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School of


Medicine &





ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW ....................................................................................... 3


WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS ........................................................................................ 5


WRITTEN CASE ASSIGNMENTS ............................................................................... 5


INFECTION CONTROL ESSAY .................................................................................. 9


FAMILY STUDIES REFLECTIVE ESSAY .................................................................... 10


ORAL CASE PRESENTATIONS ............................................................................... 11


CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONS EXAMINATION............................................................... 12

Appendix A: SMD Clerking Paper ............................................................................ 13
Appendix B: E-Cover sheet .................................................................................... 14
Appendix C: Patient Reference Form ........................................................................ 15
Appendix D: Public Term Assignment Marking Sheet ................................................... 16
Appendix E: Private Term Assignment Marking Sheet .................................................. 17
Appendix F: Rural Term Assignment Marking Sheet .................................................... 18
Appendix G: Infection Control Essay Marking Criteria .................................................. 19
Appendix H: Family Studies Reflective Essay Marking Criteria ....................................... 20
Appendix I: Family Studies Reflective Essay Consent Form ........................................... 21
Appendix J: Oral Case Presentation Marking Sheet for Hospital Patient ........................... 22
Appendix K: Oral Case Presentation Marking Sheet for Nursing Home Resident ................. 23



Assessment in Year Four covers hurdle, formative and summative assessment items. Each assessment
item must be satisfactorily completed in order to successfully complete Year 4 and progress to Year 5.
Some assessment items contribute marks to your final end of year mark whereas other items are hurdles
and will be marked as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Any assessment that is awarded an unsatisfactory
grade or mark < 50% will have to be resubmitted until a satisfactory standard is achieved.

Hurdle Assessment
Those items which are not awarded a mark but which students have to complete satisfactorily during the
year to sit the end of year exams and progress to Year Five.

Systems Examinations - Clinical Skills Completion Record. Further information about this item can
be found in the Clinical Skills link on LearnJCU.


Rural Diary. Further information about this item can be found in the Rural Term link on LearnJCU.


Indigenous Health Experience. Further information about this item can be found in the Indigenous
Health link on LearnJCU.


Professional documentation contained in the Professionalism Portfolio. Detailed information about

these items can be found in the Professionalism Portfolio Handbook in the Assessment link on
Professionalism Portfolio submission summary:
Due date

12 pm Friday of the final week of term 4


Original documentation and assignments included

Filed in a ring binder with your name on front and side
Certificate of Authenticity completed & included as title page

Submission method

Hard copy only:

Cairns In person to the Year 4 Administrative Coordinator, CBH
Townsville In person to the Year 4 Administrative Coordinator

Additional information

If Professionalism Portfolio is incomplete, results are withheld and

you cannot progress to Year Five

Formative Assessment (does not contribute to the final grade)

Tutor interview assessment: This involves a formal interview with your CPC or Rural tutor in week 8
of each term. Interview times are arranged directly with you by your tutor. You should take your up
to date Professionalism Portfolio, a Tutor Report with the student section completed, and the
relevant self assessment forms to the meeting. The tutor will discuss your progress through the
term and will complete the Tutor Report. An unsatisfactory tutor rating triggers a referral to the
Year 4 Academic Coordinator and/or the Academic Advisor who will meet with you and help you
identify ways of addressing the problem. If a student has persistent or serious problems relating to
professional behaviour or conduct s/he will be referred to the Dean of the School of Medicine and
Dentistry and/or the Fitness to Practice Committee.
Practice exam questions: CPC tutors will also give students the opportunity to practice KFP
questions and present patients throughout the term.
Formative exams: There will be unannounced formative exams throughout the year in CPCs and in
Clinical Review lectures. These will be MCQs and KFPs. Model answers to the questions will be
discussed either immediately or shortly after the formative exam.
Pathology quizzes: Short quizzes are available weekly in the Assessment link on LearnJCU and
these have inbuilt feedback.

Summative Assessment
The summative assessment in Year Four consists of on-course assessment which is due throughout the
year and the final examinations which are held at the end of the year.



On-course assessment


Clinical Investigation Skills Exam

Written assignments (4 x 3%)
Oral Case Presentations (3 x 3%)
Infection Control Essay


End of Year Examinations


The Year Four end of year exams are integrated, so that pathology and clinical medicine are examined in
all three exams. Overall, approximately 50% of the exam questions are pathology based. The exact
proportion in each exam depends on the exam format. In general, pathology is more easily assessed in a
written format, whereas clinical medicine is more easily examined in the OSCE format.
The papers are standard set prior to marking and are marked by a group of Year Four tutors.
Assessors for the OSCE are drawn from the Year Four tutor group, staff at the SMD and clinicians at the
hospitals involved in delivery of the Year Four programme. The marks are collated and summated by the
Assessment Office and presented to the Assessment Sub-Committee before ratification by the Assessment
Supplementary exams are conducted in December.

An outline of each end of year examination is given below:

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
Approximately 3-3.5 hours in length with stations of 8 minutes each; there may be long stations of
18 minutes each
Majority clinical (examination, history taking, communication)
Ethics + Professionalism + Pathology will form the basis for some stations
Key Feature Problem (KFP)
Styled as per CPC: clinical scenario as stem
Approximately 3-3.5 hours in length
Questions including but not limited to history, examination, basic science, pathology, epidemiology,
process of care, rural + remote issues
Includes images e.g. X-Rays, ECGs, pathology slides, gross pathology images, microbiology,
clinical slides e.g. rash
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) + Extended Match Question (EMQ)

Majority pathology + some clinical

Approximately 3-3.5 hours in length
MCQs: Stem with up to 5 options; choose correct answer
EMQs: Clinical stem with multiple scenarios and options



Five summative written assignments are completed in Year Four. This includes:

three written case assignments: due in the Private, Public and Rural terms;
an Infection Control Essay; and
a Family Study Reflective Essay.

Students should in the first instance refer to the MBBS Assignment Policy in the Policies link on LearnJCU
for queries regarding assignments. Further administrative queries can be addressed to



One written case assignment is due in each of the Private, Public and Rural terms. You may not use a
patient from an oral presentation for your written case.
Each assignment comprises of two parts. Part 1 will be a full clerking of a patient seen during that
term (see below). The format will be similar each term. The second part of the assignment varies from term
to term.

Copies of assignments: It is your responsibility to keep hard copies of both Parts 1 & 2 of the
case assignments should loss occur.
Failed assignments: The assignment mark stands. The assignment will also need to be redone
and submitted within a timeframe discussed with the Year Four Academic Coordinator.
Rural: The patient to be chosen for the rural term assignment must be an Aboriginal or Torres
Strait Islander patient with complex problems of a physical, social, psychological and cultural
nature. Marks are allocated according to the complexity of the case focusing on being patient
centred and the students understanding of the person they have chosen.

Part 1 in Public, Private and Rural terms: Full clerking of patient




The patient should have a history/pathology relevant to the systems being studied that term, unless
otherwise agreed to by your tutor.
Clerking refers to: full history (remember to use the patients own words in presenting complaint,
and include their concerns), examination (including relevant negative findings), provisional
diagnosis, differential diagnosis, first line management (including investigations) with clinical
reasoning as to why these tests were chosen and a sample prescription of a drug needed by the
patient during that admission. A pro forma drug prescription is available in the Assessment link on
The history must include a full medication history. The headings required for this medication history
are contained in a table which is in the Assessment link on LearnJCU.
The clerking must be handwritten and on notepaper from the relevant institution (e.g. Mt Isa
Hospital; TTH; etc). Students in their Private term should use the School of Medicine & Dentistrys
proforma paper (see Appendix A).
No part of any patient record or medication chart should be photocopied or photographed. Failure
to comply with this will result in a student being reported for Academic Misconduct as per the JCU
Student Academic Misconduct Requirements policy.
There is no word limit on the clerking this reflects the fact that some patients will have very
complex medical histories, whereas others will be straight forward.
Write up the clerking as if you are the admitting medical officer, so you must record the venue, date
and time when the patient was seen.
Familiarise yourself with clerking notes on the wards: you will see that you do not need to use full
sentences, and it is useful to draw and use diagrams when recording examination findings.
Ensure that the patient is de-identified. Use different initials but give the correct age (not d.o.b.)
e.g. Patient A.B. male d.o.b. 00.00.1950 Age 61 years
Obtain consent from the patient and confirm this as per the instructions on the JCU E-cover sheet
(see Appendix B).
Record an identifying code (eg URN) for inclusion on the Patient Reference Form (see Appendix

Part 2 in the Public Term: Drug Discussion


Word processed discussion about the drug you chose in the sample prescription.
Discuss why you chose that drug.
Mechanism of action, desired effects, adverse effects, interactions specific to the patient (i.e.
interactions with other medication the patient is on).
Remember to relate your discussion directly to your case i.e. impact on patients progress
during the admission (give evidence e.g. use of aspirin post M.I.)

Marking Schedule
Part 1: 30 marks
Part 2: 20 marks
Total: 50 marks
Refer to Appendix D for a further breakdown of the Public Term case marking criteria.

Public Term Case Assignment submission summary:

Due date

12 pm Monday of the final week of public term


Clerking: Original hand written (no word limit)

Drug Discussion: Word processed (word limit 500-1,000 words)
E-cover sheet: completed & included with both copies
Patient Reference Form: completed & included with hard copy

Submission method

Hard copy:
Cairns In person to the Year 4 admin office, CBH or Smithfield
Townsville To assignment dropbox at room 039-020, SMD
Electronic copy: Part 2 Drug discussion must also be submitted
electronically via the Public Term Assignment digital drop-box in
LearnJCU. File name: your surname + initial + title of assignment

Additional information

Use contemporaneous academically rigorous references, and

reference them accurately.
Information relating to referencing, plagiarism and word limits
etc can be found in the MBBS Assignment Policy.
You are responsible for keeping a hard copy of both parts of
your assignment should any loss occur.
Once returned, the original marked assignment is to be filed in
your Professionalism Portfolio.
A student whose assignment is awarded a mark of <25/50 will
be required to resubmit to a satisfactory standard due at a time
discussed with the Year Four Academic Coordinator. The
original mark stands.

Part 2 in the Private Term: Advance Health Directive

o Word processed discussion about how an Advance Health Directive (AHD) did or could have
influenced the patients care.
o Remember to relate your discussion to the patient you selected for the case.
o There is a broad range of topics under this heading that you may choose to discuss e.g. what
impact the AHD had on the patients care; what the legal position re AHDs is; how/when to
introduce the concept of AHDs to patients and who should discuss it with a patient when they
are admitted to hospital etc.
Marking Schedule
Part 1: 30 marks
Part 2: 20 marks
Total: 50 marks
Refer to Appendix E for a further breakdown of the Private Term case marking criteria.

Private Term Case Assignment submission summary:

Due date

12 pm Monday of the final week of private term


Clerking: Original hand written (no word limit)

Advance Health Directive: Word processed (word limit 500-1,000
E-cover sheet: completed & included with both copies
Patient Reference Form: completed & included with hard copy

Submission method

Hard copy:
Cairns In person to the Year 4 admin office, CBH or Smithfield
Townsville To assignment dropbox at room 039-020, SMD
Electronic copy: Part 2 Advanced Health Directive discussion
must also be submitted electronically via the Private Term
Assignment digital drop-box in LearnJCU. File name: your
surname + initial + title of assignment

Additional information

Use contemporaneous academically rigorous references, and

reference them accurately.
Information relating to referencing, plagiarism and word limits
etc can be found in the MBBS Assignment Policy.
You are responsible for keeping a hard copy of both parts of
your assignment should any loss occur.
Once returned, the original marked assignment is to be filed
in your Professionalism Portfolio.
A student whose assignment is awarded a mark of <25/50 will
be required to resubmit to a satisfactory standard due at a
time discussed with the Year Four Academic Coordinator.
The original mark stands.

Part 2 in the Rural Term: Referral letter




Word processed letter of referral to a colleague at another hospital requesting further assessment
of, investigation of or procedures for the patient detailed in Part 1, e.g. referring someone with
ischaemic heart disease to TTH for an angiography.
Alternatively, the letter may be to the patients GP, to accompany the patient on their return home.
Familiarise yourself with referral letters in patients; notes and discuss with your tutors what
comprises good and poor referral letters.
You need to be able to accurately and succinctly summarise the patients episode of ill health,
relevant previous medical and medication history and any other relevant information as precisely
as possible. Your request for further assessment, investigation or procedure must be clear.
For the purposes of the assignment, you must de-identify the patients data.
The letter must be set out correctly, contain an appropriate introduction, and should include copies
of relevant investigations e.g. ECG, renal function tests etc, as appropriate.
Remember the purpose of a referral letter: it needs to be an effective means of communication
between health professionals about a patient. Brevity, coherence and accuracy are very important.
Refrain from personal opinions e.g. Thank you for seeing this delightful 70 year old lady

Marking Schedule
Part 1: 35 marks
Part 2: 15 marks
Total: 50 marks
Refer to Appendix F for a further breakdown of the Rural Term case marking criteria.

Rural Term Case Assignment submission summary

Due date

12 pm Monday of the final week of rural placement


Clerking: Original hand written (no word limit)

Referral letter: Word processed
E-cover sheet: completed & included with both copies
Patient Reference Form: completed & included with hard copy

Submission method

Hard copy: In person to your clinical tutor or site admin officer

whichever is applicable
Electronic copy: Part 2 Letter of referral must also be
submitted electronically via the Rural Term Assignment digital
drop-box in LearnJCU. File name: your surname + initial + title
of assignment

Additional information

Use contemporaneous academically rigorous references,

and reference them accurately
Information relating to referencing, plagiarism and word
limits etc can be found in the MBBS Assignment Policy.
You are responsible for keeping a hard copy of both parts of
your assignment should any loss occur.
Once returned, the original marked assignment is to be filed
in your Professionalism Portfolio.
A student whose assignment is awarded a mark of <25/50
will be required to resubmit to a satisfactory standard due at
a time discussed with the Year Four Academic Coordinator.
The original mark stands.



A summative written essay is due in Term 3 on one of the following topics.

Essay Topics
1. Discuss the reasons for failure of staff to comply with hand hygiene in a hospital setting. Illustrate
your discussion with relevant examples from your clinical experience this year.
2. What are the different challenges in preventing and controlling iatrogenic infections in the primary
and secondary care sectors and how can these challenges be met?
3. Outline different ways in which organisms can be transferred from patient to patient. Illustrate this
with a case study from your observation or experience this year and discuss where preventive
measures may have failed or should have been taken.
4. A relevant topic of your choice. For example, you may want to develop an idea for improving
preventative infection control measures in a local healthcare setting.
Your topic must be approved by Dr Paula Heggarty or Dr Nichola Davis no later than 11 April 2011.
Please email this to before this date. If your essay topic will involve surveys or
practical assessments of clinical areas this may require ethics approval.
Marking Schedule
Content: 60 marks
Reflection: 30 marks
Referencing and Writing Skills: 10 marks
Total: 100 marks
Refer to Appendix G for a further breakdown of the Infection Control Essay marking criteria.
Infection Control Essay submission summary:
Due date

12 pm Monday of week 2 in term 3


Word limit: 2500 words (excluding references). Word count to be

included on title page
Essay: Word processed
E-cover sheet: completed & included with both copies

Submission method

Hard copy:
Cairns In person to the Year 4 admin office, CBH or Smithfield
Townsville To assignment dropbox at room 039-020, SMD
Rural - Mail via Australia Post to Year 4 Admin Coordinator
postmarked by 12pm on due date.
Electronic copy: Essay must also be submitted electronically
via the Infection Control Essay digital drop-box in LearnJCU.
File name: your surname + initial + title of assignment

Additional information

To be referenced as per SMD Referencing and Style Guide

Information relating to plagiarism and word limits etc can be
found in the MBBS Assignment Policy.
Once returned, the original marked essay is to be filed in your
Professionalism Portfolio.

Centre for Healthcare Related Infection Surveillance and Prevention (CHRISP) Prize
Outstanding Infection Control Essays will be reviewed by a panel of clinicians and members from CHRISP.
The student who is deemed to have written the best essay will be awarded a prize by CHRISP. The prize
is sponsorship (travel, accommodation and conference fees) to a conference of the students choice to the
value of $2,000.
The essay will also be forwarded for consideration for publication in a relevant journal.



This essay is to be based on a rural family interviewed during the rural placement.

Students should record their reflections on the impact of a new baby on a rural family. This
means, do not just state facts and figures regarding the family/child but rather your interpretation
of them. E.g. If the babys milestones are not as expected, suggest why this might be so.
You must find a suitable family to interview during your rural placement and obtain consent (see
Appendix I) at that time. If you have difficulties finding a family to interview, please let your
tutor/coordinator know ASAP.
The case-study family is to be de-identified in the essay.
The reflective essays are written individually but two students may interview the same family.

The essay has two parts:

Part 1 (up to 800 words):

Discuss the impact a new child has on a family with respect to the following areas, using
examples from a family you have interviewed during your rural placement:
a. Normal growth and development.
b. Maintenance of physical health and illness prevention.
c. Maintenance of parental mental health.
d. Cultural events and social influences.

Part 2 (up to 700 words):

Discuss a problem or challenge that this family has encountered during the pregnancy or
after the birth of their baby that particularly relates to living in rural areas and/or pertaining
to indigenous issues. E.g. Access to health services, lack of parental supports.
In your assignment, discuss how the family approached the problem, what assistance was
available, and how this assistance may have differed in an urban area.
Marking Schedule
Content: 30 marks
Reflection: 20 marks
Total: 50 marks
Refer to Appendix H for a further breakdown of the Family Studies Reflective Essay marking criteria.
Infection Control Essay submission summary:

Due date

12 pm on last Monday of Clinical Intensive or Rural term, whichever is



Word limit: 1500 words (excluding references). Word count to be

included on title page
Essay: Word processed

Submission method

Hard copy:
Cairns In person to the Year 4 admin office, CBH or Smithfield
Townsville To assignment dropbox at room 039-020, SMD
Rural - Mail via Australia Post to Year 4 Admin Coordinator postmarked
by 12pm on due date.
Electronic copy: Essay must also be submitted electronically via the
Family Studies Reflective Essay digital drop-box in LearnJCU. File
name: your surname + initial + title of assignment

Additional information

To be referenced as per SMD Referencing and Style Guide

Information relating to plagiarism and word limits etc can be found in
the MBBS Assignment Policy.
Once returned, the original marked essay is to be filed in your
Professionalism Portfolio.




One summative oral case presentation is due in each of the Private, Public and Clinical Intensive terms.
You cannot use a patient from your written case assignment for your oral case.
A Patient Reference Form must be submitted with each presentation to verify information given in the
presentation should this be necessary.
If the oral presentation is marked as a fail this mark stands, however, the student will be required to repeat
the oral presentation on a different patient to a satisfactory standard in week 8 of Term 4.
Example oral case presentations can be found on LearnJCU.

Public Term oral presentation



Public presentation will usually be held in week 3 of term.

This oral presentation is based on an acute presentation and is more like a ward round
The case must be from a patient with a diagnosis/disease in the system that is currently being
discussed i.e. Term 1 is CVS/RSP/Haem. Therefore your patient must have a diagnosis from one
of those systems.
This presentation is time limited to 5 minutes and you will be stopped if you go over the time.
Aids are not allowed for this presentation.

Marking Schedule
Content: 18 marks
Presentation skills: 2 marks
Total: 20 marks

Private Term oral presentations



Private presentation will usually be held in week 4 of term.

This oral presentation is based on an acute presentation and is more like a ward round
The case must be from a patient with a diagnosis/disease in the system that is currently being
discussed. i.e. Term 1 is CVS/RSP/Haem. Therefore your patient must have a diagnosis from one
of those systems.
This presentation is time limited to 5 minutes and you will be stopped if you go over the time.
Aids are not allowed for this presentation.

Marking Schedule
Content: 18 marks
Presentation skills: 2 marks
Total: 20 marks
Refer to Appendix J for a further breakdown of the marking criteria used for hospital patients in the Public
and Private hospitals.


Clinical Intensive oral case presentation


This presentation will usually be held in week 5 of term.

This oral presentation is based on a nursing home resident and the focus is on medication and the
The medication discussion must be a drug that has been prescribed for your patient.
This presentation is not time limited but you should aim to complete it in 5-7 minutes.
Aids are allowed for this presentation - PowerPoint/overhead transparencies.

Marking Schedule
Content: 18 marks
Presentation skills: 2 marks
Total: 20 marks
Refer to Appendix K for a further breakdown of the marking criteria used for the Clinical Intensive oral case



The assessment for the Clinical Investigations (CLIX) module will be a written exam consisting of multiple
choice and extended match questions in Week 8 of the Clinical Intensive term. This exam may cover all
components of the Clinical Investigations module and is worth 10% of the overall year mark.
The content that is covered in CLIX may also be assessed in an integrated way in the end of year exams.


Appendix A: SMD Clerking Paper

SMD Clerking

Patient ID


Appendix B: E-Cover sheet


NAME: type your name here

TUTOR GROUP: type in your group letter

ASSIGNMENT TITLE: type in the title of the assignment per your assignment information sheet
ROTATION: type your rotation here eg Private, Public, Clinical Intensive or Rural
DUE DATE: type date

(Actual Submission date will be recorded in LearnJCU)

ASSIGNMENT COORDINATOR: type in the staff member who has set the assignment


I, type your full name here, hereby declare that the work contained in this assignment has not previously been
submitted for assessment, either in whole or in part, by either myself or any other student at either JCU or at any other
tertiary institution except where explicitly acknowledged. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the assignment
contains no material which has been previously published or written by another person except where due reference is
made. I make this Statement in full knowledge of and understanding that, should it be found to be false, I will be
subject to disciplinary action under the Universitys student academic misconduct requirements, as described in the
Assessment/Examinations section in the Student Handbook.


I, type your full name here, confirm that the personal information used in this case study has been freely supplied by
the patient and that they have agreed for their personal story to be included in this assignment. I verify that I have
recorded in their individual official record notice of this consent at the time I consulted with the patient. Any reference
to the individual which could lead to identification has been removed from the assignment.

I, type your full name here, understand that submission of this assignment via the JCU electronic assignment
submission using my individual JCU login is equivalent to a written signature and that I retain personal responsibility for
the use of my JCU login.

Student Instructions
1. Complete the Electronic cover sheet above with your details. Ensure you read the information carefully
before adding your name.
2. Copy this to your assignment document as page 1. Save the file in word with the file name <<your
surname_firstname_assignment title.doc>>
3. Submit the file into LearnJCU at the appropriate link.


Appendix C: Patient Reference Form

Year 4 Assessment: Patient Reference Form

To be completed and attached to each written case and each oral assessment.
Student Name:


Student Number:

Patient code*:

Public/Private/Rural/Clinical Intensive (Please circle)
Oral Case presentation/Written Case Assignment (Please circle)
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander patient?



* The patient code should be the patients URN where available. Where there is no URN the code
would include the patients 3 initials, date of birth and facility/ward name, eg John Bruce Smith, 18
March 1940, Good Shepherd Nursing Home: code will be JBS-180340-GSNH


Appendix D: Public Term Assignment Marking Sheet


Student Name: _______________________________

Date: ___/___/___

Marker name: ________________________________

Marker Signature: _________________

1. History and Systems Review

score: _____/10


score: _____/10

2. Examination

3. Diagnosis, differential, problem list, management, investigations, prescription

score: _____/10

4. Drug Prescription Discussion

score: _____/20


Total score: _____/50


Appendix E: Private Term Assignment Marking Sheet


Student Name: _______________________________

Date: ___/___/___

Marker name: ________________________________

Marker Signature: _________________


History and Systems Review

score: _____/10




score: _____/10



Diagnosis, differential, problem list, management, investigations, prescription

score: _____/10


Advanced Directive Discussion

score: _____/20


Total score: _____/50


Appendix F: Rural Term Assignment Marking Sheet


Student Name: _______________________________

Date: ___/___/___

Marker name: ________________________________

Marker Signature: _________________

score: _____/10

History and Systems Review

Also to include bio social, psychological and cultural history



score: _____/10




score: _____/15

Diagnosis and Management

Provisional and Differential Diagnosis


Problem list including bio social, psychological and cultural issues

(in context of health service provision from rural diary)
Investigations and Management Plan


Student approach
Excellent = 2 Satisfactory = 1 Unsatisfactory = 0




Referral Letter

score: _____/15


Total score: _____/50


Appendix G: Infection Control Essay Marking Criteria

2012 MBBS4 Infection Control Essay Marking Criteria

1. Content: 60%
Demonstrates a good understanding of the topic, clearly articulates purpose of the essay
Relevant, up-to-date content that goes beyond the obvious or predictable
Evidence of having read sufficient and relevant literature
Literature is well integrated and every point is clearly supported by strong evidence
Accurate, and independent synthesis and critical evaluation of key points from the literature
Appropriate use of examples to illustrate ideas

2. Reflection: 30%
Identifies, summarizes (and appropriately reformulates) the problem, question, or issue
Identifies and considers the influence of context and assumptions
Develops, presents, and communicates OWN perspective, hypothesis or position
Integrates issue using OTHER (disciplinary) perspectives and positions
Identifies and assesses conclusions, implications, and consequences

3. Referencing and Writing Skills: 10%

Referencing conventions are diligently followed when citing sources in text
The references are presented using the correct referencing convention
An inviting introduction draws the reader in; a satisfying conclusion leaves the reader with a
sense of closure
Structure and sequence of ideas is logical and effective
Use of fonts and line spacing are in accordance with School guidelines
The length is within the parameters established for the task
The writer demonstrates a good grasp of standard writing conventions (i.e. spelling,
punctuation, grammar)
Sentences and paragraphs are well constructed, with natural flow/rhythm, and expressive,
varied structure
Title page is as required by the School of Medicine and Dentistry


Appendix H: Family Studies Reflective Essay Marking Criteria

2012 MBBS4 Family Studies Reflective Essay Marking Criteria


Normal Growth and Development: 20%

Antenatal history and delivery details, including postpartum complications if any
Childs growth percentiles and interpretation of these
Childs milestones and interpretations of these
Discusses parental perspectives regarding the childs growth and development


Maintenance of physical health and prevention of illness: 20%

Attendance at clinics and health checks
Medical encounters and consequences of these
Nutrition: Breast/bottle feeding and solids
Home environment and safety


Maintenance of parental mental health: 10%

Discuss the impact of the new baby on parental health as individuals and as a couple, including
any impact on siblings if applicable


Cultural events and social influences: 10%

Discuss cultural and religious influences on this family
Discuss social supports and networks for this family


Rural and/or Indigenous issues for this family: 20%

Discuss a problem or challenge that this family has encountered during the pregnancy or after the
birth of their baby that particularly relates to living in rural areas and/or pertaining to indigenous
issues. E.g. Access to health services, lack of parental supports
In your assignment, discuss how the family approached the problem, what assistance was
available, and how this assistance may have differed in an urban area


Presentation, grammar, punctuation, spelling: 10%

Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation and general appearance (including justification of


Appropriate use of contemporaneous references and correct referencing technique: 10%


Appendix I: Family Studies Reflective Essay Consent Form

The JCU Families and Students Project Consent

As part of their medical education, Fourth year medical students at James Cook University have been
asked to interview a rural family, regarding the impact that a new baby has had on their life, and the
particular difficulties that rural families face. This project aims to give the students a better understanding of
the challenges of rural family life. After their discussion with you, the student will submit an essay
discussing the topic.

I, .............., of ...............................
.................................................... telephone number(s)
consent to participate in the JCU School of Medicine & Dentistry Families and Students Project.
I understand that I may choose to withdraw from participation at any time, and that this will not affect any
aspect of my medical care.
I understand that the "Family Study" forms part of the teaching program for medical students at JCU.
All information will be treated in confidence. In student presentations and class discussions, no person,
persons or family will be identified by name or other identifying information.
The information will not be distributed for publication in any form but a copy of each students report will be
kept as a record their work by the School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Patient's signature .............


Witness .......................


Student name ...

This form is to be returned to the student

for inclusion with their Families and Students Project


Appendix J: Oral Case Presentation Marking Sheet for Hospital Patient


Student Name: _______________________________

Date: ___/___/___

Marker name: ________________________________

Marker Signature: _________________


Presenting complaint - include age, sex, ethnicity, reason for admission and duration.


History of the presenting complaint This must include all + information and all pertinent
negatives which would eliminate other possible differentials for the patients presentation. Includes
relevant PMHx, PSHx. Social Hx. Medication (generic) and allergies. Risk factors.


Physical examination including vitals and general observations of the patient and a detailed
examination of the system affected in the current presentation + a general overview of all other
major systems-CVS, RSP, GIT, CNS and MSS.






A summary of the patients admission/illness a brief overview of the case


Differentials +/- problem list for patient


First line investigations to order and initial management

score: ____/18


Presentation Skills

score: _____/2
Total score:



Appendix K: Oral Case Presentation Marking Sheet for Nursing Home Resident


Student Name: _______________________________

Date: ___/___/___

Marker name: ________________________________

Marker Signature: _________________

1. Overview of patients admission to the nursing home

Should introduce the patient -age, ethnicity, sex and when and why the patient was admitted to the nursing
Discussion of what the patients health has been like since their admission to the nursing home.
Any important active medical problems.
Any significant past medical or surgical history.
Medications (generic) and allergies.
Comment on social history.
Physical examination including vitals and general examination of the patient.

score: _____/4
2. Drug Presentation
General discussion of the drug-what it its use/side-effects/contra-indications/interactions etc.
MUST relate the drug discussion to your patient.
REFLECTION by the student with regards to drug prescribing in the elderly.

score: _____/14
3. Presentation skills
Logical and clear presentation. Appropriate use of aids which adds to the presentation. Appropriate
medical terminology.
Professional appearance. Informative and easy to follow and understand.

score: _____/2

Total score: _____/20


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