Invocation of Light and Will

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Invocation of Light and Will

As Indicated for more Advanced Meditation Together through Light we are a potent fiat of Will. Naught can withhold this Light to our rights of a Just Humanity. May the Law of Light that Energy Follows Thought restore our brothers to the need. Let the forces of Light, stream around the Three where evokes, the Will-to-Save. For naught, can overcome this Light, this Power. This shared Will-to-Good Right, of Life. ____________________________

Suggestive general group meditation format: Individual alignment lower/higher Selves. Naming and loving of group members, visualisation and identification of group fusion then expanded to, the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) followed by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, those just men made perfect (The Bible). (The meditation must not be done on ones own, but with those following regularly at least on the subjective planes the same general structure not necessarily requiring, personal attendance.) Standing in the Light of Hierarchy, briefly reflect on the general world need: humanitys response to the Plan (or the Divine Will) in this including humanitys next spiritual step forward. Meditation stage proper meditate on the seed thought: Attained freedom through the greatly strengthened life within the form. Implying, through modes of harmlessness. A harmlessness embodying a newer paraphrase to the law of love the Christ brought

in 2,000 years ago. However, this is not a weak kindly or sentimental attitude but, of a practical difficult activitiy where one so lives their life that no harm is caused through word, thought or deed to the group or larger whole of a very real, magnetic power. Aligned through a deepening rapport with the spiritual Hierarchy, the centre of divine Love and also aligned to the principle of directed Purpose from one angle governing the NGWS and this principles capacity to direct energy (or the will). Sound with genuine heartfelt intent, the above invocation. (Note that for the more advanced the above alignments may include the individual and collective lighted will, of the Soul or spiritual Triad.) Followed by the Great Invocation Stanza two and/or three. Further explanation and understanding for these Stanzas (of the World Teacher, the Christ, Maitreya etc) can be found in The Externalisation of the Hierarchy and, Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 2 both by Alice A. Bailey. For a more advanced seed thought : the principle of Directed Purpose and its three subsidiary principles as outlined by Alice Bailey along with studying the rules, for group initiation. Also aligning more specifically with the higher band of workers within the NGWS and their work embodying the capacity for directing energy or the will, more effectively. Or its power for helping to provide an environment to free for eg those who are enslaved, imprisoned or hindered unlawfully or against the will of the greater good however this is definitely not, a freeing process whereby the destruction of forms by force is visualised or encouraged. For an introduction to meditation and its requirements the Lucis Trust site has some excellent information especially under their Arcane School tab alongside at least, and particularly Chapters 1-5 and 10, in Letters on Occult Meditation (LOM) by Alice A. Bailey (A.A.B.) or as given to her by a Tibetan High Lama and Master of the

Wisdom. From Intellect to Intuition A.A.B.s own presentation providing a number of useful chapters is an excellent beginners or companion work to LOM. Such reference here to that which is occult has no implication whatsoever to do with anything that is of the so-called black arts or sciences, as satanism etc. etc.. It is the opposite in terms of a purity of motive working out, through a deep love of humanity. A motive engaging equally those subtler or esoteric arts and sciences of the Soul or Spirit (and the purified lower Self) overseen by the Great White Lodge, with the Master of Masters the Christ, at its Head: arts or sciences whose aims or objectives then serve, for the selfless upliftment and enlightenment of the race and not, its demise, as through selfish, material or separative ends. Education in the New Age (ENA) by the Tibetan teacher of A.A.B. is another most useful work for background to meditation and especially when able to read through with understanding for commencing the Antahkarana proper probably the most advanced meditation available today for accepted disciples. Implications here for those having made due asssessment of their spiritual standing that is, with the first initiation well and truly behind them and if for this life the Tibetans publications appear new, starting off with ENA and following up with His other works as meets the need till the time arrives when real understanding of ENA emerges taking up then, the Antahkarana as in A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol.V: The Rays and the Initiations:441 may well offer an excellent choice as providing a solid foundation upon which to build, the antahkarana.

Stephen Thane July 2011

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