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Basic Japanese Course





Lesson 8: Expressing Your Feelings


Communication Tips

Drill Exercise

That was good / not good.

Yo katta desu. / Yo kunakatta desu.

That was funny (interesting) /


Omoshiro katta desu. / Tsumarana katta desu.

That was delicious / bad taste.

Oishi katta desu. / Mazu katta desu.

That was beautiful / not


Kirei deshita. / Kirei dewa arimasen deshita.

That was easy / difficult.

Kantan deshita. / Muzukashi katta desu.

That was effortless / hard.

Raku deshita. / Taihen deshita.

yo i: good

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omoshiro i: funny, interesting

tsumarana i: boring
oishi i: delicious
mazu i: bad taste

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tsumarana i: boring
muzukashi i: difficult
kirei na: beautiful
kantan na: easy
raku na: effortless
taihen na: hard
Basic Rules
i-adjectives - "i" + katta desu = past tense
i-adjectives are the adjectives ends with "i" when it modifies a noun.
To make it the past tense, remove ending "i", and add "katta".
To make it negative, remove ending "i", and add "kunakatta".
Examples: oishi i desu (It's delicious) / oishi katta desu (It was delicious) / oishi kunai desu (It isn't
delicious). / oishi kunakatta desu (It wasn't delicious).
na-adjectives + deshita = past tense
na-adjectives are the adjectives ends with "na" when it modifies a noun.
To make it the past tense, remove ending "na", and add "deshita".
To make it negative, remove ending "i", and add "dewa arimasen deshita".

Examples: kantan desu (It's easy) / kantan deshita (It was easy) / kantan dewa arimasen (It isn't easy). /
kantan dewa arimasen deshita (It wasn't easy).

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Likes & Dislikes

I like sushi very much.

Sushi ga dai suki desu.

I like sushi.

Sushi ga suki desu.

Sushi is OK.

Sushi ga mama suki desu.

I don't like sushi very much.

Sushi ga amari suki dewaarimasen.

I don't like sushi.

Sushi ga kirai desu.

I hate sushi.

Sushi ga dai kirai desu.

suki: like, be fond of

kirai: dislike
dai_: Used to emphasize the following word. Only applicable to some words such as suki and kirai, not to all.
I'm glad. / I was sad.

Ureshi i desu. / Kanashi katta desu.

It's fun. / It was not fun.

Tanoshi i desu. / Tanoshi kunakatta desu.

I got angry. / I didn't get


Atama ni ki mashita. / Atama ni ki masen deshita.

I feel lonely. / I didn't feel


Sabishii desu. / Sabishi kunakatta desu.

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I was surprised. / I was

surprised. (more casual)

Odoroki mashita. / Bikkuri shi mashita.

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ureshii: be glad, be pleased

kanashii: sad
tanoshii: fun, enjoyable
atama ni kita: got ungly (atama: head + ni: into + kuru: to come) Used in the past tense.
sabishii: to feel lonely

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odoroku: be surprised
bikkuri suru: be surprised (sounds more casual)
Degree of Feelings

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It's very hot.

Totemo atsui desu.

It's hot.

Atsui desu.

It's a little hot.

Sukoshi (warito) atsui desu.


It's not so hot.

Amari atsuku arimasen.

It's not hot.

Atsuku arimasen.

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It's not hot at all.

Zenzen atsuku arimasen.

atsui: hot (temperature)

totemo: very

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sukoshi: little / warito: relatively

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amari: not very_

zenzen: not at all
Basic Rules
different degree of feelings
The list above shows how to express the different degrees. Top is the most positive and the bottom is the most
This rule can be applied to most cases.
"sukoshi" does not fit to some words, and "warito (means relatively)" can be used instead.
Examples: Ano eiga wa warito yokatta desu. (That movie was OK.)

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About the Environment

It's hot. / It was cold.

Atsui desu. / Samu katta desu.

It's warm. / It was cool.

Atatakai desu. / Suzushi katta desu.

It's clean. / It was dirty.

Kirei desu. / Kitana katta desu.

It's quiet. / It was noisy.

Shizuka desu. / Urusa katta desu.

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atsui: hot (temperature)

samui: cold, chilly (temperature)
atatakai: warm (temperature)
suzushii: cool (temperature)
kirei: clean (also means beautiful)
kitanai: dirty
shizuka: quiet, silent
urusai: noisy
About the Physical Conditions
Are you well? / I'm not feeling

Genki desuka? / Chshi ga w arui desu.

Are you tired? / I'm not tired.

Tsukare mashitaka? / Tsukare te imasen.

Are you hungry? / I'm full.

Onaka ga suite imasuka? / Onaka ga ippai desu.

Are you thirsty? / I want to

drink something.

Nodo ga kaw aite imasuka? / Nani ka nomi tai desu.

Are you busy. / I have time to


Isogashii desuka? / Hima desu.

genki: being well

choshi: condition (physical and mental)
warui: bad
tsukareru: be tired
warui: bad
onaka ga suku: hungry (onaka: stomach + suku: be empty)
onaka ga ippai: full stomach (onaka: stomach + ippai: full)
nodo ga kawaku: thirsty (nodo: throat + kawaku: be dry)
isogashii: busy
hima: nothing to do, have plenty of time
About a person
nice person / annoying person

ii hito / iyana hito

gentle / cold (attitude)

yasashii / tsumetai

beautiful / handsome

kirei / hansamu

intelligent / stupid

atama ga ii / atama ga warui

good at cooking / bad at


ryri ga jzu / ryri ga heta

ii: good, nice

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iyana: annoying, unpleasing

hito: person
yasashii: gentle, sweet
tsumetai: cold
kirei: beautiful (about women)
hansamu: handsome (about men)
atama ga ii: smart, intelligent (atama: head + ii: good)
atama ga warui: dull, stupid (atama: head + warui: bad)
ryri: cooking (also means dishes, cuisine)
_ga jzu: be good at_
_ga heta: be bad at_

Communication Tips
Japanese people tend to say the negative things indirectly. Because they try not to hurt the feeling of
others, and to avoid confrontational situations.
It's better in general to use the mild expressions rather than the direct critical ones. People can take your
w ords differently than you meant.
For example, if you say the food in the restaurant tastes bad, the person may feel guilty to chose that
Also, be a little careful about w hat you hear. The person may be implying something more than the w ord
simply means. People usually don't say "Stop it." or "Don't do it.".

Drill Exercise

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