Operation and Maintenance Recommendations For Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

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GEK 111331

October 2005

GE Energy

Operation and Maintenance Recommendations for Media Type

Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every
possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further
information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's
purposes the matter should be referred to the GE Company.
2005 General Electric Company

GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers


INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 3
A. Background................................................................................................................................................ 3
II. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM.................................................................................................................... 4
A. Saturation Efficiency (Effectiveness) ........................................................................................................ 5
B. Evaporation Rate........................................................................................................................................ 6
C. Blowdown (Bleed-off) Rate....................................................................................................................... 7
D. Makeup Water Rate ................................................................................................................................... 7
E. Water Carryover......................................................................................................................................... 7
F. Water Bypass.............................................................................................................................................. 8
III. EVAPORATIVE COOLER COMPONENTS ........................................................................................ 8
A. Evaporative Cooler Media......................................................................................................................... 9
B. Recirculation Pumps and Motors............................................................................................................. 10
C. Water Distribution System....................................................................................................................... 11
D. Water Draining System............................................................................................................................ 12
E. Flashing and Media Support .................................................................................................................... 13
F. Customer / Purchaser Connections........................................................................................................... 14
G. Access and Inspection Provisions............................................................................................................ 15
H. Control, Protection and Convenience Devices ........................................................................................ 15
PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................................. 19
A. Evaporative Cooler Installation ............................................................................................................... 19
B. Evaporative Cooler Commissioning ........................................................................................................ 24
C. Evaporative Cooler Operation and Maintenance ..................................................................................... 24
V. EVAPORATIVE COOLER WATER QUALITY AND TREATMENT.............................................. 27
A. Makeup and Recirculating Water Constituent Limits ............................................................................. 28
B. Water Scaling........................................................................................................................................... 28
C. Biological Fouling and Other Chemical Treatment................................................................................. 29
D. Water Sampling and Testing ................................................................................................................... 30
VI. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 31

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

Evaporative coolers supplied with General Electric Gas Turbines should provide reliable and trouble free
operation for the life of the gas turbine. This document is intended to provide the gas turbine operator
with general guidelines and suggestions to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the evaporative
cooler. This document is not intended to replace the information provided as part of the Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) manual provided by the Evaporative Cooler manufacturer. The scope of this GEK is
limited to media type evaporative coolers and the hardware related to such equipment.
Gas turbine operators must recognize that if suitable operational and maintenance guidelines are not
established and followed, the evaporative cooler and its media may need more frequent maintenance. In
the extreme case, the misoperation of the evaporative cooler can result in severe contamination of the gas
turbine and have extremely serious consequences in terms of forced outage time needed for maintenance,
repair and replacement of gas path components.

A. Background
Evaporation of water is one of the simplest and oldest methods of cooling air. Even with the
sophisticated technology available today, including mechanical chillers, absorption chillers and
thermal energy storage systems, evaporative cooling remains a most cost-efficient method for
temperature control of the gas turbine inlet air supply.
Evaporative cooling can be achieved by several methods. In General Electric gas turbine applications,
two forms are typically used: Media type evaporative cooling and Spray type evaporative cooling
(commonly known as fogging or SPRITS). Traditional media type evaporative coolers consist of
recirculated water sprayed over an extended surface media mounted downstream from the inlet air
filters. As inlet air passes through the water soaked evaporative cooler media, evaporation occurs
performing a dual function:
1. Energy in the form of heat is removed from the air by using that energy to evaporate water in the
media; and
2. Water vapor content of the air increases due to evaporated water approaching saturation along
constant wet bulb lines.
These two processes increase the density of the air, which in turn increases the mass flow and output
of the gas turbine.

GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers


A schematic of an evaporative cooler is shown above.

An evaporative cooler is a useful gas turbine option for applications where significant operating time
occurs in the warm months, and where low humidity is common. The Evaporative Cooler System is
procured as part of the Gas Turbine Inlet Filter Compartment per Model List Item (MLI) A040, and it
typically consists of the following components as a minimum:

Evaporative Cooler Media

Recirculation Pumps and Motors
Water Distribution System
Water Draining System
Water Collection (Sump) Tank
Upper Level Drain pans

Customer/Purchaser Connections
Flashing & Media Support system
Control and Protection Systems
Access and Inspection provisions
Lighting and Convenience provision

We will discuss these components in detail in Section III of this GEK document.
The function of the evaporative cooler is to increase turbine output by lowering the inlet dry bulb
temperature and increasing the air density through the evaporation of water into the inlet airflow.
Recirculated water introduced over the top of the evaporative cooler media drains through and wets the
media. Filtered ambient air comes into contact with the wetted media where the air is cooled by the heat
of evaporation of water. Gas turbine mass flow rate increases due to the lower air temperature and
increased water content. Higher mass flow results in increased power output from the gas turbine. When
discussing media type evaporative coolers, a couple of key parameters are essential to the proper
operation and maintenance of evaporative coolers. These evaporative cooler parameters are: Saturation
Efficiency, Evaporation Rate, Blowdown Rate, Makeup Water Rate, Water Carryover, and Water

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

A. Saturation Efficiency (Effectiveness)

The performance of an evaporative cooler is based on the ratio of the number of degrees it can cool
the air compared to the wet bulb temperature depression. As air passes through an evaporative cooler,
the dry bulb temperature is lowered, but the wet bulb temperature remains approximately the same.
The dry bulb temperature will then approach the wet bulb temperature as the air is cooled and the
relative humidity will rise (due to moisture added to the airflow through evaporation).
The entering wet bulb temperature is a function of the entering conditions of the airflow (air dry bulb
temperature, ambient pressure or altitude with respect to sea water level, and relative humidity).
Since an evaporative cooler operates along constant wet bulb temperature lines, the entering wet bulb
temperature determines the maximum amount of cooling that can be achieved.
We can define the saturation efficiency of an evaporative cooler as the ratio between the actual
amount of cooling achieved (difference between entering and exiting airflow temperatures) and the
maximum allowable cooling per the entering conditions (Wet Bulb Depression). The effectiveness of
an evaporative cooler may be calculated using the following formula:



Efficiency in percent.
T DBE = Entering Dry Bulb Temp
TWBE = Entering Wet Bulb Temp
T DBL = Leaving Dry Bulb Temp
WBD = Wet Bulb Depression, or


Dry Bulb Temperature

The temperature as measured by a standard thermometer.


Wet Bulb Temperature

The temperature as measured by a thermometer that has a water-moistened wick around its bulb.
If the air is at a temperature above its dew point, evaporation of water will occur in the wick
causing cooling and the reading of a temperature below the dry bulb temperature, the wet bulb and
dry bulb temperatures are equal at 100% humidity.
The Wet Bulb Depression is the difference between the ambient dry bulb and the wet bulb
temperature. The Wet Bulb Depression is the maximum amount of cooling achievable with a
100% efficient evaporative cooler system.


Humidity, which is expressed by the water vapor pressure in air, is controlled by the ambient
temperature. Relative Humidity is the ratio of the vapor pressure of water in air compared the

GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

saturated water vapor pressure at the same temperature. Dew Point Temperature of the air is the
temperature at which condensation of liquid water may occur.

Ambient Pressure
The temperature and barometric pressure of atmospheric air vary considerably with altitude as
well as with local geographic and weather conditions. The standard atmosphere gives a standard
of reference for estimating properties of air at various altitudes. At sea level, the standard
barometric pressure is 14.696 psia [29.921 in. Hg] and the standard temperature is 59F [15C].
The temperature is assumed to decrease linearly with increasing altitude while the specific volume
increases. The lower atmosphere is assumed to consist of dry air that behaves as a perfect gas.

B. Evaporation Rate
The evaporation rate is the amount of water that is added to the gas turbine airflow as a result of the
energy transfer between airflow and water, and the subsequent evaporation of water into the air. The
amount of water evaporated into the air or evaporation rate will depend on the entering ambient air
conditions. Factors such as dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, and air ambient pressure
determine the maximum amount of water that may be evaporated before air becomes saturated with
The amount of water evaporated in gallons per minute as the air passes through the cooler can be
calculated using the psychrometric chart using the following formula:

Evaporation =

Vair (WL WE )

water air

airVair (WL WE ) mair (WL WE )


VAir = Actual volumetric flow rate of air (cubic feet of air per minute or CFM)
water = density of water (lb water / gal ) at TWBE
air = density of air (lb air / ft3 ) at entering airflow conditions
WE = Moisture content of entering air (lbs. water/lb. dry air)
WL = Moisture content of leaving air (lbs. of water/lb. dry air)
mair = Mass airflow rate (lb. dry air / min) at entering conditions
air = Specific volume of air (ft3/lb. dry air) at entering conditions
Similarly, since the evaporation rate is a function of the temperature of the ambient air and airflow,
the amount of water evaporated may be obtained from the energy balance equation between air
entering and leaving the evaporative cooler media:

Evaporation =
where CpAir =
HEwater =

mair Cpair (TDBE TDBL ) airVair Cpair (TDBE TWBE )

water HEwater
water HEwater

Specific heat of air at T DBE ( btu/lbm-F)

Heat of evaporation of water (btu/lb water) at TWBE

For practical purposes, the following version of the energy balance equation is used:

Evaporation =



O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

C. Blowdown (Bleed-off) Rate

Water always contains a certain amount of dissolved minerals. The process of evaporative cooling
removes pure water as vapor from the recirculating flow and leaves behind the solids that had been
dissolved in the water when it was added as makeup. Accordingly, enough water must be blown
down from the recirculating flow to control the level of these solids and to avoid build-up of
insoluble minerals on the pad surface (commonly referred to as scaling), which results in an
increase in pressure drop, and a loss of evaporation area and efficiency.
Blowdown is the flow of water that must be continuously removed from the cooler in order to
maintain the chemistry of the recirculating water at the design value. It is a function of evaporation
rate and the cycles of concentration that can be achieved with a given water quality in the system.
Blowdown =

(Evaporation Rate)
(No. of Cycles 1)

The chemistry of the sump is established by determining the maximum cycles of concentration that
the makeup water can go through. By definition, the number of cycles of concentration is equal to the
number of times that incoming (makeup) water may be recirculated before it is removed (bled) from
the system. Two methods are commonly used for controlling blowdown and maintaining the desired
chemistry in the sump of the evaporative cooler: Constant flow and Conductivity Control blowdown.
D. Makeup Water Rate
Makeup water is the water added to the sump of the evaporative cooler to replace the water lost by
evaporation into the airflow and the water removed from the sump through blowdown or bleed-off as
Makeup Rate (gpm) = Evaporation Rate (gpm) + Blowdown Rate (gpm)
When conductivity control is used to control blow down, the makeup water required while blowdown
is on will be higher than the average identified by the Makeup rate formula. When the blow down is
off (Blowdown rate = 0 gpm), the required make up rate will be equal to the current evaporation rate.
A high makeup water rate is typically required during startup of the evaporative cooler system in
order to ensure enough water is available out of the sump (recirculation) tank during initial wetting of
E. Water Carryover
Water Carryover is the term used to describe water droplets that become entrained in the airflow
stream and travel through the Evaporative Cooler Media (Cellulose) and plastic (PVC) Drift
Eliminators. Water carryover can be classified into two different categories: Visible and Non-Visible
Carryover. Visible Carryover consists of water droplets several microns in diameter that are visible to
the naked eye. Visible carryover is often the result of high velocities through the Evaporative Cooler
media or incorrect media installation. Non-visible water carryover refers to water droplets that are too
small to be perceived by the naked eye. Non-visible water carryover is harder to quantify due to its
smaller droplet size. Industry literature suggests that the total drift rate or percentage of drift passing
through the drift eliminator as compared to the source water flow is around 0.0030% depending on
source water flow magnitude, drift eliminator angle, and mean air velocity.

GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

F. Water Bypass
Water bypass is the term used to describe water droplets that become entrained in the airflow and
travel around the drift eliminators and media flashing. It is often the result of manufacturing and/or
installation defects such as poor caulking, welding, or gaps in between adjacent pieces of drift
eliminators. It is generally characterized by location (sidewalls, module interfaces, structural member,
etc.) and relatively large droplet size.

Clean water supplied by the customer enters the lower part of the evaporative cooler section through the
Makeup water supply (PC-IE5) connection. Makeup water empties into an evaporative cooler main
collection (sump) tank. The level of water in the sump is maintained and controlled by water level
switches or transmitters. The water level transmitters control the level in the sump by opening and closing
(as required) the makeup water solenoid valve(s).
Water in the sump is pumped to a distribution manifold located directly above the evaporative cooler
media. The pumps continually recirculate water to the media during operation. Water quantity to the
media is regulated via orifices and trim lines for small adjustments to the water flow (based on site
specific needs).
The distribution manifold evenly wets the media by jetting water through small holes, spaced along its
length, into a deflector shield or splash cover. This water enters the distribution pads installed above the
media blocks, providing an even distribution of water to the entire top surface of the media blocks. The
media blocks are made of corrugated layers of fibrous material with internal channels formed between

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

layers. The water flows down by gravity through water channels and diffuses throughout the media by
wicking action. Any excess water flows down to the module drain pans before it returns to the
evaporative cooler sump where it is recirculated back into the media.
An off-season drain valve and piping is provided on the access side of the cooler module for maintenance
of the evaporative cooler system. This is required for off-season draining of the evaporative cooler sump
as to enable winterization of the system during possible freezing events / seasons. This line can also be
used to quickly drain the sump or to enable a manual sump blowdown for troubleshooting of the system.
A. Evaporative Cooler Media
Two types of Evaporative Cooler Media are normally provided with GE Evaporative Cooler Systems:
Cellulose Paper Media and Plastic Drift Eliminators.

Cellulose Paper Media

Evaporative Cooler media is made of corrugated cross-fluted cellulose material that is
impregnated and treated with insoluble anti-rot salts and rigidifying agents. Evaporative cooler
media contains alternating 45 and 15 corrugations, held together by resin.
Water flows upstream of the airflow through the 45
flutes while air travels through the 15 flutes. Media
should be oriented at assembly so that when viewed
in elevation, the 45 flutes direct water downward
towards the upstream side of the media. The 15
flutes should be oriented downward toward the
downstream side of the media. Proper orientation of
the media is essential to prevent water carryover into
the gas turbine compressor. Evaporative Cooler
media is typically marked with a red stripe at the
bottom of the upstream side to facilitate correct
installation. Nevertheless, it is always helpful to
verify orientation using a thin wire inserted into
different flutes within a block.


Drift (Mist) Eliminators

Drift eliminators use inertial forces to separate water droplets from the airflow by forcing air
through a number of S-wave channels. As air passes through the honeycomb-like structure, water
droplets suspended in the air will impinge on the channel walls. As the droplets impinge and
accumulate, they form bigger, heavier droplets that are large enough to fall out of the entering side

GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

of the eliminator without becoming entrained into the flow. Water separated out of the air stream
by the mist eliminator blocks drains forward by gravity into the bottom of the cooler into the
Moisture separators should be installed so that there are no air leakage gaps between moisture
separator panels, at supports, or at the moisture separator perimeter, and oriented so as to drain
any captured water droplet runoff to the drain tank / sump (away from turbine airflow). The panels
are normally installed into the support structure (flashing) at a 5 to 10-degree slant in order to
allow for the water to drip out.
B. Recirculation Pumps and Motors
Pumps are used to recirculate the water from the sump tank to the evaporative cooler media. Two
designs are typically available with GE Evaporative Cooler systems: Single Pump and Dual Pump
systems. Dual Pump arrangement requires two (2) separate distribution manifolds per evaporative
cooler level. Water is fed by two separate pumps operating at the same time into each manifold from
the end near the cooler sidewall to the center of the module. Single Pump arrangement requires each
distribution manifold to span the full width of the evaporative cooler module. Water is fed from a
single pump located on the main access side of the unit. Pumps draw water from the sump and supply
water to the distribution manifolds located directly above the distribution pads and media.

Redundant Pumps / Motors are available as an option for Evaporative Cooler Systems provided by
GE Energy. Redundant pumps/motors are operated in a lead-lag relationship by the GE Turbine
Motor Control Center (MCC). In a lead/lag system, there are two sets of pump(s) and flow
switch(es) designated A and B. Either the A or B system may be in operation at any time. When in
automatic mode, the same number of pump starts is maintained on each of the A and B systems.
When in manual mode, the operator can select operation of either the A or B system. If pump A, does


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

not respond as requested, the system will automatically initiate pump B to run the evaporative cooler
system. Below is a top-level summary diagram of a dual pump evaporative cooler.

Water Distribution System

The Water distribution system ensures that the evaporative cooler media is evenly wet throughout the
cooler module. Even wetting is critical to even temperature distribution and performance of the
Evaporative Cooler. Water distribution and drain piping may be provided using either plastic (CPVC)
or 304/304L stainless steel material depending on customer contract requirements. The water
distribution system consists of four main sub-components: Flow Distribution System, Distribution
Headers, Splash Covers, and Distribution Media pads.

Flow Distribution System

A manual valve is provided to regulate and balance the amount of water that is distributed to each
of the evaporative cooler distribution headers that saturate the media. Newer designs employ flow
balancing orifices and trim lines. A trim line is typically provided in parallel to each orifice that
allows for slight adjustments of the flow by turning a manual valve. A flowmeter is also provided
in order to measure required flow amount to media.

Flow to

Manual valve with flowmeter


Flow to

Orifice plate with trim line in

Distribution Headers
The water distribution header is a length of pipe with a number of holes drilled along the top that
ejects water upward into the splash cover and wets the media. The header lays either on top of the
media and distribution pads or is suspended directly above it. The Evaporation Cooler distribution
header may be run as a center fed pipe (with a T connection in the middle) or it can be fed from
one side and run the entire length of the module. The header is located toward the front side of the
media (air entering side) to reduce chances of water carryover from the downstream side and to
deliver water up front where most of the evaporation occurs. Flush valves, plugs or caps are
provided at the end of each manifold for cleaning / maintenance needs.


Splash Covers
The splash cover consists of semi-circular deflector shield that runs the entire length of the
distribution header pipe at every horizontal module section. It is used to disperse water from the
distribution header jets into the distribution pad and deter water from impinging into the roof of
the housing.


GEK 111331


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

Distribution Pads
Distribution pads are made of corrugated cellulose based material containing 45x45 Cross-fluted
channels with reinforced edges to evenly disperse the water across the top cross-section of the
evaporative cooling media. They are usually installed directly on top of the evaporative cooler
media bank for maximum water transfer efficiency.

D. Water Draining System

The Evaporative Cooler Water Draining system ensures that all water that does not evaporate returns
to the Sump / holding tank where it can be recirculated again back into the media. The water draining
system consists of three main sub-components: Upper Level Drain Pans, Drain Lines, and the main
collection sump tank.

Upper Level Drain Pans

Drain pans are used at each of the upper levels in the Evaporative Cooler module to collect the
excess water that passes through the media and is not evaporated. Water from the lower modules
usually drains directly into the sump tank. Baffle plates are used to completely seal the drain pans
in order to prevent any air bypass and possible water carryover under the evaporative cooler


Drain Lines
The drain lines from upper level drain pans to the sump are designed to be fully redundant. Drain
lines are normally configured to be outside of the evaporative cooler module or in line with
structural support in order to minimize interference with airflow and maximize effective media


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers


GEK 111331

Main Collection (Sump) Tank

The function of the sump tank is to collect and store the water for recirculation. Most
arrangements utilize a single sump located below the bottom module (away from the airflow
stream) to maximize effective media area. A non-reducing, manual valve / gate valve is provided
to fully drain the sump without residual puddling of collected water for Off-season system drain
and to aide in maintaining extreme bleed-off requirements.
An overflow standpipe or weir is provided in the sump tank. When the water level inside the tank
is too high, it will flow over the standpipe or weir and drain to the plant drain system from the
main drain purchasers connection (PC-IE7). The overflow standpipe is located a few inches
higher than the prescribed maximum operational water level.

E. Flashing and Media Support

Flashing is required in order to eliminate water bypass into the gas turbine airflow path. Flashing at
the top of any bank of media is configured to bite into the side of the media to assure that any water
running down the face of the media is redirected back into the media and does not become loose
water that can enter the air stream.



Installation guidelines for

Evaporative Cooler Media

Similarly, flashing at the base of any bank of media flares out to assure that all water running down
the upstream or down stream face of the media is redirected back into the media and never contacts
the outboard side of the flashing.
Flashing at the sidewalls is designed to prevent water from flowing downstream along the interface of
the evaporative cooler sidewall and the outside edge of the evaporative cooler media. Flashing and
baffles are designed to completely seal off any potential airflow paths in order to reduce risk for
water bypass.
Evaporative Cooler media will vary in weight depending on media dimensions, amount of water
retained during operation, and general condition of the media (new, old, heavy deposits, etc.). The
evaporative cooler media supporting system has been designed to provide full support to all
evaporative cooler media (dry, wet, new and clean, old and scaled, etc.) and any applicable hardware
(distribution headers and splash cover) that might be resting on top of it.


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

F. Customer / Purchaser Connections

Two (2) flanged stainless steel purchaser / customer connections are provided on the sump for water
supply and drainage of the Evaporative Cooler System. These connections are labeled PC-IE5 and
PC-IE7 respectively and are normally located on the access side of the Evaporative Cooler module.
The Makeup Water Supply (PC-IE5) is provided with makeup water solenoid(s) that regulate
incoming water flow and prevent overflooding of the sump tank. The main Evaporative Cooler
Drain line (PC-IE7) contains a manual butterfly valve with a limit switch. The limit switch on the
valve provides a signal to the Turbine Control System that enables the evaporative cooler to run only
when the drain valve is full open. This drain line should be closed only during off-season periods
when the evaporative cooler sump tank is fully drained as to prevent air bypass. A loop seal
downstream of the drain line connection is also required to prevent dirty air bypass into the clean air
side of the gas turbine inlet system.


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

G. Access and Inspection Provisions

The Evaporative Cooler Module is typically provided downstream of the filter module (clean air side)
of the gas turbine inlet compartment (MLI A040). Access to the main inspection / maintenance
walkways via a lockable door on the upstream side of the module. Access from level to level is
through internal ladders or stairs and doors. Access to the Filter House Clean Air Plenum and
downstream side of the drift eliminators is provided via a bolt-on access hatch. Windows are
provided for inspection.

Two windows are provided on the access hatch to allow for water carryover / bypass inspection
during Evaporative Cooler commissioning and routine checks. The windows are installed so that one
person can hold a light in one window and look through the other window simultaneously while
inspecting the downstream side of the drift eliminators and the clean air plenum for any presence of
water. Some evaporative cooler designs are available with an internal walkway (accessible through
an access hatch or door) in between the Cellulose Evaporative Cooler media and the Drift Eliminators
for enhanced inspection ability and performance. Other designs may have an access manway (hobbit
door) that transverses the media and drift eliminator banks.
H. Control, Protection and Convenience Device
Devices used in the evaporative cooler system are typically wired to the Evaporative Cooler Junction
Box (JB78A). The following control, protection and convenience features are currently provided with
the Media Type Evaporative Coolers: Blowdown Control, Water Level Control, Temperature
Control, Motor Control & Protection, and Water Carryover Control.
1. Blowdown Control System
Due to the isolated locations of some of the installations and the limited water sources often
available, the use of the evaporative cooler to condition inlet air for the gas turbine results in some
of very challenging water control requirements. The use of high mineral content waters can result
in scale formation in the media, which decreases the efficiency of the cooler and increases the
static pressure drop. Conversely, the use of very high purity water can result in corrosion
problems and may have a destabilizing effect on the evaporative cooler media. Blowdown is
required for all recirculated water evaporative cooling applications.


GEK 111331


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

Constant Flow (Manual) Blowdown Control

The simplest form of blowdown control is to set a valve on the pressure side of the
recirculating pump to continuously discharge a constant flow of water to drain.
Water may also be drained from the sump directly. Installing a flow meter at the point of
blowdown will help operators monitor and set the blowdown rate. The amount of water
discharged in this method is normally calculated using the highest evaporation rate for a
given geographical location.


Electronic Conductivity Blowdown Control

Since evaporation rates fluctuate throughout the year due to changes in ambient temperature
and humidity, the set point for manual blowdown needs to be changed periodically to
accommodate seasonal changes in evaporation rates. Seasonal fluctuations in evaporation
rates can be accommodated automatically, by controlling the blowdown, based on the
conductivity of the recirculating water. This is accomplished by installing a conductivity
controller in the system. It continuously measures the conductivity until the measurement
surpasses the desired set point. It then opens a solenoid valve and blows down water until the
conductivity is back within control range.

Sump water conductivity is measured using two Conductivity Sensors (Device Codes 96AC-22,
-23) that each sends a signal to the Turbine Control System (TCS). Two sensors are provided for
redundancy to ensure proper and accurate function. The turbine control system uses these signals
to control the blowdown system solenoid valve. The number of desired concentration cycles
determines the high conductivity setting of the sensors. The number of cycles of concentration is
the ratio between supply makeup (evaporation + blowdown) and drain (blowdown) water flow


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

rates. Maximum allowed constituent limits for makeup and recirculation water are set forth by
the Evaporative Cooler Water Quality document GEK 107158.

back to tank


discharge from

The Blowdown Solenoid Valve(s) (Device Code 20AC-X) is a two-position three-way valve (as
shown above) that either directs the blowdown into the drain system for blow down or
recirculates the water back into the sump. This is required to provide a constant flow through the
blow down line and eliminate fluctuations in the flow from the evaporative cooler recirculation
pumps. The three-way blowdown valve is normally provided on a pressurized distribution line
from the recirculation pump(s). A flow meter is provided upstream of the solenoid valve to
calculate the amount of blowdown water.

Water Level Control System

A differential Water Level Transducer (Device Code 96AC-21) is used to measure the water
level and monitor for abnormal conditions in the reservoir (sump) tank. The turbine control
system uses this information to control the Makeup Water Solenoid Valves (device codes
20AC-21 and 20AC-32) to control the sump water level. The makeup water solenoid valves are
in series and are redundant as a safety measure. The entire evaporative cooler system will be shut
down if water level reaches an unacceptable level (too high or too low), or no signal is received
from the transducer.
A Drain Line Shut Off Valve Limit Switch (Device Code 33AC-1) for the main drain line (PCIE7) butterfly valve provides a signal to the Turbine Control System enabling the evaporative
cooler to run only when the drain valve is fully opened. It is also used to verify that the drain is
closed when the sump tank is empty during off-season / extended shutdown period to prevent
dirty air bypass. This is a protection feature to both the evaporative cooler and the gas turbine. A
sloped transition piece oriented as to drain water away from the compressor inlet bellmouth is
also provided.

3. Temperature Control System

A Low Temperature Limit Switch (Device Code 26AC-1) is supplied with GE Evaporative
coolers and mounted upstream of the evaporative cooler media to monitor ambient air
temperature as it enters the cooler section and media. It is used to restrict evaporative cooler
operation and to initiate a pump shutdown by the turbine control when the ambient temperature
drops below 60F due to icing concerns. Humidity Sensors (Device Code 96TD-X) and
temperature transducers provided downstream of the evaporative cooler monitor for icing
conditions at the compressor inlet bellmouth. Inlet Air Ambient Thermocouples (Device Code


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

AT-ID-X) are also available upstream of the evaporative cooler module for monitoring of
ambient air temperature.
4. Motor Control and Protection System
One set of pumps is provided to power the circulation of water from the sump tank to the
evaporative cooler media. The pumps are driven by Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
Motors (Device Code 88AC-X) with rated operational voltage as required per the local electrical
system rating. Each pump motor is provided with a separate Overload Relay (Device Code
49AC-x) and a local Pump Disconnect (Device Code 8AC-x). The overload relay protects the
motor from thermal overloads while the local disconnect electrically disconnects both the motor
feed and the motor heater feed when so required. Multiple pump motors share local disconnects
for safety and convenience.
Motor Heaters (Device Code 23AC-X) are provided with each motor to protect against
moisture damage. A low Flow Switch (Device Code 80AC-x) is provided for each motor/pump
set. The switch provides a signal to the turbine control system to initiate an alarm and/or pump
shutdown when the water flow drops below the normal operating setting or to verify pump
startup in redundant pump arrangements.
5. Lighting and Convenience Outlet Provisions
Lighting (Device Code AL-32) is provided on the upstream side of the evaporative cooler
module section. The Light Switch (Device Code ASW-14) is accessible from the outside the
evaporative cooler module normally next to the bottom level access door. A Convenience Outlet
(Device Code AR-20 or AR-21) is also provided at the same location for maintenance.

Water Carryover Detection System

New designs incorporate a Water Carryover Detection System provided in order to detect water
carryover past the drift eliminator stage. The carryover detection system consists of a blind box
located at grade level and attached to the support steel columns located underneath the Inlet
Compartment (MLI A040). Drain couplings (number dependant on evaporative cooler size) are
provided on the filter house transition and manifolded into a single connection to the blind box.
Dams are provided in the filter house transition to aide in directing the water to the drains. The
blind box contains two independent Level Switches (Device Code 71AC-12, -13) that are wired
back to the Evaporative Cooler Junction Box (Device Code JB-78A). The flow switches will
send a warning signal to the turbine control room once the water has reached a predetermined
level. In addition, a manual drain valve and a sight tube/window are provided with the carryover
detection system so that an operator is able to check the systems health by opening the valve and
validating visually if theres any water inside.
The complete list of electrical devices used in the evaporative cooler system is provided below.
Electrical characteristics for each device will vary depending on local electrical system
requirements (60 Hz versus 50 Hz service).


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

Device Name



Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Pump Motor Disconnect(s)


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Water Blowdown Solenoid Valve(s)


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Make-Up Water Solenoid Valve


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Redundant Make-Up Water Solenoid Valve


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Motor Space Heater(s)


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Low Temperature Switch


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Drain Line Valve Position Switch


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Pump Motor Overload(s)


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Carryover Level Switch Alarm


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Carryover Level Switch - Shutdown


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Water Flow Switch(es)


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Pump Motor(s)


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Sump Water Level Transducer


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Conductivity Sensors


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Conductivity Sensors


Turbine Inlet Air Humidity Sensor (MLI A041 / A122)


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Compartment AC Lighting


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Compartment AC Lighting Switch


Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Cooler Compartment Convenience Outlet


The correct installation, setup and checkout of the evaporative cooler are critical to its operation, and
particularly to the prevention of water carryover (drift) of liquid droplets in the gas turbine airflow path.
The installation instructions provided by the manufacturer of the evaporative cooler need to be followed
to ensure the health of the gas turbine. In addition, all evaporative coolers shall undergo commissioning
per the GE Evaporative Cooler Commissioning procedure prior to initial start up and, during service, a
minimum of once a year, at the beginning of the evaporative cooler use season. A copy of the evaporative
cooler commissioning procedure is available in the gas turbine Operational and Maintenance (O&M)
manual. Please contact GE Energy Services for copies of the latest commissioning procedure (as
A. Evaporative Cooler Installation
During installation, the following items should receive special attention: Media and Distribution
Pads, Drift Eliminators, Water distribution piping, Flashing and Baffling, Gasketting and Cleanliness.
The following items need to be addressed as a minimum to ensure proper installation of the
evaporative cooler system:

Cellulose Media Blocks And Distribution Pads

Correct media orientation is critical to the operation of the evaporative cooler system. If the media
is installed backwards it will result in water carryover. Water will travel downwards from the top
of the media stack through the 45-degree flutes while air will travel through the less restrictive


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

(preferred) path of the 15-degree flutes. Media should be oriented at assembly so that when
viewed in elevation, the 45-degree flutes direct water downward toward the upstream side of the
media. The 15-degree flutes should be oriented downward toward the downstream side of the
media. A red stripe is typically added at the bottom of the evaporative cooler media blocks for
ease of installation. However, it is recommended to double check correct orientation by carefully
inserting a 12-inch straight length of round-nosed weld rod (or similar device) into alternate air
and water corrugation flutes.

Gaps in excess of 1/8 are not allowed between adjacent pieces of evaporative cooler media or
between media and module sidewalls. End pieces are typically field cut to ensure a tight fit in
between media blocks and against module sidewalls. Media shall be inspected for damage on the
upstream and downstream side (when looking in the direction of airflow) and replaced
accordingly. Damage on the upstream side is not considered as critical as damage on the
downstream side barring large indentations in the media that are several layers deep or wide.
However, damage on the downstream side can result on unrestricted wicking of water, which can
overwhelm the drift eliminators, and result in water carryover. Damage on the downstream side of
the media requires immediate replacement of the blocks to ensure proper operation.
Distribution pads provided on top of the media blocks ensure even water distribution from the
headers and splash cover across the evaporative cooler media top surface. Distribution pads are
smaller than media blocks (2-inches thick) and feature 45x45 cross-fluted channels with
reinforced edges for handling and ease of installation.


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers


GEK 111331

Drift Eliminators
Drift Eliminators must be installed as to allow for draining of water droplets through the S-shaped
channels in the direction opposite to airflow. Complete interlock (0.50-inch nominal and 0.25-inch
minimum) is required between adjacent pieces of drift eliminator panels. The last piece of drift
eliminator panel is cut to interlock with the adjacent piece and fit tightly against the module
sidewall on the cut side. A yellow line is typically provided at the upstream and bottom edge of
the drift eliminator panels for ease of installation.

Drift Eliminators shall be inspected for damage after installation, and prior to operation.
Separation between layers within a panel is common when drift eliminators are left exposed to
sunlight and UV rays for long periods of time. Since drift eliminators play a pivotal role in the
elimination of water carryover and/or bypass, it is imperative that damaged pieces be replaced

Water Distribution Piping

Water distribution piping shall be verified to meet the installation drawings and instructions
provided by the inlet filter house supplier. Correct orifice sizes and locations are critical to the
operation of the evaporative cooler system. Bore sizes are mechanically stamped on each orifice.
As a general rule, the larger bore size corresponds to the upper level distribution manifold. The
smaller bore size corresponds to the bottom distribution manifold. Orifices on the blowdown line
(connecting back to the sump tank or drain) are exempt from this general rule.
Sump strainers and in-line strainers provided upstream and downstream of the pumps should be
inspected to determine whether they are missing, damaged, or unlined. Inline strainers provided
downstream of the Makeup water supply line (PC-IE5) also need to be inspected (where
applicable). Inline-strainers protect solenoids, pumps, flowmeters, and distribution manifolds from
becoming clogged with particulates that would affect their function. Flowmeters shall be
inspected, cleaned and calibrated as appropriate to ensure accurate flow readings.
Distribution headers shall be inspected to ensure the water spray holes (0.125-inch holes on top of
the manifold) are oriented at the 12 o clock position in order to spray up directly into the splash
cover. This is ideally done prior to media installation / replacement as it is difficult to inspect


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

these holes while the media is still in place. Newer systems employ a removable splash cover for
added convenience.

Flashing and Baffling

Flashing at the top of any bank of media is configured to bite into the side of the media to assure
that any water running down the face of the media is redirected back into the media and does not
become loose water that can enter the air stream. Flashing on top of the media banks (at
distribution levels and/or intermediate trays) shall be configured to bite at least 0.25 inches into
the media to ensure sealing.



Installation guidelines for

Evaporative Cooler Media

Similarly, flashing at the base of any bank of media flares out to assure that all water running
down the upstream or down stream face of the media is redirected back into the media and never
contacts the outboard side of the flashing. Flashing that does not confirm to these guidelines may
be carefully bent back into position to maximize efficiency (depending on amount of deflection).
Flashing at the sidewalls is designed to prevent water from flowing downstream along the
interface of the evaporative cooler sidewall and the outside edge of the evaporative cooler media.
Caulking (Sikaflex 221 or similar as approved by GE Engineering) may be used to seal off any
potential water bypass locations or non-conforming flashing. Caulk should be applied to a clean
and dry surface as per the manufacturers recommendations. Baffles are designed to completely
seal off any potential airflow paths in to prevent water bypass and highest efficiency.


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers


GEK 111331

A modular concept has been adopted in the design of the inlet filter house and evaporative cooler
system. This modular design allows for similarity and configuration options between multiple
designs. Bolted gasketed joints are provided throughout the inlet system in order to prevent dirty
air bypass and allow for air management between modules. Neoprene (closed cell) gaskets are
used at all dirty-to-clean air bolted joints (external joints) as well as module-to-module
It is essential to the integrity of the inlet system that all gaskets and bolted joints are installed
correctly as to minimize the risk of dirty air and/or water contaminating the clean air side of the
gas turbine. Prefilters and Final filters need to be installed tight against the retaining frame or
tubesheet in order to ensure a positive seal between the dirty and clean air side. Gasket use and
presence shall be verified to meet the installation drawings and instructions provided by the inlet
filter house supplier.
It is recommended to seal off external gasketed joints with a caulk profile on the outside as a
redundant sealing method for the clean air side. Missing gasketting can be corrected by use of
rope gasket or caulking depending on size. The use of correct caulking profile and application
procedures is critical. While applying caulk, one must ensure that the surface is clean and dry as to
ensure good caulk adhesion to the receiving surface. Caulking (Sikaflex 221 or similar as
approved by GE Engineering) may be used to seal off any potential air bypass locations or nonconforming bolted gasketed flanges.


It is important to remember that the evaporative cooler system and associated hardware inside the
filter house resides in the clean air side of the gas turbine. Thus, it is extremely important that
critical steps be taken to ensure the integrity of this location.
After installation is complete, it is important to do a walkthrough inspection throughout the entire
filter house in order to ensure that all equipment has been installed as per the manufacturers


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

recommendations. Damage to painted or galvanized surfaces shall be repaired with appropriate

coating protection in order to not compromise corrosion protection of the hardware. Any surface
corrosion to stainless steel components or galvanized or painted surfaces (from carbon steel crosscontamination) needs to be removed from the clean air path.
Debris in the upper level drain pans and sump tank shall be removed from the evaporative cooler
as to prevent clogging of system drains. All surfaces downstream evaporative cooler media and
transition (clean air plenum) shall be cleaned or repainted as appropriate to facilitate inspection of
the clean air side and trouble for water bypass / carryover location. Inspection windows in the
evaporative cooler door and access hatch shall be clean and free of damage (scratches, cracks,
etc.) to allow for a clear view of the gas turbine clean air side surfaces. Any objects that are
brought in for inspection and maintenance of the evaporative cooler shall be tracked, accounted
for, and removed prior to operation. Any loose hardware shall be tightened, secured or removed
from the clean air side of the gas turbine to minimize risk of Foreign Object Damage (FOD).
B. Evaporative Cooler Commissioning
All evaporative coolers shall undergo commissioning per the GE Evaporative Cooler
Commissioning procedure prior to initial start up and, during service, a minimum of once a year, at
the beginning of the evaporative cooler use season. A copy of the evaporative cooler commissioning
procedure is available in the gas turbine Operational and Maintenance Manual (O&M). The basic
overview of the procedure includes the following steps:

Water Quality
Confirm suitability of makeup water per Water Supply Requirement for Gas Turbine Inlet Air
Evaporative Coolers GEK 107158. Establish frequency of sampling and testing for makeup water
and sump quality. See Section V of this document for details.


Device Testing and Calibration

Verify installation of evaporative cooler, and inlet filter house components. Test and Calibrate
evaporative cooler devices to ensure operation after installation or extended shutdown period.


Evaporative Cooler Flow Testing

Evaporative Cooler Flow test with gas Turbine off to verify flows to evaporative cooler media and
appropriate settings of water distribution system devices. Followed by another Evaporative Cooler
flow test with the gas Turbine On (typically around 4 hours) to verify proper draining capability
of the system during operation and shutdown.


Evaporative Cooler Shutdown and Inspection

Inspection of Evaporative Cooler during and after turbine shutdown to look for signs of water
carryover and bypass. Look for signs of over flooding of upper level drain pans and/or sump tank.
Please contact your local GE Energy Services representative for copies of the latest
commissioning procedure and/or evaporative cooler O&M manual as applicable.

C. Evaporative Cooler Operation and Maintenance

During checkout and operation the following items should receive special attention: Media Wetting,
Distribution and Blowdown Water Flow rates. The following items need to be addressed (as a
minimum) to ensure proper operation and longevity of the evaporative cooler system and its


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers


GEK 111331

Media Wetting
Uneven water distribution will cause too much water flow to one section of the pad and not
enough water to another. Wetting of cellulose media may be verified through visual inspection by
means of the internal access platforms and ladders provided on the upstream side of the cooler
media. Even and uniform wetting of evaporative cooler media is required regardless of
configuration except for some minor dry streaks at the center and/or at the ends evaporative cooler
Isolated dry streaks may be caused by accumulated debris
inside of the distribution header and can be easily corrected
by regular maintenance and use of the flushing valves located
at the end of each Distribution header. Random and excessive
streaking throughout the evaporative cooler media can be
attributed to either a high degree of blockage on the
distribution header spray holes or issues with media wetting.
Media wetting issues typically manifest themselves in the
form of water carryover or bypass downstream of the media.
Therefore, it is imperative that this media be replaced as soon
as a media wetting issue is identified by qualified personnel.


Distribution Water Flowrates

Depending on the evaporative cooler arrangement, a single horizontal module (level) may be
serviced by either a single pump feeding from one side or collectively by two pumps from both
sides of the module. Regardless of how many manifolds feed the evaporative cooler horizontal
module (level), the total water flow rate to the media will be only driven by the depth of the
individual evaporative cooler pad and the resulting top surface area of media. Single face (on left)
and Arrowhead filter house (right) arrangements are shown below for reference.

General Electric evaporative cooler designs typically utilize 12-inch deep cellulose media pads.
These pads have been proven historically to provide a good balance between saturation efficiency,
and pressure drop both of which affect performance of the gas turbine. Per manufacturers wetting
guidelines, a 12-inch deep media pad requires 1.5 gallons of water per square foot of top media


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

area (1.5-gpm H20/ ft2). As a general rule, the following formula may be used to estimate the
water flow rate to each level of evaporative cooler media.
Distribution Flow Rate (gpm) = 1.5 x Module width (feet) / Number of Pumps
These values shall be verified via the flowmeters provided with the evaporative cooler system.
The table below highlights the required Distribution header flows based on the specific filter
house arrangement.

Gas Turbine

PG Model

Filter House Module


Single Pump Header


Dual Pump Header Flow

7EA Single Face


36 feet

54 GPM

27 GPM

7EA Arrowhead




35 GPM

7FA Single Face


44 feet

66 GPM

33 GPM

7FA Arrowhead


28 feet


42 GPM

7FB Single Face


44 feet

66 GPM

33 GPM

9FA Single Face


60 feet

90 GPM

45 GPM

* 9FB Single Face

60 feet
90 GPM
45 GPM
Please note that these values are based on the approximate width for the evaporative cooler module and
filter house. These dimensions may vary slightly depending on inlet filter house (MLI A040) vendor.
Arrowhead filter houses employ dual pump systems due to their arrangement.

It is important to point out that regardless of ambient air conditions (altitude, pressure,
temperature or relative humidity), the water flow rate to the cooler media will not change
regardless of location and / or season of evaporative cooler operation. Under extremely dry
conditions, the water flow to the media may be increased to ensure proper wetting throughout the
media bank, however this is done in very rare occasions and always under operator supervision /
surveillance as to not compromise the evaporative cooler system and gas turbine.
New Design Evaporative coolers are provided with orifice plates and flow meters on distribution
line in order to guarantee adequate flow to the cellulose media. Excessive water flowrates to the
distribution headers will result in oversaturation of the evaporative cooler media pads and
potential risk of water carryover and/or bypass.

Blowdown (Bleed-Off) Water Flowrates

As discussed in the previous section, excessive water flows can have very adverse effects on the
performance of the evaporative cooler due to water carryover and/or bypass. Conversely,
providing less than adequate flow to the evaporative cooler media can result on decreased
efficiency, and increased formation of solids (scaling) that will severely limit media life and
The water used in an evaporative cooler typically contains dissolved solids, which can be capable
of both scaling (rendering ineffective) the cooler media and causing turbine corrosion. The mediascaling problem is addressed by constantly and uniformly over-wetting (flushing) the media and
limiting the number of effective concentration cycles of the water through bleed-off and make-up
(constant dilution).
Various methods of controlling blowdown are used to maintain the desired cycles of concentration
in the evaporative cooling system. Evaporative rates (and required blowdown) fluctuate constantly
due to outside temperature and humidity. The exact amount of blowdown will depend on the pH,
alkalinity, hardness, intensity of evaporation, and overall chemistry of the Makeup water source.


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

Gas Turbine Frame


PG Model

Airflow rate

flow rate

Distribution flow rate

Total Pump flow




643 lb/s

40 GPM

170 GPM

210 GPM



952 lb/s

60 GPM

200 GPM

260 GPM



1375 lb/s

90 GPM

270 GPM

360 GPM

Please note that these values are based on the approximate dimensions for the evaporative
cooler module and filter house. These dimensions may vary slightly depending on inlet filter
house (MLI A040) vendor. These values apply to single face evaporative arrangements only.
New Design Evaporative coolers are provided with orifice plates and conductivity controllers on
the blowdown line in order to guarantee adequate bleed-off to the evaporative cooler system drain.
Electronic conductivity control allows for less waste of cooling water by directing water back to
the sump tank once the conductivity in the sump tank is back to within allowable limits.
Blowdown on units not equipped with electronic conductivity control shall be adjusted
periodically during the evaporative cooler running season depending on expected water
evaporation rates and makeup water quality (maximum number of attainable cycles).

Other Maintenance Considerations

At no time shall any of the cooling water flow outside of the areas designated for its containment
within the evaporative cooler. Sump water level and pan water levels shall be verified to be within
the suppliers allowed limits (refer to the vendors Operation and Maintenance for details). All
drains and associated piping shall be inspected on a regular basis to remove any debris that may
prevent proper draining. All internal and external piping shall be checked for leaks and replaced /
repaired as appropriate.
Heavily fouled or damaged areas in the evaporative cooler media are often a source of carry over.
Heavily fouled media should be replaced. Major damage to the media requires the entire pad to be
replaced while minor damage should be cut out and smoothed off to reduce risk of water
carryover and/or bypass
If any visible water (carryover, bypass, flooding, etc.) is found downstream of drift eliminators
during Commissioning or Regular inspection, please contact GE Energy Services for full
assessment of situation, and recommended corrective action.


Water Scaling resulting from typical Evaporative Cooler operation presents one of the major concerns in
Evaporative Cooler operation. Water Scaling on the media will adversely affect both saturation efficiency
(evaporative cooling effectiveness) and pressure drop (gas turbine efficiency). For this reason, it is
extremely important that we keep strict water quality requirements and establish rigid guidelines for
media maintenance and water monitoring in order to ensure proper operation of the evaporative cooler.
Such Guidelines are established and discussed in detail in the Water Supply Requirement for Gas
Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers document (GEK 107158).
The Water Supply Requirements document (GEK 107158) is intended to help the customer in the choice
and treatment of water for the evaporative cooler. The use of suitable water is essential in minimizing
carryover, preventing corrosion and scale formation and in obtaining the expected service life and
performance from the evaporative cooler. If suitable water treatment guidelines are not established and
followed, the evaporative cooler and its media may need more frequent maintenance and/or replacement.
Furthermore, poor water quality and/or the misoperation of the cooler can result in severe contamination
of the gas turbine and have extremely serious consequences in terms of forced outage time needed for
maintenance, repair and replacement of gas path components.


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

In the evaporative cooler, there are three main goals for a water treatment programs:
1. Prevention of corrosion from carryover of solid contaminants into the gas turbine. Carryover into
the gas turbine can result in corrosion and fouling in both the compressor and turbine sections.
2. Prevention of fouling, scaling, corrosion and media deterioration in the cooler. Scale build-up will
foul the media, affect operating efficiency and reduce the service life of the media. Corrosion will
reduce the service life of the framing, sumps, piping, and support systems.
3. Prevent microbiological infestation that can foul the media and affect operating efficiency. It can
also produce spore formation, objectionable odors, reduce the service life of the media, and induce
corrosion in the system piping and sump.
A. Makeup and Recirculating Water Constituent Limits
Due to the isolated locations of some of the installations, and the limited water sources often
available, the use of the evaporative cooler to condition inlet air for the gas turbine results in some
very challenging water control requirements. The water available ranges from brackish, with
extremely high mineral concentrations to demineralized water. The evaluation of the water supplies
to be used in the evaporative cooler should be done as early as possible. All the critical factors as
listed below, which bear on suitability, must be considered in making a choice.
The following table contains the Makeup and Circulating water limits for media type evaporative
coolers as described in GEK 107158. The Circulating water limits are based on the maximum levels
allowed for each constituent on the clean air side of the gas turbine. They are driven by the makeup
water chemistry and number of cycles allowed.

B. Water Scaling
Scale formations occur when soluble salts are deposited from the recirculating water due to
evaporation. Three main problems are associated with scale formation in evaporative cooling units:
Uneven airflow and water distribution which can lead to water bypass and carryover, Increase in
system pressure drop due to plugging of the cellulose media, and decreased effectiveness due to
reduced evaporation surface area.


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

The parameter that has been found to be most effective in defining the required chemistry for the
circulating water in the cooler is its Scaling Index. Scaling Indices were developed for the
specification and control of water in cooling towers and the water-side of shell-tube heat exchangers.
There are three main scaling indices currently in use in the industry: The Puckorius or Practical
Scaling Index (PSI), The Ryznar Scaling Index (RSI), and the Langelier Scaling Index (LSI).
Scaling indices are calculated using total dissolved solids, temperature, calcium hardness, total
alkalinity and pH of the water. Each parameter is used in weighted formulae to determine whether the
water is scale forming or scale dissolving, and the extent to which it is either. For evaporative
cooling, it is desirable to maintain the water so that it has a slightly scale dissolving index. In doing
so, the recirculating water has the ability to dissolve mineral deposits. However, the water should not
be so aggressive (scale dissolving) that it softens the media and attacks the glues, binders, and
rigidifying salts, which hold the media together.
For the Puckorius (PSI) and Ryznar Scaling (RSI) indices:
If the Index is 6.0 the water is stable.
If the Index is above 6.0, the water is scale dissolving.
If the Index is below 6.0, water is scale forming.
For the Langelier Scaling Index (LSI):
If the index is positive the water is scale forming
If it is negative is scale dissolving or corrosive.
Scale formation can be prevented in evaporative coolers by:
1. Maintaining a scaling index that is slightly on the scale dissolving side of neutral (PSI > 6.5)
depending on makeup water chemistry.
2. Pre-treatment of the raw water, by demineralization (reverse osmosis, ion exchange, etc.), to
remove hardness.
3. Inhibiting scale adhesion and formation by chemical treatment
In addition to meeting the makeup water and recirculation limits as set forth in Section V, A, the
evaporative cooler system shall be configured to operate with recirculated water within the following
scaling indices in order to limit scale formation on the evaporative cooler media:
Langelier Saturation Index (LSI)

0.5 +/- 0.25

Ryznar Stability Index (RSI)

6.0 +/- 0.5

Puckorius (Practical) Stability Index (PSI)

6.5 +/- 0.5

Calculation and examples of these Scaling indices based on total dissolved solids (TDS), alkalinity,
hardness, pH of cooling water, and operating temperature are covered in the Water Supply
Requirements document (GEK 107158). Please refer to GEK for details.
C. Biological Fouling and Other Chemical Treatment
Uncontrolled growth of bacteria, and other organisms, can lead to plugged media, metal deterioration,
spore formation, and undesirable odors in the air supply. Traditionally, due to GE gas turbine design


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

methodology, evaporative cooler systems are provided downstream of the inlet filtration system, and
in the clean air path of the gas turbine. Consequently, theres a limited amount of light and food
sources available for biological growth. Nevertheless, if biological growth is identified inside the
evaporative cooler, an effective program to control algae, bacteria, fungi, molds and yeasts is an
essential part of any water treatment program.
The recommendations of the manufacturers of the evaporative cooler and its media should be
followed in establishing a proper maintenance program for the water system in the cooler. A biocide
program, appropriate for gas turbine application, should be implemented to provide effective control
of the microbiological problems. Regardless of the water treatment program used, all critical
constituents in the makeup and recirculation water shall be maintained within the limits shown in
Section V, A. Proper chemical residuals must be maintained in the system. Biological control should
not be used in place of proper maintenance.
Chemical treatment programs, which were designed for controlling scale in cooling towers, should
not be used for evaporative coolers. In evaporative coolers, the media surface has relatively much less
water flowing over it and is subjected to many wet/dry cycles. When mineral concentrations in the
water become too high, because of too many cycles of concentration and/or insufficient water flow
over the media surface, mineral salts precipitate and deposit. In such a mechanism, the use of scale
inhibitors will have little or no positive effect and in fact the scale inhibitors will become part of the
scale deposit. Thus, conventional cooling tower water treatment methods do not apply to evaporative
D. Water Sampling and Testing
As the result of wide seasonal changes in temperature and rainfall, at many sites there may be
significant variations in the chemistry of the water at different times of the year. It is essential that the
effects of these changes on the makeup water supply to the evaporative cooler be known. Prior to the
commissioning of a new evaporative cooler, either in a new plant or as an addon to an existing
plant, the water to be used for the makeup supply must be evaluated. To allow a complete pre
operational evaluation, all the critical parameters describing the water chemistry must be determined.
Since the water will be used as a makeup source to the circulating water in the evaporative cooler,
and not as a once through supply, its chemical properties must be calculated after a number of cycles
of concentration. This is essential so that the water chemistry can be estimated at the design operating
conditions of the cooler.


O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers

GEK 111331

**It is recommended that a troubleshooting water sample analysis be taken quarterly (every three
months) in order to allow for at least two samples of the complete water quality spectrum.
A full water quality analysis report shall be submitted to GE Engineering for review as part of the
initial commissioning for the evaporative cooler system. This is required in order to assign adequate
blowdown control constants for the Turbine Control System. Site-specific control constants optimize
the system to allow for minimal water consumption while maintaining water quality within
recommended recirculation limits for gas turbine operation. These are typically submitted through a
Power Answer Center (PAC) case. Makeup water sample shall be representative of water quality as
seen at the Supply (PC-IE5) Connection as missing or inaccurate information would invalidate all
conclusions drawn per the assessment. In the absence of actual values, minimum reporting limits
shall be provided. It is the responsibility of the customer to maintain Makeup water constituents level
within the levels identified per this analysis, and to ensure full compliance with GEK 107158 makeup
water limits, recirculation water limits, and sampling plans.

GER 2490: Inlet Air Treatment.


GER 3419: Gas Turbine Inlet Air Treatment.


GEI 41040: Specification for Fuel Gases for Combustion in Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines.


GEI 41047: Gas Turbine Liquid Fuel Specification.


GEK 107122: F-Class Gas Turbine Compressor Washing.


GEK 107158: Water Supply Requirements for Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers


GEK 107230: Specification for Alkali Metal Contamination in Fuels for the FB and H Model Gas


GEK 111331

O&M Recommendations for Media Type Gas Turbine Inlet Air Evaporative Coolers


GEK 111330: Operation and Maintenance Recommendations for Gas Turbine Inlet Air


GEK 111332: Operation and Maintenance Recommendations for Gas Turbine Inlet Air Ducting


Project Specific Operation and Maintenance Manual (O&M)

GE Energy
General Electric Company


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