Steps To Load Essbase Security - CISCO

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ExportSecurity and ImportSecurity utilities in

Steps to Load Essbase Security using MAXL and
LCM Import
Step 1: Get the list of users using MaxL script
spool on to user.txt;
display user in group all;
Step 2: Get the list of Groups using MaxL Script
spool on to group.txt;
display group all;
Using below maxl command create all the groups using group.txt in Target system
create group 'groupname';
Step 3: To upload users extracted from Step 1

Log on Shared services

Navigate to Shared services Native Directory
Right click on Groups and export it into file.
Open that Groups.csv file
Using USER.txt, paste the users in that file under their respective group.
Paste user correctly and save it to the same file Groups.csv
Again navigate to Shared services-> Native directory -> Right click on Groups
and select IMPORT for edit.
h. It will get your users into the groups.
Now we have uploaded both Users and Groups into Target system.
Step 4: Get the list of filters using MaxL Script
spool on to FILTER.txt
display filter row all;
Now using FILTER.txt
create Maxl statements as below
Ex: create filter app.database.filtername read/write/none/metaread on 'AREA';

Step 5: Get the list of privileges using MaxL Script

spool on to GRPRIVILEGE.txt;
display privilege group all;
create maxl statements as below
grant filter app.databse.filtername to 'groupname';
the above state statement should get your filters assigned to groups.

Exporting Access Permissions

The ExportSecurity utility exports Planning access permissions to the SecFile.txt file,
enabling you to export and import access permissions across applications.
To export access permissions from Planning to a text file :1. Navigate to the bin directory in this path: HYPERION_HOME/products/Planning/bin.

From the Command Prompt, enter this case-sensitive command, one space, and the parameters.
Separate each parameter with a comma:
ExportSecurity.cmd [-f:passwordFile] /A=appname,/U=username,
[/DELIM=delim] , [/DEBUG=true|false],[/TO_FILE=fileName],[/HELP=Y]

For example, to export access permissions for a user and group named Sales, enter:
ExportSecurity.cmd /A=app1,/U=admin,/S=Sales
To export for a member named Account100 and its descendants, with the colon delimiter to a file named
Account100.txt in a specific path:

If prompted, enter your password.

For example, an exported file might contain these lines:


North America,Account101,write,MEMBER,SL_CALCFOLDER

Steps for importing access permissions:

STEP 1: Create a text file and name it as Secfile.txt and save it in bin
STEP 2: Locate the ImportSecurity utility by navigating to the path

Then use the utility command

The syntax is as follows: appname,username,password,[delimiter],[RUN_SILENT],
ImportSecurity.cmd [-f:passwordFile] appname,username,[delimiter],[RUN_SILENT],
appname : Name of the Planning application importing access permissions.
username : Planning administrator user name.
password:- Planning administrator password.
delimiter (Optional) : SL_TAB, SL_COMMA, SL_PIPE, SL_SPACE, SL_COLON, SL_SEMICOLON. If no delimiter is specified, comma is the default.
RUN_SILENT ( Optional) : Execute the utility silently (the default) or with progress
messages. Specify 0 for messages, or 1 for no messages.
[SL_CLEARALL] (Optional): Clear existing access permissions when importing new
access permissions. Must be in uppercase.
STEP 3: You can check the results in log file in
STEP 4: Now Check in the Planning Application.
Risks :1. Use Comma as the Delimiter. Although the command allows for other
delimiters, it would not work when importing the file back in.
2. The import does not delete existing security; it only modifies or adds to it.
To delete existing security, use SL_CLEARALL in the command line.

Reference :

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