centralization and
decentralization, is the practice of today.
According to illustrate questionnaire answer comes, I the Al Ru'ya, found that there
are many ways to resolve the complexity of rights concentration in the workplace.
ensuring good communication with colleagues and principal.
Fellows, by providing appropriate information support by sharing case knowledge
and resources appropriate.
I have been engaged in discussion of action with their performance of feedback.
If you raise the issue of concern at an early stage, and then seek a constructive
support resources and I will use the available training.
If the early difficult to appropriate support and advice has occurred.
correspond to the problem of recognition or immediately concern, to seek
constructive solutions.

support resources and I will use the available training.

Make sure that has been providing training and development opportunities for
staff that are meaningful.
recognize the signs of problem, for bereavement or separation of the example,
you experience the stress outside of work, and offers additional support staff.

Project Connect
Summary of the week
The first three weeks
Definitely we are beginning to think from the beginning of the early course for the
project, but, to me that I was still confused about the selection of the projects of the
theme in the first week in three, two of interesting topics, the financial crisis, It was
the influence of stress in the workplace. But when I discussed, the problem with my
teacher, it is because it is difficult to find information about the problem of the
impact of the financial crisis, we have advised me to take the second option. So I
made up my mind about the tension and pressure of the bilingual school Al Ruya.
When I noticed that it has encouraged me to think in order to understand the
conflict and bottlenecks of the region are applied to deals pills through the figure of
B about my project of the application, it is also, block is worth mentioning is working
on 3, also, we have developed my understanding of the project.
3 weeks 2
So I'll certainly interviewed another stock, these are related to one of the first three
weeks of the end, communication skills specifically three blocks can be useful for
my project specific of the (understanding of the development in order to engage in
activities, working conditions and then get me.

At this point, I by identifying the mission, began to plan their projects, it was a good
opportunity to think more deeply about issues related to the shareholder, the source
of the information, ... as necessary, etc. Opinion will therefore, in the method that
has been proposed drafting the outline of my project at this stage, I started looking
for the title of the project, I seriously began to seek the necessary information from
sources such as various personnel of DEP was, I will include suggested application.
And, I've interviewed some of the workers. I, complex systems, with reference to
people's relationship, by doing this, I believe that to deal with the complexity.
3 weeks Party
Determines the practitioner to specific learning outcomes for the parties, the
determined, each situation is determined by the method that requires different
skills, and generates. Figure 4 (b) holding the status of the cases in this new
systemic concepts obtained from, and I understand it is possible to develop my
understanding of my project. The new concept, this is me to help improve the I
positions and their problems will help you to understand how to describe my
After it, I have is worth mentioning that it was not the timetable I have most
appropriate, time that has to plan the time required to run any part of the threeweek next to the report, I was able to show the ability to adapt it to grip access and
(contextual approach is selected) context, the final selection methods and tools I
submit tma5 of TMA (for time limit Use it to have) to know not to, was drafting an
official report of my project.
However, it changed my mind about the use of the approach at the end of this
period, therefore, because I decided to use one of the methods (SSM), or two to be
able to deliver the project on time , I, because I have announced a new cut of the
date of the project (transfer in a week).

Again 3 weeks
Once these choices report presents the customer to persuade them to take those
actions in their summary of benefit to them, in order to find alternative measures to

improve it, my form soft system execution of complex coherent analysis of the
situation of the chosen through the report in a way, we have projected a time
management and presentation.
At the end of this phase, I can reflect the experience to deal with the complexity of
the system and I can recognize that the learned throughout the year, and I, we
practice tools and techniques was faced with constraints, procedures and practices
of the system is to think how to use these systems in the real world.
I have started their studies to gather information from a number of sources related
to the topic of the mine in workload), impact on the Kuwait market data collection
was from the Internet, press releases, Other resources, after my studies, it is
possible to provide some ideas, Enterprise began to improve the problem of
government and society can help its is the authority and the most important
players, one We have a right to decide. After my research, I have to build my strong
relationship between the manager and the staff, improve the salary of the
employee, training through the program and innovation, and enhance employee
satisfaction, improve this problem It was strongly to present some ideas to it,
tension in very important work to reduce the number of constraints on the
operations such as pressing. (Figure9)
Overview, including the last 8 weeks
At the end of 10 weeks working on my project, since it as had good grades and
doing my first T205 project, it was my second time doing such a project, I other
people To be able to place itself in relation to I was important to deal with the
I I begin to search the Internet and press releases related to my project in order to
understand the captain of more data than the situation of until you get the
necessary information to have a lot of knowledge in such a situation Because, after I
showed in every week and chose three research I'm doing the same thing the
teacher and I, I proposed some and point of view I was doing a survey, I my
organization I tried to talk with many of the employees who work in I have helped to
improve my friend's problem, I, all the information in a special folder on my PC in
the name of each mode was started in order to collect, you can not do it.

Excessive amount of care workers work certainly has experienced workplace stress
to have be able to contribute to your number. Most of the tension is rooted in issues,
it will include management job number. This is probably, it is the largest cause of
some stress for, and heavy workload and require the amount of long time of
operation. Therefore, immediate stress relief will not be able to do it. Instead, to find
a long-term stress relief, you have to organize the transaction, will now manage.
Confusion of analysis (workload) I thought the systemic confusion, you learned how
to analyze. I top of the confusion, the boundary line, stakeholders, set the
perspective and view of the world, we discussed how to. I learned some new ways
to analyze the problem. I learned how to design my report on the specific elements
and rough timetable. I, collects information from a variety of sources, to collect
them, I learned how to display them correctly. I also communicate with the officials,
they has learned how to participate in any decision-making problems and other
It is I have developed a description of the course T3.6 situation as has been
recognized today. Description, please make sure that you do not try to explain the
situation from the point of view of possible solutions. There has multiple
perspectives, but also, to explain the situation. You can become a some help in
understanding how to write that "to formulate the question." The course teaching
materials, events, and is a pattern of results behavior of these events, and more
importantly, it is suitable for modeling approach to promoting an understanding of
the structure that is under the responsibility of their actions. By understanding the
basic structure, in order to cope with this particular situation, it would be able to
identify appropriate leverage points for changing the system

*Name: * Marital Status:


*Education level:..

* (Optional for writing).

In your opinion:
o Employees motivated because of centralization in managment.





o I can decide when to take a break any time.






I don't know No comment

o Inside Al-Ru'ya Bilingual School there is a procedure by which
employees can report workplace hazards.




I don't know No comment

o People like to work in Al-Ru'ya Bilingual School because of its
comfortable workplace.





o I am given supportive feedback on the work I do .





o I have to work very intensively.











o Al-Ru'ya

Bilingual School


and safety


clearly identified for all levels of staff.






o I have to neglect some tasks because I have too much to do.





o I am unable to take sufficient breaks.






I don't know No comment


Please, express your opinion, whether Al-Ru'ya Bilingual School offers the
following attributes. Answer on a 5 point scale. According to my opinion,
Al-Ru'ya Bilingual School offers:

o Comfortable workplace








o Al-Ru'ya Bilingual School is pressure workplace.





o Employees involvement in decision making.



o System















o Rely on line manager to help me out with a work problem








o Have to work very fast.




I don't know No comment

o Good place for training programs.









o Working time can be flexible.







o working location can be flexible (.







o Supported through emotionally demanding work.



I don't know No comment

o Relationships at work are strained




I don't know No comment

o Exciting atmosphere





I don't know No comment

Authority in one hand

Al-Ruya Centralization


Increase stress and presser

reduce social mobility

Reduce in performance

Top management

Less creativity

Low innovation

Increase burden

Low commitment and loyalty

Reduce the school performance
reduce economical impact
Cause inconvenience

Cause bad household

reduce house expense

disatisfaction and productivity

Reduce employee benefits

Market will be bad

Fig2: System Map: Al-Ruya centralization management

Employees leave
Government regulation
Systemic description
Purpose of problem

Situation Stakeholders

Managed strategically

Situation sub-system

Available information

Human rights

Public and private sectors

Various perspectives

Foreign Embassies


My role
Kuwait government

Kuwait government policy

Planning and acting

Fig 3: Multiple cause Diagram: Al-Ruya centralization management

Kuwait Parliament

Centralization inside Al-Ruya school


Implementation of gover
Service security


development of commun
Customer protection


Save time, efforts


Fig 4: Spry Diagram: Al-Ruya centralization management

Labor union
Quickly response

Employees engagement
Satisfy employees



Amerian school

Other British school

Control over decis

New legislation

Participate in decision
Delay in decision
Bad effects such as
pressure and stress


Private sector Centralization


World trade


Keeping &

Policies plans
Setting of Laws

Ministry of
labor force

Reduce the work


Ministry of
commerce and
The human rights
Ministry of Justice



Ministry of
social affairs
and work


Achieve the

Top management

Board of
Arab school

I am


government rules

Employee satisfaction

Court cases


Fig 5: CATWOE: Al-Ruya centralization management

CATWOE for using Al-Ruya Checklist

Top management

Environment constrains
Discrimi- nation





Customer changing demand

Similar system

Weltanschauung or world view

Transformation process

Transformation process



Achieve goal

Owner branches


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