Radiation (Exam)

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Mapua Institute of Technology School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Heat and Mass Transfer Exam No 3


Exam No. 3: Radiation
1.5 hrs

I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Write the letter that corresponds to the best answer on the space provided. Answers must be written
in CAPITAL letters.

______1. The emissivity of a gray body is always

A. 1.0. C. < 1.0.
B. >1.0. D. 1.0 > 10.

______2. Which of the following is true of a black body?

A. It absorbs all the radiant energy falling upon it.
B. It reflects all the radiant energy falling upon it.
C. It transmits all the radiant energy falling upon it.
D. A fraction of the radiant energy is being reflected, absorbed, and transmitted by the body.

______3. At thermal equilibrium, the emissivity of a body is equal to its absorptivity.

A. True B. False

______4. The exchange of radiation between two surfaces is dependent on

A. size the surfaces. C. relative orientation of the surfaces.
B. shape of the surfaces. D. all of these.

______5. For radiation with two infinite parallel planes, the view factor is
A. 1.0. C. < 1.0
B. > 1.0. D. indeterminate.

______6. The energy radiated to a surface, q, at absolute temperature is related as

A. q α T, C. q α T4.
B. q α T .
D. q α T3.

______7. The loss of heat from unlagged steam pipe to the ambient air is by
A. conduction C. radiation
B. convection. D. conduction, convection, and radiation.

______8. Which of the following holds true for opaque bodies?

A. absorptivity = reflectivity C. absorptivity + reflectivity = 1.0
B. absorptivity + reflectivity = 0 D. emissivity = 1.0

______9. When two planes are connected by nonconducting but reradiating walls, the fraction of
radiation intercepted by surface 2 from 1
A. increases. C. remains the same.
B. decreases. D. cannot be defined.

______10. The transfer of heat from a surface by radiation will always be accompanied by
convection unless the surface is
A. in an isolated space. C. in a very large surrounding.
B. in a very hot oven. D. in a vacuum.

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Mapua Institute of Technology School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Heat and Mass Transfer Exam No 3

II. Problem Solving

Direction: Solve the following problems on your test booklet. Highlight the final answers.

1. Two parallel rectangles measuring 1.2 m wide and 2.4 m high are 0.6 m apart are connected
by reradiating walls. Plate 1 is maintained at 1000 K and the other at 420 K. Determine
radiant energy interchange between the two plates if the plates are gray with emissivities of
0.6 and 0.90, respectively.

2. A black solar collector, with a surface area of 60 m2, is placed on the roof of a house. Incident
solar energy reaches the collector with a flux of 800 W/m 2. The surroundings are considered
black with an effective temperature of 30°C. The convective heat-transfer coefficient between
the collector and the surrounding air, at 30°C is 35 W/m2-K. Neglecting any conductive loss
from the collector, determine the equilibrium temperature of the collector.

3. A small metal test specimen (disk, d= ¼ in) is suspended by very fine wires in a very large
evacuated tube. The metal is maintained at a temperature of 2500°F, at which temperature it
has an emissivity of approximately 0.20. The water-cooled walls and ends of the tube are
maintained at 50°F. Determine the total net heat transfer rate by radiation from the test

4. Two plane disks each 1.25 m in diameter are parallel and directly opposed to each other.
They are separated by a distance of 0.5 m. Disk 1 is heated by electrical resistance to 833 K.
Both disks are insulated on all faces except the two faces directly oppose to each other.
Assume that the surroundings emit no radiation and that the disks are in space. Calculate the
temperature of disk 2 at steady state and also the electrical energy input to disk 1.

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